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>Full-on /WIP/ OP Links Pastebin:

>WIP Tutorial Images Mega

>Saint Duncan's "Six Things I Wish I Knew When I Started Painting"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ufP8ka3KGno [Open] [Embed]

>Saint Duncan also explains thinning your paints
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wxWgsqSf74s [Open] [Embed]

>Paint thinning 102
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sBDVPoNXyVI [Open] [Embed]

>Darren Latham's 20 top tips for miniature painting success
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ERXNObqeNb8 [Open] [Embed]

>4 EASY Chipping Tricks For Beginners
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ku4comhKHJM [Open] [Embed]

>Decal Like a Pro
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SYKLiEW7p9c [Open] [Embed]

>How to Edge Highlight
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KoRbYuAfbEk [Open] [Embed]

>How to use contrast style paints
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IhholrozptI [Open] [Embed]

>How to Paint with Tremors
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oqp76vAJu9g [Open] [Embed]

>Who's Johnny, she'd say, and smile in her special way
last thread
Special edition mystery hole
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>man I hope OP anon is all right, he usually makes a new thread a lot faster
I appreciate your concern, anon.

I'm really busy today and have to work late to boot; still got another 45 minutes in the conference call I'm on right now. Looks like >>93913731 knows what's up, though.
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Reshilling my wip hive tyrant and winging my paint scheme.
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Basecoated a tson today. Will neaten up and hopefully do the volumetrics on the armor tomorrow
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Sneaky repost for new bread.
Some little progress, not overpainting on these pocks takes more concentration than id like to admit.
So I'm using some cheap $1-2 paints and they look good on the models until I apply the varnish. Then the lighter paints just disappear for some reason, usually the highlights. and it makes the model look like hot shit. I'm using a decent varnish, vallejo extra matt. Maybe it's not a good varnish? Maybe the paints are just shit and I should invest in better ones?
Absolute gooner
That feel when you're sick of the tedious and repetitive paint work you're doing, but you still have paint left on the palette and don't want to waste it.
get a wet palette. If it's filled with water you can chuck that into the fridge and paint will stay fresh for weeks.
That feel when op is probably obese and not a sexy girly dude.
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>So I'm using some cheap $1-2 paints
Like those cheap acrylic paints you can get at walmart?
If so, then yeah you are going to need to upgrade your paints.
I you want to stick to cheaper paints I would suggest army painter ones. Of note though, you need to give them some non-rustable mixing balls. This is because army paints like to separate for some reason, but that's what the balls are there for.
Again, heavy emphasis on NON-RUSTING mixing balls.
Army painter things are $6 how is that a cheap paint?
That or get some cheap artist canvas and paint your excess onto them for some abstract shit you can hang on your wall.
In general, they're cheaper than GW paints which is what I was going to originally suggest. I know there are others like Vallejo and Reaper whose prices are also lower than GW paints, again in general, but I don't have experience with those.
fuck AP paints, get their strong/dark tone washes if you want but forget the paints, get AK, Vallejo, Pro acryl, Ammo...just not AP
I need motivation to get off painting hiatus. What can any of you suggest?
What do you mean the highlights disappear? Can you post a before and after?
Student fluid acrylics are a good balance between quality and price. As art paints they don't compromise on materials, they just have lower pigment density and don't offer high-series pigments, which you wouldn't even miss if you're using miniature paints.
When that happens to me it's because I know what I want to paint next but I don't *really* want to do that project, or maybe it's daunting.
Just paint a random mini that strikes your fancy.
I can't suggest anything specific because I don't know what you're currently procrastinating from.
I have 2 general suggestions though.
>pick a random model, and timebox painting it. try and paint a single space marine (or whatever) to parade standard and give yourself 2 hours to do it.
>buy a new special model, hero or 3d print etc. and paint maybe you'll be hyped enough to get into it
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Finally finished the Leviathan set. I’m moving onto my kill team now.
Careful with that drink on the far right. I always make sure to keep my drinks on the opposite side of my paint water cup.
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I'm finish the basecoat of my first mini (Came with the paint pack I bought). I'm very happy with how it looks so far, just need to put the wash on it, and maybe some details after.
This is all practice for my real models, which are coming tomorrow hopefully.
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>that drink on the far right.
It wants to gas the juice?
The brain worms are saying I need more paint when I really don't. What do I tell them?
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Im starting a white a baby blue 30k world eaters terminator
The turquoise is really nice , what paint did you use?
Tell them to shut up or you'll kill them with solvents in an enclosed space
Drink your paint water so they can see the paints are fine (the blood-brain barrier is not guarded and can be crossed with impunity).
Find some painting vids on Youtube, I like to go for minis and schemes I've been interested in at one point or other.
Try a painting technique that you think is beyond your skill level
I like putting my drinks and paint water in identical Mason jars. Keeps you on your toes and sometimes you get to laugh at yourself
Try painting something with a technique or paint that you've been thinking about recently. Don't worry if it matches your current project, just have fun
Looking good anon.
The transition on the inside of the wings looks almost unaturally smooth, you might want to rough it up a bit to give it a more organig appearance
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And here it is finished. Maybe I could do more detailing, but I need to call it a night. Well /wip/ ? Did I do ok for a first timer? Plan to zenithal prime my real minis, but I just wanted to start painting as soon as I got them.
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Yeah, for sure. I haven't actually painted the inside, it'll look like the top side, but more magenta saturated, that's just the undercoat.
I've been jumping around testing things out.
Am getting all the carapace done in 1 go though. Have all the green laid on, the yellow should go faster.
You're really a chaotic mf.
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Almost done with the this side now
Stop shuffling your sex toys around.
Need stronger highlights. Make sure you do a round of cleanup, because you didn't paint within the lines on some parts. Color scheme is basic but good.
Did you use contrast paints? A zenithal prime isn't gonna do much if you're not.
Love this scheme, very nice. What did you do for the skin? I see yellows and blues in there.
Appreciate the feedback. I did do some more cleanup, and a bit more detailing, but don't want to post another pic.
>Need stronger highlights
Any tips on where to put them?
>Did you use contrast paints?
It's all warpaint fanatic, I bought a set of colors. Realizing it's missing some core stuff like black/white and primary colors, but I need to go back to the store for a wash anyways.
>wiimote with nunchuck
>even more toys
>drink dangerously close to paint water (I have those same 16oz glasses lol)
I have so many fucking questions, and I want absolutely none of them answered.
I'll answer them anyway
It's because it's an attention seeker being super quirky
How do I paint better flesh? Everything I do always ends up looking dull and chalky.
make sure your paint is propperly thinned, your brush is clean and you wait for each layer to dry
It's been a while. What I have written down is
>preshade with purple for shadows, and magenta on places where I want some red.
This doesn't look like it really matters other than the wings, so optional or skip
>coat of pro-acryl Ivory thin enough to let preshading show through (probably why a slight yellow tint)
>recess shading with nuln oil
>wash with night lord's blue thinned a lot with contrast medium and water

