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Old Blood Angels Art Edition

>Balance Dataslate:

>Community Links:

>3rd Party Models Pastebin:

Info hash: d91d8b9daa9c5dc9105fc0ec09812cbc17a752b5

>10th Edition Rules:

>Tithes Animations

>Previous thread:

>Thread Question:
How would you advise someone getting into the Warhammer 40k side of the hobby?
I tell to go back in time to get all the actual good bundle deals.
>Thread Question:
Paraphrasing what an anon said and that is tell them to try reaper or wizkids miniatures instead of actually painting 40k minis.

I like the idea because by the time most are finished with their first reaper and/or wizkids model they have hopefully decided that the Warhammer 40k side of the hobby is not for them because they either don't like the hobby itself having tried it or having had a taste of cheaper models compared to GW pricing have decided to stay out. In a way it is gatekeeping, without being a dick.
Debating between mk 4 and 6 for starting alpha legion, also gonna pick up some custom shoulders
also what's a good way to do the metallic teal color
So are we really getting nothing until Spring 2025?
Biting the bullet and starting a 500p phobos project, Raven Guard or Raptors?
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what >>93912249 said. I've actually given this advice to a few people already.

Post models and WIPs. What'd you guys get done this weekend?
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Buy secondhand, focus on models and units you like the look of, start small, a couple units or a single deal box, don’t be a perfectionist. It will take years before you’re as good as a YouTube painter without prior practice. Make /yourdudes/ and don’t just go all in on a posterboy army.
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>new guy comes into LGS
>plays some games with us
>while playing he casually talks about being a cop and how the hobby helps him cope
>while he is on a toilet break and noone is watchin me and my friends break his miniatures and leave the store
Piggers need to learn that they aren't allowed near normal people
>buy shit resin models for like $5 each when you could buy high quality plastic for basically the same price
>only stipulation is that they come in a box of 10
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Tracks and a bajillion rivets, as well as some candles some serf forgot to clean up after a maintenance rite that are now stuck to the hull. Lenses and cameras next, then shading.
Neither. Exorcists.
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Pick a faction that has sculpts you enjoy. Buy one box of basic troops and a character. Paint them in your favorite colours. Don't stress about rules until after you've finished your first models. Don't stress about having your models be utterly perfect.
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>What'd you guys get done this weekend?
Built some Sternguard, built Company Heroes and made three Lieutenants from the Vets, and did a head/arm swap on Draxus to make a generic Inquisitor.
Unfortunately it's going to rain all week here so probably won't get to prime them any time soon.
Mantis warriors
Notbaddon coming along I guess. He looks better in person, a camera is a curse.

But looking forward to bringing him to LGT. If I for some reason win the lottery and end up on stream guess you can doxx the fuck outta me
>of all the things that didn't happen this didn't happen the most
Did everyone stand up and clap afterwards?
ah yes, modern GW sculpts being good. Good joke. Also characters are $30+ bare minimum even with a discount.
>cop and how the hobby helps him cope
cop about what?
You vil paint ze bugs
>ah yes, modern GW sculpts being good. Good joke.
You still going on about this huh faggot
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I finished up basing my Ruststalkers, and primed/base coated a Dunecrawler. The Transonic blades aren't super cleanly painted but I think they look good enough. I don't have the patience to redo them, and from table distance they look badass.

I think, if their interest seems strong for 40k, a better plan is to tell them to get one basic infantry box and paint that. That'll help them determine if they have the desire to paint more, and if they do, they'll have made real progress.
Looking forward to seeing this finished off, have you got any ideas for where you're gonna do you flame freehand sallyanon?
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1. dont even know what you're on about
2.Glad you agree with me.
On the sides and maybe some smaller stuff on the last shield. It’s got big armoured door covers for the flanks that provide a nice bit flat canvas. Been trying to work out a campaign badge or two.
Have you considered making more money or working harder so that something that is $30 that will take you more than a few hours to finish isn't a stressful sum of money for you?
Nah I'm sure it was a coincidence that last thread has some turbohomo promoting the same third party minis and calling them better than current GW sculpts, for sure.
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Setting aside the designs themselves, since taste is subjective, GW plastic is very nice. I don't love their pricing, or their business practices, but their plastic is durable and easy to work with. I've dropped models with very spindly bits from chest height and they've bounced without damage. Meanwhile, I've placed my hand at the wrong angle holding resin and it snapped and had to be pinned (with super glue, which took forever to set holding resin).
Should be sick sallyking, I really like the little elf shield as a detail too
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To add to this I may just do fake script on it in spots like my predator. Planning to run them together when painted fully.
>raven guard or green raven guard?
Barrel tips on the turret are very flavourful
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Started on this guy, hope to finish it off tonight
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Contrast/speedpaints over a black to silver drybrush/zenithal is pretty nice. I've also used the gw gemstone paints with decent success like in pic related
>sallyfag's in the game
I wanna see more of our homebrewfags post their chapters ingame
How’d you do the starry sky shield?
Marry Christmas to you too
>I haven't lost it, it's right over there!
It's not too big of a pain. Basecoated black and then stippled in random patterns with overthinned nagarroth night, then with 50:50 nagarroth night:genestealer, then genestealer, then 50:50 genestealer:pallid wych. After all that wrap the rest of the mini in plastic wrap and load a toothbrush or old brush with very stiff bristles and flick paint at the shield until you get your stars
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>How would you advise someone getting into the Warhammer 40k side of the hobby?
Often times I hear people say go for the start collecting style things like combat patrol or even the main edition box sets like leviathan, and I agree that for value most of the times they are great.
But I'm not sure if anyone else is like me and struggles to focus their mind on the projects they embark on.
Years ago in my late teens for christmas I got my family to all help getting the odd item for a Dark Eldar army, and by christmas day I had a big box with a whole bunch of stuff for my army. I got around to building a few things but I still needed a few paints and at the time I had studies ongoing as well and I tend to lose interest in things as I gain a new found obsession with another game or hobby, and the Dark Eldar stuff was just sat in a box for a couple of years. I knew I'd always love 40k and come back to it but I eventually decided to sell the sealed stuff on when I needed some money.

The next time I came back to the hobby, I started small. Got the brushes and paints I needed and bought a single miniature, assembled it, took my time painting it, and then when I was happy with it moved on to my first squad continuing the same process.
I dont know if others are as scatterbrained as I am, but if you're anything like me I'd try that. Pick an army, start small with a character or a squad, finish it and slowly build up that way. It might not be as efficient as buying the value boxes but it could end up saving you money if you were to lose interest and then have a ton of stuff you dont want lying around. Little by little you'll amass the same large army you'd have either way and you'll avoid burnout
It’s sanguinalia heretic.
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Got shit all done, needing to repass multiple layers everytime fucking sucks, green either doesnt cover well or needs to be watered down to not clumb, I should start using speedpaints
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The Dunecrawler, a bit customized with a dominus in it. Tried to do a strong gradient with the base coat, hoping it looks good when it's done.
Looks pretty cool I am only painting for one year now and air brushes kinda scare me, it seems like so much can go wrong and you need to buy so many different things but the results are so nice.
Also you can save money on rattle cans I guess?
They're really not all that complicated as they might appear
Yeah but you need space, a box, a ventilated room, a compressor, the brush, product to clean the brush, product to fill the brush, the brush itself etc.
Spooky to me.
Nice blogpost but I ain't reading all that
stick to watching youtube shorts then secondary, was just replying to the TQ
Green paints are famously dogshit in terms of coverage you did this to yourself
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>finally give Winter Assault a try
>Disorder campaign
>Orks and CSM friendly enough for leaders to be on a first name basis and tease each other
>lolwut, at least Gorgutz is funny
>missions design is all over the place and the difficulty curve might as well be a roller-coaster

Yeah, I can see why nobody cared about that one, even less than the first game.

Blood for the Blood God in particular gave me a meltie. Having me try to mind control guardsmen and bring them to base to be sacrificed and summon a Bloodthirster is a cool idea, but the mind control ability is buggy as shit, doesn't work most of the time and when it does there's a serious chance the game bugs out and some chaos unit decides to kill the guardsmen just because. Since there's a quita to meet and a limited number of the dudes it's easy to just be soft locked into a defeat even if you "win", and fuck you if you already played that mission for over an hour.

Are the other 2 expansions better? I know they're more arcade-y, but if they're at least not a buggy mess with convoluted victory conditions it might be worth the time.

