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>Be me, purpose-bred bioweapon with lifespan of mere hours
>Have to grip natural weapon that is part of my body with fragile, intricate human hands
>Never use hands for anything else, have no time
>Require two arms to grip one weapon, huge liability because joints are weak spots
>Excessive cephalization means my sense organs are all in one spot, on top of a neck which is also a weak spot
>Have a mouth despite having no digestive system
>See bigger dudes running around with broadswords despite being meant to tear open vehicles or buildings
>My natural weapon has a magazine despite being a part of my body
>I think I have kidneys

Put me back in the spawning pool, I was made wrong
bland niggas will see a cool bug holding a gun with a nutsack for a magazine and start crying
Dinosaurs with guns are cool
If that's how you feel imagine how the gun is feeling.
Nutsack? I think you should go see your doctor anon.
>>Have a mouth despite having no digestive system
Teeth and handy melee weapons. Plus every nidform can gobble up biomass and return it to digestion pools to speed up assimilation. You'd know this if you weren't a tourist /v/ermin.
>Have to grip natural weapon that is part of my body with fragile, intricate human hands
The weapon is a separate organism.
>Never use hands for anything else
They're fused to the weapon.
>Require two arms to grip one weapon, huge liability because joints are weak spots
Most adaptable platform for holding a variety of weaponry.
>Excessive cephalization means my sense organs are all in one spot, on top of a neck which is also a weak spot
The gun has a brain and sensory organs.
>>Have a mouth despite having no digestive system
See >>93908421
>See bigger dudes running around with broadswords despite being meant to tear open vehicles or buildings
>My natural weapon has a magazine despite being a part of my body
The gun is a separate organism. The "magazine" isn't detachable. The magazine is a hive.
>>My natural weapon has a magazine despite being a part of my body
WTF look at this unrealistic organic magazine. It makes no sense!
mmm... ammunition...
This is astupid argument because bees only use it for self defense and kill themselves.
Also that's honey nectar anon that's maybe dangerous to a diabetic
>bees only use it for self defense
Bees also aren't bioengineered biomass harvesters.
>Also that's honey nectar anon
Couldn't find an image of honeycombs with larvae in them in the 5 minutes I gave this argument. The point is the magazine is a hive full of living ammunition. If you can buy the orderly, organized nature of a beehive why is it hard to believe that a biomagazine would be as organized?
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How do you defend against pic related?
Also why are the Tyranids invading now? Surely it isn't a coincidence? Were they sent by some sort of advance race to prevent Chaos from spreading to the rest of the universe?
i think someone turned on a very bright ''light'' and they noticed
>Also why are the Tyranids invading now? Surely it isn't a coincidence?
The Silent King probably minced their home galaxy on his way back. Or maybe they just heard some major psychic event like the birth of the chaos gods and took a long while to turn up.
>Were they sent by some sort of advance race to prevent Chaos from spreading to the rest of the universe?
Old Ones created them as a galactic reset button
Someone turned on a light 10K years ago
No literally, the HH books wrote an "origin story" for why the Tyranids first took notice of our galaxy
Honestly? Black stone is so potent they can probably just make the hive mind retarded, kill them, and go back to sleep for a few million years while everything rots.
"They" as in the Necrons.
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Bad post, their gun designs are pretty great if you take a second to look closer.
Limbs splintering and warping and being threaded by Giger horsecock symbiotes is a cool look, more interesting than average sci-fi "just spits shit from its mouth" or "bombardier beetle ripoff" (altho those also have their time & place).
Noctilith works both ways and can be both psychic dampener & psychic amplifier.
Either way silly argument cuz the setting is meant to be an eternal stalemate meta-narratively.
Oh no, a galactic size amount of jobbers!

>How do you defend against pic related?
Space inbreeds armed with flashlights crappier than a WW2 submachine gun.
Your answers just make it more retarded. Why do you need arms to hold a gun if it's fused to your fucking hands? Why does a gun need a magazine that looks like a removable magazine if its just a permanent part of the gun?
No you idiot, the weapon is not "part of the body" but a symbiotic life form bonded to the gaunt.
Hands to "grip" also provide a more mobile and maneuverable firing platform than something fused into the torso (like a pyrovores (old design) gun). The joint "weak spots" are what allows for more accurate fire without needing to adjust the whole torso, arms are good actually.
The hands also allow the gaunts to be bonded to a wide variety of weapon platforms, which is useful and functional.
>it has a head that controls the creature on top of the neck
Yes? Thats how creatures work, it provides an efficient centralized control center for the body and allows sensory organs to be moved around as needed.
Do you think the flesh-guns dont require ammunition? Because they do, whether its acid or bone shards or little parasites or whatever, the shit they fire needs to be stored somewhere, which means a "magazine" of sorts. And since the "gun" is its own entity this means the magazine is on the gun.
>I think I have kidneys
What, those things that filter blood? Yea, tyranids probably have some variant on that shit. Kidneys are useful.
The whole point is that they eat shit.

