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Previous Thread: >>93911266
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For a minion focused CYOA, there were not very many minions in Nexus: Gateway. The powers were also relatively bland and there's little of substance tying everything together. I don't think I'm a fan of the CYOA, but I appreciate the effort. The Haven dimensions were the best part. Linking minions to Havens could've been interesting but the focus on Companions neutered that somewhat. 'tis a shame.
>never liked magocratic convention in the first place
>dont care about the aro oc
it's genuinely over for us bitterbros... we're too jaded to enjoy cyoa anymore...
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We''ll do Aromage's OC next thread, okay?
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I'd rather not get b& over posting it too early like the other guy
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Secrets, quest rewards, and more
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Mind of Machines, Feather of Heaven

Shroud of Night, Eyes of Reality, Strength of Bonds, Break of Mortality

>Safe Havens
The Leviathan, The Cocoon

Tending to children is a virtuous act.

>Loners Allies:
Chrona, Legion, Ambriel, Kleidi

>Extra Powers:
Nanomachines, Genetic History, Heaven's Light, Soul Weaver

>Legions Allies:

>Ally Gifts
White-Gold Heart, The Legacy

Containment Breach, Echoes of the Ancients

The God-Hunter, The Blue-Moon Witch, The Steel Seraphim, The Sins, Ivory

Ivory's genocide and seeking help from an Ancient One can be used as justifications and attention grabbers to call out to and worship a Heart Monad to become their champion and go on a righteous crusade against her. The God-Hunter, The Blue-Moon Witch, and The Sins will be effortlessly crushed. The Steel Seraphim back the fuck off when they sense the involvement of a Monad.

>Path Forward:

Ivory is the one who will Resist, kek.
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Behold, the Holy Machine, son of love and lord of blood.
Did Luminary come out yet?
Why has aro not said anything to this? This is 100% the truth about the cyoa.
No. We are stuck with a mediocre reddicord cyoa and an update to an old metashit cyoa.
This shit sucks put the real OC up next time or I'll make the thread earlier and do it myself.
I agree that i could have put more minions in and tied it together with more narrative meat, but i also disagree that the powers are bland.
Agree on every point
>villain is a retard having a woman moment
>only viable build is a charisma chad focused on tard wrangling her via good dicking
Not really a cyoa when only a handful of choices are viable.
>every gateway build takes mind of machines
ummm? serpentbros?
add more minions.
Well, you can't really be a martialchad, and no matter what physical powers you take you'll still be strictly worse than the tards you wrangle in the minion sections. There's no point in not taking divine + mind to enhance your cognition/leadership maxxing.
>Can't explain why she's dumb except 'lol woman'
Did you even read the very last spoiler page?
Yeah, she proves that she's not a hypocrite and is thus less dumb than she would be if she destroyed your world like the planeswalkers she hated. There is nothing about her that is stupid.
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>the planeswalkers were destroyed by a Pathfinder
>not a hypocrite
You arosimps are a different breed alright.
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Heritage: Wanderer
Echoes: Heart of Nature/Shard of Divinity (free)

[ 17P]Siphon: Mind

Ho hum, I am a crab and crab I am. Perhaps I was something greater, that of the divine. But now I am much lesser unfurled into the sandy loam as a simple mud crab. The eons continue to march on and despite my lack of memory such hefty timespans, I continue skittering towards the unknown.

[17P]Talents: Shroud of Night (free)/Strength of Bonds(Free)/Break of Mortality(free)

I am a crab and there is much I do not know, but this I do know, it is best to conceal in the sand then be the meal of a predatory so I shall hide in the shroud of night. I am a crab, although my shell will break and bend and my claws will dull and loose its vise hold, the bonds of companionship is self strengthening does this small and meek crab shall seek the strong and large in all of their splendor.

[ 16P]Safe Haven: The Cocoon

I am a crab and not a spider, yet I find this cosmic cocoon homely and inviting. Though I do not have any recollection of the former host of this realm, my heart still feels a tinge of kinship with its many broods and so I shall bury myself within its weavings; a strange new abode to a stranger and perhaps through time its denizens will see me as a friend.

[ 10P]Allies: Tav/Star-Jin Loong/Legion
[ 07P]Extra Powers: Samsara/Draconic Reflexes/Genetic History

Tav is energetic with much fire in her heart and belly, her strength and fists will aid this crab's shell and claw.

Star-Jin is well acclimatized to adventure and the kind of wondering that I must undergo, she will be a welcomed loong on my wayward journey.

Legion, so young, naive and brash so prone to putting things into her mouth before extrospection yet why am I drawn to her like a snaking gully flowing into a quiet pond? A reflection of my younger self perhaps? Ho hum whatever the case my be, I choose to follow my heart and my heart has chosen her.
[-01P]Legions: Carcharodons/Hyperboreans/Draconic Empire/Daughters of Light

And so my companions gather, ho hum, I call for the Carcharodons for I as a crab have always been impressed with the strength and majesty of the shark who hunt and play in the great deep. I often dream of swimming with them. Now that dream has come true.

I call upon the gigantic ones, who's powerful pillar like statue and boundless wisdom is something best to lean on through my wonderings.

