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I'll start with the world of synnibarr
>The gods start a war and become trapped in time
>The demigods take over from them but fuck up and create a storm that will destroy several planets including earth.
>To save humanity a space wizard transforms mars into a worldship and and teleports everyone on earth to it
It only gets weirder from their. Also the system the game uses is nearly unplayable.
Should have led with the flying laser bears
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I owned it, I was hoping it would be so goofy as to be fun to read, or so kitchen sink that it would find some use. No and no. I've long since ditched most of my dead weight games, but let's see what's left.
Theatrix + Ironwood, based on a coomer graphic novel about a dragon that fucks. kind of. I do not hate this game, but it's only for reading because it's kind of completely crunch-less. Someone somewhere said this was a good example of a very east coast style rpg. To this day I have no idea what that meant.
Powers and Perils is a damned fine example of a game that's as autistic as Synnibarr, even less playable, and yet still a great read. My favorite cosmology for a fantasy world.
Underground, the old dc heros system remade as near future dystopian insane super soldiers. Rules are ok if your players can grasp what a non linear scale is, and hopeless if they can't. Fun art, beware the early versions of woke bullshit forming here.
Speaking of woke, Spirit of the Century was actually ok at one point. The replacement fate:core was worse in every way, even with SotC's retardo skill pyramid.
Millenium's end. Does what it says on the tin, lets /w types obsess about small arms. Mix in Phoenix Command for extra jaw breaking crunch.
Aria was my bedside sleepaid for about 5 years, it can put me to sleep like nothing else. The rules are goofy, the hypnotic syntaxnsyntax is the star.
I played in a campaign from this. Broke it with a pair of dice rolls that caused a bomb to tear open a rift through space-time that the GM never managed to define the actual effects of because he quit running it.
I'm a sucker for anything science fantasy so I like the bizarre worldbuilding of synnibarr but I can't imagine actually owning it.
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In the far future humans terraform a planet, send all the primitive aliens to reservations, and turn it into a vacation planet for the rich. Even further in the future this planet and its solar system are cast into a pocket dimension and cut off from the rest of the galaxy. 50,000 years after being cast into a pocket dimension the planet is controlled by several empires of humans and aliens reduced to medieval tech fighting for control of ancient tech/magic. Wizards consort with demons/aliens for magic. The setting is heavily based on Meso-America, Near East, and South East Asian cultures and mythologies. It is host to a number of constructed languages with Tsolyáni being the most fleshed out with at least two game supplements covering pronunciation and grammer, and Tsolyáni vocabulary.
M.A.R. Barker, the creator, was a linguist who taught Urdu and South Asian Studies at the University of Minnesota. He was born Phillip Barker, but changed his name to Muhammad Abd-al-Rahman Barker when he converted to Islam in 1951. He was involved in the early D&D scene and was one of Dave Arneson's favorite dungeon masters. TSR published several of his games and rpgs in the mid 70s. In addition to his academic work, and Tekumel games material and novels, he also published antisemitic works in various publications under the name Randolph de Caverhall.
Real shame it's salted earth at this point, the worldbuilding is great and it even had a miniature line.
It was never extremely popular, but I think the death of the author killed it more than the antisemitism. I could see it resurfacing if given proper support and targeted at a population that doesn't care about, or supports the author's views. Play up the author's religious background and give the art an anime aesthetic with cute girls and you could easily market it to Malaysians.
Basically the entirety of Book of the New Sun/Long Sun. Top to bottom, the whole thing runs on grimdark absurdism, like someone raped Terry Pratchett
I wouldn't know, I discovered it after he was dead, but the posthumous cancelling really finished it off.
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So what does /tg/ think of Skyrealms of Jorune and the very weird old PC game made based on it?
>now you die, thriddle fool!!!
>Alien Logic is based on a TTRPG with a loose not-tekumel, not-barsoom setting
I can't understand how I didn't know that already but its the best thing I learned today thanks!
>slimea multiverse
>a technologically advanced city-state run by slime girls mysteriously appears on the borders of germany and austria and starts a transhumanism-based cold war based on which countries think being turned into furries, balloons, and bimbos is cool
If it weren't for FATAL, Synnibarr would be the go-to ha-ha "worst rpg" meme.
Raven c.s. McCracken was and still is an absolute chad though.
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I think the Book of Swords setting is neat. An AI with reality-control powers saved humanity from nuking itself by rewriting reality to a new version where nukes didn't work, and inadvertently created a world of magic and gods that are very much real.
I recently got my hands on the first edition. Love the art, love the bonkers setting.