I haven't highlighted it at all yet, so Idk what I'm gonna do with regards to that.

Basically thinned night lords blue over ivory.
>What do you mean the highlights disappear? Can you post a before and after?

It's like they wash away or get obsfucated with the new layer of liquid and the layers under show through. The greys and yellows seem to be the worst.
Make painting into a habit, not a hobby. Paint something, anything, on a regular schedule. If your current project is burning you out, buy something you think looks cool but is simple and cheap. Paint that for a ''breather'' then next time start back up on your current project. If you paint shit daily, then it will burn you out fast. But how often you paint depends on your life.
>army painter
>sex toys
>general mess
You disgust me.
its ttc cursed blue
What's your process? It's hard to figure out what to improve if we don't know what you're doing.
There are a few things that can help with chalkyness though:
If you drybrush, make sure your brush isn't actually *dry*, wipe the brush on a textured surface instead of a paper towel.
If you're layering, use "highlight sauce", one part retarder medium and a few parts water, to thin your light colors.
If all else fails, apply flesh wash as the last step instead of before highlights.
Does anyone know of a printing service in Australia that can do large bits of terrain for non-insane prices? My printer just isn’t big enough
You could test it by painting on some paper and then getting it wet, but it sounds straight up defective.
Unless your varnish is part isopropyl or something.
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Working on a tech marine and then x5 more jump dudes and x1 brutalis dread and then I can finally start work on my inquisitor and her retinue.
Very vivid vermilion.
Not sure, but I got some stuff printed by these guys back in 2022 before I bought myself a printer and they were the cheapest by far and turnaround was ok.
If you think that's a mess you're a weird clean freak with ocd. I'll show you a mess you neurotic little maggot.
Cope and seething I see, dirty junkie
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>sex toys
>general mess
Not sure if Nurgle or Slaanesh cultist
dude that shit is disgusting, you're a repulsive fag for being able to function in such a god damn mess
>Any tips on where to put them?
The bits that stick out. You familiar with drybrushing?
>It's all warpaint fanatic
Don't know the range. My point is, unless it's transparent paint, a zenithal won't really be visible.
Due to difficulty painting lately, I have once again returned to the Hive Ship from the pile of projects that will be fortunate if they are able to make it even 25% of the way to completion.
The Hive Ship is more fortunate than most of them, granted, but it’s still been off and on again.
Due to lack of similar spare bits I’ve had to replace the tendrils, but I think the myriad array sprouting from the back looks pretty nice and helps fit the draconic sea-monster visage I’m aiming for. Also added some firing bays to the side; the area will be properly filled out once I find more spares. Arms may be changed out with scything talon fins, but the giant flippers do possess a certain charm that I might stick with.
Thanks, it looks great. Just the right amount of color variance to sell organics.
Ocd weirdos seek help. It exists for you.
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+3 riders finished and all glued.
I also did extensive work on the neck to properly flesh it out and add the proper Nidly tissues including connections to the face and head. Honestly, I’m pretty proud of how it turned out. Once I’m able to get my hands on a fresh thing of putty it won’t even be that difficult to fill in the small gaps remaining and pull everything together.
The only major roadblock I’m facing now is the complete lack of anything to use for a lower body. Which, admittedly, is a very big roadblock, because I can’t really finish the creature if it’s missing the entire lower half. Given how many spare Hive Tyrant legs go listed though I choose to look at it more like just having an extra torso rather than missing legs. All I need is just to get the funds together.
I’m partially apprehensive to buy another Hive Tyrant not only for the price but also because I have had very poor experiences connected to the Swarmlord and My Boy feels so special to me that I honestly just don’t want another Hive Tyrant. But in time, maybe I can give Ol’ Swarmy another chance.
Check Etsy, filter for your prison island, and see what sellers offer in the terrain section.
And then just write them and ask for how much they would print file X or Y for you. And remember you can always ask for better prices. Most of them are desperate for sales and will agree.
I know someone must have asked you before because I've seen you post them, but are those boars pelts airbrush-highlighted? They look so smooth.
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I didn't quite finish all the yellow tonight, but I got a good chunk of it done.
Could this be why they don't photograph any of their models?
yup! it was my first time mixing colors and altering them in the cup, I got all 10 done in slightly different tones with shadows and highlights in one day
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Rough work, just got the wash on them. Just needs face detail on the one on the right, and maybe some redoing on the purple armour and we'll be set.
Aw fuck I just noticed how the arm of the middle one is out of alignment.
And this is before the wash was put on 'em.

And I need to redo the eye glow on the helmets.
Sorry, but I think that's too much.
Imperial guard with deldar heads?
>he doesn't know about the delduard
The banner qt as hell
You use Hive fleet tiamat as a starting point?
I don't.. seems unfitting.
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How do I paint meat like this?
a red contrast over a white base with spots removed with a qtip or wet brush maybe
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I still feel like he's missing something. A chain belt or a pelt somewhere maybe?
I think a vexilla might be just the thing desu
seconding this >>93917304, combined with the bright base it looks way too busy, bordering on straight up silly
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Finished off the captain I've been working on
looking good bro
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Working on some 10mm Spanish Rif War forces. Spanish Legionaries, Peninsular conscripts, and some Moroccan Regulares.

