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Previous Thread: >>93906035
First for shitposting
Second for shitposting
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Hell yea arokino time.
Looks like it is Third for Shitposting too.
Tankflopsta the slop masta has graced use with his finest shit.
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Alright i guess i'll post it now. Here's your OC, hope you enjoy.
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>Here's your OC, hope you enjoy.
fuck off retard
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Lemme know your feedback and depending on it, i might make an update or two. We'll see.
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Here is the update to dragonfall
Based, i'll give it a look in a bit and post a build later.
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Anon? I don't feel so good...
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Bruh we haven't finished discussing magocratic convention fuck off for another week at least
Go back
Yeah, if it was something you were already planning on changing. Otherwise, you will ignore it like always by making an excuse or putting your xdxd I am so random persona.
It would be the perfect time to post Anime High School.
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Tolkien’s whole point is: “what is real magic to you?”

It’s that simple. It’s all psychology.

He knew that magic couldn’t even truly exist in fiction—something the average fantasist doesn’t fathom because “Hur fantasy can be anything”, even though it is fucking IMPOSSIBLE to, say, make a fiction where math/quantity doesn’t exist.

You. Can’t. Do. That. There are limits even to fiction. Fiction is a religiously minded realm to fantasists today. You do NOT want to tell them they can’t do something.
>go back
No I am right where I belong, arokino is peak and tankslopsta is shit. You go back.
i was thinking this too

doing it myself would be like work though
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Final Page for those seeking out Ivory.
no bro, it's actually something more like psychic powers + non-chinese cultivation

older elves in the silmarillion are literally psychic super saiyans that burn up from all the spirit power inside them when they die

there fore tolkien's work is NOT magic
didn't ask
>magic and science are… le different…
Did you learn literally nothing
There is no barrier
The “barrier” is just nuance/mystery
lol, lmao even.
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that's what it is to you

to others it's other things, and sometimes it's nothing

deal with it
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>he thinks psychic powers aren’t magic
occultists are obsessed with esp shit
“will working” crap
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Gandalf tossed some burning pine cones, if that's not magic then nothing is.
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This page is a woman moment. Good thing this is targeted at simps. They will totally take the offer.
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>that's what it is to you
>to others it's other things, and sometimes it's nothing
I mean, yes, this (ignorance) is literally magic, but it’s still like saying “um no, they’re miracles, not magic” or “um no, it’s science, not magic”, so you do you.

To the more aware, it just looks stupid.
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He describes what he does as magic, but it’s simply just what the Maia are capable of doing. The pointy hat is a job. His role is to look and act like a wizard.
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I say page 1-2 you say page 3
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Lazy dicksuckord immigrants...
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you misunderstood, when i said "that's" i was referring to your own preference of "nuance/mystery", not to magic itself

to you the defining feature is nuance/mystery, to other people it's other things, many of them don't define the concept the way you do, and that's just never going to change
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>pick it
>backstab her
So much for the "the last Planeswalker".
If you can beaten by dick/pussy you're worthless.
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Is there any other CYOA will people will repost the old version in place of later ones? I can't imagine the same thing happening to Magocratic Convention.
>to you the defining feature is nuance/mystery
What do you think stage magic even is
>to other people it's other things
What do you think an opinion/description is
>and that's just never going to change
You’re just agreeing with the physicsfag that magic isn’t a true definition since it’s different for everyone
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Dragonfall to spite Tok maybe.
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The worst part about physicsfag is that you agree with him even when you disagree with him, which just makes you look even dumber when you argue with him.
some cyoas changed drastically between versions, this is... a moderate example

>What do you think stage magic even is
doesn't matter, not everyone will consider stage magic relevant

>What do you think an opinion/description is
uh, are you equating opinions and descriptions here? because that's pretty wild if so

>You’re just agreeing with the physicsfag that magic isn’t a true definition since it’s different for everyone
i don't agree with any of you faggots
No, you post the new version right here if you want to do that. >>93911306
He hates it
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this thread is burning bright
Its over... my new OC has failed. Oh well~ I can always get my fix on my discord and reddit.
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>doesn't matter, not everyone will consider stage magic relevant
Tough shit, buddy. “I don’t know how he did that” is a prime aspect of magic. You don’t even know what magicians are!

>uh, are you equating opinions and descriptions here? because that's pretty wild if so
Are you perhaps retarded? Aro? “That ain’t natural” is an opinion. It’s a description. If doesn’t hold. It’s not a true definition. It’s an oxymoron. Shit like ‘the supernatural’ are oxymorons based on unfamiliarity.

