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Previously: >>93912669

>OFFICIAL Commander website, where you can learn the rules, see the current banlist, and read the format philosophy, laid down by the rules committee:

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen color identity.

>Deck List Sites: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck strategy and card choices.


>Proxy a deck or a cube for cheap

>How to proxy using any printer

What does your pod look like?
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Straight Bolas
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Bisexual Ugin
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Same energy
based tea poster
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Gay Izzet (The colors)
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Gaylazeth Prismari
this feels like a major "fuck you in particular" card.
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Pansexual Ur-Dragon!
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Stupid sexy Ojutai
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Fagdicks Silverquill
yeah, shame that the one printing without reminder text is like $150
So this is what the new thread is gonna be huh. Gay dragon fantasies? I preferred the totally off-topic religious discussion in comparison.
I enjoy playing Magic the Gathering
lol fag
I don't get it
asexual Palladia Mors!
What's the rules misconception that annoys you the most? For any reason, it could because of how wrong it is, or how common it is, or whatever.
Mine is people thinking the reason you can't Wish in commander because of the lack of a sideboard.
wishes taking from sideboard was always just a competitive compromise. in any casual setting it was always supposed to be your binder
did you misunderstand my post
no just agreeing with u anon kun
Christ is King. Decks for this feel?
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>Activate my Spawnsire of Ulamog for 20 mana
>ugh here comes the eldrazi titan goodstuff
>drop 400 copies of Culling Drone onto the battlefield
>Swing and exile everyone's library's with ingest
Nicol Bolas
A king means nothing before a true God
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>NAME, Planeswalker
>only Bolas and Urza have had this cardname
who's next to get a card named this way?
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>I am urza, planeswalker. Move.
You can't Spawnsire in a Commander game. You'll just waste 20 mana on an ability that does nothing.
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What do you mean anon it says outside the game and I've got my stack of bulk common eldrazi here and ready to go

You some kinda tryhard or something?
It's not the lack of a sideboard, it's format rule 10 which is a consequence of the lack of sideboard (since you could wish for cards outside your color identity)
In a casual, non-commander game, this would work.
In a tournament, non-commander game, you would be limited to a maximum 15 of those cards, as you can only pull from your sideboard in tournament games.
In commander games, you simply can't pull in any cards from outside the game at all unless they're your companion or a dungeon card
wish cards don't work in commander because they are expressly forbidden in the rules of commander as a format. It's not that you don't have a sideboard It's that the rules committee decided wish effects shouldn't work in the format.
You can stop pretending to be stupid and put away your binder now
Anon... anon... I'm begging you, please think before you post.
>It's not the lack of a sideboard, it's format rule 10
I KNOW it's not the lack of a sideboard. I am aware. That's literally the point of the post. Please improve your elementary reading comprehension skills.
>which is a consequence of the lack of sideboard (since you could wish for cards outside your color identity)
That's... not the reason the rule exists. At all.
Did you reply to the second post by accident?
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Same energy.
The correct way to handle that is to ban those cards from the format. See: Ante cards and every format.
Pop quiz for the rules lawyers: Why do Companions and Dungeons get around rule 10?
I know the answer, I want to see if other people do to.
My tribal Angel deck has a stack of 20 Legion Angels that says otherwise. I keep them in the same sleeves as the tokens.
sorry bud, there's actually an additional reason why that doesn't work:
>903.11. If a player is allowed to bring a card from outside the game into a Commander game, that player can’t bring a card into the game this way if it has the same name as a card that player had in their starting deck, if it has the same name as a card that the player owns in the current game, or if any color in its color identity isn’t in the color identity of the player’s commander.
Companions say on the card they can be your companion, it's part of the mechanic itself and not dependent on the definition of another zone
Dungeons aren't cards, the dungeon is just a reminder piece like a token
incorrect for both
explain then mr smartypants
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It's the main reason the rule was established. Originally you just couldn't produce mana outside your color identity and the idea was that it would stop people from casting wish cards outside their identity, even if they somehow ended up in your hand, but then they realized people can just cheat them into play. Ultimately wish effects were abolished because preventing this would require instituting sideboard rules which isn't what the RC wanted from their chaff format. Ironically similar reasoning (the hassle of making extra decks just for a few cards) is also what led to all attractions and stickers being banned in other formats.
Unfortunately now there's wish cards that have other effects on top of their wish effect.
Rule 10 states:
>Parts of abilities which bring other traditional card(s) you own from outside the game into the game (such as Living Wish; Spawnsire of Ulamog; Karn, the Great Creator; Wish) do not function in Commander.

- Bringing in a Companion from outside the game is a special action, not an ability.
- First of all, Dungeons ARE cards. Tournament Rules (and interestingly, /only/ the Tournament Rules) allow you to represent them with something else, but they're still cards. Secondly, abilities that bring in Dungeons don't actually say "bring in a dungeon from outside the game", they just use the keyword action "venture into the dungeon". It's the keyword action that brings them into the game.
Wow, that's gay. The rules committee really needs to come up with rules for a wishboard to hold all the "outside the game" cards.
you... do realize that wishing doesn't require a sideboard in casual play, right?
Fun fact: there's one other keyword action that brings things into the game: Learn.
Yes and I'm saying making wishes work with color identity at the time was perceived to require establishing a sideboard just for wishes which is something the RC didn't want.
why would they need to establish a sideboard if sideboards aren't related to the process at all
what the fuck are you talking about, bud
Feel like remaking Primal Surge.dec. Used to be Ruric Thar abd Vaevictus, maybe thinking about Svella Gruul or Surrak Temur
Just want a good excuse to use Posssed Portal again and send middle fingers across the table
Thirty (30) starting life is objectively superior to fourty (40)
>I use Death Wish to get Swords to Plowshares and use Mana Confluence on White to cast it
>Oh hey you shouldn't be able to do that because it breaks color identity
>Okay let's make a rule that if you try to make mana outside your identity, it becomes colorless
>Wait but what if you wish for a card, then cheat it into play without paying for it? You can still break color identity this way?
>Ah fuck we don't want this format to become binder battle and we don't want to add a sideboard and rules for it, just for wish cards because they would be an extra 15 card slots for decks with wish cards.
>Let's just ban wish cards
and that's the story of how wish was banned.
Based posters
1) You keep just... adding in sideboards being involved when they're not. Sideboards are not a factor.
2) They didn't ban wish cards.
Wishing as an effect is banned for the reason I stated. They did not want sideboards and it didn't occur to them how to make a sweeping rule on cards you can access from your binder.
>They did not want sideboards
Anon, do you have some sort of learning disability? Brain damage?
There is no reason for you to keep mentioning sideboards.
Sideboards do not enter into this discussion.
Sideboards are not important to wishing in Commander.
Sideboards are not important to a hypothetical way to limiting color identity shenanigans.
Sideboard Sideboard
Error in input stream. Please retry. If error persists, try changing prompt.
>why do you keep bringing up the sideboard
>because the rules committee brought it up
lmao take your meds
can you provide evidence of them bringing it up? because right now it's just you doing it, without any reason to.
my oops all permanents deck is jolene, run warp world, over the top, primal surge, and genesis wave, everything else is a permanent
>rules comittee is retarded
what else is new
Why didn't they just call it Tribal Sorcery - Ooze instead of including "cards in gy or exile that are oozes or called slime against humanity"
Tribal is a bad word because I think of barely literate savages when I hear that word. I'm not racist though.
ok agreed, why not "TYPAL Sorcery - Ooze"
Because it is KINDRED.
definitely has nothing to do with someone at the consultancy firm with the last name kindred trying to put their mark on the game as a "le epic own" to gamer chuds
Arbaaz Mir/Phylanth/Omo
Mycotyrant/Caesar/Nick Valentine

