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Archives & Other Resources: https://pastebin.com/wETipqYw
Allsync: https://cyoa.allsync.com/s/owWor64yLTngDk3
Previous Thread: >>93914311
He ruined this place.
Aromage SAVED this place
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>Heritage: Pathfinder [+15]

Horn Of Hell
Shard Of Divinity

Shroud Of Night
Eyes Of Reality
Strength Of Bonds

>Safe Haven: The Cocoon [-1]

Tav The Hero [-2]
Star-Jin Loong, The Azure Dragon [-2]
Urania [-2]
Amar-Sin, The Vampire Prince [-2]

>Extra Powers:
Samsara [-1]
Draconic Reflexes [-1]
Star Bright [-1]
Darkest Hands [-1]

Hyperboreans [-2]
Warforged [-2]

>Siphon: None

Treasure Planet
Echoes Of The Ancients

The God-Hunter
The Blue Moon Witch
The Steel Seraphims
The Sins [+1]
Ivory, The Last Planeswalker [+1]

I agree with Ivory, to be honest. If you give someone godlike power and set them to roam the multiverse, some probably will become mass-rapists of what they see as NPC’s. It would probably be better to have some sort of system in place, to teach or judge, or to have them start small so they don’t turn into monsters. She is insane though so no point arguing nuance with her.
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His only good CYOA.
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Aromage doesn’t know what magic or science is LMAO
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Based divine demon
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You link wrong cyoa
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Very interesting build I definitely paid attention to.
Raping billions is a tough job, but someone has to do it.
Based aro not reading builds and saying something generic
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What other author reads your builds twice with two sets of eyes?
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A based gato poster?
Color me surprised.

Only I do it.
I read builds, take criticism and then analyze them to improve my CYOAs.
They're the same thing, stop saying 'or' you retard.
Based retarded woman. Justifying her retardation and putting the blame on you while at the same time acting as if you are just going to bend over and do what she says.
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Based tard who sees a villain and cant help but seethe
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>Says villain not antagonist
I see that you agree with me. There is no justification for her retardation.
I remember seeing a Villain cyoa where you can create your waifu or mind control a bunch of heroes. Anyone got that cyoa?
Nuh uhh they’re like oil and water
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I think that was Aro's supervillain cyoa lmao
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This is apparently your harem according to Shitalics.

A or B.
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Not interested. What are my powers?
Villains cant be justified?
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When it comes to magic, I always thought it was funny how science could equal it.

The amount of variables and parameters magic systems have, generally speaking, is a lot more advanced and sophisticated than anything sci/tech can do.

The ability to conjure something from an abject nothing implies sufficiently advanced technology that’s so powerful it is essentially invisible.

Floating, rotating circles that will suddenly spontaneously appear whenever a caster does anything? Yeah…. You’re basically saying there’s some unseen sufficiently advanced and weird infrastructure in the background…

Cliche fantasy magic is more or less way above human science and technology to justify its existence. Nature wouldn’t just randomly make it. You can’t argue that a gun making factory would pop up out of nature randomly, without an intelligence to guide it.
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So you’re saying the magic faction in Aro’s latest slop should be the most powerful?
Definitionally no.
Unjust action is what makes a villain.

Unironically Aro's best work.
I hope she updates it someday.
Unironically yes. They should not be equal at all.
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Magic is literally ‘Science that’s so good and cool we just don’t understand it’, so by default magic should be above tech shit, since it’s superior tech by default.
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This. Someone or something is responsible for the redundant artsy fartsy crap that often plagues magic systems.

But for some reason the characters don’t go “who did it?”. They usually just chalk it up to “the gods”.
>They usually just chalk it up to “the gods”.
Just another saying for ‘the godlike AI that runs the program/simulation’. Aliens.
Shut up you dirty nigger
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Impressive persistence. I still won't read it though.
Anon. A fireball is more advanced than a pistol. It just is. The implications alone. A wizard is essentially pressing buttons on some invisible machine to cast it. Except he “presses the button” by doing bizarre hand gestures and mixing bat poop with sulphur—and the machine AI is like “yep” and BAM a fireball.
You weren't beaten enough I clearly told you to shut up
Human technology can’t freeze light in its tracks, and yet some faggot Pagan mage is casually writing glowy runes in the air.

Wizards get access to holograms before we do. Because magic is just that much better at working science/physics. Sad!
This is why I hate holograms in science-fiction. These fucking directors only do it because it looks cool. But we can’t do it that way. We can’t even hear noise in the vacuum of space, and yet sci-fi creators still do it. Fucking why? It’s like the fags on /an/ that refuse to acknowledge that dinosaurs had feathers / were giant turkeys. What the fuck is their problem? I hate them more than flat earthers.
Science is more powerful than magic. People who do science are richer and higher status than people who do magic. If magic is all so powerful, why are almost all the magic users so poor and unnotable?
This is a CYOA general where we discuss CYOAs
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>It’s like the fags on /an/ that refuse to acknowledge that dinosaurs had feathers / were giant turkeys
Science is evil and wants to murder all fun in the universe
And it is currently winning
>missing the point
The point is, had magic LIKE THAT (casually chucking lightning bolts and just teleporting whenever and wherever you want) existed, it would be more advanced than anything human science could do, lol.

The type of magic that’s “weaker” is all of psychology, that of belief, and it is still dominating the masses today. But magic that has true substance to its superpower claims? Yeah, that is physics beyond ours.