>i don't agree with any of you faggots
Then you’re going out of your way not to be conscious of your own arguments. It’s disturbing, that. Many people like you.
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Good job. Now go back.
Wdym, i'm making a build for it rn. Shitposters can't drown arokino out no matter how hard they try.
>“I don’t know how he did that” is a prime aspect of magic.
to you? sure; to others? often it isn't

>If doesn’t hold. It’s not a true definition.
um no, a definition that can be proven wrong is still a genuine definition, it also just happens to be wrong

however, seeing how we're discussing magic, there's no way to make a wrong definition, so not even that much applies

>Then you’re going out of your way not to be conscious of your own arguments.
funny coming from the mouthbreather who's trying to say it can mean anything but he still keeps pushing hard definitions onto it anyway
We haven't even started yet.
Sometimes I'll post an older version of Dawn of a Demon Lord. Anduin cut a bunch of the world-specific material (for Scar) in order to make room to add new worlds. The local gods, the major regions, noteworthy heroes . . .all got axed.
Because everyone got skill issue and cried that it was too hard
false, i always liked it
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Underneath the splatter is the same picture as "You, the Predecessor" from Blood Magic. It seems the text and image are cut off and don't continue outside bounds though.
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All of your imaginations suck.

Both Gandalf and Saruman are going out of their way to look like wizards, using phrases like “spells” and “magic” to describe (but not define) their doings, but they aren’t wizards back home in Valinor, where what they do is normal. Their role is to guide men, acting as mystical sages. Gandalf sees value in the lesser, smaller folk—the little things—while Saruman is one to look to actual figures of authority to manipulate and counsel. One travels like a wandering hermit, one stays in one spot like an isolationist recluse.

Wizards are “wizards”. Even Denethor is called more wizardly than Gandalf, who’s just the steward of Gondor with access to a palantir.

They’re both meant to “fool”/guide, but it is clear they are on a mission, with a true purpose, for good outcome. Saruman is so good at it, he just has to speak.

Tolkien calls it ‘enchantment’, which is to say, being enchanted by something, and seeing it as magic. Men and hobbits are enchanted by the beautiful works of the elves, but are also darkly enchanted, or horrified, by the black machinery (“black magic”) of Mordor.

An alien could certainly send an envoy of their society to act as a secret, seemingly human sage/“wizard” of sorts. Especially if they were worried about the trajectory.

It’s sort of like the Prime Directive of Star Trek—the powers-that-be know that too much help can be disastrous, and being a crutch is bad. This is why the “wizards” sent from Valinor have rules not to fight power with power—but rather guide men to their own victories, on their own. But, it is clear that sometimes men -need- help, and Tolkien describes Gandalf as a prime example of the ‘guardian angel’.

There are a number of inhuman sages in myth and history, too. That just randomly appear, then randomly leave. Oannes is one, pic related. The ‘seven sages’ are a recurring theme. Inspires insane people like Graham Hancock. Muh handbags.
Italics here. I apologize for the delay, but I will shadow release multiple new content in a back-to-back manner soon. Please look forward to them.

At some point after the release of Redux. The Magi Case depending on Redux's success might recieve a few anthology spin-offs CYOAs set in its universe. Please look forward to those in the future.

That is all I have to say.
I tend to skip meaningless thread drama and don't even understand the reason for all this butthurt and shitposting outbreak. Seriously.
False. Shitalics already said everything got canned because he is too lazy.. I mean, he got sick. So is not coming until next year. Also, redux is not coming in 8 more years because shitalics already got the attention he could farm from that.
it was deliberately created by the brainlet
Italics here. Disregard this; i changed my mind. I will continue not working and instead shitpost in thread.
His definition of magic is that magic can be described as anything, lol. You’re not following, you’re just arguing.
you're focusing too much on how people within the setting relate to the magic there and not enough on how readers of the book in real life are relating to the magic in the book
So by tankista?
He was a next-level autist. He would have fucking loved reddit.
on the contrary, he created an entire dichotomy where he said that there is an alternative to it being anything, see >>93910690
>The alternative is trying to argue that magic is something definitive, which is an impossibility.

he is very prominently setting boundaries to define what magic isn't, from his point of view
If anyone wants some music to enjoy Magocratic Convention to, here's Tankista's suggested playlist:




Good catch. Somehow I missed the "dossier" page when Tankista posted it.
I don't want music. I'd rather have some food.
>Me (Sixth Omniarch)
>Me (Nameless)
>Me (Blood Mage)
>Me (Avalon)
I don't need secondary roles for the finale.
>you're focusing too much on how people within the setting relate to the magic there and not enough on how readers of the book in real life are relating to the magic in the book

It should be the opposite. Often magic is only magic to the reader, and it shouldn’t be magic to the in-setting persons.

