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/tg/ - Traditional Games

Thread archived.
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It's Da PDF Share Thread!
Get ready to stuff your hard drive like a cosplay hooker at a con!

<----- That image is not an image, it's a PDF.
It will answer 99% of your questions about this thread. If you haven't read it, we will know.

Please exhibit good manners. Threads start sliding off the board after a certain number of posts. More posts wasted on being rude means fewer posts available for sharing.

Request, share, stay awesome!

Previous thread:

More threads:
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Requesting Fire & Revolution: Carthians for Vampire: the Requiem 2e.


Thanks in advanced
Looking for Mek Borg and Steel Psalm
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I am looking for flying circus chariots of steel if any one could find it I would be very grateful.

apologies for the double post
Requesting Weird War Two d20.

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Kindly requesting Tiny Fables
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Requesting Wind Wraith, TIA
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Requesting grindhouse vol.4 (not the xmas one) for call of cthulhu. Thanks in advance!
Requesting Creatures of Near Kingdoms
Requesting the Tales from the Outlaw Galaxy, for Orbital Blues

Sent to NV
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Requesting Runners in the Shadows
Requesting Warhammer 40,000 - Wrath & Glory, Foundry Core Module, and the rest as well.
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Does a printable scan of Ascencion cards exists?
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Requesting some Melsonian Troika suplements:
-The Hand of God
-The Ruinous Palace of the Metegorgos
-Whalgravaak's Warehouse
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Still looking for Veil Riders. Not the one in the archives.
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Anyone have Usurper 2.
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Requesting Frontiers of Eberron: Quickstone

Humbly requesting Planets of Peril with the new art and layout, please.
Requesting the following Itch.io TTRPGs:

An Appeal to the Greater Gods: Justice for Orcs!
Press Play: The TTRPG
Anomaly Hunters
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I'm done. You literally can't be this bad at finding stuff, holy shit.
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Big Eyes, Small Mouth (BESM) 4E - Ikaris
Thank you in advance
Is there an autism translator for the instruction PDF? Goddamn. Nearly the first line of text mentions things a newfag would never find. What the fuck are "da docs" and so on?
"Da Docs" are the documents, which are explained below. Curb your ADHD, read the rest of the book. You shouldn't need us to provide an English-to-retard translator.
>rest of the book
*rest of the FAQ, it's not like it's a book
Requesting the final versions of Across the Eight Directions, Adversaries of the Righteous, Crucible of Legend, Exigents: Out of the Ashes and/or the novellas Surface Truths, A Murder in Whitewall, What Lies Forgotten, and/or Scoundrelsong, for exalted 3e, please
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Requesting Country Road (2024 edition)
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Requesting Letters from the Dark Vol. IV: Borderlands

>still lying
Thanks for trying, retard!
So...you gave up reading after the first sentence? You immediately disregarded all of the other frequently asked questions like: "Q: Ok, but how do I find the files for the game I'm looking for?"
More smug vagueness - pathetic.
seconding this!
FOUND has free Community Copies on its page.

Here's Anomaly Hunters: SS /filegroup/dOPjSuiC8hoDC6MntKatjA
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(from mongoose)

-Traveller - Opening Moves

+ all novels
+ comics
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To the fine gentleman who supplied the gofile links,
You have my Gratitude!
Has the Revenant for Urban Shadows 2e shown up yet?
Now that the digital copy is out, requesting 2024 d&d player's handbook, thanks in advance
FlexTale Solo Adventuring Toolkit if you know where it is. I checked both the solo spots and nothing for Infinium or Flextale.


Point me in the direction on how to clean PDF's and I will buy it for the whopping $3 bucks on DTRPG and share it.
Where can I found Monster of the Week stuff?
Wasn't anything in the PbtA trove unless i'm blind
Requesting Strongholds & Followers by MCDM.
here is my personal MotW stuff. Not sure how up to date it is, but I'm well organized. The most recent thing I've added is Codex of Worlds.

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Cheers anon
Not sure if you should be posting direct links without some filter but you do you
that was just for you, friend. Already killed the link since you responded. Was going to leave it live for a few hours. Its a share account anyway, but better safe. I'm going to share it all to the trove so it can be added officially.
Such kind fellow
I got everything I needed
I read that the system was great for running one shots so I'd thought I'd give it try

How do you like it?
That's no-share.
I've been playing/running MotW for damn near a decade. It is probably my favorite PbtA game, and the game I most often use to introduce people to the TTRPG hobby (that and Dread, because Dread is entirely improv, no paper or dice or anything). It is FANTASTIC for one shots. A lot of people seem to find it difficult to run campaigns in the system, but those people tend to be overextending themselves with too many players. The sweet spot for MotW is three players in my experience.
Have you run The Between or Public Access? The Brindlewood stuff has ruined MotW for me.
I keep seeing this but I'm not sure how to set it up in foundry vtt
I just bought MÖRK BORG after giving it a read and I'm going to give it a run tomorrow
First OSR game I've ever ran and I'm excited to see how it goes
Any other one-shot systems you can recommend?
Just trying to find something that's relatively little prep and easy to run so I can play at Cons or with new people online
Humbly requesting Venture Forth: 100 Knacks by Speaks and Spells, and Paranormal Power by Steampunkette
Anyone have Weird on the Waves?
It used to be free on the site but in a weird window that you couldn't download from and now the site is down.
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Kindly requesting Senshi.
shoould be in /powderedbytheend
will post later today
>Morkety Bork
>Is Sacrifice somewhere in the OSR and I'm too smoothbrained to find it or can someone send it to NV. Oh so kindly.
Hey, I'm looking for the following products:
* Fantasy Express
* Grievous Grimoire
* Riches & Ruins (+supplements)
* Matchlocks & Witchcraft
* Witchin' Hour
Thanks for any help in advance!
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Good day everyone, I'm humbly looking for
- Iron Kingdoms: Into the Deep Wild
- Monsternomicon: The Lost Pages
- Iron Kingdoms: Deep Wild Excursions