I call upon the scaled winged lords, though my strength is meagre. Through miracles of miracles I have lay sway to their Dragon Empress, she sees the crab has the "perfect specimen" and carcinization as a means to "strengthen her bloodline". Ho hum I do not know what she means, but I am a pragmatic crab, more pearls on the string, more claws and scales the better our fortunes will be.

Finally I call to the enigmatic children of light, as I am in the good graces of their great matriarch after I heeded their telepathic call for aid and provided my shell as a living bulwark, sheltering their egg clutches from a vast demonic and undead host. Ho hum a small token of goodwill goes a long way.

[-02P]Gifts: Power Trident(free)/Hands of Yamir(free)/The Lost Princess(free)/The Legacy

Thus gifts were showered upon me, from the Carcharodons they have given me a splendid trident, that shimmers ever so iridescently as I wave it around.

From the giants I am gifted the hands of Yamir, which their greatest blacksmiths reforged to fit my claws. They are comfortable and fit very snugly.

The Dragon Empress gifted me her unborn sister to hatch and as she claim "to be the perfect consort and concubine". Confusing words to a crab, but I shall to the best of my ability tend and care to this little empress.

And from Kleidi I claim the legacy so to best catalogue my long wayward travels, and who knows perhaps retracing each step of this ancient chartered map can stir and lure my forgotten memories awake?
Meme builds like this are always annoying and juat get ignored in every cyoa. Why even post this?
Quests: Treasure Planet/Containment Breach

Thus I have set myself on two immediate tasks, to visit and explore the world of Meryx in hopes of getting back fragments of my lost memories.

Secondly I as crab often weave burrows on the sandy shores to brace against the oceanic elements and the swooping gulls and ospreys, I too know the necessity to reweave the barriers and firmaments that contain a far greater threat upon our cosmic shores. I pray my cosmic burrows may stave off the nightmares for a good spell.
Oh Great Crab! We kneel!
[ 00P]pursuers: The God-Hunter/The Blue Moon Witch/The Steel Seraphim/The Sins/Ivory
[ 00P]Your Path Forward: Confront

I am flung into this cosmic maelstrom with so many adversaries pursuing such a lowly crab. I have battled the God-hunter many a time, his devastating onslaught and ripostes always find their mark on my shell's weak spots, with the help of my many friends and companions I have repelled him thus far.

The Blue Moon Witch is such a tortured soul, ho hum I pity her. I only best her because I trust my companions and friends as much as she hates and loathes her contracted monsters and hitmen.

The Steel Seraphs pursue and pester me like gulls and ospreys, their cold hard logical programming often make their stratagems predictable, it is a gratuitous fortune that they do not strike to kill but to subdue and they are easy to provoke to attack other contending actors that they perceive as equal if not greater threats. When the number of the steel seraphim host grows too great for my retinue and I to handle, I would rely on my children of light friends to lure The Sins in hungry pursuit of my planeswalker flame, in so doing distracting the Seraphim to focus their efforts on the monstrous thoughtforms instead of my crabby self.

And finally the last planeswalker Ivory also opposes me. She taunts me and flaunts her strength and power whenever she could, playing with me like a cat toys a mouse. Often I find myself scurrying away always an whisker away from total obliteration and with many claws and limbs broken and grievous wounds and losses. She sees fit to vanquish a supposed crustaceous evil with a evil of her own making. Thus I am forced to stir to action and confront her. Either I die where I stand or we reach an agreement like the rolling tides that carry me through the currents, I let fate decide our confrontation ho hum.
Because its fun to make meme builds.
How dumb are you, lmao
>Still refuses to explain because he has no argument.
If she just teleported them, why even go through all the hassle of chasing me trying to kill me. What the fuck was the point of dragging me back home and threatening me if we're just gonna talk it out in the end? Bitches be crazy, she gotta go for everybodies safety.
>Is unable to understand without someone explaining it to them
Because is not there to make sense. It is there just to be a surprise at the end. Basically, shit writing.
Aro trying her hardest to pull a tankista and falling.
So, what she did was draw you back your home, threaten you with a black hole, then tried to kill you personally and you ran because the alternative was death. Because you left, she had no reason to kill your planet and just moved it instead.

You talk it out in the end because throughout your journey you prove that she might be wrong about you, as she says on the last page. You're missing the middle part there.
Why would anyone with a spine coexist with someone who threatened the destruction of their home dimension and made it clear they wanted (You) dead beyond all hope of resurrection?
Nta, meme builds are fine, but only when they actually work and aren't just random shit that has no purpose other than an (usually bad) attempt at being funny imo. You made an amnesiac crab... and that's it. Your last sentence is basically saying that you have no plan against Ivory. Your build is a nothing burger.
Your opinion is duly noted.
You don't get it! She is le good guy! and a woman! You are supposed to say yeeeees!
It was just a threat, and to her you could have been baby hitler and a threat to the new status quo.
So what? You could say the same for everyone that tries to kill you.
Then she was acting in her own self interest and according to her personal morals and ideology, and not actually retarded?
>acting in her own self interest and according to her personal morals and ideology
So do retards and that does not make them any less retarded though.
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I apologize for the late response. I need to make a decision at some point even though I enjoy both contemporary and fantastical companions.

