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Imagine dressing your human fighter in all browns and earth colors like some rejected GAP model instead of how real human fighters looked like.
American education moment
regular realistic all martials party
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... ok?
This respectable party os properly armed to kill Goblins and Dragons
First time I ever played DnD my human male fighter dressed exactly like that
>some flamboyant nogs
>get blown by cannons
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couldn't be me
>brown dirtbag
>gets blown by his own canons because they didn't notice you were there
what's the lore behind the look?
wiki didn't say anything about clothes
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part advertisement, part fashion
landsknechts lived pretty short lives with what being mercenaries and all, so they were exempt from the sumptuary laws of the Holy Roman Empire and encouraged to dress very visibly. Naturally, there went sport into finding the most outrages outfits.
Other times, colour was simply to tell friend from foe.
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For me it’s the jannies.
>back in the old days, when they were paid, jannies were the most feared men of the world
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there was a very cute hobbit that looked like an elf with this style of clothes
because colored cloths were expensive and only people like mercenaries could afford the most flamboyant colors
They were kidnapped and brainwashed, but never paid
were they at least brainwashed to think they were being paid?
You can make dyes out of tons of shit available to the common shitkicker
SOME dyes were expensive, others not at all
Is this what it looks like when the Village People get so desperate for cash that they take a gig at a ren faire?
>take a gig at a ren faire
no, they fight for the honor of germany
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We love human fighters around here.
What is the lore behind 70s bell bottom pants?
It was just the fashion of the time, people cared about how they dressed. There was one guy from the time who even made a fashion diary of what he wore through his life.
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Looking into the sources of dyes and pigments is fascinating.
"I can afford all these fancy dyes and ruffles, look at how richer I am than you, peasant". What used to be commonly called ghetto fabulous, or fur coat and no knickers. The mk.1 Hom Sap hasn't really changed much through the millennia.
>Even when serving as shock troops, jannies did it for free
>fur coat and no knickers
As it happens, iirc the entire fad of slashed sleeves/legs was to prove you weren't, by revealing the clothes beneath to show that they're of similarly high quality
Related, black was actually the one color that couldn't really be done for textiles in a lasting way till the early industrial era.
these all look like shit, real men wore a robe with their cock flapping about instead of this gay shit.
This is a fair and indeed accurate point, I did rush to pick an idiom without properly thinking it through.
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There was a tone of blue, I think french ultramarine, that was just made by a woman that who worked cleaning clothes. She mixed the random chemicals she had with base oil paint to see if there was something to make for cheap and discovered a way to make the most expensive pigment of its time. The dream of every child mixing shit on their backyard.
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>Imagine dressing your human fighter in all browns and earth colors
Suck your mother, cuckold.
Human fighters are commonplace in traditional games, yes.
Based af, Germans were on some real zesty shit at the time.
That movie was such a fucking slog, I felt like I was the soldier on campaign afterward.
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Never thought I'd get a chance to post this image I made years ago. Real human warriors were flamboyant and attention-seeking.

The stern demeanor, monochrome uniforms, "cog in a machine" type of warrior is a creation of Modernism.
a creation of modern weaponry more likely
>oh hey look at that bright blue and pink faglord prancing around I guess I'll shoot him with my marvelously accurate rifle at 100 yards , assuming the mortars dont do for him first
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You're a slog, or you would be if anyone was willing to spend any time with you.
Probably becaus they were about five books all pressed together to make the film.
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The clothes of this time period look extra comfy.
damn even they had to deal with diaperfags
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Slotting the officer first?
>Now that's soldiering.
what kind of name is that?
Camouflage ruined fashion.
Drip game.
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this was true in the 90s
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It's the surname
it sounds cool in spanish but sucks translated, it happens a lot with nouns as names. It's even worse when they decide to translated literally chinese names in wuxia movies.
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The human fighter's most natural ally.
i can see it
To be fair, modernism also changed war itself from a heavy contact sport to meatgrinder.
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the portable onahole?
They are at the perfect height for stabbing your dick
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That was during the renaissance, and even then, those were Landskneckt and Doppelsoldner.

This is what a more authentic-looking fighter would have looked like.
> Real human warriors were flamboyant and attention-seeking.
This is the peak of ahistorical revisionism. Go suck off your boyfriend in a parking lot and quit wasting everyone's time.
once fully prepared, most of the time they didn't carry all that shit on. You can barely move with all that and you're wrecking your poor horse's back.
>You can barely move with all that and you're wrecking your poor horse's back.
Absolutely retarded.
Have you seen the size of a real warhorse? Not the fast tiny shits in races.
>you can barely move with all of that on
Imagine getting your idea of medieval armor and combat from fucking Dark Souls, lmao.