>not /tg/
yeah, my bad.
>Years ago in my late teens for christmas I got my family to all help getting the odd item for a Dark Eldar army, and by christmas day I had a big box with a whole bunch of stuff for my army. I got around to building a few things but I still needed a few paints and at the time I had studies ongoing as well and I tend to lose interest in things as I gain a new found obsession with another game or hobby, and the Dark Eldar stuff was just sat in a box for a couple of years. I knew I'd always love 40k and come back to it but I eventually decided to sell the sealed stuff on when I needed some money.
Brother, this entire paragraph is wholly unnecessary to the context of the TQ. You're just rambling about your life story and none of that helps a beginner in any way
Yeah but the end result will be nice I am sure of it, the process is just tiresome.

I fucking love winter assault, it got me into Warhammer.

>the Basilisk mission
I should have painted my new Cadians in the Winter assault camo but it sadly doesn't translate well into the figures.
I dunno ask /v/
Was that book good?
How do guardfags cope?
Well damn anon if you're buying the brush twice I can see why you would think it complex
>How would you advise someone getting into the Warhammer 40k side of the hobby?
I led friendos paint some side faction models at my place, if they like it we play some killteam and if they also enjoy that they usually start buying their own shit anyways. I only suggest them to not buy everything at once to not get overwhelmed.
Reminder; The Eldar can get bent.
Dark Crusade is kino. Soulstorm is alright but it does have the better mods imo.
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I never said that I am smart
Did anyone of you ever buy something off warhammerart.com?

I thought about getting something nice in framed canvas, but it isn't cheap so I am worried about the quality
Black armor, yellow trim, maximum phobos (doctrine doesn't say yes, but it also doesn't say no).
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I like most of you guys better :)
Nope but you could more than likely find a local printshop to do it for you for cheap.
Don't give a shit about raven guard normally but maybe I would if they were black+white+yellow instead of just being black+white
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Is Abaddon the best Chaos model? He looks pretty cool bros
I accept your concession blogposter
I bought the epic 40k blood angels blanche art off them, it's a nice quality print and it came with a certificate for the people that care about that shit
I don't think any model can be the best as it's all subjective but abaddon is pretty rad
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nothing unfortunately, I've picked up a side gig on the weekends for the next couple months. In my continuing overhaul though I'm thinking about how I'd update this trukk i made in the mid 2000s. Anyone have any suggestions? It obviously needs a new paint job but I'm thinking a lot more paneling
Dios mio, mucho texto autismo
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saw some retard on twitter post this
fucking dogshit
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>going on twitter
No one cares fag.
>but their plastic is durable and easy to work with

True, but that's true for almost all the plastic minis on the market.
Some of GWs kits are still good, despite being semi-monopose. Kits like the Cadians with 3 build options per body (if you only follow the instructions ofc) are great. Stuff like Krieg or Blooded or the recent brood brothers with the extra sprue for KT options are (strictly looking at the parts of the kits) still great. If GW would do all their minis in that spirit, I would be a happy customer despite the price.
But then they release things like the cultists (should be a no-brainer for a flexible and versitale kit) and it's monopose - and almost entirely one-piece models.
Looks okay to me just needs a wash and drilled barrels.
For me it’s the chaos chosen sergeant with the Loki horns.
I, too, remember my early models. Your point is?
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Kinda like this?
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>Hey guys I just played Space Marine 2 and I want to get int-
I can see through your ruse
this is your model and you want people to be contrarian and praise it when you shit on it
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I'd have to pick Ghaz's model, either the new or old one.
How the fuck am I supposed to fight Tau when they can delete all my important shit turn one?
Jokes on you faggot I play thousand ons and I'm into painting trim
Hide, deep strike, seethe.
Are you playing on boards with tons of open space and fire lanes?
I like Bel and Vash a bit better among the big boy models, but Abby is pretty cool too. All in all the new DPs are my favorite models, though; good model and very modular.
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>Chaos model
Dis grot's dumb, even fer an Ork
Try playing on a board that is fit for purpose
fuck off to plebbit
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>using newish synthetic with sharp tip
>do 3 (three) coats of metallics
>rinse and wash brush with brush soap immediately
>brushtip deforms and hooks immediately after touching the model
>leading to mistakes
Brushes are the most frustrating part of the hobby
Play against someone who doesn't play like a geed.
My favorite chaos model is the Plague Hulk.
Every fishfucker needs to be chemically castrated so that they don't reproduce
The little fella popping out the hatch and the banner is pretty qt
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kill yourself negroidal faggot
It's totally passable for being unfinished it really just needs a wash. Have considered not being miserable for once in your life
Best model of each superfaction?
>Space Marines
yeah, the nigger is unironically retarded
many such cases
Big E (genderbent with big boob)
stripper SOBS
Slaanesh (forma de trap)
monster girl nids.
Painting trim is fun if you have the right workflow. It's only a real pain if you do it absolutely last, starting with your trim and filling in the panels is pretty forgiving.
>But SM aren't folded into "imperium"
subtle baitpost is baitpost
>Space marines
The one you're most excited to paint
The one you're most excited to paint
The one you're most excited to paint
The one you're most excited to paint
Unless you use lacquer metallics
Moar dakka
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>make CEO of chas
>only thematically fits in 1/9th of the chaos legions
Seeing night lords, word bearers, iron warriors, etc run a black legion character is a humiliation ritual
You can still use lacquers for your trim if you paint your trim first. Pretty sure you need to varnish lacquers after painting anyways so you might as well do all your spraying in metallics and then blast varnish before moving to your flats
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Made slow but steady progress this weekend, finished building a kill rig, wartrike, and squigboss proxy concurrently. Also decided to repose and add bosspoles to the kill rig butcha boyz, so I can use them as beast snagga nobz for some savage orruks I got secondhand. Magnetized them, the wurrboy, and the squigboss so I can interchange models as needed. Started basing the squigboss
>space marines and Imperium separate
>Xenos all lumped in as one
Shit listing. Anyways,
>Rogal Dorn
>Demon Prince
They use the same color coding for their companies as the ultramarines do, so the number of dudes who just wear black and white is relatively small.
NPC ancillary factions don't need their own listings
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They're simpler than you'd think. You can buy a cheap starter set with a compressor and airbrush for under 100usd, and beyond that all you really need is a bottle of cleaner fluid and an old box to spray into. Acrylics aren't toxic, so you don't need a vent hood or mask, and they don't stay as fumes in the air, they are fully dry by the time they hit the box you are spraying into.

It doesn't just save money on rattlecans, it also saves tons of time base coating vehicles and even infantry. You can tape off big blocks of color, or just spray to get the rough colors down and go back to touch it up later. I used it to paint my Ruststalkers legs and arms silver over the black base coat, then touched up the black of their suit afterward. Pic sort of related, I used an airbrush and some mesh netting to make a cool grid on my pteraxii's wings, and to easily base coat the opposite sides different colors quickly.

If you decide to take the plunge, just don't get the ones with the "portable" battery compressor, get a real one that plugs into the wall.
You really shouldn't be saving pictures of little girls in leotards on your hard drive anon. Also abbaddon is just a big ebil space marine he doesn't really have any details that wouldn't fit in any of ther other legions
All the lore shit is irrelevant if the army ends up looking kino
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>needing GW favoritism to be cool
I should really build and paint that other box of terminators I got for Christmas.
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Suck my cock
>Drop Pod
>Tariana Palos
>AoBR Warboss
Never been a fan of special effect parts but the hex pattern on the wings is really cool anon
anon please finish your piss marines (mixed with period blood)
I like the fire Anon
What do you think of the Black Legion /tg/? Are they just the Chaos Ultramarines?
Yes, and nothing wrong with that.
Really I dont mind them as is, I just dont like how they are the base for every other traitor marine legion. Chaos upgrade sprues would actually be popular instead of the same neutered shit loyalist marines fucking get.
I like how bold your yellow is anon. I think a recess shade around all your splash colour details of the wash you used for your yellow would really neater up things quite a bit
I was worried when you went with the glaive instead of the scythe, but it looks good painted. Well done
You can just make a custom guy themed to your force on the same size base, anon. What are you, a hobbylet? Make the Iron Warrior half-man-half-dreadnought of your dreams.
They're cool. Painting black is an intermediate skill check so generally black legion armies tend to be painted fairly nicely compared to other subfactions in chaos. It's neat having them be undivided too cause it let's people add subtle details tied to any of the chaos gods leading to an interesting looking force on the table
Cheers, its honestly been years since i've painted Imperial Fists and can't quite remember how i painted them. I think it's just Wraithbone and then a layer of Yriel Yellow and Flash Gitz Yellow. Think the shade was just Agrax. Really should clean up the rest of the boys though.
Are you using treebark for your rocks or something else anon? I really like the texture of them. Also cape looking buttery smooth so far
Lacquers are far more durable so varnish isn't really necessary
They turned out great anon, if you decide to go back to them I look forward to seeing them posted here
Yeah, its treebark. I used to use cork but I could never really disguise it well enough for me to not just still see it as such