In-Universe of the CYOA. You are one of humanity's strongest (Despite not being chosen by the Planet, default option). and few characters can match you in mortal combat, especially in beast killing. You also take on the role of a Marshal who is more of an unofficial Warlord in unclaimed territories with legions of Volunteers following you because you are strong, they are more organized paramilitary (Group A). Because of your strength you are also strong enough and influential enough to hang with Heroes chosen by the Planet who carry natural blessings that can potentially put a few on par with you (You fight some Heroes as antagonists in options of the CYOA), but they act more like it's a JRPG (Group B).

Which group do you guys prefer?
I have a better idea. How about you just finish what you are actually supposed to finish instead of talking about shit that does not even exist and will not exist for at least another 2 years?
I would choose Group A but B has my dragon wife.
The plot would be better if Ivory didn't murder all the innocent planeswalkers (but they should die because of some other reason) and isn't trying to murder the player with extreme prejudice.
Good thing I proved her right.
>It was just a threat
And? It's no less of a threat. Lying to me about the destruction of my home dimension out of hypocritical cowardice is even worse than destroying it outright.
>and to her you could have been baby hitler
Infanticide is inherently unjust.
>and a threat to the new status quo.
Such a farcical status quo should be threatened.

>Then she was acting in her own self interest
As am I, in wanting her dead and no longer a threat to myself or my ambitions.
>and according to her personal morals and ideology
Again, as am I. If a threat to my life was acting on her "personal morals and ideology" or not is a complete nonfactor.
>and not actually retarded?
I beg to differ.
>How about you just finish what you are actually supposed to finish
This is what is supposed to be finish and related to it. What are you talking about?

Who? The dragon girl?
>Be a good boy
Why does the CYOA automatically assume that you're male? I thought Aromage was a progressive author?
Hmm, group A has the hot foxgirl and catgirl... But group B has nia...

I think I have to go with A on this one.
Nia is the only thing saving group B. Maybe move her to Group A and it becomes perfect.
>Volunteers following you because you are strong (Group A)
>Heroes chosen by the Planet who carry natural blessings that can potentially put a few on par with you (Group B)
>admirers vs near equals
>Which group do you guys prefer?
A. More loyal and willing to serve.
>Who? The dragon girl?
Yeah, second girl in B
Group A, ugly tamamo is really bringing down group B. Plus what >>93915522 said.
You shouldn't have said this. Now she's going to be unmarriable used goods.
quads confirm
Quads of truth. Italics will always ruin what anons want.
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>A. More loyal and willing to serve.
Are they loyal because you are the strongest? Or since you are the strongest, they are loyal?
Not like it's gonna happen anyways (any time soon too), looks like everyone favors group A
Gonna have to go with A on this one (she's perfect)
suguru...suguru.... please I can't do this anymore
They loyal because you are the strongest. If you show weakness even for a second. They will leave. Not italics. This is just the type of shit he LOVES to write. Kind of like the waifus that try to kill you even after you marry them since you can never change them.
>Everyone is suddenly bending over for shitalics when he flashes more shitty anime waifus
You people sicken me.
>They loyal because you are the strongest. If you show weakness even for a second. They will leave.
>Not italics.
Yeah I'm an Aro Fan but this is a good point, why not like Good Pet or something else. Even if the CYOA players are overwhelmingly male, they make a lot of female builds.
What can I say. I have become one with his writing.
It really is that easy.
nothing has changed?
Why would she call you good pet when she's about to kill you? Do you kill your pets?
I dunno man, what's a decent unisex term that's still hot.
cyoa where mommy steps on my loser face?
Hmm "Be a good piece of meat" isn't bad.
>They loyal because you are the strongest. If you show weakness even for a second. They will leave.

In that case, they can leave. Its utter insane to live by that creed. Or otherwise I will cripple them all so no matter how much weakness I display, I will always be stronger then them.
2 mean 4 me
>kill you
Aren't you guys joining her?
>joining that insane dumb bitch
You must be insane and dumb as well.
She's evil and stupid but she's also one of the most powerful beings alive. She needs to be captured and raped and impregnated so her powerful genes do not go to waste.
Don't be mean to aros self insert
Join her? I am turning her into a slave
Don't do that you gross freak, you stepfordize the psycho bitch instead so that the first slip of the leash doesn't kill you and your offspring.
Looks like Group A is the one to use. I'll just recycle Group B for something else, maybe. Thanks.

The idea I have for that character is that:
>She's from not!France in-universe.
>Used to be the leader of the Legion of Honor for the city-state nobility.
>Got politically exiled and ended up wandering into your territory to become a Volunteer.
>Gets a promotion to become your direct subordinate in your field party.
>Depressed because she was exiled by the one she thought was her best friend and is one of the 3 political leaders of her homeland.

>They loyal because you are the strongest.
Loyal because you are the strongest and you took the position of Marshal.

>If you show weakness even for a second. They will leave.
No. The Marshal Force (Your Group) is an army without a nation, you have territory/communities under your control/management but the communities pay tribute to the Marshal Forces and the one that sits above it (You).