People don’t actually fathom just how powerful it would be, to kill a politician from the safety of your basement. You better hope it’s just an alien (“demon”) that let a sick fuck do a thing once, and that’s that.
>People who do science are richer and higher status than people who do magic.
Anon says while living in a world controlled by occultist cabals
>People don’t actually fathom just how powerful it would be, to kill a politician from the safety of your basement. You better hope it’s just an alien (“demon”) that let a sick fuck do a thing once, and that’s that.
>Assign every single agent to a mission
ah, so that's why there's no builds
that's just bad cyoa gameplay
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>In theory magic could be THIS BIG!
But in practice it isn't. Face the reality: magic is a lot of things, it is cute and wonderful, but it definitely isn't strong. Magic is basically a nonthreat.
>Heritage: Pathfinder
>Echoes: Feather of Heaven, Scale of Serpents
>Talents: Gateway Builder, Eyes of Reality, Break of Mortality
>Safe Havens: Forest of Reflections, Nirvana, The Cocoon
>Allies (Loner): Star-Jin Loong, the Azure Dragon; Ambriel, Knight of Heaven
>Extra Powers: Draconic Reflexes, Heaven's Light
>Allies (Legion): Draconic Empire, Children of the End, Daughters of Light
>Gifts: The Lost Princess, Endling, The Sunstone
>Siphon: None
>Quests: Treasure Planet, Containment Breach
>Pursuers: The Steel Seraphim, The Sins, The Watcher
I have become a simple holy wyrm, one among many across the multiverse. With this power I wield, I choose to act wisely and humbly, along my trusted allies.
The reality is that magic is psychological purely, and superpowers don’t exist the way you want them to.

I’m saying that superpowers have to be built. They aren’t just given by nature to you for free/exclusively.

The type of magic people believed in, has to be built. It’s too specific.
I don't believe you. Why do you think you are capable of such a thing?
We've already built the crystal balls we're using to communicate, right now.
>Retards think mages don't control the world. The propaganda has been effective.
>I fucking love science!!
You are underage
Actually even ancient people could use crystal balls to communicate. They would agree on a telecommunication protocol: each time you bonk someone against the head with a crystal ball, they look your way.
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How the builds so far plan to deal with Ivory:
>try to work with Ivory to create a new planeswalker organisation that isn't hilariously evil
>call out to and worship a Heart Monad to become their champion and go on a righteous crusade against her
>I die where I stand or we reach an agreement
>agreement to what?
>let fate decide

>majority cares so little about the main antagonist that they don't even deem her to be worth mentioning
What went wrong?
It can’t. Humans can’t do it. Not unless they beam back their own technology.

Magic systems are like if some alien
went and gave people a phony science based on their superstitions and beliefs.

It has to be entertained, similar to how humans entertain their own superstitions. All myth and religion can even be compared to a game of sorts.
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It's pretty rare for cyoas to receive well thought (or at all thought) plans in builds.
The greatest magic trick of all is convincing others that magic doesn’t exist.
We live in an Atlantean age that is also not very Atlantean.
Green froggy boy, do not mistake my lack of wrath for ignoring Ivory's injustice. When the time is right, my allies and I will confront her, and she will be humbled.
You miss the point.

In our three dimensions of space, you can improvise guns all you want, barrels and metals and gunpowder and all, but for some reason the [Fireball] spell ONLY shoots from your index finger and ONLY when you scream “CUM DIABLO!” like a fucking idiot. It also requires you smoosh bat poop and sulphur together into a ball as the main component, and no matter how large (or how small) the poop-sulfur ball mixture is, the fireball is STILL the same size and does EXACTLY the same amount of damage every single time, and always explodes when it reaches something, always.

Who made it this way? It’s like some invisible machine and you’re poking at invisible buttons, by way of silly actions.

If magic like that worked, you just have to assume it’s all a game.

Spells are incredibly artificial. There’s no innovation to their edges.
I hate over analyzing realism fags so much its unreal
Remember anons: arguing with the Physicsfag accomplishes nothing. He will not change his mind because he is retarded. You will not change your mind because he is retarded. Proceed if you wish, just keep this in mind.
>abloobloobloo, my imagination fucking sucks, I only dip my brain into shallow water
Reminder that you’re only mad because you’re not as autistic as he is, and you’re incapable of thinking sensibly, something that shouldn’t be hard.

That one post that got reported/removed really buttblasted them.
Just say "stop arguing about off-topic arguments".
The retard perpetuating this cycle will continue to do so anyway.
What post?
>all these words
If you understand magic so well, why aren't you rich? I'm beginning to think you can't make magic superpowers after all.
Both >>93912534 and >>93920024 have mentioned Ivory. >>93912534 is planning to fight her, >>93920024 agrees with her but thinks she's insane.
Technically it’s not off topic since this is a place to discuss cyoa progress, and there is a slight possibility that there are people here who actually listen to what he has to say.

This isn’t par for the course, however, as authors like Aro frequently ignore quality advice from supposed “shitters” like Gil, even when it’s not really advice more so than “…why would you do that? why would you leave that out?”.

This general is filled with people easily manipulated by reverse psychology.
I’m not an alien. I can’t send some fancy shaped pocket lighters into the past and then pretend that they’re fire cantrips.
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Then it is just as I said. Magic is a lot of things, it is cute and wonderful, but it definitely isn't strong.

>All he has to do is bring up Tolkien and it’s over. As soon as he does, the anons panic and try to reassert themselves, due to their preconceived notions not being all that accurate regarding the man’s take on fantasy, which is only made worse once they realize that Tolkien followed ‘any sufficiently advanced tech is indistinguishable from magic’ logic, earlier than even Clarke.

>You keep losing. You keep showing that you never even knew what middle-earth was. This is what happens when you try to debate the physicsfag. You just show you’re dumber than some pipe smoking Oxford professor slash linguist who made like twenty fictional languages.

