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Zeus (and Steiner) edition

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First for falcons
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Praise Blake and pass the launch codes!
>Except to field whole battalions, like how actual lore battles go.
Sounds like you want a different game. However, this is a Battletech thread, and we talk about lance to company sized engagements here. Larger battles are something that isn't welcome here. That's why NEAs batreps aren't welcome here, because they're too big for Battletech and take up too many posts. And its why you and people like you who don't want to play Battletech aren't welcome here either. Go make an Alpha Strike general and don't bother us again.
What's the name of clan version of Crab? It literally looks like Crab, but I think it's 5 ton heavier.
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Night Chanter
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No u
What's that Mech fighting the Treb?
Again, I ask. Why not just play Battleforce?
>That's why NEAs batreps aren't welcome here
I thought the problem with NEAs batreps are that they're for that fucking airship game, not Battletech
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Suggestions for canopy colors on these guys? I still need to add red stripes and other details, but they're my take on GDL.
Charger. You can tell by the design of the weapon.
That's 4 games of BT, not one, you stupid asshole.
How are you spending 3 hours on a game of Alpha Strike, what is wrong with you.
Well if you're just doing GDL, use the GDL canopy colors.
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Would you say that's more red or orange?
>How are you spending 3 hours on a game of Alpha Strike, what is wrong with you.
Company minimum.
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That's actually me most of the time, not NEA. He's got a bigger collection than I do.
What the actual fuck is wrong with you?
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Rakshasa, what have they done to you??
CBT vs AS is a Judeo-GW psyop to undermine non-WYSIWG games with stable rulesets. The Nottingham Minyan seeks to sow division in other player bases to destroy their competitors. Don't fall for their tricks.
Battleforcechads, rise up.
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It's not great, but I tried to make something halfway feasible.

Fun fact: if you drop the AC/5 and drop the PPCs to LLs, you can easily fit a pair of LRM10s onto a Marauder.

You can keep the PPCs if you're willing to drop a couple tons of armor...
That wasn't an invitation, asshole.
It's Battletech. That's the name of the game. It's not CBT, Classic BT, Classic Battletech, or Battletech New Coke. Get it right.
Sorry, I meant AGOAC.
>That's why NEAs batreps aren't welcome here
They always have been and always will be. Die mad about it.

>Whole Battalions
No. Battles vary from skirmishes and raids to pitched battles. Most battles are small, usually less than a company in scope. as various border areas raid one another or pirates make a quick drop in to grab booty then run. Battalion+ engagements are like large scale pitched battles in the 30YW, you hear about them a lot because they are so rare that when they do happen they are a talking point.

>My rare time off is valuable, so yes
Thanks to my terminally work addicted boss and a colleague whose child is always ill on certain days, im down to one day every other week when I actually get to go game. Time constraints are not an excuse, its better to enjoy a little of quality than a bucket of slop.

I hate you for posting this, not because its off topic, but because it looks bloody fun and I want to try it out, but know my collection is massive and my backlog crippling.
>Classic Battletech
Says so on the book cover. Sorry, time has passed you by, and you were too blinded by stupidity to notice.
I don't care, I'm still blaming him. If he hadn't helped write the game then you wouldn't be posting off topic battle reports about it in these threads. It's still his fault.
You don't have a job, you NEET
CBt: aGoAC
Why is the Word of Blake so gosh-darned fun?
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Gentlemen, Behold! My team and I have updated the venerable Savanah Master for warfare in a new age. It can survive a gauss rifle or clan PPC hit to any part of it's chassis, its armament has been substantially improved and it has lost none of its signature speed.

All this for a mere twenty five fold increase in per-unit costs. I am certain we will solve certain supply delays soon and move to mass production.
You get to be an over-the-top cackling cartoon villain.as0ga
Because they were unapologetically evil and nobody felt the need to humanize them. They were allowed to be the evil bad guys.
honest question, why pay this instead of historical navals? Does altitude even matter?
Literal terror. I love it. I'll buy a dozen.
>1.1k BV
Don't forget militia divisions shipping in to make heroic last stands against the Clanner scum on distant worlds.
Made it silly-sexy.

ES if you just want the LRM15s, ES plus light engine if you want 4/6/4 and 100% armor coverage and if you're dying to get the CAT's four medium lasers, you'll have to do with 85% armor coverage. It's not a Timber Wolf, but it sure isn't a bad ride by any account.
Because the only rule of war is to have fun.
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Is an Overlord-C big enough to carry 25 Omnimechs, 100 Elementals and 10 Omnifighters, if you convert on and a half of the mech bays?
Yeah you can anything good if you upgrade loterally every single part of it. What was the point of this?
It's an Omniship so the BA can hang on to the hull.
>once the Super Savannah Master is mass-produced we'll defeat the Star League in no time!
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In a nutshell.
Not MCA. Levs is way more fun than any naval historical I've ever touched, and gives you about 80% of the granularity that makes BT interesting, with about 10% of the effort required. I was pimping it in the fleet games thread last night, because it's a worthwhile game. It just needs Catalyst to not be complete and total shit at actually releasing it.
>25 Omnimechs, 100 Elementals
>and 10 Omnifighters
That's a harder sell, Overlord-C was deliberately designed to not house fighters.
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Is there another Clan Dropship that still fits the size requirement while better meeting the accessibility requirement?
There's no dropship that isn't outfitted with ramps and elevators in the first place.
It only costs 25 times as much! (and over 5 times the BV).
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Yes, easily. BA bays are very small. You have a bunch of left over space as well.
Interesting. So what is >>93913775 talking about then?
Apparently we had NuD&D beat on inclusiveness decades ago. Even combat wheelchair/mobility scooter units are fully stattable in TW.
This is utterly insane and completely impractical. The Lyrian's will take 20 Battalion's worth.

Remember to look away from the mirror when posting, anon.
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I only found out about Mobile Structures recently. Holy shit they sound so awesome, taking up multiple hexes, moving around and just rolling over terrain.

I know they don't make a bunch of sense in canon outside of Word of Blake on Terra, but they're SO COOL. I'm already imagining them rolling around on lost Periphery worlds or as some big industrial rig.

Have you guys done anything with Mobile Structures? They seem perfect for narrative battles! Like, some mechs riding a huge tracked rig through a frosty blizzard while coming under attack, or two teams fighting over a neutral Mobile Structure.
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I've not yet had the opportunity to cripple a Harkonnen spice crawler in a game yet, but I'm sure that time will come eventually.
>ordered some Tamiya masking tape for painting
>can’t remember why I wanted it after it arrives

Well damn
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There was something here years ago about a DDay style game where the defenders had a mobile structure. This is the only pic I have regarding it, the structure is in the bottom right.
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Wait no, I found another pic.
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Ghost Bears like their big ass shit
That's kind of neat. Like a giant mobile HQ.
Doing stripes on something perhaps?
>Rim Worlds Republic insignia
Utterly based.
Probably, it was one of those purchases where I thought

>oh it'll be nice to have that when I need to do x

So I guess x must not have been very important since I can't remember
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I think it's supposed to be a Rattler. A Mark I, based on the insignia, since the RWR fielded those. But it looks really shitty, which I don't understand. There's at least 2 perfectly good Rattler STLs out there, so I don't get why someone would try a low effort scratch build like this when they could have just printed it.
Pic's from 2012.
Because they are RIGHT