They don't care if you are emotional or merciful. What matters most is if you can kill (Enemies, especially Beastiggers the most) and lead them as their rightful Lord (Don't fuck up and cause a collapse). If you die, they will look for a new Marshal Lord from their ranks or outside because they don't believe in hereditary ascent.
I thought Aro's self insert was Luz/The Teenage Planeswalker?
Release something already. And not a 2 pager
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>no one picked her
I am sure someone from the hugbox or her discord did. Which I guess does include people from here since 2 builds are from them.
>Ever since, I have guarded the multiverse alone.
>The Watcher is the personal watchdog and servant of the First Guardian, the keeper of the multiverse.
Wait so who the fuck is the First Guardian? Why is Ivory guarding the multiverse while it's nowhere to be seen?
The multiverse is big and there's a lot of things to protect. Ivory is keeping the timelines separate and preventing them from spilling into each other in wars, which the old Planeswalkers allowed and encouraged sometimes.
She is also hunting down planeswalkers who disrupt this status quo she's making and are either bringing back the old order of planeswalkers or are becoming too powerful.

The First Guardian is the star-god at the center of the multiverse who keeps the whole thing healthy so that time flows and gods stay in line.
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>The multiverse is big.
Heh, not anymore.
Kill Ivory
Kill Watcher
Kill Weavers
Kill Ancient Ones
Kill First Guardian
Kill Multiverse
Nothing personnel, just don't like 'em
noooo aieeeeee my settiiiiing
>The First Guardian is the star-god at the center of the multiverse who keeps the whole thing healthy so that time flows and gods stay in line.
A Hyperion? Ultimate God of which Aspect?
Of being a jobber that dies of old age
Yeah a hyperion. At the heart of each multiverse is a dimension of pure energy called the First Star, and the hyperion of that dimension is the First Guardian.
>each multiverse
What the fuck aro
You want a spin-off CYOA taking place in the same universe as the Magi Case?
>t. has not read ultimate jobber
Wdym I literally picked her in my build last thread.
Redicord builds do not count, retard. Now go back.
Lies. Ctrl+F shows no Luz.
That's because her name in the cyoa is dolores, retard.
Retards >>93912534
>brainwash (without mind control powers) Dolores, a Dreamweaver
>take control of Chrona
>establish my inter-universal empire
>bring the forgemaster under my domination
>royal harem
>my armies will bring me crowns innumerable and underlings unending
>do whatever I want
>exactly the kind of things Ivory hates
Congratulations, you have signed your death warrant.
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>See's milf
>Thinks she's ugly
Nah, that is just a really bad drawing of the fox. But thank you for outing your shit taste again, faggot
Nah Ivory a bitch, i'll win.
>brainwash (without mind control powers) Dolores, a Dreamweaver
There's tech for that.
>your power has a mind of its own
Arent dreamweavers specifically more resistant to influence, illusions, and control?
Maybe, I don't remember that from nexus but I wouldn't put it past it. Resistant however, is not immune. Plus, i'm her master, and she's fairly young and malleable. There's tons of ways to manipulate her, and I have the superintelligence and charisma to do so.
Never mind Ivory, all the other planeswalkers, like the ones on Nexus, will be hunting you as well.
>Mixed art (Agent Abraxas)
Aw yeah, it's kino time. Tankischad has never let us down and never will.
They're dead or don't exist. I'm fine.
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Someone forgot some numbers.
Not that I blame you, this CYOA has too many of them.
SHITALICS!!!!! You will NEVER win the attentionwhore war. NEVER!
Does anyone know a good pnd to png converter?
The EXPORT function on PAINT DOT NET?!
How can anyone dislike this cute bird?
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OC tomorrow or the day after.
It will be sword centered.

