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Norscan women edition

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WM: https://pastebin.com/EsDAgeba
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Novels: https://pastebin.com/PFqPDr0H
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TOW: https://gofile.io/d/ffbanD

>Alternative Models:

>Previous Thread: >>93899532

What is your least favourite unit in your army?
Hunters are kinda awkward, so I guess that.
Least favorite unit is either the Hellcannon or Spawn, both because they are super cool thematically but atrociously bad in-game.
Warriors probably, they don't do anything particularly cool and the vast majority of Dwarf infantry just do their job but better.
In my army, probably common trolls or glade guard.

In the army book? Probably common goblins or sisters of the thorn.
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Repostan from last thread.

After a couple games with the Expeditionary Force, it seems pretty good and annoying. I haven't gone up against top meta stuff, just fairly normal Ogre and Royal Host for now, but there's so much mobile shooting it's hard for stuff to do meaningful damage while constantly bleeding.

I've been playing this:
-Sapper general w/ handgun, bursting flame, rapid fire
-Engi BSB w/ handgun, concussive, rapid fire
-Thane w/ handgun, piercing, rapid fire, accuracy
-2x8 expeditionary thunderers
-2x8 Rangers
-2x2 Scout Gyros
-Booze cart
-2x1 steam gun Gyros
-2 Cannons w/ forging and obligatory extra 5 point rune because the first one minted the NFT
-1 Bolt Thrower w/ skewering
-8 Miners w/ charges
-2 more Scout Gyros or a Hewer
-4 Doomseekers

It's just been a ton of shooting whittling stuff down while giving up very little as it's all MSU. No penalties for moving and shooting make the thunderers reliable, the cannons open up a lot more really good shots, and the gun runes are really strong. I think the gun thane might be an auto-take in every list with the bursting, rapid, accurate set up. 2 shots on 3s that each hit turns 2D3 with no BS penalties is murder on chaff.

I'm not sure how well it holds up to faster stuff, good stuff, and dragon lords, but for now I think I'm going to bring some fun/bad stuff along and tune things down if the matchup looks too rough.

Army isn't fully painted yet, but I'm working on my gyro schemes at the moment.

Expeditionary Force is fun!
Gnoblars can fuck off
You’re playing against ogres and lore dwarfs and you’re doing an MSU comp list. For shame anon.
Yeah, I learned pretty quickly how big a mismatch it was. Next time I'll be adding imperial dwarfs and warriors to even things out. I do want to try my hand against some meta stuff to see how it does.
For my OnGs that’s kind of a tough one. Most of the ones with mediocre performance I have too much of a soft spot to hate on like common goblins. I guess the boar chariot just because it’s a bad kit even by the standards of it’s time

For my WoC probably marauders. I don’t mind the sculpt and they are a decent unit, but I want to do a Nurgle themed army of the last remnants of an old chaos invasion. So big bad ass warriors, monsters, and mutants with generic mortal warriors feeling really kind of out of place for that army. Although maybe demon prince kind of takes that too since hat feels too fart huffing to take super often
Two threads we need to get our shit together.

I am working on my Tamurkhan model I finally got a hold of. How were his rules in the throne of chaos book? Such an amazing model. I know he was a big target… probably cannon magnet.
Flame cannon
>High Elves:
Tiranoc Chairiot
Worse than the ice chicken or sky chariot?
Yeah, i actually think the ice chicken is pretty cool. Was thinking of making a list with a sorcerer on a frostheart phoenix and my lord on a regular phoenix. I think that would be fun, i just go full phoenix guard.
You're shitting me right? I'm building a warrior-heavy list and ordered a hellcannon just to get some ranged capability, also a box of spawn which was mainly for the bitz but I wanted to field them also.
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TQ: I cant think of a good one for Orcs and Goblins. Maybe the mangler Squigs? the model is just too much.
NTA but i wanted to do the same thing spawn are cool as fuck
I can't speak for the hellcannon as I don't have one, but I like to run three chaos spawn of nurgle. They're very fun, tough and swingy, so if you're okay with dealing with random movement and random attacks, they're worthwhile. At worst, they're an overpriced but surprisingly durable screening unit. 3 wounds and toughness 5 is pretty good, but I think warhounds are still better at screening. I don't have warhounds though, so spawn are what I use. At best, they can annihilate everything in their path with 18 attacks, provided they move fast enough to actually get into combat and you roll a 6 for every spawn's random attacks value. Do note that random movement means they can't march, can't benefit from Steed of Shadows and they only count as charging if their random movement takes them into an enemy regiment.
If you like 'em, run 'em. They're fun.
Doesnt nurgle spawn only give em posioned attacks? I mean sure its pretty good but. Are there no better options?
Nvm i just checked.
>the model is just too much.
I honestly agree. A big squig makes a good monster.
A pair of squigs on top of each other like trampolines is too goofy
There are definitely better options, but I like poisoned attacks & I use nurglings to represent these spawn, so I don't really have a choice.
Spawn of Slaanesh get Strike First, which helps with their bad initiative. Spawn of Khorne get Killing Blow, which can get stupid if your random attacks rolls are lucky. Spawn of Tzeentch get flaming and magical attacks, which isn't worth it even at 1 point per spawn and is honestly kind of lame. They could have gotten a breath weapon or something cool instead, but they didn't. Honestly, it's up to personal preference. Based on my (very little) experience with TOW so far, I would say that spawn of Slaanesh would probably be the most consistently powerful option, whereas spawn of Khorne would make them even more swingy. You're probably not going to be sending your spawn at anything with multiple wounds though, so getting more effective hits in with poisoned attacks (which helps with their WS being 3) vs. getting more value per wound is better in my opinion. Spawns of Slaanesh > Nurgle > Khorne >>>>> Tzeentch.
Yeah, I figured the spawn being shit would just be down to the randomness. I'll still have fun with them, as a BB enjoyer I love dice shenanigans.

My army will be tzeentch so rip in pepperonis. Had a slight urge to incorporate some khorne or slaanesh, but I really wanted the spawn to be tzeentchian cause it's fluffy. All good, I'm no WAACfag.
Sorry, anon. The hellcannon is a scuffed stone thrower that kills itself and costs over twice what other stone throwers do for the privilege. Spawn are decent on paper until you see that they move 2D6" so will basically never get anywhere. I've got bad new about regular Warriors, too.
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Bed time. 7 more nights before I’ll have a week off and get back to assembling my Bretonnians. Sleep tight lads, off to journey to the end of the night.
2D6 is an average of 7. They are only slightly slower than regular marching infantry but are swingy. They’re GOATed for flavor reasons.
Regular warriors aren't bad, it's just that infantry is bad. M4 WS5 S4 T4 W1 I4 A1 5+/ with AP1 and magical attacks for 13 points isn't terrible. They play their role, but that role just isn't really in demand. You can make them good at doing specific things like in the old days, but they'll still be infantry.
They would be good if they had a base 4+ that you could get to 3+ with shield
I want GW to release more factions already. I want my High Elves and Wood Elves
I mean, yeah, you don't see M3/4 melee units excelling. They are super cool, though. Use them if they make you happy.