Youre a moron complaining that tyranids have "normal" things because you dont realize those normal things are largely functional and useful and currently exist for a reasons.
>Why do you need arms to hold a gun if it's fused to your fucking hands?
Are you retarded? "why do you need a thing that allows you to adjust where a gun is pointing if you're going to attach a gun to it" because it allows you to aim the gun you want to use retard.

>Why does a gun need a magazine that looks like a removable magazine
Which part of it looks removable? Or do you mean "why is there a magazine shaped magazine on the gun", in which case the answer is "because stacking things up vertically is an efficient way of storing them.
No one knows, maybe theyre just galactic locusts, maybe theyre running from something, maybe theyre drawn to the emperors light.

In the HH books its "because some random space marine activated some bullshit galactic lighthouse which first got their attention and attracted them to the galaxy"
What are the physical differences between a hive tyrant and the swarmlord?
delicious ammunition
The jobber gene.
I will say OP has one point in the midst of his seething and that's that the magazine would be better both visually and lorewise if it didn't just look like a regular submachinegun mag. If it were an xenomorph-egg-shaped lump, or one of those honeycombs wild bees build off branches, pic related, hanging off the gun it would be a superior design.
But all Tyranids have the jobber gene, is their only single shared trait.
If you reduce a beehive down to 28mm and want to still show it has (literal) slugs in it, it's gonna end up looking like a magazine anyways.
There's an extra chromosome's worth in the swarmlords.
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The amount of mental gymnastics 40k players indulge in to justify the setting and lore is unreal. You know you can just like it for being a space big with a gun, right?
I appreciate the effort but I don't buy it, they should just be guns with legs and eyestalks.
Bro has a stinger on his balls.
Most people just do. It's the lorefags at GW who keep tripping themselves with stupid shit and then having to back-justify it because apparently they're physically incapable of backsies. In this case the retarded call was "they only live a few hours", and all the other problems stem from that.
This. I always despised that specific detail on fleshborers.
>The amount of mental gymnastics 40k players indulge in to justify the setting and lore is unreal
Specially since the whole game was working by the "rule of cool" already during Rogue Trader.
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pic related: the absolute peak of efficiency, evolved for untold millions of years to be the perfect weapon
Just revealing your own ignorance now.
>The weapon is a separate organism.
>>Never use hands for anything else
>They're fused to the weapon.
How is it a separate organism if they're fused?
>How is it a separate organism if they're fused?
Tyranids have digestive systems and live independently for long periods of time and tyranid bioweapons are separate organims, in fact fleshborers have intelligible thoughts.
You're astupid.
>The amount of mental gymnastics 40k players indulge in to justify the setting and lore is unreal.
The mental gymnastics of "a head or a hand serves a functional purpose and having it is good"?
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If you want those legs to move you need a way for them to be provided with energy and nutrients, if you want those eyestalks to do something they need to be connected to a brain to process the shit they see and act based on it, then you also obviously need circulatory and respiratory systems and then muscles that go with that. If you want the gun to be effective you put it on manipulator appendages so you can aim it properly, and so on and so on...

Although there are nids that are basically just walking guns, pyrovores (and biovores).
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Theres similar shit irl
I didn't read any of that text. Just want to make fun of you for being obese.
>be me
>advanced recon and sabotage organism
>adapted to consume memories and disrupt reality warping abilities of prey
>Hive Mind saw something called an 'internet. Identifed organisms designated as simps
>Current iteration has excessive adipose tissue in adductors and biceps memories. Energy consumption increase intolerable.
>Symbiotic masses grown under dermal layer around prehensile appendages. Existence is to absorb radiation for energy restoration. Heat build up intolerable.
>Additional organisms injected into thoracic cavity. Serves as energy storage and temperature regulation. Manifest as round lumps above rib cage. Inefficient; provides easy target. Chest organisms agree
>throat restricted, voice modulation limited to higher pitch. Brain staple parasite filters all sound. Only vocal is "uwu"
>Predation efficiency increase. Previous complaints withdrawn
To be fair if i ever hear "uwu" while walking on the street i would start running and never look back.
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this shit would work on me
>How do you defend against pic related?
Couple hundred space marines.
I always though the hand design stuff is the Hive Mind being cheap, it uses a standard template which it changes around values as needed, ie different weapons, more/less mass, wings etc.

