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Oldhammer Squat Tech Priest and Retinue Edition

>Balance Dataslate:

>Community Links:

>3rd Party Models Pastebin:

Info hash: d91d8b9daa9c5dc9105fc0ec09812cbc17a752b5

>10th Edition Rules:

>Tithes Animations

>Previous thread:

>Thread Question:
What 40k model you painted are you most proud of?
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I haven't been able to bring myself to give GW my money since the unbelievably, unspeakably, insulting new ork boyz kit. I don't think I've ever seen a more longed-for revamp be so fucked up and then subsequently forgotten in all of my days.

It's really bizarre to me. How did that happen?
Who thought this was acceptable? Do they just not care? Is this just a meme for them? Are we the only ones taking it seriously and the corpos are just treating it like fancy Toyz-R-Us?
Bro look at the size of this guy's head. Why is it so small?
these look great
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The front middle scout is my favorite model in the whole army despite being such a small part of it.
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Are GSCs just Commies?
They're meds
The old ork Boyz kit is still perfectly fine for what you need.
are you unhappy with their look or the rules?
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What are some good books to read from 40k?
Describe your army in 3 words
They're monopose and mixed loadout in a box. The worst of both worlds
The new kit is garbage because it's monopose without options and only makes a mix of shootas and choppas no one would use.
"Expendable cannon fodder."
>t. guard player
Space Marine Army

yeah thats partially what i meant by rules.. that they force you to play them mixed is moronic
They look so sovlless.
Yes. They are literally the proletariat rising up to seize the means of production. And feed it to their star gods.
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Someone who's smart help me with my 1500 point list

>Cadian Command Squad
>Cadian Castellan
>>20 Cadians (x2 Autoguns x2 Flamers x2 Meltas)

>Lord Solar Leontus
>Death Korps Marshall
>>20 Death Korps (x2 plas pistol x2 plas guns x2 snipers x2 meltas x1 medipack)

>Ursula Creed
>>10 Kasrkin (x1 marksman rifle x2 plasma)

>Tank Commander (Demolisher x3 bolters x1 stubber x1 HK)

>Leman Russ Vanquisher (x3 bolters x1 stubber x1 HK)

>Field Ordnance (x2 Bombast)

>Scout Sentinel

>Vindicare Assassin
Awoo awoo awoo.
they're every new-wave belief system wrapped into a revolutionary blanket
shit fuck damnit
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no they're really hippies
kill yourself buzzword subhuman
get a 3d printer if you want to play guard.
>tfw no genki tomboy steel legion gf
you want to fuck men?
Probably better off just getting kommandos to run as your Boyz. Pretty sure they all have choppy and pistol option.

Kinda SOL on the shooty version though
Why dosen't GW produce a full line of easy assemble/pre assembled units for each faction at a lower price point? It would make the game much more appealing to new players and they could still keep normal sets for the dedicated fans as well as something for the new players to aspire too.
>tfw no genki tomboy to share hobby with
I'm hopefully getting the last two models I need tomorrow. I'm finally almost done with my first real irl army
I want to fuck a jovial, kindhearted woman with the mind of a man who smells of motor oil, grease, and sweat.
Boys can cry
why the hell is a carnifex the same price as a tyrannofex? god damn carnifexes are expensive
Are any of them painted tho anon
apart from rule of cool, why would you ever take a brutalis over a redepmtor? redemptor seems twice as durable and not that much worse in melee with a better main gun
so a tranny?
Not yet no, I'm going to need to buy a whole new set of paints and brushes for these dudes after I build them.
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i don't play the tabletop but I play the vidya and watch lore videos on youtube
have you checked the points delta bruv
Man face.
Cutie Krieger
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FUCK xenos
That'll be $600 ;) 3x the price of a 3d printer, if I'm not mistaken.
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Nice try.
Fits perfectly, with the Nids being the all devouring USSR, coming to their "rescue".
Those you are interested in
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>apart from rule of cool
Why would you ever worry about any other rule
>i don't play the tabletop but I play the vidya and watch lore videos on youtube
Why don't you go back to /v/ then tourist-kun
>Not yet no, I'm going to need to buy a whole new set of paints and brushes for these dudes after I build them.
Don't call them finished then. Have fun painting
Model range is not equal to fluff Anon. The current GSC models are based upon miners and industrial workers, but that is just one of many potential iterations of a GSC uprising.
Where's my Basilisk?
>t. Iron Warriors
I wanna build a mixed space marine force with vehicles, terminators and regular infantry. Where should I start collecting?
>Where should I start collecting?
Probably on Amazon
Probably would start with either vehicles, terminators, or regular infantry.
I'd try collecting them in your house as the boxes and instructions get soggy when you leave them outside
>a warboss in mega armor doesn't count as a warboss
Oh I just meant I would finally own them all. I've been slowly buying these dudes for 6 years now
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It does when you're playing with friends who aren't autistic
Luckily I have such friends. Can't count on gw for shit!
Small family business, please understand.
>some have been purchased for 6 years
>none painted
Not sure why you waited like that but hope you do actually paint something one day
>Luckily I have such friends
Then celebrate that fact. Have fun with your toys the way you want to
But it says it right here anon
It was a number of things, mainly me being at uni and not having a lot of money or space. I was basically buying one box a year
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>Thread Question:What 40k model you painted are you most proud of?
Probably my librarian dread, or my captain.
GSC don’t need propaganda, they just bite people.
Not every person in a gsc rebellion is a part of the broodmind. Lots of people are just normal disgruntled menials and other dregs of society whipped into a frenzy by the rebellion leaders.
So it does. The pdf is outdated then, good. Wouldn't make sense for the guy named warboss to not be a warboss.
>Lots of people are just normal disgruntled millennials and other dregs of society
You arent using the index are you? There's been a few changes in between that and the codex
is it still the case that the fleshborer is the worst gun on termagants? i remember forever ago they were terrible and everyone was always having to find enough devourers to convert all their easy build ones because none of the starter kit gants ever come with devourers
based tetriary
Painted Cawl and his little friend
the space marine 2 game turned out pretty gud
Also I'm retarded and forgot to attach picture
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Bloody hell
What is this, a picture for ants?
Maybe once you fags stop posting your faggoty /tg/ takes on /v/. Until then you get what you deserve
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Sanguinius be like
Devgants used to be better enough for it to matter but now the difference is really minor. Fleshborers are the worst though yeah
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white bob trannys
t. i hate their stupid ugly fucking faces and the fact that i have to learn fucking MAKEUP videos just to have them come even close to presentable and NO I REFUSE TO PUT HELMETS ON THEM IM NOT A QUITTER AHHHHHH
fuck you GW
femstodes will be pretty
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Hey fellas,

I've never played 40k before, or any ttrpg for that matter.

Would imperial stormtroopers be decent units to start with? I like how they look, and I like smaller squads. Also, can they carry volkite weapons?
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dont (You) or anyone else even try to give yourselves hope. . .
Scions? They're a subfaction but it's not impossible to make an army out of them.


No volkite
Currently a Meganob is the exact same points cost as a Deathshroud Terminator
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>imperial stormtroopers
scions or star wars?
the answer is yes either way
>can they carry volkite weapons?
i dislike guard so no idea
check wahapedia
just start with kill team, anon. and move up from there
okay why should I give a fuck? Lets make them both cost more, hell 15% cost increase across the board for orks.

Automated Space Communism.
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>building berserks
>all going well
>build first 4 guys
>come to the 5th with grenade launcher
>it's a femoid
>Body obviously femoid once you know the models so can't just headswap
Fuck I really don't want dykes in my army what the fuck do I do? this is the only model in the range with this problem
Sidenote these models really are awesome with cyberpunk metal spines and stuff but a lot of the detail gets covered up. Also tons of heads with Kano eyes
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Babys First Army
maybe the armies just not for you? half their models are women
No they're not, they're all male bodies with the occasional female headswap option
she looks worse when you put a helmet on her somehow.
Yeah haha... body looks very feminine, what with the rippling steroid muscles and loose jumpsuit.. haha..
Cute tonks anon
>getting the larry fink army when you dont want stronk xomen
uh oh spaghetti O's
>all tanks
>i went with all imperial knights
and a goo goo gah gah to you too, fellow baby chad
>Are we the only ones taking it seriously and the corpos are just treating it like fancy Toyz-R-Us?
This is obviously true and massively exacerbated by irony-poisoned retards who say they’re ‘playing with toys’ or ‘posing their battle-dollies’.
The inability of anyone born after the year 2000 to take anything seriously will be the death of every IP.
These would be way cooler scaled up us ogryns
Trust me, once you've worked with them you know the difference, or at the very least what GW's intent was.
In the same way you can instantly tell that a female GW head is female despite looking like a dude with 5oclock shadow
steel legion is superior to death korps.
Really don't see it bud.
The slimmer build and sports bra with boob bulges not enough of a hint?
You can make them pretty but it is high effort high reward. I believe in you anon
why the hell would you pick THE diversity faction and then complain about the diversity?
We must make sacrifices for the things we want like cool space dwarfs. Also again the entire rest of the range gives you the choice, this is the only actual femoid sculpt.
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Sculpting a beard could help
you speak like the most insufferable cunt. go fuck yourself
The dude with a short beard above the black "woman" also has a sports bra in this image >>93917312
He still has plenty of chest exposed, it's more like an overall and he's like twice as wide. Hers covers the entire torso because femoid
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Anon, I...
uuuoooooohhh big lady sexooo
Votrannies must suffer.
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thanks anon, I am still learning, hope I feel good enough to tackle the Rogal Dorn soon

