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Previously: >>93904793

Grammatical errors edition.

>OFFICIAL Commander website, where you can learn the rules, see the current banlist, and read the format philosophy, laid down by the rules committee:

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen color identity.

>Deck List Sites: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck strategy and card choices.


>Proxy a deck or a cube for cheap

>How to proxy using any printer

What rule have you been right about but your table insists you're wrong? How did you deal with it?
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If pic related was about the color pairs, what would the associations be?
that damage uses the stack
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Why is the art for this set so good?
post example
>What rule have you been right about but your table insists you're wrong? How did you deal with it?
My table insists that these TQs are always good
We just don't talk about it anymore because they are obviously wrong but it's not worth wasting breath on
So this is a black staple, right?
if the color pie was some dipshit's projections everything would be autogynophilia.
>destroy enchantment
what do you like about this art, anon?
The fuck does it mean to "become monstrous"?
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Gay Bolas
Straight Bolas
Same energy.
lol noob
I'm kind of the rules guy at my table. It was very hard to explain how sbas are not checked while resolving something so Necromantic selection can steal commanders
>How did yoy deal with it
I am relentless when I know I'm right and I will not allow to continue until everybody understands ir
Yes. And?
You don't actually know, do you?
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Anyone tried building him? Rakdos artifacts seems different enough.
oh shit its the guy who thinks you cant stile fetches
hello retard
That we have a set with actual horror instead of the sanitized christcuck loving shit we've been getting for decades.
well it is pretty horrible, I'll give you that.
I love Christ. MTG could probably stand to use a bit more of his influences.
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Is Kaalia still good in the current year?
All I see is the prank potential of getting these two tea boxes, swapping all the bags in the package, re-sealing them to look like new, and gifting both to your least favorite relative/teacher/co-worker.
I dunno, anon. these are pretty tame to be considered "actual horror". I mean sure you really cannot have that in the neutered state of todays media but hey, you do you
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It's a mechanic from 2013 when templating didn't have the tools for things like "activate this ability only once" and allowed creatures to care about their monstrosity ability being activated. It's just a flavorful way for creatures to get a bunch of +1/+1 counters and some other static abilities.
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man that flavor text is SO GOOD!
I do like the touch that the Razorkin, as fucked-up as they are, are still classified as Human. Honestly, I have very little issues with the art direction overall except with the survivors, and even then that's moreso to do with how sleek and 'clean' they all look.
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God I love this Akroma art so much Red Bitches are hot
especially if you pack Armageddon
God and Jesus are a Jewish myth entirely designed to connect the Jewish people to a divine lineage and proclaim their own excellence.
We can see in the historical record how the Jewish faith changed at various times, adopting the beliefs of their neighbours, like adopting dualism from Persian Zoroastrianism. Or the entirety of the flood myth being taken from the Babylonians, with the deities involves and the reasons for the flood being changed.
We can determine that the religion was invented in the Iron Age because while the Torah and Old testament are very accurate about people who lived in the Iron Age, it treats the Bronze Age and the stories from that era as more mythological and often combines stories that predate these texts as if they were about the same person (Moses for example) even when other earlier sources clearly suggest the stories were about different people at different times.

Why you'd worship something demonstrably untrue, invented by a tribe of people you have no connection to, is beyond me
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who wore it better?
*tips fedora*
I tried but not buildable if you got autism. It is best to play into the draw ability with cheap artifacts and tokens, but then the second ability is useless
I am defeated and the god of the Jews is the one true God
You would immediately tell the difference if you ever smelled black tea.
sounds about right.
Cap life gain to 60.
Rakdos is gentle femdom. You'd expect something more hardcore, but they really just want someone to hold and reaffirm them.
But isn't that against the arbitrary social rules?
sure but its a pack it if you need it kind of situation
if the angel beats are too slow for the meta its time for the MLD plan, which can breathe some new life into the deck
so as you might have become aware, most creatures are remove on sight these days and I'm frankly quite sick of it
my deck idea is to put every creature with removal effect in so they will always at least 2 for 1. I know this is pretty vunerable to anything that shuts down etbs so there also might have to be some activated removal or wipes that make tokens afterwards. anything that leaves threats behind really
has anyone tried this strat, how did it work out? I have been playing x mana do nothing permanents (like beast whisperer or red etali) for too long and they always get removed before they get to do the thing so it's time to go nuclear
I tried it in a grixis reanimator deck
it was ok, struggled to end the game without a combo
Gay Bolas
yeah red and black are a must for all the kavus and nekrataals they have. struggling to end games is not a problem for that's how I always roll
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Stop the problem before it starts.
on turn 6?
in that case I highly recommend it
throw like 4 bigshit spells in there, should be good
I put day of the dragons in worst case the creatures re-etb.
if only there was a way to get 6 mana faster than turn 6
or have artifacts cost less mana
oh well
aight, thanks. I'd rather focus on sure fire things for as long as possible tho. permanents like that are the thing I wanted to avoid with a deck like this. sure it might become boring after a while and it might send a message where our meta will soon only have hexproof creatures but hey, at least I can try
>I always have 'em!
This but unironically. I want more.
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Is my deck list acceptable? It's on a bit of a budget, comes out to like 80 bucks.
You can always have ramp, the redundancy is extreme.
too much ramp
not enough draw
how exactly do you plan on winning?
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Welp, between this and the Slimer SLD, it's going to be a very expensive fall drop for me.
...but anon, those cards look like crap!
Save your money!
>implying that's inaccurate to the players who try to act edgy
Selesnya players are indeed into sissy porn, if that makes you feel better.
Orzhov players are into hardcore domination. They crave being insulted and told what to do. They're bratty subs too, they'll act up and refuse orders at first so you'll need to punish them.
Trying to figure out how to make some replacements, is 38 lands way too many in a monoG deck that really only starts from ~12 or so? I've already cut one for another ramp spell but I'm struggling to find other cards to cut
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Nope. Ghostbusters is my first love. I've been into everything Ghostbusters since I was 2. If they slap Ghostbusters on it, I buy it.
so I'd have to have not only land ramp because all nonland versions are prone to removal as stated in original post
also I have to have some way to tutor the artifact so that's either a commander that does that or filling my deck enough effects to do it consistently
and THEN I have to put in enough protection for that one singular permanent so it doesn't also get removed after all that effort
this all seems to fall to the category of x mana do nothings that just get removed
I am the Selesnya player. Were are into big honkin' centaur tits.
I had the toys when I was a boy. I’m also getting these ones.
if only you could control the cards that went into your deck
myeah I'm not resorting to stacking my deck, anon
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/ccg/ is kill so allow me a bit of poor showmanship to post the ultimate commander that Boros deserves but won't ever get
>What rule have you been right about but your table insists you're wrong? How did you deal with it?
Nothing. I've never had this happen.
Not even trying to be a cuntoid this time. I had egon with the sore throat ghost and the monster toilet
Not even any cootie patootie animuls. Plus I saw a black guy on a card.
Unironically true.
The real edgelords are found within spikes. The people gravitated to edgy imagery are soft chunnis and theatre kids.
Cool, but these would easily cost I'd guess between 500-2 grand
By everyone conceding when they see how much land I have
Do all 10
Also, is this a bad card or just super niche? Not sure if it's worth including
They're a Hasbro "HasLab" and the only way to get them if you didn't do the $300 kickstarter thing they do, will be the aftermarket.
Oh so it's a joke item.
That's cool.
This would shut down creature ETBs too right?
/ccg/ was shit. They don't understand modern magic and would shit themselves if you presented a card that could exist in todays high powered magic, rather than some shit that wouldn't make it into a draft deck in 07.
Thirty (30) starting life is objectively superior to fourty (40)
>This would shut down creature ETBs too right?
Outside of combat, yes
There are three types of anons and each one has deck building implications:
>those who love the binding of isaac
>those who hate the binding of isaac
>those who played the binding of isaac but didnt understand the hype
Wouldn't cut it outside of very casual tables. Also rarity would be rare. That's not a mythic level card.