As for the mouths, Tyranid organism have backup features encase of snypase losted, they either frenzy or go feral and runoff to hide where they will then be able to breed and eat on there own or sometimes they go inactive, regardless its the flexible of design templates instead other the perfect cannon fodder soldier
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>Require two arms to grip one weapon, huge liability because joints are weak spots
>Most adaptable platform for holding a variety of weaponry.
Wouldn't that be a prehensile "neck?"
Hive mind is just a giant emperorboo.
>Were they sent by some sort of advance race to prevent Chaos from spreading to the rest of the universe?
The chaos gods are already universe wide powers. The galaxy doesn't really mean anything to them at all.
If that's the case, how could Eldar shenanigans result in the birth of a new Chaos god? Seems like a tiny race forming a minuscule part of an irrelevant galaxy should have that level of power over the Chaos gods.
>How do you defend against pic related?
scientific impossibility
If a mass of that size would be approaching the milky way we would be destroyed before first contact from the gravitational pull
Why was humanity able to form the other three while being a pre-spaceflight barbarian race limited to one world? This shits all stupid, man.
Has this concept ever been explored in sci-fi? Intergalactic wars with literally galaxy-sized weaponry, using the gravity as the ultimate weapon.
That's what I'm saying (although I'm unsure the other Chaos gods were canonically brought forth by Terrans?): Chaos gods are inherently anthropocentric. Even if the Warp is part of the tissue of the galaxy the Chaos gods as such MUST be local rather than universe-wide powers. And I think this is also canon lore: the Chaos gods are focused on Mankind and the xenos because they were manifested by the psychic interactions of those same people with the Warp. They're the products of local sapients.
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>functions identically to an arm
Thank you for proving my point.
The Chaos God have universe wide powers
>According to the Chaos Gods

It's kind of a silly idea. If you have the resources to throw a universe around you could always just nope out with the same tech. The two galaxies gonna fight? Nope I'm literally just going to live in the bullet I fire directly away from you. That's a type 3 or 4 or higher civilization depending on how you count. These are guys who could bully the culture realistically.
In the oldlore chaos gods were 100% cooked as soon as ctan or tyranids made any sort of attempt on them and it said as much pretty explicitly
Dark energy and the expansion of the universe resolved? It's just bunch of type4 civs avoiding conflicts since it's easier that way.
But that could be their acquisition vector for unclaimed galaxies with some pesky sub3 civs.
>my sense organs are all in one spot
This is efficient. It takes time for impulses to travel along nerves. The less distance from the brain the better in that context.
>cheap cannon fodder infantry with gun
>complain it's made as cheaply as possible so it can be spammed
>it's jus repurposed hormagaunt with claws switched for hands and gun organism glued to them
>somehow anon is suprised that as cheap as possible design made to be super modular is not peak efficiency
Glad you clarified. I thought you were being anti-Semitic
There is no way to infer the mass of that thing from that picture.
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By sending Titus and the Ultramarines 2nd company
It looks like the fleet is as big as the galaxy. I know it's meant to be dramatic but it still looks stupid.
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Hardly any different than doing this.
Holy shit that army is as big as a country!
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>how do we defend against this!???

Snow. A cold winter can canonically defeat entire hivefleets LMAOOOOOO
lol, you weren't joking about the jobber gene
It would look less stupid if it were arrows, trying to make the fleet paths look like solid mass is what makes it look stupid (also I'm not entirely convinced that it isn't meant to be solid mass because 40k is silly and over-the-top, sometimes it goes too far).
In lore, we know that the hive fleets that have reached our galaxy are only the tip of the invasion, the image appears to be an attempt to illustrate this.
have Nids and Enslavers ever interacted in the lore?
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>I think I have kidneys
Of course, where do you think the ammo for the gun comes from?
Yes, bees doesn't have magazines. It would be useless for bees to have magazines, since they can't just put another one with ammo after they spent their sting.
A better comparison would be any animal that can recharge any kind of projectile, but I can't think of any right now that isn't just a liquid. Maybe something akin to a porcupine, but that it can also shoot its quills.
you're retarded. arrows work in a flat plane, and cones are just arrows in 3D. consider it as a plot of known contacts as separate expanding circles. It looks like the nids are coming out of nowhere but they're just coming from outside galactic plane. Throw in a tiny bit of "here be dragons" because imperium and job done. It's not a literal rendering of tentacles a thousand light years wide.
It shoots kidney stones?
why isn't this a nid gun?
>bees doesn't have magazines
Beehives ARE a magazine of bees, my dear ESL
Zerg design mogs Nids
Nid lore mogs Zerg