Gets chaotic, as commander usually does. But it's fun. Hate it whenever we play with 5 though, prefer 3 over that if we can't do 4
my decks got delivered
will sleeve them today :)
You know I might just float the idea to my pod of rule zeroing relentless rats type rules with these self fetching white cards like that angel, squadron hawk, and gathering sluts. If the RC isn't gonna do anything to the format besides maybe ponder banning a single card once every three years might as well try having more fun with it.
Pretty sure they just named it after the kindred cycle from c17
But the whole thing is transparently done alon with the "racist" card bannings as a way to get people to stop looking too hard at WOTC after that one black guy talked shit about working there
Wishing should be allowed or disallowed based on the use case.
>using a wish to get a removal spell
Boring, cringe, not allowed
>spawnsire gets all the eldrazi out of your trade binder to win
Cool, allowed
>copying research 50 Times so you can win with battle of wits
>Listening to a bunch of literal insider traders on what is and isn't allowed for your magic games based on how much money they want to make at any given time
You either allow something or you don't. Any middle ground is retarded, just like when I saw one youtuber saying that Mox Pearl should be allowed but only for monowhite decks.
Close friends pod:
Arcades Walls/Rocco Grouphug
Simic Galadriel
Bruna reanimator
Marneus Calgar precon
Mishra precon

Lots of Grixis in the pod, so why not join in? Pic related. Got criticism that I can't play a 3C without Green's ramp and white's catchup isn't counted.
Being able to grab all of them would make the "any number" addition completely busted. Maybe you can tweak it further so you only grab one at a time.
Are mono color decks even viable in casual pods anymore? I have a couple of monored commanders that look fun that ibwant to try out.
>Got criticism that I can't play a 3C without Green's ramp and white's catchup isn't counted
I feel like whoever gave you that advice is stuck in the 2010's. A 3C manabase hasn't been all that hard to build for a while now imo
What's are some cards in mono black that can protect pic related?
Because wotc said so you pseud lmao
They did anon.... they made them illegal or their effects illegal.
And rocks are at a mercy of a single overloaded Vandalblast or a meltdown or a Bane of Progress. Then again, no MLD rule is a rule 0 in the close friends pod. Though single target land removal is fine because Codie Maze's End is a thing.
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guess im fucked then lol
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There's a new thread you know,
And because of copying and "spellslinging" if you will.
>durr u said group and selesnya is about what is gud 4 the group so must go together!
Small brain. Like a wet little walnut. NGMI
I own "the ones"
Doesn't surprise me, you did buy a 4chan pass after all. Go on, which the ones do you own?
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Don't really know so no clue.
Makes sense, it being about equality in both suffering and pleasure.
I'd lean more towards any emotional manipulation, or emotional powerplay in general instead of just humiliation.
On one hand, that's what it exudes surface-level. On the other hand, rakdos players want the most fucked up fetishes of all: Vanilla, handholding, emotional connection, kissing
While feet are agreeable here, it's more about smell in general. Anything from sweat to musk to armpits to feet to watersports to scat.
Fair. Though I'd say it's more about physical dominance in general.
Not quite. While a part of, gruul's about going savage. Go hard on breeding, feral, nude public (but not getting any please out of being watched or folk being shocked). Could simply say animalistic and that'd work.
Don't really know this combo either but in my mind a selesnya enjoyer is a starfisher who fakes most moans and puts in no effort making those sound natural. Hypno sounds good enough.
Sure, fantasy dildos. But they'd also be into race and or eugenics play.
What’s your favourite 2 color deck anon? :)
Someone who was making a list general enough that it might actually be shared by normies and not just anime obsessed gooners
Sauce me bro
No "normie" is ever going to share your gay list. And not appreciating good fetishes just makes you a regular sort of faggot; not even an interesting one.
What an uppity gooner lmao. Whack in’ off is serious business!
>walk into lgs
>its not a great store i need to just spend my store credit and never come back
>as I walk in there's a guy apologizing for using the wrong pronouns
>none of them look like troons
>its some spinster going by she/them
This shits gotta have a limit right?
kindred like the league of legends character?
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I'm pretty sure it's AI friendbro, sorry.