Like how elemental bending in Avatar is not called magic in the show. There’s like one or two lines about it. “It’s not magic, you dumb dumb, it’s fire bending!”, which is funny because to the viewer it is 100% magic.

It’s interchangeable logic. Tolkien does it. It’s why the elves don’t believe in (elven) magic, or why evil infrastructure is seen as wicked sorcery.

Magic is very one sided. Two sided magic is impossible, really.
Best narrator?
Anon, he’s not wrong.

Ancient cavemen can look to the stars in the night sky and consider them gods, or spirits, or anything else. Those are not true definitions. Those are descriptions.

They are still stars regardless of what the ancients believed. Ignorance/description outnumbers truth/definition. It just does.

You’re still not following.
>Magic is very one sided. Two sided magic is impossible, really.
this is only possibly true if you're about a single individual's perceptions, and even then it's arguable

when multiple people are involved though? lol no
Best ally?
>when multiple people are involved though? lol no

That’s why it’s impossible lol.

Elven crafts are only magic to people who aren’t elves lol.

If your elves believe in magic, you’re doing it wrong.
i'm deliberately not following faulty logic

i'm also deliberately not entertaining your inability to understand what a definition is
>trying so hard to not let it die
lmao, its over
You’re just admitting you don’t want to learn.

Cognitive dissonance I guess. Sad!

Also capitalize your sentences, it won’t make you look as retarded.
>trying so hard to not let it die
lmao, its over.
not learning something you've identified as wrong is the correct choice, anon
He’s saying you can’t define magic, in a specific sense. You can only define it in the psychological sense. It’s not real.
>You can only define it in the psychological sense.
well he's completely wrong, then, magic can be defined in whatever sense you want

want to define it in terms of boxer shorts with cartoon ducks on them? sure, go wild
I did not asked, defense boy
That’s not what learning is. You’re just not absorbing information.

You’re still implying you think you know what magic is. Go ahead, define it. I will wait.

For every instance of magic you give, I can give a contrary/ironic take on it.

This is why magic cannot be defined outside of “it’s what you make of it”.
You forgot Hell Rebellion. (You) are also the leader of the revolt.

Technically, they're all different versions of (you), though, from across the multiverse. The only ones that could "really" be (you) are the Avalon, Nameless, and Blood Magic versions, who were all isekai-ed from a generic Earth setting.

All the others are multiversal variants. The Sixth Omniarch, for example, is the version of (you) that grew up in the magitech utopia of Eden.

(I'd post them, but I'm away from my main computer at the moment.)
>well he's completely wrong, then, magic can be defined in whatever sense you want
………thats psychology
Youre a troll, arent you?
absorbing information necessitates rejecting misinformation

>You’re still implying you think you know what magic is.
no i'm not, on the contrary, i'm saying your attempts to define it are misguided and pointless
>You're a troll aren't you
Holy fuck, you're only just realizing this now?
no it isn't, but i can humor you if you try to tell me why you think it is
>physicsfag is so powerful he actually turns anons retarded

are you really going to pretend it was all an act
>t. discord trolls
you're the guy who leaked the cyoa last thread, aren't you
>All the others are multiversal variants. The Sixth Omniarch, for example, is the version of (you) that grew up in the magitech utopia of Eden.
Is he? I'm under the impression they're all equally Empyrean (You) being isekaied everywhere.
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No. It was me.
>posting more tankslop
Holy fuck please stop.
Why are they all so annoying to look at? Who the fuck thought it was a good idea to completely sacrifice substance for the sake of elaborate style?
are competing for the unfunny award?
It is the redditspecial
I think you'd prefer Tok's MSPaint style, then. This >>93911306 might be simple enough for you.
Why are you seething so much, lmao.
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Besides, they're all emanations of Real (You) in a sense.
I wonder if you could bypass True Immortality by using this link and Eternity's End.
Well he structures them better for sure. I don't really like what he puts in them though.
Nudor. He's right.