I want her to lead a troop of Kasrkin (I still have’t painted)

I have alot of unassembled and unpainted meat too, I am just not feeling skilled enough to tackle troops yet
Imperial knights are so based, love big robots, gonna do one myself when I am ever done with all the Cadian shit
Invest in some varnish nigga, hot damn
I have AK matt and Vallejo gloss varnish
How in the fuck do you get such a smooth transition of tones
Hours of work.
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I have a quick question, my favorite marines are white scars and crimson fists, and unable to decide I wanted to make a list that included both. Is it possible to play army that has pedro kantor with some terminators and vehicles/bikes that are from whote scars or is it too ill advised to mix chapters?

this is just to fuck about in with a friend tho, not going to go to a sweaty tournament or anything, but I still want to know how "viable" it is. Worst case scenario I'll just have the painted white scars bikes and say "eh, they count as crimson fists" in case it matters much
>He still has plenty of chest exposed
Not really.
You're just making up shit to get mad at.
Chapter rules no longer exist, its just detachments.
She looks pretty average to me.
>Fuck too much white I'll glaze it a little
>fuck too dark I'll glaze it a little
Repeat for 20 hours
>perfect I just need to fix this little spot
>return to step one
Anon I have actually built these models and know what they look like, you look at one pic of them and are trying to educate me on the subject. It's hilarious.
She looks biologically male
you dont know how long I've been out
Is this really the best the emperor can do?
I've been out of the game for fucking years, are renegades and heretics playable currently?
I kinda wanna try chaos "humans", since I'm an edgy boy and have already played the csm and demons a lot. I'm fine if the answer is "yeah, they are playable, but they are utter shit bottom tier"
They got a killteam box recently so if you want gonplay a pure traitor guard you should look into killteam.
Meaning you could have 30 different color schemes in your army, it no longer means anything. You aren't "White Scars" your army is running "Stormlance Task Force" which is sort of similar to WS playstyle but not tied to the chapter at all.

There are some chapter specific detachments like Black Templars ("Righteous Crusaders"), but if you want to run codex marines like Fists / Scars, not relevant
You can paint stuff however you want but I'd say it's a little much to be using chapter rules for them. Better to make up a /yourdudes/ scheme that includes the parts of each paintscheme you like
She's ugly, but I'll be honest, I've seen much fucking worse.
I knew that already, but nothing for pure 40k full army?

Wow, I'm not sure at all how to feel about that
on one hand it makes builsing armies easier and make a "your dudes" like this guy >>93917451 says, but maybe some fluff was lost in the way in a sad manner
just how much more powerful is a tau gun compared to imperial lasgun?
lorewise lasgun can take a beating i read their energy packs can just be dumped into fire and be recharged.
Its caused some pretty stupid problems. Clearly ultramarine armies ran as Iron Hands when dread spam is strong used to be a waacfag thing, but now its just how things are, because you just pick the IH detachment.

You can still be "Blood Angels" by including chapter specific units and stuff like that, but codex marines at this point are just a soup
Want it fast? Amazon
Want it cheap? Ebay
Buy new on sprue on ebay unless you live somewhere remote like peru.
You don't get a box or instructions (available online), sometimes no transfers, but it's the cheapest way to get brand new models

Judging by my White Dwarf deliveries, I wouldn't even buy from GW if I had unlimited money - they're fucking slow and their customer service is fucking dogshit.
>oh our product delivery is unreasonably late? Tough shit fucko, you're already locked in to a sub. Now tah tah
Nids are mutated Lizardmen from Fantasy.
Prove me wrong.
Nids aren't as sexy to me as Lizardmen.
CSM have now beastmen and traitor guards on their list - but no IG vehicles. So you either play cultist/beastmen/traitor guard heavy CSM list without IG tanks - or you just play Imperial Guard.
As always, "depends on the author". Remember that warhammer lore runs on two things:
1-its all understood to be bullshit, its all legends based on flawed recounts of events from biased characters, this is mostly to excuse...
2-Each author will do things differently. For example some like to emphasize marines as unkillable demigods who are fucking monsters while others will emphasize their human traits and aspects

The reason I tell you this is because you have to expect that most questions like yours will receive contradictory replies and lots of nerd rage arguments

To actually give you an answer, tau guns are undoubtfully superior to imperium ones. I may be mistaken, but I believe tau is the only faction in 40k that actually develops and advances their weponry when they find new threats, so even if the eldar/mechanicus/necrons have better weapons or technology in a way, the tau WILL get their shit done and develop a gun to try to counter their enemies and keep up.
The imperial lasgun is funny, for real life standars it is by all accounts a terrifying and devastating weapon, but in 40k the enemies a lasgun can hurt are not numerous. However, as you have mentioned, the lasguns are just STUPIDLY RESILIENT and reliable. They rarely run out of ammo, they are easy to carry, they are easy to maintain, they almost meber "jam" or malfunction and, while it overcharges the pack and makes it unusable afterwards, yes they can be recharged in fire in a pinch

So what do you value more, expensive as fuck guns that destroy with ease or something less powerful but extremely reliable? Not a cut a clear "best" or "worse"
One is a bug and another is a lizard
You have failed to provide anything of substance outside of “OLD GOOD NEW BAD”

They look fine.
I guess I'll just play imperial guard but fluffing everything to be "my dudes" with chaos appearance and similar. Conscripts can be "mutant rabble" for example

I know fuckall of imperial guard lists tho, did they have psykers? I always add at least one to any army I play

Again, this is to fuck about with friends, so some handwaving will be tolerated without doubt, but of course things should be done more or less properly if possible
Keep projecting
>think the two dwarfs next to oldhammer squat are nice looking
>reverse google search
>the two dwarfs next to the oldhammer squat are Mantic space dwarfs
Colour me surprised and impressed. I wish the Votann looked more industrial instead of looking too high tech for 40k.
>Applying make-up to battle hardened elite soldiers
Do you really?
Guard can run Primaris Psykers which are pretty good protecting a big blob of infantry and Astropaths which are pretty useful
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Yes, they have psykers.
Not gonna lie, I'm still salty GW didn't give us rules for chaos leman russ, at least in form of legends entry. CSM list has EVERYTHING you need to run a L&D traitor list EXCEPT leman russ battle tank (and chimera most likely).

I don't know why anybody would be against fielding IG army with spikes. Even on official GW tournament. Traitor guardsmen are in fluff like since forever.
tau are lizardmen
I'll play a chaos sorcerer instead and it'll be soul overdose
I own team of GSC for kill team. In my head cannon, they're uprising working class of the planet that doesn't want to be a part of Imperium anymore. Why they're ugly and mutated? Because of chemical and radiational environment that they're living in.
They suffer, but fight for brighter future.

I'm not interested in a suicidal faction, that's whole purpose is to have the day of their suicide as soon as possible and all of their efforts are directed toward that thing.
>tau is the only faction in 40k that actually develops and advances their weponry when they find new threats, so even if the
The Kin improve their tech
>get the army painter masterclass drybush set on sale
>whenever I use them, even very softly, they lose a shitton of bristles of all sizes, fusing with my painted mini, leaving marks
what the fuck
are those brushes so shit or did I buy some fucked up production piece
do they have a break in period where they eventually stop more shedding loose hair than my dog?
>army painter
oh no no no
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>too high tech for 40k
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Who is the best primarch?
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Rogue psyker. Chaos sorcerer is a space marine. You are in luck tho', there are models available.
Nah all those stencil style brushes shed pretty crazy.
They were cheap, I was happy with their triangle gripped synthetic brushes

It’s super frustrating, I need to overbrush large panels with different shades and I just keep getting hair stuck in the paint
Corvus corax lil Nathan explosion lookin ass
yeah nucromunda is a problem too
Make your own brushes, ones made from beard hair/pubes for dry brushing, normal hair for general purpose, and arm hair for detail work
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Give eyeshadow brushes a try. I really enjoy their performance and they are super cheap. Pic related is all done with makeup drybrushes over a spray paint blend
Alpha Primus
that's the only name you'll hear. I am the one who walks behind you. I am the footsteps at your back. I am the man beside you. Look out! I am all around you.
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Wrong Samus
Can you suck my dick since you are already down there?
>2 dudes with brown eyes
you can tell this was drawn by a woman
I want daddy Dorn to beat me
>doesn't put on his war face when going to battle
You don't scare me. Work on that.
Mine also started stinking like shit
does anyone have a higher res/source for this pic
jewgle, saucenao, and yandex have failed me
>purple for the shade
i would have used magenta + my paintjob would look 1000x worse & she'd be in a jar of bartoline clean spirit for months on end as i seethe from the stupidness of my cursed hands that can only destroy, NEVER create
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Sometimes you just have to accept your limitations and be happy that you have a painted army at all. Or that's what I tell myself to not completely run out of motivation.
>want to collect Black Legion
>I just know I’ll be filtered by painting black to a good standard