Maybe some day
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These fucking retards. I hate the
meme so fucking much and these guys are the embodiment of it. The actual reliquae model itself isn't really my taste either, I don't like silly shit and memes detracting from the coolness of my /his/-inspired knight and footmen doodz. I did include a kitbashed Grail Monk instead of a Warden as the champion for one of my units for flavor, because monks and pilgrims are cool when played straight, but holy fuck does this gay Monty Python peasant mudcore shit irk me.
Fantasy factions are a bit too generic to copyright. You will never get more factions.
so you just want to play with marines?
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Here's an Archaon I did. I think he's pretty nifty
Very nice anon
thin your strokes.
Thank you
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>memes detracting from the coolness of my /his/-inspired knight and footmen doodz

perryfag claims another, SAD
>Fantasy factions are a bit too generic to copyright
Not if you give them retarded names, they’re not. They’ve not Halflings, they Haylfheight Shyrekyn led by a Fyeastsheriff.
I found I only got this problem when I do metal stuff. My plastic models don't look as chunky (at least I think I don't). Maybe I just gotta get good
Well I just wanted a hellcannon on my shelf anyway since I never got one as a lad, so that sucks but I'll live. I know infantry kinda sucks, I'm not here to make some cheese army, rather just revel in nostalgia and make the army I never got to finish when younger.
You sound like a fag.
I'm going to have 100+ peasants in my army, I just hate those guys in particular. Might be cool to proxy them with an angry mob of peasants or a group of battle monks or something I guess, but I'd rather spend those points on more halberdiers that look like they actually belong on a battlefield. I hate their aesthetic AND their niche, it's just very lame to me.
>comparing the knight and levy faction to the magic dwarf daemon faction
Come on now. Also I enjoy the contrast of my (mostly) historically plausible doods going up against dragons and hectic fantasy monsters. If I wanted high fagtasy Korean MMO humans I'd go play Inner Cities of Sigmar instead.
That orange is pretty fucking dark for a glow effect
Don't forget to post the picture of your latest diorama, faggot.
You’re right it’s pretty dark I only had one orange. At least you could tell it was a glow effect, however shitty it may be
Damn do you really like Battle Pilgrims this much? Kek
don't matter if the models look too much like standard generic fantasy units or historical units.
GW can't prevent anyone from selling Bretonnian look-alikes, but they sure as hell can prevent others from selling Space Marine look-alikes.
>Royal Clan
>Can have dwarfen carts that arent miners carts
Doesnt that mean just bugman? Im not aware of any others
Could be a future proof but yes it essentially means Bugman only.
Since sales for Prince Uther's were massive (in spite of the ridiculous prices) it opens up the possibility for GW to bring back more Regiments of Renown.
Which one(s) would you like to see next?
cursed company. Thats all I need and want.
So I basically have a higher chance of GW actually making new Dark Elves than them even running a pass over the PDF and fixing Murderous right?
if you count aos then yeah, I doubt TOW will get new anything legacy for a while.
Guess I wont even bother to get them out then. Fucking ridiuclous they can't even make the rules work right.
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>if you count ao
>Which one(s) would you like to see next?
As many as possible. Because I want them to make Dogs of War a faction again. All this attention on the Border Princes as a location and the mercenary armies from that location still aren't in the game. For fucks sake.
>Since sales for Prince Uther's were massive
they were?
House rules, anon.
Im sorta with you there, some of the legacy armies have some questionable design choices that almost feel malicious.
I'm working on a nightgoblin army and I already regret it due to the model count, what a retard, anyway.
For my next army, what's the army with the fewest model count that isnt ogres?
do you like dragons
>holy fuck does this gay Monty Python peasant mudcore shit irk me.
Then this game and universe is unironically not for you
Heralds of Darkness WoC army
Limited time Made-to-Orders always sell well.
yep, it's not rocket surgery. If made to order models show up for your army people buy them because otherwise they'll be significantly more expensive later. Classic fomo.
Then there is the resellers who buy them and instantly double the price on ebay or marketplace.
It's a win win for GW.
Also retards need to understand you can't "scalp" MTO stuff either.
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Unit fillers, yay or nay?
yay if around 1/4 of the unit at most
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These have been an exercise in batch painting.
but big success compared to other MTOs?
only if they are few, fitting, and well done
the one in the pic looks bad
1. Few and far between
2. No more than 25% of the unit
3. Visually interesting
4. Thematic
That picture is just... a stone archway, it's meaningless and looks odd.
I like the idea of wounded/dead guys as unit fillers. Like a unit of archers with a couple of dudes who've been hit by enemy arrows
This. It could be more than half the unit imo, of it guys and looks nice.
I also prefer stuff that could move as into filler. Ogres, trophy wagons, farm animals. Giant rocks and shit look kind of weird, especially when they don't fit the table.
Only if it's used to fill out the tray and doesn't count as units
Right. A tunnel erupting from the earth with a warp stone glow could look cool
is it true TOW is unplayed while AOS is really popular? total warhammer makes me wanna hop into the minis but not sure what my options are
start off buying some cheap minis from dnd or reaper, whatever is closest to you and paint that up. If you think you can do that 100 times over and enjoy it then look into what your local scene is for wargames.
People play both. It depends on your area. At my lgs, there's a good community for TOW.
It’s popping off in my city, weekly tournies get 18-24 people ( 24 being the cap ). Meanwhile AoS is 4 regulars. The new AoS edition must be really bad because the scene was more lively a year ago for them.
>They could have gotten a breath weapon or something cool instead
I totally agree that they should have gotten a flame weapon like in 8th. That way they would have been actually pretty damn neat for a Tzeentch-themed list.