None of this is new.
I can't find the article, but I distinctly rember tale of kidney stone passing with such a force it shattered the porcelain bowl. So yeah, given some millennia of accelerated evolution they plausibly can be weaponized.
Nid railgun, a pair of massive kidneys and a dong on legs.
>Oh no, a galactic size amount of jobbers!
But enough about the Imperial Guard
Dumbest opinion ITT. Maybe in the whole board.
But the IG keeps winning again and again in the lore. Hell, they spend 10k years of so repeatedly BTFO Abbadon the armless arch-jobber.
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Im supried GW did not do a kerrigan like Character.
>Surely this machine that has underwent zero evolutionary pressure is superior to the basic blueprint for nearly all multicellular life. I am a master of creation and there's zero information I am failing to consider
Yet. They haven't made one yet.
>complains about ESL
>makes a grammatical mistake 3 words in
Also, "beehives" is not an animal. It's like saying that a house is a magazine of humans.
>grammatical mistake 3 words in
>xhe actually believes this
>"beehives" is not an animal
Oh no no no ESLsisters not like this....
I know it's hard not to be blinded by anger, but please, take a second to think about the grammatical mistake in your post and why I specifically put quotes around "beehives".
The difference is that a Tyranid's magazine is actually a part of the body, a honeycomb is not a part of the bee's body. It's something they build from their secretions
Beehive is the animal, bees are a part of it. Our understanding of life is just too anthropocentric to see it.
Do they still have weapon art or lore explanations in codexes or are they just lore dumps and stat pages now for 60 USD or what the fuck ever they cost?
>metaphors don't exist
>living, symbiotic hives don't exist
Oh no no no ESLsisters, how could we let this happen?!
The mag of a tyranid weapon is definitely part of the weapon's body, but the fact remains that the bullets are also separate living creatures, so the beehive/bee analogy reflects that. The bee represents the individual bullet.
It looks more like a Deadspace cultist that got a reward from a brother moon.
Don't gaunts have no stomach though? Why have a mouth to eat if there is no way to do anything with it? And even if it's there just for biting, why make an opening into the head where ALL the sensory organs are, including the brain? I can't help but think GW should change the designs of these hyper efficient aliens ro be... more efficient and alien looking.
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>hyper efficient aliens ro be... more efficient and alien looking.
Man there is nothing "efficient" about 'Nids, otherwise they'd have fucking organic Dyson Spheres.
I don't think it's canon that we made the other 3, but rather that they were made during the effects of the WiH
To feed the ammobug larvas.
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I have never been able to figure out what a Hydralisk is doing exactly when its in its shooting animation.
>I have never been able to figure out what a Hydralisk is doing exactly when its in its shooting animation.
It shoots a barb from its torso iirc.
>metaphors don't exist
It was a bad comparison. The bit of a Tyranid that houses projectiles is actually a part of the living Tyranid organism. A honeycomb is not. It fundamentally fails to address the point.
You're the only one struggling with comprehension here, fuckface
>>living, symbiotic hives don't exist
Okay, but you didn't post a living, symbiotic hive. You posted a mound of wax. You presented a point, had it explained to you why it was a retarded comparison, and are now pretending you'd made a completely different point.
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Dropped my pic like a mong
>It was a bad comparison
The original comparison was "highly organized structure full of living beings", you were the one who shifted the goalpost to the structure needing to be living as well.
>You're the only one struggling with comprehension here
No need to project your deficiencies onto me, xister.
>but you didn't post a living, symbiotic hive
You really have trouble following conversations, don't you?
>now pretending you'd made a completely different point.
You're the one who spastically changed points to begin with. The original complaint was "an organic magazine is beyond believability because nature cannot organize in such a fashion", which a beehive is a perfect counterpoint. Going "o-oh, b-but the hive needs to be alive too!" doesn't change that.

Christ you're bad at this. Stick to the call center and you'll embarrass yourself less, okay?
I thought they were already drawn to the light of the Astronomicon?
wtf? why history books didn't teach me about the giant mountain-sized arrows used by germany?
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People talk about the wonderweapons and oil supplies, but I think it was diverting all their excess resources into building those arrows that really fucked them over in the war. And if you believe what /k/ is saying apparently the russians have even started using ones they captured back in WWII on the front lines
>he sleep during the "nazi super-science" part
>Dyson Spheres
Some reddior said it and it stick. Dyson Spheres are probably de dumbest idea in SF since lasers as weapons.