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desu senpai, that is a Templar knight. Most men-at-arms would have more colorful heraldry than the austere tabards worn by knightly orders.
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Most "men-at-arms" would have looked like this. Even in your picture, individuals are wearing, at most, 2 different colors. Which is a lot different from the renaissance clothing, where you had innovations in sewing, patterning, and dye-making, which made more extravagant and complex clothing far more affordable.
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Still quite colorful compared to the unfortunate depictions of medieval soldiers from hollywood as wearing nothing but browns and beige.
Not really. Taking out their shields, they look identical to those in your pic, barring lack of armor.
>That was during the renaissance
DnD and most "typical fantasy" exist in a roughly Renaissance level of technology

Heavy Crossbows, Greatswords, Rapiers, full plate armor? Those are all very late 1200s at the earliest, and especially in the case of rapiers they're even later
Let's see here. On one side we've got what's at worst a pale tan base (and at best something more along the "champagne silk" lines) with extensive embroidery for decoration in green and red hues, one guy wearing deep vibrant green and blue, and one guy accenting his buff leather covered brigandine with a blue scarf. On the other side we've got the entire mud rainbow from medium brown to dirty black.
Yet you somehow think the pictures the two of you posted are equally drab? And his point that even single bold colours like in >>93945437 is a massive step away from the "mudcore" look, well, it seems you found it best to ignore that one...
Imagine not being a flamboyant faggot.
I can't
>le female soldiers
KYS autogynephiliacs
The people in OP's pic are guys you dumb fuck.
I can't reply to multiple posts without it being picked up as spam, dumbass. Just read the thread.
Ah, you just a retard assblasted about the thread not share your stupid views.
you don't need iron that much bro
that might be because it is, at best, spam
They actually got paid back then. Imagine what out jannies could do if they got paid regularly.
You will never be a woman by the way.
Thanks for confirming your retardation.
>The stern demeanor, monochrome uniforms, "cog in a machine" type of warrior is a creation of Modernism.
Confirmed for never having heard of the new model army, ESL chad wojak using retard
Those are paladins. My fighter eats mud and dresses in rags.
>btw this sick color is toxic!
Don't forget mass media. Never forget the idea of science vs religion is a 19th century myth.
Mercenaries (when they get paid) have to carry their wealth with them, and they don’t get investment opportunities that they can’t bring with them on their travels, so they invest in fancy clothes to show off how successful they are at their jobs, because they can afford it. Also, sometimes an employer short on cash will pay in bolts of fabric. Landsknecht were also exempt from sumptuary laws that limited how fancy a commoner’s clothes could be. Also, bright clothing helps with coordinating large numbers of troops. Keep in mind this was for soldiers from a particular time and place, and that, for example, Cromwell’s soldiers in England a century later would be wearing much more muted colors, in keeping with Puritan austerity.
This post will make a lot of newfags very mad.
But he's absolutely right, and has nothing to do with being flamboyant. If you want to see how old soldiers looked and acted, go to Eastern Europe or South America and find some football hooligans (or watch an old English movie about them)
>If you want to see how medieval soldiers acted go to South America and look for people who know neither history nor were ever soldiers

You may be a complete fucking retard, anon.
Holy shit, you're an idiot.
>blue scarf
That's obviously the tail end of his long gugel, which he is wearing underneath his helmet. Secondly, you're ignoring the blatant fact that the dominant color in that picture are all earth tones. Green, tan, and brown. Then there's some blue. All of which indicate that these men are some level of nobility, which would have been in the minority, meaning the lower leveled peasants would have had even less variety of clothing.

DISREGARDING ALL OF THAT, the picture I posted is closer to the one you posted than it is closer to the one in OP, so get fucked.
what points are you connecting here?
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He is connecting his ass to penises.
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Basado apreciador de Alatriste
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that looks more comfy than combative
I sometimes think that the really old dyes seem to be so toxic because the non-toxic ones were more likely to fade (being also toxic to many microbes). Thus we would have not as much record of the organic non-toxic ones.
Same reason we think of Victorian clothes as being so brown and grey.
Well, those jannies were kidnapped brainwashed Christian children seized by Muslims to do their bidding rather than volunteering for it.
Wow, this is shit. Surface level treatment done for the memes at best. Purely flippant and disappointing.
You have a better one? Then shut up and dye.
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This whole thread is making people mad.
>I don't care what anybody says, my grandmother told me Jean-Baptiste Guimet was a washerwoman.
There's plenty of record of fugitive historical pigments though. Madder is a big one.
You ever go outside and notice how very few people dress exclusively in drab greys and browns? People in the past also preferred wearing some interesting colors at least some of the time.
>When jannies are given even a crumb of payment
4 Martials and a Bard
What are the two on the left supposed to be?

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