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Female wizards should be old, dignified and regal, not young and sexy coomer bait.

Fuck Ed Greenwood.
I think the Witcher got it right, that mages would look hot if they could because people are vain and power is power. Male or female, it's all the same.
You can't just blame Ed, females in pulp fantasy were generally seen as props or as loot, Ed leaned towards making them real characters.
Is Elminster not old?
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Why not include both?
>mages would look hot if they could because people are vain and power is power

That’s just one side of it. The other side is people look up to older seeming individuals, as humans are creatures who innately have this urge to appeal to an authority figure. Looking young and hot does away with that prestige, and even brings out the worst in us—competitiveness, sexual angst, etc. The true wizard wouldn’t lower themselves to base human instincts of the flesh, rather than something that is more socially impactful—that of looking experienced. It’s why so many in history were obsessed with uncovering and decoding the wisdom of some [insert old bearded paragon scholar sage wizard here], which are rather endless. Very few of them are young and attractive—as the sage is not associated with sexual appeal, but that of knowledge and wisdom and age.
Female wizards should be breedable and capable of withstanding my mating press, just like your pic op.
You missing the fact that the rest of the women in that movie were coomer bait? And given how she looks that it's doubtless she herself was coomer bait when she was younger? Or, that the existential reason for women existing is to be sexually attractive?
Elon Musk still looks like shit, so there are exceptions.
Not every powerful mage would care about looks, look at liches.
Elminster is a man. All wizards (male) are going to look old as a badge of office. If they are powerful enough. Only powerful wizards deserve to look like wizards.
Most rich and powerful people are IRL as ugly as fuck. Anon means people with magical powers.
Wizards aren’t vain and don’t give a fuck about how youthfulness. At best, the sort of vanity they’d afford themselves would be looking OLDER.
>"I don't want to be sexually attractive." - literally no woman, ever
Is she pondering an orb? A true wizard right there.
explain bull dykes
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Do orbs make you more of a wizardess?
they want to be sexually attractive to other mentally ill women
>inaccurate generalization
>additional inaccurate generalization
being old isn't dignified and regal lmao
It makes you look like a feeble retard who's about to soil their diaper
>attack knight on the road
>suddenly you're on fire
>turns out he was just a wizard who's not powerful enough to look like a wizard
I love how you fags will turn any stupid topic into even worse discussion.
The female form of wizard is wizard.
Anime has brain rotted people into thinking that magic users should be lolis and shotas and teen girls going 'kyaaaaa'

Ah, an old lady connoisseur.
>Attack knight on the road
>Suddenly I'm on fire
>I'm actually the wizard
>Hate when this shit happens
>dignified and regal
What the fuck are you on about?
its witch
>Ed Greenwood invented attractive women
>Actually anime invented attractive women
Counterpoint, most male wizards being played today aren't old men either.
>>Actually anime invented attractive women
>lolis and shotas
The discussions in this thread have lead me to the belief that female wizards would make themselves look like GILFS. Combining both the attractiveness of youth and the respect of age.
it's actually truer than the intended statement
Well, yes, hence anime brain rot. All people think of now are cringe prodigy youths with spiky hair.
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There is a single male mage I remember from Witcher games and he was very ugly
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Elon had hair transplant, if there was actual magic that would make him look good he'd have it done on himself
No, it isn't retarded for women to be sexually attractive so they continue their genetic legacy and have children, that's why they exist. Thinking women shouldn't be attractive is anti life and by definition the position of a mental aberration.
people saying that old people should look old are mostly children who still haven't dealt with soul crushing hair loss. After a year or two of how strong and youthful you are not mattering because everyone sees that first you learn how awful aging is.
Oh look, it's the underage anime tard. Grow up.
>soul crushing hair loss.
White person problem.
its magic useress
Coomer bait is bad in general and should be a side character at most
Fpbp, even if it is just through glamours or temporary change of appearance, women spend hours in real life covering up imperfections and grooming themselves to be attractive, Guaranteed that women would treat "beauty" as a legitimate school of magic with the same reverence as thaumaturgy or alchemy.
>soul crushing hair loss.
Just shave your head and grow a beard. Now its a look and nobody will even blink at it.
You're inverting cause and effect in most of those cases
Oh boy, is this the new 2024 /tg/ shitposting flavor? I remember the last thread about this exact topic and the multi-day slap fight of

> people respect their elders, therefore its desirable to look ancient!
> but thats because the real world doesn't have magic. If you could be old and look young, they would

on a loop with neither side budging an inch just repeating their posts over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over
We even got a puckee21 post!
I don't know what that is.
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Female spellcasters must always have giant tits. Without them they're not powerful.
>Beware of an old man in a profession where men usually die young.
I'd say harnessing supernatural forces to do you bidding is one such profession.
t. coping baldie
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maybe in Vanillaware universe, in more general view there's numerous examples on the contrary
And you'll have that reputation even if you are 800 years old but look 20, because everyone who matters still knows you are 800 years old.

Meanwhile, being old just because you want people to respect you means waking up with a pulled muscle that takes days to heal all because you 'slept funny', your vision getting worse every year, always feeling weak and tired, your teeth falling apart, and any time you have a bowel movement that doesn't feel like you shat a coil of barbed wire is a good bowel movement.
Being old SUCKS. And it sucks even even you are alone, by yourself, not interacting with anyone and thus your reputation is irrelevant.