Thanks babe
damn that mesh effect is fucking great, what's a starter set you would recommend?
is there a /40kg/ approved tier list of gear?
If thats the case then there's zero reasons why you can't do your lacquer trim first.
>projecting your pedophilia onto the rest of us
The vast majority of the population wouldn't find anything even vaguely sexual about that image, but apparently it's the first thing that comes to your mind? You need to have a good long look in the mirror, and consider that maybe you are the problem.
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Why no miniature??
I really like the weapons. My fav model is the one on the far right.
Dead mean aren't liable to get models.
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The treebark is great, but if you're ever looking for another option, you can grab raw unprocessed cork sheets or tubes from reptile supply stores and it has all the same working properties as the bulletin board material, but has more natural shapes. Just remember to bake it like any natural material to get rid of any buggos
Finish your backlog, cretin
He's not *that* big.
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I put some shas'o Rymr bits onto farsight.
i really like this kit, suspended shoulders aside.
cheers again, they're the Space Marine Heroes Terminators line very fun models. I also got the normal SM Heroes set as well. I think these guys got the traditional averland sunset scheme but i didnt like how dark it was so swapped to the brighter yellows. Been thinking about making a Kill Team with them sometime.
Chest needs to be filled out a bit imo but he's pretty cool so far
Should I buy a sealed Carnis Rex for 50 bucks? My friend is selling one.
I do not play Knights at all.
Buy it, paint it fairly quickly and effectively, then flip it on ebay to buy something you're actually excited about
Buy it and smash it up for a diorama.
>buy it and then proceed to destroy it's resale value by painting it
this place really is full of galaxy brain idiots
I was more thinking about putting lights into it to make it a display piece, should be easy with such a big unit
How cancer is it to paint a Knight without an airbrush?
Yeah not a bad shout. I'm forcing myself to do something different for my current WIP army in the form of ruined cathedral sort of thing but I'll bear it in mind if I need to add more stuff to my CSM
I've never painted one, but I'd expect if you use this method it wouldn't be too bad.
Thanks! I checked the package, the mesh I used was Mosquito netting meant to be put over a hat, if you want to recreate the effect. I just base coated the wings silver, pulled it tight over the wing, and sprayed black over that. It's a little sloppy in places but it looks good from a distance.

The Airbrush set I bought and recommend as a starter is on Amazon as "Professional Master Airbrush Multi-purpose Gravity Feed Airbrushing System Kit", currently going for almost 100 even (inflation I guess, I got mine a couple years ago).

I've since upgraded my brush to an Iwata Eclipse, using the same compressor. I recommend just using the starter airbrush til you decide if you want to get fancier (and til you learn to clean it properly) it'll serve perfectly fine for basic stuff like priming, base coating, etc, and let you experiment without worrying about breaking anything (the starter airbrush can be replaced for like, 20 bucks or less).

Fair enough, I tend to overestimate the size of space Marines, since I don't play against them often.
Started on the termies I got myself for my birthday, painted the teleport beacon today & started on the sergeant
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there's something about grot tanks and mega tanks that makes it so appealing.
The exaggerated features like big snub barrels and huge turrets and giant reads all in a small compact vehicle size is pretty cool.

Probably be easy to find off-brand toy tanks and convert them to grot tanks.
Anons your models look so good fuck I have anxiety now about painting my CSM black legion… how do I git gud at painting?
Practice. Relentless drive.
Practice my man


More Fucking Practice
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Basecoated a tson today. Will have to do some cleanup tomorrow
funny you say that
I've seen a whole bunch of people convert chibi tanks particularly Meng tanks to make grot tanks, but i don't think I've seen anyone ever convert a mega tank.

that looks sick, is the thing on his head a print?
He is cool.
But I still want to get his model and then convert it into a loyalist captain/chapter master.
nah, it's vanilla out of the box
Practice yes, but also actually learning on how to get better. Look up painting videos and stuff, and then implement some new stuff. You'll be surprised how much better you can paint than you think with a little change in approach.
Cos you learn to take care of your brushes and invest in some decent brush soap
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No tool will replace training muscle memory. Jump in with both feet and practice mindfully as well as regularly and you'll end up with a cool army
Practice purchasing better brushes
Old model is too smol for Ghaz nowadays, but works as generic mega-armor warboss.
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Synthetics will hook even if you take decent care of them. I think the way to go is use cheap synthetics as workhorses for basecoating, washing etc and get one or two quality sables to use for detailwork
Hello, I have a question about chaos space marines, specifically their 3rd edition codex. I understand that I'm only allowed to have one chaos lord as an HQ. I got a whole bag of old-school chaos space marine models second-hand the other day and there was both a chaos space marine lord in there and what I can only assume is an old metal raptor which I wanted to use as a chaos lord with a jump pack. If I can only use one of those models in my army at a time, which one is more fun? A chaos lord on foot with a retinue of chaos space marine veterans or a chaos lord with a jump pack acting independently? I know that chaos lords can be sorcerers too. Are jump pack sorcerers fun?
Orks are pretty chaotic.
There is barely any order in their "society".
Eldar are only cool when they have frizzy hair.
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By adding grey or buying warpaints fanatic.
What's wrong with the brush tho?
Ngl I'm normally pretty cynical when it comes to new paintings but I've really enjoyed all the fanatic stuff I've tried so far
It just goes on the model, like hammerite.
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You hit the lawyer, delete the gym, Facebook up and just paint the tank
Qt tonks
I really like the way you shade the tanks so that it isn't a mass of flat green.
Watching scale military modellers do their thing is pretty useful, wouldn't apply a lot of it but basic modulation does make panels look a bit nicer
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Basecoats done, this was not a pleasant experience
I will do more coats of the different greens after shading with washed down nuln oil
It splits, and hooks, making it touch places with color it shouldn't touch.


I have tritart brush soap and isopropanol, it's just the fucking metallics fucking up the synthetics.