This is how it would actually look like if it was made by WOTC today

>Visolt, Bringer of Parity
>1 W R
>Haste, Vigilance, first strike. All creatures your opponent's control lose all abilities unless it's the combat phase.
I tried to spec it like Humility and Linvala but you're unfortunately probably right. Except that they wouldn't print something that makes TImmy feel bad.
That's more or less how i built Vren. As much creature removal as possible and then the rats generated help close the game.
It's a prop replica that has lights and sounds and functions just like how they look in the movie.
It's terrible. 5 mana for an enchantment that even in a monogreen deck has a less than 1/3 chance of stopping a particular attacker is useless. If it put lands into play or something similar it might be a cute "ramp when you've already got enough mana" card but as is it's worse than just playing something with power and toughness that can dissuade attacks by blocking.
>well we've cancelled Seb
>but people liked his art
>find me the cheapest artist who makes stuff that looks like Seb's
A product that isn't mass produced isn't a product to me. It's a small special prize given to some people.
If you make like 15 of something, it's not a product to me. Products are things you can buy.
Seb was never cancelled btw. They just don't want to pay his prices.
Skill issue.
Feed the Swarm is still way better. What enchantments does black really want to remove so much other than RIP or black leyline anyway?
Stony silence
I find keeping that around usually more helpful than harmful
Yes I can only wonder what enchantments might be good in EDH...
Possibility Storm, Spellshock, Rhystic Study, Smothering Tithe, Pendrell Mists, Karmic Justice, and a few others spring immediately to mind. Mostly because I know one fucker who runs all of those in the same deck.
>Sorcery speed
>Costs mana value instead of a flat value
and get this, you can... run them both...
Underworld Breach. Which Feed the Swarm can’t even hit.
100% shuts my deck down. I just scoop to it if it is played.
Just pay the 1 you piss baby
Rhystic whiners are some of the dumbest people in this general
They did that thing where they took frames from an old cartoon and used it as card art
Which honestly, I'm less opposed to than I should be.
Oh no you lose 2-4 life instead of 2 how terrible
Cool but I'm not paying 100 bucks for that shit lmao
I am so so fucking glad they got to my prefered UB property before swapping to omega greed SLD mode.
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>Just pay the 1
No you pay the 1
>pays 1
Only 1 you're paying is the 100 dicks in your mouth.
You flatter me but I'm yet to beat your mom's record
Thanks for the explanation I agree with your points
The point of the card though wasn't to stop combat dead, but to mess up the combat math. It's not Ghostly Prison lite.
She still shows up in the top 16 in cedh tournaments every now and then but she's mostly a niche way to cheat in razaketh, broodlord, villis, or doom whisperer so you can tutor/draw whatever game winning combo you have in the deck. She will still absolutely stomp a casual table if your opponents for some reason don't nuke her as soon as she resolves.
God it's just so flavorful I'm trying to chew my screen
was pretty low on the set but actually going through it there are way more singles that I want than any other set this year (except mh3)
Which ones? I will buy them all out so you can't get any of them
I don't have any black decks
dissection tools
dazzling theater
abhorrent oculus
dollmaker's shop
wandering rescuer
overlord of the floodpits
giggling skitterspike
leyline of hope
redress fate
split up
the tale of tamiyo
screaming nemesis
cursed recording
fear of missing out
seance board
enduring innocence
enduring vitality
savior of the small
the rare land cycle
I was pretty excited for the set but there's very little here for me due to the mechanical themes of the set.
Thanks, I always like getting ideas of what the anons here justify picking up from new sets
>Stax piece in command zone
Nobody will ever let you play this at a casual table.
>No evasion at all
>4 mana
Dies to doom blade etc
>laughs in yawgmoth
I run tanglewire, smokestack, contamination and pox in my casual deck.
Beginner, pls, wat do?
Is this shit even playable anymore? I can think tons of better stax artifacts. There is no fucking way this slow ass card isn't liquid shit in tokens: the gathering
cut everything that makes 2/2 zombie tokens that don't have decayed
it just becomes a pain to keep track of it all in practice
I hate manifest dread. Delirium is fucking boring and a waste of a cool name. Glimmers have some potential
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Another new set, another batch of boring mono green commanders...
Where's your ramp and card draw?
I hate morph/manifest dread/manifest/cloak/whatever the fuck they are doing now. Always hated that shit and now they're going hard on the theme. It has appeared 3 times in the past year. Doctor Who, MKM, and now Duskmourn.
I also just don't care for an enchantment focused set because I find enchantress to be an awful archetype to play in commander.
Delirium sucks.
>I also just don't care for an enchantment focused set because I find enchantress to be an awful archetype to play in commander.
You shut up.
Just too many triggers for me. I play one card and suddenly I've got to remember 15 triggers going off. I find the archetype actually exhausting to play for that reason.
>is it playable anymore?
You'll never hard lock people, but if you're proliferating it it's alright. It's best to keep it at one or two counters and grind down the board, or combine it with something like contamination or pox.
The most interesting stuff to me is the survival stuff. Between these cards and the OTJ mount stuff that wants to tap your creatures I think there's the bones of a strong Selensya vehicles deck in the works. Especially with the death race set coming up. Nothing else immediately grabs me about it.
Augmenting cards is fun
i was hoping for some cool new shit for my Kadena list, but its the same old reheated and lukewarm shit they've put in the MKM precon earlier this year.
Second Morph precon almost 5 years after the first with most stuff being the same is bad, but doing this yet again 6 months later is curry diarrhea
>enchantress is an awful archetype in commander
Sure, but Zur and like opalescense combos are neat.
Never liked vehicles, but, selesnya vehicles sounds kind of cool.
>aweful archetype to play
>posts the do enchantment twice one
nigga you proved him right.
aside from it being pushed shite to sit through and play against, tracking these tokins sucks ass for the player too
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>>posts the do enchantment twice one
>nigga you proved him right.
Have fun anon, you'll feel much better.
I really, really, really really really wish they'd stop trying to push 'face-down' mechanics as anything but detrimental. Reality Shift/Cyber Conversion/etc to remove an opponent's creature, and leave them with a face down card? Sure. (Mega)Morph/Manifest Dread/Cloak? Nah, fuck off.
>what enchantments
it also gets creatures if theres no enchantments, even if it's a bad rate
Not a fan of this card because it cannot be used against a double sided card. I at least get the flavor of the Doctor Who face down shit.
Damn, the Kamigawa album is dogshit compared to the Capenna one.
Who the fuck is running double sided cards these days? I haven't seen a single one outside of joke Cube
Apparently the Chandra deck across the table from me the first time I played a game with this.
Fortunately for you anon, the back side of the card isn't the same as the card being face down. Transforming seems fun and intuitive until you realize it mandates running the game with sleeves your using those marker cards because face down isn't transformed. It would be really really funny if you could manifest dread a transformed etali tho
ohh yea what great fun it is not to be able to spot remove enchantements proper anymore.
guess i'll bully Yenna from the board so i can have fun again
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That recolor is hideous
If the card has any opposite side, you cannot use Cyber Conversion on it. No magic back=no face down. Not sure what sleeves have to do with anything.
If it comes in through something like the Cyber Controller, that works. But you cannot target the card in your picture with cyber conversion.
A card that's pissing off the whole table should be hideous
It's still great if you get it out early enough. Does work in my Myrel deck.
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that reprint does look familiar
But my foil orbs are beautiful?
The official ruling is even more retarded.
A DFC can exist "face-down" if put there from another zone, such as via Manifest. However it's still a 2/2 this way.
HOWEVER, you are not allowed to turn DFCs on the battlefield face-down (Cyber Conversion being the main example) because fuck you I guess.
In theory it's because a DFC isn't revealed as being a DFC until it's on the battlefield. Technically while its in the hand or library or exiled facedown it has a back just like any other card
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God, the Triune God of the Bible, is the true god and lord of all creation, and Jesus is the second person of that Trinity. The "Jews are the Chosen People" is a talmudic myth invented after Christ by those Jews who rejected Him but still wanted to believe they were a part of God's Covenant, even though he had fulfilled the Old and instated the New Covenant, in which Israel - the congregation of the chosen - is His Church, not the state of Israel. Even before Christ's incorporation, the Old Covenant was given to any who followed God's commandments and was faithful to him - the Egyptians who fled with the Hebrews into Canaan were also children of Abraham, while those Jews who rejected God and worshipped idols were condemned by their breaking of that same covenant.