No one with the option of rolling back their physical age to a young and healthy version of themselves would ever, ever put up with having an elderly body.
Please read Princess of Mars and then vine back saying Dejah Thoris was purely loot. She wasn't a fighter, but she was a full character.
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>All people think of now are cringe prodigy youths with spiky hair.
Uh, yeah? No shit. You're starting as a level 1 wizard. You don't get to be the master, you're the apprentice.
He wasn't talking about his grade/level, retard. He was talking about his appearance. I want the old male mage apprentice back. The nerdy, socially awkward recluse with a frail body and confident in his learning skills ONLY.
>frail body
That fag should stay in the library instead of going adventuring. If your bones are aching before you even get to the traps and combat you're a liability.
No, witch goes with warlock
Post hags!
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Ed fucking LOVES old bearded wizards that look like him
But he loves long haired big booba sorceresses even more
No woman accepts old age unless she lacks the pride or resources to overcome it. Suliman certainly has the resources as a royal witch, so she must lack the pride. I suppose humility is a good trait for a king's lapdog.
Wizards are meant to be wise and humble, yes. Only women are vain that way, which is why Sulliman was a true (female) wizard. Men just look better when they get older. Women look worse.
Witcher is a grim dark fairy tale. OF COURSE, people would be vain and power-hungry.
>Wizards are meant to be wise and humble
>Only women are vain that way

The oldest a powerful witch would look is "cougar" and the wizards would stop at "grey Thor" or "otter mode Donald Sutherland" tops.
Nobody is pinning their looks at centennial skeleton.
As if polymorphing herself into a bombshell young body wouldn't be the first thing they'd do.

I feel like you are missing WHY the sorceresses in The Witcher use magic to make themselves beautiful. Its not just vanity, its utility.

What is their job? Do you remember? Its to be assigned to a king, keep tabs on their affairs and influence them whenever doing so benefits the plans of wizardkind. Said women are magically rendered beautiful, and barren.
Do I have to spell it out for you? They are designed to use sex as a means of control, to be the king's mistress and to wrap him around their little finger. All without the risk of producing a child that would overcomplicate matters.
Being hot is an essential part of their toolkit.
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why are there no good liches left?
Wasn't there a part of the FR-EL involving the mages passing around skinsuits.
>wizards shouldn’t be sexy
>posts sexy wizard
Female wizards should be 70 billion year old little girls
If I have to chose I'd rather them be 70 billion little girls. A whole planet hive mind.
Yes. Women age like shit.
>somehow this means only women are vain
Oh shit you can't even fucking read.
Women are devils. Are you stupid? You really think they won’t drain your soul?
Old and regal for the wizard, young and sexy for at least one of her apprentices
Elon Musk wouldn't be a wizard, he would be a sorcerer
>wise old wizard was a twink
Stop sticking your dick in a literal hell space.
>splitting hairs like a moron
Why mentally-ills faggots like OP want to turn everything into shit-smelling dirty Muslim clothing and Sharia law?
No really, most old ladies I know are quite nice.
No, dumbass. It's purely because they can keep themselves young and hot-looking.
can someone spoonfeed me on Ed Greenwood
Original creator of Forgotten Realms setting, likes D&D magic and comes up with cool stuff, wrote some middling fantasy novels (they're dry and humorous in a way that I enjoy), grew up around hippy ladies, loves benevolent dommie-mommie figures and writes a lot of them, wears his fetishes on his sleeve like a boss, makes inappropriate comments about elf milk on social media, has an inherently funny name.
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Male wizards shapeshift into hot young witches to get sexual attention
Female wizards shapeshift into old male wizards to get respect and authority

it just makes sense.
>Wizards so old that even reverse aging spells are losing their effect, leaving them in silver fox/cougar territory
>Any more and they would have to drain the life out of other people
>Thus comes lichdom
God, I wish I was him.
It's basic sexual dimorphism.
Wizards store mana in the beard.
Witches store mana in the boobs.
Female wizards should be old, dignified and regal
Female sorcerers should be young and sexy.
Female witches should be old and ugly. but use magic to appear young and sexy.
I love you OP.
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>You missing the fact that the rest of the women in that movie were coomer bait?
male wizards should be 70 billion years old little girls as well
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OP is right. The female equivalent of the stern old wizard should be this.
I thought we already established that the old, bearded wizards were female, and that it's the males that look like young sexy coomer bait.
Correct, every single person who follows a path in life like "mastering magic" should follow it in the exact same way, for the exact same reasons, with no other motivations whatsoever.
>not getting the joke
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>as humans are creatures who innately have this urge to appeal to an authority figure
>Fiery Blast
>On command, a fiery blast weapon is sheathed in fire (though this deals no damage to the wielder). On any hit, this fire engulfs the creature struck, dealing +3d6 points of bonus fire damage. On a successful critical hit it instead deals +6d6 points of fire damage (or +9d6 if the critical multiplier is ×3, or +12d6 if the critical multiplier is ×4).
because they fucking suck and are gay
no YOU suck and YOU are gay
why you want all wizardesses to be fucking grandmas man??
I think Ed is onto something here. Male wizards look like whatever they please, female wizards look like whatever pleases male wizards. If you’re “dating up” in fantasy, you’re trying to snag a stronger wizard, so powerful wizardesses would reflect the tastes of archmages.
Problem with that idea is that Ed has no powerful female wizards (besides elves, maybe, but I think those are clerics). All the super powerful female arcanists are sorcerers, so of course they're vain and have conventional concepts of attractiveness.
>Or, that the existential reason for women existing is to be sexually attractive?
This is what Jordan Peterson readers actually believe
>They must be mentally ill for not wanting to touch my tiny, wrinkled, stinking penis
Why not regal AND sexy?
>You must be a stereotype straw man I made up in my head, it can't be that I'm a fragile-minded retard with the intellectual capacity of a coprophage with heavy metal poisoning
Keep vomiting buzzwords you absorbed from other retards, it emphasises how you're incapable of original thought
>"Women have small brains"
>Can't tell the difference between magic users and file compression software
Have you seen the picture of his profile? Money can't buy you looks.
he says while making the OP picture anime
Not all women want children. Not all women want sex. You're projecting.
>soul crushing hair loss
Not a problem if you go on HRT. Male baldness is caused by a byproduct of testosterone binding to the hair roots.
You are remarkably unintelligent. You don't know anything about human biology or psychology, to say nothing of the purpose of human existence.
Tits are wear the mana is stored