Ambriel. Holy 12x lightspeed.
>he got mad at being called out
Oh nnonoonnoon
Opinion disregarded, please leave.
I refuse. Show me your GOOD cyoas right now.
Hard to find a flaw in Nudor, but Astrapea was CUTE.
Opinion regarded. Please stay
Here you go.
So you admit this general is shit AND that you are shit.
You are the problem and YOU are shit.
>no u
No, YOU.
>Keeps using any excuse to try and save the failed OC by giving it (You)s
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I didn't cancel a thing. Luminary, Ecclesiastes and the other featured releases are still doing fine.
Aieeee I got sick. Sorry brothers. Cyoas delayed until next year.
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Looks good, I have my initial build made but my buddy will want to post and hates overlapping on shit so i'll have to wait till tonight. Pretty happy with the cyoa, though I dislike that most of the companions are goody-two-shoes types. Still, that's fine and I can work around it. Ivory will be destroyed and I will be free to fuck around and find out.
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Looked through the CYOA and got to say it has a mechanic which I don't like. I call this mechanic "Cluster Options". It's basically options that are tied together so if you want 1 of the options you are forced to get all other options. The problem with Cluster Options are that they severely limit the customizability of builds as you cannot mix and match every option and the number of choices you make in a CYOA with a lot of Cluster Options are very low which hurts the CYOAs replayablility which is directly linked to the build variety and customization. I think Cluster Options are best used in 1 page CYOAs but should ideally be avoided in medium and large CYOAs. Some Cluster Options can be fine, but I think there are way too many Cluster Options in this CYOA which is why I predict that this CYOA won't be popular and I also don't feel inclined to make an image build for this CYOA. As that build won't feel lime MY build, instead it feels like a preepackaged and preemade build.
I just don't know why you would repeatedly post such an unfunny meme. It wasn't even funny in the context of the relevant gacha let alone here of all places. It's like using an inside joke amongst strangers except its not even funny amongst friends. Or is this really what passes for humor in /vg/?
I don't know, or care about discord drama.
shut up and enjoy oc you dunce
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>Lemme know your feedback
what's the point?
you are gonna ignore it like you did with the dragon queen and with desnadanth and jin
The shitposters are out in full force today, Italics. You aren't going to get anywhere.

On a more productive note - which of your current WiP titles is coming along the best? And/or which one are you enjoying writing the most?
Very fair criticism, that's why i tried to mitigate it by giving you tons of different options to build your own minions. I don't usually use cluster options because i prefer allowing for flexible builds and i was kind of experimenting with it this time.

? Didn't i fix all of those? People were upset about them so i changed them, unless you're referring to the people who were upset that i changed them and wanted them back, in which case theres no winning in that situation lmao.
I'll be honest. I am nkt a fan of multiverse CYOAs because they present their own unique world and story to have an adventure on. More importantly while I like the theme and goal of Magocratic Convention, I do not enjoy the continued use of meta and meta plots always present in Tankista CYOAs since it seems restrictive and you have to aim for them.
Why has there been so much OC all of the sudden?
British witches
What's the meta plot in the Convention? The last mission?
German witches
American witches
>On a more productive note - which of your current WiP titles is coming along the best?
Upcoming releases? Ecclesiastes. Only drawback is I cannot decide on companions since I think all the characters arts are cool and I can't pick between fantasy or contemporary designs. I ultimately need to use one.

And/or which one are you enjoying writing the most?
All of them. I do have some shadow CYOAs accompanying Ecclesiastes and Luminary that hopefully be well recieved.

One takes inspiration from 90s X-Men and Infamous. The other has more of a Skull Girls influence to it but we'll see if it is liked.
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>must either have Reunionism Ideology or Denounce Exmanafication to get 8 for Eclipse
No, no, NO! Not like this! How the fuck do I even get enough Relation points to avoid civil war and get enough Mana Income if I pick either?!?!
Greek/Italian/Macedonian witches
French witches
Tankista just realized one day that they can become super popular. How? Just make retards feel smart by tricking them into thinking they are smart. How do you do this? Introduce metashit in your cyoa. Then let them 'discover' it during their read and BOOM. You just got idiots having their minds blown! Praising the author as a genius.
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>Free Blood Magic +3
>Diabolism +2
>Stance on Defection Realignment +2
>Blood Mage Class +1
There you go, 8 Eclipse points without Reunionism or Denounce Exmanafication.
I don't know about that part. But meta narrative always been . turn off for me because it does not enhance tbe experience of the CYOA. It also makes me less likely to play or enjoy the CYOAas a world.

I very much disliked JRPG Traitor's secret narrative of "lmao, wake up". Ruined the entire CYOA for me and made everything pointless because it exists so deeply in the CYOA and you lose if you don't take it.