I don't feel like I should even be posting in WIP anymore, it's just 40k stuff. Are 10mm historical even welcome here?
Why wouldn't they be welcome?
I like it, but it's definitely more "cartoony" looking. If that's something you're okay with, looks good.
You're the 3rd person to post a non-Warhammer mini ITT, stop whinging you fucking fag
40k is just the more popular/normie friendly game to get into. The problem is so many people FOMO into the possibility of playing they never look at the probability of playing so most people here dont even play they just paint.
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Few characters added, and nearly finished up.
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I will probably at least tone the base down, I'm still trying to figure out what I'm doing with that part. It's looking a little bit too StarCraft alpha, which isn't that far off from what I'm going for but some washes should desaturate it and blend it together some.
Not on purpose. Just throwing things together as I go.
Yeah I see it. I'm not against it yet. Most of my stuff is really desaturated and realistic looking and some more stylized stuff might look good on my shelf next to it.
Keep posting you insecure pussy. I'm utterly sick and tired of half the posts being gw style space marines so anything other than that is most welcome
Lol will do anon. Here's some stuff I need to finish priming once my new can gets here. Riffians rebels.
I seek an ancient screenshot of an unknown anon's brown skin recipe. I remember the picture had WFB witch elves and I think their clothes were painted green. Would anyone happen to have that picture saved, I liked how the skin looked.
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Sorry just finished my first part of terrain painting and it’s a hell now. I’m just doing the pipes. I plan on finishing just terrain today.
Bless you anon.
the joke has ran its course, stop it
Turns out Vallejo Xpress Templar White is actually grey and you cant even tell I painted it on my grey primer.
Try photographing the model next time
But if I do that how can I show off my sax toys?
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Finished up these custodes. I’ll do
The bases eventually I gotta get some 3D printed ones. Imma be honest I’m glad they are done I didn’t really enjoy painting them. Glad I didn’t get that battle force box of em.
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Finished up some cultists, I'd love some feedback
I like your terrain pieces, stop being a fag and post more super tiny guys.
Do you do any details for the face or is it pointless at that size?
Looks good. Some highlights on the bronze would go a long way to making it pop. Is that base coat+wash and that’s it?
It's base coat with highlights mixed in before shade, and then usually a light drybrush of a lighter metal which I only did for the weapons on this one. I'll touch it up then, thanks
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Hey /wip/ I have a retarded question. If paints sit for a long time do they need a hardcore shaking or do they change somehow? I did an experiment to prime a miniature for an amy I had airbrushed with grey primer, in black brush primer. Forgot about it for a year or so and came back only for the paint I used to be painfully thin and looking nothing like it did on the grey primed models. Did I just not shake it enough or need more water? I swear I used one eyedrop of water to two of paint, so I'm not sure what is wrong but I'm frustrated because this is the second time I have had to toss a miniature into the alcohol bath to strip overly thin acting paint.
Get hired by someone to paint; money is what motivates me now because I found out I enjoy painting and selling miniatures more than anything else.
My table is messier
I don't need motivation. I just paint or not paint when I want to.
it looks like it didn't even get a wash in a couple places to me desu
Thanks doc. In all seriousness though, the colors are nice but they need more definition, everything looks a bit flat. You could also try breaking up the bronze with another metallic. It feels very same-y and also blends with their skin, I'd have chosen a darker bronze color in the first place for more contrast.
When I don't want to paint I build or kitbash
When I don't want to build or kitbash I paint
When I dont want to do either I work on terrain
You gotta really shake the fuck out of it. Gets one of those electric rubber domed mixer
Thanks Anon. I've fucked up a couple paintjobs and I was hoping the paint had not went bad from sitting in a box for a year or more.
Space wolf's or traitor legions?
>stop being a fag
Brb going to straight camp, alright okay I understand. I will not worry about the 40k.

>Do you do any details for the face or is it pointless at that size?
I do as much as the sculpt will let me. Which is to say, very little. Most of their face consists of a blob for a nose, some indents for eyes and a slit for a mouth. Some dudes have some super rudimentary facial hair. Details on these guys vary, these are pendaken sculps and they're very nice compared to the old glory ones I got before. For example many of these guys have noticable fingers while the OG sculps have mitten hands. They're actually very pleasant to paint, and their size and simplicity is a different challenge all together than detail heavy 28s.
Nice anon, personally I'd paint the rim of the base over again to clean it up
Lil bit off topic ig but who's everyone's fav channel for painting tips?
I quite like trovarian and Vince ventrella
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this is bait right
Are mixers like this worth it for aged paints? $20 on sale right now with good reviews.
I like his nid video, what can I say
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Managed to pick up a brush today and work a bit on my Kasrkin. I cut off the top of his head and stuck on a GSW skull as a hat cause he's a little freaky like that.
Wasn't making good progress and I got impatient. I'll pay for that tomorrow when I clean up all of my mistakes.
It’s that or shakeweight it.
i got one of the better ones off of amazon for ~100 bucks. Still worth it. YMMV depending on what paint ranges you own though (and if you have rotator cuff issues).
If nothing else it makes painting a lot comfortable. If you throw an agitator and some thinner in your paints it might well revive old paints. I'd be wary of those cheapo chinese ones, but for 20 bucks I guess you can try it and see if you even like it.
metallic paints are probably the ones that need to shaken the most
i just take some masking tape and fasten the bottles to an electric screwdriver
It's a contrast paint supposed to provide shading to a white coat, it's not a white paint.
I bought the cheapest one I could find on ali and it has been working fine for over a year
He's a good painter, but I can't stand his constant complaining about content creation. He clearly hates it and the constant bitching is annoying.
I refuse to watch anyone that does thumbnails like this. I don't give a fuck if he's doing it to play the algorithm or whatever, it's insulting to anyone with IQ higher than room temperature
i like kujo
I did a reasonable amount of research and it seemed like you got a 50/50 chance of getting one that works just fine or one that will burn through it's engine after two months because they just don't have enought torque)
So you absolutely can get a good deal. I just preferred to err on the side of caution and not burn my house down because some chinaman had some surplus electronics to get rid off.

