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Knight Guard Edition

Previously on /slop/: >>93901477

▶ Thread Task: prompt knights and guards (get creative ;) )

▶ It's been confirmed images are not saved on Microsoft's servers forever, only for 50 days. Make sure to save your images.

▶ Generators

▶ /slop/-approved styles, prompts and perspectives

▶ Videogame art styles

▶ Useful links
Color identifiers -- https://www.htmlcolorcodes.com/
List of art movements -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_art_movements
List of hair styles -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_hairstyles
World folk clothing -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Folk_costume
World body armors -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Body_armor
Names for general clothing styles (PDF) -- https://files.catbox.moe/3r0ux6.pdf
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The great guardians of my virginity: anime and 40k.
No thot shall pass.
>Knight Guard
Cowardly Lion as guardian of Emerald City.
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I've posted this before, but a friendly reminder for all aspiring necromancers: don't leave your skeleton guards outside in moist environments. They will start to sprout and their bones will begin to break down. Keep them in the dungeon and out of direct sunlight.
>Blue Horde symbol
Seems fitting after what Blizz have done with the Alliance
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Guards to the Gate of Dreams, trust not the one of Ivory, but heed the one of horn, lest thee find yourself adrift on an errant slumber
The gate guard.
I don't play WoW at all. Did you see that marketing for the dragon expansion? It was the saddest thing I ever saw.
That's actually the pun that made me make that character. As in I've been playing her as a catfolk necromancer in a game of Pathfinder. The campaign is set in the Magaambya school of magic so maybe I should copy >>93911013 and do her in a school uniform.
Shit, that's good. Love me some Elven Paladins. Was always mad my friends stuck with Alliance so I never got one back in the day, kek.

Jesus, anon, that looks like the cover to a real spinoff novel about him, that's crazy.

I actually love the Spess Muhreen in a Metal Slug-y style there, kek.
Tell me about it... What they've done in SL already was tons of bullshit, making a literally who antagonist the one basically responsible for the entire Warcraft universe's storyline as a part of his "master plan". It was even dumber that what they've done in SCII.
And think that back then they were making quite cedent games...

Also, have you seen cutscenes for TWW?
NTA, but yeah, Shadowlands was god awful both story and gameplay-wise.
Dragon Isles felt like a return to form. Back to being an actual adventurer in an unknown land. Even if some of the story was really dumb, the dragonriding way of flying has been a whole lot of fun. I haven't had a chance to delve too deep into TWW. So far it's... fine. It has too many storylines and it's really annoying that Alleria keeps the PC out of whatever she's doing.
It is strange seeing how gritty and detailed a lot of the new character models are, especially Anduin, compared to the really cartoony PC models.
This lore characters driven story in TWW makes PCs just... Be there for whatever reason, and they seem more like background characters than participants of the events. Also, many cutscenes were apparently Written and directed by Quentin Tarantino.
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Legion was the last time the PCs really felt like they mattered. At least until the brought back Illidan and then it became sucking his big purple cock.
But then, I did like the stat crunch of BFA and early zones treating the players like literal who murder hobos doing odd jobs for cash again.
The whole war against Nzoth was pretty shit.
I think this all Old God BS should be tackled in a different expansion, since it was rushed as fuck, only towards this retarded reveal of Sylvanas, and even more retarded SL expansion.
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ngl; if they are, it's because you're doing the heavy lifting. Maybe you should do some heavy lifting. I should.
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I do some heaving lifting of my dick out of yer mum
I've been trying all day to get it to generate a big hairy ogre with a massive chompy maw mouth in his stomach, but it either ignores the second mouth description, makes it tiny, or I get the dog. Can any anon's assist?
>too many requests
>wait until your others creations are done
Did i got b&?
There's a daily limit, it's like 200 or something
You've made too many requests, like it says.
I support more catgirls in school uniforms
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Deletin history and loggin out doesnt work either,guess they fixed that
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I'm afraid all I've got is kung-fu Ogres. (Could you post any of your prompts and results?)
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>massive bodybuilding ogre. muscular physique. Shirt material looks like skin. Shirt has a realistic drawing of a toothy maw.
I managed to get this as a proof of concept.
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And the other one that came of it.
I haven't hit that limit in a while but I ended up making about 5 different accounts, saving the randomly generated passwords with Firefox, to hit all my limits with.
Achievable natty?
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It is September. About a good enough time to do another educational themed thread task.
"Originally conjuring him up just for protection, the icy elemental stirred something deep inside Margrethe that she was unprepared for."
This isn't even pretending to be /tg/ at this point. Can you kill yourself on camera please?
Why the fuck >>93911083 got deleted? What's janny's problem?
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Hahahahaha tell me your a 40 year old cat lady with out saying your a 40 year old cat lady
It's pretty funny tho.
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neat smile

the aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh thread was like 4 post ago

neat stuff like always


looks cool
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which one of those generators would you guys deem is the best? Kinda new to this ai stuff.
Many use bing as a starter because its just zero set up and quite ok. but uncensored homemade models are the ultimate goal
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He was stirring up her guts!
How long was his icicle deary?
I bet it melted right after just like all men!
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Y is for Ynnari
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It's always aahh time
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Looking through some old gens and found some 1980's elves.
Welcome to these threads. Where the rules don't matter and the relation to /tg/ is made up
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Whatever you say, baba.
"All hail King Homer"
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MJ>De3>Flux>Ideogram>Sdxl>drawing with your penis>SD3.
I was going for Umaril but whatever.
Gee. I wonder WHERE you stand on the issue lol
>MJ that high
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>can't afford $30/m
hello europoors
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Doing some experiments in aging using our favorite halfling waifu. Seeing how word choice affects the gen.

Young woman
Adult Woman
Mature Woman
Old Woman
and 2D woman...because they never age.
What's your prompt? I like the look
$30 for bad hands?
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This one is akshually controlnet sdxl for pic rel
indeed it's bad
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Curiously, the results for an elf. Same verbiage as before, but added "Elderly woman" to the end because Bing seems to know elves are immortal (or at least long-lived) so wasn't aging very much, and I picked the "elderly" picture that looked oldest, the others were much more ageless.
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Age test results for the vaguely hispanic witch (Estalian from the WFRP). Slightly different descriptors.

Teenaged Girl
Teenaged Woman
Young Woman
Adult Woman
Mature Woman
Old Woman

Age between mature and old goes hard. I should find a descriptor between them, but middle-aged seems to come up about the same as mature. More experiments.

In the interest of sparking conversation, what age descriptors do you use?
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I like the spaceage knights. Kinda reminds me of that old Camelot 3000 comic, or some of the weirder space fantasy that came out of Epic and the like.
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That would be pretty cool. I'm mostly just futzing with an Artificer character I play
Anyone know how to get reliable Adeptus Mechanicus type characters?
Pray to the Omnisiah?
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It helps if you describe the bionic bits like they're armor, otherwise it tends to spit out a weird terminator in a bathrobe.
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...and it ate my image. Fantastic.
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He had a bunch of internalized magic & doesn't need armor, so he wears a close fitted suit that is illusioned to look like the sky
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u mad
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Player character from the first campaign I ever ran (Rogue Trader), pictured with his signature kraken tooth dagger.
I love 80s elves.
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Tell me more about your guy and his adventures. I miss my Rogue Trader crew.
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Praise the Machine God
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I'm just trying to make some 40k stuff my friend
Managed to get a good bolter or bolt pistol?
I know. It's so annoyingly pretentious. And it's literally Just One Guy.
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No lewd the unlewdable!
Are they Stirlanders? This beer steams like it was boiled.
But lifeguard was somewhat clever twist, wasn't it
Anybody have experience getting it to generate specific marble statues? It likes to keep generating them as just people.

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