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/tg/ - Traditional Games

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This brings up a real question
Well i was wondering if party members who are knotted can still move on their turn?
It probably also brings up a hairball
what went wrong in your development for your first response to be discussing bestiality and animal penises once you seeing a cute PG dog comic

I swear to christ for all the bitching about degenerates on this website I have never seen more disgusting posts anywhere else
*soijak repeating what you said.png*
they're the same people that go full YOU JUST KNOW HAHA YOU JUST KNOW whenever there's a canine creature and a female within 20 feet of each other
they just want to project their fetishes everywhere and mask it with "humor"
somebody please post the greentext of the guy who asked a girl if he could watch her dog fuck her because he believed this "redpill"
mediocre kids, whose adolescence culminated in 12 months of covid isolation, now live their lives as porn-addicted shut-ins with dead end jobs. HMOFA threads on trash and fishing for (you)s is their only form of social contact. There is absolutely nobody in their lives to hold them to any sort of standard.
it's a falseflag furchads are innocent
tg has fallen....
gone are the 2013 days when we would be talking about mammaries on dragonborn and thrikreen instead
Fuck off, porn addict. You're an utter waste and an embarrassment
/tg/ is absolutely full of the worst subhuman troglodytes the hobby has to offer
>talking about snake tits in a snake lady thread
>talking about dog dick in a werewolf cheesecake thread
>talking about dog dick randomly, for attention
sorry about your failed adolescence, bro
Another Man's remains is another gnoll/kobold's chew toys.
Its because /tg/ is populated by more and more /co/ tourists where that board basically only exists to indulge beastiophiles and pedophiles with thinly veiled shit like this

>Ooh a comic with an animal in it, that means its on topic for me to talk about fucking dogs and children
>Ooh a comic with a treasure pile in it, that means its on topic to talk about fucking dogs and children
Same "logic" from the individuals who should be on a watchlist
yeah, where the fuck is the damn thing that made all the skeletons
The digits have spoken.
>I have never seen more disgusting posts anywhere else
You don't even need the other boards!
Oh shit I eant to see that too, juicy!
>when 4chan was good
4chan was never good. Nostalgia's for faggots. Keep jerking off to the past to detract from your failures in the present.
If the green button releases the gas, what does the red button do? Schlorps the gas back up?
>cancer that killed 4chan explains how 4chan was before him
Every time.
Releases the red gas
based on the fact that this furry doesn't grasp the value of money I have to assume he stole those clothes and that sword
no, not the red gas!
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>>talking about snake tits in a snake lady thread
>>talking about dog dick in a werewolf cheesecake thread
>thinking any of that is fine
You have a serious problem.
People really got way too comfortable in their discord circlejerks about anthros.
the other end of the spectrum are the sexually underdeveloped 4chan puritans who desperately want everyone to stop talking about sex
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Sir this is a Wendy's
It's not healthy for literally everything to be sexually themed and sexually explicit. You should not be eternally titillated every second of every day.
It's only natural that since 90% of the things we are exposed to (advertising, media, online discussion) is sexual, there are sects of people that grow very sick of it and push against it
> Shlorps the gas back up?
Yes Anon, that's called fan ventilation and it does in fact work like that.
So not even a funny cartoon is safe of this kind of people, fucking hell why I go out of the generals...
Xolotl retrieving the bones of the ancestors from Mictlan, to remake humanity anew with his brother Quetzalcoatl for the fifth sun.
>No fun allowed
Fuck off
>no! not that kind of fun!
Fuck off
And then there's us in the middle, who realise sex doesn't have to be shoved everywhere, especially in the context of IMAGINARY CREATURES, you degenerate.
if that's your opinion, you're not in the middle. sex appeal in fantasy contexts is very mainstream and popular with both genders.
>almost any sci-fi romance arc
>the na'vi, designed explicitly to convey sexuality
>"Bear", the award-winning canadian novel about a woman fucking a bear
picking benedict cumberbatch to play a smouldering gravel-voiced Smaug wasn't an accident. Sex is a theme like violence is a theme and it has a place in fiction.
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How does he use the sword?
>I swear to christ for all the bitching about degenerates on this website I have never seen more disgusting posts anywhere else
And so you find the answer. The ones most guilty shout the loudest, all puritans are closet freaks who are into some fucked up shit, and the only way they can even try to contain their disgusting fetishes is to adopt an intolerant ideology that forces them to keep it in until they inevitably succumb to their pent-up desires and do something like rape a dog or a child.
You're so wrong.
4chan used to be a fun as fuck place for creative weirdos and self-aware maniacs to come goof around, have laughs and share ridiculous shit.