Either way, the point was really to say that even though I paid way more I still think it was a worthwhile investment.
Welp, you learn from your mistakes. I thought it was used as a white base coat
>white base coat
they do have brush primers as well. The XPress range in it's entirety is just transparent paints. The Game Color or Model Color range are opaque paints for miniatures.
Yup, I'm going to paint the BT mech with Vallejo GC Off White now that I know better. The Templar White is now stuck between the "edges" as if its a wash. How effective would it be if I covered it with an actual wash?
Anyone else find themselves absolutely crushed by their own expectations as they batch paint a squad? I start off with some leniency as I get into it, but as I start figuring out how clean and tight I can pull off a specific element of the model each successive model that I hit suddenly has rising standards. By the time I get to doing the last element of the model it's taking me upwards of an hour per because I keep trying to push further, makes it impossible to finish anything at all.
So I bought some metal paint mixing balls how do I use em? Just chuck em in my paint bottle and shake? It won't ruin anything?
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>I refuse to watch anyone that does thumbnails like this.
This is 4chan, so I can't "Like" your post, anon, so here... have this Chow Yun Fat thumbs up instead. It's the best I can do on such short notice.
This stupid fuck is WASTING his time posting here when he could be doing THIS
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>It won't ruin anything?
*Shouldn't* ruin anything. Glackets are made from rust-resistant material (usually stainless steel, but glass beads or pewter chunks also work, too). Just put one in and shake like with a rattlecan.

I would advise against putting two metal ones in the same container, though as they could scratch each other and expose a material that was simply *coated* with a resistant finish.

Also, don't ever think using BBs is a good idea.
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I pray for you too then, brother. Maybe someday we’ll finish a squad.
Rainbow thumbs up brosky
Not really. With every hour that I paint my threshold of good enough lowers.
Thanks for the feedback, Anons. Paid $20 and if it is defective I'll just get a refund. My poor metallics need to be revived I guess.
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The start of my Kroot army
if it's a brand new metallic paint you need to shake it for at least 30 minutes
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Figuring out what paints to buy, is this a decent box? It is the new formula model color for reference, 8 paints for $25 with free shipping seems pretty good right? Also seem like useful colors to have. I figure plenty of browns and tans is good for painting Beastmen.
Why isn't everyone posting like THIS?
Thx man, I've thought about doing some 10mm stuff for fantasy rpgs, mostly cus it seems a neat way to do city combat and large dragon/monster encounters
this video will turn you into a shitposting god!
Those boxes usually don't save you money, or only a minor amount. How much is a single Vallejo bottle for you? I assume, at most, this set gives you one for free. If any.
Use the money to buy 8 colours you actually need, instead of sets that include 2 useful ones and 6 you barely touch.
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Finally finished my tech marine though I may go through and better differentiate the armor panels
Unless I am retarded vallejo paints seem expensive in the US because shipping costs
nta, but I usually pay about $3 each + $10 shipped on Vallejo paints. Still cheaper than shitadel, even if you only ordered like 5 at a time.
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How difficult is it to make a mostly monochromatic paint scheme look good? I want to do a kasrkin squad kill team kinda like this but I'm not as good at painting as this guy and I'm worried it will look bad/extra boring if I can't get it looking as clean as he did.
You can find little to distinguish all the grey elements from one another without it looking like a mess. Like using cool greys for the armour and warmer greys for the cloth parts, etc.
*can find little ways to distinguish them, that is
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Went back to finish this guy after like 2 years and realized I hate most of my decisions so now he's becoming a big mek
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Do you think these 4 packs are good to get a foundation of a specific color? I figure these work well as a main color plus a few lighter tones to highlight with.
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I am going to try and make some terrain for my 10mm little men. Specifically I want to make a Spanish Blocao, like pic related. These blockhouses were notoriously poorly sighted, built in tactically disadvantageous positions, lacked easy access to water, and were a death sentence to be deployed to, and I love them. The fortifications of the Rif War are fascinating, and I want to try and build a few different things. But first, the Blocao.

I have plastic tag, greenstuff, and milliput. Are sandbags hard to make? Does anyone have any tips on building small scale terrain? I've build plenty of 28mm terrain before, but this is a bit different for me.
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progress on tson
>How effective would it be if I covered it with an actual wash?
Best way to find out if to just put the wash over it. If it's not enough you can apply another recess wash or start over by painting the base color over it again. A lot of this painting stuff is about experimenting. A dark wash will likely cover it with no problems.
How many models can one bottle of paint be good for? They seem really dang small with 18 ml is that like 5 paint jobs?
Another benefit to thinning your paints is that they last longer
You're not likely to ever run out of one color unless you are clumsy so you spill it a lot, or you want to paint 20000 points of space marines, or you are like retarded young me and base all your models with color from the pot.
One citadel """base""" paint which is 12 ml and was my main basecoat lasted me like 1200 points of minis. That's including some airbrushing which uses more paint. I think 18ml should last you an entire 2000 points army if you don't spill it or slap it on unthinned like a retard
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I kind of want to use my airbrush for miniatures for the first time (I always used it for /cgl/ shit). I'm looking for a nice color scheme for the vespids coming out that I can learn some blending techniques with the airbrush. I'm thinking a nice brachydios colorscheme like pic related. I got some moot green, but trying to think what blues I'd be looking at. Need a slightly darker blue and aomthing for nice highlights. Any suggestions?
Looks good anon

1 Add damage
2 make it so the different materials have different finishes and painting approach even if they have the same colour
Rudolph the Red Nosed Rat Ogre

Thoughts on the red nose? I'm in two minds.