Mind of Machines
Heart of Nature

Shroud of Night
Eyes of Reality
Lighthouse Keeper

>Safe Havens
The Wastes -1

Chrona Novos -2
Legion -2
Dolores -2

>Extra Powers
Nanomachines -1
Genetic History -1
The Dreaming -1

Nightstalkers -2
Warforged -2

The Black Cube
White-Gold Heart
The Legacy -1

Containment Breach
Echoes of the Ancients

The Blue Moon Witch
The Steel Seraphim
The Sins

Here is my sleep deprived shopping list. It's nothing special, basically just a cyborg Alex Mercer that uses Shroud of Night and the Black Cube to be as stealthy and out of the way as possible. Just hanging out in the Wastes integrating random technology and monster genes. Also picked the Dolores self insert because why not. I'm going to sleep now.
>You want a spin-off CYOA taking place in the same universe as the Magi Case?
Actually, yes. The Rosewood Incident one that he abandoned, or maybe ones focusing on a single clan, to show what they're actually like (and why people should want to play as them).
This is so fucking stupid. Planeswalkers would sometimes rape people so of course that justifies black hole nuking worlds full of innocents, truly the female mind knows no limits. As if all of a sudden existence became peaceful when they got wiped (by the minion and ally descriptions, it really seems it fucking didn't). What a shitty villain.
>Planeswalkers would sometimes rape people
Surely not
Le bad guy is actually justified!
I would be more surprised if this wasn't the case in a ton of modern media.
I won't make that shit happen in my WIP the bad guys are bad and while you might be allied with some dubious people they are definitely redeemable and much better than the antagonist that wants everyone dead or enslaved.
I wanted a cool fight at the edge of the multiverse, not yet another moralfag defeated with love. We've been robbed.
I will cut to the chase and use the justified bad guys as the protagonists, which is the logical conclusion of this trend.
So, entropissts, but actually justified?
Thinking back on it Karac would make a much better antagonist. No moralfagging just an evil motherfucker who hates everyone and everything and actually gains power from genocide, which he uses to kill even more.
They'll be idealists.
I don't really see what the problem is with gateway. Over half of you are going to be evil and fight her anyways, why does it matter what she says in one dialogue option not even targetted at (you).
>I don't really see what the problem is with [bad writing]
I'd say it's among the worst CYOAs about planeswalkers. Magical Journey BTFOs it easily even though it has shitty lore. Planeswalker Rising BTFOs it easily even though it has shitty lore. I takes effort to make a CYOA about travelling the planes that bad.
>Magical Journey BTFOs
Stopped reading there. Lol.
You're really jumpy when it's mentioned, aren't you? Even in the last thread you threw a hissy fit. Is it inferiority complex? Even Redditors like it more whereas yours gets 2 builds total.
Truth hurts, doesn't it? Perhaps you should stay on your discord echo chamber if you're so afraid of it.
>he's still fuming his bait wasn't taken
You're delusional. Anons told you that your CYOA is extremely mid, instead of listening/making an update you're posturing as if you're Tok even though everyone knows you shat yourself badly.
>Anons told you that your CYOA
>2 retards arguing over nothing
First time here?
Its the shitposter absolutely going ballistic an anon didn't fall for his shit tier bait. Not like its not incredibly obvious one anon has been incessantly shitposting about the aro cyoa since tankflopstas failed so hard. I'm mostly surprised that I could go to bed and wake up and he's still up and trying so hard.
Just read the CYOA
>Ivory is a proud planeswalker
>Finds out some ancient planeswalkers were evil
>Is convinced all planeswalkers are evil and must die because they abuse the innocent
>Kills all planeswalkers even the innocent, her words not mine
>Tries to kill you and threatens to destroy your world
>Flipflops and doesn't want to kill you anymore
>She didn't destroy your world because she doesn't want to be a hypocrite
Bitch is fucking pshyco, lacks any form of critical thinking and rational thought. Anyone who doesn't put her down will get inevitably get backstabbed when she flipflops again
I can fix her.
>Bitch is fucking pshyco, lacks any form of critical thinking and rational thought
Shes just a woman
Am I supposed to know who Abysswalkers are?
A actually look like professionals so that one.
>i'll win
black hole GG
Sorcerer or Wizard? What are the best Sorceries for the player to take?
>he thinks the black is both instant and that there aren't ways to beat it
You really need the int boost from mind of machines.
Superluminal railgun GG
>that there aren't ways to beat it
Go on, how do you plan to survive someone throwing black holes at you.
Her thing is that she thinks Planeswalkers are essentially destined to turn evil because they don't form attachments. The player is weak and have to form attachments and connections to do anything, so she eventually changes her mind about them.
>don't form attachments
literally impossible except for scant few hyper psychos
>he's not made of tech that resists black hole tier pressure
>he doesn't have weapons that can shoot projectiles faster than the speed of light
>he doesn't also have his own black hole projector tech
>all of this is assuming I didn't just send someone who can already do all this but 10x better because of my powers boosting them
Sorry, you can be a jobber if you want I guess. I wont.
Well clearly the previous planeswalkers didn't, or they wouldn't have been so evil. Not to say that she's right, but that belief isn't coming out of nowhere.
>>he's not made of tech that resists black hole tier pressure
No, and neither are you. Both because that tech doesent exist and because that tech is beyond what you can manage with the powers the CYOA gives you.
>literally impossible except for scant few hyper psychos
A planeswalker exists on a higher state of "real" than everyone else. Its like being the only player in a world of NPCs. Sure, most people dont just go around killing random characters, but there is an inescapable level of detachment there because you know that whatever you do has no lasting consequences for you, if you dont like how things end up you can just reload a save or in the case of a planeswalker go to a different world that you didnt mess up.
They were like an entire race of god-like immortal zoomers with fried dopamine receptors who can just jump to any setting or world they want, so why care about the NPCs?
>make a black hole in the sky, condemning people on Earth to violence, panic, murder, and rape as they lose their minds and think they're about to die
>"LOL JK, at least you're noticed me.... i-it's not like I like you or anything......"
Most realistically written woman in fiction.
>condemning people on Earth to violence, panic, murder, and rape as they lose their minds and think they're about to die
"oh no the sky went a funny color better go rape someone"
It fucking is. It's like being a proud German and then finding out the history of world war 1 and 2 and going on a racial genocide to kill all Germans because you believe they are evil. The icing on the cake is that Ivory doesn't believe that she's a hypocrite.
>No, and neither are you.
Lmao. Yes I am. You can be a jobber in your own world but you can't prevent me from winning in mine. You're ngmi frankly.
>Lmao. Yes I am
lol, no you arent
This but unironically
It's more like if a proud german found out about world war 1 and 2, and then discovered that the german government was still secretly experimenting on and murdering people in huge numbers, and this had been going on since the holy roman empire.
Well the difference is that she actually has a logical basis for that. Also she's clearly not a hypocrite.
Anon there is a literal universal dominating empire that are withstanding the death of their own universe. All of this is literally entirely within reason for someone to copy and steal.