>The idea that the IQ of white people has gone down the shitter is correct. You all don’t even know the essence of who is at present the most famous and influential recent fantasy author of all time.
I mean that's obviously just the physicsfag samefagging right? Reddit spacing, same idea he keeps repeating that people only disagree with him because they're mad.
It WILL devolve into pointless drivel no matter how genuine you are - so the possibility of people being constructive about it is close to zero.
Better to avoid it. You can't discuss things like this here.
Physics isn’t powerful? Lol. Deep space is godlike. Think physics isn’t effective? You can kill someone by using eye drops.
But I love manipulating authors into self-sabotaging by love bombing them in multiple platforms and then shitting on them once they release their work.
I just did that to Aro.
Physics is a lot more powerful than magic.
Magic IS physics you retard. The fire a wizard summons is STILL fire.
But you failed, the entirety of last thread was Gateway discussion, more than what Aro's cyoas usually get.
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Then why do people with physics education make more money than people with magic education (lol)?
So this is the power of newfags that aro brought here. They all keep falling for every bait and shitting up the thread as they seethe at baits. Thank you, aroslut
Aro is the type of person who would go “ackchyually” had Trump said “the sky is blue”. She has repeatedly said in the past that gil is just “a mini bigot like sda”. She will welcome no sincere discussion.
It's been this way for months. Don't pretend this is new.
Yeah Aro did amazing!
She should ignore the minority that didn't like gateway it is amazing.
The sky is black not blue.
We always had 1 or 2 retards. But it has been worse lately. Entire threads full of just shitposting. Stop pretending you know, newfag.
>Anon has resorted to defending an annoying NTR-loving Blacked-shilling jew
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Because the actual wizards are the mad scientists you stupid. They’re literally all fucking indistinguishable from them. It’s just that they’re too stupid to see it. How is believing that men can get pregnant not a form of witchcraft / demonic deception? How is convincing the masses that castrating your children is a good thing not sorcery? Open your eyes. This world is SICK.
See, you’re doing it. Also space isn’t any color. It’s absent light/color.
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>Stop pretending you know, newfag.
I've been here for a month, I'm basically an oldfag now.
Based oldfag
True. The turnover is amazing in this shithole.
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I can confirm the color of sky by looking outside.
It was blue early today, but now it's black.
You are asking me to believe some nebulous authority more than my very own eyes.
So apparently aro will update her cyoa? I was making my build so I will wait for the update to post it. I think Ivory is the worst part of the cyoa but I don't think aro is going to delete her or even change her even if it would be for the best to at least make her a true villain or just good from the start. Besides that, I am looking forward to the new minion options.
Everyone who disagrees with me is the same persooon!
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its time
>Ivory is the worst part of the cyoa
>make her a true villain or just good from the start
Agreed. Ivory is just a schizo retard.
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I'm probably not gonna update it for a while, but if you have any opinions or ideas on how to make her a 'true' or better villain (other than just making her insane and doing away with any justifications she may have for her actions, because i personally find that incredibly boring), go ahead.
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>how to make her a 'true' or better villain (other than just making her insane
But she's already insane?
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She has reasons for doing what she does, an insane villain would do it because it feels good, because they can, or because it's funny.
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adding descriptions of what exactly you can do with your origin would be nice, i dont exactly know what the magic of the time walker can do, also more drawbacks/persuers
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Ivory sounds too much like aro seething and shitposting in these threads so I must have just tuned it out
Just remove the part where she wants an alliance with you. Keep her as an enemy and strengthen her justifications.
>I'll brainwash Dolores, take control of Chrona (and make her more attractive, sorry, I just don't like her picture) and take legion as my devoted pet concubine.
You're not lasting a day
How she goes about it is dumb.
Make her actually want change, maybe. A new system or organization with her at the head to keep it from becoming like the old. Maybe give it very strict guidelines or make her despotic. It's less moronic than murdering innocents across the multiverse in an unsustainable manner.
No, no! That makes too much sense! That sounds boring. I don't want boring things. Also, have this excuse!
Insane is not the right word. Retarded. Stupid. Dumb. Brainless. Idiotic. Those fit better.
I actually kind of like that idea, i'll work on that.
Yeah, or rather it's the special conditions of each agent.
It makes the whole cyoa a very precise arithmetic optimization puzzle; there's probably one best solution, and then the cyoa is about finding that solution.
Maybe a kind of fun can be found in that, but it's very different from what people (myself included) typically look for in a cyoa.
Aro that's not what insanity is.
You are describing sadism.
Anon is more correct in his assessment that Ivory is insane.
Because she comes to extreme conclusions and actions that most people would agree are out of the question.

>People like schizo waifus until aro writes one.
Then again it might be because she did it seemingly unknowingly.
Keep her as is, I think she's interesting.
>extreme foolishness or irrationality
>extreme folly or unreasonableness
>something utterly foolish or unreasonable
>a very stupid, unreasonable, or dangerous action or situation
>a word for the condition of being seriously mentally ill
>Insanity can manifest as violations of societal norms, including a person or persons becoming a danger to themselves or to other people
>informal, un-scientific term denoting "mental instability"
She's insane.
Go back to the hugbox
That's the anon love bombing her to make her worst.
No, I like Ivory and think she's interesting enough as she is.
This motherfucker is good.
I almost believe him.
Explain why she is interesting
She raises interesting questions about the morality of planeswalking, and power in general. She's sympathetic without being so sympathetic I wonder why she's the villain.
The fuck