Yeah, one of my biggest issues is that I become impatient or rush things and then I make mistakes, or even worse, I use a dirty workspace, hair and other floaties like dust grains fall into my drying paint and fuck up my miniatures.
I like the bright steel on the barrels a lot anon, I think it adds some nice contrast
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>Tfw the runes feel tingly
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I gave mine a fuck huge axe from yiff dread
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All synthetics split and hook, some faster than others, but they are so cheap that they're easily replaceable. Buy a 50 pack of synthetics in a size you enjoy using and allocate 10 to metallics, 10 to washes and the rest as basecoat brushes. Never buy name brand synthetics, they just aren't good enough for what you fet and your money would be better spent on tonnes of chinesium brushes and a couple nice ones
Thank you anon, I also think its looking nice, but I will drybush atleast the tip darker with black to make it look like there's scorching and powder residue.
Painting nocturne green over silver is a fucking nightmare, I will see how it will look after shading.
>anon discovers that different people can have different opinions on media
In other news a second plane has hit the towers
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Finished this little test scheme boy. If I can get a hold of some more old orks I think I'll go for this.
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Muzzle burn is a blast to paint imo.
Glad you're painting more ork stuff purpleanon, he a qt
In other news Space Marine 2 is simultaneously an excellent game to experience and also a very frustrating game that has too many small problems for me to recommend it until it gets more content and a steeper discount.
Save your money and time and buy and paint models instead.
he looks like a lucky dude
go back to /v/
go back up your mom's ass with the rest of the fetid turds
How rare is it for an astartes lieutenant to talk to a custodian? Like, just in passing during or before/after a battle?
Rare, unless it's concerning orders given by said custodian. A lieutenant is a nobody, a custodean is a big deal. Or atleast they used to be.
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No, I will go to /m/.
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Accounting for the last three years, what faction do you think has the oldest model range in the game now?
>Save your money and time and buy and paint models instead.
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I thought SM 2 was fun, nothing groundbreaking but it didn't need to be. A bit short maybe. Didn't have any real issues besides higher difficulties being pretty tough. I'm not as uber leet hax pro as I used to be.
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Okay, back from /m/. I'm now curious if any Tau use a purge feature.
Bought some second hand models and the seller threw in a bag of fake grass, how do I make it look like actual grass and not loose green hairs?
You'd need a static grass applicator to really make it stand up. They're quite pricey tho. You could just dip your gluecovered base in it but it will look a bit off.
40k needs an idol, maybe a vtuber.
But that's where the /v/otann are. I don't want to play looter shooter game.
There are already multiple vtubers milking the 40k train
Bricky you fuck stop inviting them into the hobby, the roach girl is too much already.
One of Fehervari's stories features a battlesuit pilot who is jetting around killing droves of tyranids, when a weapon runs out of ammo she purges it from the suit to gain more speed and reach higher heights with the thrusters.
There are plenty of vtuber whores who have jumped on the 40k bandwagon because of SM 2 and because the simps like the franchise which means more money.
My wife's normie ass friends have been talking about Warhammer 40K. It's already gone fucking mainstream. It's too late to put the genie back in the bottle.
Why do you want a digital prostitute to talk about 40k?
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haha it me
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We already have gunpla girls who paint warhammer.
I mean, if you're into the hobby you already have more money than sense so you're basically the ideal target to try to shake down..
>Avatar of Khaine dresses up as Magnus to make fun of him
>Matara is into Nids
>Melody is into Orks
>Nyan and Aethel are nominally into Black Templars
>Don't know what Zen is into
>Cotton plans to paint models soon
Love seeing my vtubers enjoy things I enjoy
Milk responsibly
Do you buy models that you find cool even if they suck/aren't meta? picrel, bought it as a collector only to find it is apparently the worst model in the codex
I dont buy anything with rules in mind
>>Matara is into Nids
I want to see a Nid in Matara
I own at least one of every model in my army for every faction I collect. I go back and get more of the ones I liked painting.
I'm never gonna get accursed cultists, no matter how meta they get, those models are butt ugly
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I buy whatever I think is cool regardless of whether it's meta/legends/bad in game. Buying models for rules is for fools except for rules of cool
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Huge Whore
Who? Probably a whore
A manwhore
We need based vtubers, not whores. Do such beings even exist?
I only buy models I like. I'd never waste the money, time, and effort to paint up a model I hate. e.g. these goofy fucks
>We'll never have a proper Devastator squad again
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shelf > tabletop
My autistic ass needs one of everything so of course I have models that aren't meta
What are you a fucking Mormon lmao. Vtubers make money by pandering to horny chatters, you cant be successful as a vtuber without making your avatar somewhat lewd
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>shades leave model too dark
>even when washed down
>drybrush leaves model too bright
Can’t win, I suck
I was just wondering because I wanted my successor chapter to have that as part of their future chapter master's story. Like, he was old enough to have seen the 4th Tyrannic war. During the conflict, he sees many of his battle brothers die, and he starts to lose a little faith. What is he fighting for if the Tyranids will just show back up somewhere else. Then, a custodian shows up for one reason or another and is on the same battlefield as this marine. The marine tries talking to him about this, and since custodians have super long lives, he gives this marine a ton of perspective on what they're fighting for, and how Guilliman returning means that the Imperium has a little bit of fight left in it. Basically that's what I'm going for, wondering if it's lore-accurate.
Always thought these little mfs were super qt
Looks fine, stop being autistic
I'd buy models I know are unlikely to see use if they weren't so expensive

Like.. I'd be down for turning up to an RTT with 3 lots of the DG fortification and just lining it 9" away from my opponent's deployment and saying have at it because I think some factions would hilariously struggle to kill them quick, but I'm not dumping 130 quid on a meme
I have no idea what vtubers are but it sounds like zoomer faggotry
Hit him with a matte varnish and the colours will mute down.

Also all-over washes are a meme unless you're doing oils
You want the secret sauce? Don't drybrush. Layer your highlights. Only shade the recesses. Use good matte varnish.
Who cares if it's lore accurate, it's /yourdudes/ fluff. None of your guys are canon, so stressing about whether your guys interactions are 100% lore accurate is a pointless endeavor.
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They're horny girls and sometimes boys who like showing pictures of them kissing other girls whom they share a boyfriend with.
U rite but u also a old bitch
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Yeah, idk about that chief, my biggest gripe is that my shades are just feeling fucking sticky, like they attract every fucking hair and dust piece and bind it into the mini, fucking ruining it
Me too, this is the main reason I'm not that interested in Primaris and the new marine units, to me they're too gamified instead of looking like a coherent army made out of foundational units and options. I liked it more when it was basically:
>Tactical squad
>Tactical squad with heavy weapons
>Tactical squad with jump packs
>Tactical squad with c-suite jobs

I hope the same doesn't happen to Chaos Marines.
but my shade changes the colors of the basecoats and makes the model a sticky mess, maybe I should take the speedpaint / contrast pill
That anon's advice is spot-on for learning to rely less on inks for your shading if you're not satisfied with how they're turning out. Inks are great but you don't have much control.
>Assault Intercessors
>Assault Intercessors with Jump Packs
>Intercessors with Plasma Guns (Hellblasters)
I cam see from your model that you haven't been painting long enough to pull off the paint job in your reply quite yet. If you're having problem with dust then store your minis in a sealed environment while they're wip, and rinse all of your brushes and palette before using them.
Shake your shade or get ones, maybe even from another brand. Contrast is fine but dont expect it to be a one and done sorta thing, use it like a shade. If stickiness persists a matte varnish will fix that
i appreciate this TQ
i wound up going to the hobby shop and bought a box of necron warriors although honestly im undecided. Necrons have a neat lore, but their army kinda lacks big units. The Skorpekhs, Lokhust Destroyers, Hexmarks, and the Spyder is all cool but their chaff units like Lychguard, Immortals and Warriors are all.. idk the weapons are neat but the rest is so boring. I'm hoping I can find a paint scheme to make it more fun. I don't want to seem like a basic bitch but Space Marines terminators and dreadnoughts seem so appealing. Or IG with their tanks but they're so expensive.
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I bought a Thanatar knowing I will never play 30k and it will never get 40k rules. It will sit on a shelf forever.
You know what, that's fair. I'm just being an ass and being pissy about desolators and go-karts.
Still cant believe these weapons are real.
I think I'm starting to get the stockholme syndrome, these don't look as bad as I remember them.
Luckily you can still buy firstborn if primaris are not to your taste. And even if they get legended it really doesn't matter outside of giant sanctioned tournaments
fires of cyraxus any day now
Noones holding a gun to your temple and forcing you to buy desolators or the atv. You can just buy the stuff you like as you always could
How is he keeping that daemon skull trophy corporeal? He isn’t a psyker
they give off big qt tochikoma vibes
I personally find it very funny they're still 200 for 5 when they are effectively just shittier lascannon marines now
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>take a break from 40k as work ramped up
>come back and general is full of people posting their minis instead of shitposting
Pretty cool change. Whens the next point update? I still have my full necron army done, but looking to dive back into my nids army and finish them before I start playing in person again.
Hoes love the boofhauler fr
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forgor pic
an ignored guest quickly leaves
rule #14
Likely after LGT, so beginning of October
>Whens the next point update?
I'm assuming quite a ways away. I like the gold on your spess skeltons tho anon
Glaze on your base coat into the non-recessed areas after you shade.
But you varnish it after you’re done painting, the issue is that the mini gets sticky when I am shading it, the shade is of a sticky consistency, idk why, I shake it, it’s Nuln Oil, in the videos it behaves like water, for me it behaves like very liquid but still viscuous glue with black dye in it

Yeah but I want to get to that level, it’s mind boggling though and irritating how much goes wrong
>good basecoats
>no fuck ups
>details all hit
>shade so you have a contrast where the different colors meet
>shade completely changes the mini
This was after the nuln oil had dried, the basecoats were smooth before, afterwards, you can see all the grainy texture and microscopic fibers that the nuln oil attracted and stuck to the mini, air floaties, its infuriarting, even when I repass it with color, the texture will stay, is my nuln oil a dud or is all nuln oil behaving like that?
Maybe you remember them like this.
Sounds like your nuln is a dud if it's not watery, mine doesn't do that and I paint in a dusty place with the windows open.
forgot to attach pic
Could be your pot of nuln is fucked. You could try stiring it to see if it helps. I myself dont use citadel shades since they have a tendecy to suck like yours ever since they changed the recipe. I use vallejo washes or oil, work like a charm every time.
I think invest into a warpaint fanatic set one of these days, I am hearing and reading only good stuff about it, but it could be paid shills
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dunno, have a tank commander
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Base coat the model with leadbelcher. Then spray a dark blue or purple contrast from below, and a light blue/teal contrast from above.