Thank you ^^
Humbly requesting some Star Trek Adventures missions

13 - The Sleeping Beast
19 - Native Soil
20 - Better Days
22 - Eight Layers Deep
23 - Lurkers
25 - Children of the Wolf
26 - A House by Any Other Name
29 - Synthetic Diplomacy
30 - Conflict of Values
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/r/equesting the Essence 20 MLP Knights of Canterlot Sourcebook. The pdf came out like a day or two ago.
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Requesting Black Star by Lakeside Games + Companion and/or Mecha Star
Humbly requesting The Martian Civil War.

Looking for Star Trek Adventures: Lower Decks Campaign Guide. Checked /TrekTrove and /ShareThread without finding it. It was up in /newvola a while ago so I'm hoping someone can help.
dropped it in NewVola for you

Sent to NV
The MgT2 List

New release:

- Opening Moves

In late April 2024 Mongoose released an "Update Wave" that affected dozens of books (https://forum.mongoosepublishing.com/threads/the-great-apple-pdf-update.124644/).
Of these April Update versions, only the following have so far been liberated:
>Core Rulebook Update 2022, High Guard Update 2022, Central Supply Catalogue Update 2023, Companion Update 2024, Explorer's Edition
We're looking for any and all April Update versions not listed above.

In addition, updates to these specific books not affected by the "Update Wave" have been requested:

- The Fifth Frontier War, updated version
[updated 2024-04-11]

- Vehicle Handbook, updated version
[updated 2021-08-03 - if in your version the "IT" in "CREDITS" on page 1 is black/only outlines, it's NOT the correct one]

- Pirates of Drinax: Theev, updated version
[updated 2016-10-25 - if in your version the "IT" in "CREDITS" on page 1 is black/only outlines, it's NOT the correct one]

If you have donated files before, please check and see whether you can provide updated versions!
Thanks to everyone involved! If you notice any other issues with the currently shared files, please say so!
requesting the Tendencies Spirits and Glamour playbooks. I have the core, which does not contain them

Looking for a copy of Sacrifice Branded Edition please.
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Looking for Blackmoor foundations
Have you checked IRC? No guarantees it's there but it has a lot of solo stuff. If you decide to donate, go to /AlsoSolo and read the txt file.
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Requesting the CAV Strike Operations Rulebook, from Talon Games.

Sent to Newvola. Pretty sure I grabbed it from IRC.
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Requesting anything The Secret World related.

Sent to NV
Seconding this
Here you go. Be quick until they take it down.
gofile /d/94eUKO
Into the Odd is the default rec for lighter than OSR systems, Electric Bastionland is a solid setting and you roll for backgrounds that include item packages and hooks (there's mythic bastionland for more traditional fantasy but I've never seen it). Check the nuSR trove, there's a shit ton of cool stuff.
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Humbly requesting Warpshine Runnerz for Neon Lords of the Toxic Wasteland
any 5e ravenloft/planescape material collection, official and 3rd party?
google "playbooks" retard
stay mad
then neck yourself

Shoot I keep forgetting about IRC. I have to get myself set up for that. Thank you anons.
I am using hexchat and can't connect with the server.

I'm also using HEXCHAT and i can connect to both IRC servers (i've just tested it again 10 seconds ago), d*j*t*s.net and *irc*h*g*y.net
Thanks anon, appreciate it.
Humbly Requesting:

Everyday Heroes
-EGO Plots 1 thru 7
-EGO Assignments 1 thru 3
-Evergreen Knights Part 3
-Supporting Cast Vol. 1

-6-99 The End Awakens
-7-04 Inheritors of Gadrathar
-7-05 Day the River Died
>How do you like it?
Avoid soliciting opinions; otherwise Share Thread can easily devolve into lengthy off-topic discussion, as this illustrates. Please and thanks.

US2e everything to date /d/WAISTd
The Immortal /d/aPRtzp
The Revenant /d/NevVbs
hit up griff on twitter for a review copy
he's always willing to fire off copies of his books & blackmoor documentary in exchange for posted reviews
Looking for Wicked Fate (for FATE), thanks
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Looking for A Rush of Blood by Julia Kartes-Jagolkowska.
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What is the best way to get a game/supplement book into the system? I have everything wrapped up in a nice 7zip. I am sure the PDFs have no personal info, but I can always submit them to a cleaner.
Just drop it for the Newvola or reach out to specific repo owners?
Pic rel.

TTRPGs acquired through itch.io do not have watermarks. I would opt for NewVola unless the item you wish to share is for a specific system.

Thanks a lot!
Humbly requesting the new SR6 sb Smooth Operations. Please & Thank you in advance.
Requesting pendragon 6th edition
Off-topic discussions by retards is allowed - but mentioning off-topic discussions is off-topic!
The retards hate being called out, you see....