Theres 4 cyoag threads in the catalog, and only one above 400 posts
You gluttonous fucks are wasteful cluttery shits
She is a strong and independent woman that single handedly killed all previous rapist planeswalkers.
And is now motherly protecting all of the multiverse.
I will show her that not all man are evil that I'm an ally and that she can trust me.
Hopefully she will take me as her consort.
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>She raises interesting questions about the morality of planeswalking
>Mass murdering innocents
I hate innocents almost as much as I hate cyoas.
Nice redditspeach. You managed to say nothing with your entire post.
Possible Update to Gateway:
-Expand on Origins
-Two more echoes (Psionics and Death)
-Rework existing echoes
-Create an Adventures section for first page, link back to Allies in some way.
-Change what Ivory does at the end of first page. Give you three options (submit to Ivory taking your powers, fight and die, or run.)
-Move Talents section to second page and add more options, including time travel.
-Expand on the Safe Havens.
-Two more Loners (Demon and Psionic, move Sin to Death Echo)
-Two more Bonus Powers
-Move Loners and Bonus Powers onto Page 3
-Split Page 4 between Legions and individual minions (link minions to echoes/bonus powers?)
-Add more drawbacks/pursers
-Change Ivory's backstory so that she kept a handful of young planeswalkers who agreed with her and established a new order that hunts down rogue Planeswalkers and keeps the peace between universes. All other innocents had their powers removed and given good homes.
-Change Ivory's power boost to be a result of taking the Flames of the planeswalkers she killed.
Princess poster is so retarded it's actually gone around full circle and become a comedy
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Why do you like this character anon? Can you explain?
>She raises interesting morality questions
What questions?
>I am not going to say. Also she is sympathetic without being so sympathetic
How so?
>I am not going to say
Truly amazing. This is the level of slop eaters.
Innocents are like gaslighting, not real.
Lmao, reminds me of yesterday when people kept asking how Ivory is retarded and the only response was 'she just is'
>Princess poster
Is it a new shitposter? Do we have a new entrant to the underground shitflinging deathmatch arena?
This is the most red pilled post I’ve come across in a long fucking time
Clearly not as reasons were given in that thread and also on this very thread. Enough to get the author to change their opinion. But sure, keep seething.
Yes it's aros discord simp. He's been putting in a lot of overtime lately for zero dollars
What? I've still yet to be convinced that she's stupid, just that i could write her better.
Her retardation is self evident.
>Some plainswalkers did a no-no
>Kill all of them and all new ones as soon as they gain their powers
Absolutely retarded.
Slimes? Also, are you becoming troyX and having your cyoas be connected in the sense that you can use one build to ascend to another more powerful cyoa in your setting?
Oh right, forgot about the slimes. Also no lmao, i don't like doing that.
Ah, so it was you who is seething. Thank you for outing yourself, aro.
This is too complex. I will simplify it so the common man can read it and understand. No long words. No numbers. Give me 24h.
>Looks at ultimate god and sweats.
Is it possible to make magic in a cyoa that isn’t science? Asking for a friend.
>Give you three options (submit to Ivory taking your powers, fight and die, or run.)
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>It was not badly written! but I am writing her again because I think I can do better! BUT IT IS NOT BECAUSE YOU SAID SO, OKAY?!
Women, lmao
Yes, it's pretty easy. The anons who can't do it are just bad at it.
As in, 'are planeswalkers inherently predisposed to evil, and if so how do we deal with this?'
Yes, but that means that it's unreliable trash that deserves extinction.

Not more than any other user of a vehicle.
Oh, like globalists. Aromage was writing about a revolution against globalism and presenting it as a morally gray/white motive.
Took you this long to come up with this, aro?
> Aromage was writing about a revolution against globalism
It was true in your head
I warned you, now i'm making the next thread early and posting gateway.
Wtf based?
>I've still yet to be convinced that she's stupid
Of course. You are not retarded. You know it is written like shit and it makes no sense. This whole 'i could write her better' is just an admission without putting the blame on yourself as you try to spin it into something positive. Classic redditor.
> Not more than any other user of a vehicle.
Is that true though? I mean Planeswalking is a lot quicker and easier than any vehicle to day, and it's way harder for potential victims to follow, and it also comes with incredible magical power.
Meh, as long as mati, dragons and carcharodons are still around, whatever is fine. I liked them.
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I don't like being forced to take redundant companions to get powers that seem essential for my archetype
>Change Ivory's power boost to be a result of taking the Flames of the planeswalkers she killed.
Ah so dolores is a power booster for us, so that's what she's for.
Take out your power having a personality. I'm tired of this cringe Worm shit
Why is no one mentioning this? I am guessing because they did not read the fucking cyoa.
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Slimes are the ultimate planeswalkers. Ivory will tremble before them. The true evil of the multiverse.
>She has repeatedly said in the past that gil is just “a mini bigot like sda”
You are correct I just skipped that over mostly.
This shit dumb.
>Change what Ivory does at the end of first page. Give you three options (submit to Ivory taking your powers, fight and die, or run.)
Ah fantastic, the illusion of choice.
No u
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>Two more Loners (Demon and Psionic, move Sin to Death Echo)
I hate sin so much its unreal. Why did my aspect have to get the gay twink tranny.
>time travel
Are you, you stupid retard? Should I kill you and your entire family just because you grew up a retard and can (theoretically) propagate your retarded genes to further generation of retards? Are you inherently retarded? Should I just kill all women because they're inherently retarded? How about that for a question, huh? Huh?
Cool, I got that one cool power called planeswalking, now I'm gonna give it back after I just got it so I could go back to Earth I left, oh wait, it was destroyed - no - it was safely hidden in some pocket dimension or somesuch, but I would only know that after I travel for centuries??? I guess I'll just dismissively wave my hand and give her back the power because that's why I play planeswalker CYOAs, to be an average joe and live on Earth.
I think you're very confused. The idea is that she's gonna show up on Earth, say 'You're too stupid to use this power correctly, hand it over or die'. If you hand it over the cyoa ends because she leaves, thus earth is never destroyed or stolen.
Why did you pull the worm shit. It is the worse aspect of it too.
Ivory is what happens when a shit DM introduces a DMPC who's so cool and powerful and mysterious, and of course the DMPC is totally justified in everything the DM does, and they're always proven right because the DM makes sure to set up events to make sure it happens.
I've never read worm.
Neither do Wormfaggots.
I think you don't understand what irony is, and the outcome you describe is even more hilarious. Why not start a CYOA with "here's a power, now give it back" while you're at it.
Assuming you're being serious, a random guy being an idiot isn't nearly as much of an existential threat as a planeswalker becoming evil is.
I still don't see why people accepted 0^0 and not Ivory.
Nta but this is retarded lmao.
ORetards aren't people.
I will kill Aro's retarded self insert and watch her cry about it
Yes, this is it. This is what Ivory feels like.
I love how your defense aro, is just to point to someone else and say "they did it too!"
>Everyone is aro now
You already used this excuse
I don't care about Aromage, it's the difference between the two characters I'm not getting.
Is it because Ivory is less active in the CYOA? Something about her design? Maybe she looks more 'justified' in her personal genocide? What is it?
Why are you sure it's a self-insert? Ivory seems like your bog standard anime villainess.
nta, but why are you assuming is the same people from back then saying it now? This is so stupid.
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I fucking hate that bitch and the current bitch too. If you don't understand why, look at the shitstain that is Entropiss: even it did superpowered characters right: Mother and Father (even though bland as fuck) are two of the most powerful forces in the CYOA yet they don't self-assuredly ask you to die for them, they're in background of the entire setting, letting player characters take the foreground. 0^0 is arguably slightly better than Ivory because she and her interactions with the player are the gimmick of OR (I despise tankista's meta shit, but if someone would like it, they'd like the gimmick). Meanwhile Ivory feels like what should've been a background character (one of the pursuer factions, basically Ivory/Aro and her discord simps planeswalkers) taken to the front and having "annoy the player" as her only role.
Angel and Outer Reincarnation both have that.
The difference is that it means going to Heaven in Angel, and it means never meeting the supreme bitch council (not going to a kind of hell) in OR.
That would be assuming the people from back then are gone.
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Shard of Divinity
Mind of Machines
Eyes of Reality
Strength of Bonds
Break of Mortality
>Safe Havens
The Leviathan
>Allies: Loners
>Extra Powers
Genetic History
>Allies: Legions
Draconic Empire
Daughters of Light
>Allies: Gifts
The Power Trident
The Lost Princess
The Sunstone
White-Gold Heart
Treasure Planet
Containment Breach
The God-Hunter
The Blue-Moon Witch
The Steel Seraphim
The Sins
Ivory, The Last Planeswalker
>Path Forward