Still though, you can be a jobber if you want. No matter how hard you project your failure onto me, I still win lmao.
>female "misguided" antagonistic predecessor
I'm starting to think you have a type, Anon.
More like "scientists announced it's a black hole and earth is flying right into it". Though I understand that some mongoloids like you would have no knowledge of celestial phenomena besides "the sky has funny color ughhh..."
What is magic?
A miserable little pile of science.
If you still don’t know, you’re hopeless.
It's what bitches call my dick
Whatever I decide is cool.
Who else is like Ivory? All i can think of is Elspeth.
My wife solo's ivory no diff.
mati my beloved...
nta but the outer reincarnation bitch queen
Ivory is insane and 0^0 is retarded, they are not the same
It's anon's dick, it's very popular, ask your mother about it.
Who is the best waifu in Gateway and why is it Chrona
The best part of chrona is using the nanites to make her look younger and more attractive.
unironically why would a planeswalker need to rape when they can just go into the plane of infinite horny women that fit exactly to your tastes and that desperately want to fuck your brains out?
The feeling of conquest.
They'd have to find that plane somehow first.
I like Tav personally.
Is there a way to not die of old age? is there a way to not let companions die of old age?
>Is there a way to not die of old age?
Be immortal
>is there a way to not let companions die of old age?
I just assume they're all also immortal because it doesn't say otherwise.
All of the echoes let you reverse aging or stop it entirely, while feather of heaven and probably mind of machines let you rejuvenate others.
It's more fun when they resist and cry
Because they aren't gay like you
It’s incredible how buttblasted this general gets over some autistic topic like this. Almost like that shitposter is correct about it being religious.
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literally me
So weak planeswalkers have easy access to immortality but "ultimate" gods are unable to just not age. That's retarded.
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I wish there were more solo companions that were at least neutral. The gay vampire twink is super off-putting, aevars not bad but he doesn't really convey 'neutral'. And legion is good because she can be whatever you want. At least a decent amount of the legions are good, but solo agents are really a mixed bag of taking characters because of their abilities/power scaling instead of because they're actually good companions.
bro science can't even figure out what going into a black hole would be like, other than the external effects of smaller black holes such as tidal tearing
No planeswalker is going to live to 100 decillion years old lmao, they'll either be killed or die with the multiverse or be turned into some horrible monster out in the void, and ultimate gods are far more immortal than planeswalkers
So the whole thing is even more retarded, got it. I did not think it could get worse but it did.
So? If you hear "we're going into a giant AF black hole soon and scientists don't know shit about it" on the news, are you going to be calm and composed?
yes, but i'd also be calm and composed if i was dying of cancer right now too
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low test
What's the difference? They're both your predecessors (Outsider, Planeswalker), rebelled against the local system, killed their elders and ascended, and now sabotage your own adventure.
0^0 doesn't love you.
Why do anons act like she can just instantly make and juggle black holes? Nothing in the cyoa supports that, all we've seen is her having made a black hole before we even got to earth, and it wasn't even close enough to actually suck in earth at the time.
Its just arguing for the sake of arguing. As long as you have urania, ambriel or lumi any one of them alone can solo her and the threats no diff with strength of bonds and break of mortality bonuses. Anyone else you take after one of those 3 is just for personal preference.
Skill issue.
You're in denial.
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>Still no builds
It's over. Arobitch and her big cilt won.
It's a dumb cyoa. Aro is a retard, thinking magic is separate from science.
>valuable day you'll never get back
>spend it arguing over aroslop
Why are all the companions women?
People here are weird/obssessed, who knew.
>never get back
So long as you live, you will always get your valuable days back, Beta.
The most important question in Aro's new cyoa.
Are they fine with being part of a harem? because several options i want to choose are clearly interested on the reader, like the Empress, Tav, Chrona, Star Jin and Mati. But if they are not ok with the harem it would change a lot
You should always strive to play a CYOA as purely as possible and naturally assume monogsmy unless stated otherwise.
They're all fine with being in a harem.
>can solo her and the threats no diff with strength of bonds and break of mortality bonuses
lol, you really believe this
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Y'all are boring me with your boring conversations! Have some foxy waifu and alien shenanigans!
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Source: Me.
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and you are?
Are doesn’t care. Aro is the kind of girl who will double down and stay retarded if someone mansplained things to her. It’s revers psychology. “Um, actually the eclipse isn’t caused by global warming…” “LOL OKAY BUD” - literally The View.
Yes. It's a fact.
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Chunni Time
The View is proof that the human race is meant to be stupid, unconscious sheep. Even fucking Family Guy made fun of it like 10-15 years ago.
Ivory probably has all the non-companion specific powers from this cyoa, original Nexus (including all the Forms) and then some. And if she feels threatened she probably can suck up some eldritch tentacles for powerups. Yeah, things don't look good for anything resembling open confrontation.
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Good thing High Lord Sartre lets me ignore shitty CYOAs with dumb characters and bad balance
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Just posting cyoas hoping somebody will play them! (Sits in fetal position in a dark corner)
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>It's Hero Time!
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NTA but even in your analogy.
it would be extremely retarded, evil and woman-like(derogatory) to kill all Germans even innocent kids and people that like her didn't know what was going on with their government.