Little scuffed
does masking tape work when you're brush painting?
The centurion was specifically made to defend the trebuchet. Shamefur dispray
IIRC, thats a Cinnci game about the SLDF's assault on Terra, that particular battle is in Canada, and the big Mobile Structure is a Rattler Mk1 which would shoot down a SLDF LAM with a capital scale missile, and then proceed to be an utter beast, rotating itself as armour as stripped and weapons knocked out to constantly present an armoured and armed front to the foe, until it was eventually KO'd.
So? If you can't do something well, you should do it. Or at least you shouldn't put the results out publicly in front of a group.
You sound delightful.
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What mech is most similar, ability wise, to the scopedog?
That's a funny way to say that I actually have standards. There's no excuse not to 3D print something that doesn't have an official model. This crap is what you get when you refuse to invest in future technologies.
I love these guys like you wouldn't believe
That's a funny way to say you were born in 2015.
ATs are about the size and capabilities of Protomechs.
>Apparently we had NuD&D beat on inclusiveness decades ago. Even combat wheelchair/mobility scooter units are fully stattable in TW.
Well yeah, we've got Mermaids and Centaurs!
Mariks might disagree, they kind of owned Canopus for a while.
If so many of you faggots love that queer game, then go make your own gay thread.
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Almost not a WIP Kraken, just need to go buy more matte varnish.
Mold lines not trimmed and fingerprints visible in the greenstuff.
No. Fuck you and fuck off.
So I've been shanghaied into honoring the Dragon, but I don't much care for the idea of just dumping cherry red paint on my 'mechs. Are Ghost Regiments my best option?
Yeah, the fingerprint wasn’t really visible until I started painting, and I couldn’t be assed to strip it down to fix it.
When a mech has RA hatchet and LA fist, how many melee attacks can it make?
Save it for your faggot game of naval buttplugs
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Now they've gone and done it
You can only make one type of melee attack. So either a punch, or a hatchet strike.
It's literally off topic, and nobody cares anyway
Want to honor the Dragon but don't want to do it in Sword of Light red? Allow me to introduce the Proserpina Hussars.
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Not everyone is red. The anting legion is blue, sun zhang is silver, most of the district regulars have their own schemes too (the majority being brown though)
The combine is a wonderful rainbow of official schemes. But if you're good at freehanding like the other ghost regiment anon then yes they would be great
Copy. Can you choose to punch with the arm with a hatchet, instead of swinging it by any chance?
Go Ryuken-Ni and paint katana edges on your mechs. If you don't, I might eventually.
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night lords is that you
I care
>newsflash, two things that are broadly similar can often pose similarly
I care, and I will batchall any man to a game of alpha strike for the right to talk about it.
Hey man, I don't know if you know this or not, but many of the original designs were traced from anime. It's a lot more than "similiar pose" with the Atlas.
I am very much aware, but there is a difference between being traced and simply being used as a reference. Things like the Griffin and Marauder were traced. The pose of the scopedog was obviously used as a reference for the Atlas, but that is absolutely not a trace job. Saying that it's a trace job because they both have round heads and similar poses is a retarded statement along the same lines as Harmony Gold saying that FASA copied the Atlas from them because it has two legs, two arms, and five fingers on the each hand. There is nothing and never will be anything wrong with using someone else's work as a reference point.
And that's bullshit. Copying is copying. If you can't be wholely original, then don't create things. if you're actually creative then that shouldn't be a problem.
I feel like 40k night lords style lightning bolts across the blue sections would look really goon on that
Kinda like the painfully obvious bait you keep posting.
Fuck it, let's go crazy and paint scales for 1st Ghost Regiment.
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I really, really, really hope you're just baiting. But I know the well of autism runs deep.
It was 2012, nobody was printing at that time. The oldest Rattler STL file online dates from 4 years ago.
Also it was 2012 and these were the models available, even amazing paintjobs weren't going to make things look incredible.
Ghosts of Obeedah is such a good book.
That's a Rattler, and I'm going to be running a similar scenario to the one you're talking about at Fall-In! this year. Will be a Wobbie Rattler MkII on New Dallas under attack by Stone's Coalition forces. Ruleset will be Alpha Strike.

Maybe I'll post the summary here in a couple of months.
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>Maybe I'll post the summary here in a couple of months.
Please do, with pics and commentary.
I like how they look
>Maybe I'll post the summary here in a couple of months.
As long as your battle report can be summed up in one post, I'd love to read it. But walls of text across multiple posts need to stop.
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Speaking of batreps, MCA should be posting later.
He'd better not. We're all sick of off topic content.
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Like what you're doing right now?
Please leave and never come back.
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>No mech heelies
Whenever IS protos hit the stage they need gliding wheels
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That guy is world renowned for being retarded, both in terms of his inability to understand how the tabletop game is played, and his surface level understanding of even Sarna lore. If he'd grow some balls and at least call the Urbanmech a bad mech, I could respect him, but he won't touch the sacred reddit-meme cow.
Does the bonding in The Mercenary Review and Bonding Commission imply they're also the organization that oversees bondsman taking?
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Strategic Turn 3 was mapped tonight. First off, it turns out that there was a disinformation campaign in place. The red faction, rather than House Kurita, is a Wolf's Dragoons line company.
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There are four battles to be fought over the coming weeks. Wolf's Dragoons will be engaging House Steiner at a comm station in the badlands, House Steiner is attacking an Explorer Corps-held fortress in the ash fields, the 1st Free Worlds Guards are attacking the Dragoons in a ruined city, and a three way battle is developing between the Explorer Corps, Aurigans, and Cthulhu's Horde mercenary unit.
>The red faction, rather than House Kurita, is a Wolf's Dragoons line company.
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But before all that happens, House Marik engaged House Arano tonight for control of an artillery base.
Are you a child? “Bonded” in the context of business contracts refers to a sum of money being held (usually by a third party or regulatory agency) in order to keep the bonded party honest and accountable. If they violate the terms they forfeit the bond.

This is entirely different from clans taking bondsmen.
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The matchup faced our lightest lances against each other. The Aurigans brought an Assassin, Locust, Commando, and Jenner, while the Free Worlds League brought a Phoenix Hawk, Assassin, Hermes II (Treb proxy) and Locust. Notably, the FWL mechs have been refitted and are no longer stock models.

We played Instant Action, I chose Confront and he chose Hold, so it was the Ambush scenario. My lance was placed in the center of the board, and the Aurigans emerged from the northwest corner.
Glory to Marik! Weeck that rump state!
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Almost immediately, a conga line formed, as I focused my entire lance on the enemy's Locust, which fount itself out of position. Despite it being the LRM locust with almost no armor, all I managed to do was take off one of its arms.
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My own locust missed its kick and fell, scraping open its rear armor.
>Dr Pepper sighted
This gonna be good
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As the sun was falling, I started playing for distance. All I had to do was keep two of my units online until turn 8, so avoiding shots was paramount.
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The Aurigans put that fact together a moment after the FWL did and charged, pushing forward to engage me at point blank range. I saw an opportunity, though. For some reason, the opponent's Jenner had moved one hex past the light woods instead of staying in it, leaving him exposed with only a +1 TMM. I focused my entire lance on him. My Hermes II, which had sacrificed its entire firepower for a trio of SRM-6s, managed to score two headshots out of 12 missiles that connected, and the pilot failed a consciousness roll, while other fire from the lance tore off one of the Jenner's arms.
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With the pilot unconscious and half its firepower gone, the Jenner was already having a bad day, but my Phoenix Hawk took the opportunity to stomp on it, shattering its already damaged leg and leaving the Jenner effectively mission-killed.
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While my Locust had been forced to withdraw, the loss of the Jenner, which had most of the Aurigans' firepower, forced them to retreat. We actually played out another movement phase, but during this the Aurigan player decided to withdraw. I captured the Jenner, while the Aurigans retrieved their unconscious pilot.