Says the big gay retard who wants his gay fetish list shared among "normies".
>nooooo not a meme about sexo! No one would ever share that!!!!! Only gooners! Like me! This meme should cater to me! Me! Me! Me! Me! Me! And my bizarre fringe fetishes
lol. Lmao.
What an absolutely abhorrent post.
what exactly is this supposed to mean?
are you saying ulamog is the strongest commander at your table?
What? I like rakdos now.
Tough looking in the mirror sometimes
>simic players are into raceplay
well that explains a few things
Please, we really don’t need the fucking blacked spammers on this board as well.
We’re going to take that idea, lock it in a box, and pretend it never happened.
Why are you reposting this dogshit image? Literally has nothing to do with magic
>ermmm but there's the guild names right there!!!!!
A thin veneer so you fags can talk about sex with other men. Embarrassing
Yeah because no one has ever made memes about the sorts of people who play specific color identities. Unheard of in fact.
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Says an anon who makes a big gay fetish lists, crossthread links retarded arguments, and posts like that.
Not only that, but he keeps replying to himself. It's just sad; he isnt getting the attention he needs to sustain his boner.
These are unhinged posts from an absolutely anally-devastated coomer
Digits would disagree. What decks do you play, faggot anon?
>seem to always get elected archenemy no matter what
>my decks aren't even good even when they are performing
>everybody spends all of their resources getting rid of my shit except the guy who is very obviously actually the problem
What are some decks where nobody can touch my shit. I'm so fucking tired.
I would also accept decks that make everybody as miserable as I am
I’m sorry I didn’t put your /trash/ fetish on my meme image. I will be sure to run all future memes past you in future
Depends what you're playing right now, and what kind of decks appear in your meta.
It's only a meme if other people share it, big gay retard anon.
I’m sorry anon. I don’t know how many times I can apologize. I forgot to include you and your very specific gooner fetishes relating to women of Japanese descent and cartoon depictions of it. I promise it will never happen again
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Weird how suddenly everyone stopped replying to you, big gay faggot anon, and being a passive aggressive dip sure speaks to your magic ability.
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>Didn't even dawn on me it'd be about IRL race instead of transhumanistic fetishizing "We're putting three tits and two cocks on this specimen, split their tongue and replace their nails with claws drilled into their fingerbones"
I was naïve.
Post cards with kino art and shit effects, i'll start this doomed timeline
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That's actually a banger in limited and maybe pauper.
Genuinely decent card. It's costed right for the -3/-3 part and then it just has bonus upside. Given how good the range of removal is in commander it'd be unlikely you'd play it unless you specifically care about the counter as well so it's super niche but definitely not a shit card. New massacre girl mightike it cause it'll also draw you a card if it removes something. Although I think it should be 1G to exile it
Sounds like you have some perception issues
Either your decks arent as weak as you think or you arent being targeted as much as you think
Sad. Many such cases.
Samefag harder, it’s the only way to beat him
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Why is she so cute.
I could never forgive my mates if any of them killed her.
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>10 fucking lines of text
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It's just
>exile target card from opponents graveyard. You may play that card.
It's so long for people who play the small dick modes like standard cause the special needs modes need extra rules or something so they don't hurt themselves.
No it's quite a bit more than that retardanon
No, it's not.
She looks like she fucks black creatures
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Pretty much anything is viable in a casual pod, but mono-red is solid anyways. I've got two mono-red decks, and they always do really well. What commanders were you looking at?
>something something Spider
>Creature - Human Ninja
flavor fail
Just run tapped lands, maybe you're a turn slower. Mana fixing is easy even for landbases since there's so many common taplands now.
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She cute too, she steal fish
I want my ninja cards already... stupid fucking wait time.. and then dragon shields needs like 3 weeks to make my sleeves..
It's all such aids
You know exactly who

Loot, Planeswalker
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Too bad I only get 3 samurai with cool art. All the others had "when attacks alone" effects that are mega unfun and bad.
>two people cant both think im retarded
Not featured in text box: What type of maps are, how they work, what explore does.
We yugioh now?
I don't get the reference.. explain
It is, objectively so, any other interpretation is a result of brain damage or willful ignorance. There is an entire surgical extraction effect which is very different from merely stealing a card.
This is actually not as bad as I initially thought, though still not really good in the command zone. You get to view your opponents entire deck and hand, graveyard hate and then you get to cast it
Well in commander there is no "search x and x and x" cause he obviously can't have cards with the same names. So that entire thing turns into.. well I guess I can look at his hand if I wanna even tho I know there can't be another copy.
What else.. no basic lands.. can only play as long as kotose is alive
I mean c'mon anon.
I'm not using her as commander. She only has 2 colors, my deck is Yore.
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Isn't that just the same retardation as full text lands?
As in, isn't most of that shit nonsense nobody needs to read?
I never played yugioh
Like, eventually, you'll just know what the card does, but every line of text on that card is relevant to understanding it.
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why do people play that?
Get used to it
Its your future
>no one can tell when I samefag
Why is it my future? Fuck u
Well you are certainly bad at it
You didnt even reply to both posts so I could easily prove you wrong
Communication isnt your strong suite is it?
No, I have autism, I struggle with understanding humans
The only correct version of a land card. Can you imagine somone playing one of those textless version of a basic lands? Absolute degeneracy.
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I don't play textless lands, I play japanese lands. I'm way above you normies
Ugh your one of THOSE players. And you probably play this as your commander as well.
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Nah, my 2 commanders are regular stuff.
They just have lots of waifus accompanying them.
I choose artifact creature
Fair enough. And yeah was just joking.
need interesting dimir commanders. maybe mill route, prefer stuff typically unplayed
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Nigga am I stoned? Did dragon shield actually print my custom sleeves withing.. checks date..
1 fucking day?
I usually have to wait 3 weeks
Solphim, mayhem dominous as a burn deck, and maybe krenko because I like goblins but I know he's kill on sight.
That's two card types.
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>mill route
The Scarab God-
>typically unplayed
Neither of those are creature types.
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Damn I just play invasion basics in all of my decks
Which genderfluid kink positive personality disorder BLM dragon did you print on them
Ive been playing a mirko vosk list its certainly not a common commander but its also not super exciting
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As you can see, >>93919565 I always get Miku sleeves. Miku Miku Miku!
That's so grandpa of you
That's going to be odd and squished on a sleeve
Would've been better on a mat
would you post them and quick review them?
are there matte options avaible for custom prints?
nah, just crop it a little and turn it sideways.
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Anon.. you can turn the picture by 90°. It fits perfectly fine, there is no squishing. Just a little on the sides missing.
I just posted 2 of them, didn't I? I mean I can post these too when they arrive, sure.
.. but then you're picture is turned 90°

Am I autistic cause it doesn't look right since cards are vertical or does that not bug you
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Like.. I dunno what to really tell you.. they are dragon shields, sturdy af. I don't rly know what matte means in terms of sleeves but they are the smoother kind.. like not like the other dragon shields that are super rough on the back.
Details are great.. colors a little darker than on the original picture but I love them.
I know that it's vertical but like.. there is no rule forcing me to keep my library horizontal if I really wanted to look at the full picture. The vertical doesn't bother me at all.
I just can't remember if I turned it clockwise or counter clockwise cause I was shitfaced that day. Could be that I have to keep the deck upside down so the bottom of the picture is facing inward, not outwards.
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I think 4chan ate my picture.. only the thumbnail survived
Pretty sure I'd punch anyone who turned up to the game with anime waifu sleeves. I bet you play golgari/dimir
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wildsear enchantments, hypergenesis, wheel of fate and crashing footfalls are just for cascading into but primal surge basically wins you the game after it resolves most of the time thanks to warstorm surge and fiery emancipation
t. someone nobody plays games with unless they're forced to at gunpoint
Wildsear is over costed.
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Well, not only that, I also turn up in my usual Kakashi cosplays as I'm a weeb and play at weeb conventions.
So... seethe?
And no, I play a mite deck, dogmeat and soon a samurai+ninja deck.