It's canon
A bold statement, given pulp heroines were only ever priestesses, princesses, victims or assassin's.
I think it's just sorcerers, but yea, checks out with D&D and with most videogames. If you see a nerdy small-chested enchantress you'll usually find out that she relies on book learning.
Isn't that the woman who was literally using magic to make herself appear young and thin and attractive and she only looks like that because she lost it?
>hags are too dumb to use prepared casting
I can't say I'm surprised, but it makes sense

Isn't the woman in Conan (1982) the most competent member of their group?
>No woman accepts old age
They do when they're secure and comfortable in who they are. Stop projecting your insecurities onto women.
>Isn't the woman in Conan (1982) the most competent member of their group?
She dies first, so... not really?
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>Female wizards should be old and sexy coomer bait.
>Men just look better when they get older.
Yeah, like how milk turns that pleasing shade of green with a soft velvety skin
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>Implying that old men aren't rank
He's more like a retarded goblin, claiming credit for the work of the artificers he hires
She dies from getting shot by a magic arrow by THULSA DOOM after they had pretty much entirely gotten away, that shit could happen to anyone. When conan gets killed by Doom she's the one that instigates the effort to have him resurrected and the first one of the two to protect his body from the spirits.
>Hating women because they won't fuck him
Skill issue.
>Verification not required
I fear the establishment of Shakira Law zomes>>93920760
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This man is 71 years old
>Isn't the woman in Conan (1982) the most competent member of their group?
They depict all three as equally skilled; Subotai is a deadly archer and able to run across the plains like a Dark Sun elf. Conan is not a stereotypical barbarian, having learnt literacy, studied philosophy and poetry, been trained in numerous weapons, etc. Valeria is an accomplished brigand, skilled in swordplay. All three are shown to be excellent at stealth. The only thing Valeria does better than Subotai or Conan is preparation - she thinks to bring a rope when they burgle the Tower of Snakes, and is the only one not bombed off her head on Black Lotus.

...kind of falls under the "assassin" category.
>When conan gets killed by Doom she's the one that instigates the effort to have him resurrected and the first one of the two to protect his body from the spirits.
They were sleeping together, anon...
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So is this one
yeah but that man was clearly always ugly
>the lich gained immortality by capturing his own twink death
I think female wizards should look like whatever's the most advantageous for them at any given time. Sometimes that's a wizened old lady, sometimes it's a child, sometimes it's hot lady, and sometimes it's a dragon.
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>Female Wizards.
>In a Fantasy setting (where 99% have a western traditionalist mindset of 'femininity' and 'womanhood' socially and societally).
>Empowered with secrets and knowledge about the world and its underpinning scientific and magical principles that few can rival.
>One of the highest scholars in her area in all likelihood.
>Plus exposed to a whole lot of politics due to scholarly status and competitive behaviors between wizards/witches.

Female Wizards, (and to a point male Wizards) should absolutely look in the prime of their life.

In men, age implies venerability, and that's seen as socially positive in most medieval-esque settings as it implies strength and wisdom. Hence how men can 'look good' while being sixty, while women can just 'not look that old'.
However, as patriarchal or whatever it may be, women aren't perceived that way. Age doesn't imply that same wider wisdom for subjects outside of family matters, and looking young and healthy and fuckable was, and would be, a far more important part of how a woman represents herself.

Looking good is far more of a fundamental requirement for women, then it is men, especially in these societies with gender expectations.

Andrzej Sapkowski unironically nailed this idea with The Witcher. Where all the Sorceress' inevitably make themselves startlingly attractive with magic and diligent grooming, due to a mixture of competitiveness, personal stresses/insecurities, constant exposure to high society and it's perceptions, and mostly just the general petty desire that any human has to look fuckoff grade hot, combined with the money and magical powers to make it so.