Victory for House Marik!
That's what tiny Periphery satraps get for messing with Great Houses. Hide yo' kids, hide yo' lights!
Do not speak for me, zoomer
I can't not read this in James Earl Jones' voice
Two other things of note: Aurigan player rolled a Firestarter as his randomly assigned replacement for the Jenner, and I actually went and bought another Striker Lance pack so that I could have a FWL Jenner. Plus, Naginata only having a single Panther was odd.
Listen jack, It was made by the dragoons and it was made after the clan invasion. Gotta make sure of these things
you sound like an actual retard
Explain what you think the mechanics were behind an inner sphere organization dedicated to upholding a clan tradition about the treatment of POWs.
Cool. Your Hermes and his Firestarter can have a cook-off.
urbie isn't even that bad, don't get why you spergs seethe over it all the time
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It's an easy mistake to make, really.
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Don't try to defend me.
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Kat got dem tiddays
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>Cataloging my new tanks
>Realize the new plastic Vedette has an off-center gun now

I do not like it Sam-I-Am.
Too many posts. Can you stop derailing threads with your homebrew bullshit? You're an ok guy, so I want to give you a fair chance to stop before we have to get jannies involved. This shouldn't have been more than 2 posts in total, so you need to stop spamming threads.
>That's the face of a 21 year old woman
A. It's actually really bad
B. It's annoying how it's become a meme, to the point of the nuclear urbie and the urbie company pack and the fucking urbie LAM.
I sure do love being an artist and knowing how the aging process works. Hanse is 15 in that picture
>posts about playing battletech are off-topic
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Next batrep just got three posts longer.
Waiter, this bait is dried out and stale.
The nuclear Urbanmech predates the reddit memes you newfag. If anything, it is what spawned them, but it itself was born from a place of fun homebrew, and not to garner internet upvotes, and is not to blame for the cancer which has come from it
How many layers of irony are we on here?
Real peeps know this, but regulars seem to think Tex leaned into Titus Urbanicus so hard that Catalyst pimps Urbie swag because of it.
Nah, they don't have anything to do with bondsmen, but thanks to a bizarre autocorrect incident, every inner sphere and periphery state except the Magistracy signed off on them regulating all bondage related sex clubs and porn
>regulating all bondage related sex clubs and porn
So it was a Clan thing after all!
Probably the Wolverine 6R.
>Arm mounted autocannon,
>Shoulder mounted missile pack
>Laser in head, but it's close enough
No roller skates though.
Here's your (You).
>urbie meme started on reddit

And you call me a newfag lol.

I bet I've been playing Cock and Ball torture since before you were born (1991).
Which mechs would be fitting for the free Rasalhague resistance fighters, around 3025?
Roll on the IS General, Mercenary, Kurita, and Steiner RATs.
I don't know why they made Takashi look like old Sydney Poitier, but okay.
Why are you assuming the Resistance was fighting Kurita with 'mechs?
Nah, clanners basically never have anything but the most half-assed of vanilla fuckibg because they don't care enough to actually try
What else? Lyran Mechs provided by Lyran intelligence?
I thought he looked more like Fireball from The Running Man.
I bet clanners would be into pegging if strapons weren't an unnecessary waste of resources.
Because that's how you lose. You're resistance fighters, you don't fight where your enemy is strong.
Because I don't like the infantries and tanks. Personal preference
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They were ineffective and using jack shit in 3025. Don't forget, Teddy gave the hogs independence and fought the Ronin War on their behalf for two reasons.

1. To get the Comstar Toys
2. To kill his Uncle Marcus's (The Warlord of Rasalhague's) forces.

Hog independents were limited to terrorism and assassination, like the bodyguard that killed Teddy's grandpa.
Wow. There were 4 Javelins and Chargers listed at $8~9 and got sold out within an hour. Damn
Also the new Warriors are fucking YUUUGE for some reason.
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Nice spread. Are the Galleons from the Merc box or did they double up in one of the lances somewhere?
Merc box
Is there kind of intended era/theme for this mercs kickstarter?
It can be used in any era, the primer maps cover 3058 and 3151.
Round out the 3025 mechs, do the classic 3026 tanks, and salt in some 3050's machines. That's really about it. It wasn't about Mercs at all.
ATs are assault BA-equivalents, but you'll need protomech tech to make them go proper fast in BT.
>55 ton PPC/+4 medium lasers energy boat
He's like Jamie Oliver being mad about deep fried chicken meat loaf.
When can we expext the suporot boxes to get a full release?
Don't know, but it's fucking odd they don't have MSRP printed on them.
having read it it's... mostly positive? like it points out retrotech was dogshit compared to blake omnimechs 1v1, duh, but the rook dabbed on them nonetheless by leaning into its strengths and then got upgraded into a world class merc mech and even a cutting edge blazer carrier
the only thing anywhere that fits the theme of bad mechs is briefly pointing out the concept of retrotech itself
>ike it points out retrotech was dogshit compared to blake omnimechs 1v1
Problem being that most of the Celestial loadouts have been gimped by design.
The art of heraldry really took a dive when we moved into space.
---Mercs box
---Recon lance
---Battlefield Support: Recon and Hunter Lances
---Battlefield Support: Assault and Cavalry lances
---Cavalry Star
---Salvage Box: Battlefield Support
---Salvage Box: Mercenaries
---McCarron’s Armoured Cavalry (B&N Exclusive)
---Map Pack: Savannahs
From what I've heard this is basically distributors guessing
Whenever the Kickstarter fulfils in full. Although some European stores were putting stock on shelves a few weeks back only for CGL to scramble around trying to tell them not to
Oh damn
Have they done any official infantry yet or just the armor?
they said that it's their goal (if the kickstarter gets all done) in their youtube
Considering they weren't happy with the elementals and the IS standard look to be hit and miss, there's likely no chance they'll do any more official infantry or battle armor.
so just like fix them then
I think they're neat
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Seems unlikely. They said in a recent update they want to deliver the kickstarter "by the end of this year" and then release widely next year.

Also, we aren't past the bump limit yet!