Since I had to change my build before sue to being over in points, i'm reposting the correct version. The plan is the same, except I changed dolores for aevar. The more I thought about it, the more I realized I just don't care about the character. Even reverse image searching the character, that right image is the only attractive image of that character. Aevar to be my gigachad general and friend is more in-line. Plus, aevar in sci-fi power armor sounds sick as fuck, dude would basically be a primarch but better.
OR is full of metashit that lets you game the system, I hate it, but that's what Tankista does. I haven't seen a single plausible way of dealing with Ivory in any of the builds posted. Yes, even on *eddit.
What the fuck is that post you just replied to?
Why were people years ago agreeing with this one thing and now they are not?!!! SEEE?! THEY ARE HYPOCRITES! It is almost like they are not the same people who are saying it now! wait, there were people hating on it back then too?!!!!! How is this possible? This does not fit my narrative...
They're all having fun in /mcyoag/ !
I have been working with some people and also have a female narrator.
They wanted to make it so her presence in earth changed the nature of the world and she was a confident princess like character.
I said no.
The CYOA is about the reader they are the ones that are supposed to be the ones that change the status quo.
Most of them are, yes. Are you stupid? Just some time back when we still had the ip count. We would reach like 13 ips on a good day.
I copied it from a different post here, i might have fucked it up. I was wondering what was wrong with it after I posted as well.
No! my pet character will be the one to do it. Players can either join her or not play the cyoa.
Accidently deleted the 4 at the end it seems.
She is blatantly wrong but also has a hidden hint of being sympathetic that one time without telling you outright her experiences, and the CYOA gives you lots of tools to deal with her.
She is wrong, but is treated as if she's perfectly reasonable. The CYOA wants you to sympathise with her, and provides a batshit insane reason for why. There's way to really deal with her.
Then why is Ivory not a pursuer subfaction like this deranged old man suggests >>93922114? If it's about the reader, let the reader choose Ivory as a pursuer or ignore her and fuck around. Instead she takes up 2 pages all by herself.
>I haven't seen a single plausible way of dealing with Ivory in any of the builds posted.
Brainlets like you should just give up your power. Ngmi.
I will and then play a better CYOA.
>he actually didn't make it
There are no better cyoas. All are worse.
Checked and true
Why does your first sanctuary cost a point? Shouldn't it be free?
I would suggest doubling down on Ivory being a schizo with a double moral that is interesting.
Make it so at least a few of her followers are self aware of how evil they actually are some enjoying it others thinking it hopefully is still better than the alternative.
And maybe steal the background from kill a billion demons and make it so all the planeswalkers murdered each other in a great helish war and that Ivory and her group managed to win.
It would make more sense than her soloing the others almost alone.
>I haven't seen a single plausible way of dealing with Ivory in any of the builds posted.
Because most of what we know about her is her gassing herself up. The CYOA players can make up any reasonably plausible weaknesses to her, even those that contradict what she says about herself, and Aro can't do a damn thing to oppose that.
That's like saying I should just play TroyX's CYOA to make a build for Aro's, technically true but not a satisfying answer.
What are you trying to say anon?
>metashit that lets you game the system
He just said it. Can you read, retard?
I got it he thought I'm Aro.
No I'm not Aro I was comparing Ivory to the narrator of my own WIP.
I love you
M-me t-too anon-chan...
Shut up aro.
If your build doesn't have Mind of Machines it's shit and will lose.
EvocoGODS win btw
she got that too
My super special pet character is better than you in every way. She can end you in a second but don't worry, she is merciful and after judging you, she has decided you are good enough to be her simp and follow her around. Be grateful!
based, keep up the good work fellow aro.
So I'll use myself as bait to distract her while my allies dismantle her empire everywhere else in the multiverse. Her weakness is that she is alone and fixated on planeswalkers.
Death slots and letters. Everyone has one death slot but there's a death letter that can only be applied to something to infinite death slots. If you read the CYOA carefully, you can find a sequence of choices that grant you infinite death slots. You're not required to do it, and it removes 0^0 out of the picture (so people who want to "redeem" her or kill her themselves might not consider it an ideal scenario), but it's one of the ways you can game the system.
Um.. actually she has a multiverse empire of her own. She is the biggest empire in the multiverse. I will add that in the update to make it more clear. Can't have you being better that her.
with every power im sure she is faster than you. with 100,000 solar mass black holes she can easily one shot you.
she will eat you up like a breakfast.
Guys, I have an idea.
Also, if you try to exploit her weakness, she has a special weakness-detecting precognition, allowing her to adjust by defending from any attack.
Ivory bodies the Hound.
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CYOAs about being a gigachad multiversal being invading other CYOAs and rape-correcting uppity female demigods?
Shut up aro.
Magocratic Convention or Entropist if you subscribe to the CYOA omniverse theory.
12 phones
Yes, I know. That's what my allies are going to dismantle. Asymmetrical warfare is the name of the game here.
She has every power, but that doesn't mean she has every specialization your allies can teach you. In fact, I bet she has none of them.
Now you're just making stuff up.
She has the biggest, the best empire in the multiverse, no one has an empire has big as hers! These fake planeswalkers, they're spreading fake news! Sad!
SHUT THE FUCK OFF TOK. Your next cyoa will flop too.
It is sad Tok could not deal with making a simple overpowered mage CYOA.
He gave up on the only CYOA of his with a decent premise.
>Now you're just making stuff up
But that is aromage, anon. She is just telling you how it is.
That wasn't Aromage.
This is unironically how Tankista writes magic.
Wtf it clearly said aromage. Are you trying to say that people can lie on the internet???
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Huh? What are you saying? Can it be?....
Can you prove it was not her?
Yes. It's like that one /pol/ anon lying about having Q clearance at the Department of Energy.
You seem obsessed with something
The planeswalker powers don't make her better than a super-boosted Mati, no diffed.
what is this supposed to be? a moth girl? very poor excuse for one
a vtuber
Hottest moth girl.
Sin is probably more your speed.
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Sure dude.
So, if Kleidi, the flame within meets Mati, the moth matriarch that is attracted to the flame within you then... lesbian sex? is Mati bound to fall in love with you because of the last line of the planewalker a incarnation of her fell in love with?
that moth girl was so ugly and gross i genuinely think that arc of berserk is the worst one just because of her. I really enjoyed Guts doing his job
Rosine is good except for the upper head, weird wings, and bad middle arms. 6/10. The vtuber is still consistently hotter and has more consistent inuman features, although I like rosines body type and cute face arguably better.
>I haven't seen a single plausible way of dealing with Ivory in any of the builds posted.
Clearly, you missed mine >>93914478.