Very easily done. Don't brush the contrast on it'll look shit. Consider also watering down the contrast slightly with *water*. It will give the paint a more matte effect and mute the natural glossiness of contrast.
I can attest that every color I've tried has been infinitely better than their old range
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Sounds like you got a weird pot. I paint using nuln oil all the time with no issues and I have a large bird that creates loads of dust and airborne floaties and my house is 80+ years old and full of dust to begin with
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>I like the gold on your spess skeltons tho anon
Thanks. Thats an old pic because ive got the army in delicate storage right now in the back of my cupboard.
how are marines supposed to get inside the bunker?
Fanatic soft tone is really nice and I've really enjoyed their new metallics
Yeah man lawless societies are so cool how dare cops enforce the law. I should just be able to steal, murder and rape whenever I want with no consequences. Oh and also damage people's property whenever I want.

BTW since you don't believe in cops I'm coming to your house with 20 of my mates. Since you wouldn't do anything silly like call the "piggers".
>grest job drybrushing the stone
>does not drybrush the energy beams
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I want to know if a titan-sized leaf-blower would be effective against infantry.
They can't? Tau hit like a wet noodle they suck ass.

Also learn to deploy properly retard.
Lol you're fucking pathetic.
Ah I will get the ultimate set when I see it on sale then, should be good for a few years with it
The energy beams is a really old pot of the hexwraith flame (before it was remade as a contrast). I think it turned out fine on the void dragon but ended up looking lazy on the other two.
>all these dogshit paint jobs
>people literally afraid of airbrushes
>retards following fuddlore and varnishing their models, destroying them forever
>ignorance everywhere
Is this entire board 12 years old? How can people be so shit at warhammer in the age of the internet?
post your models
>replying to negative effort bait
kill yourself
uh oh the bootlicker has a meltie
post your models
Custodes players, I summon you.

Tell me: are the resin dreadnoughts worth it? I want an Achillus, but I don't know how fast they are removed from the table.
>varnishing models destroys them forever
What? What kinda varnish are you using? After a while in [THE JAR] even the thickest layer of varnish has come off my models.
And come on anon some of the paintjobs here are alright. There must be one or two in the thread you find acceptable.
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That is the lowest effort bait anon, just chill and ignore the tourist posts
I made this image in valverave threads on /a/ over 10 years ago. damn time flies.
Man imagine how awesome ctan would be if they were fembots with plump asses.
>It's the cuntodes defender
Lmao choke on corpo cock
One side has a door. Also its supposed to have deep strike because you shoot it into the ground from space but it doesn't because fuck you we don't want it to be useable.
Not a custode player, but your army is so low model count you might as well include the stuff you think is cool.
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Yeah bro I'll just doxx myself while ripping on you faggots. Rest assured they aren't dogshit like what I am seeing itt.

It's not bait I am serious people in this thread need to learn to paint.

Way too heavy on the drybrush on the rocks, washes on the energy too thick, no highlighting....awful
Local man dumps entire pot of unthinned agrax earthshade on a tank instead of recess washing, destroys model
THICCCCCC prime, no shading, just yellow

I mean this list goes on.
Rolled 4, 1, 5, 3, 2, 4, 1, 3, 5, 1, 4, 1, 5, 5, 1, 5, 3, 6, 1, 6 = 66 (20d6)

Rolling to wound /yourshittydudes/
No save. Deleted. Get rekt kid
>Muh doxx
No models faggot lmao
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My response is the same when some faggot comes up to me unprompted in the store and starts critiquing my shit
Buy me the paints and I'll do it bitch
I want this as a Power Weapon.
Keep reviewing the models, things were getting too friendly in here anyhow.
Alright, pulling the trigger. Thanks anon.
You’re absolutely correct but try not being a dick about it. This is generally life advice.
Uh oh orange and teal sloppafag melty
Keep dreaming

Lmao what an amazing cope! Too poor to paint properly? LMAO.

You're not failing due to a lack of paints you're failing due to a lack of skill.
Do Tree Sentinel Custodes.
What are you talking about? That fag falls directly under the shitty painter banner.
You aren't as subtle as you think
You are a schizo. Get help.
Uh oh orange and teal sloppafag melty
Another schizophrenic. I was directly criticising tealfag.
I swear this place is infested with bots.
>N-No I'm not him look I was vaguely critical of him!!!
Shameful attempt, orange and tealfag
>Yeah bro I'll just doxx myself
This idea that posting a model=self doxxing has long been debunked.
You won't get doxxed as long as you aren't a retard that has a package with your name/address in the background.
>vaguely critical
I said he was a shitty painter.
My god I’m taking a break til next thread due to your stupidity.
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Christmas paint scheme, boxing day hangover paint job
A face that needs to go into the AHHHHHHHHHHH compilation:
I actually sympathise with this one because non-metallic paints over metalic basecoats is pure cancer. You get a pass but next time use a different technique.
My brother in christ please buy an airbrush they are like $200 for an entire kit from china. If you can afford warhammer you can afford an airbrush.
Chaos trim is my favorite part of the hobby desu.
This is bullshit I've literally posted models on /tg/ before and had people call me by my first name in the replies.

40k is a social game, post models with care. Don't respond to bad actor "post models" bait.
I like orange/blue as a color scheme
Old resin pile of pain or the new plastic that is not so painful?
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Neat when did this start?
I didn’t know you played warhammer mr Michael Bay.
im just gonna go with MK IV for alpha legion and i might have like a squad with MK VI
is there anything i could do for an omegan model? i was thinking of running 2 chaos lords using the alpharius model as 1 and omegan as the other
are there neat options for like chosen or terminators i could do to keep everything on flavor
i know im already getting carried away but i really like alpha legion and im excited to paint again
So you’re just a pussy who can’t stand by the shit he says with his name? Afraid your friends will find out that you’re an asshole when you think you’re anonymous? Interesting critter,
post models
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Keep going
none of this is even remotely applicable other than sallyanon having christmas marines
this is beyond low effort bait
I get it. I’m warhammer famous and can never respond to post models except with bare plastic against a white wall.
orange and teal is illegal
Post your models then faggot with a face shot and your real name.
Based reviewer
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Nobody told me to stop, so I made a 'half-Eldar' Inquisitor.
The fact you are OK with these paint jobs is why you people need to be insulted. You've been spending too much time on reddit.
nobody cares about your continued melty, zoomzoom
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Post models dipshit. I bet yours are pure cancer, boomboom.

What? Afraid of some critique? Thought so.
>I said he was a shitty painter
Yes, vaguely critical
I take it back, you aren't him
You're a tourist from the new vidya release otherwise you'd be able to provide actually critiques on shitty models not present in the thread
My models are in this thread and pretty sure that people who know me and played me recognize them lmao

review fag wont even post his painting material because he’s a no model noskill secondary retard who keeps watching paintjob videos on youtube and his neetbux won’t pay for plastic
Almost as bad as the guy roleplaying a felinid rogue trader in /40krpg/.
Well done.
Sallyanon is king
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Last model I finnished working on some rought riders rigth now.
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Is this orange and blue?
Ok buddy. Let’s talk about frozen flames anon RIP
>Look I lurked during the culture war tourist event as well as the ongoing Vidya tourist event I'm totally a heckin based primary with thousands of models
NTA but literally who.
No answer would have satisfied you, you absolute meltie
>Almost as bad as the guy roleplaying a felinid rogue trader in /40krpg/.
I won't settle for 'almost'. Tell me more so that I may improve.
Then there's something on you. Or you're making shit up. I've cropped my images in an image editor so they don't get rotated by the 4chinz website and posted my models here before and I'm just fine.
I didn't debunk it, anon. It has been debunked a long time ago and is a meme pushed by bad actors trying to sow paranoia in these threads. So again as long as you're not leaving packages with your name and address around then you should be fine.
>except with bare plastic against a white wall.
This is the safest approach to posting models if you really want to post models but are afraid of big doxx. 4chan already removes a lot of data from your images to keep you anonymous and cropping your images before posting helps too.
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Out of nowhere, like the tabards and robes the Dark Angels wear, I want to drape a the outer layer of power armor with something like this. But I am a pussy and a wuss without sculpting abilities and don't know how to 3D print one either.
>calling people a meltie
>spelling it meltie
you're such a blatant tourist it's adorable
blue/grey and orange?
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More reviews please
>review fag wont even post his painting material because he’s a no model noskill secondary retard who keeps watching paintjob videos on youtube and his neetbux won’t pay for plastic
Keep dreaming mate, whatever helps you cope with dogshit tier painting.