GHQ stuff looks fine anyway
Sure, let's send Loren off to China to make sure the IS standard don't look like they've melted. That'll fix everything.
I use Megamek sprites for my infantry and some Etsy battle armour that have been off handedly remarked as looking like "mini Shads" so I'm not in any rush to replace them
>Sure, let's send Loren off to China
Should have stopped there.
He right though. The Stormcrow Prime is objectively better, which makes the Rook a bad Mech.
Battlefield Support: Grenadier & Kanazuchi Battle Armor Platoons (Quarter 4 2024 release)
Grenider x4
Kanazuchi x4

Battlefield Support: Black Wolf & Raiden Battle Armor Platoons (Quarter 2 2025 release)
Black Wolf Battle Armor x5
Raiden Battle Armor x4 (Listed as Fa Shih in the screenshot)

Battlefield Support: Fenrir & Gnome Battle Armor Platoons (Quarter 1 2026)
Fenrir Battle Armor x4
Gnome Battle Armor x5

Battlefield Support: Rogue Bear & Kage Battle Armor Platoons (Listed as Quarter 2 2027)
Rogue Bear Battle Armor x5
Kage Battle Armor x5
Off topic
It is not the first time CGL will lie nor will it be be last time.
Do the vehicles come off the bases or are they stuck on there?
NTA, but if they are assembled like the mechs they should be glued to some pegs on the base. The Savannah Masters though come separate from the base
Which fucking book?
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My dude that was six hours ago. I think we can drop it for now. Post mechs instead.
Is an Engineering Vehicle (AC20) worth taking over a Hetzer?
Try putting a Wasp, Locust and Stinger against a singular Urbanmech in a defensive battle. Then you'll understand the glory that is the Urbie.
I dunno. Never having more than +1 tmm on a light is pretty rough.
I dunno, I just think it's a cute underdog and I'm quite happy to have an R60L and missile urbs I can easily convert into arrow IV
maybe sometimes something can just be popular because it's fun
Assuming the enemy Lights won initiative, most introtech lights will be best off at range 6, which is medium range for both their medium lasers/SRMs and the urbie's AC10. The fast Lights are running to generate a +3 TMM and thus hit on 6s, while the urbie stands still and hits on 7s.

The enemy lights will get more hits, but every AC10 shot that connects will probably cripple any one of those lights. The only hope would be to take the LRM locust and just pepper it from outside 15 hexes until you get a TAC, except since the scenario specified "defensive battle" there's presumably an objective that forces you to engage more closely and quickly.
An Utbanmech is objectively bad when it's used outside of what it was intended for, but it's hard to give it shit when you know you're the one using it for anything other than urban defense. If you take an Urbie to an open field for example, it's your fault for being stupid.
BV-wise, you come up ahead if you destroy or cripple two of the enemies. C-bill-wise,one destroyed bug 'mech wins.

This was the setup I used for a Megamek scenario, three ligts versus one of mine and a NPC Locust. Only the Urbie allowed for me to win.
Did the Urbie LAM get a record sheet yet?
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The whole Urbie meme started because the mech is cute, kind of useless, and it was absurdly cheap for a while when Ral Partha was still in business. It's been a thing since at least 1989, just that a whole bunch of people latched onto it recently.

>Have you guys done anything with Mobile Structures? They seem perfect for narrative battles!
Yes. Did a game with a large Naval structure carrying mechs on the deck, being attacked by hovers and surface monitors. I had a waterline Nimitz model in ~1/2400 and a couple water hexmaps, was a fun time. We debated doing a LAM strike against the carrier but everyone agreed just dealing with the structure rules was already enough of a pain in the ass.

Yes. Make sure the edges are pressed down well and don't try to drybrush along them or it'll lift the tape. I usually use the heel of a paintbrush handle to press down the edge of the tape.

You're not welcome here and you never have been. Stop being such an insufferable trolling piece of shit, and stop trying to backseat janny.
it bad because a regular human can outrun it
City is just the only terrain where he can be used at all.
It's not like ability to reposition isnt valuable in urban combat. Its just not as critical due to cover
No, apparently it never will because it was purely intended as a joke product. I heard Ray thought it was dumb and it only happened because they thought it'd sell.
It's the only urban from the box I didn't paint. The flying one, anyway. The standing one with wings is just another urban model.
I require a 1/64 uziel and a 1/64 hellcat(hh2)
gonna have to get me the STLs for those
first of all how much of your militia is made up of olypmic sprinters, 32 kmh is possible but blazing fast for a human
but also humans can outrun a bunker, you still wouldn't want to round a corner to find one had set up shop on a previously safe street
also also I think the urban combat game back when had rules that made the urbie make much more sense, like punishing going to fast, but I never played it so I can't speak with any authority
A Mech that's only good in a handful of hand-tailored situations is not a good Mech.

A Wasp, Locust, or Stinger is always useful in a mixed lance as a scout and if you're lucky a backstabber. And UrbanMech is only useful in defense battles in an urban situation or heavy forest, preferably against light or medium opponents.

The SuburbanMech is almost useful, though for the same BV you get a Panther which is objectively better.
Do you also consider submarines bad because they can only operate in a sea?
If it was intended as a "joke product that will sell" then why include Alpha Strike cards for it? That, to me, says they at least had a record sheet they won't release to base the AS stats off.

or they just built in megamek and exported the AS card
It's probably just a ERPPC carrier/Heavy PPC carrier in any case, right?
Knowing Urbies, the LAM uses a Heavy/C-ER PPC with a capacitor because fuck the Nova Cats.
So Clan's Protectorate completely seceded from FWL to Wolf Empire?
No. What gave you that idea?
Empire Alone book
i havent dabbled much into the lore but as far i understand all the new (MW5 and Battletech) video games are pre clan invasion
and after clan invasion story went to shit as far as i understand?
what is so bad about wolf empire (well aside from the plot armor)
The Clan Invasion forever divided the fanbase by introducing powergaming to Battletech (not that it wasn't possible before, but both sides had the same toys, so you couldn't cheese anything your opponent couldn't cheese too, and the way you played the game wasn't good for cheesemongers).

Then the clans came and (if not playing with BV), their rules were (and still are) for the most part just "everything we have is better for no drawbacks whatsoever"

IlClan is just adding into that. The clans won and are shitting up your setting, get over it, etc.
Everyone has their own date for when the writing went to shit, the secret is that it was never good. The earliest books are full of events that don't really make sense

The wolf empire is a dark age thing where the wolves pack up their entire occupation zone and move it to an entirely new place where they are surrounded by enemies on all sides. It's another in a long line of clan plot lines that rely on you not thinking about how big their military is in comparison to the number of people they are trying to fight.
>and after clan invasion story went to shit as far as i understand?
Depends what do you consider shit (IMO, both Jihad and Dark Age eras didn't lost main selling point of BT as setting)
>what is so bad about wolf empire (well aside from the plot armor)
Plot armor (most ilClan era where literally everything bands over so Wolves could conquer Terra on easy mode)
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>what is so bad about wolf empire (well aside from the plot armor)
See the big blob of orange in between the FWL and the LC? That's the Wolf Empire. Fast forward this map a year and the blob extends to Terra. Plot armor is EVERYTHING wrong with Wolf Empire.
Outside of laughable sizes of Clan's touman not so much of the plot armor considering FWL was dissolved after Jihad.
Also, the fuck hapenned with cows?
In battlepack: fourth succession war, scenario 4 they came together with the Lyrans with an adhoc unknown regiment of mechs to fight the Dracs.
Split up in 3066 because an idiot tyrant was in charge. They are supposed to get back together in the next big timeline advancement book.
>The Clan Invasion forever divided the fanbase by introducing powergaming to Battletech
Skill issue
>The Clan Invasion forever divided the fanbase by introducing powergaming to Battletech
i thought thats why they did the jihad
to level the planefield
but i dont know much about jihad
for SOME reason yt lore channels dont want to talk about it
>inb4 ha ha YT lore nerds
its a podcast thing i cant read books and do work
>The earliest books are full of events that don't really make sense
Yes, like using giant robots to wage war instead of infantry and aircraft and artillery.