The update will thwart my strat. ( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)━
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>Once again, 4chan has destroyed my special text.
This is a math problem. I'm not against it. In fact, I like it. But it's still a math problem.
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Wow everything you wrote is wrong.
Lostchildren is one of the best arcs in berserk both artistically and narratively.
It even shows Guts at his lowest point before starting his self improvement arc.

Rosine's design mogs that Vtuber she is extremely generic as far as monster girls go she looks like every other moth girl.
Rosine is the OG and has a much better design.
Her hair being her wings is genious.
She's mid and her design is goofy. She looks like a villain out of one punch man. Upper head sucks and she barely looks like a moth. Juniper, mashiro, or regura or okunoha's designs are much better. Even MGE is more moth-like and more attractive Rosine can't compete.
I don't watch vtubers so I have no opinion on the actual person, but design-wise juniper is based as hell.
>CYOA omniverse theory
If this is what I think it is, it is boring and uninspired
>hurt durr everything exists and there is nothing fun
come up with genuinely unique and interesting cosmology and metaphysics
I feel like the potential strongest point of Magocratic Convention is the potential for an add-on about destroying any CYOA setting that you strongly dislike.
>Antagonist mentions mass rape among list of horrific crimes
>this big of a backlash
what does it mean?
Frankly if a planeswalker goes through the time and effort to rape an entire universe I think that's just impressive.
People are stupid. Rape means nothing compared to killing. Not even worth mentioning.
Because it's a smug retard just like she is and you're not supposed to be able to best her
The wanderers were on some next level shit man, they probably had competitions to see who could fuck the biggest celestial object
Its funny that the least evil faction seems to be the pathfinders, the fucking gul'dan looking niggas summoning demons.
>the least evil faction seems to be the pathfinders
Ivory singlehandedly makes the pathfinders the most evil faction.
Fuck you're right. One bad apple really does spoil the bunch.
Nah she's based.

why so many lame compound words? when will aro take a course in linguistics and create innovative names for once?
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Do you have to make another Planar Split for every Exmanafication after the first?
Technically? No. You cannot do that.

If it - anything at all - EXISTS - then there will be science to it. Everything has science to it - if it exists.