Now 4chan is just a place for weirdos and maniacs.
Stop projecting you seething goonclown
Anon you're in the minority if you think sex with dogs is something to explore.
Case in point, notice how upset he is to be called out.
Look how this gooner deflects
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hey man, if you're so uncomfortable with sex that you can't even perceive wide sectors of cultural erotica and need to make disingenuous accusations to defend yourself, that's your own issue
You hang out way too much on Discord and it shows.
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Pot meet kettle
>You don't like smoking? You must be a chain smoker, then!
I'm pretty sick of it being everywhere 24/7, that's all
>4chan was good,
No it wasn’t. Just because you romanticized blockatiel and EFG doesn’t mean outright child porn wasn’t being spammed to hell and back at the same time.
Yeah, 4chan was way worse in terms of heinous shit back in the day.
I would argue it's gone utterly retarded with overzealous censorship these days. You could casually throw around racial slurs anywhere and nobody gave a damn so long as you weren't spamming boards for example. While less censored than anywhere else the censorship here has definitely taken some of the more organic enjoyment away from the site and the influx of reddit and tumbler rejects over the years has definitely dulled the peaks.
4chan was NEVER good, but it did use to be more fun.
I'll take the cp spam any day if it makes the normies and the censorship fuck off so we can have fun again.
So you hated the normalfag repellent? It checks.
I've been here since 2007. If you don't think sex is funny you're a zoomer.
Sex is funny but degenerates who cant control themselves having melties is also funny.
>hey, sex is everywhere!
>*proceeds to list a bunch of things that aren't about sex*
You're so far into degeneracy that you don't even know it. You make me sick.
ITT: if your interest in sex isn't the same as mine you don't belong here
fucking manchildren
Considering this is a worksafe board, and there's a dozen other degenerate ones explicitly for sex, yeah that's right. Fix your immoral addiction.
I wish I was a zoomer then, that shit is boring as fuck, and has killed this board creativity. We have I don't know how many of those threads and even generals and not a new thing in years.
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Had to make an edit of that.

You're the cancer this world doesn't need then. Be a hero and take yourself out.
this but unironically
it's 2024
I'm like 90% sure this artist also draws degenerate furry porn. Possibly with vore.
How does a dog use a sword?
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I once played a winter wolf in a game, the DM shut down the bestiality jokes damn quick. Props to him.
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This thread derailed quicker than the Gameboy Camera thread on /vr/ last month
Am I the only one who finds this page cute and wholesome?
> Be a hero

Fucking newfag. The faggiest of newfags. It's "an hero"
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when the fuck did this website, founded on porn and perversion, become filled with a bunch of feathery-soft frightened purists squirming and cringing at everything
modern US culture has a strong push towards puritanism on both sides
yeah then they can all get together and fuck off to the Mormon wilds of Nevada, or go die in the woods of the New England that birthed them, their johnny-come-lately moral panic will not and cannot solve the problem of mass porn and perversion, and it sure as shit isn't going to meaningfully change 4chan
I guess it's one of those cases where ignorance really is a bliss.
>Why is the yiff in hell furfag website telling me to STILL yiff in hell I thought we changed board culture through astroturfing
Go BAAAAAAAAWWWWWWW somewhere else
Am I the only one who finds this thread cute and wholesome?
>this is a worksafe
That just means our porn is text-only. Do you think I don spelunking gear because the dragon's lair will be difficult to navigate?
Fuck you

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