Making sense was already out the window from day 1. If you want Battletech to start making sense, you start by getting rid of Mechs.
That's because you get your channel demonetized if you talk about Jihad. Of course people aren't going to talk about it. And you shouldn't be getting your lore from Youtubers anyway. Go read a damn book.
its loosely explained
mechs are way easier to transport in a ready for action state because they technically need 1 dude to opperate (mechtechs can arrive later) they dont really need to be unloaded so they make good alpha strike group that is on the very front of the assult
like how many leopards full of lrm srm carriers and tanks you need to send to do the job that 1 leaopard full of medium mechs can do
its a shabby excuse but it kinda makes sence
i know i know
speaking of books what are some audio books you guys can recommend?
i did listened to a "ghost of winter" and it was pretty good
but then i tried measure of a hero and lasted for like 40 min
it starts with a dude alone dispatching 4 clan mechs and severals elementals
i dont remeber what he was piloting but it really doesnt matter
>See the big blob of orange in between the FWL and the LC? That's the Wolf Empire.
I mean it's still smaller than any of the successor states
its in the middle though
and they are invaiders
from outer rim of draconis combine iirc, or from that dirrection
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Yep, posting just for comparison.
>to level the planefield
See, the problem with introducing powercreep is that it's powercreep no matter how you slice it. I don't want to have my own OP supertechnology, I want neither of us to have OP supertechnology.

"Just give Clantech to your own units bro" is such a tired argument. I don't -want- to use Clan LPLs or headcappers or to have my LRM-20's weigh nothing and also have no minimum range, fuck. I want there to be drawbacks to this shit, not to get everything I want and never need to worry about heat either because double heat sinks are just that good.
The Gray Death trilogy. It's all you need.
What the fuck is that 'hinterlands' area there
>its in the middle though
Yeah this what hapenns when Crazy Kat relatives tries to play realpolitik with clanners and FWL practically disappeared for a while.
>What the fuck is that 'hinterlands' area there
Old Jade Falcon occupation zone, which pratically was abandoned when Malvina ordered all Falcons to move to Terra ASAP
These shits:
Alyina Mercantile League
Arc-Royal Liberty Coalition
Isle of Skye
Clan Jade Falcon Remnants
Malthus Confederation
Tamar Pact
Vesper Marches
This map pisses me off, I want clanners to go back to their shithole. Why Inner Sphere tolerates these fuckers?
Isn't the Arc Royal Liberty Coalition in there too?
mad cat is cool though
That's why it's named, yes.
>Why Inner Sphere tolerates these fuckers?
Geee let's ask native spheroid from New Avalon
Clans do have no sence of aesthetics
look at grifin 2 or hunchback 2
they just made them symetrical and now it looks dumb
They don't want to go back, Star Adders are there. Multiple Clans are ingratiating themselves with Spheroids or taking Wolf knot just to avoid having to go back and deal with those duplicitous shits.
>Nah, clanners basically never have anything but the most half-assed of vanilla fuckibg
Canon-wise spheroid chicks likes it
They're slaves to Clanner pheromones, compelled to breed with superior genestock.
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Storage section is looking good. Probably gonna add another column of shelves eventually.
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Though I can probably fit all my Kickstarter stuff in here if I ditch the two bit storage shelves up top and have the airships just live permanently in their transport case.
That is art
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i need to finish my transpot case i bought the foam plates but havent yet cut it and glued them
i did oredered some new guys though
I love that they put her in a Warhawk C. It's the ultimate insult.
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How excited are you about how I can just grab any shelf and slide it into the carry case once I decide which faction I'm playing today?
How sturdy is the crate? Could you sit/stand on it?
Nope. Maybe if you printed at 100% infill, but I did not. I doubt it though, it just has slide-in joints.
what is the best hunchback? i swear theres like 12 of them
The classic 4G is the standard that all are measured by.
Nicely done MCA
The Urbie has been a meme since the early days, and was very popular here until Battletech bloomed in popularity again and reddit latched on to it. You are in the place that spawned the Nuclear Urbie, and the started up hypothetical Urbie LAM's long before they where a thing. But reddit latching onto the Urbie has tanked its popularity as newfags whom don't know the history rail against it as another example of redditardation.
It's also a really bad mech outside of its one design role.
>this dinosaur still calls it BattleTech instead of BattleTech: new coke
I bet you call WFB Warhammer Sprite instead of Warhammer Starry
either the classic or the discoback, post helm upgrades if you must
we don't talk to the missile hunchies
i dont mind SRM hunch
also clan version is so much better with ultra 20ac its kinda hilarious
Because they're too weak to remove them. The smart clans like Ghost Bears and Snow Raven and Sea Fox are too strong and shrewed to be conquered by any single IS faction, and the spheroids themselves proved unable to work together for a straight decade. The people of the Inner Sphere are simply too weak and stupid to destroy the Clans.
i mean wolf is the only compitent clan
the other clans are also idiots who got outsmarted by spheroids and comcast
i love me my disco mechs
Ward has not left Clan Wolf in a very strong position, despite claiming the IlKhanate and reforming the Star League. Not to mention the fact that he's intentionally making an enemy of literally every single one of his neighbors, including other Clans like the Ghost Bears and what's left of the Jade Falcons. He can say he's going to reform the Smoke Jaguars all he wants, but unless he's going to give them part of his touman, it doesn't mean anything, and won't for a couple decades.
It's amazing how cringey this image is, even by the ultra cringe history of BT art standards. Makes me sad kids don't get bullied anymore.
Those can be split into four categories:
1) bigly autocannon, much freedom
2) Missile barf
3) The Disco gave me Hopes and Dreams
4) Sixty shades of Shadman

Pick a theme.
>bigly autocannon, much freedom
its kinda sad that you cant do the cannon thing and just hug the other mech for guaranteed headshot
Something I was thinking lately.
Despite BT having a ton of famous mech manufacturing companies, it's very rare for their designs to share common elements or design philosophies. Like can you tell the same company designed the Catapult and the Battlemaster? There's Ostman Industries with their round mechs, but that's more of an exception. Sometimes you get stuff like Kallon Industries making Rifleman and then designing the Jaegermech which was supposed to be a better Rifleman so it follows a similar design philosophy, but for most part there's nothing to differentiate a Kallon mech and, say, a Defiance Industries mech.
it seems that people int futur work under the philosophy "that already exists, so we need something else"
catapult? successful missleboat
so it means its done
rifleman? failed aa platform
so we need something else or reuse old parts that we already have
but i get you, things like bushwacker and marauder having the same profile would suggest they were done by the same people but nope
>Sixty shades of Shadman
budget shadowhawk i presume
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>but i get you, things like bushwacker and marauder having the same profile would suggest they were done by the same people but nope
Not to mention that mechs that some mechs that were supposedly based off of the marauder look nothing like it, both visually and in design.
Also the new dragon fire art is a disappointment, but that’s unsurprising.
I mean real reason because they btc need to have mechs that are distinct and you can tell them apart by a glance
I doubt that having a very recognizable siluette is in any way benefitial during combat
>but i get you, things like bushwacker and marauder having the same profile would suggest they were done by the same people but nope
That's one thing I think Star Wars ship manufacturers generally do well. If you know the lore you can look at a ship and often correctly guess the company that made it. Some of it is extremely obvious, like Sienar Fleet Systems exclusively makes TIE Fighters and TIE Fighter accessories, while some others require a bit more knowledge about the manufacturer's design philosophy, like how the B-Wing, VT-12 Torrent and the Jedi shuttle seen in the Clone Wars animated series and Ashoka might not immediately strike you as being made by the same company, but they all feature a vertically oriented flight position and use of variable geometry, and 2 of the 3 have a gyroscopic cockpit that lets the ship to change its orientation from vertical to horizontal while landing.
simply don't use it in the open or slap a RAC5 on it.
if it can fire nukes, then why shouldn't it?
>the meeeeeeemes jack.
not everyone else's fault things can be meme material.
The Dragon Fire does have legs that are very similar to the Marauder, and the whole vertical oriented non-humanoid torso pod was originally supposed to have been introduced by the Marauder so originally all mechs that have that bodyplan were MAD-clones (though that's been retconned since then).
Nukes are extremely impractical in most cases, as well as a serious warcrime. The best use for the AIV Urbie is to use it was a relatively cheap and mobile field artillery platform. Being able to barely outmaneuver most fortifications doesn't matter when you're not even supposed to be in the same mapsheet as the enemy, making the AIV Urbie a more cost-effective artillery platform than something like the AIV Catapult or Longbow.
Im gonna be honest i really liked everything about my urbie in Mw5 exept for speed
Having 360 rotating torso is super convinient
I wish more mechs had it
>if not playing with BV
>everything we have is better for no drawbacks whatsoever