Old Wizards should either be look like Elias Ainsworth, or be some half-feral ghoul (if they're the kind to lock themselves in a tower for decades to do research). Only exceptions to the former is if looking old is a very deliberate intention, but that will be less common in women.
>White person problem
Yeah becuse black people hairlines start where white people receding hairlines end up.
Jordan Peterson believes in being gang raped by men in the shower, so no. He's not an advocate for sexual reproduction or natalist realities. Few "academics" disconnected from reality are. But, women and men exist to have children and continue living is indeed the fundamental reason they exist.
Her magic was breaking down at that point, but yes. She canonically was obsessed with looking good and having sex with pretty young men. That's why Howl was creeped out by her until she stopped being a witch. In the novel she's the main antagonist.
That's why women exist, and those women are socially scorned as spinsters and mental rejects by most of the population. Childless men and women are not well looked upon. There's even specific self destructive military occupations that will only hire single people after their late twenties because it's so socially recognized as being a self destructive indicator.
Follow your own lack of thought. No children=death. Death=your inanimate. The end of your physical existence. This doesn't even require "thought" you are biologically compelled to reproduce and it's an overwhelming desire.
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Bullshit. You are clearly a virgin autist beta incel. Any woman would prefer to be youthful and pretty. They are rationally vain.
It’s cute how wrong you are about this. Just off the top of my head there are Laeral Silverhand and the Simbul. Sylune was one as well before her death.
>magic users should be shotas
That's right, and have a muscular warrior lady bodyguard
You are a self-important idiot. None of your core beliefs are compatible with the idea that humans exist only to make babies. We could expand your core premise to "humans exist to make healthy happy children who will live fulfilling lives", and then it would be more compatible with the ideas that you regard as your core beliefs, but it still wouldn't reconcile the basic conflicts within those beliefs.
You are ultimately attacking the idea that women exist only to be attractive, as expressed by an earlier anon, but I don't think that you really regard that idea as being contrary to your beliefs. When the second anon responded to that anon, to frame his ideas in terms of a fetishy popular fantasy author, that's the guy that you regard as being contrary to your beliefs. Am I wrong?
Having children also equals death. Having children doesn't save you from death. Your existence (in every sense) is going to end.
Having children equals the proliferation of your genes. Being gay with a gay partner and caring for the other children in your family group also equals the proliferation of your genes. Reproducing excessively and raising weak, undernourished children equals the extinction of your genes. We are communal animals at the top of the food chain, the thing that eats us is hunger, if we all produced as many babies as possible then we would all die.
The things that we are biologically compelled to do are not always the things that we want or that are best for us. Our biology has given rise to a mental (energy) process which is more than the sum of its parts. But also, even if we just listened to our biology and never aspired to rise above it, many of us would chose not to reproduce. Because our biology is aware of the fact that we are communal animals at the top of the food chain. Babymaxing is for generalized prey species, predators don't do that, predators are always trying to escape from hunger.
If the entire purpose of human existence really were to reproduce as much as possible and at all costs, then that still wouldn't mean that the ideal female exists to be sexually attractive. The ideal female specimen under those circumstances would be the one who is just attractive enough to attract a mate once (or, at most, once every couple years) while also being strong and intelligent and compassionate enough to raise their young well and/or support a strong/intelligent mate to help them raise their young well.
"Women exist to be attractive to men" is something that failed manchildren tell themselves in order to comfort themselves. It has no basis in philosophy, ideology or biology.
>Verification not required.
Symbul is a sorcerer20/wizard5 or some shit (because she started learning wizardry late in life as a means of mental discipline). Silverhand IIRC is mostly a bard/fighter with a few dips in other classes. Greenwood tends not to write female wizards.
To be fair, Elminster was a rogue/fighter before he took his first wizard level, but he's still mostly a wizard (as opposed to Ed's dommie-mommy figures who tend to be mostly charisma-based casters).
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>body takes fewer resources to maintain
>spare bodies are easier to make
>cool cloths take less fabric to make
>drawbacks of smaller stature are easily overcome by that fact that you're a fixing wizard, Harry
It just makes sense.
I did misremember Alustriel and Laeral, I’ll own that. But when the Simbul was originally created, sorcerers didn’t exist in D&D; pic is the start of her write-up in FOR6 The Seven Sisters.
That's cool, I'm a 3e baby and I've never seen that blurb, thanks for sharing.
Christmas Carol is the superior Carol
Imagine making contact with an alternate plane where wizards are all cute (healthy) well-dressed (noble) loli (pocket-sized) girls (greater magical affinity) for purely practical reasons. They find out about our loli wizards and are vaguely disquieted but can't say a damn thing about it.
>back when HP wasn't retardedly overinflated and getting hit by a fireball actually meant something
Any spellcaster with access to both Polymorph and Permanency should look young and hot. Regardless of gender. Any mage of sufficient skill who looks like an old fuddy duddy should be seen as a cantankerous old crank or fetishist.
I think that several posts in this thread contain a strict upgrade of your opinion, which is the idea that any spellcaster with access to (sustainable magic hotness and similar image control) will choose the image that best serves them at any given time, which often-but-not-always will mean that they appear young and hot. What is your opinion on this broader version of your opinion?
I respect your take for being TG-related, it's rooted in 3.5 D&D simulation-tism if I'm not mistaken, but it's also worth noting that a 3rd level caster can benefit from Alter Self for 30 minutes even in 3.5 D&D. You don't even need Polymorph or Permanency to participate in this discussion.
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I think they'd be okay with it, or at least understand wanting to be the little girl on some level.
Man I just could not get into XDU at all. The abundance of art was nice though.
It’s a good book and worth the read. Also a good reminder on why you don’t trifle with any wizard who manages to make it to high levels, especially ones blessed by the goddess of magic herself ;)
>Str 14 Dex 18 Con 16
>Ywn be bullied by a epic mage who's a head shorter than you and can fold you like a lawnchair
If you have infinite magic power and wisdom why would you have to seddle with a frail, weak and ugly body.
Also, how lame must you be to require to play the age card to command any sort of respect?
Oh look, another anime addled coomer underage retard potato head.
Ignore the comers, you're absolutely right.
The 'elite mage old vs young' debate is one of those thing that ultimately comes down to how a particular author is establishing their setting, so when people bring different personal visions into the matter you just get endless skub.