I sadly don't have dogmeat in my thingy..
I play plenty of games, and none of them involve spergy weebs. Everyone at my LGS just uses normal Dragon Shields. I think the only printed backs I've ever even seen someone use have just been generic ones from other card game IPs
>I'd punch anyone who
No you won't. As an adult whens the last time you punched anyone
Just say you hate anime and weebs and go
I'm punching a weeb as we speak.
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Patiently waiting for people to make nice proxies of the room cards.
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you're over costed
Beating your dick doesn't count
reminder that unblockable creatures are stax
tr**n type sleeves
There are good things and bad things about this deck. I like the capena mountain, never seen that before.
no u
What did he mean by this?
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please tell me, i'd like to know. i won't hurl insults at you, i promise
I'd take a photo of my deck but I don't want people to make fun of my crusty, moldy desk that would be too small to hold everything anyway.
Plus I'm waiting on an order.
Don't get me wrong, I really liked Wildsear conceptually. He actually almost tempted me to build a gruul deck for the first time. But 5 CMC is ROUGH these days, especially on a 2 color commander. If he gets popped once you're probably not seeing him again for a few turns, even with green ramp. Popped twice and you basically don't have a commander for the rest of the game.
If it's a golgari deck you'd probably get bonus points for being on-theme with the filth.
hurl insults at him, you know u want to
i think that's a fair point but that also applies to a large bulk of commanders, i guess its also exacerbated here because i'm not running any instant speed protection from green. you could try running more artifacts or running more of the umbra armors to protect wildsear. he's currently got like a 90% winrate just because once he pops off, he doesn't really stop.
You can if you want, doesnt bother me. The concept is neat, in theory, but in practice there is this awkward tension between casting your commander to enable your strategy and casting a one drop enchantment to hit your hypergenesis or whatever. You're pretty low on ramp and you dont have scroll rack or whatever to set up good cascades. I couldnt see the breakdown by cmc, but I get the vibe that it's realtively high on average, and beans/garruks yadda yadda are not reliable sources of draw. Beans is good in legacy because there are delve and miracle cards and it's a cantrip. Beans is bad in edh because it relies on having a fundamentally bad deck to be good. Have you played this deck? I'd much rather my maelstromy boy at a glance, but I want to hear your experiences.
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>foundation starter collection available for 70 euros
What cards should I expect from pre-determined cards before deciding to purchase?
how accurate is this?
ranking scale
usually the deck just wins by sheer value. having something like eidolon of blossoms on the field means you get to draw 2 cards most of the time when you cascade. there are definitely ways to optimize this deck further. honestly it's one of my favorite decks that i've ever made and it's been a menace at the LGS games i've had. i also dont believe in stacking the top of the deck for optimal cascades, thats just not in the spirit of it imo
what did he mean by this?
Too late. I already chose it.
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>his deck is proxied
My mates kept buying me proxies and giving em to me for like expensive lands and whatnot.. I had to throw em all in the trash because I didn't enjoy playing anymore.
My advice? If you're enjoying it build it organically over time, slowly tuning it for your meta. That's the best way. If you start playing against better decks there are a lot of things that can be done to make it stronger, but enjoy the ride. I'm a jaded autist who plays with ex judges and regional tournament grinders.
Why are you here? Honest question.
Damn bro, really dedicated to the shitty meme eh?
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Hm.. mostly because I wanna show people my cool anime art cards.
Which ones do you have?
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Well I have all the Miku secret lairs, harmonize even twice.. I'm missing the 7th bonus card from the first secret lair tho cause I didn't know that thing existed.
I should get my kamigawa neo cards over the next 2 weeks which is gonna be awesome.

Command tower and greater auramancy are one of my favs. My new deck also has these 2 in it. Sadly the auramancies aren't foil.. cause that card in foil costs as much as an entire precon and.. well, the art is still awesome without foil so I skipped that.
RKF can really just draw anything and people will praise it lol, take away the name and rules text and you'd have zero idea what the art is supposed to be depicting
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I built a self mill shitpile with this guy and thought it was pretty fun
Should I build a krenko deck, or will I be arch enemy immediately?
You should build a krenko deck
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>I'm missing the 7th bonus card from the first secret lair
It may be a mispackage from the Winter Drop, the collector number aligns with that being the case, same with the theming being much more winter than spring
No, I'm missing it because I bought all 6 cards from cardmarket. I didn't buy the set that includes the 7th card cause nobody ever told me there is a 7th.
I only learned about that fact when I got my recent secret lair package and it had the miku command tower.
I asked my frens and they all were as shocked as me that those things have 1 hidden card.
don't laugh at me..
This new autistic character needs a re-write. It's too extreme.
>Completely redesign Krenko because Wizards thinks large nosed goblins resemble jews
>Just reprint his large nosed goblin form anyway
What did nosewater mean by this?
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anybody ever bought a deckbox from china?
are they useable or complete trash?
"Premium" American or European gaming supplies are all made in China anyway. Same shit. Cut out the middle man and buy directly from the source.
That's what I'm thinking but I expect some kind of quality control from western suppliers which might not happen with direct buy.
I like this pic, is it a meme template?
There's this retard at my LGS who ruins the games he's in. If you steal his cards, he moves heaven and earth to kill you. He'll spend his removal to destroy his permanent, no matter the threat. If it's early enough he'll get red in the face and scoop and leave for another game. It's really jarring.
Rhystic Studies Does it Again!!
Yeah quality control is the thing. Yes sometimes its coming from the same factory for the same price, sometimes its actually a vastly inferior knock-off because the Chinese just don't give a fuck.
Why does Muxus care about low mana value? There are exactly 6 monored Goblins other than Muxus that cost more than 5 and one of them actively wants to be hardcast (Ignition Team).