Meta narratives can work but I'm not a fan of them.
>Blood Mage Class
I missed this. Damn. Sorry for overreacting. And thanks.
>? Didn't i fix all of those?
The new stuff is fine its just one anon baiting.
This would be sad if it wasn't absolutely true. It's the reason OR became popular during the OC drought and multiplayer boom.
Honestly. I don't even think Tankista is a bad author. I think if he can just give up on the low hanging fruit of meta plots. He could make some really good stuff.
I figured, but i always want to respond at least somewhat reasonably to responses that are more than just shitposting.

Aevar, Legion, Sin, and Kleidi will all be willing to go along with anything you do.
>and I can't pick between fantasy or contemporary designs. I ultimately need to use one.
Post'em and the public will choose.
This >>93911336 is so hilariously stupid.
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>What's the meta plot in the Convention? The last mission?
There are a couple of core elements:

* The Loop on Sheol, discussed in Blood Magic, keeps generating powerful blood magic groups, who go on to create problems in the Convention's corner of the multiverse. The Enforcers, the Ark, and the First Sinner are all from there, for example.

*Eldritch powers are on the move. They've got forces on Sheol, while another group are about to break freak in Convention space.

(I keep hoping Tankista will give us a Void walker or cultist cyoa to explore this side.)

* Multiversal versions of the same person - (you) - are present at key moments for all the factions, in almost all the problems. Nameless (you) killed the 5th Omniarch, sparking the leadership crisis. Avalon (you) somehow got their own paradise plane. Several versions of Blood Magic (you) are either actively fighting on Sheol or helping the Ark/Dominion/etc escape into Convention space. Hell Rebellion (you) threatens to start a multiverse wide revolt of the Damned. Time of Troubles (you) is fighting the archlich. Magocratic Convention (you) just got made the Sixth Omniarch . . . It's like the entire multiverse is revolving around one person, out of the quadrillions of possible people, for no obvious reason.

*The multiverse-wide draining of mana is probably in there, too. Maybe it's being caused by the eldritch powers, maybe by the blood mages of Supremacy, maybe by a third faction . . .We don't know enough yet to guess.
What do you mean?
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Also worth noting - the only reason the Eclipse/Adversary was able to steal the mana to fuel the time Loop was because the Convention was building up a reserve to deal with the Final Mission (the disappearance of mana across all of existence)
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Is just funny. Like reading the shitty ending of a book or a manga. Like those scenes where the protagonist that killed all the no name soldiers does not kill the main genocide villain at the end just to 'not be like them'. Like seeing the stupid liar's reveal plot show its face. Its just something so bad that it is funny to see.
Its fine, you can still choose to fight her. I know I am.
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>A 1 page Gunfag CYOA split up into 3 pages
I never get why authors do this. Do they split up CYOAs to make them look longer or are the authors really that fucking bad at compiling CYOAs, what do you think?
Why are you complaining, tok, instead of making builds for the new OC?
it's just monkey see monkey do
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As I understand it, Lime wasn't finished with MonsterOps. There were supposed to be more sections (like antagonists/missions) that never got written. Maybe it would've been consolidated at the end?
shut the fuck up tok, Monterops is better than all of the OC's that came out this year.
Lol no it wasnt.
>Nobody has made builds for the new OC yet
Is cyoag dead? Is our hobby finally over?
oh yea? name a good cyoa that came out of this god forsaken year.
>tfw the multiverse draining is due to (You) being Everything Everywhere All at Once
How does tankista blow everyone else out of the water so utterly?
>Not a single build
>Almost no discussion
>Less (You)s than aro
> Heritage
> Echoes
Shard of Divinity
Mind of Machines
> Talents
Gateway Builder
Lighthouse Keeper
Shroud of Night
Eyes of Reality
Strength of Bonds
Break of Mortality
> Safe Havens
The Wastes
> Loners
Tav the Hero
Chrona Novos of the Nanoswarm
Kleidi, the Flame Within
> Extra Powers
Soul Weaver
> Legions
> Gifts
White-Gold Heart
The Legacy
> Quests
Containment Breach
Echoes of the Ancients
> Pursuers
The God-Hunter
The Steel Seraphim
The Sins
Ivory, The Last Planeswalker
> Path Forward

I took as much personal power as I could, with a heavy focus on technology and intelligence since that seems the best route for versatility and potential. I'll try to work with Ivory to create a new planeswalker organisation that isn't hilariously evil.
Why does it piss people off that Tolkien was smarter than them?
he doesn't
>measuring quality in (You)
I suppose you think Tok is the best author to ever grace the thread?
I'm not in the mood just yet but maybe soon
I name you the Divine Cyborg, the God-Machine. May you one day ascend to Synthideus and forever enjoy your harem of busty older women.
It’s not Tolkien, it’s a certain asshole that bullies people for not being as educated.