As regards Nurgle Spawn I can definitely say that I love them. Their surprisingly tough now that they have heavy armour and poisoned attacks together with the capacity to take them in units now means that they have quite the damage potential against either low T units and/or low armour units. While their random movement is far from ideal I guess it can be made to kinda work, if you have a sizeable enough unit of them, as generating a potential threat area with which the opponents risk getting tar-pitted if not unlucky enough to be outright sodomized. For about 150 points I'd say that a unit of three Nurgle Spawns is well worth it. Hell, even a small unit of 2 for about 100 is likely to be decent as flank protector and they don't need babysitter either.
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I'm bored, post your Spawns; I'll go first.
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AOS is magic the gathering with models instead of cards (just like 40k). The game is about finding combos in units characters and abilities to buttfuck your opponent. List-building is 99% of the game and the tactical choices on the tabletop matter very little if at all. Just like Magic - it’s all in the deck building. Actually piloting the deck and the choices you make while playing are extremely straightforward.

TOW has a heavy list building component as well - there are objectively good and bad choices in each army list, and an experienced player who optimizes his list will buttfuck an inexperienced player who takes what’s cool. However, the big difference is that if you swap armies, the experienced player still has a shot to win with the unoptimized list because tactical choices on the battlefield matter. The game is won and lost in the movement phase. That’s always what’s separated fantasy from 40k and remains true to this day.

You’ll find more people playing AoS and 40k. Always will. That game style just seems to appeal to more players. However, if you want a more tactically satisfying and rewarding experience, go TOW.

Finding players is always going to be a problem. Try playing online on Warhall. You’ll find some true bros to help you learn the game. If you really like it, take the hobby plunge.
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>However, if you want a more tactically satisfying and rewarding experience, go TOW.
Dont forget how fucking retarded some rules are written and just begging for a new FAQ to clear a good chunck of shit up still. Good system but a new player reading the rule book, trying to adhere it, is not going to be fun ( at the least for the first time, unless of course you are ignoring shit which more power to you).
Two guys casually ham and egging it out will be fine.

Yeah if you’re playing a sweaty try-hard stranger, going to be a bad time, but that’s with literally anything. Two bros rolling dice struggling with a rule? Roll off and figure it out later.
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progress, I've added unit fillers to make the movement trays look nicer
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>However, if you want a more tactically satisfying and rewarding experience, go TOW.
NTA, but I’ll take basic movement and picking fightings actually being meaningful over
>I use the special ability of my character biggest dickus to heal 400 wounds and return an entire unit to the table and I spend one command point to then automatically do 80 mortal wounds that stack and transfer across multiple units if I land a 2 up. I will now deep strike 500 points of models into your back line and use the special ability their character has to automatically charge from deep strike
>anyway now that your command phase is over would you like to move?
yes I too love to make shit up to get mad at
Unironically look at the initial index release for the eldar for 10th. Eldar could reliably cripple if not table an army turn one in the others players own turn with how busted the abilities for their faction and models where.
Even now current 10th beyond near and pretzel hammer is keywords and abilities being the deciding factor in games
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Obviously all the classic Dogs of War army book units and Bugman's Rangers, but I'd like to see some other older and more obscure picks like Ulther's company itself. Stuff like Eeza Ugezod's Mother Crushers, the Lothern City Guard, and the Knights of the Cleansing Flame would be cool to see again.
The tray is the unit...
Anon I'm starting Tzeentch and I'm still throwing in some Spawn in my list. You should do it anyways.
building my dorfs rn and i got 2 organ guns, a cannon, a grudge thrower and a flame cannon.
I figured i might bring 3 artillery pieces per 2k match, is 4 overkill? Im a bit worried because all the batreps ive seen the organ guns dont seem to amount to much, and nobody ever even brings the flame cannon.
Also debating if i split the 2 copter models from the batallion box into 1 copter and 1 bomber or just 2 copters.
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anons, I just bought a bunch of high elves and while Im assembling them, I am filled with the sudden urge to collect ogres. Should I just keep assembling my elves and ignore the ogre urge? or should I sell the high elves and become ogre pilled? or should I just keep my elves and buy some ogres?
Finish assembling and painting your elves, and then afterwards if you still want ogres then get them too
probably yeomen or grail knights? I like peasants a lot, but only basic men at arms and archers somehow. Also knights on foot suck.
boltthrower. Dont hate them, i just like all other artillery choices way more
If anything, it would be thematically appropriate for a tzeentch army to have lots of spawn. He's fond of blessing his champions with many mutations, after all. Just be very careful with using your spawn as screening units. Friendly regiments block line of sight in this edition, so if you're planning on sticking your level 4 sorcerer in a regiment of marked warriors and you plop a unit of spawn in front of him, he won't be able to cast at any regiments in front of the spawn.
Organ Guns are pretty mid since they can't get runes and roll to hit at BS3. Keeping a pocket engineer around helps, but that's a hefty investment. Flame Cannons are short ranged. Grudge Throwers are solid. 4 artillery pieces is a big investment, but could work. I like regular gyros with steam guns as chaff killers/disruptors, bombers seem too ponderous to do much.

If you like copters and artillery, look into Expeditionary Force. You can make your organ guns and flame cannons move and shoot and get to use the superior Scout Gyrocopters.
Informative post, Anon. It gave me a lot to digest.
ignore the faggot that responded to you. EAT YOUR elves, buy MEAT, EAT THE MEAT. Then regurgitate your meal. You now have your ogres.
I know it's an unpopular opinion, but I've never liked the Hellpit Abomination. Its model is fine, but I can never think of a point in which I'd want to take it.
Sorry, had a brain fart and solved the captcha early while thinking out my answer.
It's great against infantry bricks
But no one brings infantry bricks, so it's useless
I like infantry bricks. Even if they aren't good, a couple nice blocks of chaos warriors are the heart and soul of any chaos warband worth its salt.
Dogs of War was the coolest non Skaven faction.
How big should infantry bricks even be in 2000 point games? SHould I go for example with 18/18 warriors or the full 36?
10-20, depending on the quality of the unit and it's purpose.
I like to run my warriors either 15 strong or in multiples of their gods' number. So, 6/12/18 for Slaanesh, 9/18/27 for Teentch, 7/14/21 for Nurgle and 8/16/24 for Khorne. However, if you're planning on doing that and having characters bearing that mark join the unit, remove one or more warriors from the regiment until the total amount of warriors + characters in the regiments amounts to the multiple of the number you want. It's thematic and cool and also mechanically effective, especially for Khorne. A frontage of 4 is surprisingly good in this edition and gets the most value out of the additional attack provided by the models' Frenzy.
Depends on the unit. Single attack expensive dudes like Warriors should go wide to maximize damage, static CR units should just be maximizing ranks and minimizing frontage to reduce incoming damage. Units with multiple attacks should go minimum frontage +2 so they can maximize attacks even into minimum frontage units.