What a retarded thing to do.
Based. Steal decks are peak troon. Keep your grubby hands off other people's fucking cards, play your own deck instead of everyone else's.
You would be mistaken. Whether or not an American company will honor a refund if you say the product is defective isn't a sure thing. Plenty of American companies will tell you they are just the distributor and that you have to complain to the manufacturer and you end up getting nowhere anyway.
I can't wait to play this one as commander against the retard.
That's not true, that's an ancient myth. The materials they use are horrendous garbage. I wouldn't be surprised if glue came pouring out of the sides and the fluff inside gets lose and shit.
Even simple things like keychains fall apart in weeks from china.
I often buy on aliexpress and it's all garbage but I like the anime prints they sell on shirt so I keep buying
There was a guy like that at my LGS, he bitched and moaned at everything from mill to theft to board wipes.
The thing that made it really fucking annoying though is it was only a problem if someone did it to him. When HE played the theft deck or the MLD deck or whatever it was all "It's just part of the game bro :)"
You can get good stuff from aliexpress, just stop buying maid dresses or whatever
Unless it's a sanctioned setting you should just refuse to hand over your property and tell them to create a token that acts as the card, I'm genuinely not letting anyone I'm not close friends with touching my cards ever
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they fucked up my boy's face, i'll never forgive them for what they did to krenko - it looks fucking awful.
I play inniaz and am usually the archenemy right from the start. people have said to me this creature is even more oppressive than kelsien with deathtouch
The maid dress I got from there is great.
>new horrors
Nice additions to Captain N-
before you go to combat, I concede
there's a guy like that in my pod, plays ridiculous decks full of every staple you can think of, your rhystic, your smothering tithe etc
yet if you play something like narset to stop him from drawing his whole deck he has a fit, if you play something like consecrated sphinx to even the playing field he calls it unfair.
I just decided to play with a different group because listening to the childish bitching of hypocrite retards is so not worth it
The other anon sold me on him. Won my first game despite the opponent rezing his graveyard out (didnt get an exile effect in time). i stole it all back with Rise of the Dark Realms
the sorcery speed limitation on this shit drives me insane. It just makes it totally unplayable. Why do they do this?
>Making UB trash unplayable
sounds pretty based to me
Maybe at some point they were going to make more high mana goblins but then decided against it later
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Something retarded happened around 2015 where one day, for no reason at all, everyone started taking the lore of traditionally nerdy properties deadly seriously. When I was a teenager, the lore of MTG and WoW and Starcraft and whatever was just a big joke. It was bad and stupid and irrelevant to the game and everyone knew this, including the company. If you wanted a good story, you'd have read a book. What happened?
yeah goblins looks pretty shit now because muh stereotypes. lorwyn is going to be coal as fuck
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Lorwyn also had exclusive dibs on "Hobgoblin" until adventures in forgotten realms, and who doesn't like saying Hobgoblin?
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I dunno, lorwyn goblins have more wide, and blunt noses than long, sharp ones - I'd say they're more polish than jewish, and nobody really cares about offending them.
when these companies began nickel and diming their players in order to make more money than hollywood block busters the consumers naturally responded by saying if they were being charged more than hollywood blockbuster prices then the quality of the product needs to be just as high if not higher.
All those ips are free to have low quality stories, in exchange their prices should lower accordingly and their executives should be paid half of what they are currently paid.
Fair is fair
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>That lizard tied to the goblins head
They sure like tying animals to stuff on this plane
except the quality of the stories did not improve, and in many cases got worse
That "updated art" is some of the worst art in the game
but they just lazily copied Marvel?
Unironically I blame the popularity and success of the Marvel movies for normalizing geek shit like this.
It's also amusing how WotC is planning on milking Marvel in 2025 considering it's popularity is on it's deathbed at this point. Deadpool was the only non-flop MCU show or film in years.
Because the shitty lore is why Ugin still doesn't have a creature card and I'm not getting more Nicol Bolas cards.
>but the story is still bad
yes, now you know why gamers take it so seriously and complain so much because they're fighting for a better product and you're looking down on them
why does it look like a shitty low poly 3d render
You gotta remember, Wizards STARTED the crossover shit with The Walking Dead, in 2020 (Yes I'm aware Godzilla was first but that was handled differently).
They've literally done one crossover with a relevant IP, and it's 40k. Everything else has either been on a downswing, dead, or handled horribly
yeah bro people hate lotr
I would say that LotR isn't really a declining IP either, since as bad as the new show was, people out there still have a ton of love for the books and the original film trilogy.
LotR falls into the "Handled horribly" category.
Boros goblins when
I don't know but my guess has always been that it is just a shitty 3d render
Aight that's fair. It was over milked, they should have done a smaller and more focused release. I still find it funny how there's like 7 Gandalfs.
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Are commander decks that rely upon multiple copies of a single card, like rat colony, still fun? I've built a Marrow-Gnawer deck that has 30 rat colonies at the moment but I'm thinking of lowering that number to insert different rats for fun.
What's with the massive upswing of people online saying "rule 0 is bad, just run removal"?
This argument just doesn't work because the logical endpoint of no rule 0 is cEDH which is an absolutely miserable way to play which is not what 99% of EDH players want.
People are being retarded, It's just that now it's time for the other retarded opinion to have its heyday.
it's called a vertical cycle
I can legitimately remember barely anything about the set outside of bowmasters, the one ring lottery and the extremely questionable art. Definitely one of the worst handlinga of the IP in history.
>They've literally done one crossover with a relevant IP
UB is directly an advertising medium for current products to release along side with and garner attention, like toys in a happy meal
>Waling dead
>Dungeons & Dragons
>Lord of the Rings
>Jurassic World
>Doctor Who
>Final Fantasy
ALL of these are/were creating media or have very recently in relation to the UB sets they depict, Wizards got money to be billboards for other IP's, reel in dumb fanboys of the IP and fire writers/artists for not having to create new original worlds. That's all it's ever been.
WU actually.
Rule 0 is bad because the rules committee uses Rule 0 as a way to dodge criticism and avoid making any changes to the format.
it's just autists having to explain to other autists that you can't actually mathematically optimize for fun. Normal people just have normal interactions with others are adjust according to social signals.
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A lot of his stuff look uncanny, I think it's just the way he does digital. Like, the Assaultron card looks weird in a way I can't really place.
>rule 0 is bad
>just run removal
I don't understand how these two statements are related.
I think one of the problems with rats is that they’re not enough of rats to reliably fill up the creature slots in a deck, and you need either rat token generators or “any number of” cards, same goes for slimes
I mean I agree but making your own games terrible won't make the RC change their mind when the only audience they take input from is cocksucker regulars on their Discord who think Primeval Titan can't be unbanned because it's too oppressive while Nadu is le heckin epic breath of fresh air in cEDH.
The idea behind it is "If you don't like a strategy/card, you should just run removal for it instead of trying to ban it" ignoring how cEDH is largely based around making it as hard as possible to interact with you.
It's pretty great
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Do you print your own basic lands?
Because what is the point of the rules committee then if everything is Rule 0? Why have a banlist? If you don't like someone playing something you just say "Please don't include it in your deck". People will parrot the old talking points about "But the banlist is just guidelines on what not to play" while the banlist is still being so terribly out of date. That is why people say Rule 0 is shit. Because its used as a deflection for the rules committee not actually doing their job. We all know that the RC is in bed with WotC and that is why they don't ban shit. If you can Rule 0 to ban something, you can also Rule 0 to unban whatever you damn well feel like.