What makes magic is a matter of nuance. It's an angle. A sleight of view.

Is it mysterious? Don't know how it works? Magic.
Is it wondrous? Does it bewilder the mind? Magic.
Is it heretical? Dissenting and totally bad? Magic.
Is it horrifying? Does it shock the senses? Magic.


If magic isn't "magical" then it's just a marketing label. Magic™. Now you've gone and isolated it.

Why the FUCK would you do that?
>Interesting cosmology
What about the cyoa ocean and the myriad of fishes living on it like the glowfish or the anglerfish?
>if it doesn't conform to my random definition of magic then someone is trying to use it to make money
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Retard. Making magic conform is precisely what is stupid about it. It's just a blanket term.

It's why hard magic systems are retarded. It doesn't prevent some backwoods hick from going "OMG MAGIC" if they come across something funky.

Magic system fags can't into basic human psychology, let alone semantics.
>Aro seethe
Tok you need meds and maybe make a good cyoa for once.
Stop being mean
The backlash has nothing to do with this, lmao
This is just standard shitposting and normal cyoa discussion.
So now we are going to pretend this is what the backlash is about to deflect everything? Boring strategy, arotards.
Why is divine + borg just the best combination?
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i think people are talking about the murders
Divine is shit. Feather is where it's at.
If Ivory made a pact to obtain every planeswalker power then just do the same thing or have the being that made the pact with her stop.
Gatofaggot. Help me in my anti-antiaro-anti campaign.
Been done already.
You could all be nicer to each other in-general, desu.
Thank you, very amazing solution. Did you thought of this one yourself? I shall put it to the left of just not going insane when falling in ultimate god and to the right of just buy a house to stop being homeless.
Some anons just shitpost when something they don't care (aromage cyoa) for overshadows stuff they like (tankflopsta cyoa). Aromage has been active, and so is the current target for mass shitposting. I wouldn't give them much thought desu, tank fans will get bored in a day or two..
I bet your favorite fantasy series is The First Law with how defeatist you are.
I say that you are coping but I know this is just bait. I am just hoping it gets better than replying to yours failed bait with new bait.
You still bit the bait, retard.
Thank you for describing the state of tank fans in the last few days. Your didn't get any builds despite the shilling, aros is better.
So did you, lmao
I know you are too retarded to understand. The point was. Everyone already thought of that, idiot. That does not solve the problem with the cyoa.
I am not a fan of tanks though. I like submarines more.
Your punches are never gonna reach the black hole lobbing schizo.

Feather has the best healing power and its 12x light speed is the only thing that will allow you to escape from the schizo if she's near you.
Funny how aro making her so overpowered means that some options in the cyoa are just objectively wrong.
>Your punches
??????? Why would I punch her. I'll just shoot her or send a minion who can btfo her.
She looks like every other insect girl.
While Rosine combines the looks of moths and faeries.
The worldly and the ethereal.
Human and inhuman.
She is a being of contrast a monster and a cute girl.
An innocent child turned sadistic killer.
A dreamer who became a self deceiving cynic.
All that just to say she's goofy looking.
What's the point of Planeswalking when there are so many calamitous schizos outside hunting for you. I'd just make a nice AI Sim and sim out my favorite settings and enjoy.
I'll say it, chrona would have been better as an AI or something.
That sounds too good for aro to make it real.
Better use my entropist build instead
She is stronger than any minion you could have
It's weird that she isn't.
There is no point in this argument.
I think the Vtuber looks generic you think Rosine is goofy.
I just think that Rosine's design is much better, well thought out and meaningful.
While the Vtuber was "I'll just copy that one extremely popular doujinshi. There are no mothgirl Vtubers yet."
No, she isn't. You have at least 3 minions in urania, ambriel and mati and the power to make them way better than she could ever hope to be.
Well I disagree.

Agree to disagree, we're both bugfuckers in the end.
Agreed, brother.
Make her projekt melody to make the one fag that hates vtubers mad.
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>Shard of Divinity
>Feather of Heaven
>50 x 12c
What like, the Nanoswarm devoured her but her powers flared and she was digitized into the swarm as an AI or something? Or was she always an AI?
>always an AI
Always an AI desu.
>the Nanoswarm devoured her but her powers flared and she was digitized into the swarm as an AI
That sounds cool.
Ai would be better, as is afaik the only anons that took her literally only did so for her power. Same for warforged.
The AI from Eigenweapon was the best girl. AI are obviously best girls.
Add a line at the end of her box where it says she loves cuddles.
Aro needs to make a Stardust like DLC where they put down all the allies' fetishes along with how dating them would go and whether they're a sub, dom or switch.
Didn't she say she would do it with demigod? But then it never happened?
Seems like a quick way to make everyone mad that their favorite girl/boy is into something they consider disgusting.
It's much better to leave that to the reader.
I asked them to do it but I also said I knew it was a horrible idea. They replied for a bit but never confirmed or denied any plans.
I mean just look at entropist. Mostly ignore that stuff. With the only clear fetish being impregnation on all of the girls. Even then people got mad, saying they they are proud childfree redditors, ending their bloodlines with a smile.
Children require effort I do not want to expend.
What's your headcanon then? I feel like a bunch of the allies like Legion and the Dracon and Moth Leaders having breeding fetishes is obvious but I feel like Lola's into Consensual Non Con.