As to the Deluge "myth", it refers to a genuine flood that is, in fact, recorded in cultures across the world because it really happened.
As to the Jewish faith "changed", yes Jews apostatized and went after false gods and introduced heresies and heterodoxies, often including the very priests and levites themselves. These were condemned by the Prophets and did not represent proto-Christianity actually changing its nature and structure, which had been set out by the laws of Moses, but rather the Jews falling away from this faith.
They also didn't "adopt dualism" from Zoroastrianism. Christianity isn't dualist, Satan is not an equal and opposing force to God.

Why you'd believe atheistic lies, invented by Jews and their shabbos as part of their racial hatred of Christ and His faithful, is beyond me.
I can't wait for Mark to get fired so we can go back to card frames that look good
Why is schizoposting happening?
It's a day that ends in y.
>The "Jews are the Chosen People" is a talmudic myth invented after Christ
It's literally in the Old Testament.
If God is all-knowing, why the fuck did he create the "Old" Covenant knowing the Jews were going to break it and result in a New Covenant?
How do you square the fact that God apparently spent thousands of years only talking to Jews? Nowhere in the Bible was he whispering sweet nothings into the ears of the Germans, or the Chinese.

>As to the Deluge "myth", it refers to a genuine flood that is, in fact, recorded in cultures across the world because it really happened.
Have you ever considered that as a water-based species, that almost exclusively lives around sources of water, that the idea "the worst flood ever!!!" isn't exactly hard to come up with without it being an actual single event?
What? No.

Did you... not look at the deck? I was almost thinking of cutting some card draw.

I think I learned something today about asking 4chan for help.
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>deck in black and blue
>almost every card draw is conditional bullshit
>has a single counterspell and essentially no ramp
>but a bunch of expensive low impact cards that make 2/2s under specific circumstances
Did you look at your deck?
Stop asking for help in this thread.
The Old Covenant paved the way for the New Covenant, just as the Old Testament is a precursor to the New. Jesus is the end point of the line of David and the history of Israel and is the fulfillment of prophecy, which these two threads are the core of the Old Testament. Likewise, the Old Covenant establishes the laws of God (via the Commandments) and stands as witness and example to His relationship with both those who are faithful and those who turn from him. The sacrifices of the Temple are a precursor to the only truly effectual sacrifice, that of Christ.

>If God is all-knowing [...]
The Israelites had free will. God offered them a covenant through Abraham, and they failed to uphold their end of the covenant. It wasn't God who annulled it, they of their own accord abandoned God - heck, he gave them more second chances than they deserved every time the Judges or Prophets tried to reform them and bring them back yo the covenant. But it's no surprise that the Israelites couldn't uphold the Commandments and make themselves worthy of salvation through the Old Covenant, as I say above, the Old Testament is a precursor to the New, and it was only by God's mercy and forgiveness that they were saved - again, demonstrating how the New follows from the Old, as Christ's sacrifice was the ultimate act of forgiveness.

>How do you square the fact that God apparently spent thousands of years only talking to Jews?

"14 For when the Gentiles, which have not the law, do by nature the things contained in the law, these, having not the law, are a law unto themselves:
15 Which shew the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and their thoughts the mean while accusing or else excusing one another"

The original revelation of God is within every man, not only the Jews.

>Have you ever considered [...]
The Epic of Gilgamesh came after the writing of Genesis. The old man in that tale who survived the flood is a recollection of Noah.
>If God is all-knowing, why the fuck did he create the "Old" Covenant knowing the Jews were going to break it and result in a New Covenant?
Nta, but God knowing the future doesn't mean the future is locked in stone. We have the free will to make any choices we want, and God knows what all of the results of everyone's decisions can be. There were definitely choices that could have been made resulting in the pharisees accepted Christ, but they didn't. Also, them betraying God didn't result in the New Covenant. Jesus was the fulfilment of the Old Covenant and forged a New Covenant with anyone who was willing to follow his teachings. It's impossible to know for sure why God spoke to Abraham and his people in particular before anyone else, but that's not the case any more.
>One counterspell!
>No ramp!
>Expensive cards! (the most expensive was 10 bucks)
Oh boy please stop posting

Yeah, lesson learned.
No one wants to actually help. They just want to be le edgy 4channer. So why post decks?
>samefagging this hard
>The Old Covenant paved the way for the New Covenant,
This isn't an answer. God is omnipotent, he could have just made 1 covenant. Saying he needed to do one to do another is maximum cope.
>The Israelites had free will.
Yeah this doesn't negate omniscience. If a guy came to you asking for a loan and you knew with absolute certainty he was just going to steal your money, you wouldn't say "aw gee, that old free will huh? I gave him a chance!"