Mostly been working up the skin so far, other parts are just basecoated or have early wetblends in
So I said fuck it and dove right in. This is what I've got so far. I need to make some more sand bags, sand bag the roof, trim down the base, get some sand on there and some other details but here we are. The roof comes off so I can put dudes inside. I'm pretty pleased for a hack dash first try.
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Painting up my NS proxies :3
black primer
airbrush Black + Purple from 45 degrees

airbrush extremities with white then moot over the white

highlight with a pale blue/grey

bonus points: dot all the eyes with white and then fluro orange over it with airbrush, they have like 6 right?


oldmate seems to have bought that exact model and looks like it does the job
put... put your wiener in it...
Thanks Anon. I was planning on writing a review for /csg/ but I'll post it here as well, for the lads in /wip/ in case they need one as well.
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How do you like my werewolf? First go with contrast psints.
Sounds like a Greta place to start. Tha KS anon. Once the box comes out I can't wait to post some progress. In the mean time I have an emperors children helbrute to try some airbrushing on.
Totally worth it
Vince and James wappel streams are all I need
Anyone know what paint was used for the backpacks and gunslings? the lighter grey I mean
pink is an odd choice, I don't like it.
Looking great! Why would you make the nose anything other than red/pink?
First of all, yes, but even if you're not based and mudpilled, it's just a choice that raises questions and looks unnatural, in a bad way.
>it's a full moon
>better get my hair dye ready for when I transform
It's weird how there's a phenomenon where if somebody's thinking about painting something, a tutorial gets posted for it. I know with large viewerships it's just a numbers game that somebody was looking for the topic of any video, but it feels uncanny.
We just had this discussion about zombie skin, now one of the handful of channels I follow posts a tutorial. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ud7T3qnpm7U
Dammit I always end up using too much wash. It don't let it pool where it doesn't need to, and if it happens to do it I can fix it, but all my edges, muscle gaps, and so on tend to come out way too dark.
Washes are too strong by default. Get some Lahmian medium or mix up some Marine Juice. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kDOkiEcNcik
I was using Army Painter flesh wash. Just gotta dilute it, I have a bottle of the AP quickwash medium somewhere. I'll try mixing the secret sauce once I have the extra cash to burn, though, thanks for the tip.
>I'll try mixing the secret sauce once I have the extra cash to burn
You don't need those exact ingredients, you're already 2/3s of the way there, and I'm not convinced it's so much superior to just thinning wash 1:1 with medium anyway, the point is just that the medium reduces staining.
4chan threads are scraped by content creators and bots alike.
That would be pretty quick turnaround for a video.
Besides, most of the people saying that seem to not have posted it anywhere. I guess you could say the "I was just looking for how to paint x and you release this, perfect timing" videos are all shills but then we're in tinfoil territory.
Gotcha. Like I said, I'll just try thinning the wash to begin with. I'm not all too bothered with the ones that ended with super dark muscle definition. I'm painting some cavemen and they're just the mooks, just want to get this shit sorted before move to the chieftains and the topless cave chicks.
It is hardly tinfoil if you understand that /tg/ is a breeding group of monetizable content that anyone can slap their name on. I try to use youtube as little as possible but I have seen stuff clearly stolen from /tg/ threads within hours of the thread being made.
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back on this guy
Based and unga bunga pilled.
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Working on a Templar for a friend. Bit sloppy but working through it. Haven't painted a marine in a while
Checked and dios mio. So this is the power of stippling.
>daft punk starts playing
I actually got a Brachy mini, it was the first introduction I had to the series.
Really love MH, I ought to try and get back into it sometime.
I made a Zamite body out of clay and plastic bits a year or two back but the project it was for got canned so it never saw completion. Hopefully I can find the time to pick up where I’d left off with it.
He looks like that albino rat from Flushed Away and I like that
Horn looks cool but it gives me mad tranny/lgbt ally vibes which is gay and I would assume you were a bad person
if you’re going to just post bait you could at least be specific and not talk like a fag
NTA but pink white (grey) and blue colours obviously
Pink is an odd choice, I like it but I don't think it works all that well with the skin, maybe a desaturated blue/blue green would have served it better.
This guy has it right. The posters ITT are some of the most interesting and witty and intelligent members of society.
The yellow looks decent but that black is flatter than an Irish ass and as you noted your edge highlights are thiccer than a West Virginia 6 and twice as sloppy, work on your brush loading/control and give the black a couple volumetric highlights.
this but unironically - 4chan is the petri dish of novel internet culture
I actually started with a blood angel red for the fur and was going to do burgundy highlights but then I just started playing around with it and it just kinda happened. I actually quite like it. It's unique from all my other brown and red monsters.
How many new paints do you buy on average when you start a new army?
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Dammit, Shilo, that box is for holding miniatures!
Maybe one or two, I have a fuckload of paint so unless there's some new contrast shade that's perfect for some time-consuming material I'm probably just going to mix what I already have.
naw that's their new bed box now bro
I got myself an Adepta Sororitas box and after assembling realized: Holy fucking shit, as a bad beginner, there is NO way in hell I would not absolutely ruin that paintjob. The amount of small, intricate details and accessoires is insane. I completely disregarded the fact that some factions are just easier to paint, because they are big hulking armored dudes and some seem to be an absolute pain. I genuinely have no idea how I would even try to go at it.
You paint them badly, then try with new guys, and gradually get better over decades by consuming media and practicing.
I don't know which is worse. The fact that 4chan barely generates any culture any more, or the fact that we're still less brain dead than a lot of other sites.
My mini travel box is full of cat hair and I fucking hate it...
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I paid hard cash for it, man. Fuck. I will just keep them gray and get myself bigger/bulkier models like orcs, space marines, kroot. I also only have speed paints. There's no way.
Don't be scared, faggot. You can always strip them and start over
I use art paints so I wish I could say zero but a lot of projects somehow find a glaring hole in my paint selection. I can mix pretty much anything but I like to have the main basecoat color unmixed for uniformity's sake.
What model is this?
>I also only have speed paints. There's no way.
They make your job easier, you don't have to worry about the details. Zenithal with spray primer, block in the colors with contrast, done and done.
Anyone who gives you shit for your first mini not being perfect is a loser anyway.
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lmao that bald chick looks like GI JANE
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absolutely soulless paint job i did after arguing with my wife about my drinking habits
>"I suck"
>get your shit together
I'd call you pathetic but you probably get off to that.
why are you drinking and painting why are you arguing with your wife put down the bottle
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>every sororitas has a completely different weapon which means it's not possible to make a squad out of them
What the fuck are you doing, man
No one plays big warhammer dummy. He just wants cool looking chicks.
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You will keep my wifes name out of your FUCKING mouth!
She is definitely a powerful psyker if you catch my drift, haha (she has a big head)
how do I stop my varnish from lightening my paintjobs? It looks fine with the first light coat of gloss varnish that gets airbrushed on before I do my pinwash but after the 1-2 very light coats of ultra-matte it ends up lighter and washed out/fogged up looking
Spray lacquer vanish
Too many primary colors that are too saturated to work together, not gonna happen.
Three very similar browns.. fuck sets.
Yeah, that works.
Depends on the color scheme.
I can understand the cartoony/too-bright allegations, but why "tranny/lgbt ally" vibes?
A model i found on etsy.
Why do people basecoat, shade, basecoat again, and then highlight instead of just basecoating with the darkest color and highlighting from there?
shade creates a bit of a gradient
Because painting from dark to light is more difficult than the other way round, due to the coverage of paint.
You must be an absolute fucking terrible person if lgbt orientated or friendly makes someone 'bad'
You fucking buffoon
The topic has become political. The lgbtq+ has hitched its cart behind the woke train, which is racist and sexist. That said, that model gives off zero lgbtq+ vibes, so anon is an oversensitive twat.
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Which should I do today: Paint five characters, or paint thirty troops?
Gay people aren't a mono entity though. It'd be like a hetero person doing something retarded and blaming every straight person for it.
Well, then they should be more vocal about that, because the lobby claims to be speaking for them.
Xpress line is a contrasts/shade formula right?