Like she seems like the type of freaky chick that looks cute and naive but just enjoys getting pinned down and screaming. Pretending not to like it but moaning like a little whore.
You are supposed to hate 0^0 and she's a more compelling antagonist because of it.
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Keep your headcanon in your head.
Nah he's based. It would increase the value of that character at least 100%.
So... vanilla ass fetish like breeding and some consensual rape roleplay is what breaks you? LMAO
Aro seemed like she was into exhibitionism in Demi God. The one confirmed fetish was the Vampire girl wanting to do it in different places so I like to think Freja's also into exhibitionism. Like fucking her from out of view while she makes speeches to the Einjar.
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>Children require effort I do not want to expend
You are free to burden yourself. I will not.
Good thing the problem of people like you solves itself.
>have kids
>they decide to not have kids
the problem has returned
I already have this face.
13 phones
I've impregnated several women and do not raise the children
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How does this updated version of the Ivory confrontation look.
I found your missing father aro! >>93923734
Lol. Lmao
Perfect. I am sure the people on discord and reddit will love it.
Makes me want to kill her more.
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She loses to THIS btw
No one will give up powers
It's a fake choice, but you're right. I can't assume people will know that.
If she really was my daughter I'd tell her to stop making cyoas
>worse than quadriplegia and slavery or death or no consequences
Wow, brilliant choices.
Considering people know it when tankista does it. I think you are good. This is a good meme entrance.
Don't change her. She was perfect as an insane overpowered antagonist.
I like it. It filters readlets
This is perfect. Really show how insane and deluded she is.
Only changefor Ivory I'd like to see, is that her Pact entails needing to kill Planeswalkers and absorb their flame to maintain her power or something similar to make her position out as more questionable and giving an unclean motive to her actions.
>noooo shes too perfect nooooo give me a reason to hate her please
>Overpowered Mary sue is too perfect.
No way dude...
Reddit and Discord thought the CYOA was fine. Why is it always /cyoag/ with the inane complaints about everything?
She is not a Mary sue! She is strong and independent!
Cyoag is at times overly critical, but we're also the only place people will actually speak their mind.
I give you a 5/10. Mediocre at best. I have seen better on this very thread.
You should go back to your echochamber
Spoiler alert.
With anonymity people are able to talk freely.
>He says while trying to make this thread an echo chamber.
It seems I was mistaken. Your bait is more like a 7/10. Anons are really retarded nowadays.
Sorry, I'm not Aro
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It's always been like this.
Aro's not the one telling people to leave.
If Aromage buffs Ivory, it might cause me a little trouble.
I hope she gives you goodboy points on discord after seing this
Why so obsessed with Aro anon?
Why are you so obsessed with what people think of aro, anon?
So Tuskegee tsundere.
I hope Sand gives you lots of big sniffs and headpats, anon.
I'm feeling burnout from work.
I'm thinking about posting another preview page.
Beri please save us eith ooey gooey dungeons
>Why are you obsessed with what people think of aro screeches the man obsessed with making sure people hate aro
>Keeps proving how obsessed he is with other people's opinions
lmao, rent free.
Tuskegee Tuskegee!
>Can't even come up with his own argument
This was a good laugh, clown. But that was your last (You). I am bored now.
I'm husanon
>simp actually thinks he's fooling anyone for the 20th thread in a row
The fact you don't see the irony in that statement is really funny.
I just finished two major sections to an upcoming CYOA and still working on the others. Don't dig at me when I didn't even post that.
cute slime. does it come from a game or something?
No he's spamming aigen shit he's making.
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Yes my child.
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I'm extremely pleased that my theories about the hidden 8 aspect are recognized in-universe.

>emulate Iesule's inversion
>add Su to the Final Mission with extra slot from Eclipse
>You know, Terminus, even if we lose we'll still win, the world will be safe, no second chances. Truth is the game was rigged from the start.
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>I'm extremely pleased that my theories about the hidden 8 aspect are recognized in-universe.
As is mine about Reanimation, Perception, and Invocation being the only real ones.
I, uh, went on hiatus because Companion merits are more subjective than objective and it wasn't meshing well with my specific form of false objectivity.
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I don't get it. Pls explain.
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Go to the bottom of the spell section talking about Blood Magic spells.
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I like it
Weren't you gonna make a symbiote dragon build?
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Is conventional magic the 8th aspect? Why are Reanimation, Perception, and Invocation the only real ones?
No need to be so jealous anony~
Italics, please. No need to lie. To cover your reputation you must have one to begin with.
>Remember folks, there is a hidden aspect of Blood Magic possible with the current Chain of Sins. Not Sargon's artifical construct or Basilia's folly, but possible proper aspect.

>>aspects for all Sins
>>aspect of Chain of Sins as whole
>>aspect of connection with Void
>>"Sin" in Chain of Sins
>>There should be another aspect of Blood Magic. "Chain" in Chain of Sins, counterpart to Invocation.


didn't ask.
>Why are Reanimation, Perception, and Invocation the only real ones?
Reanimation is about causing things that were proven to be possible.
Perception is finding what things are possible.
Invocation is control over the impossible.

All other four are overlaps of the three, dedicated to specific areas of the universe, but they are imaginary, and one can see this by the various ways that the real aspects infringe on the fake ones (like the Reanimation page affecting all four in some way), or even how fake aspects (such as Boundary controlling magic) affect other fake aspects.
Don't bully italics it was really me husanon
Wow. I thought Corruption was the one that could do anything and the other ones were derived from it. I guess I was completely wrong.

Are the real ones worth more than the fake ones? As in, are they more worthwhile to learn?
They all have merits. The spells are real, even if the categories are artificial. Negation cuts through the high lethality bullshit. Alteration is one part WMDs and another part mad science. Usurpation is two thirds of the reason that anons are obsessed with Negation. And corruption has the /teleportation/ spell.
I have not played blood magic. Is taking Su better than yang since as written he would actually give you infinite retries as long as he is alive?
if there are breath mints then why aren't there fart mints? oh wait, we have one in this general
that would be meta
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The horror!
More seriously, there is nothing wrong with mixing things. [Demon Eyes] for example fits quite nicely for a Yomi stand-in.

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