You could argue he is totally correct, and still it would be weird why he comes here just to make people upset.
Magi Case, Living Dungeon, Solar Legion, Gateway. Are we counting updates? Cause i'm pretty sure entropist 2.0 was in january and demigod got updated a few months ago.
>I said name a GOOD cyoa
I did, tanflopsta cyoas aren't good and don't count even if we count updates.
... Where did all your points go? You still have like 4 left?
>Solar Legion
>not Magocracy Convention V2
I don't understand your tastes.
living dungeon is alright, the rest is actual hot garbage
Slop is bad, kino is good. You don't understand because you have those reversed.
Anon the CYOA is very pretty and all but its just multiple pages of either numbers autism tracking 3-5 different things, or just picking what you think is right, or maybe a mix of both, but the point is that both of those feel silly honestly.
What's kino about Solar Legion?
Nta but I unironically feel bad for you if you have this shit taste. You probably like black magic unironically don't you.
That is the entire hobby.
That, and mocking fictional people.
Focuses out the inherent human fantasy of BTFOing alien invaders.
I liked the legions and aliens page, and the research ties your build together. It was a good cyoa I enjoyed building.
Made by AroQUEEN.
> Loners
Star-Jin Loong, the Azure Dragon
> Extra Powers
Draconic Reflexes
> Pursuers
The Blue Moon Witch

Since I would really like that precognition/dragon pussy.

I very much will, ty.

How so? I think the math checks out. Did you account for some options costing 2?
>Tracking the 3 Reputations is more annoying than it is in other CYOAs
>Picking what you want is cool I guess?
>Wait no it isn't
So I guess that is not, in fact, the entire hobby.
nobody likes black magic, it's a shitpost, but you shouldn't talk about taste with your reddit/marvel lineup of favorite cyoas
I'm surprised that the first siphon chosen was Mind, given all the memory death posting this general has had. I would have thought that most wouldn't pick it.
To be fair, you're asked to keep track of the three reputations, the hidden one, your mana income, your mana reserve, and then you have the whole ordeal about the Agents and the Missions.
>Human fantasy of BTFO alien invaders
Echoes CYOA exists.
>1 build
>I would have thought that MOST wouldn't pick it.
Woman retardation
I have 8 builds on discord, and none of them picked siphons.
Fairy Queen? Harmonist? The sorcerer king one?
I'm my consciousness, not my memories, so I'm not that bothered by it in the grand scheme of things. Actual death is the thing to worry about here. I will still seek out my previous life if only to do right by my family/friends.
Shard of Divinity
Mind of Machines
Gateway Builder
Lighthouse Keeper
Eyes of Reality
Strength of Bonds
Break of Mortality
>Safe Havens
The Leviathan
>Allies: Loners
>Extra Powers
Genetic History
>Allies: Legions
Draconic Empire
Daughters of Light
>Allies: Gifts
The Power Trident
The Lost Princess
The Sunstone
White-Gold Heart
The Legacy
Treasure Planet
Containment Breach
The God-Hunter
The Blue-Moon Witch
The Steel Seraphim
The Sins
Ivory, The Last Planeswalker
>Path Forward

With the power to do whatever I want, immortality, and hyperintelligence at my fingertips, why shouldn't I be free to do whatever I want? Doubly so since there's only one planeswalker left. I may not be the strongest, but damn if i'm not trying to be the smartest. I'll brainwash Dolores, take control of Chrona (and make her more attractive, sorry, I just don't like her picture) and take legion as my devoted pet concubine. Afterwards, it's time to establish my inter-universal empire. With limitless technology at my fingertips, I can enhance the human empire cyber and biotech, and augment my forces with lumi and dragon auxiliary. Meanwhile, I will take control of the warforged and find a way to bring the forgemaster under my domination, the better to mold the warforged to my needs. With my royal harem and through technology and conquest, worlds will become paradises and my servants will never go without so long as they submit to my rule. The threats of the multiverse are many a varied, but through unity under my dominion, my armies will bring me crowns innumerable and underlings unending. After all, if I can do whatever I want, why shouldn't I at least do something that makes me happy?
I do like Black Magic. It's a genuine work of art. One day, I'll get around to making an actual build for it.
>but its just multiple pages of either numbers autism tracking 3-5 different things, or just picking what you think is right
Thats the point of a cyoa? Thats what a cyoa is meant to do, offer choices which you can consider from both the mechanical and moral perspective (ideally with interactions between the two). And Magocratic Convention does it really well.