If its a shade color for white why would it be white?

Prime white then hit it with the xpress
Can you give an example of the lobby? Who? Is there a specific group of people?
What happens to me is by the time I finish the squad I learned from my mistakes enough that the last mini looks way different from the first one.
I meant the lgbtq+ "community".

Get the troops out of the way first, while you're motivated.
Ninjon is an annoying sycophant who absorbs styles and techniques from more artistic creators.

But he's decent at teaching despite his overwrought metaphors. Between his constant "BUY THESE 5 HOBBY TOOLS!" posts there are some worthwhile lessons.
Take your faggotry to /lgbt/ and /pol/ this thread's about painting minis, not throwing a tantrum because someone insulted your favorite alphabet organization.
In addition to VV, there's Angel Giraldez, James Wappel, and Marco Frisoni.
You'd think I like oils but I don't lol, they just know their shit.
NTA but it takes 2 to tango, if you didn't get triggered by anon this would have been over hours ago.
are lacquer varnishes better at avoiding that?
Are you using an airbrush or a can?
Matte varnish (of all kinds) is known to dim color, although the reflections from gloss are even worse so we all use matte.
Past a certain point it's probably frosting though. Do you wait for each coat to fully dry before the next? 3 is probably too many anyway.
Last question, does it go away if you put matte medium on it? That means it's probably frosting, matte medium has the same slightly dulling matte effect so it would stay the same if it was just the matte finish you're seeing.
I wasn't following the previous conversation but it's safe to assume that the lacquer version of anything is significantly better than the acrylic counterpart at everything except for killing it's user with mustard gas.
Please cut your trim and around that return again
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Practicing some skin since I've avoided it as much as possible until now. Need to do another layer or two, but it's Flayed One over Bugman's. Going to use some Carroburg around the holes for inflammation.

How do the Nurgleboys do their organs? I want them wet looking. Maybe just Blood for the Blood God and gloss varnish? Sounds effective but boring.

Also yes, I fucked up my attempt to glaze the metal for a green tinge. I'm just gonna roll with it because it's Nurgle.

>everything on this model is a WIP, pls no bully
Juan Hidalgo
What paint is this? It looks low quality.
>Buy a bunch of metallics and browns + tans
>completely forgot about actual colors
I agree that it could use a bit more vibrancy but I don't think your actual painting ability is bad here or anything
People layer their paint? Just paint it once
This vgc bloody red I'm trying to paint over vmc cavalry brown is willing to be done in one layer but the acrylic flesh is weak.

I listed the paints. This is under very bright, direct lighting. Lighting will make or break models don'tcha know?