How deep they go just depends on price and role. Chosen aren't winning on rank bonus and cost a ton, so bring like 12 or maybe 18. Men at Arms exist to hold so go deep with them.
Infantry should be 5, ~20 or 40
Huh, I should have specified that I meant dwarfen warriors, but this is good info nonetheless. Thanks, all of you.
For tOW? Probably the Snotling Pump Wagon, it was such a cool unit in 8th, had some great upgrades, and some cool rules that made it fun, in tOW it's just a shitty, boring chariot. More generally? Probably Forest Goblin Spider Riders, they're just so eh, goblins on spiders is a pretty mid concept, the sculpts have never been that good, the rules have always been quite lacklustre, just yeah, lame
You might be doing your army wrong anon, realistically your army should only have 60-80 actual nobglins, Squig Herds in core should take up a lot of your core points, Squig Hoppers and manglers, level 4 casters and warmachines will easily fill the other 1.5k
thanks for the advice. Yeah the no runes issue on organ gunes made me reconsider but ill try bringin them with an engineer, atleast one.
I figured flame cannons can be decent against bricks of cheap stuff like peasants or goblins.
Stupid question but i dont get how the moving cannons from the expeditionary force are an advantage? Arent you supposed to be waiting fo the enemy to run into you anyway as dwarfs?
How does moving and shooting help artillery?
>I figured flame cannons can be decent against bricks of cheap stuff like peasants or goblins.
Templates have never been worse between bases being larger and partials being on a 4+, also people aren't taking big bricks
Being able to move helps you set up better shots as the battle goes on. It also lets you get out of bad spots, albeit slowly. Cannons and Flame Cannons shuffling into range for grapeshot or flame range, for example. You can also start your artillery out of sight to protect them from shooting, then move into position.
i figured the templates being worse.
my group is rather narrative focused so there wil be bricks, ill just bring it once or twice and see if it can get anything done
that makes sense, didnt consider grapeshot yet. ty
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Took a few days longer than expected but WoC is definitely selling fast
this first one of the battalion boxes that sold out?
I believe so. Dwarfs and Orcs were kinda eh (not bad but not necessary) but this Chaos one had everything being useful as fuck.
o fug
they had better get some of the warrior boxes to my LGS before they run out. I don't want to buy online if I don't have to. But, this is a good sign! Many new chaos players! That is good! May we meet in the Realm of Chaos, and may the meeting of our warbands please our gods.
Great box, I already have it all so I didn't feel the need to pick one up.
>this Chaos one had everything being useful as fuck.
but Warriors are overcosted for their quality!!
They're still an important part of any chaos generals' collection and you never know when they might become great again. Also, they're fantastic for figuring out how you want to paint your models to represent different marks. We love chaos warriors.
Aren´t they also the most customizable faction in fantasy and old world?
Tell me that's in Australia or something
the UK price £110
a single box of Warriors(32 models) is £52.50
The manflayers. Or the old metal marauders.
Cursed Company, Ruglud's Armoured Orcs aswell as some generic pikemen.
I’m still kind of shocked how mid the orc box was
>tiny amount of orcs especially if you want multiple units
>tiny amount of goblins and people don’t particularly like them
>that terrible fucking chariot twice

Almost any other combo of units probably would have been more appealing. I guess it’s nice if you just want more stuff, but that’s about it
The OnG box was awful, bulking it out with 40 goblins which both such aesthetically, technically (the kit doesn't actually come with a hand weapons) and in game, they should've added blorcs not goblins, oh and the monopose boyz set rather than the multipart
Just waiting to see if they Errata chaos chariot base size
You never tried aos, it doesnt play like this even a little, even among cheaters and ultra beginners.
You belong to a sack filled with skavens at the bottom of a nurgling lake.
It's hyperbolic for sure, but 4th ed nagash is absolutely aids to play against.
Your elves demand to ba assisted by (female) ogrish mercs?
The plural of skaven is skaven, and nurglings would form a swamp, not a lake.
Get ye gone back to your own thread and leave us to our business.
They have been putting a lot of chariots in these starter boxes. It's odd, I don't think anyone considers a chariot to be a "beginner" unit. They should have put more infantry in these boxes instead and marketed them as the start of a collection, or cavalry if they wanted to aim for a more competitive audience.
Every WoC is a preconversion forsaken.
I believe in you.
the goblins are sweet aesthetically idk what you're on about.
I didnt know women frequented this thread.
They are, unplayably so, but shit rules dont last forever. After 6e comes 7th and 8th.

No self respecting chaos collection should be without.
I just looked over the ork range and the only units pleasing to the eyes are the orks themselves. Goblins, trolls and some of the ogres look like utter dogshit both from a paintjob and a modeling job perspective. THe best looking boy in the whole army is the black ork boss on foot. Compared to them, the warriors of chaos look all around awesome, both Bretonnia and Tomb Kings occupy a solid second place and the dwarfes look great and bland at the same time. Half of the ork army is just not good. At all.
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Also if you don't think the chunky night goblins are sweet you can jog right on.
Pretty obvious hyperbole or not that’s criticism of 40K with 10th being a particularly rough edition
>Plays Bretonnia
>Dislikes Grail Knights
Please elaborate.
idk but female but I have thought about that. secondary ogre army that aids my elves. idk, I'll think about it
>warriors of chaos preorder actually came in quick
I don’t intend to scan the entire thing, but does anyone need a picture of any particular page?
if you could get a decent picture of the map that would be nice I guess since i thin it's the most detailed map of Norsca's geography GW has ever produced
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I don't understand if this part of canon is an oversight or if it is well understood:

>in Warhammer humans are older than Elves and Dwarfs
Humans are not older than elves and dwarfs. When the civilizations of the elves and dwarfs, fashioned by the Elder Slaan in a forgotten age, were at their peak, men were still unevolved apes. 'twas the destruction of the polar gates and the influx of Chaos unto the world that sparked something in Man and caused him to evolve into the being he has become.
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Decent picture is debatable. Also some of the minor locations are such small text they are actually difficult or impossible to read even holding the book
thanks for pic anon I guess ill wait until the epub is published
huh, so they don't update this map anymore? Sad
GW didn't bother to update it for dwarfs
The Sigpigger reveals itself. Toddle off back to your kiddie table game bud, adults are talking.
I'm pretty sure when dwarfs came out they updated the map to show orcs. They're getting around to it, just comically slowly.

This is actually a very cool map. I hope some day we get a copy of the full world map which they've clearly done (looking at the Cathay articles). I just hope they finish it first, because on the current map places like Tilea, Estalia, and Araby are completely bare.
well, the new maps from the Warriors of Chaos aren't incorporated
orcs were updated when orcs were released
On the one hand, id like for Tilea, Estalia and the Border Princes to be fleshed out.