>The original revelation of God is within every man, not only the Jews.
Cool, saying "um actually God is for everyone" does not negate the fact that the book you worship as the true word of God explicitly says he talked only to Jews for thousands of years. Bit of a coincidence that, isn't it? Of course, if it was all a bunch of bullshit made up by the Jews, that would make sense.

>The Epic of Gilgamesh came after the writing of Genesis. The old man in that tale who survived the flood is a recollection of Noah.
Kek you're just baiting now. What more is there to say than 1. No it didn't. 2. No he isn't.

>Nta, but God knowing the future doesn't mean the future is locked in stone.
This is cope.
You either know the future or you don't. Knowing all possible futures means you don't know THE future. Ultimately only 1 series of events can happen and God either knows it or he doesn't. If he doesn't know it, he's not omniscient. If he does know it, then there is no free will.
Expensive means mana cost you dork. Ask specifically for what you want next time.

I help tons of anons every day. You just asked for my thoughts then acted like I was retarded for giving you good advice.
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Fine, I made one.
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one time I talked to a muslim then I died :(
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Here bro, you can copy mine.
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>This isn't an answer. God is omnipotent, he could have just made 1 covenant. Saying he needed to do one to do another is maximum cope.
God didn't "need" to do anything. He chose to establish the Old Covenant as a precursor to the New. The Old Covenant was always going to be concluded with the coming of the Messiah, which had been a core element of prophecy from the beginning. He didn't just decide to change it halfway through.

>Yeah this doesn't negate omniscience.
Knowing something will happen is not the same as causing it to happen. When you say "If he knew they would break it, why did he make it in the first place?", you're not questioning his omnipotence, you're questioning his motives for making the Old Covenant with the knowledge that it the Israelites would be unable to uphold it on their end. And to that point, as above. Because humans, who are by their nature incapable of perfect sinlessness, could only ever be worthy of salvation by an act of forgiveness for their sins. The Old Covenant was a testimony to this, and a vindication of the necessity and efficacy of Christ's sacrificial atonement.

>the book you worship as the true word of God explicitly says he talked only to Jews for thousands of years
The Bible which we venerate and hold as inerrant (worshiping God who inspired and guided its writing, not the book itself) establishes that the Old Covenant was for a single nation, as the nation of Israel was a precursor to the true and ultimate Israel which is the Christian Church. There's no "coincidence" about it, it was in accordance with God's explicit will.

>If he does know it, then there is no free will.
The latest atheist unable to distinguish between knowing something will happen and causing it to happen. They're not sending their brightest, folks.
God IS omnipotent, and he gave us free will instead of controlling us like puppets because he loves us.
>Knowing all possible futures means you don't know THE future
There is no one single future that will definitely happen, because we have the free will to decide what we do.
>person who is clearly of the highest skill level in our group because he can play even "bad" decks and mop the floor with us
>insists constantly that he is NOT the best player at the table
I don't understand why some people deny their own raw skill at the game. It's ok to admit you're good because then we can have a conversation about toning it down
How do you build this guy?
He probably doesn't want to feel like he's putting you guys down and being a bad winner. I'm the best one in my group, so I know the feeling.
The funny way is ways to cast One With Nothing from GY or exile. You won't win but it's funny as hell.
You kill non-red and non-blue players with pacts, and find some other way to deal with U/R/x players
Who do you pair with him?
I kinda lowkey want a transformers deck ngl senpai tbqh frfr on god
the literal only black Doc Companion
You’re deep in the Christcuck bunker and there’s no point in trying to reason with you, but you’re objectively retarded on determinism.

If there is A future that WILL happen, you do not have free will. It doesn’t matter whether you have caused it or not, it is deterministic for it to be knowable.

Imagine you’re betting on a random number generator. The number 4 comes up, and you lose your bet. But later you discover time travel, go back and bet on 4. If 4 comes up again, it is deterministic. Go back and forth 100 times, if 4 comes up every time it is deterministic.
It only seemed random because you didn’t have knowledge of what the result would be. Once you had knowledge, if the number never changed, it is because the only number that could come up in those circumstances was 4.
If you go back in time and the number is 70. Go back and forth 100 times and the number is different every time, then the number IS random but there was no future to have knowledge of. Just knowing “oh the number COULD be anything between 1-100” is not omniscience.

Do you see the problem? If there is one course of events that will happen, and God has knowledge of it, then God is omniscient but you do not have free will, just like the random number generator is not random.
I'm partial to Graham because I like Food synergy cards and green color fixing, but the main reason to reach into a third color is to get access to a third Pact to kill people with.
>If there is A future that WILL happen
That's where you get tripped up. The future is not deterministic. You can bet on that computer to spit out the same number when you go back in time because the binary programming of the machine is predictable, but humans are not.
Anyone tried picrel? Love the color combi and need a commander. Does it work as a token deck? Or is it just budget izzet spellslinger?
Yes, the artwork is shit.
This is my thought. This set is very boring mechanically

I like the idea of Selesnya vehicles though, they seem to be supporting it for some reason
Sorry, I meant >>93915240 to link to you
>the binary programming of the machine is predictable, but humans are not.
Kek all studies of human behavior would beg to differ
Even then, you are conceding that God is not omniscient. At any time you can decide to shit your pants rather than go to church. If God didn’t know you would do that, then it was random but he isn’t omniscient. You literally cannot have randomness and foreknowledge
>hypothetical about time travel
Categorical imperative m'lord.
Dimir player, feeling called out
>believes in all-powerful skydaddy but not time travel
Is time travel the boulder not even god can lift?
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>If there is A future that WILL happen, you do not have free will.
God knowing what will happen did not cause it to happen. He exists outside of time, unlike us. We are still agentic actors, we make our own decisions. There's no "pre-programmed" response - unless you're a Calvinist I guess, but those guys legitimately don't believe in free will.

>Do you see the problem? If there is one course of events that will happen, and God has knowledge of it, then God is omniscient but you do not have free will, just like the random number generator is not random.
You're trying to compare randomness with motivated action. There's no real comparison there. The fact that once you do something, you've then done it and can't have not done it doesn't mean that you didn't choose to do the thing. There are no multiverses, the fact that only one set of events happens in history is just an observable statement of fact that what happens is what happens. God knows what happens because, as said, he is outside of time.