Hoping to darken the base to pull the model's coloring up a bit alongside the highlighting to be done. I loathe shade-slopping, so it's about as dark it's going to get overall. Thanks.
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I started on 10 of these today
pretty clean I like this start so much more than the fuck up ghosts from last time
All of them can paint. None of them makes good videos tho
It's probably not a novel idea but after sorting through my bits box I thought
>Hey, maybe it would be a really cool idea to have limbs and heads (of which I have plenty of surplus) and just use them as macabre scatter terrain of sorts
So just a bumch of Space Marine Helmets, paint them up, maybe in a beat up style and use them as decoration, I even have lots of arms gripping firearms, so maybe a torn up arm clutching a bolter or two on the battlefield could give it an extra edge.
Do you think this could turn out fine or would it just be goofy or "too much"? I mean, I don't really have any use for them anyway. And I just thought this: I could even go the extra mile and drill a hole into a Space Marine helmet/head and paint it in a way to look like he got absolutely blasted.
I'll have to paint around 30 miniatures for the solo wargaming RPG I plan to tackle.
I figure the fastest way to do so would be speedpaints? Is it really as easy as they make it seem, just prime it black, drybrush with white, apply the speedpaints and it's done?
Are the army painter 2.0 speedpaints good?
Not trying to win a Golden Demon award, just want my minis to look cool and vibrant from tabletop distances
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I'm still not willing to tone the yellow down.
I like the yellow, it very reminiscent of a color-shifted comic-book/cartoon. Obviously it's not very realistic, but I don't think that was your goal.
None of them now that I think about it. I watch them generally for entertainment value. Not that I don't inadvertently pick up ideas, but I don't really watch any of them specifically for tips. A lot of them kinda just suck lol. But hobbyists I do watch include: Sukima Sangyo, Night Shift, Plasmo, Duncan, and uhhh Shinonome Umi. I also peek in to Blue Table Painting from time to time just to check in and see how bad things are over there.
>Shinonome Umi
I wonder why you like that channel. I also enjoy it for painting tits.
>I listed the paints. This is under very bright, direct lighting. Lighting will make or break models don'tcha know?
No, this is not a lighting issue. The paint is streaky and has poor coverage. Where did you list the paint?
Okay then don't, but you ruined the scheme for me.
I think the carapace bits look great, but the rest of the body needs to match their high saturation energy.

>Flayed One over Bugman’s
>it needs more layering

Try reading my post, anon. It’d save us both trouble.
>ADHD meds give me the shakes
>getting to paint is a struggle without them
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So I just put some red and gold down on the model to test a paint scheme, and I don't like silver for the rocket, blends too much with the base of clouds. I was thinking a copper rocket. Any thoughts on the paint scheme?
I know it's not directly /TG/ but this is the only real place to discuss painting. I can post my OPR army another day, I'm taking a break on something bigger to see if I can do it.
Will check back in the morning.
You might not be letting it dry or you could be varnishing in high humidity. Olive oil worked for me.
Like the scheme so far. A shiny new copper might be red enough to blend in with the red on the woman; maybe go a bronze or brass instead.
What's that big brush on the right called?
The latter imo. It's incredibly sad that this place, which is a complete fucking dumpster can, is still better for a discussion that is not filled with hugboxing, circlejerking or political agendas pushed into literally everything. Old style 2000s message boards/forums were the peak of internet discussion but reddit and other semi-social media slowly killed them off
No need to get defensive, so I guess that's citadel? I don't know what you did with application, but something's out of wack.
Internet wild west is coming to an end. Small websites are abandoned in favor of large overarching ones, until we end up with a handful of websites for everything that are easily controlled and censored.
There will always be freedom loving fringes like us, but they'll never be large and won't have much cultural impact. We had a chance to change the course of history, and we failed.

Time for alcohol and mini painting.
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Some more command squad/honor guard progress, greens still need some work then we're on to chipping and freehanding. Still need something to put on the company standard.
you do you man but with those desaturated wings it looks even worse now lol
I'm pretty pleased. My sandbags could be better but overall I'm pretty pleased. It says Blockhouse to me.
Is there a brand of rattle can matte varnish that won't frost to shit? I have a ton of terrain I know is going to get absolutely battered and I'm not running varnish through my airbrush for potentially hours
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who the fuck pays over 400€ for colors
the crazy thing is, it's still like 5 bucks a bottle
People convince themselves that if they splurge all that money up-front they'll be set for life and never have to buy paint again. The reality ends up being that (at least) 1/3 of the paints never get touched, and a handful of colours end up being used frequently enough that you end up being new bottles later anyway
It's for the gunpla vids I swear!

What's the sandbags made out of?
I sometimes buy weird colours to play around with but not at anything like this scale. Just strikes me as aimed at the consoomer slapchop types who'll just buy anything the influencer told them to. It'll sit next to the unused airbrush, 'lolrandom le ebic pile of shame' and empty onions canisters piling up until the end of time.

Actually now I think about it are they just abusing hoarders?
They're ropes of milliput cut with my razor. I should have made them flatter. At the scale they're at I don't think it'll matter much.
This. In the end you spend those 400 and more on paint one way or another anyway if you stick to this hobby long enough. Some pots of paint last a few months, others years. It's how it works.
its as if you like being ripped off
i bought mine from element games for way cheaper
i use bonglish bucks though, but still amazon and a lot of the time ebay are ripoffs
If I'm working with thin paints for layers, is it normal to wick most of it off on a paper towel? Otherwise the model gets flooded with watery paint
I'm happy to hear any other suggestions
if you are just layering you don't usually need to thin so much, otherwise, yeah, loading your brush just a little and or/wipping excess off is the way to go
Get two cans of spray paint, black and white. Get the primer not paint + primer.

Spray them entirely black, spray from upside down so there’s no grey plastic showing.

After that dries, spray them lightly with the white from about 45 degrees

U have now zenithal’d ur models.

Proceed to color in with ur x press paints. Black over the armor, red over the cloth, grey over the hair, flesh wash over the skin. Paint your metallics and done
Blanchshitsu time!
>Mel the Terrain Tutor says he's going to lose his house please send him money on PayPal

ooh no
buy an ad, faggot
Literally in the post you're quoting retard.
Anyway it looks more like they're painted as streaky as possible, anon didn't listen to Duncan.
>I took your post and added reddit spacing
thanks I hate it
>reddit spacing
go back
Everyone has spare marine bolter arms, it’s a bit that is deeply entrenched in most hobbyists brains. I don’t know if the effort to make it look like a lost limb from battle will be effective.
holy it would make so much sense why people that obsess over hobby youtubers are literal retards

It’s a white layer on a layer of ruddy red. It looks like dogshit for a pretty straightforward reason. If I wasn’t giving it insane time to dry, it’d be built up more. Also not having an LED ring 3 inches above it helps, but the other Anon ignores that too.
If it would obviously look bad then don't do it. Dios mio I'm imagining what my boss would say if I said that at my job.
Even if I allow for all of that, the paint still isn't thinned enough. Two thin coats of a very light color over a dark color will still look bad but it won't be streaky. GW paints don't have a long dry time so don't let that get in your way.
Also you're not supposed to completely cover with the light color, with layering you only put the lighter color on the raised areas.
>Sukima Sangyo, Night Shift, Plasmo, Duncan
Good choices. It's a pity Plasmo disappeared after he started renovating his house. He was supposed to be back by the end of June but he hasn't even posted any "sorry things got out of hand" thing as far as I know.
he doesn't need to explain himself to you, fag
That’s a single coat. Thinning white has worked absolutely poorly for me in the past, so I probably add less water than you - if any in some cases. I’ve also learned to let skin/skintones dry longer to avoid chunkiness. Usually the last bit of paint I apply before calling it.