Doesn't the Astronomicon not even reach the edge of the galaxy? How could they have seen it?
The Astronomicon being responsible from the tyranids coming was just a theory and it was already debunked/retconned by the spoilers.
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More importantly, if you want to harvest all the energy output of a star, what are your other options?
A dyson sphere is a ridiculously impractical concept that would require a level of industrial capacity beyond what the Tyranids have by several orders of magnitude and would give basically no actual benefit.
If you can handle the logistics and build problems to make le Dyson Sphere you don't need one.
>How is it a separate organism if they're fused?
A Portuguese man-of-war is a colony of small organisms that make up one entity.
And you're jealous.
Wow it's almost like 40k has retarded world building or something.
>cross the vast emptiness of deep space with some measure of actual life
For what purpose?
If you can get artificial satellite to stable orbit of nearest star (which we arguably can now), you can make Dyson Sphere. Don't think of it as building a solid shell. Think swarm of coordinated satellites that gradually saturate orbit and eventually interlock with each other. Starlink on steroids.

The "why" is more complicated question. Assuming "you" are advanced civilization with space-faring capability that already sorted out all internal conflicts and now plans for its maximal longevity you'll probably want one. If the amount of energy collected outweights energy&material used for constuction at some point in the future and you (as a civilization) can plausibly expect to exist that long it pays off in the long run.
Since we’re doing this rigmarole of complaining about impossibilities in the space bugs I might as well try my hand at turning it to the opposite conversation instead by asking what the ‘most’ realistic version of the buggy space swarm is.
>taking extra steps and waste a crapton of biomass and time to do the same that you already do
Sounds like a great idea.
You need a lot of SF magic for that to be a good idea since you'll need way more materials than we have in our system, and efficient way to transform the sun into energy, store it, deal with all the heating and shit and the constant maintenance that all of this implies. At that point you can just use your SF magic to create energy for FREE.
Spores like they already do? Isn't like they need a crew or individuals at all. You send biomass in a latent state, wait some aeons to arrive and once it starts to feel heat/light/gravity/whatever they awake and start the business.

And that using some simple logic that 40K doesn't even need to function.
1) fling yourself in general direction of strongest heat signal you perceive
2) hibernate for the trip freezing to near absolute zero
3) ???
4) PROFIT!!! (re-heat on aproach to destination, course-correct not to collide)
>Problem there is you might need to course correct mid-flight
Maybe fling yourself in flock of over 9000 siblings, each taking ever so slightly different direction, chances are some of you are gonna make it.
Alternatively you'd need combination of very good heat insulation and energy reserves you can turn into heat to keep some degree of awareness.

I remember when old lore described Tyranids as nearly unstoppable just by the mind-boggling sheer size of the Tyranids forces and of course invading "underneath" the galaxy.
And now modern Tyranids are nerfed as a threat. No more giga-hive fleets invading fucking everywhere. Tyranids nowadays just invade small piecemeal forces that's easily defeatable.
I mean fucking hell, wasn't there some Votann lore where they fucking hunt Tyranids? That's just mega-humiliating.
The Hive Mind must be really embarrassed by the current state of things.

I also wouldn't put it past GW to make Chaos an even GREATER threat by making Chaos a multiversal threat, where Chaos invades different universes and absorbs those universes into the warp, with the warp being a main central nexus which connects the multiverse.
I wouldn't be surprised if GW made Warhammer multiverse act like how the multiverse works in Doom.
Please just look up what a superorganism is, and scroll until you're past the band no one cares about.
If you don't know what a superorganism is, tyranids won't make sense to you.
>a genestealer!
That's not a neck. By definition necks have a head at the end and a weapon doesn't constitute a head.
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Okay, so what?

The problem with nerds is they are so fucking soulless they will hyper optimize everything into the blandest shit imaginable and act proud of it. You dillweeds are why cars all look like bubbles on wheels instead of looking cool. You ruin fiction with your fucking autism.
>weapon doesn't constitute a head.
You sure? It has muzzle, it has sight, it barks, ...
>Alternatively you'd need combination of very good heat insulation and energy reserves you can turn into heat to keep some degree of awareness.
Yeah, like a captured star or a million of them, since the hive is carrying several galaxies worth of mass.
Some relic exploded during the Horus Heresy that basically set off an Astronomicon-like signal flare that could be seen/felt/whatever far off in deep, dark space and THAT'S what called the nids forth.

Because everything must tie back into the HH
evolutionfags btfo
The fact that they dropped a bunch of giant damage markers is even worse, like they thought they could do the dummy tank idea for strategic bombing
don't worry there's 40 of you and we can eat your corpses to get you back
shouldn't have consumed so many humans then should you. Human thinking influenced biomass havin ass
wow back when a big chunk of the consumers weren't even alive, I'm sure that's relevant
Keyword: since.

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