On the other, I dont trust modern GW with that task and its best they remain /yourdudes/ blanks canvas'
I don’t wanna go to work! I wanna go home and paint my ogres!
If you trust GW with that it’ll turn out Tileans and Estalian were black all along
in the main TOW there already imply estalia is more mixed with araby than previously thought
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Knights WIP. Gave them a light zandri spray to help me pick out details. Gonna make them inser into the correctly sized bases.
Tileans were always described as black compared to the Empire
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Like every Tilean that actually achieved anything, he likely had Imperial ancestors
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They finally restocked the Questing Knight Command so I bought in. I don’t care that they aren’t meta the models are gorgeous and the lore is dope.
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Kek I also think I nabbed the last one
Looking good, anon. The helmet the knight on the far right is wearing has always been a personal favourite of mine. Something about it is just so cool. I'm looking forward to seeing your knights painted!
>Like every Tilean that actually achieved anything
You might want to go reread the dogs of war armybook.
The entire nation is noted for having a far greater number of successful artists, engineers, inventors and explorers compared to the empire.
So the shifty Tileans claim. Fortunately, everyone knows Tileans are habitual liars
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This post is anti Tilean discrimination
>So the shifty Tileans claim.
And the armybook.
I was going to do Night Goblins, Iwas gonna do 3 large blocks each with 3 fanatics
(probably 40, 30, 30)
Is that not beuno?
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>Caring about peasants
What kind of noble are you?
Good taste AND good luck
the dark elf army book claims that malekith has been the rightful king all along and that bel Shanaar comitted suicide. Armybooks are subjective texts and thus not reliable
I hate-a the Trantines.
They put their noses up at us Luccinians like we peasants.
Miraglianese are not Tileans, they are Imperials in denial
You dont understand bretonnia or how the faction works, got it.
I feel very lucky. The Lady was with me today. Now I just need the Grail Knights and I want Lady Elise and The Green Knight but I don’t need them.
Anyone ever use Tamurkhan in 8th edition? If so how did he play?

I have his model and plan on using him in TOW as nurgle chaos lord on dragon
>malekith has been the rightful king all along
>bel Shanaar comitted suicide
only told by an in-setting pov rather than by an omniscient narrator
>reliquae model itself isn't really my taste either, I don't like silly shit and memes detracting from the coolness of my /his/-inspired knight and footmen dood

>he doesn't know about El Cid's corpse being propped up on his horse to lead a charge against the Moors and inspire his troops
What a historylet.
>dumb and superstitious
Grail knights have literally met and received the blessing of their god.
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I posted last week about Skaven homebrew, How does this look for a Brood Horror v1?
Needs bush
Do they have warpstone claws in lore? Seems silly.
You could upgrade them so I just baked it into the cost
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For me it’s kroak
he’s not even running, election tourist
This model always reminds of the short story where the guy's recruited by a fake slann to venture into the chaos wastes.
I love his proportions and the more primitive saurus guard too
>40k eldar at the beginning of 10th
good thing we were talking about AOS then

For the record, I think you're absolutely right when comparing ToW to 40k. However, specifically 4th edition AoS is much better in that regard in my opinion.
NTA but I don't like playing as LE SUPER SPECIAL SUPERKNIGHTS, I just like my doods being normal bog standard knights overcoming the odds. Also Grail Knights are very rare in lore, there are probably like 25 of them in the entirety of Bretonnia.
>Elf opinions
The pathetic Asur army and fleet immediately disintegrated upon meeting the Druchii forces. At this rate the special military operation will be done in less than a week and Malekith will be crowned the true rightful king.
High Elf and Dark Elf. They're called High Elves and Dark Elves.
Sidebar, but this is genuinely one of the things I despise most about this shitty "discourse". I know that old texts that speak about people being "dark complected" and similar are talking about people with a tan and dark hair(because in many cases they went on to describe the person being referred to in detail, and those were their traits) not big honkin Africans, you know that, and the dogs in the fucking street damn well know it as well, but people keep feigning ignorance and then turn anyone trying to point it out into a slanging match about racism and it sincerely makes me want to bash some cunt's skull in with a brick.

Disingenuousness should be a literal crime punishable by literal - and painful - death.
>the nomodels fag is still constantly crying about AoS

Jesus fucking christ I haven't been here in almost a year and you're still doing this?
I pity you at this point.
'ate fantasy germans
'ate itlains
'ate whatever the fuck mid heim is
luv me stirland
luv me sylvania
Any word on the next release for wfrp 4e?
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I am making some forward momentum this week: magnetized rider, primed, and a start on painting. Post WIP's or the last thing painted
not since the august production update
which sayed
>Dwarf Players’ Guide (digital and physical pre-order Q4 2024)
>Deft Steps Light Fingers (digital and physical pre-order Q4 2024 or Q1 2025; again we get a “sorry we announced that too early”)
>Wreckers’ Point – a pdf with some new setting info and plots (Q4 2025; I think this is the first we’ve heard of this)
>High Elf Player’s Guide (digital and physical pre-order Q4 2024 or Q1 2025)
>Lords of Stone & Steel – the Dwarf Setting Book (Q1 or Q2 2025)
>Sea Wardens of Cothique – the High Elf Setting Book (Q1 or Q2 2025)
>Marienberg sourcebook (Q1 or Q2 2025)
>Sea Wardens of Cothique
Can't come soon enough
At least my darling, precious high elves will see some updates that aren't just extrapolating or using what naggarothanon wrote out. Thanks.
Is brush on primer bad?
I've never used primer specifically advertised as brush on but normal vallejo or stynelrez brushes on fine, seal it with varnish regardless.
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Would you fight the triple dragon at 2k?
You're such a waacfag loser.
Now I wann know if they got sourcebooks on Kislev, Tilea and the rest
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Sure thing bro let's have a good game. Yeah this is just my usual list too haha. Oh you don't wanna play anymore? Shame
>My group dropped TOW before I could try it and moved to Warhamemr Fantasy Project
>I read the VC pdf
I dont fucking want to play AOS
Also what is the difference between TOW and WFP? Usually fan content is garbage, hopefully it is not this time...
tilea has one in up in arms book but it's a pretty short section
It feels weird that grand armies can ally with their own armies of infamy. If a high elf army allies with another high elf army, isn't that just a bigger high elf army? It's especially weird with things like Bretonnian exiles, where they really should be shunned by other Bretonnians.