Some of the work in this thread makes me thing half of /40kg/ is under the age of 18. As in, you'd have to have an underdeveloped brain to be able to paint like that.
uh oh tourist melty
oh my god shut the fuck up no one cares
Well he was actually GMing but not much more to be said. It’s over the edge of plausibility.
This, don’t quit now you fucker.
uh oh hit a nerve here, post material poorfag
>No answer would have satisfied you
Because you're incapable of providing a real one, you caught one buzzword name during the custodes meltdown and tried to pretend you knew about him yet can't even talk about the regulars in these threads unless their models are in this current one
You're so pathetically transparent
Post models then loser you won’t
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Scale mail stuff should be pretty forgiving even as a beginner sculptor. Just make sure you sculpt out the underlying shape first and let it cure and you'll have something to press against come time to do your scales
Get a load of this newfag cope holy shit
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Disappointing then, have the crappy model and several Lieutenants.
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No you post YOUR models
>everyone opposed to me arrived yesterday except for me, who can’t even post modes
lmao you’re not able to post anything cause you don’t have it
what? you’re gonna get doxed because you post your air brush?
stupid secondary
I like your bases anon
I won't post them you'll dox me ;)
Damn, I hope you didn’t buy the entire ranger kit just for that one head. They’re like gold on bits sites.
>maybe if I zoom out really far they won't see:
>thiccccc "edge" highlights
>babby's first yellow
>uneven hazard striping

Nah but very nice army overall. My condolences though deathwatch fan.
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Doing some Nobz and a few random assorted infantry models I left unpainted for a while, like my metal tankhammer bustas.
thanks it's just a very thin layer of vallejo texture paste drybrushed with PA tan flesh and VMC desert yellow
We are in dire need of more reviews.
>I refuse to post models because I own none but I'll demand everybody else to do so
Kill yourself tourist
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I think your inquisitor is pretty neat anon
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Unless we get more reviews I'll do it myself.
Nah it's just a spare head.
I got a SoB squad a while back for Kill Team and now that the Compendium's getting deleted I figured I could ally them into Marines, and an Inquisitor leading them rounded out the points nicely. The whole half-Eldar thing is just for fun.
I was kinda worried the head wouldn't fit on right. Draxus has a weird peg for her neck.
Yellow and blue orks look so good imsurpised I don't see more people with them
The blue and white stripe is a nice touch anon, good shit
I care. I think it is funny when nomodels make excuses for why they won't post models.
Just be honest and own that you don't have models and are just here because you like 40k lore or you're here because of new 40k vidya.
I saw it happen in the Kill Team General where an anon admitted he has no models, came from SM2 and is making a list of models to order. It was a breath of fresh air.
>Thumbnail implies that these models are dogshit
>Whole video is sucking off the new Sanguinor and "I'm a little iffy on the new Sanguinary Guard"
Why are content creators such milquetoast fags? I wanted to see someone actually be mad about these shit models. I really hope Duncan does another Torqumada type video where he makes better versions of the Sanguinor and SG.
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Anytime I do a headswap on a kit with a strange neck port I just fill it in with GS out of habit. If I need to drill it out later to fit I'd rather do that then fuss with getting a head to sit where I want in a weird shaped hole
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Thanks I use it to mark the officers the rest have a single color stripe
9/10 solid base coating and colour selection.
4/10 brushed base coat, subpar “conversion” work
6/10 nice weathering if a bit overdone, force blade STILL not painted a proper colour, tired water basing with unrealistic water colour
7/10 nice work if a bit flat. Great-tier basing. Model overall doesn’t show off your full skill
5/10 uninspiring
5.5/10 odd skin tone and wonky eyes. Underdeveloped highlights, but ok overall
8/10 so far, looking good, but odd colour for the legs
3/10 so far. Don’t use real chain. It looks shit. Use flexible resin chains
7/10 interesting colour work and stenciling but model falls flat
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>mfw no White Scars like this
>I wanted to see someone actually be mad about these shit models.
I fail to see what's remotely entertaining about choosing to expose yourself to pointless seething
always the doxx excuse but still unable to even post some glue
fucking australian shitposters
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Fuck forgot to crop the picture
Why did you give my very unfinished warbikes a 9/10?
I appreciate it but still
6/10. Decent review but it doesn't have the spice of the last one. Try to be more harsh please.
Very tidy anon, would happily play against a force done to this standard
I like orks and I can’t spot a fault with it so far
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Do it, I am bored of the newfags and their seething. I've critiqued most that need critiquing. the rest are pretty good.

Except this one. Jesus christ cunt thin shit down a bit holy fuck.
I am torn on this because it's high effort but honestly there are some major flaws. I think the detail and highlighting is fine but this person really should look into getting an airbrush to move forward. If those base greens and reds were airbrushed, and with some effort put into gradients on the green and red with said airbrush, this would quickly turn into top notch work. The skill is there but the technique is not. Also consider using black legion to do the joints and so on as they're just left red on a lot of models and that detracts a lot from the scheme. Some edge highlights on the green and red are needed.
Congratulations you ruined a sicaran. God it's like the easiest model to edge highlight ever and you have virtually none. You've done chips on the edge but no highlights of them either. And same for recess washing.

Some of the better paint jobs in this thread though:
This could be vastly improved by adding some highlights to the chipping. Use a brighter contrasting paint and put little dots on the edges of the chipping like peeled paint. Rocks are dogshit though, disgusting overbrush. Wipe more paint off the brush when you drybrush.
Clean necron, out of focus.
This is nice work but I recommend giving up on painting eyes. Use the same techniques and just don't actually paint the eyes. The one on the right looks fine though so if you can repeat that, good luck to you. Fuck painting that much detail on guardsmen though.
These are quite nice but lacking in highlights.
No way the lamenters dread is 6/10. I mean i hate women too but this is just silly.
Didn't ask but thanks
Fair enough I guess
Lamenters gets a -1 for pretending to be a woman.
I won’t bother reviewing the rest of the thread. You all get a blanket 6/10
>didn't get reviewed
Probably a good thing but still a bit sad.
Thaks I'm slowly building my way to 2000pts
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They hate us because they anus
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When are they going to add stormtroopers to Imperial Agents so I can have a good unit to proxy the motherfucking SOLAR AUXILIA
Why do you want to get reviewed by a nomodel secondary who doesn’t even paint himself?
I'm bored and lonely.
Couldn't you proxy SA as scions?
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How Kriegers and Cadians manage a negative K:D vs underequiped militia with zero training will never cease to be astonishing
I'd rate it 4/10 it's fucken trash. Thick paints, chipping overdone. Horrible.
Yeah but I want to use them as agents in my other armies. God please don't make me start a 4th fucking army
I thought we got them in the RT box
Which is yours?
the orange and teal ones
Could proxy them as sisters. They're both vaguely human sized
paint autists are impossible to please don't interact with them
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I have models.
>who doesn’t even paint himself
Great job proving that anon correct
Telling you kinda makes it less fun
I don't use transports because I don't want to buy an airbrush.
You’re not getting my painted models. What do you think those wires are for? What’s that - you don’t subassemble? lol
shading is for faggots
post your paint pots
is the back banner on sternguards a wargear option or just a customization option
Jeez no wonder why so many people are hesitant about posting models here
>You’re not getting my painted models
You don't have any painted models
I know I'm going to do an awful job painting my dudes but I'm going to post them anyway when I finally finish
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Ignoring baitposters isn't hard. Just post your stuff and ignore the meltdowns people are having over your plastic spacemen and the thread is much more tolerable
I'd post more but I've spammed my stuff too much already. I don't wanna annoy you all with my shit every thread.
boo hoo
Unfortunately there's a reason the game demands so many large foam tourney sanctioned L shapes

40k doesn't function without them anymore
They didn't until the chaos marines showed up.
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>We're doing reviews
>I havent painted a 40k model in a bit (currently working on some mandrakes)

Will review-anon be fine with an AoS ghool? Always happy to hear some feedback.
You should post your stuff more often mechanicanon, it's always a treat seeing it
Don't think I'll bother again, apparently I take too long to paint or something so I'm not going to post unless I have an entire squad or a vehicle finished, or just nit post at all
Then shitpost in peace my friend.
Favorite incompetent guard moment was from The Wicked and the Damned. It's a typical story of a bogged-down guard advance against traitor lines where tens of millions of guardsmen die in pointless mass bayonet charges over miles of no man's land and other stupidity. We're given to believe that the commander of the regiment is supremely incompetent or possibly even compromised. However, it's slowly revealed over the course of the story that the 'traitors' are, in fact, another arm of the Guard. The problem is, the commanders of both armies have realized that it doesn't matter who made the first mistake or fired the first shot. The first person to admit to it will be blamed for it and they and every single soldier under them will be tortured and executed wholesale, along with any family they have.
Sallyanon is my inspiration there, he gives zero fucks, honestly inspired me to start posting pictures.
I like your skintone a lot, personally i think the red is a little too saturated on the gums and wingy bits but that's pretty subjective. Still very nice model anon
I'd like to see the models of the person who is critiquing everyone, given the language and images he's using I feel like it's the poster that would always post those commissioned blood angels models that aren't even his
I have zero hesitation about posting my models. I just don't have anything new to post that I haven't already or they're not 40k related.
Yeah I'm not mechanon but I dont mind seeing his stuff.
Sallyanon is truly the hobbyist most worthy of respect in this thread. Posts models, games, WIP, and critiques/compliments that are constructive and not just shitflinging
Im glad you think so anon. With the red I think its a bit of a lighting issue. The red really pops in the super saturated light I got, in more natural light it looks a bit more muted.