NewVola doesn't put anything 'into the system'.

If you want your game troved somewhere, you have to trove it yourself. Find an online host, put it there, get a redirect to hide your host site, then share the redirect here (and maybe send a note to Tha Main Man to guarantee it gets listed in da docs).
I presume, of course, that you've read da documents.
Good luck, and welcome aboard!
Requesting the following Itch.io TTRPGs:

An Appeal to the Greater Gods: Justice for Orcs!
Press Play: The TTRPG
Does anyone has Masks of Nyarlathotep maps, like this pack or something?
Power Words Engine (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/isabelconde/the-power-words-engine) was shared over a year ago.
But thanks for making an effort.
Or is it something else by the same name?
Requesting Tales of Argosa.
requesting Ewen's Tables Collection,
Space Aces: Voyages in Infinite Space
It supose to be in Nu-files?
That's a great idea but I don't have a platform to broadcast for him.
I'd sooner pay for it than lie.
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Requesting Top Line Hockey
Requesting Tome of Quests Volume One (5e)
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The DnD 5e mega is hiroshima'd, what's a man gotta do to see the books particularly pic related?
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All of them are on the IRC channel. Its a little over a gig all together.
>supose to be
No, That's not really the focus of that trove. Try the Worldbuilding troves or the OSR trove (that also has some system agnostic DM-focused books).
Doesn't take much to post a text review, hope you get in touch.
The World of Deuslair: RPG Campaign adn bestiary Book by Archon Studios
>Sent to NV

Good to know!
Also good to know! I might just look into the hosting (if it is not already up somewhere).
>Or is it something else by the same name?
Nope, same thing. I will confirm it is still kicking around. If not, I'll look to host it.
Lots of Flex stuff in /Worldbuilding.
I'm waiting for Adventure Generator: Dungeons to appear

*smacks himself upside the head*

You know, I didn't think of looking in there. Thanks anon. I forgot that was a goldmine.
If you guys are on IRC can you please tell me if BESm 4th Edition - Ikaris was on there. A guy i talked to said he sent it to a cleaner and hasn't heard anything back, the file hasn't turned up here or NV so if he did (if) i'm trying to track and see if it did turn up anywhere else.
Thanks buddy I found it! Good fortune in your games.
for people who care there are like three solos running around

Is the second one even solo? I didn't see anything specifically solo in there

Also heads-up for the /alsosolo anon: the "dwindle" and "magical year of the teenage witch" folders are both 0 bytes, looks like they didn't upload right?
Sent PHB2024 to NV

Not there


Also /SoloGames
I got the basic table zine from itch
ufile 06412sv1
I concur, I simply meant that if I were to post it I wouldn't have a ready readership.
He would essentially be hurling it into the void.
Or did you mean on Amazon or such?
Humbly requesting The Sword, The Crown, and The Unspeakable Power.
Thank you.
Requesting The Guise Book for the Sentinel Comics RPG.
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Kindly requesting Scarlet Heroes! Thanks!
Humbly requesting "the gunslinger" by heavyarms
The 5e Official mega in Da Curated appears to have been nuked.
Requesting Cairn 2E Warden Guide. I remember the whole package being in NewVola, but I had missed the moment.
Thank you kind stranger
it's not in nutana?

No, I checked it. Cairn folder in nutana is missing a lot of the new content in general.
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Acthung! Cthulhu 2d20 system Shadow of Atlantis in italian pls
Requesting CAIN by Tom Bloom
>Scarlet Heroes
Look in da Curated under OSR
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I and â…¡ are in the OSR trove.
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Anyone have this or the "A Readers Guide.." book?

Dictionary sent to NV
Looking for The Throne of Bone - Adventure on DMS.
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That's in the D&D Repository. For the link/password, search 4plebs for posts by the username "MageGuru" and look in the results' attached images.

To download, check the box next to the desired files and choose the "... Actions" > "Download" options above. (Just double-clicking files will cause errors.)
Thank you.
May I ask you what the difference is between the repository, and the one in the archive?
They're different. The difference is that they're different. If two things are not the same...that's the difference between them.
Alright, let me rephrase them: what's the purpose of having two dnd folders, one of which is not in the archive?
>They're different.
You do know that the troves collected here are not a single homogenous thing, right? They aren't individual "folders" of a single collection. They're each their own site...created by their own curators. What you're asking is basically "Why are there so many different websites on the Internet".
looking for the "choose cthulhu" books by SJ Games.
Fuck off.
He's too stupid to understand.
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Requesting Eldritch Care Unit

Check in NV a bit later
Thank you anon

you can upload requests and CLEANED files at /newVolaDrop

they will appear in /newVola after a few hours

these are rebrand links

if you upload many files at once, please put them in a zip

If you find a dirty file, please upload a txt file with the relevant info and I will remove it as soon as possible

There's also m3g4 /folder/quYxzbqQ#TCd8N4W3wGpgze0nG-lt1g

No idea what the rebrand link for that one is (if there is) since it was shared as a mega link the last time it appeared on this thread.