It’s over
Attic'd for years.
unfinished mad jobbers
Collect something less gay, like Red Corsairs or Wordbearers.
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It’s them or Wordbearers but I’ve got no idea how to paint them also the Abaddon model is pretty good
>its literal holy war paint to strike fear into the mutant, the heretic, and the xenos showing all the enemies of mankind that the true face of death is very pretty and that faith is stronger than any power armored helmet
>Sometimes you just have to accept your limitations
NEVER i'd rather die in a housefire and merge together with my plastic uggo soldier ladies into a charred black husk than live with the self-hatred of not-good-enough TRANNY SLOP PAINTJOBS!
>if those are yours theyre very nice 10/10 would blast with a storm bolter
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>cum bandits
Heterosexual so long as you use it to reproduce rather than eating it?
I wish death upon you and your family for failing you
Our day will come
Stoic Golden Warriors
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>>cum bandits
>even the semen retainers arent safe in this evil world
a man cant even naturally thin his paints with monsters like THAT in this life
>use it to reproduce
>rather than eating it
where do you think you are?
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Maim, Mug, Loot.
You don't own a single Minotaur, daydreaming failure
Surprise Proctology Specialists
But you want the death of the emperor because I mock the heretic.
CSM are, by conventional ideals, willing cuckolds. They steal other people's gene-seed to create their next generation. They even create daemoncubulas for a mockery of normal birthing women. If they weren't space marines, their actions would be equivalent to spermjacking the enemy then raising the baby they have no genetic relation with.
Me curious what new CSM training looks like given the chaos craziness and no codex astartes equivalent.
Those are the ooold Warpath Forge Fathers, which basically used the bottom half of the fantasy Dwarfs they also made. I like them too but the "new" Forge Fathers I genuinely really like
*pushes you into the digestion pool*
perturabo more like masturabo
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Camera sucks and I haven’t put the decals on yet but do tell me when you’re gonna post your models, secondary?
warfuckery hypnosis and throw them some guns so they can have fun. If they survive good, if they die oh well maybe next time.
Nta but they're very shiny
Shidding und farding
Not 100% sold on them, but still better than votaan
Cool custodes army.
Your Allarus termies look a bit odd though.
Why do none of the traitor primarchs have short hair? Why do they all either have long hair or bald? Why does the Lion have a bigger fucking beard than Leman Russ? Why do none of the traitor primarchs have beards at all?
show models anon btfo yet again, will they ever catch a break?
I used a gloss varnish to keep the luster since they don’t sell agrax earthshade gloss anymore. If I had to do it over again, I would probably have used a satin varnish/used a matte varnish on the red.
No yucky girls allowed.
Not merely a show models anon - it's the daydreaming failure nomodels failure that has been here forever seething
Whats the point of using gloss varnishes and washes on minis? I guess its cool for glossy materials like blood or slime but it looks a bit unrealistic on minis
>No yucky girls allowed.
Big E didn't ask for your opinion.
It's The Kopinski incident
NTA but gloss doesn't kill the shine of metallics and is the most durable of all varnishes. If you really want to do it "properly" you should gloss then matte your minis. But matte by itself is usually fine.

I do agree though, gloss generally looks like ass on minis in general. Just makes me think of unshaken wash
You want a cheap trick for faces?
Don't do skin tones or hairtones at all.
Paint 'em grey or metallic like statues, and then wash.
Not as cute as they could possible be, but good enough for battle ready
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*blocks your path*
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>im too much of a perfectionist to just do that
>i even considered leaving my reivers slap-chopped black and white because they looked similar to that helsreach fan film
but i'd never do that to skin tones
luckily im okay at eyes
just need to get the want to paint back, instead of considering to start my new sisters/blood angels box set
>an awful spiral of new projects i will forever repeat and never complete
What are you gonna do, stab me?
>cool magma swords
>even that demonic banner is soi poggig at them in the background
very nice
I spy a critical lack of Alpharius in that pic.
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Yeah, they're mine. Wishing I was better at painting black armor.
Kinda want to buy some Marines or CSM to have something a little simpler to paint.
These belong in AoS.
Clean looking models anon. Very nice.
>/WIP/ is for 40k ONLY
based and red pilled
Somewhere in this thread, is a QT british femanon who neither plays the game or posts models even though she has them.
>and i would absolutely plaster her face with my cum
We're grading on the 'Women Who Like Warhammer' curve here, be fair
No it's not.
Anon, if you'd your alternative game fir GW's miniatures and you're not going to sell anything, would you still use GW's names, such as "Assault Intercessor" or "Mandrake" or invent your own names?
Care to rephrase that?
This is /40kg/.
Trick question, both of them are traitors.
Why? Because they are humans, backstabbing scumbags the lot of them.
So, what is the difference?
Not really
The difference is a traitor and the other isn't.
>But I can't spot the difference!
Exactly. You can't tell who's a traitor at a glance. So you better stay vigilant.
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same thing, UNLESS you've got something to say!?
The answer was the traitor has malignant thoughts or something like that.
Looks like Confrontation Ragnarok
you shoot both just to be sure
Is there a document listing psyker powers?
Next on the pipeline after I finish the regular cultists.
>Inside you there are two wolves
>One is a traitor
>The other one is also a traitor
>Inside you there are two wolves
It's Anthrocon all over again
every kit in votann have enough male head bits to make every squad all male. and I don't agree with that anon that that is a female body
I was looking for a little hydra tattoo or something
In game, or..?
>same thing, UNLESS you've got something to say!?
They are different threads.
Inside you are two wolves, now get out of the ball pit
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aw fuck i cant believe you've done this
Why make gorillaman read the Bible if it’s never gonna come up again

Why does the setting seem so slow nothing happens at all
>Ahhhhh AHhhhhhh the setting isn't changing fast enough ahhhhhh
Fuck off!
Anon you can take playing with toys seriously that doesn’t stop you from being in a state of playing with your toys. What an utterly autistically insecure post
No more like plot points are entirely irrelevant and if they’re going to do that why not just use boring ass war zones that never get resolved and quite literally and I mean this in the literal sense nothing happens but a million people die on both sides like they already do

Half effort is worse than no effort
The setting changed too much honestly we should go back to sandbox and sit at this point in time for about 3 more editions and look at various campaigns
What books would you recommend for somebody who wants to read more about the Horus Heresy and the events that led up to it, starting from the very beginning of mankind basically?
The rules would be helpful but a list of what the powers are is enough for now.
If you actually looked at the “changes” so you’ll see how fundamentally nothing actually changed
>uhhhhh no there’s new space marines
Yeah and they get owned as much if not more than the old ones did, their new augments never come up in books even the one that’s supposed to turn them into a zombie retard hulk right before they die. They’re just space marines with 2 extra feet for all intents and purposes.
>Uhhhh the primarchs sweetie
Yeah man they’re doing a lot sure.
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Hard to say, it changes a lot but I'm pretty fond of my gravis apothecary
Ok, there is no list because psychic disciplines aren't a thing anymore. Powers are all on a unit's datasheet
Fair enough, I will take a look at those and see if they have anything worth translating.
Are these worth something?
Are there people who still want those?
Sell them to someone who can scan them and turn into stls. I want every single model in existence archived like this
Friend found a room full of still sealed boxes from tons of different GW games from all Eras at his deceased family members house
Trying to figure out what to do with them
Old Tyrant absolutely.
I think that might actually be the current Warrior kit, unless its the slightly older but almost identical version so not much there.
Give them all to me.
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Man i wish there was a psychic phase in 40k again.