To use an analogy more apt than your random-number-generator, imagine you had a time machine. You know JFK is going to be shot at 12:30pm on December 22, 1965. You go back in time to 12:00 to watch it happen. Does you knowing that it will happen mean that you caused it to happen, or that any will other than the shooter's caused him to pull the trigger?
I think your problem is that you can't wrap your head around the fact that there isn't one single future that will definitely happen. Time is not a line, it's an unfathomably intricate fan of choices being made that might influence other choices that in turn might influence other choices. God can see every path and understand the future in it's entirety, and he gave us free will to choose out of love for his creation.
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I dont argue with retards, atheists, women or children. My god is not "sky daddy" and I'd read some kant before I mouthed off if I were you.
>Boulder paradox
Midwit detected
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>proceeds to write walls of text attempting to argue with the ChristChads
Alas, the Redditor can't help himself.
Didn't see someone mention grixis. Also there are two options for a black companion. Vislor and Clara.
When I venture into a dungeon can I pick the undercity
If not which is the best one, they both look like trash
Ive been assigned nadaar, selfless paladin and im none too happy about it
Pigeons on chess boards.
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Omnipotence means that anything that can be done, God can do. There is no onus in omnipotence to satisfy logical impossibilities or paradoxes - such as the logical impossibility of going "backwards" in time when time is a progression of events that have happened. This is a failure to understand omnipotence and cosmological arguments.

Every single time. God must have a great sense of humor, because he always makes His enemies ridiculous.
these fetishes all suck but musclegirls suck the least and boros is my favorite guild so I guess it's accurate
I’d say don’t point out his retardation because watching him verbally flail about is funny, but you’ll probably fuel him more.
Further proof unironic wanna-be christians are one of the worst things to happen to this site.
Just run original Riku. This one doesn't do anything unless you jump through hoops, and it doesn't reward you enough for the hoops it requires.
>God can do anything!
>except impossible things!
Listen to yourself.
he's a charms.dek commander like ramos
desu I don't want to start any blasphemous rumors. But, I think that god may have a sick sense of humor. and when I die I expect to find him laughing.
Clara is technically an option, but she's garbage

No, Venture is a particular keyword that only allows access to particular dungeons, just like Initiative only allows access to Undercity and Wilderness was only availablefor a fucking draft event for some reason. It's retarded, so you might be able to talk your playgroup around and let you do it anyway.
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No, you specifically can only enter the Undercity when you "take the Initiative", not when you "venture into a Dungeon". Yes, the Undercity is a dungeon. But it's a special dungeon that only special boys can go to, your other adventurers aren't high enough level. However, if you ARE in the Undercity, then every effect that says "venture into the dungeon" will let you progress further into it.

Yes, it's a weird ruling. I wouldn't have done it like this, but it's how WotC did it.
God, I hate the Future Sight frames.
The chart peers into your soul
Vislor is also garbage since anyone will just either
1. Sac him
2. Ask another player to block him and kill him.
At least Clara has a fat ass.
>Enchant with Lure
>Swing into massive token army
>Lose Hottie
>Opponent must scream Aaah! for each of their many creatures or risk losing that many.
>get booted out of lgs because token player is screaming constantly.
Meanwhile, I'm disappointed by the set despite having an enchantments deck because fucking none of the cards in the set are worth anything for it.
>gets btfo'd
>cries about it later
Where is your god now? Oh wait-
You can keep him for yourself and draw an extra card every turn, but the best use is to leave him in the command zone forever and only use him to access black cards.
When I cast Anguished Unmaking, I lose 3 life. But in return, I get to exile one non-land permanent. And I choose....YOUR LORD OF THE PIT!
lost mines is generally the best iirc, but dotmm can be great if you're going turbo dungeon. Venture into Dungeon and Venture into Undercity are different ""keywords"" that do essentially the same thing but put you into different dungeons if you aren't already in one.
The future you chose after years of crying about FIRE design being bad.
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Logically impossible things are logically impossible. There's a difference between what is logically impossible and what is physically impossible. Creating matter from nothing is physically impossible, but not logically impossible - and God did it. Likewise for turning water into wine, curing the blind simply by touching them, et cetera. There's no such thing as a "full emptiness" or a "heavy lightness", these things are logically impossible. If God made such a thing, it would not be defined as such because logic is deduction from/inference on reality.
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I think I prefered when people spent like 2 threads arguing over bloomburrow
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i block with burg
No god would allow the izzet guild and all the gay dragonfuckers associated with it to exist.
Nigga doing the impossible is literally what it means to be omnipotent. If you think God created the whole fucking universe he could create a universe where it’s not “logically impossible” (meaningless phrase by the way) to time travel.
they seem to be the strongest guild with the strongest leader, so, not sure people have a say in that
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The worst thing about izzet is how it just became low magical engineering colors. It could have been so much more
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Why is it, when arguing with atheists/anti-Christians, they always default to something like this? "Yeah I can't actually argue against you, so I'm just going to say that I won and argued goodly but you're just a poopy pigeon who is ignoring how badly I schooled you!"

The Devil reveals himself through his works (gay redditors and furries).

Perhaps God could create a universe where time travel isn't logically impossible, but as that is not the case here, this speculation is irrelevant. We exist in this universe. A universe in which time travel was logically possible would be one where time was already nonlinear and did not work like it did in our universe. You cannot simultaneously have time and causality as it exists in our universe, and also time travel. They are mutually exclusive. To accommodate them would mean changing one or the other. This is what it means for something to be logically impossible. A and not-A cannot be the same, this is a logical contradiction.
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>mfw I'm at the table about to win the game and two of the retards at the table start a religious debate until me and the other guy leave
>Why is it, when arguing with atheists/anti-Christians, they always default to something like this? "Yeah I can't actually argue against you,
It’s because your position is inherently unreasonable. You’ve convinced yourself that your particular interpretation of a provably false book is in fact the ultimate truth of the universe. That is your starting point, and you build arguments from there. Any hole in your logic or understanding can be filled with magic.
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Anons I need your help I want to build a deck around my two favorite cards but dont know where to start, any hints for a commander that would match them?
well, obviously any deck benefiting from discarding shit to the graveyard. So...any graveyard commander in blue?
That is the dumbest thing.
Welp I guess I just ignore my commander and make boardwipe tribal, that will show em
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I never deferred to blind assertion of truth nor to "magic" in my arguments. Conversely, when you couldn't respond to my arguments (see >>93915304, which you still haven't actually addressed), you just say "Pigeons on chessboards" and throw your hands up. Rather unreasonable.

Wherever I see retarded atheist takes, I must confront them. That and it's fun. I'd love to simultaneously debate retards and beat them at Magic, double the entertainment.

Alexi would be an obvious blue Spellshaper, but Oskar, Rubbish Reclaimer lets you make use of those discards by giving them pseudo-Madness.
Bros I made a hella budget rats deck and I threw vorpal sword in and had it equipped to stronghold rats in the late game I fuckin cummed
erm but Dr. Who said time is in flux? that's why events from the future can influence the past which then in turn influences the future. Because time is not a straight line, not in religion, not in sci fi, not even in math. So, if time is not a line but a web of interconnected vignettes that affect each other well then you'd have snapshots of "pre determined" events and also random events that create new branches and new points of time.