Is the setting more allegorical or more mechanical? Is magic cheap or dear? Is *shapeshifting magic* in particular readily available? Does it come at a cost? Are wizards immortal? Are wizards separate somehow from magi and spellcasters in general? These will all influence the answer.

>you can't post cartoons of cute women because... you just can't, okay!?
Can't they do both? Hell, throw in some girl geniuses and witch milfs.
it also obviously depends on the individual in question but puritans are utterly unconcerned with human expression
there is no more horrific group of entities currently alive
I think this is going to depend on the individual woman in question. Some will be vain and use magic for beauty, other will be reclusive cat ladies or whatever else. It is silly to insist on one universal portrayal
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I see a lot of people saying "hurr old = respectable" but it's the literal opposite in most fantasy settings. Anyone can be old. Being an old man doesn't mean you hold incredible arcane might; if you use magic to beat back mortality, but don't alter your appearance, sure, you'll look old. You'll be cartoon old where you don't actually look or move like an old man if you've conquered frailty as well, which means anyone going for the old look is not actually even going to look old unless they LARP that they've got a bad back and it adversely effects them or some shit like that. In that case, if you're successful, everyone will just think that you're both old and powerless.
On the other hand, every single person who looks like a child but demonstrably isn't is powerful. If someone looks like a child but is covered in magical items and has magic, they're a demon, or a dragon, or an archmage, or some other powerful being. Some scraggly old man speaks for the trees? He's a druid, who cares. A little girl speaks with the same authority? In 3.5 she's got 8th level spells. In 5e she's either permanently transformed or more powerful than a level 20 archdruid. The lower magic your setting the more true this is because as trivial transformation or anti-aging gets harder to achieve anyone who has it is clearly stronger. In NWoD a mage who looks like a child has multiple level 5 arcarna or is an archmage.
>I see a lot of people saying "hurr old = respectable" but it's the literal opposite in most fantasy settings
The ones you enjoy, yes. Trash, as it were. Disgusting anime poster.
Jewish well poisoning post that exists to humiliate and undermine.
This poster is a pedophile.
>If you have infinite magic power and wisdom
So they're just Mary Sues, got it.
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>In NWoD a mage who looks like a child has multiple level 5 arcarna or is an archmage.

I’ve played these games and read these books—most archmages are adults. The game’s developer even said that most archmages *are not immortal*, they just cease to age *within their golden roads*, and an old seeming archmage is *old as fuck indeed* due to this. The developer even got annoyed, because apparently searching for immortality tethers you to the Fallan, and may inhibit Ascension. It was something most fans (anime freaks like yourself) refused to grasp.

The closest one (archmage) to a child was a Time archmage that split his consciousness into varying ages of his timeline. His chantry is some abandoned desert town populated by odd peacock like birds. A gestalt being.

The most powerful archmage, period? In Nwod? It’s some old man in a cave. He’s got 9/10 in all Arcana, and he is capable of Awakening someone at the snap of his fingers—something that should be totally fucking impossible, even for archmages.

(An archmage can Awaken a Sleeper but it will inevitably backfire and cause them to become Banishers—and only Supernal objects not of the Fallen can do it without such a consequence.)

His name is Aldous and he also refuses to Ascend for some reason. He’d rather stay in his cave in the Fallen, oddly.
The female ones would seek out ways to keep themselves looking young, while the male ones would be more focused on power and experimentation rather than vanity
>while the male ones would be more focused on power and experimentation rather than vanity
According to anime tards this is a form of vanity.
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Fuck that nerd, just be old. No amount of money could fix that ugly fuck. The richest man in the world and he married this dumpster fire. There's NEETs walking around with much finer bitches and they ain't got shit.
And the mental aberrations have showed up in your replies.
How is deciding to stay the same age when you have the power to turn yourself younger not a form of vanity? How is the action of deciding that looking older will garner more respect not a form of vanity?
Most spell caster male or female who can change their forms (not all spell caster are going to be able to do this for one reason or other) are going to look the way that make them happy, Most people want to be able to look in the mirror and say yes I like what I see. This should not be hard to understand.
>said the guy with a tiny smooth brain.
>How is deciding to stay the same age when you have the power to turn yourself younger not a form of vanity?
Because they don't care about their appearance, dumbass.
if I had the magic ability to do so I'd still visually be in my 20s
I think most people would
being attractive gives you power over other people
>most archmages are adults
Most archmages don't have the choice not to be. You're only making my point for me, because you know as I know that I'm right.
>The game’s developer even said that most archmages *are not immortal*, they just cease to age *within their golden roads*, and an old seeming archmage is *old as fuck indeed* due to this.
Exactly. Oldfags are trash plebs that A) aren't powerful and B) aren't getting powerful.
>The developer even got annoyed, because apparently searching for immortality tethers you to the Fallan, and may inhibit Ascension.
This is simply not true lmao. You're explicitly provided with tools for just that.
Nice spelling though retard