Anyway does anyone have Death Knight by Lucas Rolim?
much thanks
Requesting Ron's Old-School Collection
Humbly requesting Eventyr Witchlight Bundle. Cheese and Crank you.
It's actually called COUNTY ROAD Z.
>t. retard
I just want to thank whoever uploaded Cyberspace. I don't know if I'll ever play this stuff, but it was a pretty interesting read and I'm stealing those illustrations.
sorry for asking but I forgot what to look for if im looking for in the curated archieve certain far future space game
Wondering if there is a pdf of the full core rules for the warcrow wargame.
If it's grim darkness in the far future, you want to head over to their general, if it's just enterprising in the far future, /Traveller, if it's a general sort of future that's far off, /Ji-Ral
I'm not seeing the city builder Ex Novo in the docs. Should I send it to the cleaners or did I just not find it?
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I'm looking for a large collection of AEG world-building books. I found PicRel in /WorldBuilding, but I feel there must be more out there. I just can't find it. Thanks in advance.
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Requesting RA Salvatore Drizzt novel : Lolth's Warrior
Thank You in advance
If you have anything solo-related to donate read the txt file at the link.
Fixed, thanks for letting me know.
Been out of the country for a few weeks so I’m wondering if this month’s Pathfinder leaked early once again. I’m hoping to read Curtain Call 3: Bring the House Down on the way back, but no big deal if it hasn’t because I know it’s not a guarantee.
Cheers. I'll check my collection against this repo and fill in any gaps, but a casual glance looks like it has my folder beat.
Now THAT deserves a hearty AARRGH!
Should I have seen it by now?
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Thank you!
Still requesting the following Itch.io TTRPGs:

An Appeal to the Greater Gods: Justice for Orcs!
Press Play: The TTRPG
Not everything that has been shared is troved, you can ask for things before sending old stuff to the cleaners.

Reach zLibrary, they have it
>Should I have seen it by now?
If you sort NV by date added you would have seen it yesterday.
Kindly requesting the following books:

Chronicles of Darkness:
The Contagion Chronicle: Ready-Made Characters

Some Transformers RPGs (that aren't in Essence20):
Worlds Collide: Battle for the Multiverse
Troubled Waters
Memories and Salvation
The Great Energon Robbery

Hellboy books:
Hellboy: Korhonen Series, Part 2 - The Wet Werewolf
Hellboy: The Roleplaying Game - Quickstart
Hellboy: The Roleplaying Game - B.P.R.D. Field Manual
Hellboy: Korhonen Series, Part 1 - Cannister 7

Asia Ascendant: Psi Order Ministry & Asia Sourcebook
Bloody Boroughs

Some Cthulhu books:
Achtung! Cthulhu 2d20: The Stuff of Nightmares
Achtung! Cthulhu 2d20: Vive La Resistance
Achtung! Cthulhu 2d20: Eat for Victory
Achtung! Cthulhu 2d20: Mission Dossier 1 - Behind Enemy Lines
Achtung! Cthulhu 2d20: Mission Dossier 2: The Dark Beyond

Scion 2E books:
The Timeless Tomb of Tir'za'nthel
The Hollow King
Streaming Overlays

Some books for Exalted 3E:
Surface Truths: A Dragon-Blooded Novella
A Murder in Whitewall
What Lies Forgotten

Silver Age Sentinels:
Absolute Power Cardboard Minis
Absolute Power Heroes and Villains Deck
Absolute Power Adventure Scenario (Average Level): From a Mirror Darkly
Absolute Power Adventure Update - Emergency Response #2
Criminal Intent: The Villain’s Almanac
From the Files of Matthews GenTech
Humbly requesting some TORG books:

Torg: War's End
Torg: Terra
Torg: Interview With Evil
Torg: A More Perfect Union
Torg: Central Valley Gate
Torg: Kanawa Land Vehicles
Torg: Los Angeles Citybook
Torg: No Quarter Given
Torg: Relics of Power II: The Possibility Chalice
Torg: Berlin Citybook
Torg: The Land Below

Torg Eternity:
Torg Eternity - Dancing on Needle Tips
Torg Eternity - Delphi Missions: Orrorsh
Torg Eternity - Delphi Missions: Pan-Pacifica
Torg Eternity - Delphi Missions: Tharkold
Torg Eternity - GenCon Adventures
Torg Eternity - Operation: Soft Sell
Torg Eternity - Orrorsh - A Trifling Matter
Torg Eternity - Orrorsh - Torg or Treat
Torg Eternity - Orrorsh Sourcebook
Torg Eternity - Pan-Pacifica Sourcebook
Torg Eternity - Pan-Pacifica - Dr. Y and the Jiangshi & Kanawa Operations
Torg Eternity - Session Zero
Torg Eternity - Tharkold - Blood on the Blasted Lands
Torg Eternity - Tharkold - Wastelander's Guide
Torg Eternity - Tharkold Sourcebook
Torg Eternity - Tribal Adventures S01E01 - The Lost & The Saved
Torg Eternity - Tribal Adventures S01E02 - Fruit of the Tree of Evil
Torg Eternity - Tribal Adventures S01E03 - The Root of Yggdrasil
Torg Eternity - Tribal Adventures S01E04 - Malus Delegatus
Torg Eternity - Tribal Adventures S01E05 - To save a demon
Torg Eternity - Tribal Adventures S01E06 - Pain and the bottom line
Torg Eternity - Tribal Adventures S01E07 - Idols of Straw
Torg Eternity - Tribal Adventures S01E08 - Safari Souvenirs
Torg Eternity - Tribal Adventures S01E09 - The Crying of Lot 5
Torg Eternity - Tribal Adventures S01E10 - Aztec Surprise
Torg Eternity - Tribal Adventures S01E11 - Project Discord
Torg Eternity - Tribal Adventures S01E12 - In Pursuit of Wisdom
Politely requesting any of the following:

Trinity Continuum:
Laboratory of the Diabolical Doctor
Rat In A Burning Cage (An Adventure Set for Trinity Continuum: Assassins)
Stampede of Justice! (A Jumpstart for Trinity Continuum Adventure!)
The Queer Nova Alliance
Trinity Continuum: A Fight at the Museum
Trinity Continuum: A Quantum Leap (A Jumpstart for Trinity Continuum)
Trinity Continuum: Anima Terra Surge Storyguide Screen
Trinity Continuum: Hunt for the Red Widow VTT
Trinity Continuum: Les Fantômes
Trinity Continuum: New Lives
Trinity Continuum: Polyphemus

Trinity Continuum: Aberrant:
Aberrant VTT 01: Heroes and Villains
Aberrant VTT 02: Mooks and Minions
Aberrant VTT 03: Extras
Swine and Cheese Party Et Al. (A Trinity Continuum: Aberrant Oddity)
The Adventures of Teen Tomorrow (A Jumpstart for Trinity Continuum: Aberrant)
Trinity Continuum: Aberrant Storyguide Screen
Trinity Continuum: Amalgamated Idea Dynamics
Trinity Continuum Aberrant - Panopticon
Trinity Continuum: Terat
Trinity Continuum: The Earth Orbital Habitat
Trinity Continuum: The Edgebrook Rooftops
You Are Not Alone (A Trinity Continuum: Aberrant Comic)

Trinity Continuum: Aeon:
Diplomacy and Conflict
Quantum Entanglement (A Jumpstart for Trinity Continuum: Aeon)
Trinity Continuum: Adventures in Transit
Trinity Continuum: Aeon Ready-Made Characters
Trinity Continuum: Æon Reference Screen
Trinity Continuum - Dawn (novella)
Trinity Continuum: Distant Worlds
Trinity Continuum: Large-Scale Combat
Trinity Continuum - Meridian (novella)
Trinity Continuum: Mission Statements
Trinity Continuum: Pets
Trinity Continuum: Spacecraft
Trinity Continuum: The Phoebe Trust

The Terminator RPG:
The Terminator RPG: Mission Report 002
The Terminator RPG: Mission Report 001
The Terminator RPG: Quickstart
The Terminator RPG: Quickstart Part II
Requestingany of these warhammer books:

WARHAMMER: Age of Sigmar:
Battletomes 3rd Edition
The Realmgate Wars

Warhammer Quest: Blackstone Fortress:
Warhammer Quest: Blackstone Fortress - Traitor Command
Warhammer Quest: Blackstone Fortress - No Respite
Warhammer Quest: Blackstone Fortress - Deadly Alliance

Kill Team:
All 3rd Edition Kill Team Books

Dark Millennium

Dark Angels
Dark Angels Revised
Dark Eldar


Planetary Empires

Imperial Knights
Space Marines: Flesh Tearers
Space Marines: White Scars
Space Marines: Raven Guard

Elucidian Starstriders
Psychic Awakening: War of the Spider

Imperial Armour Volumes:
Imperial Vehicles
Imperial Armour Aeronautica (2012)
Imperial Armour - Apocalypse (2007)
Imperial Armour - Apocalypse II (2010)
Imperial Armour - Apocalypse Second Edition (2011)
Imperial Armour - Apocalypse (2013)

Hive War (2021)
Aranthian Succession: Cinderak Burning (2022)
Book of the Outlands (2022)
Aranthian Succession: Ruins of Jardlan (2023)
Necromunda: Apocrypha (2023)
Hive Secundus (2024)

Legions Imperialis:
Legions Imperialis: The Devastation of Tallarn
Aeronautica Imperialis (2019):
Aeronautica Imperialis: Companion (2022)
Horus Heresy: Aeronautica Imperialis (2022)

Gangs of Commorragh
Silver Templars Painting Guide
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Requesting "Carved by the Garden: A Solo Folk Horror RPG."

Nigger, calm down.
You are writting entire book instead of making request. Do baby steps, 3-5 books per request max, post some image with one of book, nobody is going to read this, like I could post some books you listed but you make it too long of a list and I don't want to compile all the books and lose all motivation. Not to mention some of this are avalible on this board if you lurk moar.
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Anyone got a pdf for Broken Wonders 2.0?
The FitD trove is now private & the itch.io page has been taken down.
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Requesting Chasing Adventure Full 1.6
Kindly requesting Mothership RPG 3PP supplements from Spicy Tuna:
- Yucatan Tech Co Retro Catalog 1-3
- Stims From The Dark Web 1-2
- Constant Downpour Remastered

Thank you so much in advance.
How do you search for files in the repository?
>How do you search for files in the repository?
There's a tool you can use for allsync listed in Da Faq.
Looks like there was a SEP 13 update to War Fleets of the Fifth Frontier War. Has that already made the rounds?
And The Fifth Frontier War has apparently received another update on Sep 2.
requesting for nv
D&D 5e Uncaged: Goddesses
D&D 5e Call from the Deep
D&D 5e Flee, Mortals
D&D 5e Dungeons of Drakkenheim
D&D 5e Odyssey of the Dragonlords
D&D 5e Obojima: Tales from the Tall Grass
D&D 5e Grim Hollow Player’s Guide
D&D 5e Strongholds and Followers
did you find Outsourced somewhere?
>D&D 5e Strongholds and Followers
read the fucking thread before asking for shit, is that too much to ask?
looking for Sharn: City of Blood 5e eberron scneario and its followup
looking for watermarked pf2e adventure paths, primarily Strength of Thusands, but Im also missing Agents of Edgewatch and Fists of the Ruby Phoenix. a v12 piracy free pdftofoundry could also do the job but i cant find it
any watermarked solo adventures also appreciated, got a couple from da curated but still missin
thank you kindly anon
>Sharn: City of Blood
That would be found under the author's name in the D&D Repository (see >>93938114).