And also, CEDH only goes off of what is given, if shit got banned more often, the ceiling also gets lowered on what is acceptable for play.
Jesus that goblin is more grotesque than the entirety of nu-phyrexia
Oh, I'm not advocating to not have pregame talks with people, I just dislike how the concept of Rule 0 is used as a total smokescreen to avoid making any individual players (or WotC, or "investors") upset. If the RC actually tried to manage or prune the format to any degree I could forgive them for pointing to Rule 0 at any sign of criticism.
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There's also the fact that regular groups that can have meaningful rule 0 discussions are the ones that need the input from the RC the least. They can create whatever kind of meta they want by adding or removing cards or strategies from their personalized ban list.
Rule zero does basically nothing for playing with randos, and as commander has become the default way for a lot of people to play magic, these pick up groups are more and more common.
Mine runs 25 relentless, it can be fun but don't expect much. Over time you're mostly just playing relentless rats/colonies so it can get monotonous.
The specific context of the argument was that rule 0 prevents players from developing and that people should just run removal instead of asking people to not run degenerate strategies. Yes rule 0 is an awful way to balance a format because it's not consistent at all, but EDH is in such a bad spot that asking people to play without some expectation of "Nobody will play a list from edhtop16" is just asking for the awful experience you're describing.
What's this from? Looks really familiar.
>logical endpoint
Intelligence is knowing you don't have to exercise something to it's logical endpoint
Exactly. When you are with friends, everyone has a general understanding of what will be played. With randos, you can sit down to a table for anything and have little to no say about the power level brought.
And that is still because rule 0 is still shit. Why is someone playing a degenerate strategy? Because its not officially banned. And it will keep happening because its not actually banned.
I've been kicking around the idea of making lands out of my favorite local disc golf holes
I haven't started yet
>episode 48482929 of /edhg/ whines like a bitch cause things they don't like are banned
The logical endpoint of rule zero is not cEDH if that is not what what most players want to play
the logical endpoint is what most players want to play
why is this such a hard concept?
Read the post
>some dipshit on edhg can't write a coherent sentence
>can no longer keep track because the instances outnumber the atoms in the universe
I misread that
we agree
Yes, rule zero is stupid. Just ban thoracle, half the counterspells in the format and fuck off already. It would take VERY LITTLE EFFORT to make high level and even cedh very fun
>half the counterspells

Why do so many people care about the RC at all? In the face of EDH you have the perfect backbone for a fun game experience with your friends or at least with people you know. The RC banned a bunch of cards so that you can have a somewhat governed experience if you decide to play with randos, but from then on the ball is in you. Noone in my playgroup has ever mentioned the RC or we ever talked about it. In other words, don't play with unpleasant people or randos from the internet - your EDH life will change forever.
Cedh is fun though anon
The fact thoracle is still unbanned is how I know they don't give a shit. They have had 4 whole years and never pulled the trigger.
>Don't play with randos
>Now I can't play online or at my LGS (the majority of potential games)
This is why the RC needs to get off their ass.
No one is asking for any counterspells to be banned retard-kun.

I would ban
>Sol Ring, Mana Crypt, Mana Vault, Grim Monolith, Mox Diamond, Chrome Mox, Jeweled Lotus
>Dockside Extortionist, Rhystic Study, Thassa's Oracle, Demonic Consultation, Tainted Pact
There. Your format's that much better.
*drops Mystic Remora on 1*
Well I'm sure you can already tell who would in your lgs be a good company to play even if you are not bffs?
Mystic Remora without fast mana is half as good if that.
>Why do so many people care about the RC at all?
Because they are in charge of the banlist. It is literally part of their job description.
>The RC banned a bunch of cards so that you can have a somewhat governed experience if you decide to play with randos, but from then on the ball is in you.
That is an absolutely retarded thing to say. No other format has to deal with this bullshit. Either shit gets banned or it doesn't. There is no wishywashy inbetween.
>In other words, don't play with unpleasant people or randos from the internet - your EDH life will change forever.
That doesn't change going to conventions or local gamestores. The only reason you spout that nonsense is because you have a closeknit playgroup. Not everyone has that.
The problem is order of operations here.
>I need to go to my LGS
>I need to find a table
>I need to figure out if/when they play regularly
>I need to assess the table
>NOW I can order my $200 shitpile after determining it won't get blown out, and won't stomp the table
>With no guarantee it will ever be playable outside that specific group
It is utterly inexcusable decks can be this insular while being that expensive.
>Because they are in charge of the banlist
Are they in charge of when you can use the bathroom too big boy? They're literally not part of the company in any capacity
im very interested in getting into commander as some friends i meet up every few months with play quite a lot

i do play quite a lot of mtg on mtga but am largely looking at a budget deck. For now im thinking of getting the hosts of mordor precon deck. I'm largely interested in weird spells, fun graveyard interaction, and big monsters. Sultai seems like its up my alley but I was wondering what proper mana bases look like? I saw some of those ancient dual lands that cost 1000$+ but not interested in spending that much.
This but keep Sol Ring. Making every precon illegal out of the box causes way too much confusion.
Yes. They are. If the RC made a rule saying going to the bathroom results in an instant concession that would be the default rule for every LGS and convention.
>My personal playgroup is the only one that exists
How would you feel if you didn't have breakfast this morning?
It is an official banlist on wizards of the coasts own website, dipshit. Whatever the RC changes on that list, goes onto the official website. Your also considered a sanctioned format just the same as Vintage, Legacy, Modern, Standard, Pioneer, Pauper, and others.
You will get sick of it eventually
You can just run shocks instead of true duals if you still need fetch targets.
If shocks/fetches are too expensive, there's lots of untyped lands that don't enter tapped, and you can fill out your ramp with basics and surveil lands.
Commander's power level largely depends on your play group. There are people who play it as singleton legacy and have $10k decks, there are people who buy a preconstructed deck for $50 and then add some bulk rares that make it worse. For most playgroups even something like shocks/fetches is overkill in terms of manafixing, and these days there's enough dual land cycles at uncommon that you can make do with very cheap cards and be functional if lower-power. An average two-color mana base will likely be ~36 lands and over half of them will just be basic lands. Utility lands (reliquary tower, cycling lands like Tranquil Thicket, random shit like Mosswort Bridge or Westvale Abbey), duals like the filter lands, ravnica bounce lands, pathways, checklands, etc. round out the rest.

