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/tg/ - Traditional Games

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So, for a period of time, the entrance to Hell was represented as a monstrous head with a mouth agape, full of teeth, that would swallow up humans. Nothing says so, but I think it stems from the whole "gnashing of teeth" description associated with hellbound individuals.

The old artwork got me thinking, how would you represent such a phenomenon of a monster head manifesting that is large enough to swallow people whole, it's throat clearly connected to the inferno as opposed to a stomach, and no other body part existing? Just a random appearance, a group gnashed and swallowed, then it vanished.

Could it even be an encounter?
Just a wandering gateway monster. Little more than a portal beast with a nightmare visage. Can easily be an encounter, but good luck surviving what amounts to a metal version of giant Pac-Man with freakishly far phasing abilities.
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I ran a (completely different) sentient portal encounter once, and what became immediately obvious was that the party was gonna split. It seems retarded not to see this coming once you say it plainly, but I honestly thought they’d be all in or all nope the fuck out. I was wrong.

I think this is fine as an encounter if you and your player are knowingly playing in, and thus prepared for, stakes being this high. Because it will quickly become you either get eaten or you don’t, which in and of itself isn’t very fun or interesting. You’d need other motivations in play to make it fun for the players.
I'd make it an NPC, as in, give it personality and make it interactable. You don't just let anyone walk into hel, there are rules. So most of the time it's willing to talk with the ones who find it. You could trick it into yawning or something to sneak into hell, like to rescue a loved one. Tricking it the other way around is harder.
What system?
Obviously you can do that if you want to, what was your purpose for making this thread?
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It's not an encounter. It's a location encounters are held around. It's a set piece.

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