>The most powerful archmage, period? In Nwod? It’s some old man in a cave. He’s got 9/10 in all Arcana, and he is capable of Awakening someone at the snap of his fingers—something that should be totally fucking impossible, even for archmages.
This is literally some loser's cringe homebrew you pulled out of your ass lol.
He's not in IM. He's not on the wiki. He's not a character in a white wolf product, let alone NWoD mage.
>His name is Aldous and he also refuses to Ascend for some reason.
Bodhisattva are objectively weaker than the ascended, yes.
>He's not in IM. He's not on the wiki. He's not a character in a white wolf product, let alone NWoD mage.

I ripped that literally from 1e — which is what Imperial Mysteries is a part of.

In fact, Imperial Mysteries was like the last thing published for 1e.

You don’t play games. You’re just a fag.
>and she only looks like that because she lost it?
the pic you replied to is what she looks when she's at her best in the entire movie
>He's not in IM
Aldous is mentioned in IM tho. He has since ascended and no ST can abuse his “tee hee, you’re awakened now” bullshit.
>The developer even got annoyed, because apparently searching for immortality tethers you to the Fallan, and may inhibit Ascension.
I mean, I can whip out my Dave Brookshaw citations for you, when I get back from work. Stay butthurt for me until then.
Well by that logic the guy in >>93927656 was probably good looking when he was young too.
I truly suspect Miyazaki changed the plot of Howl’s moving castle because he did not like how the book ended.
men certainly can get uglier as they age, but some remain cool or handsome. women unfortunately almost universally get worse, that's just how aging works
>Fuck Ed Greenwood.
The old pervert would probably just enjoy that.
Notice how none of the people against you said any argument.
Stop samefagging
Technically in witcher, females make themselves look like sexy bimbos so kings will want to have them near them (perpetually frozen at age 18-25 as they wish) whereas male practitioners freeze their aging at around 30-40 so they look older and will be taken more seriously. So not really both genders making themselves look as hot as possible, when it comes to men.
It blows my mind how many young shits are on here

They actually think appealing to an older authority figure isn’t ingrained into us as a species

We revere old ass trees
>I ripped that literally from 1e — which is what Imperial Mysteries is a part of.
No, you ripped that from some fag's 1e homebrew. I know what Imperial Mysteries is. He's not in it.
>In fact, Imperial Mysteries was like the last thing published for 1e.
I thought this for a long time but turns out there were two more books. Scelestis got expanded some, in particular.
>You don’t play games. You’re just a fag.
The most powerful "no u" possible.
You don't read the books either, which is even worse than being a nogames.

Found it. El retardo's homebrew seems to be Keys to the Supernatural Tarot, which isn't canon and presents multiple versions of Aldous.
>Work based ascension (in IM)
Confirmed for pleb, then.

>They actually think appealing to an older authority figure isn’t ingrained into us as a species
Yeah, almost like they don't appeal to older authority figures cos it's not ingrained into them

That's why I haven't responded.
Aldous is from Keys to the Supernal Tarot you fucking retard
And yes he is mentioned in IM
It's literally not, barring the human in question is of normal intelligence and over the age of 6. You have to be trained and broken to do that. That's simply a fact. You're how old and you don't have this much self-awareness? If it worked like you thought then literally every human group in all of our existence would be ruled by kings and all the little kings would defer to the oldest among their kind.
He didn't marry her. And they're both completely insane cringelords.
Did you even attempt to read the post you're replying to or did you see that it was more than one sentence and beyond your capacity?
I personally hadn't heard about Ed's transition, but we always figured he was on his way, and if he wants cosmetic surgery then who am I to judge him
A Wizard is a person of near-dietic means.
How they elect to present themselves is determined entirely by their personality, and their sociability.
I imaigine wizards as physically fit, old people who have spent their whole life learning everything there is to be known and are just now starting to learn about magic. Biology and maths would branches of magic as much as art or religion. They are meritocratical, basing their value on how well each wizard can experiment with reality, depending on how much each wizard knows. Needless to say, Warlocks are seen as dishonorable cheaters who would sacrifice their mother for an unpersonal, pre-fabicated power but couldn't be bothered to put in the effort.

Nah. If magic was real, any woman would immediately use it to make herself young and pretty. No exceptions. Any man would use it to make his dick bigger. No exceptions to this either. To think otherwise is to not understand human nature.
I don't think you even understand yourself, let alone people at large.
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>The lower magic your setting the more true this is because as trivial transformation or anti-aging gets harder to achieve anyone who has it is clearly stronger.

This isn't necessarily true, because settings may assign different costs and caps to maintaining the disguise. In a low-magic setting where transforming yourself costs 60% of your mana, Archmage Sprugulous the Bombastic simply has better ways to spend his power on a daily basis, and easier ways to signal his status. If he really wants to impress someone with his powers of transformation, he'll transform into a talking leopard for an hour. Otherwise, making his wizard robes billow and sparkle is fine.