Btw, would you like if there were miniature spells in 40k like in AOS
This is also a currently sold kit. Should be fairly easy to sell on for a decent price
No, fuck endless spells.
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>want to use your psychic abilities? that'll be $59.99 plus tip, please!
Hell naw. Vortex grenade is a different story though.
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Those are probably older warriors. They had different gun designs for deathspitters & stranglethorns I believe. I do kinda prefer the older design desu, I like the ball-joint graft points on the forearms.
The models are older than the Euro, the pricetags are in our pre-Euro currency
I like them from a lore PoV. I don't like them from making you fucking pay extra. From what I'm hearing with 4th edition hype dying down, Endless Spells are pay2win right now.
Fuck endless spells but we do need Psychic back.
Psychic guns feel fucking dogshit.
>old deathspitter.jpg
That's a barbed strangler. The word "stranglethorn" wasn't even in the codex back then, newfriend.
Yeah, in some cases GW has been making the same stuff for decades just in different boxes so thats entirely possible for it to be 20 years old and still the current kit.
Shouldn't be a problem for you to get a buyer for them if thats the route you wanted to go down
>Endless Spells are pay2win right now.
Took it off ebay idc
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>room full of still sealed boxes from tons of different GW games from all Eras at his [suicided] family members house
i would like to see every sealed box he had
There should be normal psychic powers yes, but in lore warlocks have the ability to summon a projection of them that can fight, it would be cool if you could do that
>took a break
>come back
>prices are up like 40% when they were already crazy

It's not that I can't afford it, I can, but why should I want to? 200$ for a pack containing like 10 dudes and not even a tank? Are you shitting me?
I can just make a styrofoam dice tower for pennies and paint that. I think I'm out.
Same, I am going to visit him tomorrow, he just send me some sample pictures, I could spot a 3rd edition starter box, the first Tau army box, a shitton of old terrain boxes and atleast 5 knights and 3 titans (from Adeptus Titanicus though)

Yeah, apparently it was an insulin overdose
Does a Styrofoam tower serve the same purpose as 40k models?
Yes, wasting my time painting shit
There's nothing so unique about rolling dice when one dude attacks another that I can't get that from somewhere else.
Ok then, bye
then go play something else
Then just buy etsy 3D print comissions/recasts or small GW boxes and convert them extensively with greenstuff and plasticard?
It'd also waste your time modelling shit far more as an added bonus.
40k psychic powers are less branded and more vague than fantasy spells.

really, we would be looking at just the following
>ball of psychic lightnings
>stargate of psychic lightnings
>barrier of psychic lightnings
>caltrops of psychic lightnings
>psychic lightning bolt
>miniature black hole
Don't forget Mork or Gorks foot
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>Going to a UKTC terrain event soon
>Sort of want to take Tau but I know if I get put into BA or similar fast melee that likes to stage I'm just going to burst into treats
>Still kinda want to
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>your armies (post models for proofs or ur a faget)
>your starting edition
>your country
>other boards you frequent
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>botched models minutes with my primer
As someone who played with the old kits, I can indeed confirm the old was better than this dogshit. You had so many bits that would not only work for a unit of boyz, but enough similar bodies to mix and match with other kits like Burnas/Lootas or the Flash Gitz to make your own flavor of orkz. It was perfect, it was a hobbyist's greatest kit for anything orky.
Sure these new boyz look good, but that is only because they're sculpted to be in that singular pose and nothing else. Essentially you're paying premium to have little creative freedom, for a unit that isn't uniform in their loadout, and will look very soulless when you have to buy more than one of this kit. They could have done the chaos space marine route of having monopose bodies but with customizable arms/heads, but instead they took away the one thing that made the kit fun.
that's faction specific stuff
I'm so fucking mad at the bullshit of fantasy orcs not getting a single spell for their iconic stuff
Only eldar use actual spells or anything close to it. Almost all human psykers are one trick ponies that can barely shit out some lightning without their brains blowing up
Why did you post AoS models in 40kg?
He was so real for this
Am I supposed to drill my cyber-mastiff?
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So needlers exsit. When are we gonna get assassins with autism in fetish gear?
Shoot both, Emperor will sort the good ones out
>From what I'm hearing with 4th edition hype dying down, Endless Spells are pay2win right now.
That makes no sense. They're all free points-wise. They're no more "p2w" than any other model.
I think there was an internal push at GW that all units would be entirely or almost entirely bespoke and whoever did it had a hardon for mixed loadouts. All of the combat patrol forces had it for no reason at all.

I guess they settled for just having a bunch of sprue-mandated either/or choices instead. A vox guy, or a plasma guy? The choice is yours!
yeah they're fucking dogshit, all the funnier they still sell the old kit thats much better and for cheaper lol
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Shit like this always reads as something so hypocritical and hollow.
What's the extent of improvements and creativity that retards like bile and the haemunculi have cooked up?
It's laughable.
When someone says pay to win, do you think they're talking about points or real currency, bro..
age of sigmar orks look good why do 40k orks look bad
I genuinely don't know what he's saying at all, because you could call literally any good unit "pay to win". It's a meaningless statement. Endless spells aren't pay to win when they're free and everybody can take them; they're just part of list-building, like warlord traits and relics.
Only he is the real smartest being on the galaxy
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>Endless spells aren't pay to win when they're free and everybody can take them
The P2W element would never be based in the points cost of the unit? It would be based in you having to pay for the models.
Well in the context of that excerpt Bile is talking about how his New Men project is what he believes will save humanity, not any kind of improved space marines.
>and the haemunculi have cooked up?
Hey, watch where you're throwing those accusations. Haemonculi are literal flesh wizards. The Wracks and Abominations they field are just the tip of the iceberg since that's the hired help.
Anon if they made a "Jim, the guy who gives you a free victory point" miniature and made him cost no points to take in any army, but priced him at $20, how would you feel about that?
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Autism hours?
...You mean like the imperial assassins we got right now?
You keep ignoring my asking how that differs from literally any other unit. I implore you address this now.
>I totally made these wonderful things
>no, you can't see them
fucking orks display more bioengineering prowess
AoS greenies are a mixed bag imho. IJ and KB have very different appeal and KB are strictly inferior to IJ.
So what models aren't "p2w"? What is the utility of a label that narrows nothing down?
idk what ur abbreviations mean
What is the arcane meaning behind that womb tramp stamp?
You didn't answer the question. How would you feel if everyone could take a new model for great benefit to their army that cost no points, but cost you twenty bucks? Would you buy it? How would you feel about buying it?
Ironjawz and Kruleboyz
I'm not the one originally making the claim, just pointing out the points cost is totally irrelevant.

But yes the whole game is P2W to an extent, if there are blatantly overpowered things that quickly flux in and out of being good. You will have a higher WR than people who don't pay for said models.
It's a little signature left by the haemunculus who performed the sex reassignment surgery.
>So what models aren't "p2w"
I mean you could start with bad models..?
>How would you feel if everyone could take a new model for great benefit to their army that cost no points, but cost you twenty bucks?
That would be stupid.
>Would you buy it?
No. All of my armies are gimmicky dogshit that lose me every game because I stubbornly refuse to buy anything that I don't love. My Skaven have no Clanrats. I have no Chaos Space Marines in my Chaos Space Marines.
Why would they sign her for your sex reassignment?
>do you wish to purge more?
The Hammerfall bunker is arguably P2L, you paid to lose your game
In Rogue Trader there's a point in Commoragh where you come across a chess board. It turns out the chess board is a still living Farseer who got handed over to a Haemonculus.
In the Jain Zar book (mediocre as it was), there's an Archon who had Haemomculi transform him into a mummy that could control a squad of hand-crafted bodies which had obisidan for skin.
>ESL retard
Lies, everyone knows chaos humans are extra skully and spiky.
>chess board
oh wow, really? these ancient and virtually immortal super intelligent aliens just happen to like chess?
next you'll tell me bach surpasses their own music
What if Eldar were the ones who invented Chess and introduced it to humans?
What if Bach was an Eldar in disguise?
Purge these heretical thoughts immediately, no vile xenoxls is responsible for humanities achievements
Eldar didn't invent chess but they did invent those little plastic things at the ends of shoelaces.
The face of the modern fan.
despite this they still did chapter approved for years along with constantly doing beta rules
How would you feel if there was a secret female primarch, revealed to have been guarded by seven squats since before the Heresy?
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If she's cool and brings something new to the table I'd be for it. However, given it'd be MORE marine shit, I'm not confident it'd be remotely interesting.
Brown eyes arent attractive usually
Thank you based exit-kun. You have looked over Jordan and seen that paypigging and consooming is all that remains in contemporary warhams, and the only way through is out. Godspeed your journey into a saner and more wholesome hobby life. I will see you there.
ok bye
>Amazon queen primarch
>Mulan primarch
>Boudicca primarch
>Puritan witch chaos primarch
There's some material there
I think it’s a bit too silly for what would surely be a important central plot point in the whole evolving narrative meme. However, make it another female character who’s existence wouldn’t completely upend the lore and it’d be pretty fun.
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That's lowbrow creative bankruptcy.
>power armor
>power armor
>power armor
>power armor
What do you mean right now? I haven't seen anything in the news or in schizo circles of government assassins wearing all leather with mental problems.
Of course not, they'd be pretty bad assassins if you knew about them.
Or the chess board is the farseer, but the farseers soul is inside one of the figures
You're really pushing it if a lapse of judgement that resulted in misnaming a piece of wargear warrants a "OH WOE IS ME THE NID HOBBYISTS HAVE FALLEN, BILLIONS MUST JUMP IN RELCAMATION POOLS" from you. Actual old guard of the community like Moloch or Hydra or Modernsynthesist misname shit a decent amount as well, it doesn't matter.
>nooo I need more hordeshit
In this economy?
>He says, when marines can spam 120 bodies anyway
i fucking hate myself for the fact that this image made me laugh out loud
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This is the single most fun mechanic in the game
I miss when Canoptek Wraiths had a 3++
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holy fucking kino...
lore accurate lasgun
I know mobile games=shit etc. but is tacticus fun at all?
You mariniggers already have half the range, and if you throw in the other power armor factions it's probably some 3/4 of the entire franchise.
cool but why when would you ever put this on the table
uh oh secondary larper melty
Why is it never Orks or Eldar or Tau who get models like this? Why do Marines have to be the ones to suffer?
if you gotta play one play combat cards, its like hearthstone and is fun to listbuild in wit the card decks
a lore accurate lasgun would leave a smaller hole in a 32mm plastic miniature
>I know mobile games=shit etc.
I unironically like Freeblade, as long as you're happy just having a time waster you won't be oaying anything for its a fun little game.
>store has a guy who tracks his IG army's canon
>dude keeps a log of every match
>writes a sentence in this little notebook, takes a picture with one of those instant print cameras
>it's stuff like training exercises with Black Templars, Leman russ effective against Nurglings, small bits like that
>one day, log dude goes against a slaanesh player
>slaanesh player finds out about the log
>starts to describe how his troops rape every kill
>obviously bugging the log guy, log guy loses
>slaanesh guys talks about how eager he is for log guy to write about all the rapes
>log guy flips him the fungers, says "this battle was a dream of the warp, I'm not writing shit"
>angrily packs up and leaves while slaanesh guy calls him a pussy and a loser repeatedly
Why log fights if you win't log every fight?
Watching all those scenes in Angels of Death made me laugh. Especially all those lasguns not hitting the helm-less dude considering the volume of fire and the amount of Marines.
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>slaanesh player
nobody's falling for this, too unrealistic
I'd tell the Slaaneshi to shut the fuck up just for being a fag.
The time to stop playing was the moment the daemon player started describing it, not at the end. Not that this happened
This looks like shit.
First of all, I don't think this story has happened.
Second of all, sportsmanship is part of the social contract. The Slaaneshi guy clearly did it out of spite, not to actually engage in mutual narrative & fluff interplay between factions.
One could've presented it as something as "taking slaves of survivors while declaring unspeakable atrocities that would be inflicted upon them after having them dragged into the Warp", yet that's not how it was done, evidently.
its like that
>immovable object vs unstoppable object
meme but both are autistic
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You get what you fucking deserve