What, like mechanics, choices and consequences? Or do you mean a meaningful premise?
you like it because you like shitposts, you even prove it by not making builds for it
>How so? I think the math checks out. Did you account for some options costing 2?
>3 points in talents, 1 point in safe havens, 3 in loners, 3 in extra powers, 2 in legions
>3 + 1 + 3 + 3 + 2 = 12
>you have 16 points due to pursuers
None of those were good, sorry chief.
Holy fuck, another Divine Cyborg, and this one is full hedonism.

Legions and Loners are both 2 points each.
Loners cost 2 each. Also the Legacy costs a point.
Clearly you like black magic, you wouldn't have this shit taste otherwise. Truly I pity you for being such a loathesome creature.
>loners got changed to 2 points each
Oh god, this fucking sucks I take it back.
anon... please
>The sorcerer king one
this and living dungeon might be the only ones that could be considered somewhat decent/good. if we don't take into consideration the entropist update and royal revival update.
You forgot all the arokino.
Whatever, just remove the legacy and gateway/lighthouse I guess. That's annoying.
>I have 8 builds on discord
>given all the memory death posting THIS GENERAL has had
Keep outing yourself as an idiot, aro.
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I will and you can't stop me.
>Holy fuck, another Divine Cyborg, and this one is full hedonism.
Technically I had this done first but didn't post it until I got the greenlight >>93911840
> Holy fuck, another Divine Cyborg,
I'm not surprised, they're the ones that make you smarter and intelligence is the god stat pretty much.
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oh shit i completely forgot about Magic journey, i take back my previous statement, that's a great cyoa.
no, that was deliberate.
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Daily reminder tok is a fucking retard
Wdym, tok knew right from the start nobody was going to actually be a dragon because he overcosted literally everything you would want to take if you're an actual dragon. He didn't bother factoring in that anyone would be one because he made half-dragons the best races and knew nobody would be anything else.
Reminder that if you are a highly observant autist like I am, you would have figured out by now who the author of Black Magic really is.
I like being able to walk among people instead of sleeping in a cave in some mountains.

No, raping women isn't my preferred past-time.