It's interesting that you speak of determinism and free will but time travel is not some impossible concept in physics and most scientists wouldn't agree with your take anyway so it's curious that you see yourself as the side of science against a religious zealot when you're clearly just as ignorant as he is. It's really not difficult to picture something having a pre determined outcome until it doesn't. It happens all the time in real life, it's called chaos and we have chaos theory to explain that
>”people” who tap at 45 degrees and not 90
None of that is impossible if you have the ability to manipulate reality to your whim.
>Creating matter from nothing is physically impossible
It depends on what you consider to be "nothing". Vacuum energy results in particles winking in and out of existence all the time all over the place, but you could argue that the base energy of the vacuum counts as "something". There's good evidence that the beginning of the universe we live in was a result of a higher dimensional particle decaying into 3 dimensional matter, but you could argue that the 5th-10th dimensions count as "something". It's actually very difficult to come up with a definition of "nothing" that can be applied to the real world. Even if He did create something from nothing, you could argue that it came from Him.
>Turning water into wine
>Curing blindness
Atomic and molecular rearrangement can result in these things
>Full Emptiness
>Heavy lightness
Similar to the "nothing" example, we would just quibble over terms that are relative to other things. What does it mean for something to be "truely empty"? If God creates an empty bottle, it is still full of space. If He creates something that has mass but is opaque to gravitons, it will be difficult to move but will float in midair unsupported. Does that count as being both "heavy" and "light" at the same time?

Most paradoxes that people try to use to disprove God just prove that they don't understand what "all powerful" means.
If /edhg/ can't even properly evaluate the quality of a card like Dockside why would I ever trust them to properly evaluate anything regarding religion?
Reminder Doctor Who has Gods that aren't even omnipotent but can change the future by just fucking up the past.
Apparently Christ ain't shit.
>spice up your life!
>spice up your life!
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>what happens happened and there's no way to undo it
mandele effect, not even the past stays the same, people just lie to themselves because their heads would explode if the foundation of their existence slipped away like that
I'm still pissed we didn't get a Sutekh card
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>It depends on what you consider to be "nothing".
Nothing is nothing. No waves, particles, atoms, nada.
> It's actually very difficult to come up with a definition of "nothing" that can be applied to the real world.
Because Creation is not empty, there is no "nothing" that can be observed - another fun logical impossibility.
>Even if He did create something from nothing, you could argue that it came from Him.
He does not exist physically in this universe, save for when he was made manifest in Christ. So you could argue that, but you'd be arguing wrongly.

>If He creates something that has mass but is opaque to gravitons, it will be difficult to move but will float in midair unsupported.
Defining mass as gravitational attraction (because we're talking about weight, after all), you're describing something that does not have gravitational attraction. If you define mass by inertia, then that definition no longer hinges on gravitational attraction. Thank you for proving my point that logical contradictions are logically impossible.

>Most paradoxes that people try to use to disprove God just prove that they don't understand what "all powerful" means.
On this, we definitely agree.

Not even gonna bother with the Dr. Who guy because his worldview is defined by a fictional TV show.
>Not even gonna bother with the Dr. Who guy because his worldview is defined by a fictional TV show.
This is like parody-tier.
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Based James Bond
Sorry, my post came off as confrontational when I was trying to demonstrate that all of these paradoxes break down to quibbling over terms and definitions. We can barely comprehend our limited perception of our tiny portion of our universe, so I'm not going to say that even the most blatant contradictions are beyond Him.
such as?
things get created from "nothing" all the time, retards google quantum fields or better yet read a non fiction book instead of 2000 year old cult texts written by people on too many psychedelics
Going to make a picrel deck, what am I in for?
getting fucking destroyed by -1 counters
I hope you like fun instead of winning because thats what you are in for
Why dont you read kant and sartre then get back to us on the matter. Throw in some thingly thingness for good measure.
I said non fiction
Fault's with me, I assumed you were that other guy, but all the same I don't believe that affirming God's omnipotence means that logical impossibilities are suddenly no longer contradictory. The only ones who demand that omnipotence mean that what is logically impossible must actually be logically possible (itself a logical contradiction, funnily enough) are those who want to deny God's omnipotence through it. As logic is deductions from reality, asserting a logical impossibility is just a failure of deduction. A category error.

Pre-Ravnica, UR didn't have a clear identity (since enemy color pairs were by and large unheard of before Apocalypse came around), but it had a few things under its belt: Elementalism especially, but also illusions/trickery as a core feature. That and djinn/efreets as a reflection of the "otherworldly" side of the colors that don't fit into the angels of white, demons of black or nature spirits of green.

As usual, the atheist defers to unproven and unfalsifiable quantum theories that he can't even reference or explain himself, functionally punting to Mystery. But no, if we're analyzing the claims of God performing physically impossible acts in the Bible, there was nothing before He began creation. No waves, atoms, ""quantum fields"", nothing. And if you want to retreat further to multiverse theory - who created those other universes, retard?
What's a good, solid commander that isn't kill on sight and isn't a pushover? I can't decide and I'm kind of new to the game.
>philosophy is fiction
No, it's logic puzzles, like playing magic. And like magic, you're shit at it.
>to unproven
the proof is hawking radiation which is both observable and measurable, thanks for revealing your mental retardation, you're relieved, now kill yourself
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based Science Chad
She don't look like much but she can get the job done
I only read MTG approved philosophers
but how can that be anon! the christcuck didn't read about it in his philosophy books so it can't be real!
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Hawking radiation is THEORETICAL, it was invented by Stephen Hawking to square the circle that blackholes will exhibit entropy despite the fact that, as posited, no matter nor radiation of any kind can escape from them.

"No no they totally shrink and disappear, they still lose form because uhhh, there's this special kind of black-body radiation that must escape from them! No you can't see it, there's no way to demonstrate its existence, it's just too small for us to detect!"

You are a retard who is punting to yes, unproven and undemonstrated theories as an atheistic quasi-Mystery to get out of ontological arguments.

The best case and more likely scenario is that you're samefagging because you're pathetic. The worse case scenario is that multiple people don't understand the very subjects that are being leveraged as evidence.
God I hate how they spelled his name. But this is also fine, as long as it includes aristotle and plato as well. I think the art of war and book of 5 rings are also mtg approved, so I'd throw in the iching too.

>anon who doesnt understand what philosophy is acting smug that they dony understand what philosophy is
Classic midwit.
Hawkin radiation has both never been observed or measured, it is a theoretical concept.
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haha cool commander anon, golgari bros!
Thanks anons, I like Alexi, not a fan of dimir in general though
You could try these nerds
They might not have wanted to risk spoiling him, since he was returning in the upcoming season.
>jew loving christcucks invade thread and proceed to shit it up with their jew babble
>fedora atheists show up and proceed to shit up the thread even further
Who's the most Jewish commander and who's the most athiestcringe commander?
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To add to this because it needs stating more strongly, you claimed that Hawking Radiation is observable and measurable, when it actually has not been measured and the best that proponents for it can put forward is "actually a similar process has been modeled in 'white holes' so if you turn it around we can claim we have measured it, even though we've only made a theoretical model of it."