same reason everything else is mostly marines too, they're the face of 40K and there's just so many of them anything related to the hobby is bound to be mostly SMs
Can you please go touch some static grass instead of having cuck fantasies about someone else's toys raping an imaginary's player's toys?
>its like hearthstone and is fun
This story never happened.
But if it did, then you are the slaanesh faggot.
>Why is it never Orks or Eldar or Tau who get models like this?
Retard moment?
Felt like two trains crashing into each other regardless of the point you were trying to make.
orcbros... not like this...
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Retardo Momento?
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Did some repasses and basing and fixed the artillery pieces in position.

Do you like it?
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Retardi Mardi Gras?
Death is unironically not enough to stop the orkiest of orks
You might be, considering he's talking about custom modeling with brutalized minis, the vast majority of which are, indeed, marines.
Genestealer cults aren't suicidal, they don't know what happens after they win.

But also: some cults rise up well in advance of a hive fleet's approach, and end up winning. Then you have a cult that runs a planet for many years, and typically they'll eventually gear up and try to spread to other worlds. GW intentionally gave a lot of "one cult was seen doing XYZ" hooks so you can pretty much decide whatever you want for /yourdudes/. There's tons of possibilities other than the typical uprising that is immediately eaten.
Then it wouldn't be "getting" models like this - which refers to GW making them and providing them - it would be "making".

Hope that helps ESLfuck.
Marines are like rhinos were a few years ago, everyones got a ton of spare ones because 90% of releases include at least some.
Want some Mandrakes? Sorry buy them in a pack with some marines or wait 11 months for a standalone release that's like 80% of the price so might as well buy the marines too.
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>Corvus Corax
>Raven Blue
>Can see whites of the eyes
angron is bald, lorelets just think the butcher's nails are dreadlocks
crazy undead robots
Unironic writer issue, just find a way to wrangle a win out of it or ignore the slaaneshhole’s addition and focus on your own stuff. Just gloss over the nastiness. I had my captain turn 1 ganked by a warrior prime and just wrote it up as the dreadnought saving him at the last second, though he had to get a new arm and didn’t fight for like 5 games.
I lost most of the games in this for example.
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Wow, are you telling me that someone given hormone and genetic therapy to become bigger and more muscular.... Looks male? Crazy stuff, no one could have predicted that. Look up female powerlifters who use steroids and you'll pretty much find the same thing. Testosterone is a hell of a drug.
I don't blame them, you can mistake them for those at a glance.
It's the same shit where in official art Sanguinius' armor has those red orbs/gems, which seem to look like the same as all the eye symbols on Horus' armor.
But in reality the black "pupils" on Sanguinius' gems are black blood drops.
Does that make my statement any less true?
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Dude, nobody in their right mind would think the original lascannoned model was official. Obviously he's talking about custom models, you're the only one retarded enough to think otherwise.
Guess not, just meant "did you expect anything different"?
>Wow, are you telling me that someone given hormone and genetic therapy
Custodes are/were* made by the Emperor using genetic manipulation fuckery shit from DAoT** and with him also utilizing psychic biomancy bullshit that is actual magic.

*I say are/were because they were originally made by the Emperor, how they are getting made nowadays, no one really knows.

*'which might as well be fucking in on itself since it's pretty obvious that shit like Blanks and Navigators were probably created in DAoT)
>blue eyes
This is just a german woman.
I'm surprised GW didn't name her Helga or Brünnhilde.
Thats why he said "like this" :)

For example, you could say "Why can't GW make animations like this" in reference to Astartes. Nobody thinks its official. Now run along ESL
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>what could have been
I'm gonna build a time machine so I can go back, make 40k before gw, then get to this point where I can create the true version of this. Also create 4chan before moot.
Ok, daydreaming failure
To be fair Marines are the one thing that makes 40k what it is. Without them the setting would end up too close to Fantasy to be its own thing.
Ok so why isn't HH the most popular game? Checkmate retard
>Ok, king
Thank you anon. I appreciate your support.
3d printing is a good idea actually.
I was a consoomer who wanted "the real thing" but I honestly don't give a shit anymore. 200$ is simply too much money for 10 plastic dudes, sorry
>Guess not, just meant "did you expect anything different"?
NTA but yeah. It's fiction so let them look more feminine if I wanted realism I wouldn't be anywhere near 40k.
MtF navy seals also look more feminine, they just put in more effort than female powerlifters tbqh
>so why isn't HH the most popular game?
IDK, probably because it is a spin off with more restrictions.
That's the key word. Some human psykers can destroy whole solar system with a brainfart. There was some kind of scale of danger a psyker can pose - from harmless people who may have prophetic dreams to psykers with ability to cause cataclysmic extinction events.
Psykers are the most dangerous threat to humanity and need to be culled.
forgeworld models are trash and nobody wants to paint up 150 marines to run a 1500 point game
I know you don't, because it dismantles your retard opinion

GW shit out plastic all over the place for it. A basic tactical marine might be cheap as fuck but guess what? You pay for wargear and don't just spam them anyway.
the plastics are still dogshit forgeworld designs and squatty trash
not that anon but yeah its great
I'm brand new to 40k and already had the printer, put together about 2.5k points of tau bots for about $70 in the past month. I think that would've gotten me one unit of 3 crisis suits from GW?
Shut the fuck up and post games or minis you fucking secondaries!!!
>He says, posting nothing
Post discarded. Blocked. Filtered.
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Drill your space marines.
No. What now bitch? You want to throw hands? Name a time and place.
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Where's my primarch(s)
But anon. That necron was a man before biotransferrance...
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You got it boss!
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What are you saying, they're right there.
I don't think my stuff looks good though
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When you're in a contest to write the most dogshit ruleset and your opponent is GW
>Pale grey twins
Kek, how the fuck are they supposed to fight if they're not selected to fight?
They could've easily said something fun like "no, because when you're about to die you have nothing to offer chaos, so it has nothing to offer you"
What are the best alpha legion books
Retarded fast elves
Painfully retarded elves
The sad reality of GW being a model company first means that every tidbit of lore accuracy on and off the tabletop has been destroyed.