>and its followup
If you mean "Sharn: Murder in Skyway Manor", I haven't seen that available anywhere. My theory is that the title's too similar to "DDAL-ELW01 Murder in Skyway"...so that no one bothered buying/cleaning it.
O-S-Rchive is offline until everyone vamooses so I can update. In the meantime enjoy the wishlist.
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Requesting Little Town
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Requesting Under Ashen Skies
You could try the solo troves mentioned earlier in this thread.
Found it, thank you.
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Requesting any of this books, specially battlegroup centag
Kindly requesting NAM 68
>Under Ashen Skies

It's in /AlsoSolo
Requesting World of Battlezoo: Indigo Isles Pathbuilder json file. Hopefully someone's got it lying around.
Requesting The Corruption of Alder Glen, for 5e
Christ on a pogo stick, this is not the way.
Nope. I checked all of the mothership trove that I know.

I hope to find someone with a complete catalogue of Spicy Tuna's stuff for Mothership. I'm only requesting for things that I needed. Don't want to be that guy that requests a bunch of stuff just because they can and hope something lands haha
Nvm! I checked NV and it's just dropped there!

Thank you anon who dropped it <3
WOTC nuked the OSR trove!
Are you retarded or trolling?
OSR trove link points to a drivethru rpg wishlist
>scrolls past wall of text...
read the thread, idiot
Requesting "DM Yourself"

I have seen "DM Yourselves" in one of the solo troves but that is a separate book by the same author.

(Look in the first)
>MDCM shit

>Q: Are there any games I shouldn't share at all?
>A: There are publishers who can/will/do exercise their ability to file lawful DMCA takedown notices. The thread does not share,
nor does it help with any issues for their games.
>The standing list of examples includes, but is not limited to:
>Matt Colville/MCDM (Strongholds and Followers)
Found it, thank you. I missed it Initial.
Requesting Cities Without Number Deluxe Edition please!
Since the OSR trove probably won't be back up before you see this, it's also in the Ji-Ral trove.
Didn't even think about it being in the car trove, thanks for the info.
Is chronicles of darkness Second Sight: Third Eye anywhere?
I know for a fucking fact that some of the shit listed is already in some of the troves, you need to do a little bit of work digging around before you come ask, and don't spam requests for 100 separate items at once.
Awesome, thank you.
I was looking for the Walking Dead RPG, but haven't found it in the troves. Is it around yet?
You WANT watermarked pdfs? Does watermarked have another meaning that I don't know?
theres a pretty good module for convertin pf2e pdfs to foundryvtt scenes/npcs/etc. only works for watermarked pdfs as an antipriacy measure.
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Looking for Rise of R'lyeh
as an addition one of the collections on da archive had a piracy allowing modified version of pdftofoundry, which id also want for foundry v12 since the old one is like v10
>Humbly requesting some TORG books
>Kindly requesting the following books
>Politely requesting any of the following
Nothing Humble, kind, nor polite in any of these shitty posts. FOMO is a terrible affliction.
Half of them are in existing troves, the other half are easily finable or have not be released into the wild. Being lazy and stupid and entitled are all choices you have made.
Joining this Humble RequestHHKU
O-S-Rchive is back up. It would have been back up 5 hours ago but I decided to have a long island on the porch and a read after lunch, and drifted into a nap after that. I know, it as selfish to put all that first.
Thanks to my donors for the new stuff!
Can anybody share the updated foundry module for the PF2e Battlezoo Bestiary: Strange and Unusual? The usual place only has the first one, and the one in the regular PF repository is out of date.
Looking for a copy of "In High Dudgeon" for Mythras by TDM.
Does anyone know if there's a collection of 2e AD&D floating around? I see pretty much every other edition except that one.
There's a lot in the OSR trove but the best collection is the D&D Repository (>>93938114).
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This is a long shot, but can anyone share the Rogue Handler Oracle Deck PDF

now help me cuz maph is hard

25 for the cards and the pdf

5.00 for the pdf,
how much would stickers be and blank tarot cards are 14.99

with the stickers and printing that would still set me back around 25, you think?
Does anyone have DeOcculta - modern magic for Year Zero Engine?
Thanks Anon
Requesting the Myth Master’s Screen from R.Sell Games
I've never done this before, can someone confirm I've done it correctly? I'm trying to get these files cleaned so I can share with /awg/

I included a screenshot of my email address so they can return the cleaned files to me? Is that all? I uploaded the files it seems but I don't see anywhere to click submit or anything. Please be patient, I'm technologically illiterate
one request per thread, please.

if you're afraid your request's gonna get missed in the flood of messages, think about all the other people's requests that you're burying with your "me, too!" posts
Are there solid scans of the 4e fortune card decks floating around anywhere? The repository has some deep fried scans but they're genuinely unreadable
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Requesting Coin and Wealth (2018)
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Requesting Hexcrawl Toolbox. All expansions.
Apologize for posting this request a lot. I'm just hoping that someone has these ttrpgs.