Couple of points:

1 - why would you not balance by BV
2 - the main drawbacks for clanners are:
>fewer numbers than spheroids
>incredible autism that compels them to showboat and 1-up their enemies instead of just winning

I don’t know why you’d even bother playing without BV as a balancing metric, it’s RIGHT THERE, but if you’re doing some narrative scenario and don’t want BV then just make it 2:1 numbers in favor of the spheroids and make the clanners use Zell. That’s how it works in-universe to offset their tech advantage, you can do the same thing on the table. Or just stop being retarded and balance by BV like a normal person.
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post paintjobs youre proud of, i really like the stripes and graffiti i did on this incubus even ifs a little splotchy and uneven in some places
Have I got this right for water?
Depth 0 water does nothing, it's the same as clear terrain.
Depth 1 water requires a PSR to enter from a depth/level 0 hex, blocks hits to the legs, doubles heat sinks, and you can't use jump jets mounted in the legs?
>I don’t know why you’d even bother playing without BV as a balancing metric, it’s RIGHT THERE
It WAS NOT when the Clans launched, and the game has been through THREE valuation systems since then!
Rules for grappling exist.
Yes, except that you need to make a PSR whenever you move to a depth 1+ water hex, even if you're already in water.
IIRC depth 0 also restricts the movement of infantry, but it's effectively clear terrain for mechs and vehicles.
>doubles heat sinks
*in the legs, up to 6 extra dissipated heat per turn

You also can’t run into water a water hex, but you can run to get out of a water hex

Also don’t forget, you pay 1 MP to enter the hex, 1MP per level change, and 1 MP to enter a water hex - so 3 MP (walking) to enter depth 1
You can jump into water, but you can't jump out of water if your jump jets are submerged(legs) but you can use a torso mounted one just fine.
Urbanmech should have a flamer instead of the small laser.
Yeah we know, dumbass, but you’re claiming that the clans still ARE just a strict upgrade in every sense, which is just untrue since BV has been around for ages now. If this was 1990 and tonnage or c-bills were the only metrics to go by, you MIGHT have a leg to stand on, but just because you refuse to leave the 90’s doesn’t mean the game suffers from the balance problems you think it does.
lies and fake news.
>muh waaaaar crime.
not if you roll well enough.
i see no legitimate argues against using nukes.
So if you're in a depth 1 hex and move to another depth 1 hex you need to make a PSR? If you're in depth 2 and move to depth 1 it's a PSR? I thought it was only when descending. Is it an extra mp to enter depth 0 water hexes?
>you’re claiming that the clans still ARE just a strict upgrade in every sense
A Clan ER Medium has the same range, for nearly the same damage, as an Inner Sphere Large Laser, at 1 Ton and only 5 Heat.

You whine that late era weapons are just side-grades, but that's overcorrection for intro Clan Tech STILL being blatantly better!
If you have 5 jump jets, one in each torso and leg, and you're standing in water, are you restricted to jumping 3, or can you not jump at all?
You can use only 3 in torso
Lately he's been pointing out initially flawed but later decent platforms like the blackjack and the mauler.
>Solaris turbomode Urbie
>take urbie
>big ass XL engine
>overdrive the waist motors to maximum speed
>glue vibroblades to the torso
>spin at opponents like a coked out beyblade while vomiting
If I mount 5 Clan ER mediums in place of a single IS Large, I end up paying about 5x as much in BV and now have less I can spend on my other units. Better tech comes with a higher price tag, and now if that mech gets tagged with a lucky headshot or TAC I’ve lost a larger amount of BV to a single stroke of bad luck than if I lost an IS-tech unit.

>you whine

I haven’t whined about anything. I’m fine with clan tech because I balance by BV and about as often as the clan side gets an edge for having a firepower advantage, the IS side gets an edge for having initiative sinks and more armor on the table.

You also seem to conveniently ignore that there is a significant portion of the player base that just plays 3025 introtech only, so whether clans are overpowered is a moot point since you can just pretend they don’t exist like all the other grogs.
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>>glue vibroblades to the torso

>If I mount 5 Clan ER mediums in place of a single IS Large
But you don't need 5 Clan ER Mediums to replace a single IS Large, you just use one and now have 4 tons free for other shit AND at less BV!
That could easily be another Clan ER Medium Laser and three extra Double Heat Sinks to fire them!
>The only mechs not sold out by the local scalper yet are the Firefly, the Flea and the Shogun
What does this mean
>But you don't need 5 Clan ER Mediums to replace a single IS Large, you just use one and now have 4 tons free for other shit AND at less BV

If you leave those tons empty, then yes, you have saved BV. But clan mechs don’t leave those tons empty, they fill them with more shit that costs more BV. Go look at the average BV price tag for clan mechs vs IS mechs and tell me that you’re getting a ‘discount’ on your mechs.

Hell, an Adder ranges from about 1400 to 2100 BV. You can get 2-3 Ravens or Firestarters or Jenners for that much BV, which have more total armor, more total firepower, move just as fast, and give you more opportunities to force PSRs from kicks once they close the distance.
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Cool report. I should play more games with low BV. A game with an Assassin on both sides must be pretty rare!

6S. It's the logical conclusion of the true Hunchbacks, being basically a 4G with lostech guns, moving at 6/9.
Although I actually really like the 4H as an introtech trooper.

Looks neat, if a little glossy?
I'm chuffed with these Blood Spirits I did, although that's mostly as I experimented with the bases as much as the paint job, although I've wanted to do an Iota Galaxy scheme ever since seeing it in TW.
Now you understand why clan lights cost as much as IS assaults!
>Now you understand why clan lights cost as much as IS assaults!
I mean >>93919677 is exaggerating it, but at the same time Clans can pack near IS Assault grades of firepower on Light TMMs.
That’s exactly my point though. Clans trade total armor and number of bodies for incredible firepower and better TMMs, but are far more susceptible to bad luck or one bad misposition cutting out a huge chunk of their force. If you 1v1 between clans and IS, of course the clans will come out on top, but in a BV balanced game the clans have to trade quantity in order to get that quality. Which illustrates my whole point, complaining about “clan guns OP” is moot because all you really end up doing is putting more firepower in one place, not necessarily out-gunning everything all the time, because you still have to pay the BV for it all.
>It can handle a single generally more flexible mech 1v1
It fucking better since it has no flexibility
>Looks neat, if a little glossy?
Its going to be a part of a steel viper lance and the scheme i chose has bare steel on the limbs the other highlights are just a stylistic choice because i cant make myself not do high contrast on everything i paint
>hate the dracs, hate their lore, hate their art, hate their characters hate everything about them
>They have the coolest IS mechs
Just make a mercenary unit that operates in Davion or Lyran space. I've been mostly using my drac mechs for Knights of St. Cameron, on the basis that they're so poor that they're getting a lot of mechs through salvage or generous donation from affiliated nobles who just don't need to keep a Dragon when they've already got plenty of fine Lyran mechs.
Just accept it; you belong to the Dragon. Embrace the surety of purpose.
Can always go for something like the Arkab Legion, who technically aren’t really dracs.
Or some sort of Davion militia that really likes drac salvage, I dunno.
The kurita chain gangs, did they have any special color scheme?
I might. See if they were more like Imperial Japan I could get behind them, but they're some stupid ass midwesterner named Earl's idea of Imperial Japan, and it's just stupid.