You can see the same lighting issue on its head, it makes the white really POP.
I think that's fair, as long as you're not shitting on others paint jobs
What commissioned blood angels? Doesn't ring a bell
>So weak that some no model anonymous faggot is enough to get you to be ashamed of your work
Man up.
You should post your stuff anyways. Would rather see models I've seen 1000 times then see nothing but pissbabies throwing fits all the time
Drybrush THEN do a wash.
He's not even drybrushing properly, he's overbrushing.

Cunt you need to wipe virtually ALL the paint off your brush before you drybrush. IF you are going to drybrush at all.

Honestly at your skill level I'd recommend zenithal prime + washes/contrast paint, and do the armor with layer paints.

Quite frankly for guard I'd recommend that for any skill level.
Josh Reynolds is one of the best grimdark authors. He really knows how to write some detestable 40k protagonists, which is what you need for the setting. Dudes who abuse power, are only out for themselves and the Emperor, and laugh at altruism and kindness, then shoot you afterwards for being believing such heresies.
I'm not the reviewer anon, but I don't think shitting on minis is a bad thing. Some negative reinforcement can help people improve. Posting online anywhere is an open invitation to good or bad feedback, and if you can't handle the feedback, then you should just not post. That said, I don't generally reply to people unless I'm genuinely curious or impressed by the pic. I actually like posting here or /wip/ because people elsewhere tend to sugarcoat or just have praise regardless of reality
Tbf not being overly harsh is to encourage people to paint their shit, thr biggest complain people who battle here is that most of the armies they play against are partially painted, or not painted at all. Having an average painted army on the table is better than not painting it at all imo

I haven't posted today but given my stuff looks quite ordinary I don't think I will post until I get better
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Oh how the times change. I remember back when sallyman started posting his stuff and now he is the wholesome chungus of the general.
Is this anon the same as a music critic that doesn't write and record any music themselves? Guess that's still a profession
Whenever I post, people don't like my models.
So I tell them they are niggerfaggots and that I don't paint for them. It's a simple life.
yes yes we know, orange and tealfag
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I think they are okayish, gonna do details tomorrow and then add transfers
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The objectively correct way to post models:
1. Only post them here OR only on socials associated with your real name. Never both, brainlets who did were doxxed in the past.
2. Take actual, specific criticism seriously - posts that point out mistakes and suggest ways to fix them.
3. Ignore bait - posts that don't make a coherent argument and can't articulate the issues they have with your models.
Simple as.
Ye, looks solid.
Paint a naked anime girl on it
Ugh, imagine painting shitmaris
Can't be me.
>still seething about your superior 8 years later
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No those are Imperial Navy Breachers. They look similar because they both wear void suits
That's a really good point, but I'm already planning on running Cataphractii as Grey Knight Terminators. Might still go with that though
The thing is, not everyone is looking for criticism, it could just be replying to a post that said "post what you're working on", they might have zero interest in some anons unsolicited feedback
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This is a fun night, appreciate the effort post.
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Too bad, I'm giving it anyway.
>He keeps buying the special boy sloppa squads
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Maybe dial it back there like 20% bud.
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Rate my list (1/3)
Lost me at cyberwolf.
Yeah, I started painting six months ago, I did the kriegbox completely following youtube advice and they turned out okay, now I am trying to do box art without tutorial and I am learning painfully, like overbrushing wasn’t even a term I knew, thanks for the advice
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This nigga playing furries!
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A photo of a screen?
GTFO. If you don't want reactions, don't post it for everyone to see.
I wonder what overly zealous review anon says about them

I am not nearly good enough for that, even though I’d love some pin up girl transfer for when I eventually paint a valkyrie
Anon is a literal child, please understand.
It's a term the youtube gooners don't know because it's from oldhammer. It was a legitimate technique in the past but is massively out of date now.
This. I don't post models here, because I see no utility in doing so.
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You're in luck.
Just dont post then, retard.
Guess I won't then. Enjoy your recurring primemyass discussions then
>forced meme poster
you don't own any models lmao
You just don't understand how to place space wolves
white glue on base, drop some grass (bonus points for using a sieve) and then hold an already inflated balloon over the top that you have rubbed to generate static electricity, it will drag some of the grass off and stand some of it upright
>having balloons
I am not trying to attract minors in my greetime, will a wool pullover work too?
how many termagants do you need to make a tervigon worth it?
>I wonder what overly zealous review anon says about them

I'll tell you:
You're a clean painter. You have the skill but maybe not necessarily the technique. Once again you're someone I'd recommend to move on to airbrushing - if you haven't already. I can see the brush strokes.

You're also going too heavy on the washes on the green. It kind of looks like you've done an all over wash - which is not something you want to do on mechanical pieces like those.

Imo you've gone as far as you can go for now with brushwork alone unless you want to start wet-blending every single model piece you make which imo is just fucking insane when you can get similar results in seconds with an airbrush.

It also looks like you are "drybrushing" on the edge work rather than actually edge highlighting. Also, use a brighter colour for your edge highlights.

A note on that: for edge highlighting, you don't have to do everything. Do everything you can be bothered with and focus on easy edges. Use the side of a brush to do it.

Overall not complete trash and shows signs of being a few steps off being a good painter. You just need to take the leap and try more advanced techniques.
The Telemon’s decent, but the other two are just too slow for the job they want to do now.
3 squads of 20
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What do I need to know to play Ultramar Auxilia?
Classical Latin.
Got a sauce on those bits anon?
Solar Auxilia look so much cooler then IG, its not even funny.
30k in general does.
Look at the mechanicus and tell me the 40k version is better
What's anon's preferred method of shading? All over wash or pin wash? I've gone full pinwash since I started painting marines.
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enamel pin washing has made my workflow much more enjoyable
Different surfaces call for different methods. Fur, skin or any other surface with a lot of detail - an overall wash. Large flat surfaces - recess wash.
afraid not sir, the image originates from a reddit post
Ok sallyman, don't get full of yourself
You like cuntodes, so you probably slorp dick irl
I don't see a reason to ever do an all over wash unless you are doing one of those meme grimdark styles where the entire thing is washed with expensive gamer brand enamels 500 times
>pin wash
Cringe misnomer. You're not painting aircraft models dickhead.

It depends on what you are painting and what your goal is. All over washes are appropriate for infantry models (not space marines) and speed painting. Not appropriate for vehicles or large flat panels on models.