It seems like a rule that will only lead to waac cheese.
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Pic related
Not a legal list, but sure
I wouldn't fight even a single dragon at 2k.
>If a high elf army allies with another high elf army, isn't that just a bigger high elf army?
Sure, but it's made up of two distinct types of armies.
Anyone know good STLs for bases/base toppers with a Lizardmen/temple theme? Want for my conquistadogres
I play high elves, so sure.
p-please respond
I got exited for a second but then remembered that Chosen Chariots are 1 per 1k points.
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>t's especially weird with things like Bretonnian exiles, where they really should be shunned by other Bretonnians.
Wrong. Exiles aren't all rejects and sickfuck criminals, the majority of them are gigachads who refused to back down after a perceived social faux pas. They also hold down the borders and frontiers and are the first to go fuck shit up when Kangz/Beastmen/O&G get uppity to the south.
can I get a better shot of those humies and bloodletters?
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Medusae. Never was a big fan of them. On the other hand my favorite unit is most certainly the Black Guard, probably in all of Fantasy. Stormvermin are cool too. I really like elite heavy armor halberd infantry.
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Painted more stormvermin and a plague monk in a different scheme.
Nice work, anon, some good looking rats. Plague monk especially, is that one of the classic monks or from the Harlequin models ratmen range?
WFP is a pretty decent spin at an 8e spin off edition, but the inclusion of some of the AOS units is a jarring and sour taste. I stuck to playing the Dogs of War and Tomb Kings books when I played it, also tried out their Wood Elves book which was ok, too much AOS shit in the forest spirits units for my taste though.
Thank you. It's one of the early 90's skaven by Colin Dixon. I think it's from the Marauder range that existed at the time.
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If there ever was a case for 3d printing high elf basic infantry is it
Anyone got ideas on how to make various chaos dwarf type hats? Need a method that will let me outfit a whole unit without intense tedium
I hate monster mash even an ogre player has more models
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Different angle for the leader.
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Foot hero, chosen command group(being used as warriors) and the half bloodletter, half blood warrior forsaken
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WIP. Just put down an enamel wash. Going to do a layer of matte varnish and work on highlighting the boney bits. From there, paint the eyes and calling him done. Anything else needs doing? Still need to do rider and base ofc, but this big boy nearly there.
Ban stacking saves on dragons
>over 30 boyz
>only 1 command sprue
Chess pieces

just gotta find someone selling them cheap enough, in enough numbers, at the appropriate size and proportions and material to get cut apart in the various ways that will suit your dudes as hats.

or a 3d printing service
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the paint job looks pretty nice I really like the muted metallic colors but holy shit your camera sucks
That's looking mint.

Were you the one asking for tamurkhan rules? Are you playing 8th or just using him as your nurgle dragon lord in TOW?
Yeah that’s me - thanks. I was asking about his rules. Just curious if he was any good. I know big monsters in 8th were kinda ass due to how powerful war machines were.

I’m planning on using him as a chaos lord on dragon, nurgle marked
>mold lines over two sets of fingers x 80 models
You mean, with black hair?
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>just have to rebase my high elf archers and I'm done with them
Finally, after literal years they'll be done.
Magical Chariots in the Empire
Especially with their lore
AoS is definitely more popular, anyone saying otherwise is pure cope. That said it's far from unplayed, I've moved about a bit in the past year since it came out and everywhere has a community that plays it and is easy to find a game. The only issue is some communities can be filled with WAACfags, and the inherent customisability of the game makes the game pretty vulnerable to WAACfagotry overall, but that said it's not too hard even in the smaller communities to find people who aren't like that, just let it be known when organising a game that you want something more fluffy or whatever.
>aosbabs here because their game is that hollow
Yep, 5th edition whfb is just that good.
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While I'm always glad to see another chaos anon's army, where are your warriors, my brother in chaos? Your warband may have three dragons, a regiment of chosen, two regiments of spawn-in-waiting and some warhounds, which collectively make up a mighty warband indeed, but no warriors? That's just uncouth.

Oh, wait. Are those chosen dudes actually warriors? That's the only way you could reach 500 points of core, isn't it? Nevermind then, carry on. May your warband achieve many mighty deeds and bring honor to your dark master.
If you want to be closer to current rules conventions:
Give the unit Armor Bane(1) as default, drop the special weapon (claws count as hand weapons) and give it the warpstone weapon special rule. This represents the warpstone claws 1:1 but in a more elegant way.
The brood horror is also too tanky imo, you probably want to drop a point of toughness (so its t5 in the end) and some wounds, and at the same time drop its cost to 150-ish, because 200 is far too high.

But these are basically nitpicks, its an entirely functional unit, I dont think its problematic or whatever.
Those are some cool forsaken. The chaos lord also looks pretty sick.

Anyways, by fielding two dragons (chaos lord + warpfire of my own) but dropping garlauch for the cheaper chaos sorcerer lord, which gives me the points to upgrade my own chaos lord enough to comfortably win 1v1s with any of your dragons.

Also fielding more cav for my actual units. Chaos Knights beat Chaos Warriors.

Ooh that hero is sick.
lel, dragontimmy wins by instant DQ
The Shaggoth in resin is such a massive upgrade. Goes together easy and looks great.
Great work on the tiny parts like eartips and eyes.
The white robe looks very nice. Good work, anon.
How brittle is it, though?
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who else magnetize they knights?
I did with my black knights, it was a pain to line up the magnets tho
In a perfect word the need to magnetize knights would not exist…but this is not a perfect world
The pieces had some give. Nothing broke and nothing was warped.
I did it with 10 KOTR above and I found if you place the magnet on the horse a little forward in the saddle, it will pull the rider down and forward so perfect alignment isn't crucial

After I made the banner bearer, I kept thinking I or someone else is going to hit the banner and snap it off so I said fuck it and magnetized all of the riders lol
>you probably want to drop a point of toughness
Ha, I forgot Lords are T4 for Skaven
Thanks for the feedback, I'll try to clean it up
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basically so if the lances/banner get hit they won't snap off and instead the knight will fall off the horse
What’s the right move here? Pot odds are there for Gadaffi to call, but it’s a tournament. I guess it would depend on how close Gadaffi was to the bubble.
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Toad Dragon done. On to rider.
>ice base
He's not having a good time right now
nta, i did it for easier storage

ToW was probably the most complex ruleset GW have written in a long ass time. I'm amazed it wasn't as bad as the 2020 BB revamp in terms of editing and writing to be frank. THAT was a fucking dumpsterfire, and it's only half as complex as ToW is.
HH2.0 seems similar.
Reactions for ToW
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Would anything significant change if Vlad von Carstein, Elector-Count of Sylvania, ever became Emperor?
Lower taxes, less crime, more prosperity.