See stupid shit like this is why I hate you stupid ass niggas

That's not a bad idea. Doing Arkab or pre-republic Rasalhague or one of the other states chafing under Luthien might not be a bad idea idea at all.
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>See stupid shit like this is why I hate you stupid ass niggas
Your pointless struggling is futile. Your soul cries out to fulfill the role the Coordinator has for you. Earn the glory meant for you in service, and become one with immortality.
Yeah no thanks I'll stick to playing Ghost Bears so I can skull fuck you whenever I get bored.
There a fourth mech to complete the ancient warrior lance?
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Meaningless rebellion from one whom the heavens displayed truth, only to choose a path of foolishness that leads only to ruination in service of a debased and hollow idealism. Such a waste. Contemplate this, as you kneel in the ashes of your poor choices.
Gladiator maybe? Gladiator is more a generic term than a specific soldier though, idk if that’s the best candidate.
>See if they were more like Imperial Japan I could get behind them
That would require the navy to matter.
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So if I understand; we live in a society was just a catalyst for the reaving, so why did they get a bunch of new tech, mechs, protomechs (that AREN'T shitty fursonas), a distinct version of stars, but were only really active in the least popular theater in the setting, were written out in the same sourcebook that wrote them in, and then anything they left behind is written out of the setting even as rare one-offs as of the homeworld cutoff making all battles for the time being IS
tl;dr the fuck was the point? I want my sprite and osteon
The urbanmech is slow enough that a handful of towed field guns do its only job better. Seriously, its a mech so bad, so narrowly focused, that horse drawn artillery can perform just as well in its only niche. Why even bother training the valuable mechwarrior, and building the fusion engine. Just deploy a handful of AC10s in the same defensible approaches the urbanmech would have to be in, plus a few more with your cost savings to cover the lack of the urbanmechs (pitiful) jump, in case you're going to try to pretend 2 hexes means anything.
Like barely anybody's playing strict historicals anyway, so it's just an issue of the absence of your balls that's stopping you.

Also download the Society FanTRO for the Madcat BA and the Lpulse quad proto.
Well I mean more like if their culture resembled Imperial Japan, specifically the Imperial Army more. I get that that's not what the Kuritas are supposed to be, but i really dislike what they are now. They feel like an even more(somehow) clumsy flanderization than Arasaka is from Cyberpunk: 2020. Which I get all the cultures are supoosed to be flanderized. But that doesn't make them really compelling or even interesting.
>the Imperial Army
Was just a clone of the Prussian one
In form, sure, but the culture was uniquely Japanese, with uniquely Japanese politics and motivations.
All the human wave and honoraburr death memes ended up with the Cappies, FYI.
Nah, the post-Russo-Japanese-"Train them to become an hero in order to keep operational friction low"-thing was pretty uniquely Japanese.

Like soviet comissairs grabbed scared soldiers and explained how the current struggle fit within the greater marxist struggle while japanese officers told soldiers to beat each other up randomly during camping.
Are you retarded
To an extent I disagree. Imperial Japan didn't want to be different, it wanted to be the same as everyone else on the big stage: right of colonization and resource exploitation for self benefit. Ethnicity was only an appreciable difference at the treaty table, and uniqueness was an albatross when dealing with the Western powers. Whatever cultural alterations they made to the Prussian model were basically just window dressing, and them beating Russia with it proved the model worked as intended. In the big picture, culture played almost no part in dictating behavior or impact on the field.
Aren’t you guys overlooking that up until Theodore’s reforms the DCMS did essentially fight in banzai charges of light mechs without any concern for casualties? The combine military was extremely rigid and refusing to charge to your death was the ultimate dishonor and got you killed anyway. Those lucky enough to survive would eventually be moved up into better mechs.

DCMS commanders enjoyed a level of local autonomy and total authority similar to the IJA in WW2, and just like them they would either die honorably if they failed or would lie and scheme and try to obfuscate or place blame elsewhere.

It’s actually pretty hilarious how much of the mistakes Japan made in WW2 were due to their commanders outright lying about how things were going at the front for fear of consequences, and how their subordinates were completely unable to do anything but follow awful orders due to how their culture bound them.

Perhaps if anon would make some specific examples of what he meant by wishing they were more like the IJA we could understand his argument better, but to me the similarities are good enough.
Yes, in 1903. But by 1933 or '41 the political scene, including every branch of the Imperial armed forces, had been dominated by hundreds of tiny secret societies that were almost entire apolitical expect for seeking greater power for themselves. That 'system', if you can call it that, would've lead to a civil war eventually, had Japan not entered into Ward War 2. It was entirely unique to Japan, and very different than the communist/fascist infighting you would see in Germany about the same time.

Again, in form it was Prussian, but by the time the war accelerated, it was very different, in almost every aspect except unit structure.
>that were almost entire apolitical expect for seeking greater power for themselves.
"I just want to expand my sovereign control over the means produced by the body politic" counts as apolitical these days?
That system sounds suspiciously Junker to me.
In the sense that they weren't motivated by the western "right/left" spectrum, yes. They weren't ideoligically motivated. Not in the way we think about today. Not many of them, at least.

The Army at that point had entirely usurped any kind of civilian rule by the end of the teens. So it wasnt about fighting against facism or communisim, is was about you and your friends clawing your way up the military junta
>coolest IS mechs
such as?
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NTA but a Panther is always welcome.
Those shelves are also Warganizer?
>want to give /mydudes/ to ride mostly lighter, cheap and shitty mechs for fluff reason and such
>gotta match the bv limit, but don't want to make them elite mechwarriors to do so though
will the reinforced lance the way to go?
Mechs were originally heavy armour paratroopers, able to be dropped from orbit from dropships doing high speed passes above a world's atmosphere.

Armour and infantry can't be dropped from orbit like mechs can - the transports need to slow down, enter the atmosphere slowly (making them big easy targets) and make a controlled landing on SECURED landing areas to deploy their cargo. Mechs go in first, tanks and infantry (for the attacker at least) go in next (if a landing site is secured).

In 1st ed, you could use aerotech to play your dropships fighting through the planet's areospace defences and drop your mechs. Then those that survive the landing take part in a Battleforce maneuver war, with only the forces that actually met deciding what turns up for each fight. Light and medium mechs rules, as they could often run rings around slower heavy and assault mechs, tanks and infantry, concentrating to attack targets of choice.