'Shapeshifting is easy' is a d&d meme.
Where is the part about her being the titanic slut who holds mandatory orgies instead of court, and who habitually magically grows herself a dick?
Speak for yourself, faggot. I'd give myself a Chad body and slay pussy left right and center 24/7
Not sure how you think this contradicts anything that was said?
If looking like a little girl uses 60% of the magic capacity of an archmage then any magical creature that goes around looking like a little girl is spending 60% of the daily capacity of an archmage on it's appearance. Some demon shows up looking like a little girl, you know it probably blows Sprugulous the Bombastic completely out of the water. Yes, Sprugulous probably isn't going to do it, but that's because he is weak. Not weak in context, he might be very powerful inside the setting, but it's such a low magic setting that he can't afford to look like a little girl for the sake of appearing powerful.
>'Shapeshifting is easy' is a d&d meme.
Yeah, because it's a high magic setting you fucking retard. What?
Look up The Overjustification Effect. Humans have a social instinct that makes them less motivated to do something they already wanted to do when somebody orders or bribes them to do it. We are ingrained to be contrarians. You're explicitly and objectively wrong.
>We are ingrained to be contrarians.
Fuck off. No we aren't.
Fuck off, we're not contrarians.
Fuck you yes we are.
>Yeah, because it's a high magic setting you fucking retard.
That's the point you illiterate gimp. d&d is extremely high magic, but because it's baby's first system for normies, they calibrate their expectations for 'wizards' around a system where magic is absurdly cheap, far far cheaper than it ever was in the books that originally inspired it.

>'okay but what if archmages are actually weak in the context of-'
No. Gay. Boring. Overdone. Give me a setting where any kind of wizard just showing up at all is a huge deal, and a witch making herself look ten years younger is magic so powerful it's worth killing for. Give me a setting where a sorcerer who can hypnotise people is a horrifying end boss. Give me a setting where grief-crazed warlocks sell their souls to eternal damnation for a love potion. I'm sick of unlimited high magic being the default for everything.

Pic unrelated.
Ed made the most powerful female magic user in the Realms a sorceress for a reason.
It's Ed. The reason is sexual fetishism.
you can make your mudcore garbage by yourself, seems like you have a clear picture of it already
mages are youngshits that are full of ego and want to fulfill their power fantasies
Wizards are wise and humble as they have realised that earthly concerns only distract you from the greater mysteries (and smoking that ganja with the halflings)
You being a faggot that's never played in a low magic setting and is whining about other people playing in high magic settings has literally nothing
nothing at all
to do with this topic you absolute fucking subhuman.
witches should be old cackling sassy bitches
And that's a Good Thing.
Yes, because he is a coomer.
That's Alustriel. Simbul spends her time literally suicide bombing Thay. As in she is the bomber and the bomb, before reforming herself and teleporting out.
>my potions are too strong for you
>he posted, contributing nothing, not even a thought, not even the word 'wizard'
You could at least attach an anime girl. That's what you want all your female wizards to look like, right? Imagine being not only nogames, but also noideas, and seething on the internet about it. Sad!
If I was an all powerful wizard I'd turn myself into an adorable blonde loli
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so this?
They hated him because he spoke the truth.
You’re lying to yourself if you think that anyone would want to listen to some kid lecture them on anything.
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Why not be both?
You can't be saying all that while posting a sexy coomer bait picture, OP.
Rasputin literally looked like an evil wizard.
he fucked mucho bitches too
Love me old warty witches just as much as I love me old wise wizards. Both are wise and warty in their own ways.
I want a story with an ugly old woman witch lead who gets with a hot young prince and I'm not afraid to say it!
Did he actually have magic healing powers bros?
The Empress certainly believed it
He didn't like that there wasn't enough "war bad" elements in the plot, so he wrote in a whole war thing going on in the background and everything else shook out from there.
He also hated how the Witch of the Waste killed the lady in OP, in the book, so in the movie it’s the reverse, and the madame gets the upper hand.
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Wizards should look like wizards.
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Fuck you. It makes sense why most female wizards would prefer to look younger than older. How many girls have you seen not care about their apperance? Especially if they had the power to make themself look as young as they want. Most men would look old to push the wise old man. Also they wouldn't care about such thinks as looks. Hint the gimmick of the smart guy who is unkept. Women would use their magic to look as young and use other means to show off their magical talents and knowledge.
So the like Witch of the Waste in Howl's Moving Castle. I know she doesn't get it but she does try which is why everything starts. (If I remember she cursed and turn the Prince into a Scarecrow and started the war since he went missing.)
A lot of coping in this thread
yeah, i don't know why people are thinking of this in black and white terms, i'm sure a larger proportion of women would use their magic to look young and beautiful than men, but there's men who would do so and women who would avoid it and distance themselves from all of the social issues that come with with looking young and attractive such as persistent suitors and being underestimated
>Who did you steal that magic book from, bitch?
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I think magic users should be able to change their appearence but using certain types of magic too long or too deeply results in some irreversible changes, like icicle hair for ice witches or bat wings for old vampires.
Women would use magic to make themselves young and beautiful so they could use their looks to make people do what they want. Men would make themselves look old and weak to fool their enemies.
>they say they’re into hags
>what they really mean is ancient lolis
kys lmao
>Why yes I'm into hags
>Much older women? Ooh no the oldest I would go is 28
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Old magic ladies
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Crones putting the whammy on disrespectful punks
Motherfucker Conan himself had multiple competent female companions throughout his adventures.
And fucked less than you would think.
>Wizards aren’t vain
One of the plot points in the book, also highlighted in the anime, is that Howl is vain as fuck to the poi t where he has an emotional and magical meltdown over Sophie mixing up the hair dyes. Same as the witch who curses Sophie, and to a point the arch mage who is vain in a high society kind of way.