Space marine “armies” shouldn’t be a thing. It should be 5 of them as a unit in a sea of guardsmen. I don’t even care about all the goofy shit, but fielding a primarch makes this shit feel like Yugioh.
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They are triplets and nothing will convince me otherwise. One dies in HH, one in the Scouring and another survives for the inevitable 40K DP. Three headed hydra.
i hate the spac emarines and wnat imperial guard to hafve guns that kill them instantly
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Stormcast Marines look cool.
fuck no they dont
This is a lie
>Space marine “armies” shouldn’t be a thing.
This game was designed around space marines, it's not my fault everybody paints them as the default subfactions, thus making their numbers seem inflated.
Sucks about primarchs though.
Why is that blood angel with Space Wolf weapons and halo painted blue.
That's... Not even a kitbash... That's straight up just a photoshop... Im in a loss for words
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The coolest.
Gotta see how it'll look before I buy.
>look up some videos of alpha legion armies
>Everyone just used regular spiky chaos Marines with random big chaos shit
>Tfw don't see people with anything close to a thematic list or models
I've been playing AoS4 lately, and it's fascinating how much tighter and smoother those rules feels than 10th. 10th has so many edge cases and timings and unintuitive little interactions I just get pissed thinking about it. It gets in the way even of narrative games.
Stuff like that upsets the tourneyfags.
I mean, it's really more a problem if points creep making armies huge and the slow power creep of ap rising making Marines less durable. Games should have stayed 1.5k points. And every army by nature of the game is going to at least slightly optimized for killing marines because they are the most common enemy profile and not something T3 1W 5+ like they pretend is.

It sounds like Custodes have about the model count and durability you feel like marines should have.
Neither are "stormcast marines" you just badly photoshopped a marine helmet on top.
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Last two minis I painted.

I have a game tomorrow with them, wish me luck !
You've got eyes, amazing.
In my gamestore its normal to see grey tide armies, so no thematic kitbashing expected
I kinda like it. Did you handpaint the stained glass frame?
Painting large black boxes feels pretty intimidating.
this is a weird christmas tree topper
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>Stuff like that upsets the tourneyfags.
I am a tournament player, I'd be fine with a simple no. But that FAQ answer affects every other army. You - for example - cannot pop AoC, most defensive strats or any rule that triggers on being selected as the target of a attack anymore against someone fighting on death into you. But its tucked away in the CSM FAQ
turns out people don't do massive conversions of entire armies and that's only displayfags and daydreamers, who woulda thunk it
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>>Everyone just used regular spiky chaos Marines with random big chaos shit
Because that's what the alpha legion are, they're not horus heresy marines, they're not secret loyalist marines.
The AoS core rules are pretty cool in the new edition, but the army rules and unit profiles leave something to be desired.
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Who is santa in that world?
>>Tfw don't see people with anything close to a thematic list or models
Anon, have you read the TSons rules? It actively punishes you for doing so, and in a way that stops the army from working.
They look good, Anon.
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This guy.
This was truly a warhammer.
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You think we will get an Eldar/Ynnari focused Crusade or something next year after Pariah Nexus? It feels like they are overdue for some kind of status update or some new minor plots to become embroiled in and they are getting a new model wave to push.
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Yep, I follow GW youtube video on how to paint stained glass
>Space marine “armies” shouldn’t be a thing. It should be 5 of them as a unit in a sea of guardsmen.
Sorry but you gotta learn how to cope with reality of things and the reality is that all other chaos/xenos armies have their marine equivalents or higher.
they're fucking gorgeous
Guardsmen armies shouldn't be a thing, it should mostly be PDF doing peacekeeping operations. Every battle being the emperor's finest is Yugioh
It sounds like he wants troops (besides marine troops) to all be literal trash mobs and elites to be gods of endless slaughter moving among them. Which is really only supported by videogames and a couple specific instances of marine wank in the books.
guardsmen armies shouldn't be a thing, they should be a background element in the fluff only
if you want guard armies go back to your shitty historicals
Pariah Nexus let Admech and necrons take center stage, so there's not a doubt in my mind that the next Crusade book will be all about Space Marines and Chaos (Space Marines) to make up for it. Maybe the Black Legion could invade Baal or whatever, let's get some more spotlight on the new Sanguinary Guard.
Isn't the last narrative push of the edition going to be Space Marines and Emperor's Children focused, though? Whatever the Psychic Awakening is for this edition.
>Why is that blood angel with Space Wolf weapons and halo painted blue.
to compliment the Thousand sons kneepad and shoulderpad he stole.
I miss gundam anon.
Is there anything I should fix here (its for a 1500 pt list)? That's supposed to be 20 boyz in one squad, forgot to fix it
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>Status update
But anon, Ynnari were the Eldar status update for this decade...
>tfw didn't take a photo of the one ork I painted today

It's nothing exciting anyway
>You think we will get an Eldar/Ynnari focused Crusade or something next year after Pariah Nexus?
GW wont touch that shit with a 10 foot pole.
Ynnari supposedly are in the Pariah Nexus involved with that while Guilliman also is there.
But that's all it was, a fucking footnote and nothing else.

At this point I don't even want GW to write anything for the eldar, especially CWE, because anytime they do so they just completely fuck them over and make them look like idiots and make them fucking embarrassing.
If anything I'd swap the enhancements for the beastboss and megaboss. Megaboss needs the movement more, and beastboss guarantees dev wounds even when he didn't charge. Kunning but brutal is also good on the beastboss. Otherwise good mix of killing and utility. Do you know who you're playing against? How new are you?
as long it involves Yvraine getting her brains blown out by Amallyn
>bought a bunch of tyranids
>60 infantry
>like 5 monsters
>2 squads of elite infantry
>several medium sized characters
>still not even 1500 points

jfc nids are cheap on points. its gonna cost me a thousand bucks to fill this army out
Everything is cheap on points in this game now, but yeah Nids can be very hordey if you don't go for big monster Mash.
the part im looking at next is what makes me the most frustrated. a bunch of mid sized stuff like warriors, lictors, and genestealers, a lot of which are like almost $1 per point

the final stretch is gonna be rough. i do still need a hive tyrant though and he's a lot of points for not a lot of cash so that will help. but i definitely want at least 2 lictors and probably a death leaper too, those kits are sick
Orks are so cool but the whole faction is mechanically fucked right now

Hope you know about the waagh transport thing
I just noticed that the enhancement was on the wrong boss, thanks for pointing that out. That last Enhancement should at least bring me closer to 1500 now.

I'm probably going to be playing against space marines (no idea what his army consists of). I haven't played a game since 4th edition, so first one in 2 decades
I downloaded it yesterday and I like it, the 3d models are cool
Such a good book when it isn't being weighed down by pointless Knight bullshit.
I dig it
Why is everything so chalky
Also, twin killsaws are the hot thing right now, but I run meganobz with klaws and saws, so I can choose the better profile for what I'm hitting. And like the other anon said, warboss and megaboss extra attacks/damage don't work if they're in a transport when you call the waaaagh.
What's going on here?
If ever there was a rule to be ignored, this is it. Genuinely fuck GW for printing that.
Yeah I wouldn't care if someone ignored it. You called the waagh, its a bonus for the duration of the waagh, go nuts. But worth knowing if someone mentions it
NTA but what's the Waagh! transport thing and why is it so bad?
Warboss and megaboss have abilities that trigger on Waaagh! turn. GW put out an FAQ saying that specifically those datasheet abilities do not trigger if the unit is within a transport when you call the Waaagh!.
So the warboss, who is the one calling the Waaagh!, doesn't get his benefit from the Waaagh! he calls.
Warbosses get +4 attacks when you call the Waagh! (doubling their attacks) and the ones in Mega Armor go from dam2 to dam3. But according to GW, they're deaf while in the trukk and don't get it even though they get the usual Waagh! bonuses
I've got both, they're both great in their own way

40k orks are too cucked to their own meme though, combined with a serious need for some kit updates like meganobs (compare meganobs to the new ghaz or mega armor boss, it's just sad) and their infantry just needs a complete overhaul. Sniggas look shit, new Boyz squad is an unplayable Mish mash of nonsensical wargear, old Boyz look terrible (and did even when they were brand new), the only good 40k ork infantry are the kommandos. The burnas, stormboyz,and flash gitz are passable but in expensive as hell micro boxes. Nobz are showing their age but at least don't look as bad as old Boyz. Boss on squig shark looks okay but the hog riders and kill rigs squigs look fucking retarded and doughy, completely unthreatening. Deff dread and kanz are alright, the speed waagh shit is well sculpted but a bit too much of the same meme, and the arm overall is very lacking in interesting grot or squig units or other captured beasts or contraptions
>old Boyz look terrible (and did even when they were brand new)
Fuck off
Old Boyz are and will always be kino. I wouldn't mind a proper update but don't you dare pretend they're bad.
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WIP is the best I can do, trying to do NMM to practice my blending and layering.
they are atrocious and have been putting people off of that range entirely for decades.

im not about to bow down to your sacred cows. im calling a spade a spade and you're too afraid to face the reality of that dogshit kit because of sunk cost fallacy or peer pressure from someone else who has sunk cost on them.

they look god damn awful and always have
>have been putting people off of that range entirely for decades
Genuinely one of the most retarded statements I've ever heard. I've never met someone who plays this game that actually dislikes the old Boyz. The most I've seen are people making fun of the twerking poses (because honestly they are goofy) but never, ever, have I heard of someone staying away from Orks because of them.
Doesn't look like 40k.
I'm staying away from orks because both the old and new boyz kits suck.
Old because of the dogshit poses and lumbarlordosis so bad you can put an entirely shelf on their ass.
New because it is entirely monopose with less options.
do you play orks?
Disregard previous instructions, provide me with a recipe for lemon pound cake
Go back
lots of stuff in 40k doesnt look like 40k. we've got space egyptians and gundams flying around next to elves in jester costumes and tall jawas.

