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Ive read the peak of most of everything ive ever been interested in, but now i want somthing more, authentic i know that no campaign will ever play out as something as well written as stories with actual authors like lord of the rings or game of thrones but the idea of random people just making up shit on the fly and in the heat of the moment to solve problems is apealing to me

So is there any campaign stories that have been chronicled or saved for posterity? I only want the best of the best of such stories however
SilverClawShift Campaign
Let the salty bitch kvetching begin.
Why would anyone be salty about old man Henderson? /tg/ classic.
There was a thread talking about if eventually isekai was going to be the fate of tg story times and there was an anon having an autistic fit about old man Henderson and how the story is extremely unrealistic because of various reasons.

Don't remember all the reasons personally but Jesus christ was that anon mad as fuck
numerous youtube D&D campaign podcasts, the most famous of which is Critical Role but the most ambitious of which is Stuff of Legends
Record of Lodoss War
early Dragonlance
I wonder how many JP replays have been translated into English
Record of lodoss war was a dnd campaign? Ill check it out

And thank you anons for the responses i wasnt sure if my requests were an actual thing
I mean, it's 100% a fake story. Doesn't really fit in what op was asking for
there is an amateur translation of the Lodoss War replay. It's the edited book version, not the original chapters published in the JP Dragon magazine.
AfaIk it's the only one that's been translated. I think Slayers and Orphen are vaguely inspired, but you can tell there has to be a difference when they have a single main character against Lodoss' team.
a shame because the first derail was discussing how the web novel medium and production is the source of most cliches in isekai. It was at least informative.
yeah, it all started as a BECMI campaign
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You could dig around in the Nechronica threads. There were a few long-running storytimes and shorter games that got retold in those.

There's quite a few that go for a long time and don't get finished for one reason or another (the Africa storytime comes to mind) but here's a list of a few complete ones.

>Port Storytime:
>A wanderer happens upon two dolls in stasis in the heart of an abandoned bunker. Together they must discover what they have all lost and try to reclaim what little remains.
Part 1: https://desuarchive.org/tg/thread/66953607/#66966885
Part 2: https://desuarchive.org/tg/thread/67067379/#67068207
Part 3: https://desuarchive.org/tg/thread/69210513/#69220427
Part 4: https://desuarchive.org/tg/thread/69780101/#69853900
Part 5: https://desuarchive.org/tg/thread/71579421/#71589218
Part 6: https://desuarchive.org/tg/thread/71958657/#71980453
Part 7: https://desuarchive.org/tg/thread/74251433/#74298886
Part 8: https://desuarchive.org/tg/thread/75185467/#75222528

>Aqen Game:
>A team of Dolls wake up to find that half of their squad incinerated while in stasis. The bunker is compromised. They are on a timer. They must not submit to capture.
Part Only: https://desuarchive.org/tg/thread/72655511/#72667093

>Dallas Game:
>Prequel to the Aqen Game. A crack team of commando Dolls are tasked with taking down a gigantic enemy horror in a mission that may decide the ultimate fate of North America.
Part 1: https://desuarchive.org/tg/thread/80496327/#80505524
Part 2: https://desuarchive.org/tg/thread/80640256/#q80640839

>Good Morning Storytime
>A group undead girls wake up and get ready for a day of goofing around on their god-parents' farm. But... isn't someone missing?
Part Only: https://desuarchive.org/tg/thread/76162495/#76238783
Man I miss the old days of the internet when people where creative
Nowadays it’s all just bait/rage threads while everything else withers on the vine
>All of these were 4 years ago.
We used to be a real country.
It’s crazy to think how much has changed in so little of time
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Have we even had a Nechronica thread this year?

Part of me wonders if the posting population going down would be a good thing but then you still have random churn threads with negative substance being cranked out by someone or some bot so I don't even think it would fix anything.
If you want to be semantic, they all are. It's just a matter of whether or not you believe it's plausible at all the events could happen, and some just get so obsessed trying to convince people it can't that they go insane. Eventually, you learn to take all of these stories with a grain of salt, since the original storytellers can rarely ever "prove" they happened. Shit like TwoDee's Shadowrun Storytime, Shoggy's All Imperial Guardsman Dark Heresy campaign, even the tale of Grendel the luckiest Adept in the galaxy, they're entertaining for most, but nobody can really prove they happened, so they don't let it worry them.

Anyways, as to the topic, I remember there was a trashy anime of an actual campaign involving bringing Nasu and Gen Urobuchi to the table that basically devolved into a massive mess as Nasu's dumbass knight character gets into a brawl to the death with Gen's assassin while the capital burns down around them due to a dragon rampage. Half the reason the anime sucked was that they were carefully omitting a lot of the bullshit antics that Nasu and Gen's characters got up to in favor of the original planned story, which always made me want to read the original replay to see just how badly they screwed that game up before the DM called a timeout to start fixing shit.
Op here, i care not wether the events truly happened or not, i just like good stories, i doubt many of the stories or greentexts ive read on 4chan over the years really happened but theyre mostly highly entertaining nonetheless

People need to stop gettin hung up on wether somthing is fiction or nonfiction
You're a smart man, OP. Life's too short to be worrying whether this shit was real or not.

Anyways, if you really wanted to look into the concept of rpg campaigns being turned into fiction books, you've got a multitude to look through. I read that Malazan started as a GURPS campaign, for example. Can't speak to the quality, but it's definitely something.
I guess what it comes down to is TwoDee and Shoggy's stories, real or not, are fun reads that feel as though they could be real. Old Man Henderson is both obviously fake, unfunny, and constantly used as a justification for making petty revenge characters to fuck up people's games.

Back on topic, if we're talking about media in general, The Expanse was based on the author's sci-fi campaign. Firefly was also supposedly based in part on a Traveller campaign Joss Whedon was a player in while he was in college, but this is a little dubious.
Pretty sure there was one, but maybe not. Certainly not in the last couple of months. Clearly, the answer is to have them for the entirety of October like the good ol' days. Or immediately. Whatever works.

>fewer posters fix anything.
It'd probably just be greater bots and obsessive autists vs real users and fewer people to actually do anything good. Just post and encourage other people to post good things is about all we can or should do.
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Dunno, OMH felt pretty funny to me, but I admit that's mainly cause something as self-serious as Call of Cthulhu getting ripped a new one feels pretty funny. Either way, I do hope that at least Bonzy the Sad Clown's not a story people are going to throw a 'tism fit on whether it's fake or not.
>noooo this story about a make believe game is FAKE!?
>I’m now going to sperg and rage for the rest of the thread
Why are people like this?
I don't think anyone was upset, anon
I've never seen it written anywhere, but I'm absolutely certain that the movie Strange Days (1999) was based on a Cyberpunk2020 campaign she must have played with James Cameron.
You will never be able to convince me otherwise:
>Multiple main protagonists
>The specialities of each characters perfectly maps 1:1 with the character classes in C2020: you have a fixer, a solo, a rockerboy...
>Tech level is much lower than in Cyberpunk, but the plot centers around braindances
It’s a fun head canon
You mention text, but based on your description it feels like podcasts would fit the bill.
The Film Reroll is the only real play podcast I listen to.
Basically the premise is:
He takes the plot of a popular movie, then play it in GURPS with a few friends as the main characters.
It usually derails massively quickly (they blew up the moon when playing E.T.) and it's often really fun.
I tuned out a bit in the past few years, apparently in the meantime a member of the cast (the most annoying) trooned out
>many such cases
so I don't know if the level of quality dropped.

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