She doesn't she has extremely flawed beliefs and only changes because she forces someone else to have allies?
That sounds like she knows she is deeply retarded(woman(derogatory)) but fell for the sunk cost fallacy and has to come up with an excuse to give herself a way out from her own decisions.
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The author.
Aro, was Ivory a Pathfinder back then?
Just use Power Word bruh
The problem was never cruelty, but stupidity.
The real problem, clearly, is that Ivory is a femcel no planeswalker wanted to commit and would rather fuck harems of cute girls so she convinced herself that they were raping them and she was saving them by obliterating them and their worlds.
Aro said she can.
Aromage is retarded and has no idea how to write. So she just wrote Ivobitch as your average woman.
>Absolutely retarded
>Justifies their actions
>Puts the blame on you
>Tries to control you
Real incel vibes
go back simp
Why is womab evil? Is aro stupid?
lmao. Not even trying to deny anything or argue why it would be false. Just straight up going to
>N.. no Y.. you are le incel!
Where do you think you are, normalfag? Do you think the smelly unshaved bitch will reward you with sex if you defend her or something?
Tav, Star, the Empress, her twin sister and Chrona all in one harem. Eating good
How many phones does he have?
I think we're at 9 now.
Probably like 11? It used to be 8 phones.
The companions are ass. They are just a paywall to get whatever power you're trying to unlock
Aro, why do you not understand nuance? The nuance between science and magic I mean. I fear you may be a dolt.
FINALLY! Someone that says how it is. People are so blinding by their coom that they are not able to see what shitty design this is.
(I will still play his cyoas)
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Fuck that shit.
Chrona is a strong candidate but I also like Star jin. I crave tomboys and dragons
No he doesnt stop lying he only eats good food
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It will unironically be the same problem with this.
To an even greater extent
>good food
Realistically, technically speaking, the flesh of babies probably tastes fucking amazing, if we’re to consider that people taste like fattier, more succulent pork. It’s likely best made with honey garlic. Or any other sort of sweet+savoury; honey and maple, sweet chilli, etc. Smoked in apple wood too.
You forgot page one for your little drama, seetheposter.
I was just trying to illustrate a point.
And those are the pages that show the problem I want to address.
People are probably still not done with their builds yet, the cyoa is long as hell. And you still have to double back to make sure you understand everything before that final page.
Unfortunate timing. I'm going to be focused on Magocratic Convention for at least a week.
Looks great though. Maybe I'll find the time for both.
How about you take a cyoa that is actually out instead of something that does not exist yet. We have cyoas that are 100% this.
For luminary, it’s a feature, not a bug.
Oh right. You can't. You don't know those other cyoas. Because you are not from here and you are just seething that someone called gateway shit.
Jesus Christ anon
It’s a baby eat baby world
I have a few ideas for updating gateway, like more echoes, talents, reworked companions, a new minion section outside of the legions, more narrative meat, etc.
What would you guys like changed or added?
How much can someone get baited? Is it a healthy thing?
We’re all metaphorical cannibals here.
see >>93919334
Those CYOAs can't be fixed.
This one can still be saved.

A bad feature it's gateway times a hundred.
Is nexus going to get updated after this cyoa? or is there something else after?
Does Aro even know what science is? PCA doesn’t, and he’s a computer kid or something.
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Modern scientists don’t even know what philosophy is lol.
An Echoes that is to magic what Mind of Machines is to technology.
Cool. Maybe now we can get some feminine waifus.
What do you mean by feminine?
wtf is Bill Nye doing in there, and why the fuck would anyone care about a scientists opinion on something outside of their filed of study?
Its over... At least I tried.
I have solved the cyoa. In the agent section you are able to select two other non secret character agent abilities for yourself which makes this work
>Pick Aspe's double ability and Shwitz's ability to be sent twice on a mission so you can join the rest of your agents
>Have King, Gwyneris, Daxmor, Rhea (if needed), Apse, yourself, seb and another build that has apse's double ability
>you now have 3 people who doubles everyone else's abilities including one another so all three now increase everyone else's abilities by at least 8x each
>you now multiply everyone else's abilities to an absurd extent and since your ability to get sent on multiple missions is also multiplied you can show up to all missions yourself and double all your other agents
>You yourself will have more spellcrafts and blood magics that exist in the game
>seb's ability alone has also solved the mana crisis due to being doubled so much
>people can now import your build and have the both of you on every mission if they also do this strategy and since you both have all spellcrafts you synergize with everything
But they're the same thing?
>I have solved the cyoa.
yeah, but you read it, which means you solved it on easy mode, come brag next time when (if) you're good enough to solve a cyoa without reading it at all
Will she still kill me if I promise to be good
Espa is a secret character though.
And (You)r ability is about bonuses to chances specifically. Cool plan, but probably can't work.
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>Can't work
I want slimes. Cosmic slimes
Shitposters should be castrated, broken on the wheel, and have their bodily remnants ritually defaced
No, she is not a secret character. Only the four figures at the end of the agents 2 page are secret characters. Its also all positive effects. Nothing about it being limited to just affecting the chances of the mission.
I think I'm gonna finish Hyperion next , where you play as a newborn star god, then I'll update gateway.

Noted. I'll add slime monsters into minions, probably add two echoes (psionic and necromancy)
>no one is left in cyoag
>I think I'm gonna finish Hyperion next , where you play as a newborn star god, then I'll update gateway.
Does this not just prove that Pathfinders are the only correct choice
It's worded like this:
>Two custom bonuses to chance of mission success

Seems pretty clearly limited to me.
Why can't you regulate mana and receive outside mana? Why does it have to be one or the other?
It'd be like a barren planet rationing out food while accepting no external food shipments from a farm planet. Retarded.
Because they’re making fun of him?