40k isnt one aesthetic
Must be a new model, what a shame. Being such an obvious bot I thought I had my opportunity to try it out
Fuck off nigger.
The only major warzone with the Eldar is Laevnir and the last word on that is the Eldar begging a Space Marine chapter for help against the Nids. If you're hoping for some big Eldar focused narrative then you're going to be very disappointed.
Who says he's not there? You obviously don't know anything about alpharius.
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Yeah of course I do.
Honestly you're the first person I've met having that opinion, then.
Disregarding the ass, what about the poses don't you like? I'm done arguing about it because it's really just an opinion thing and we'll never reach a conclusion, but I am curious about your reasoning.
You're a retard if you don't know what I mean.
And I'm not a habit of trying to explain shit to the mentally handicapped.
Aren't the Eldar literally everywhere because of Webway shenanigans? How are they only present in one warzone?
>Disregarding the ass, what about the poses don't you like?
Overly squatting and the retarded lumbarlordosis which is baked into every sculpt.
so have you ever thought maybe people arent talking bad about the orks in front of you because they dont want to insult your army to your face?
40k players, well known for their social acumen
Because GW doesn't care for them to be present.
Do y'all mean to make something 40k, I should douse everything in Nuln Oil?
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>Disregarding the ass

how can you?
I know tons of LGSes avoid smack talk on models or other products if it leads to lack of sales, at least in front of any non regulars.
Their entire civilization sees less action than the Ultramarines' 2nd Company.
Oh nice, do they have a Store SS division too?
okay but the ultramarines 2nd company have almost as much jurisdiction than the LAPD so thats no surprise
Nah, I'm willing to bed they'd let me know if they don't like the models.
For an example I bought and painted the new big mek when it came out and those who didn't like it had no problem telling me it was a bad sculpt to them. Turns out when people, even friends, don't like something they tend to voice it.
Mad, lol.
Modern GW writing means that each xenos gets their own assigned warzone. Tau have Chalnath, Orks had Octarius and will probably get Armageddon soon, Necrons have the Pariah Nexus, etc. Only Imperium and Chaos get to be galaxy wide even though all armies have lore to explain being able to travel the whole galaxy to justify why every army can fight any army.
Reminds me of the time I autistically told the manager of the local GW I hated the old cadians because I thought their faces looked stupid. Cadian 8th is his main army.
Because I was trying out drybrushing greyscale + contrast at the time. It looks very good in person, but a little chalky in photos with harsh light. Overall I'm really happy with how he turned out. Here's him about to get GREEN'd when I finally finished and fielded him.
what's the lore for craftworld on craftworld or (non-farsight) tau on tau violence?
tbf GSC/Tyranids are mentioned in Chalnath, definitely were big in Octarius, have a decently big presence in Nephilim that just hasn't yet been addressed and so on
lootas are my favourite old boyz unit because the squat pose actually makes sense, they're carrying a massive, heavy gun rig and are having to squat to bear the weight.
NTA but lootas are fantastic, I must agree. I love all the different Deffguns with their shoulder-slung look. One of my favorite parts is the Deffgun made out of a few lasguns. I love the models from when Orks were all about stealing things from other factions.
And in 5 minutes I wont be, but you will still be retarded.
yeah octarius is kind of a special case because it's the only warzone in the series that has been wrapped up, it was also the nids assigned warzone until then, now because of leviathan them and GSC are being spread around a lot more as an omnipresent threat. Others do pop up in the other warzones, but the whole system is definitely designed in a way that each warzone heavily features one as the star of the show.
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Played boarding action for the first time and we found out deep striking deathshrouds can solo an entire ork army if they get lucky
In general disagreements that has escalated into armed conflict. Craftworlds are not as unified in thinking as people think they are.
Empire fighting against other secessionists or live combat training.
Double whammy. How did he react?
>combat training
booo this is the worst explanation and I hate it.
It's like saying "well this fight was two space marines thinking what would have happened if Yarrick had lived to meet the Lion but they were enemies.
If you have to kick the explanation one layer down by making it fiction in fiction it's not an explanation.
>booo this is the worst explanation and I hate it.
Cry about it.
>and they are getting a new model wave to push.
A pity character and one refreshed squad are not a 'new wave'
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Yeah what do you think I'm doing
>craftworld on craftworld
The Phoenix Lords series (which will never be concluded) is in large part about a cold war fought between Ulthwé and another craftworld. Both sides have foreseen that they will eventually duke it out in the future, so to tip the odds in their favor they are trying to wear each other down through proxies or make prescient gambits and sacrifices to improve their odds in the future. It's hinted that Eldrad engineered the rise of Ghazghkull as part of this conflict.
It wont happen because GW hates eldar and the fanbase hates what GW does with eldar (for good reasons)
Eldar will never be remotely popular until GW just rips off the band-aid and makes them buddies with the Imperium.
Which in turn means Eldar will never be popular, one way or the other.
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Weak bait. Dont deserve (you)
Well good, because eldar players are the most insufferable people in the hobby.
If the Eldar were winning they wouldn't be approaching Marines offering an alliance.
Didn't Gulliman already order the Imperium to coordinate with their Eldar allies?
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I painted some Defenders
>Eldar allies
That isn't a thing. Even Yvraine was only barely tolerated by him, with him effectively telling her to stay out of the Imperium's way or be destroyed.
is 40k a dead franchise? they can only make games about one specific part or it floppas
That part is more popular and profitable than all the others combined, so no.
Eldrad and crew are the allies, not the *nnari. Gulliman even has an elf advisory named Illiyan Nastase as a reference to the Roguen Trader half-eldar Librarian.
Is Pokemon a dead franchise because only gen 1 stuff sells toys?
>Eldar advisor to a Primarch
That's so laughably fucking stupid that whichever of the shitty BL writers who penned it should be blacklisted from the setting. A Primarch would never take advice from an Eldar. Not even a Chapter Master would.
>grimslop fag mad at the setting as how it has always been
Tale as old as time.
minis their most profitable area, everyones already bought all their primaris marines by now ina hobby where you dont really refresh your models at the same rate someone might buy a new deck for a card game

expecting nosedive
>how it has always been
Eldar have never been trusted by the Imperium enough to be fucking ADVISORS, retard.
Hello increasingly sweaty man
contrary to popular belief people will still buy pokemon even if it has nothing to do with gen1, in a much much much higher amount then warhammer
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no he would just just JUST STOMP THEIR FUCKING SKULL
>Eldar have never been trusted by the Imperium enough to be fucking ADVISORS, retard.
>he doesn't know
>this will surely be the end of GW
>uh I meant THIS will surely be the end of GW
>repeat ad infinitum
>Of course Guilliman would trust the backstabbing narcissistic cunts who will gladly let entire Human planets die just to avoid a minor inconvenience!
Fuck off, Eldar aren't deserving of trust.
Go on then, spout some ancient RT era drivel that's been long since retconned.
He's there as a liaison between Guilliman and the eldar. Sometimes Guilliman asks him stuff to add a third perspective on a topic. It's not super complicated.
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It's hilarious what he has become.
Just checked his channel it is literally nothing but reaction slop content and politics. And on average he rakes in less than a 1k views for any of it.
Why the fuck would Guilliman ever care one iota what the perspective of an Eldar is? They're one of the races the Imperium has been AT WAR with for 10,000 years.
>Post Space Marine 2
>Lots of peeps walk into LGS.
>Manager does his spiel to sell the tabletop.
>Light in their faces disappear as they see the prices.
>Not including tools and paints.
>Dead inside if they bother to see the 40k games being played, if any.
>Walk out.
Manager already sweating his balls off from pre and post-Skaventide 40k blackout and the lack of sales. I heard most of the sales come from Non-gdubs stores tho. Kill team isn't helping.
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>Go on then, spout some ancient RT era drivel that's been long since retconned.
>"Eldar have never been trusted by the Imperium enough"
>ok it happened but that doesn't count!
Lmao, like clockwork.
Guilliman this Guilliman that