This message was paid for by the Vladimir Von Carstein Election Committee
outlaws or atleast defanging sigmar and other god cults in the Empire
reduction in size of the working class, serfs ect since zombies and skeletons can't do most of the manual labour
You just need to think about what your night goblin blocks are actually doing other than carrying fanatics, because whilst a 10x4 unit of speargobs will do surprisingly well on the defence they have little offensive power, and fundamentally how many anvils do you need? Remember that canny positioning of screening units (small 10 man gob blocks) can do a lot of the same job as anvils with a smaller battlefield footprint and for cheaper (drawing enemy units into positions they don't want to be, forcing your opponent to give you the initiative, etc.) Personally I would be tempted to go with 2 30-40 man blocks and then 2-4 10 man blocks
Forsaken look really good but damn you're a faggot, genuine question but don't you think you'd rather play AoS?
It's a really good point, I haven't seen a game where said blocks do any actual damage (apart from the fanatics) I just thought they were almost needed to stop your line from crumbling
Seethe and mald faggot, if WoC cant be a fun army to play in TOW then no one else gets to have any fun either.
Not him, but chaos is a fun army. You've got spawn and sorcerers with cool spells and fun magic items and marks of chaos that actually do stuff. The only complaints I have are that marks only give one spell for marked sorcerers and thar a lot of the really cool magic items from 6th are gone.
>fun magic items and marks of chaos that actually do stuf
What fucking edition are you playing? All your armor is dogshit, all your weapons are unusably bad and all your marks are either mark of khorne or some flavor of "well it actually makes you 0.5% better in combat!"

Compare the marks to their equivalents in 8th, 7th or even 6th and theyre pityful.
Well, yeah, marks are kinda lame compared to how they were in 6th, buy chaos armour giving a ward save is surprisingly strong what with how common armour piercing is now. And marks are not to be underestimated! The mark of nurgle protects you from poisoned attacks, +1 initiative during the first round of combat and passing panic tests automatically with the mark of slaanesh is pretty good too and the mark of tzeentch is... well, it's bad, but it's a tax you pay to give your sorcerer access to the blue fire of tzeentch, which is a really good spell.
The army is still strong and fun, even if it isn't as cool as it used to be.
>The mark of nurgle protects you from poisoned attacks
Yea, thats really niche. MoT also hurts flamable units but thats not exactly a common benefit either. Forcing rerolls of a 6 to hit isnt just lame, its annoyingly bad, its so inconsequential (since 99% of things hit on 4+ or better) that it just prolongs the game with unnecessary rerolls. MoS is also far less unique because most of its benefits are provided (in part) by your default MOCU, and it doesent even do fear or terror any more, only panic.

MoK is still very impactful.

>The army is still strong
I dont disagree, WoC have some very potent lists. Just without any WoC.

>and fun
I think that largely depends on how you feel about dragon ogres and dragons.

That's a good call, but I'd still say ToW is touch more complicated because a lot of HH2 was 6th ed 40k copy and pasted, and whilst that's also true in places with ToW and WH, there's a fair amount that's new.
Thats fair. The change to a lot of how combat resolution works is pretty fundamental imo. Also how charges function now, and magic.
I think you can make a good and fun Sea Wolves list. You can fit 2 giant Spawn, a Shaggoth, and a single Dragon Ogre into your 33% rare, add a DP or Dragon/Chariot Sorc or Galrauch, and then just load up on ambushers. You deploy a bunch of monsters and then mob them with your ambushers.
Thats just a different flavor of monster mash.
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I love Halberdiers.
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There. Now to do the spearmen.
It's less cav, more infantry, and 1, if any, mounted characters. Chaos can't play a shooting list and melee infantry mostly sucks so you have basically different variations of monsters, cav, and mounted characters. I think there's at least a few solid variants, at least, so you can mix things up.
Nice chocolate bases. Feels I could just pick up the fig and eat it.
The clause that says characters must use a magical weapon if they are equipped with one.
How does that effect stuff like Ensorcelled Weapons? Do they count as Magic Weapons now?
No. They are hand weapons with the "magical attacks" special rule.
>Forsaken look really good
Cheers man, I had 60 bloodletters doing nothing and this let's me stretch out my blood warriors into an infantry unit that doesn't suck.

>Genuine question but don't you think you'd rather play AoS?
The problem is I love dragons. I had 2 warpfires because they are cool looking dragons and I'd converted up the archaon dragon to be used as archaon in a siciples of tzeentch list for AoS back before we knew TOW was getting a release.

The galrauch dragon has been an ongoing project since the end times and I was finally able to track down the classic heads.
>Forcing rerolls of a 6 to hit isnt just lame, its annoyingly bad, its so inconsequential

No? It's just as consequential as re-rolling 1's to hit, just in the opposite direction. If something is hitting you on 4+, it reduces the chances of being hit by ~8.3% on top of making poison incredibly unlikely. Giving them a -1 to hit in comparison only gives an additional ~16.7% chance to miss
Forcing an enemy that hits you on 4s to reroll 6s means you go from being hit 6/12 times to being hit 5/12 times, its a miniscule difference. Its even lower for enemies which hit on 3s (where each reroll goes from being 1/2 of a hit less to 1/3 of a hit less). Its miniscule benefit for 2 fucking ppm and losing your shittier version of veteran (so really 3ppm)

>Giving them a -1 to hit in comparison only gives an additional ~16.7% chance to miss
So twice the impact?
>This model always reminds of the short story where the guy's recruited by a fake slann to venture into the chaos wastes
Wait, what?
Love the red rivets on the monks tunic
Well I'm glad to hear you're not just FotM WAAClisting, although couldn't you fit much more dragons into an AoS list? that game is basically tailer made to slap big monsters against eachother
Now that I'm back at a computer with an actual keyboard I was going to disagree with you, but having reviewed the non-arcane items we get, good God you're right. It's all garbage. I'm vindicated in my love for chaos armies that focus on magic, but damn. Chaos armour giving all characters a 5+ ward save really screwed over our magic items. Still, the arcane items are nuts. Spell familiar by itself makes your sorcerers so much more flexible.
And the arcane journal didn't really help things much either. Daemonic platemail is really good (and 20 points cheaper than the armour of the damned...) and so are the rod of the damned and the tome of the dark gods, but everything else is either niche or locked to the special lists.
Hush now, anons don't tell anons to go play bad games unless they deserve it. Shame on you.
Yeah I’m with this guy, triple dragon may be a dick move but telling him to go play AoS is too cruel.
Oh probably. 3rd ed added stomrcast dragons as Troops and 4th ed has basically given up on limitations.