Still requesting the following Itch.io TTRPGs:

An Appeal to the Greater Gods: Justice for Orcs!
Press Play: The TTRPG
Not to mention, it was actually posted to NV before the "Fourthed" beggar posted their reply.
rpg rem uz
For D&D 3e is the Repository the most complete or is there a better trove?

Maybe try the publisher's trove.
Hello! I'm looking for the l5r 4e RPG books. Even just the core would be nice but as many supplements as you can scrounge up.

Follow-up! I found them after a bit of searching, please disregard this and have a nice day!
did someone ever get this? also looking, haven't seen it yet unless I missed it.
>I don't see anywhere to click submit or anything
Dropping or selecting the files is submitting them, they are uploaded, no further action required.
It should be fine, but I use a txt file to specify a return rather than a screenshot; I'm sure mage will work it out.
Kindly requesting the new Moria source books (One RIng or 5e version). TIA!
does anyone know why there are encrypted folders in nutana-sr? if so, what's in them? :D
Kindly requesting the Paranoia Perfect Edition books if folks have them

Sent to NV
requesting Return to the Stars
What, by your reckoning, separates a request from a beggar?
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Requesting Shadow Ops by Divine Madness Press
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Requesting Safe Haven: A Weird West Tale for Pathfinder 2e
looking for Fight to Survive and Solo Martial Blues
>What, by your reckoning, separates a request from a beggar?
A requestER requests something. A beggar begs for something. A requester may demonstrate that they may (or may not) be willing to do something to facilitate their request; however, a beggar will refuse to do even the merest modicum of work on their own behalf.

Therefore, the "fourthed" (>>93946164) and "Fived!" (>>93949176) anons ceased to become requesters and devolved into begging when they refused to notice that the file that they wanted had already been posted to NewVola approximately 4 and 24 hours before their respective posts.
Kindly requesting Fire & Revolution: Carthians from None More Dark for Vampire the Requiem 2ed. TIA
BTW, MageGuru had already cleaned some of those and placed them into the /Sept-Releases repository. (A mirror of which was mentioned in the >>93875190 post.)
Requesting Ark5 of 0men The L1on specifically, and others if possible alongside it. Thank you in advance.
requesting Divine Instruments and Beyond for Part-Time Gods
lookng for Necrobiotic
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Requesting Iron Gods for Liminal Horror
I appreciate you response, but as mentioned I'm technologically illiterate and new to share thread, idk how to access those links
They're gofile.io (mentioned on first page of Da FAQ) links.

Just append the last part (i.e. "/d/...") to that server name.
someone said they uploaded it to newvola then deleted the post, so idk
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>if you haven't read it, we will know
Thanks dude, I got them now!!

I have read it, no where does it say cleaners drop things to go file.io
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Requesting Our Spell is Steel.

Can't seem to find a trove for FITD games, and Powdered By The End isn't updated.
I'm looking for AD&D (1e and 2e) era Forgotten Realms splats, in particular the original DM's Source of the Realms (from the 1e campaign boxed set), Curse of the Azure Bonds, and the Dalelands. I've checked out the various D&D archives I could find through Da Archive and Curated Archive, but they all just seem to be generic 1e and 2e books.

>reading comprehension issues
Try again harder next time.
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hello kind people

requesting Outgunned. couldn't find it in the usual places
Can anyone share Rivers of London? TIA
Looking for evolved rpg that was released to backers, not preview version

Requesting the Call of Cthulhu Modern Scenario "My Little Sister". It's the remade version from "My Little Sister Wants You To Suffer" from Cthulhu Britannica (which I found, but I wanna see the differences).
I see that Star Trek Adventures Lower Decks was shared. Any chance Season 1 and 2 Crew Packs for lower deck can be shared?
Requesting Beowulf, Age of Heroes, everything there is if posible but the basic game would be nice.

Sent to NV
Thanks brosky.

thank you.
go fil3 /d/6EIeU5
I can't find a single cubicle7 trove. Do we have any, folks?
Nope. You can't always assume that there's going to be a trove devoted to each publisher, so you might need to refine your search to some other criteria (i.e. game line, genre, etc...).
>Power Words Engine
I'm not able to find it via the docs or 4plebs.
Has anybody got a The Spire/The Heart/ Rowan Rook Decard in general stash?
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Where should I start looking for star wars: droidography? It's been out of print for a while and I'd rather have a digital copy
- Aetherial Expanse: Setting Guide
- Fables: Pirates of the Aetherial Expanse – Episode 1: Treasure of Shipgrave Reef
- Fables: Pirates of the Aetherial Expanse – Episode 2: Come Sail Away
- Fables: Pirates of the Aetherial Expanse – Episode 3: The Lost Constellation
- Fables: Pirates of the Aetherial Expanse – Episode 4: Lost to the Aether
- Fables: Pirates of the Aetherial Expanse – Episode 5: For Whom the Stars Toll
Looking for the Fallout 2d20 Hollywood Heroes NPC pack

Looking for World of Warcraft Chronicles Volume 4, looked everywhere.