I'd highly recommend starting out with borrowing a friend's deck and seeing what sort of things are in it, as that'll give you a far better picture of what to aim for, and it'll also let you see if you like the format at all without spending money.
>I was wondering what proper mana bases look like? I saw some of those ancient dual lands that cost 1000$+ but not interested in spending that much
The manabase of a deck is the area with the most diminishing returns in terms of value unless you're playing a 4c/5c deck. Most precons these days have a "fine" manabase, but the ideal upgrade path is to start with dual lands that can enter untapped (Drowned Catacombs cycle, Llanowar Wastes cycle, Pathway cycle)
Alternatively, just proxy lands. Only the biggest autists will care.
MKM blew ass and the surveil lands are the only decent cards in it so they're up to $10-20
It's your moral obligation not to follow the guidelines of inattentive insider traders when it comes to these things and you know it
Yes it's my moral obligation but it's not the obligation of the guy at the convention center showing up with cEDH Atraxa.
>be me
>go to lgs
>ask a group of 3 to play
>play a game
It's that easy. And then eventually you find people at the lgs to play with and it gets even easier!
>Convention center
This is a Kitchentablechads thread only
I do think some changes to counterspells might be in order
free counter spells in specific make comboing out too safe especially considering how every single other aspect of edh is already biasing itself towards combo
this is assuming doomsday stays legal (it should)
>Go to table
>Sit down
>Voja VS precon
oh ok, yeah i mean ideally i would look to get dual lands like those i remember from return to ravnica or maybe innistrad where they dont come in untapped and dont hurt me but might not count as basic.

any recommended archetypes? currently in arena i play a dumb izzet otter, and a portal to phyrexia deck but i really enjoy noncreature stuff that can win games
I think this is a very naive question, and it's also something I see a lot in relation to D&D.
Yes, strictly speaking no one can tell you how to play the game in your own house. But you're overlooking the fact that this is a collaborative game where 4 people need to agree on what rules we're playing by. If there are pre-defined rules, suddenly the burden is on you to justify ignoring them if that's what you want to do.
If you have a friend group that are all on the same page as you, then good for you. But otherwise you're going to have to convince people.
A lot of times people are playing with people they don't know that well, whoever happens to be at the LGS etc. And the default easiest way to play in those situations is with the universal rules.
The Stella Lee precon is a really solid entry point for an Izzet spellslinger deck, you can switch from Stella to Niv Mizzet or Veyran pretty easily too if they're more compelling commanders for your taste.
I solve this in DnD by being the DM and relentlessly cheating behind the screen to close powergaps.

My playgroup didn't appear magically out of thin air. Instead of working on how to have more and more powerful decks to keep up with the pricks in your lgs, consider working towards building a playgroup relationship with some people. You literally do as this guy said: >>93921683 . Play a game with some, filter the ones you wouldn't play again with, rinse and repeat. Build a relationship with those who you enjoy playing with even if it takes longer and you play more rarely. I guarantee your entire perspective will change.
What's nice about EDH is that basically everything is "viable" in that you can make a deck that does its thing. Izzet spellslinger is really well-supported and frequently has precons. Typically most will be out of stock after a year or two, but https://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/list-of-commander-precons/ shows every precon that's been made so you can get a sense of what's out there.
It has a life dial counter for commander though.
Buy it goy.
the big dumb question mark for the set symbol kills my libido
Yeah what I said is true you can be a whiny faggot in your room your entire life though be my guest
oh man this again, Its always the jeskai/bant player.
le convention exclusive product
>no bro you can drop hundreds of dollars on it, for a bundle that's inferior to last year's offering
Just use Intuition + Pili Pala + Cryptic Trilobite + energy maker
You want the wombo combo of Pili Pala and Cryptic Trilobite for infinite mana by untapping
Yeah but that again ignores rule 0 and why the matter can't be fixed without having to do special curation to make a personal playgroup.

And with FIRE design being the way it is, its only going to get worse for playing against random players.