In aos 2nd ed I played a lot of death lists including a ghoul list woth 3 terrogeists and 2 hero dragons/terrorgeists.

Which hillariously is achievable in TOW now too.
90% of magic items suck
Ill give you the arcane items are quite good, but thats the worst sort of magic item. I dont care about casters being good at dispelling I want to hit people with an axe.

>Daemonic platemail is really good (and 20 points cheaper than the armour of the damned...)
I doubt it, 50pts for +1T doesent seem worth it, especially since its infantry/cav only. Maybe for a BSB
+1T and +1I and a 4+ armour save, but you have a point. It is really good for an aspiring champion BSB and it's by far our best magic armour, but it isn't great. Honestly a lot of the magic items are just priced wrong. The icon of darkness is pretty sweet though, stick it on a regiment of chosen, put your BSB holding the blasted standard in there and give him the diabolic splendour gift and watch as the shooting phase goes from the most dangerous part of your opponent's turn to barely mattering. Unless he has artillery.
I was going to take an Exalted bsb with icon of darkness and diabolic splendour and add him to some drogres
Ok so follow up, can named characters use mundane weapons over magical weapons?
e.g. Kiknik Toofsnatcha has a Cavalry Spear and "Da Skull Smasha". Do the normal rules not apply and he can choose between the Cavalry Spear and the magical weapon, or does he have a bit of equipment that he's not allowed to use?
That would work too. I like to use the blasted standard because of how I painted my bsb's banner, but it's a bit of a meme compared to just applying a flat -2 to all shooting phase hit rolls. It has saved my boy Hilof at least twice so far though.
>Ok so follow up, can named characters use mundane weapons over magical weapons?
No. They follow all the normal rules for magic weapons.
Kiknik uses his magic weapon unless someone hits him with a vauls unmaking.
Is a warriors of chaos army without chaos warriors possible?
i like all the other chaos models
scroll up and read the thread
It's possible, but why? Why don't you like chaos warriors? They're the coolest part of the army.
Play AoS then.
A chaos warriors army with no warriors isn't just possible, it's optimal.
>Is a warriors of chaos army without chaos warriors possible?
Possible AND optimal. Forsaken are better infantry, as are marauders. Knights and marauder cav are cavalry, which is superior to infantry in 99% of cases.
I think chaos warriors are cool and worth running in everyone's army list.
I don't think vauls unmaking is a thing in TOW.
It is, HE exclusive signature spell. Its not very good since its now a hex spell that is cast before movement and is like range 12".
Looking good Anon. Which game are you using them for?

The Star Boat from the anthology Ignorant Armies. It also involves a werewolf and a crashed spaceship
Funny way of saying marauders
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If we're being technical, chaos sorcerers are the coolest part of the army.
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Have a pic of deployment from a 4k game I played a few days ago.
There is some messy stuff on my side, but I couldn't turn down an opportunity to bring out basically everything
Very nice, anon! I love that stone tower and those trees. Good stuff!
They are primarily based that way because I like multiple figures a base. They don't have a specific game in mind, other than Fantasy, but when I find the metal command they'll be perfect as a large unit in Hail Caesar/war of orcs and dwarves, or two standard units in pike and shotte.
Holy fuck the sabretusks look ugly as hell, are there people out there that would genuinely spend $40 for two of those ugly things? Anyways anybody have any suitable proxy recommendations for them?
Avatars of War has a good one, but you can basically just use any sabretooth tiger model or branch out as far as any big cat model and sculpt on the teeth
How many chorf players do you guys have in your local group?
Mine is more one or two people that would be chorf players if the range had meaningful support.
I every know and then print a unit or two for myself, but they are firmly back burner to every other project and nowhere near field ready
If Chorfs are going to be a AoS main line faction how are they going to design them?
The most logical is a decently retrained style with a bit of the old design features, but closer to their modern interpretation with a few new units and the obligatory big dumb center piece character.
Which would make the models appealing to use in both TOW and AoS and that makes too much sense for GW
But if they decide to make them a faction of over-designed slop with scuttled effects and random bullshit so they don’t fit the older designs the that kind of defeats the purpose of them being Chorfs.
I just hope they avoid whatever the hell the blood bowl team was doing because good god they all look fucking awful. Not in the cool chaos way, just a pure conceptual embarrassment.
Yeah they are a really mixed bag. The only ones I would call really appealing are the hobgobs and even then my first thought with them is they would make decent base decoration for another larger miniature. The rest of the range just doesn’t really hit me for much unless I wanted to do a decent bit of work hacking them up beyond converting them for use outside of blood bowl already
Yeah a suitable proxy would be a paper cutout or a base with 'sabretusk' written on it, but feel free to proxy with stones or toy dinosaurs or whatever you have readily available. Personally, I'd just buy a 3rd party miniature instead of proxy them.
its weird, the blood bowl team goes back and forth between making dogshit and some of the best models
As much as like, noone gives a shit about the gnomes, they are a fun little team and feel right
>If Chorfs are going to be a AoS main line faction how are they going to design them?
Idk ask /aosg/
Ideally the AoS chorfs would follow the FW design aesthetic, and then TOW would get all the old chorf models. That way people can buy whichever models they like more.

I mean, I've already got a Chaos Dwarf team, and the Firebreathers seem dogshit, so the only new models I'd want would be something for the stab positionals, and even then, that 100% depends on their statline and price-tag.
>every single TOW forum is asking how to deal with dragons every week
>nobody outside of Bretonnia has any actual answer
Why did they design the game like this?
better yet: why didn't the people answer? Is it because they didn't play TOW?
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Almost there with my high elves
Nice color scheme.
Thanks, I'll probably spice some units like the sea guard up with desaturated violets

i wish the highlands stuff for this month came with a hero, but its atleast nice to see they REALLY do just feel right and mostly just look like modernized versions on the old kits
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Highlands match the original models really well, even if they have to be down-scaled a bit
>The Star Boat from the anthology Ignorant Armies. It also involves a werewolf and a crashed spaceship
Should try and read it, sounds wacky and fun
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Should I use these base toppers or just do simple grass/flower bases for my ogres?
why egyptian bases for ogres?
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NTA but Africa/Arabya-themed ogres are pretty sweet.
They're pirate-themed ogres on a raid
sick as fuck
i will say, the close ups of the stls dont do the helmeted heads and faces any good but even up close in person they seem to be pretty much fine (the unhelmeted heads still have better faces)
Red looks good on the mage, how do you do it?
Idk about all the factions but I know dwarfs have a great answer in MSU Irondrakes.

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