>layering you only put the lighter color on the raised areas.

I’ll take your word for it.
Dude just watch a tutorial.
The other anons are trying to be civil about this but since you're being a smartass I'll just lay it down for you - it looks fucking atrocious. You either painted it over a very dark undercoat which is a mistake in the first place, you didn't get a good enough coverage with bugmans or you simply fucked up the application of that bright paint. It's utterly obvious you did something wrong and better/worse lighting is not going to fix that. Practice applying those paints on a piece of sprue or something because I'd be legit too embarassed to post that shit on the internet

Death before using readily available learning content. But I did for glazing, even if I fucked it.

No shit the white is fucked up. It’s a thin layer over a darker color. I’m not arguing that, I’m not even arguing. I post a wip and even acknowledged it needed more coverage. I’m not hearing anything I don’t already know and am trying to explain why it looks the way it does.

Thanks for being an aggressive faggot though. Always fun on 4chan.
no, you're making excuses that it's because of the lighting when it's clearly just terribly applied. Feel free to go back to your safe reddit hugbox if you can't stomach getting called out on doing a shit job
It's okay. I mostly watch Umi for the sandbags. Gunpla is just an extra bonus.
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Skin looks pretty okay in regular lighting. This is about a foot from the light in my space.

>le plebbit insult

Go look at a Warhammer subreddit and see 70% of the models here over there. May as well say wearing clothing is a hugbox space with how common it is.
can for the gloss coat, airbrush for the matte
will probably try airbrush for the gloss next, and two coats of ultra matte are what I need to remove the glossiness of the protective coat from the pinwash
the gloss coat got at least a day to dry on every model where the matte coats got either a few hours or several days with the same level of color affecting
Make the wings pop out a bit more and it'll be perfect.
Either fully commit to it or don't. bright pink hair on an otherwise normal looking werewolf just looks off
suck my dick faggot :)

I've always typed this way and I'm not stopping cuz you niggers think ur in a special mongolian basket weaving club for not using the enter key
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>pines for muh old internet
>tries to cast himself romantically as an intellectual and lover of freedom
>actually just a drunk trying to find an excuse for their disgraceful behavior
Typical death cult activities.
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at the moment the flayed one flesh just looks like its shoddy coverage basecoat rather than like a transition from bugmans to flayed one. I would glaze the bugmans back into the shadows
Actual fucking advice.

Thank you, anon. I’ll give it a go. If not, I’ll try diluted Carroburg shade.
When you have subscribers paying monthly for you to put out videos, you kind of do.
where exactly does it state he has to make a certain number of videos every month?
>Actual fucking advice.
I said to only put the lighter color on the raised areas, which is the layering way to do it instead of salvaging it by covering up the light paint in the recesses, and all you did was take another hit of copium.
if you didn't act like such a defensive faggot over your shitty paint application you might've gotten a lot more
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terraintutorbros its so over ...
again, fuck off with the youtuber drama
I just color picked the bugmans tone from his stomach and set opacity to 50%, bugmans has good pigment and glazes easily. Save the Carroburg for the wound areas that are flat bugmans currently
wrong tag
I took that to heart and will be using that for the inflammation going forward.

can't tell if the wave of hobby youtubers doing "I'm broke send me money or I stop making videos" right now is just ebeggers being jealous of others getting support or some grander economic signal. Like strippers knowing how the markets are doing.
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creating a mercenary company of horrible clowns and other such people with mech equally horrible to match, unfortunately due to my autism i will probably just spend a horrid amount of time on hazard stripes and warning signs instead of finishing any of my paintjobs
What am I supposed to do about it? Make hobby youtubing a smart career choice?
>with mech equally horrible
If you *really* wanted horrible, that guy'd be piloting a Charger instead of a Stalker.
costs keep going up, ad revenue likely goes down in the post covid bubble burst, there are aso many companies ending work from home wich leaves people either unemployed if they don't wan't to go back to the office or with a lot less free time wich again reduces ad revenue
I drink like once a month, Freud-sama.
You don't. Matte finish is inherently lighter and less vibrant than gloss.
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I was just going to say they need some texture. A great way of doing that is to roll your hobby knife handle if it has the grip texture on the still-curing material. Pic related is green stuff sandbags with textures from my knife
Oh is that what's going on with Plasmo? Hope everything is alright.
Some of the sandbags look good, but that one in in the front middle looks like a bread. It looks like you were rushing them towards the end.
I'll try that next time, that's a good idea thanks anon. I'm happy with them for my first go, but my second try will be better. Do keep in mind that they're very small compared to your big tonks sandbags. The whole building is only 40mm by 80mm.
New thread:

Oh damn. What are the terrain pieces for?
10mm project. A historical set during the Rif War of 1907/27 between Spain and Morocco. The guys who go inside that block house, as the roof lifts off, use dimes as bases.
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My first ever attempt at nonmetallic metal. My layers got a lil lumpy because I had to do quite a few to get the blending right. Hopefully the other side of the axe goes better.
from what I remember he had a collapsed lung and was unable to work for some time, in addition to dealing with some psychological issues and apparently a divorce.
He is a terrible business man though. He's got a patreon and a the highest supporter tier is 1 pound or something like that. With the audience he has (had) he could probably make a living of it, but for some reason he's not using it to his advantage.

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