Selective shading and recess washes are best used on more detailed schemes for infantry, and should be the default on vehicle models.
>lets made riflemen in bolted together diving suits the face of the Imperial Army
>lets even make all their tanks look like 19th century iron clads
>no, we can't give them anything that'd make sense, like land raiders or dreadclaws
Imperial Army is a joke, just like Mechanicoom being 100% automatons with a token art deco steam engine or two.
Thanks, I still need to figure out what paints I should use for edge highlights, I am but learning
Until I see 30k skitarii plastic I will not be convinced.
The magos looks nice, but should have had customisation.
The mechs are all great.
I'll take 40k Skitarii over the 30k Zombii.
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Let's see you do one of these, Jimbo.
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Dammit. I really would like Roman conversion bits to make a Greco-Roman-esque guard army.
Thanks anyways, anon.
looks like shit
I prefer to build up colors, so I usually start with shadows and build layers and highlights. If I need to shade even still, I use glazes.
>Frozen flames anon
He is dead. Let him rest.
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>anon tells other anon to post models
>so I reply, pretending to be other anon, and post a 3rd anon's minis
I actually am all three.
What enamel washes do you use, teal and orange anon? I was going to give those ak wargame ones a try
Can review anon come back and stir shit up again? It's getting too chummy here.
NTA I sourced them, but he makes them himself. I'd try and find it for free on TG, fuck reddit niggers.
>love muh arthurian legend
>love paladins
>love clandestine activities
>am autistic
despite all this I can't get into Dark Angels? What am I missing here?
A painting secondary, really? Have we become /wip/ overnight or something?
tamiya black panel liner, the frozen flames guy keyed me onto it when I realized how dumb it was trying to pinwash a dark orange model with burnt umber oils lmao
I can't wait until the divide of HH and 40k is ended and then I can field Veletaris power axes without having to homebrew. Nobody at the LGS likes homebrew units.
>post your list
>say "rate my list"
>get no rates
How to I make a good rust wash? That actually sticks and doesnt just leave those weird circular pigments once the water is dry?
Mix silver, red, brown, gold and lahmian or contrast medium?
He's still fucking here anon read some of the replies
you can't get into them because you're heterosexual
You're not the right level of homosexual
I was using a mix of dirty down, vallejo for rust effects and a bit of water. Makes shit look a bit too grimy though
>pinwash a dark orange model with burnt umber oils
Why is this bad? It seems like the perfect colour as long as you're varnishing beforehand
>post another anon's models
>anon gets doxxed and life ruined
All according to plan
Here are the things I think you could improve easily
1) eye lenses look flat, just follow some tutorial for these
2) metallics look flat, maybe just the photo but they probably need some highlighting, chain on the front especially.
3) the gold also needs more on the edges, it blends into the orange too much
4) work in some dot highlights on the corners where edges of the orange parts of the armor meet.
>accidentally say cattus instead of felis
>GW employee approaches me
>heart drops
>it's fucking over this time, boys
>he gives me a written warning, any further infractions will result in confiscation of all my firstborn marines
wew lads that was a close one
Thanks anon!
>there's a version without the Ultramarines emblem.
Oh boy this is good.
Now I just need to find regular Cadian remake stls that are compatible with heavy weapon teams and I'm good as gold.
it was just too similar to the dark brown-rusty orange I had on the first test marine I painted and it didn't really add anything for definition or shading
Godspeed. I love customised guard and PDF so much it's unreal.
>paint orks like shit
>still look OK

Ork players just can't lose can they
Dios mio, mucho texto
Is there anything wrong with drybrushing edges instead of edge highlights, if one can avoid obvious brush strokes? NTA btw, just curious
Found the torso and one holding a rifle. Now to download and learn Blender and get going.
Once again thank you, anon!
Nothing wrong with it per se, it just has a distinct look that immediately screams "drybrushing" and as it's a low effort technique people will point it out as a negative.
>6 weeks into meme army project
>haven't received models yet
That's fair, I tend to do it on troops / battleline models as I've got so many of them to paint. I don't overdo it though, it's barely noticeable
I know they're named after an unironic homosexual poem written by a gay man but I didn't think that was a reason. You may be right anons...
I want an eldar gf and I love operations management. Ultramarines it is.
It depends what you are going for because it gives a different effect. The answer is no, not really, if you want it to look like the edge is rougher rather than sharp. But there are certain times where it just looks incorrect like on that anon's cannons.

I sometimes like to "drybrush" the edges of rough swords and axes to give a very rough edge look to them.
New bread when? Image limit reached
You're not exactly 6 weeks into a project if you haven't started yet anon
What's the meme army? I am constantly tempted to start new meme projects.
He's got the concept of a project.
I don't think drybrushing is a negative if done correctly. The problem is most people do it wrong and end up overbrushing. This is what triggers people.

It's hilarious because people who criticise dry brushing are such painting amateurs themselves they don't realise what they're looking at is an incorrectly executed technique. They act like drybrushing is the devil when it's a fantastic technique. But most people are very poor at it.
day 6 of exercising every day until the Emperor's Children Codex is released

The image limit has been hit so here's ASCII art of a plasma gun

OP here. I'm too lazy to come up with a thread question. So I'll let someone else make the new bread.
Though one day I think a janny is gonna get sick of us new breading before page 8 because of image limit.
My open leaky anus.
>likes Arthurian legends
>gonna play Ultramarines
I look forward to when you realize how right this choice really is.
>they and every single soldier under them will be tortured and executed wholesale, along with any family they have.
But why? Officers I can understand, but for the soldiery it seems like the kind of thing some censure would fix, at most shipping them off to some 2 weeks lifespan battlefront for penitence.
Hitting image limit is an entirely reasonable excuse to bake a new bread
Because the Imperium does not revolve around compassion, fairness, or rationality.
is this a reference to the fact the historical King Arthur might have been roman affiliated or possibly roman himself?
Space Harine chapter. Its a primaris successor of an unknown legion. They are not codex compliant, prefer melee, and they have a dark secret that they slowly mutate into bunnymen. They all grow bunny ears at some point when receiving their gene-seed organs
This is a fetish army and you know it you little freak
NTA but I thought has Welsh connected too
Just wait until we somehow reach 150 images before 300 posts and then we'll probably see the jannies sing a different song to your tune.
I really don't want it to happen because the thread splitting as anons all compete to make the new bread will produce a shitshow.
It's my understanding he was a Briton in modern day Wales, inherited power from the leaving Romans, then beat the ever living fuck out of the Saxons so bad he lived forever in legend.
No, my tau army is a fetish army. This is a meme army
I don't think they would care given any /40kg/ that has hit image limit will also hit page 9 within a couple hours
>robot jones spotted
True, but now that I think about it. It would be funny if the image limit by 300 points resulted in five 40kg threads being made within seconds of each other.
You vastly underestimate how lazy most anons are here, which is also the reason we don't have a new bread yet
I'm jealous of that guy's skills in painting and digital drawing.
Man at this point should make a 40k hentai. He might be the first to make a 40k hentai doujin if he does soon.
What Tau minis?
Actually I’m the one asking them to dial it back.
If he’d won that hard there’d be no Saxon to the Anglo-Saxon. Clearly some kind of negotiated settlement was reached.
>1 step away from finishing a unit
>Look at clock
>Need to go to bed for work, already up past when I'd prefer to go
Fuck me I was in the zone.
beastsnaggas belong in aos and 40k orks have been butchered beyond belief
cant remember the last time I played against them, miss those mfs
I've cummed on a lot of my sisters of battle minis, and all of them have gotten godly dice rolls after the fact. I'd recommend sanctifying your adeptus sororitas before battle, lest they are forgotten by the emperor.
Snaggas are mostly ok but GW does need to move on and stop pushing them so much. Junkyard or speed freeks Orks are waybetter aesthetics.
Rules wise Orks desperately need points changes to a lot of stuff.
They feel too AoS to me, 40k orks should be way influenced by their whacky technology not riding squigs
the newer boys and nobs suck too. I get Orks are supposed to be cannon fodder in the setting but it'd be nice if they looked the least bit intimidating
Which wolf lord should receive a model next
I disagree. I enjoy the goofy nature to Orks as opposed to the dark, dismal place the rest of 40k is. The fun is that if Orks were real in any sense they'd be absolutely terrifying monsters, and yet in 40k they're just lovable hooligans looking for a good scrap.
I do somewhat agree on the aesthetics though. Orks using squigs certainly have their place alongside the rest of the range, but junkyard Orks are better by a mile. I don't think snaggas should go anywhere but I do think GW needs to go back to another part of the army for their next wave, whenever that may be.
da biggest one
new meganobs would be nice
I cant tell if the threads are getting worse or getting better.
99% of IG only advantage are their vastly superior numbers. Regardless of the specific regiment's approach to battles (usually enemy at the gates style Russian charges into enemy machine gun emplacements), without its numbers advantage they crumble, even against other unaugmented humans.
I posted this in the wrong thread cus I'm retarded someone pls answer me anyway.
It's ironic that WFB greenskins are actually more evil and edgy than their 40k counterparts. Let's just say that they aren't afraid of torturing and sodomizing captured dwarf minors in sight of dwarf settlements to fuck with them.
You can't make me make a new thread, anon. I won't do it.
Some games and books depict them as horrifying. In Cain, seeing the destruction they caused was enough to make Cain immediately understand why the normally stoic Jurgen hates them with a passion. In Space Marine, Grimskull is both strong and smart.
Probably whichever one is riding that resin wolf with the squirrel tail. I remember my local SWs player seething over that thing for a while.
Which marine combat patrol is the best?
Worse, there's days when they aren't too bad but it's generally getting worse over time
blood angels probably
what's the best SoB novel?
in path of the eldar they alteast portray orks as the brainless sub-animals that they are
look over in the /aco/ warhammer threads.
New bread please.
I can't breeeeaaaaddd
I make the best list I can from the models I enjoy.
If there aren't enough models in the range you enjoy to make a good list, you're probably in the wrong faction.
How are you even this mad nomodels?
I posted one here >>93914917
Post models
fucking NOTHING
>unless you count buying the army of faith sororitas+new blood angels boxes & the premium 40k magazine subscription
then its 3 things and im not very happy about doing them
He plows her right? I mean, he's going to dick her down, yeah?

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