This all eventually vanished from most games though, as a 'from space to the ground' simulator was to complicated for many BT fans, so the clans and their lobotomised matching BV arena fights were introduced as the standard way to fight, because it was more popular for casual and pick up fights.
I understand that one of the two factions within the imperial expansionst military got purged pretty hard when the Imperial Way fellas went down. That slimmed down what could pass as PC political expression significantly.
What's your BV and unit cap? What era?
It could pass, if you shoehorned modern American/Western European politcs into the Imperial Japanese army, but I still don't think the analogy is very apt. I do see where you're coming from, but i just don't think it fits that well. Identity Politics would've been a totally foreign concept to them, and the purge itself was more about excising a cancerous element that was causing excessive harm than and explicit hardline ideoligical friction.
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My most sincere condolences to any Clan Ghost Bear/Rasalhague Dominion fans. We are sorry, and here for you.
Novels are non canon and I own a gun.
6000bv introtech
really? iirc some character is written as 'died while sleeping' in the sourcebook and 'got assassinated (or killed himself. not sure what was it)' in the novel and the novel version was canon
"Politically Correct" is a 1920s communist term, my friend. It's also odd that you think there was no identity politics in japanese politics, what with the purges against non-shinto religious organizations, the imperial education reforms and the whole matter of performing cultural genocide on the Koreans (who were considered ethincally Japanese by some factions) in order to re-integrate them into the Japanese Empire.
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gonna play steiner next time
Most source books are written in universe from a limited perspective. Novels are not. There are often little inside jokes, like for instance some character ordering assassins to be subtle and then the sourcebook reports the guy died in a traffic accident.
Don't forget the literal caste system they had. To this day, Eta is a slur and the chances that some companies still secretly keep "do not hire, these people are descendants of untouchables" lists is pretty high.
Go away Valk.No one is scared of your airsoft rifle.
HAHAHA faggot Bears get fucked!! So much for the "family values" Clan!
Who is valk
A demi-company or even two lances is a good way to go. Unit losses and task-based organisation mean that odd numbers of units is easily explained, particularly for a scrappy 3025 force.
Ainu, Okinawan and the Burakumin and still discriminated
That tranny who claimed to carry a gun to tournaments in case "the Nazis" decided to show up.
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What is it about this hobby that attracts the deluded?
"HRT hit the nerds in the 2010s like crack hit the black community in the 1980s." - Anonymous
He said, posting his cache of opposition research.
Is there a source book for Inner Sphere fashion? I'm looking for Steiner female clothes.
The term is "women's clothing".
Femoid skin coverings
Sorry, I'm sleepy and retarded.
>You also can’t run into water a water hex, but you can run to get out of a water hex
Followup question. Does this apply to Depth 0 water hexes? Depth 0 water functionally counts as clear terrain to Mechs, but TW does say that moving into any sort of water means you can only use Walking MP.
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I know it's supposed to be an April fools mech, but I've come around to the Urbie LAM. I'm hoping they do eventually give it BT stats.
Mao suit or Qipao for the Capellans?
Slut-cut Cheongsam.
>Haus Steiner / Lyranisches Commonwealth, Haus Davion / Vereinigte Sonnen, Haus Kurita / Draconis-Kombinat, Haus Liao / Konföderation Capella und Haus Marik / Liga Freier Welten
Commonwealth is commonwealth even in German?
Thanks, mate.
The one good thing about the current situation is it gave me a fair excuse to include some GB in /mydudes/ mercs as expats leaving that shit behind.
No, where BV cost really hit the Clans is the lore accurate 3/4 Skill boost.
Their semi-expensive machines become untenable when adding a 32% tax on top, not the 46 extra BV per ER Medium Laser.
If Clanners want Initiative Sinks, they can bring Elementals, which would work better with fast Lights anyways.

>6000bv introtech
...But I thought we were also "Randomizing Lances"?
What's a cool Assault to lead a DCMS Assault Lance? No later than the end of the Jihad, and I would prefer it to be 100 tons and not an Atlas.
Daishi (Hohiro)
Naginata's a big, ugly, lead-from-the-back fucker with a C3 Master.
>I've come around to the Urbie LAM.
OK, r*ddit. You arent a real fan of this game
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House Marik is the thematically weakest faction across the entire run of the franchise.
The skill boost is irrelevant though, you still end up paying a proportionally higher amount for clan tech than you do for IS tech. Look at the Marauder 3R (1363) vs the stock Marauder IIC (2680) - the IIC is twice the fucking price even without skill upgrades. You are being ridiculous if you think doubling the price is a 'semi-expensive' upgrade.

Again, the whole point I have been trying to make is that clan tech's increased performance, weight savings, range, and so on are all costed for with increased BV. Aside from a few outliers (curse you Clan Large Pulse Laser) you're not really getting more bang for your buck with clantech, you're just getting more bang for more buck.
>Urbie LAM
if they'd just upgrade the fucking soarece this wouldn't have happened
Opposed to Dracs oscillating between reforms and conservatism?
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kitbashed myself a stuka D7 to make some mech jockeys seethe
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Basic stats for the thing I cooked up. I've got some others for later eras as well that I can post. Sadly, Herb (IIRC) hates LAM's so we will probably never see official stats for them, at least whilst he remains on the writing team.
Yeah there's a reason a single Star with lore accurate skill costs the same as an IS company with the same skill.
Draconis Combine's theming is "1920s Japan meets 1980s Japan ft. Zaibatsus, honor and wasting your aces on mad charges".
Why did they make that character look like a nonpassing tranny?
If you go outside more you might realize that some women just look like that. callsign 'behemoth' being a 10/10 anime girl would through off the vibe they were going for.
tbf, none of mechwarriors look like people in the bt game. Would have been better to just have a huge portrait folder. I'd rather have AI generate slop pilots than their really limited and hamfisted character designer.
NTA but last time I went outside the only woman that looked like that was very overtly on meth/way too much coke.
I find it weird how the go-to assertion is that everyone lives in some inbred backwater and that the only attractive women they see are online.
How bad is the Charger 1A1 really? Surely it has some use as a cheap bodyguard for your fire support lance in 3025 games, right?
The Marauder IIC is an ASSAULT!
Talk about cherry picking; The latter has 10 TONS, 3 Clan ER PPCs over the 3R's 2 standard PPCs, Clan Pulse Lasers over
IS Mediums, 4 Clan ER Small Lasers to one AC/5 WITH Ammo, AND DOUBLE HEAT SINKS!

And I'm not sure two 3R could actually take one standard IIC, that's how badly the 3R's 16 SINGLE Heat Sinks handicap it in comparison to the the IIC's 21 Doubles!
Are you in Australia?
A 3/8 or 4/7 Hunchback 4G is cheaper and scares me far more.
And if the common 2-point spread rule, you can still get him for 937 BV as a 5/5.

All of this assumes you don't have the 70 BV necessary to cram him in at standard 4/5
No, but the old and new House books both have some pictures in them. Make sure you get the version of the old House books with the pictures.
Btw I want to note that I an 100% certain that in the Lyran Commonwealth, women's fashion changes year-by-year and reinvents itself completely every decade (modulo the retro cycle).
>actually named "solahma"
>"the cautious live not at all"

Any solahma warrior by definition is too cautious.
My headcanon: google 'azur lane luxurious wheels'
New thread? New thread!


>everyone lives in some inbred backwater and that the only attractive women they see are online.

But I live in Cincinnati. Behemoth is well above average here.
>Are you in Australia?
No, why?
You need to be 18 to post here
Funnily enough, one of the so called "Nazis" went to Valks flgs. Not only did he not get shot but the sad guy spent the entire day refusing to interact with anyone, despite multiple attempts to include him in games, just so he could go online and "bitch about being excluded".

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