Everytime the rules committee members have played with random people, they had to deal with what is being discussed with here versus randos. It turns out they live in a bubble and that the only way they even know what is going on is through it either being played against them or they get advised on it.
>FIRE design
damn I havent heard that meme in some time
what does it stand for again?
>literal walls of text
oh lmao
hold the fucking phone, is this inviting shit why we get modern horizons? Like resetting the meta so that johnny come lately isnt at as much of a disadvantage?
>YGO-level wall of text
>Complete with all the text being fucking requirements for the ability to trigger, and the ability itself does fucking nothing
You guys got any cool burn decks? Preferably 2c burn decks? Or like group burn idk how to define it
No "inviting" as in "inviting new sales". If they wanted to be inviting for new players, they would have gone the YGO route and reprinted shocks/fetches down to $0.10
My deck arrives today but my sleeves come tomorrow :(
Miirym dragons with a burn theme. 7 scourge of valkas enter the battlefield and several dozen triggers on the stack later I've dealt 1000 damage to each opponent.
Can someone explain to me why they don't do this? They don't make any money on the secondary market so what is the point of making useful cards more expensive in this market when they could just keep putting them in sets?
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Yeah we are slowly getting more yugioh. Plus the wall of text thing, in practice, is keep the font as big as possible. As the more breaks you have the more quickly small it gets. I kind of expect them to eventually get to 29pt font or lower on a given card.
Yes. And also to artificially rotate the format with cards that could be considered Fun, Inviting, Replayable, and Exciting. As these three in particular adhere to that philosophy.
>Why give the goyim something for less when you could ensure they pay more?
It's not one I've seen more than once but I was genuinely baffled when I used Ulvenwald Tracker's ability to make one of my creatures fight another player's creatures that had double strike and the another player insisted that since they're fighting, double strike would effect how fighting works. He was so weirdly dead set on it and only gave up when everyone else at the table said that's not how it works. Didn't even matter too since my creature had death touch and indestructible. Guy just looked so put out to hear everyone else say he was wrong while clearly believing he was right.
Because it drives the mental image of artificial scarcity. In their head, if they never reprint cards it makes people think they HAVE to buy packs on release because that will be the only chance to buy the new staples for less than $80.
In reality what it does is it kills every eternal format except the one where proxies run rampant because of no sanctioned events, because someone looks at getting into the game and sees a deck costs $800.
not him, but here https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/134292-myhousewad/
a literal spongebob meme song
I'm 99% sure the reason they don't decrease the font size is because the printing process is so bad they would risk cards frequently coming out illegible.
>joined a pauper cube tournament at my LGS the other month
>overheard more than once how people use "watch out for that F.I.R.E. gameplay!" in a mocking tone
I wonder if WotC leadership knows how much of a joke people think they are
Basically what is known as reprint equity. Everytime they release it, they want to do it without the reprint completely bottoming out. That way it can grow in price again for scarcity so they can sell it again. Create a problem, later offer fix to problem. For example with duskmourn the most valuable deck, equity-wise, is the red black one because the lands it reprinted range from $3 to $12 while the rest struggle to have similar numbers, in fact the blue-green deck has the worst value in terms of land reprints with most valuable card being Hinterland Harbor at $1.03 while the rest of the lands is 15 cents to 56 cents.
they don't but reprinting too often would drive down sales. nobody will buy a 5+ dollhair pack with a 10 cent fetch when you can just buy the 10 cent fetch
sure we can print more powercrept shit to sell sets but designing cards costs more money than just reprints
FIRE is meaningless PR statement when in reality the internal policy is:
>Make 10000 new sets every year, and they must sell X units.
They don't care about fun. They want to sell broken shit that moves product off the shelves.
Secret lairs are starting to make me want to drop the game.
Damn if only there was another way to reprint cards in an exclusive way without locking out their gameplay functionality... if only this issue was solved by every other major card game including the ones completely mogging them in the biggest market they're struggling to break into...
I hate WotC so fucking much.
Secret lairs have somehow become more and less predatory to me. Them doubling down on the FOMO has made it REALLY easy for me to just... not waste my money on them anymore.
Also helps that they've decided "Whoah whoah whoah, we've been printing WAY too many good cards in these things. Let's start fillin' them with crap"
That's why they're called a Secret Lair DROP.
I don't enjoy seeing properties I care for coming to the game and effectively being told "You will never have this lol. Jelly bro?!"
SLD isn't FOMO. It is something beyond that because your fear of missing out isn't really going to help. Even if you got there 5 minutes before shit starts, you still have a good chance of not getting anything.
If it was just alt art magic stuff then fine. But when you license properties people love and then effectively make them unobtainable outside of secondary market mass mark ups, you start to anger people and fans of those properties who now feel fucked over. I don't see how this strategy brings in fans or anything. It probably just makes them want to leave or gives them an incredibly negative view of the game.
We're like a week and a half from a new set, have all the cards been revealed now? I feel like I haven't seen anything new in days
Oh, that means it comes out friday
all cards for duskmourn are revealed. Currently Death Race has had no cards revealed for it, and that comes out in mid February next year.
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lorwyn avatar cycle mogs duskmourn cycle hard
god i can't wait for wizards to rape lorwyn's corpse
>If you wanted a good story, you'd have read a book.
anon... MtG lore used to come from novels
Of those MtG had one good arc (Weatherlight). Everything else was still a dumpsyer fire.
Old magic lore was awful. It is a shit story about a massive asshole villain who fights another villain before deciding "actually he is right!" and then everything being invalidated by a God who forgot he was a God.
>all cards for duskmourn are revealed
Oh that fuggin sucks.
I like some of them but before Bloomburrow came out I already knew what I wanted to play in limited. With this set I'm just like "some of the white cards look neat...I guess I'll play boros for the toys...I hope something good comes out for orzhov..."
But that's it???
As if the phyrexian invasion isn't literally just
>the borg lol
Phyrexia is just a dollar store version of the Borg/Cybermen
that's true but why spend money on making a new shiny ultra rare version when you can just print the one that already exists and people still buy it. altho they already have bling versions of things throughout ages like zendikar expeditions, masterpieces and the newest craze: serialized. where they don't even have new art or borders most of the time but just a fucking ugly number sticker
ah but you seem to have misunderstood the target demographic. it's not the fans, it's scalpers
That's why I hate these retards so much.
Cut corners on designing the cards so every other set ruins a format (again).
Cut corners on printing the cards so they come out of the pack looking like shit
Cut corners on the story around the cards so even loreheads give up
Cut corners on the art of the cards so artists are forced to plagiarize to meet unreasonable deadlines
Just keep cutting corners because the goyim will buy it up anyway! We're untouchable! Nothing bad ever happens to us!!! EDH and Limited will support us FOREVER!!!
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How did this image cause so much seethe?
This image is 1/4 for me. 2/4 if you really stretch it.
Which ones anon?
But to me the act is liable to drive off said fans and drive off potential growth and new customers. It really makes no sense unless WOTC is actually the ones taking these to sell on the secondary market. They are pissing off fans and potential new customers for...fast sell outs on products that already would have sold a ton (and probably more than what they did in this limited style.)
I don't get it because I do feel this has a negative effect where it scares off people who may have come in. LOTR brought in tons of new people. If LOTR had been a SLD that sold out in 3 minutes, I doubt many LOTR fans would have come over, and many would have just lost any interest in the product after being excited by the announcement.
Dimir (giving) as part of sultai
Simic because I shitpost with them I can't imagine actually using one of these.
Izzet is a huge miss as the actualy 2c I run.
they just need to cut corners with employees and the circle is complete
product doesn't matter, only the line going up matters and people will keep buying their stock because thing popular
>golgari: feet
>Simic because I shitpost with them I can't imagine actually using one of these.
Using one of what anon? Tell the class
there are no new customers. only the same scalpers
My two XL dragon dildos that represent two gay dragons.
I think they've reached that point a while ago.
Hasbro is in a corner cutting death spiral.
Zinnia tech?
True simic ascendancy is when your butthole adapts and overcomes.
one can only hope, anon
I'm not gay in that way anon. I'm the one who wants to fuck the gay dragons not get fucked by them.
Sure, anon.
Simic but swap dildos with fantasy masturbators.
No, simic is dildos.
Simic definitely gonna shaft ya
Well guess it doesn't apply to me since the next one on there would be Tattoos, and I'd rather shove my dick in a pencil sharpener before playing Rakdos.
Do you kiss em?
It doesn't apply to you YET you mean.
Yes I would kiss a gay dragon but I would say "no homo" after.
I still think we should have a /trash/ thread for MtG
Why would you confine mtg to a very small niche that doesn't really fit it?
That's your choice of /scaly/ or /gmad/
So people can post pornography
/aco/ exists
Doesn't allow furry porn.
Most of magics characters aren't furry. Very few iconic characters are.
Then go do it and stop bringing it up like an obnoxious fag. We get it. You're a furfag. You don't need to repeatedly tell everyone. At this point you may as well end your posts with "I'm a furry btw if that matters."
You said this last time, they're both too restrictive.
>all of the dragons
Not for me.
Alright, I did it.
How about gender swapped Ink Eyes?
it became very quiet suddenly lmao. very telling
I want to play Hylda. Any experience? Is she fun/worth it?
Not really. It's cool as a concept, but unfun to play and play against.
Damn. I'm struggling to find a new commander to build and I'm trying to get out of my gruul comfort zone.
weird food chain combo
why would you, Gruul is best.
You could do some Gruul Spellsingler with Wort, the Raidmother or Howling Abomination
I don't think either of those commanders can actually close out games.
We're expanding our influence. Search for a little Magic on /trash/
you aint a gruul player if you say this
>ramp stupid amounts with Wort
>do Crackle with Power with obscene X
>copy that shit
>pump up Howling abomination with
>each Pump spell burns all opponents 2
>Chandras Ignition for the remaining life

i dont know what you're on, but both are gas
Honestly I think you had the right idea with Hylda, but the other anon is correct, a lot of people find her unfun to play against. That doesn't necessarily mean she's unfun to play

The good news for you is that you can do aggro in a lot of starts, and that can scratch the gruul itch while using completely different cards and strategies. Boros and golgari for example can both be really aggressive. Same with Selesnya. All colors are capable of running creature based strats they just do it a little differently


kill yourself

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