Maybe read a book, once every while, you massive faggot.
Madame Suliman doesn't choose to appear younger. She's old and regal in the book, a stark contrast with the Witch of the Waste, who hates being an old crone.

Howl's Moving Castle is a good flip on the usual sexy sorceress and old wise wizard tropes.
You think >>93927379 ever read the classics. He screams I watch woke shit and think their takes are smart. Most people see pulps and the classic story as limited cause that what the newer stuff try to push to sell themselves. Hints why they push Conan as just a "dumb brute." Compare to their Mary-Sue who smart and cunning and everyone else is calling her the "BESTEST EVAR." Who has always had the power and didn't need anyone especlally some legendary old man to train and teach her. Even though she does just that. She just got good on her own.
OP sure is rustling some jimmies with his 100% correct assertion
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Isn't Suliman a dude in the book?
Bioshock Infinite style?
oh no... it's retarded...
I really like this.
An old wizard should be a psychodelic mess, their material body corrupted by arcane forces.
That's not a loli.
He gets a new bitch every story and most of them are useless point-of-view characters. At most you could say that the women are more noble or morally superior to most of the other characters (similar to Tolkien or the game Pendragon, women act by influencing men). The lady fighter in Conan stories is a multiclass, it's a lady/fighter, it's doing two different things that don't necessarily compliment each other. The best synergy here is to appeal to a male such as Conan (who appraises the value of his bitches based on how many fighter levels they have).

Or he's only ever read Edgar Rice Burroughs.
That's pretty much true in those books. There isn't a woman in the entire canon who doesn't get damseled at least once so either John Carter, his son or some other rando from Earth has to save her. Whereupon they would IMMEDIATELY fall in love with him.

This is problematic for him in some cases, largely Phiadors, where she will NOT share at all and tries to kill Dejah.
To the character of John Carter's credit, he does insist continuously throughout that he's a one woman man.

You want strong female characters who can also be villainesses, you have to go older in eras. Authors like Wilkie Collins or Louisa May Alcott.
Collins always likes to have a femme fatale in his books. Armadale is a good example.
Carmilla by Sheridan La Fanu is also a good example of a strong female character, and it's where every piece of Vampire Pop Culture comes from if it isn't coming from Dracula.

But yeah, it's pretty fucking rare. Red Sonja is very close to being the exception that proves the rule.
Red Sonja was created for Marvel comic in the 70s.
Elf milk?
Nah. I'm for that female wizards, sorceresses, female warlocks/witches and all female magic users should start out sexy stripperific if they choose so, and with age they should slowly phase into a more dignified and regal look...unless they found a method to make themselves eternally young (but not immortal). Then they can keep being stripperific if they want to or phase into more regal and dignified looks.
Lina may have steppes for boobs, but she compensates with some really good tights.
Of the "capable of birthing a whole army" tier.
Yes, the madame has a different name in the book, but is more or less the same regal old lady.

Beyond being fappable Red Sonja is cringe and has absolutely no precedent in the pulps, the Red Sonja REH actually created is nothing like her.
The REH character is Red Sonya of Rogatino. Red Sonja is pretty cool as far as horny marvel characters go. Red Sonya is an unstoppable drunk whore who is probably 3 or 4 levels behind Conan (different build, more dex/cha, but in the same league as Conan).
What do you mean? She's clearly very young.
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Based and hagpilled.
>I think the Witcher got it right, that mages would look hot if they could because people are vain and power is power. Male or female, it's all the same.
It's not even about vanity. The traits we associate with attractiveness are largely also associated with good health. Only those who have yet to seriously contemplate the many small indignities of age could possibly think they want to turn into a wrinkly crone or graybeard rather than stay young and hot forever.
If taking on a younger appearance made you healther then sure, most mages would prefer that, but that isn't always the case (it is in Witcher IIRC).
Looking old, hunched and shrunken is actually a result of you being less healthy, it's not a major issue if you have some wrinkles around your eyes or grey hair if you can maintain muscle tone and a straight posture but if you look really old you need magical aid to be immune to the penalties of age. Shifting into a younger form should make you healthier unless it's just an illusion.
You know so little about biology that it's actually shocking.
Yeah if you think little old ladies are actually physically anything else but degenerated versions of their prime years decades past there's no helping you.
> old, dignified and regal
The only thing true for that bitch is being old.
It genuinely takes effort to be the most unsympathetic character in the story when ther e is already Howl, Witch of the Wastes and the (real) king
>unless it's just an illusion.
Right, and there's also superficial transformation such as alter self or what doppelgangers do.

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