Thank you in advance
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requesting Space Kings, the Pretend Friends RPG
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Anyone has Adrenaline with all the up to date stuff from itch?
Thanks in advance
The zip file isn't working for me :(

I downloaded it, and it's working on my side (both on linux and windows, with 7Zip under Windows), so the ZIP definitely has no issue by itself. What are you using to open it ? Are you sure it's not corrupted while downloading = redownload it, and use P7ZIP (from "7-zip.org")
Only a fraction of what has been shared is in public collections, but there is a whole lot more on people hdds.
Thank you for checking the collections first. It is courteous behaviour.
But sometimes you have to make a request.

>STEP 0:
><----- That image is not an image, it's a PDF.
>It will answer 99% of your questions about this thread. If you haven't read it, we will know.
last update was july 2021.
so it should be in /powderedbytheend
I didn't know that exists. Requesting it too
>how much would stickers be and blank tarot cards are 14.99
You could get a sheet of sticker paper for $10~ or less.

5 for pdf
15 blank cards
10 for sticker paper
+ the time and effort you put into making it yourself.


+ shipping.

Just make your own for next to nothing.
ThisPersonDoesNotExist dot com for the portrait photos.
ChatGPT or similar spits out text like that for you in no time.

Gluestick, xerox print and cardboard.
Apparently it officially came out on the 18th according to the wiki?

So looking for that.
ufile cu3xrz26

zip of 53 webp images.
>Just make your own for next to nothing.

Challenge accepted!

First stop is a dollar store.
Requesting Five Parsecs from Home Tactics

Sent to NV
is there a Kids on Bikes trove? I can't seem to find one.
Any help would be appreciated
Requesting Deathmatch Island
Requesting Scion 2e God
D&D 5.5E not uploaded anywhere yet?
Thanks a ton!
Where can I find Ironsworn: Sundered Isles? Found the rest of Ironsworn, but not this.

It is still in NV..................
Looking for Bolt Action 3rd edition rule book
Requesting Orbital Blues: Afterburn
Did you happen to remember which collection it was?
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Buh bye Awesome Thred!
Take care Anon Brigade!

You fine folks all rock!
Going to put this request to sleep for a bit. Thanks all!>>93940668
m3g4 /folder/XAcWGDgI#VDFCox4vPI7epPtQzX9-cw
dont member if its from curated or da archive, its in 3rd party stuff
Does anybody have Warhammer 40,000: Wrath and Glory: Aeldari: Inheritance of Embers?
Bump, please!

4chan question : how are the new threads created and why is there always some delay between the announcement of the end of one thread and the beginning of the new one ? (leading to extra posts in the last one that may be mode adequate to be posted in the new one, maybe)
One request per thread, please. "Bumping" your request (or "seconding" etc) adds noise to the thread, and isn't liable to improve the odds that somebody will buy a thing and send it in.
Threads are made be individuals, you can make about five in the same board if they haven't changed anything, normally you copy the op and change a few bits like the previous thread and/or a thread question, if you fail to get the op right you will be mercilessly bullied too . There is a delay because bump limit at 310 posts some time can end falling of the board in half a day since its been reached, and faster threads like the 40k,ai slop or Battletech can have several of them a day, so if they don't wait a bit you can have lots of them co-existing and making posting in a general kind of a mess. Its more of a formality than anything else.
When the thread reaches its reply limit it stops being pumped to the top of the board on every reply. That's usually when an announcement is made 'ending' the thread.

A new thread isn't made until the current "falls off" the board into the archive.
>That's usually when an announcement is made 'ending' the thread.
Nothing's 'ending' the thread, least of all Yeohfag. Either the thread's up or it isn't.
Ok, it's a bit more clear. I wasn't aware at all how it was working. So the "end of thread" message is just somehow a (manual) warning to say that it will soon fall off of into the archive (as soon as enough last messages are posted). And then someone is manually creating a new one... Okay, got it. Thanks.


(from: Black Site Studios)

-Demon Ship

Thank you kind stranger.
And before autosage dumps us, this thread's Darwin Award goes to both D&D2024 and US2E leeches, who are apparently both utterly incapable of finding shit that has been out for ages.
Do better. Apply yourself. Don't wait until you are spoonfed and most of all don't embarass yourselves in front of everyone else by claiming anyone who can find the stuff you can't is "just trolling lol".
>still talking out of his ass
The ban wasn't long enough for you, senpai?
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Welcome aboard, newfriend! We hope you stay and help out lots.
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Is there a trove of Acheron Books stuff?
Looking for Inferno: Dante's Guide to Hell
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Requesting Little Game Masters
Thanks, I'm stupid.
Does anyone have the Mazes Fantasy Roleplaying Modules? Or could at least point me to where they are? Thanks!
Thank (you)
what would be in that trove? the 2 editions? what else is there?
>warning to say that it will soon fall off of into the archive
Someone usually posts when it stops being buped, but it's still like 12 hours or more before it goes away because this is a slow board.
ufile kv3b5mhu

game, return to dark tower module (quality)
a small freebie adventure that's garbage
some character sheets.
I feel I've seen it in the OSR trove but it might have been some other toddler game like that TSR module where you make characters with playdo.
Tradition says don't make a new thread until the old one hits page 10.
Just checked the OSR directory but didn't find it
Thanks Jedd but I meant the adventure modules like:

Module 1 Beneath the Moor of Sorrow
Module 2: Barrow of the Shornhorn Skald
Module 3: The Hidden Sewers of Harrowgate

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