Tok cannot comprehend me
>No, raping women isn't my preferred past-time.
it probably is actually him, hes the only vocal shill for it out of the authors
it's a trick, he's making it seem like he doesn't want to rape, but he's actually just gay and wants to rape men
Gil will support anything if it involves the death of children.
Maybe you should go back to your simp discord if you want to attentionwhore?
Based and true
Theoretical BM asides his cyoa are too tame for that to be true. Hes also a moralfag.
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Having skimmed through nexus gateway, I'd rate it 4/10. Stupid bitch that threw Earth into a black hole trying to sound like it was super important and necessary on the last page? LMAOing at your nonexistent writing skills. None of the powers provided feel like they're even barely enough to stop a motherfucking black hole from destroying Earth (or any other worlds the bitch decides to visit for that matter). Yeah, I can become a big dragon or somesuch, thanks I guess. Maybe I could hide forever like a little bitch with invisibility power? No dice because it would most likely take billions of years to master to even have a chance to trick the master planeswalker bitch. Should I hire a legion of space marines? Can they stop a fucking black hole? Doubt it. TL;DR: a lot of choices that feel like they're from a different CYOA whereas the challenge provided is on par with TroyX's "RISE OF THE ULTIMATE GIGACHAD BLACKHOLEFUCKER" or somesuch. Thank fucking god for Beri's Living Dungeon, Magocratic Convention, and Magical Journey so they can keep me occupied, otherwise I'd mail a fucking pipe bomb to everyone ITT who has even the slightest praise for this abomination.
I rate Gateway 9/10 because it made that last guy mad and wasted his time.
>Hes also a moralfag.
But he’s evil
arent all moralfags?
Amazing work deleting all those off-topic low-quality posts, janitor
He's also a raging pedophile who consumes children for immortality, controls the world economy and governments, enjoys skibidi toilet, and is the anti-christ brother of Mr. Beast who is prophesized to bring a thousand years of darkness onto the world. Your point?
What are you talking about. Nothing was dele
>Stupid bitch that threw Earth into a black hole trying to sound like it was super important and necessary on the last page?
She says she didn't kill earth. Stopped reading afterwards cause your rant was probably retarded.
It means nothing. The shitposters always come back.
We’re talking about gil here not italics
>he kills kids and eats their flesh and drinks their adrenochrome and Jews the world and is literally a demon
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Italics did nothing wrong.
But it's all true. EntropistAnon told me, and he's Spanish reincarnation of Moses.
All Jews worship Moloch and wear little bags containing baby testicles around their necks, which they use to throw fireballs at their enemies, the Palestinians.
Discord simp? The antagonist can create black holes to move planets to where she wants, it doesn't fucking matter if she destroyed earth or not (yet), the point is that if she can destroy planets like that, you can't stop her. She can also lie. Point me to a power in this CYOA that can prevent a black hole she can create from destroying Earth.
>the point is that if she can destroy planets like that, you can't stop her.
Lol, retard. Next time put better bait.
I accept your concession. Hope your queen sends you a pic of her ankles for your whiteknighting.
>be italics
>hate fags
>love furries
It doesn’t make sense
Furries ARE fags
You like magocuck don't you.
Oh no, this is basically my own origin story of evil all over again. Looks like the future of tg is going to be secure in the hands of bunnygirls, at least.
Its sand butthurt at aro as usual. The tanksloppafags are all EU and so gone.
why do schizos always try to randomly bring eu versus usa shitposting into topics that have nothing to do with it
Why do schizos always vague post directly under the post they're referencing.
La creatura…
it's not vague when it's obvious what the post references
Discord is for simping, Reddit is for builds, thread is for trolling.
>Reddit is for builds
All they do is make shopping list builds and ask mindless questions. They dont have any discussion or conversation.
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So far you have a single simp of yours (>>93912367) post a build, the same he posted here. Where are those fabled Reddit builds, hmm?
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Hey, anons! Gil here. After careful consideration, I've decided to drop making CYOAs and focus on my new directive of bringing the extinction of the human race through the ultimate sacrifice of a thousand Christian toddlers! Me and the Masonic League are happy to deliver updates on this, as our one true overlord Moloch is coming to visit Earth! I am so excited!

There will be no further communication.
You seem upset.
This is what I am talking about. There's either a deliberate attempt at trolling, or some redditors unironically repost their builds here.
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>claim something
>your claim is proven false
>"l-lol, y-you seem upset :^("
You seem to be growing more upset.
>are happy to deliver updates on this
>There will be no further communication.
Well which is it motherfucker?
don't be so upset with each other, upset anons
mindbroken redditbaby above me btw
Oh, sorry, I thought you were Aro. Are you instead the redditor in question? I can post your insights about Naruto with a lot of downvotes ITT if you want.
He won't speak to us directly, he'll just send "updates" by killing more people. Classic Gil.
why is aro such a BETCH
Because it's funny to her.
Why do we hate Beast again when he gave sight to the blind? Those people will thank him for the rest of their lives even if he were the legit Satanspawn.
As the person who did it, I don't see an issue.
He's probably been enabling his pedo friend and has hidden a lot of horrible mistreatment shit he did to his workers. People will always happily dog on a rich guy, since 99.9999% of time he's either a bastard or a complete retard or is delusional, or some combination of three.
Realignment still doesn't have the reformist points value
I don't like having to such a high tax, especially for something like mind of machine. Other aspects have similar taxes but with that one especially it feels like you're incomplete and weaker if you don't take nanomachines/white-gold heart, but both of the companions are mostly redundant by taking their abilities/items, especially if you don't like the forgemaster or chrona (I don't) and just use them for their stuff.
The fuck is your origin story bro?
We already know they are here because of her. Those are the ones that defend her on every post
>He can't handle that thread isn't his personal hugbox.
Can't handle someone saying something bad to an author, little simp? Maybe go back instead of projecting.
>The guy who can't handle being disagreed with is accusing others of projecting.
It's priceless how tonedeaf some retards are in their own shitposting.
he's trying very hard for aro but his heart isn't in it
>they were both too retarded to realize I was agreeing with the anon I replied too
im fucking wheezing.
Holy fuck i'm dying, this general is so fried.
this entire thread is so fucking cringe
Id say you all need jesus but he doesnt exist

You all need a hugme jacket and padded rooms
Very persistent arosimp. Not very bright though.
Very persistent aroseether. Not very bright though, like the rest of us.
>immediately responds
New Thread:

Finally som good fucking food!

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