The joke is that the actual geniuses of the past didn’t find anything wrong with philosophy contained within the bounds of science. The scientists of today do. Theoretical physicists can’t even avoid taking philosophical positions.
The actual rules below describe that you can select any agent ability. You also affect chances of success by being able to join in on an additional mission and alter other people's abilities. All agent abilities are ultimately interconnected as even abilities that give mana would directly impact at least one other agent's chances.
Caring about or even discussing The View in 2024 is a clear sign of mental illness and a lack of socialization. It’s like shitting on the Big Bang Theory, did you just stop developing in 2010?
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add THEM
Bill Nye shouldn't be on a list making fun of modern scientists because Bill Nye ISN'T A SCIENTIST.
I have never watched a single episode, and I’ve only seen clips. All I care about is seeing Dr. Phil look like he wants to kill himself, talking to these women, telling them how much of a blunder Covid was.
Bill isn’t a scientist the same way Neil isn’t a scientist. They’re just science whores/expositionists.
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Ended up making a comically evil cyber-necromancer build just to spite the biatch.
Timewalkers and Stargazers should be the same group, no?
I will
Aromage doesn’t know what physics is, this is amazing.
Sorry. You have to be le good. No choice here in this cyoa.
>Dr Phil
Shirley you can’t be serious
Tok and him are the Shadman of the general.
Neil at least has a PhD in astrophysics Bill is literally just an engineer who happened to star in a kids show. Your right that they're both whores though.
Both of them are literal scientist by definition. What the fuck are you schizos talking about.
Cooking, is science. Cooks are scientists in that sense, but what is a scientist to a scientist is a matter of prestige. Some of the greatest scientists have been insane drop outs, who did great science simply by poking at shit—because that’s all that science is—poking at processes within nature, and hoping to purpose/repurpose them.
People try to adjust the bar for “scientist” to people in actual lab or research environments. Which is a small percentage of people with scientific expertise. Even then, those working in research or labs are often parts of teams working on hyper-specialized subjects. There is a place for scientific communicators, but we should acknowledge the very act of removing yourself from your area of expertise inherently makes you less qualified to talk about it, let alone when communicators like Neil and Bill feel the need to speak authoritatively on subjects they don’t know anything about. Gives everyone a bad name.

Don’t be fucking retarded
Not all cooks are scientists. Cooks who make new dishes or techniques are scientists. Those who copy and paste are not scientists
>Don’t be fucking retarded

So you agree with the View that treating kids like Nazi bots was good for their mental health and future outlook? Got it.

You agree that white people shouldn’t be allowed to wear sombreros or straw hats or dreads. Only Mexicans and Chinese and Africans can do that.
This makes no sense. Everything you do is technically science. If it works at all, it has science to it. Everyone is a scientist in that sense.

Breaking boundaries is precisely what a good/true scientist does, though.
nah, i'm good
All in all, I'm just another hog in the machine

You don't need a degree or lab to be a scientist. Otherwise many old scientist people dick worship wouldn't be considered scientist.
Of course not and we will also not delete any of this. But you better not call someone a tranny or you are OUT!
What definition makes him a scientist retard?
>Cooks who make new dishes or techniques are scientists.

Smug theoretical physicists (who don’t make anything) would mock you for saying this, even though you’re right.

The first caveman to make the wheel, was a scientist, to be sure. Same with all those that made their own wheels after.
Yeah, all that has a lot to do with Dr. Phil you schizo. Seek a bullet
Still reading Tankista's latest. The agent requirements seem like a straightforward optimization puzzle. I really think it was a poor take to arithmetize something like that. Reminds me a bit of the plant girl from Cityscape Skirmish, which didn't get builds either despite excelling in many aspects.
Are you actually retarded? Bait?
You don’t even know what the fuck he is talking about.

Dr. Phil was saying the way school boards treated children during the Covid lockdown was just breeding future mental health issues.

And he is right.

I didn’t realize Anons were pro-lockdown.

Do you also think the trucker convoy was mostly Neo-Nazis, rather than families that just needed to work to survive?
Stop responding to the troll/leftist.
Even the assumption of science is against religion!
Is extremely retarded many of the greatest scientists in the world were very religious.
Their study of the natural world is the study of Gods creation.
For heavens sake don't respond to the underage troll, he just wants attention
So... if you have Kleidi, the flame within and Mati, the Hive mother of the moths who is attracted to the flame within you that means... lesbian sex? or is the implication she is attracted to you because of the falling in love with a planeswalker?
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Powers and items that you would expect anons to need for their builds (example: nanomachines and white-gold heart for the cyborgniggas) being locked behind redundant companions is bad.

I'm not really pressed for anything otherwise. As long as lumi, the dragons, and I guess carcharodons are still there i'm fine. I liked those ones.
/me runs around in circles.
>Play lackey for a doomed magical bureaucracy that by author fiat is continuously shooting itself in the foot until Blood Mages cuck it out of all meaning and purpose

>Be chased around the multiverse by some retarded black hole-tossing dominatrix who either thinks you're amenable to working with her literally right after trying to murder you, or thinks you're the biggest sucker in the multiverse
I can't decide which is worse desu. Which way, white man?

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