As this guy says >>93915898.
I'd assume that the return of Sutekh wasn't even written yet when they were working on the Doctor Who stuff. Sets are worked on years in advance.
Anyone in Orzhov (the guild) Any Goblin.
no, in 2021 it was observed for the first time by measuring the gravitational waves of a black hole
Can anybody recommend Solphim? Might make for a fun deck.

>indestructible for 1
Something simic. Probably something from that new science bitch.
Honestly, I don't even think they had his return planned out while writing the first half of the season.
>Repercussion + Blasphemous Act: The Deck
>Heartless Hidetsugu also an auto-kill
It’s a little telegraphed.
why do atheists existing trigger mentally stunted people like you so much
does it bother you that they have answers you don't because they actually paid attention in class?
>no such thing as heavy lightness
Quoth anon in litigation in favor of omnipotence on a Romani basket weaving forum.

Kant is fine. Now read Kundera.
there are more things in heaven and earth then are dreamt of in your philosophy
r/atheism is that away bub ->
I guess that's a yes
I built him and he's pretty potent but the deck flounders if you can't keep him on the board or run out of gas before you have a commanding board. I play him a lot like a stax commander with a lot of pinging enchantments and damaged based boardwipes. Toralf, repercussion, hidetsugu, or stalling the game out long enough to have the pings kill people are my main wincons. Jokulhaups is an mvp card since it dosent affect my enchantments or solphim. Pretty fun for you but your pod will hate it until they figure put how to beat it.
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>does it bother you that they have answers you don't because they actually paid attention in class?
Is this satire? Objectively you know the least of anyone in the argument.
I really like Duskmourn's backstory and lore. It is a lot more interesting than Bloomburrows, which felt very same ole outside of everyone being forcefully furrified "because"
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This isn't even true.

The study/experiment you're referencing:

They created a "sonic black hole" and observed non-sound radiation emerging from it, this is not an actual black hole and the radiation from it is not the proposed "Hawking Radiation" that would come from an actual black hole. The radiation observed was atemperate and they even say that any relation to actual black holes is from "numeric simulation". AKA the same white-room theoretical mathematics that necessitated the invention of hawking radiation in the first place. You belong to a cult that tricks you into believing that its speculation is proven observation.
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Jesus christ why is this still going on
>no you
Yes, which is why I recommended reading like 9 guys from very different viewpoints.
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>le gentle sir is too triggered by stupid christcucks to realize the post he replied to hates christcucks as well
Take a shower and lose some weight redditnigger
When I think of 4chan I very much think "devoted Christians"
This, but unironically
I knew you were making fun of christians as well, I was just calling you pathetic because you think you're above it all by being "spiritual" and not a christcuck but actually, you're an even bigger retard because at least christians believe in something. Atheists don't have to believe because we have emperical reality on our side
so that just leaves you, the most pathetic and ignorant of the bunch, yet strangely the most full of himself. You are a blight.
If you paid attention in class you'd know what the categorical imperitive is.
>this isn't even true
>open links
>actually it is true
welp idk what I expected but I guess I'll throw another nail in your coffin since you're already jumping in it yourself
Bingo Bango Bungo I don't want to leave the jungle oh no no no no nooooo
>Atheists don't have to believe because we have emperical reality on our side
Like the emperical reality of deez nuts on your atheist face with no god to save you until you're in mortal danger and recant everything immediately.

Bingo bango bongo I'm so happy in the jungle I refuse to go
the fuck is going on with his fingers?
>anime image
>obscenely retarded post
why is this so common?
Holy shit obese cheeto fingers typed this post. Fedora atheists are just as obnoxious as proselytizing christfags but instead of god and jesus they worship le heckin science.
>because you think you're above it all by being "spiritual"
Never said or implied I was spiritual, I just think you're both fucking annoying. You and the christfag should go preach elsewhere instead of my children's card game thread.
wow you really got triggered by my post huh? I guess I must've really hit the nail on the head :)
This is the best bait that has been posted so far
you already know why
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I swear to god if this shit continues into the next thread...
>you must be le triggered
>t. Fedoralord baited and triggered by one christfag
Go back
It might, but my girlfriend is over and I'm full of pasta so I'm going to bed soon
Hold on, that's 1 or more on a creature. So would you get multiple snakes if you put a -1/-1 on every creature?
digging that hole deeper for yourself
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Wow you're dumb. The study I linked actually looked better for you than this one, even though as I said it doesn't actually demonstrate hawking radiation but merely radiation off of a ""sound black hole"" which isn't a real one nor meaningfully analogous to one.

In your study, hawking radiation isn't even the subject of the experiment! It asserts Hawking's claim about black holes retaining a constant horizon area, which neither measures/observes hawking radiation nor even proves its existence. It merely says "Well based out what we've seen here, it *ought* to exist if Hawking's theory is true." Which gets us back where we were. Unproven, unmeasured, and purely theoretical.
Atheists aren't terribly intelligent!

>Atheists don't have to believe because we have empirical reality on our side
It is the nature of the True Believer that he asserts his worldview as objective fact, but unlike Christians, atheists hide behind their own presumption of empirical correctness rather than doing apologetics and demonstrating the truth claims of their belief system - if they pretend it isn't a belief system, they can say that they don't have to, you see!

Don't want no flip-lands, lair drops, planeswalkers, EDH bait, I make it clear!

Stay mad. By the way, your inability to capitalize gives the sameposting away.
Anime fans skew young
>n-no u
Go back
>christcuck accidentally posts links destroying his own position
>doubles down
bizarre but not unexpected
>logic puzzles
Its more like rationalizations than puzzles
>atheists hide behind their own presumption of empirical correctness
I know, those damn insane atheists building computers and new technologies. Crazy how we manage to replicate those things, don't they know empiricism doesn't exist?
So...your argument is observing things doesn't prove that things...happen? What the fuck even is this argument?
Dragonlord Ojutai
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>I cast...
Thoughts on my knights deck. Its the first deck that I built by scratch.
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you need to put in more equipment that isn't garbage
this is one of the greatest flavor text downgrades of all time
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Goodnight retard anon. Remember, kant sartre and heidigger. I belive in you, you can be taught if you try hard enough.
Ur commander is cute
With equipment less is more, cut the chaff
You have a good number of knights, they could be higher quality cards but it should be ok
Id cut 2 lands and add 2 more rocks
they should reprint it with the flavor text
Dont give them any ideas
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I really like how someone like me who barely knows about barrin or the academy can look at this flavor and get the basic idea of what happened
They should do that more
>modern mtg lore
Wait nvm
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>get btfo
>smug anime pic
you sure showed me
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I exiled them
and not just the creatures
but the lands
and the artifacts...
what kind of shit eating retard puts degenerate cancer like phyrexians and panharmonicon below eldrazi? an aggressively mediocre timmy archetype
ok I play teferi's protection :)
>so angry he did another round of mass replies
t. weak and diseased individual serving as prey source for reef-associated mesopredator
but they're stronger in lore thoughever
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Upgrading equipment is where I was going to go to first, I just don't know what i'm looking for so i padded the deck with a bunch of cheap stuff. A lot of my power spikes are about flying but that hammer is pretty perfect especially bypassing its equip cost.
Is there any other spell as based as worldfire?
literally any equipment with expensive equips would be fine.
>no see these things that are provable and repeatable is totally the same as a religious cult
blow your brains out, retard
What the fuck is this image kek
I have enough points at my lgs for $125 off a purchase. Do I get a box of duskmourn or just hey 3 singles or a gamegenic lair box?
You build a deck for 100 or less.
Spend it on lands.
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I prefer to address all present arguments at once, and have done this from the start. "lol u mad" because you make shorter, more frequent posts and I make single, comprehensive posts is just pathetic.

