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I was reading the GURPS Cthulhupunk books and I thought to myself: Who's got a better shot at fighting cthuloid buggers, your average fantasy party or a cyberpunk squad?

>inb4 what system
whichever you are familiar with fagit
Squad of cyberpsychos - mind that's already gone can't be driven mad.
those'd be pretty chromed up by comparison an equally well equipped fantasy party could feasibly have some anti fear stuff especially if theres a paladin, although i guess that depends on whether insanity is categorised as "fear"
Your average fantasy party is rather weak. Your average group of cyberpunks will be packing a lot more firepower.
The fantasy party, magic seems a lot more like it would affect these things than guns would.
I think I agree with the anons asserting that magic would be a better defense against this kind of thing. High tier cyberpunk parties are certainly likely to be extremely well armed and prepared, but they're prepared for mundane and technological threats, and I think the usual madness auras and stuff that eldritch horrors give off would probably be pretty bad for them. Several might be flat immune to fear though, and they could certainly put the hurt on it while they still had their wits about them. A high tier fantasy party on the other hand is very likely to have access to effects that can completely block fear, madness, mind control, or even something as vague as "mind-effecting" effects, which will keep them in the fight much longer and ensure they're not being dragged off to the asylum right after. The downside of this is all their serious firepower is likely either spells or artifacts, which are often limited use or finicky or costly or whatever.
Cthulhupunk is lame, it takes the blatant oppressive lies that ProvGov is trying to peddle in GURPS: Cyberworld about witches and terrorism and says “What if it’s all justified because of Cthulhu?”

It’s like the Vong in Star Wars or Warhammer 40K after 1990. They set up a bad guy but then keep having to justify their evil since fans refuse to accept oppression as the main reason why they do things.
Not saying one way or the other, but a quirk of BRP means that lovectaftian entities are much easier to kill with Dark Ages or Roman era weapons than 1920s standard fare in Call of Cthulhu. Not sure how d&d style fire and forget spells or caseless ammo and cyberarms would tilt that.
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Do you want pop-culture Lovecraftian monsters or actual Lovecraft monsters?

In the former case, the fantasy party wins because their sorcery and unearthly powers may have a chance at contesting with the unnatural biology of things like Mi-Go and Flying Polyps that normal weapons, however explosive and high-tech, are largely useless against.

In the latter case, neither case really does much better because the entire point of these creatures within the Lovecraft mythos is that they are too alien to be bothered by even the mightiest human weapons, and can at best be distracted or diverted by them. Lesser, more "natural" things like the Elder Things and the Shoggoths could be beaten by powerful enough weapons, but anything truly eldritch simply does not die.

"The Cthulhu-spawn and the Mi-Go seem to have been composed of matter more widely different from that which we know than was the substance of the Old Ones ... The Old Ones, but for their abnormal toughness and peculiar vital properties, were strictly material, and must have their absolute origin within the known space-time continuum." -- At the Mountains of Madness.
>high magic, usually high level 3.5
>against enemies that at the highest end, die (well, get put to negative hitpoints and disabled but they have Regeneration so it's subdual) if you hit them with a steam(?)boat
Anything less than the big three would struggle to get past CR 8. Higher power parties could go to war with the entirety of Pluto without support and win without breaking a sweat.

Power scale of cthulushit just doesn't work with actual combatants. Remember that civilians are 2-0 for conflicts with mythos (Dunwich Horror, Call of Cthulu) without the use of anything even close to contemporary military weapons of their own time let alone the crimes against reason that wizards are packing.
Bro, some drunk sailed a 1man craft into cthulu and he got put into a coma for thousands of years. They're not unstoppable monsters.
powerscale of cthulhu mythos
human < dreamer < dreamland creatures < gods < other gods < boat
Cthulhu got woken up early and had a headache, he just went back to sleep.
bad matchup
He got his revenge. You never heard of the Costa Concordia?
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The risk he took was calculated.
He just wasn't good at math.
Damn, now I want to run a game with exactly that premise. A bunch of humanity 1 chromeheads vs the horrors beyond the veil
I think this would only work well if the players didn't know that they were doing a cthulhu cyberpunk game, unless you just wanna run it as a pure hack and slash
Yeah. My group has expressed interest in trying out cyberpunk so I think I'll spring that on them whenever we find time to give it a go
Wathammer has insanity and fear as separate concepts, as I imagine most fantasy settings with both would.
In delta green, most of the stronger creatures require weapons with lethality to even try and damage, and generally only more high-tech, power ful shit has lethality. For example, grenades, automatic firearms, or most notably cruise missiles.
In Whisperer in Darkness the guy holds off the Mi-Go with a shotgun and some big dogs.
Yeah, OG Lovecraft was not powerscale wanked hard. Deep Ones are just fish dudes, you can shoot them with a gun. Mi-Go are just lobster-fungi, you can just shoot them with a gun. Cthulhu is just a big dude, you can hit him with a boat.

It's like how originally Superman could leap tall buildings in a single bound and run faster than a locomotive.
I mean Magic weapons and fantasy warriors presumably MIGHT be able to serve as an equivalent, or a fireball as an analogue to a grenade
Reminder that Cthulhu turned into a cloud when the boat hit him and reformed, unharmed.He was, if anything, annoyed at best.
I kind of lean towards cyberpunk because the average 'punks have a lot of grenades and c4, effectively making them wizards.
Reminder that you can drop a Chain Devil (CR 6. 6!) into the center of the fucking sun, and then blow up the sun and it will reform, unharmed, and be annoyed at best.
It will also be knocked out for a while but not nearly as long as Cthulu was when he was rammed by a sailing yacht. The yacht also survived and took less damage than cthulu.
Power scaling Lovecraft is missing the point even harder than, "AAAAH TENTACLES! I'M GOING INSANE! SAVE ME NIGGERMAN!"
just replace the tentacles with a random irish guy

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