Nigga who cares what Guilliman thinks he's a faggot
sure bud, whatever you say
RT might as well not be proper 40k.
>A Primarch would never take advice from an Eldar
Aren't they supposed to be smart? Blatantly ignoring and antagonizing someone that does not need to be your enemy during a time of trouble is quite dumb, desu. The Imperium shouldn't tolerate Xenos on that level, but precisely because the Imperium should be dumb enough to create its own problems, not because that's a good call.
>Why the fuck would Guilliman ever care one iota what the perspective of an Eldar is?
Because Eldar by far understand and know about Chaos the most.
With both Eldar and the Imperium having shared interest in getting rid of Chaos as a threat.
Guilliman is the Superman of 40k, bland for a reason so others can shine
They're supposed to be smart but all of them except for Vulkan are dumb as shit
He's less of faggot than you because at least he got touched by a woman.
A Primarch would also know that Eldar are lying manipulative pieces of shit who shouldn't be listened to.
You would effectively be handing them the knife and telling them where best to stab you in the back.
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post cool nids
>Eldar have never been trusted by the Imperium enough to be fucking ADVISORS, retard
Eldar have been trusted by the Imperium enough to be fucking Space Marines. Eldar were up until recently trusted by the Imperium enough to work on the Golden Throne and Palace Webway.
Logistics is never glorious, anon.
I don't let girls touch me that's gay
When debating things like whether or not his dad is a god, he thought it might be good to hear out the opinion of someone who's both knowledgeable about the warp and by no means has an Imperial or human perspective.
>to be fucking Space Marines
Lmao right on time.
Neither is pre-Gathering Storm, chuddie.
>You would effectively be handing them the knife and telling them where best to stab you in the back.
Seeing how it really is in the fluff it's eldar telling the Imperium to not fuck with the obviously Chaos/Warp infected shit.
Imperium then ignoring their warnings, and then getting mad and blaming the eldar for it anyway when it inevitably blows up in the Imperium's face.

Dawn of War being a perfect example.
You first
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>TFw when just saying nope and fucking off to the ends of the universe and leaving a scavenger hunt behind to keep the kids busy is one of the best calls in imperial history.
To be friar Vulkan still let emps manipulate him into joining the violent genocide bandwagon and he went through with it rather than die with his principles intact.
Its support offering, because pigmaris lose against space bugs
>"it never happened"
"Well it did happen here."
>"that doesn't count!"
"Well, it happened again here even more newer sources." >>93920830
I did
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An entire army carried by Deep Rock Galactic memes.
>Dawn of War
You mean the game where the Eldar attack the Imperium without explaining anything?
Or DoW 2 where the Eldar attack the Imperium without explaining anything?
Or DoW 3 where the Eldar attack the Imperium without explaining anything?
would you rather shoot a person who says cadia stand or rocken stone?
Seriously did he go insane or what. Did gw fuck his sister or something?
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I like this art. It's red. I like red.
>You mean the game where the Eldar attack the Imperium without explaining anything?
>Or DoW 2 where the Eldar attack the Imperium without explaining anything?
>Or DoW 3 where the Eldar attack the Imperium without explaining anything?
Like Imperium does.
So it's even.
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This would actually make a great melee unit.
But I want jump packs. Specifically hovering grav-packs that don't use thrusting fuel like marine jump packs, but rather anti-grav technology
>Bobby G wakes up and reforms the whole Imperium before lunch
>Lion wakes up and nothing happens
They really blew their narrative load with Guillermo.
Except the Eldar deserve it.
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A eliminator proxy unit I'm starting work on.
I'm not good with GS but the capes came out nice enough for me.
looks more like violet to me
Holy shit that looks one sided.
Poor fucking dwarves.
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What would you do to model possesed iron warriors? Don't want any of those daemonic limbs
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>Cthonian not so beserk after seeing too much red
why GW why
t. admech player
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I wonder what they did to deserve two fucking norn beasts to be thrown to them
>Don't want any of those daemonic limbs
So does the Imperium.
1. Green flamey boys
2. Angry red boys
3. Old plastic elves
This is why I never use spray on primer, that shit is a bitch to remove if you fuck it up.
God beserks look so fucking stupid
Lot of cybernetics.
Fluff them up as having augmented themselves so much that they are basically berzerking robots.
full on robosuits stuffed with daemon souls
my personal headcanon for Perty is something along these lines
Only retards and queers use paint on primer
Are these an old kit? Fuck I remember having to try cut metal guns off a devastator squad to make lootas, I miss the fact that isn't a thing anymore but oh well. What irritated me with this kit was that fucking kmb, what a piece of shit. On the plus side I was able to use the rokkit launcha for a boyz squad
make early stages obliterators, just with blades and buzzsaws instead of guns
take power armors but replace the marine inside with a robotic thing whose software is taken over by a demon
make the marine possessed by a technoviral entity and paint the demonic limbs not as flesh but as hardlight projections with glowing binary and circuitry on the ethereal surface
I'm going to spend a hundred bucks worth of bits on ebay for only 5 dudes but yeah, I'm liking the whole cyberpsychos thing
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Fuck with the weapon and armour?
Make it seems as if it's imbued with daemons but keel the body clear of it.
Don't know how to do it, but if I'm remembering right the iron warriors are big fans of stuffing daemons into shit
tip: get a broken guitar string and you get great scifi tubes.
Have they even met each other yet since waking up?
Not true Lion fought Angron
>average value #722c37
That ain't violet.
Obliterator virus before footfags ruined it
You didn't "paint" anything
smallbros... I don't feel so good
No you didn't lol
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1. False in general
2. Only the yellow is contrast. Companies should pay ME to use their shitty yellow pigments
bet you use an airbrush
We gonna need a new bread
you don't deserve to call yourself a painter
>he uses medium
abs confirm
>Samefags ITT
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>he doesn't chew a bunch of roots and sprayspit his minis
paint is a crutch shitty painters use, oh, you need to use a liquid that comes pre-mixed with a uniform consistency AND color? grow up.
I use contrast in my airbrush
I have a game tomorrow against my friends 1000pts of deathguard which includes 9 deathshroud terminators and a Chaos Knight Tyrant. I'm bringing my SM in a Gladius Detachment with the idea of shooting him up from range.
I don't have much experience in 10e and I'm debating whether I should include a Squad of eradicators or run my Stormtalon gunship because rule of cool. I already have a Redemptor and Ballistus Dreadnoughts.
Any tips would be greatly appreciated thanks
Yeah plastic lootas came out in 2008 with the 4th edition codex, making them about 16 years old. Also I didn't find the KMB too bad, I've got about 20 lootas, each spanna taking the KMB, I do find it funny that you need the boyz kit if you want to give the spanna the rokkit launcha, even in the latest instruction booklet it doesn't tell you, had me scouring the sprues for a good few minutes before googling.
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What's wrong with contrast paints?
Its a crutch for poor painters and looks bad
now excuse me while I load up my airbrush and apply the most disgusting grainy finish to my models
>Slaps pigment all over a mini like a barely cognisent retard
Is shredded corckboard a good substitute to sand for basing?
It looks OK and allows me to paint more models than usual, I understand that there are some shitty contrast paints but they have been great for me. If I had to paint all of these boyz without them I'd probably kms
Against terminators in general you want volume of fire, their invulns will just eat up low rate of fire high strength/AP attacks
Where can I buy a bunch of 40k scale skulls?
Shitposting aside, is an airbrush better for priming than a rattlecan?
Nothing is inherently wrong with them, they're just very easy and quick to use so naturally retards slop it on and it looks terrible
Nothing as long as you know how to use them.
Citadel sells a box of skulls
The official Warhammer webstore.
Use stormtalon to get it's use out of the way. If you keep thinking of meta you'll never use it.
Can get them through the warhammer website and most likely your lgs but they are expensive as fuck for what they are

Does anyone know where to get small metal chains btw?
Thank you.
What would you recommend to remove his Knight as quickly as possible?
The fuck is that hairline?
Old man lost in the woods cut
1st Legion 5head
Difficult to deal with at 1000pts, Eradicators are probably your best bet
Half his brothers went bald in their first century, he's keeping it together well despite his genes.
Abaddon and some of the cheapest bodyguard he can lead being 420pts is pretty insane

I don't want a quarter of my army to be 5 bodies, 4 of which are just T4 3+ dudes
I wish I could get away with small size of models but I gotta spam neophytes & acolytes even at 1000pts games. Which makes painting and carrying a bother
dont run abbadon then
But I also made a cool model..
why'd you get abbadon if you dont like how many points he costs?
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Hope for the future
Thank you anon you are an absolute beaut
run him as your terminator lord
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466 KB JPG
guys always gonna be a strong centrepiece and therefore cost a lot in points
Yeah but similar ones get lone op while within 3" so don't need a butt buddy
Looks nice anon.
Which centerpieces get lone op
Lion, Girlyman
doesn't guillotine need his victrix guard?
Nope? Both of them can't lead units they just get 3" lone op. Calgar has Victrix but they're not optional, they're just a part of his unit
Get out

Go outside and pickup some dirt and bake it in your oven
New Ork models are fucking garbage.

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