Still waiting on the proof and observation of that hawking radiation and thereby the proof and observation of quantum fields and thereby the proof and observation of a universal genesis without a causal creator. Funny how you've been piling on unproven assertion after unproven assertion, and then get mad when I point out how this behavior demonstrates blind faith in your atheistic worldview.

To this point, you might notice that your posts have gone from actually trying to contest my arguments and their evidence, to making mere assertions, to ignoring my points altogether in favor of "u mad" and "kys". The degeneration when the atheist is actually forced to argue demonstrates how weak is the ground he stands on.

Like >>93916314 says, buy a budget deck, it'll bring you many hours of enjoyment instead of one hour of disappointment. Unless you're trying to speculate/flip for value, in which case I can offer no advice as I am not a (((card merchant))).
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I hate sand
It's coarse
And rough
And irritating
And it gets everywhere
Buy some staples, proxy them for every future deck after. If a neckbeard complains show him you own the real card and make up an excuse like you don't want to damage it switching sleeves between decks.
>lose argument
>proceed to cry for multiple posts
>get told to kill yourself because you're an annoying stupid faggot who ignores evidence right in front of him
>cry harder
this is so fucking pathetic
least schizophrenic edh poster
I'd just agree and then take an excruciatingly long time swapping cards from deck to deck.
Proxying cards you own is just a time saving measure. Otherwise everyone gets to wait for the dude to swap cards around when he swaps decks.
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You fucked up the reply, unless you were just hoping I would miss this and you could get away easy!
I'm noticing that you've entirely stopped even pretending to argue, having not addressed my claims nor provided evidence/counterarguments for several posts, but have been reduced to having to declare that you won the argument and saying "lol ur just crying". I'll let this point stand for itself.

You should go to Church and read your Bible, anon! God loves you and neither he nor I want to see you damned because you turned away from Him!
a true loving god would allow atheists into heaven anyways, since having a rational doubt of his existence is normal, especially if they lived a life of charity and kindness despite a promise of reward or punishment in an afterlife.
There is no way to the Father except through the Son. If you reject God and his divinity, you can't complain when he rejects you in turn!

Now, I don't want to see you carrying this into the next thread unless you actually address those points you've left unaddressed in favor of whining that you've won! >>93916267

This only regarding the logical impossibility thread of the argument (specifically, my mentioning "something from nothing" being a physical impossibility which God achieved, and this whole digression onto quantum fields and hawking radiation being entirely tangential), the earlier discussion on the Covenants I don't even bring in because you've evidently got no response, having been fled from them entirely to post about black holes instead!

That all being said, have a good night anon, and God bless you!
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when is the new secret lair drop out ? might get some miku sl . Is it this 20 or next monday 23 .
looks like custom cards lmao

go away
I’ve been building acererak, but I need some big creatures that are cool. Who are your favourites?
Invention happens in spite of Christianity, not because of it. You've lived long enough to see that people are discarding Christianity and still making things. Christian hegemony requires a storytelling monopoly backed by violence, you don't have that anymore, now watch how Christianity changes (and shrinks).
>Not realizing he is the artifact you should be sacrificing.
Turn him into an artifact using any of the half dozen cards that do it.
How the fuck is Izzet the group sex one and not Selesnya?
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op is clearly a fag anon
>in spite of Christianity
Is that why many inventors credit God and their religion for pushing them to discover and invent?
>things still being made
I mean... not really lmao. Look up the great stagnation, invention and discovery have all but left our world alongside our Christian way of life
>Is that why many inventors credit God and their religion for pushing them to discover and invent?
Yes. They say and believe those things because they are emotionally compromised, just like you. Christianity doesn't make anything, just like it doesn't take responsibility for anything, it's a degenerate system of thought designed to manipulate moral concepts for political purposes. Credit goes up-hill to god, blame goes down-hill towards sinners and jews.
Why the fuck are you still posting here when there’s been a new thread up for 8 hours
Because we're responding to specific posts and/or skubbing about religion. Do you WANT us in the new thread?
Have the self control to drop it and move on
But I don't want to drop it and move on. I want to skub about religion in an autosaging thread on page 8.
>Is that why many inventors credit God and their religion for pushing them to discover and invent?
And soccer players attribute winning the World Cup to God. Was God actually pulling the strings in all their matches so they could win a meaningless tournament? Just because they thank him for it?
Or is it that they wanted to win really badly and happen to believe in a magic being that controls the entire universe?
Yes, everything good that any person has ever done was caused by the Christian god specifically. People who describe the same experiences in secular terms are lying. People who attribute the same experiences to non-Christian gods are lying. All good things are caused by god because he's such a nice guy, all bad things are caused by us because we didn't worship hard enough.
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What is the best way to get rid of bulk Magic cards? I have a bunch of draft chaff ranging from 2016 - 2022, mostly unplayable cards, but there are a handful of ~$5 and up cards. I've had some changes IRL recently, and suddenly having boxes of dead cardboard filling my closet-space is become a bit of a burden.

Should I go through everything with one of those phone-scanner apps and sort it into 2 piles: 'worth more than $5' and 'worthless', toss the bulk, and try and buylist the cards actually worth something?

Are any of those services where you send all your bulk and they send you back money worth it?

Should I just donate my bulk?

Thank you for reading my shitpost tg
I just donated my bulk to my LGS after making sure the owner would accept it.
Its a pain in the ass, and will also take forever, but sort thru everything pulling out anything you think might be playable/worth a few bucks. Then either donate the bulk, or hope you have a LGS that buys bulk. I have one that buys a foot for 3 bucks. Not much, but with the ammount of crap I own I could leave with a decent chunk of change. Or just give it to a kid at a LGS, make their day
I ran him in a red counters deck. Proliferate the indestructible counter and with nesting grounds to move it around my battlefield. Also tons of madness cards and enablers like containment construct and conspiracy theorist.

I think now with Inti existing it should be even more consistent.
Yea, the best and most rewarding thing you can do is to give it all to someone who just started playing, because they'll take pleasure in sorting them whereas for you it would be work. You can make a few bucks if you sort it all out yourself but that may or may not be worth the trouble.
craigslist all the bulk for a cheap price or give it to someone

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