I think Jorune is pretty neat. I'd like to play it, and I'm hoping to get time to play the vidya,
This has conjured up strange childhood memories
>M.A.R. Barker, the creator, was a linguist who taught Urdu and South Asian Studies at the University of Minnesota. He was born Phillip Barker, but changed his name to Muhammad Abd-al-Rahman Barker when he converted to Islam in 1951. He was involved in the early D&D scene and was one of Dave Arneson's favorite dungeon masters. TSR published several of his games and rpgs in the mid 70s. In addition to his academic work, and Tekumel games material and novels, he also published antisemitic works in various publications under the name Randolph de Caverhall.
Hahahahahhaha what the fuck
>science fiction/fantasy settings
Wait, by that you mean
>science fiction or fantasy setting
>setting that mixes science-fiction and fantasy
I really hope I don't summon the retarded "there is no such thing as a science-fiction setting, it's all science-fantasy faggot, but I wanted to know
Both science fiction and science fantasy settings
what about the giant mutant fire clams?
if your clam is oversized, mutated, and burning, you should probably see a doctor
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The Shaper/Mechanist universe is underrated AF.
It's one of my favourite cyberpunk setting, even though it actually predates the coining of the term "cyberpunk". It's perfect:
>Transhuman scifi
>Takes place mostly within the Solar system
>yet features a wide variety of places and cultures
>Human technology is mostly believable, yet goes to really weird and freaky directions
>Perfect setting for a ttrpg, where you can just fuck off and lay low if you mess up somewhere and where countries and states live less time than individuals
I don't know why it's not more popular. It doesn't even have any adaptation outside of one episode of Love Death and Robots
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> Humanity was created as an experiment by aliens with godlike powers to the point that they had solved immortality, being able to reverse-import themselves from timelines that they didn't die in at will.
> The human experiment was to make a species that was psychically linked with each other, allowing for perfect information transfer and effectively acting as a species-wide biocomputer
> It works way better than they expected, you can make magic shit happen just by convincing the humans it's real and letting them run with it
> One of the aliens realizes that she can exploit the emerging psychic phenomenon to take over everything
> kills the rest of her research team, dies landing a mortal wound on her boss. But not before encoding her own consciousness into the psychic network so that as long as humans exist, she can puppet mankind even if she doesn't have a body
> the last thing her boss does before kicking the bucket is activate a network jammer on the moon, cutting off humanity from the psychic network entirely so long as it remains active
> hyperborean human civilization collapses because no one knows how to fucking TALK to each other anymore, and it becomes the tower of babel myth.
> thousands of years later, alchemists have secretly been reverse-engineering the science that the psychic network was based on behind the scenes and can do a limited form of actual magic-as-science
> meanwhile, a totally unrelated group starts using modern technology to force the reactivation of what broken pieces of magic relics/alien supertech have survived to the modern day.
> the end result is extremely powerful magic items that transform into whatever you think you need at the time, but only work as long as you keep singing at them
> The vast majority of people who try to do this get their organs melted from the feedback, but some people finally manage to use this tech without dying.
> tech that it becomes increasingly clear they don't understand
Serpent's Walk was great
Damn. That would be an amazing premise for a urban-fantasy/ supernatural spy thriller/ superhero story.
Too bad it's used in what looks like a goofy girl-mecha anime
Its all over the place, honestly. Especially in the first season when they had no idea what their tone was yet. The first season swings between 'cute girls being cute' and 'holy shit thats a lot of dead civilians' at the drop of a hat. Its basically a magical girl show with power armor instead of frilly dresses, and every fight is a unique music video and lore that is completely bananas.

S2 onwards the show finally figured out what it wants to be, and that answer is 'batshit insane'. Whats the coolest thing we can think of to do at this moment in time? Fuck it, that happens. Ramp off of a giant sword on your rocket-skates to so you hit a flying enemy, fuck it why not. Suplex the space shuttle over a church, fuck it why not. It's like watching a campaign of exalted where everyone is trying to Stunt all of the time.

And thats before you get into the default enemy of the show, the Noise, that the protagonists kill in such large numbers that its easy to forget that a handful of these dopey looking fuckers could wipe out the justice league. Its really hard to overstate just how dangerous the Noise are unless you have the specific thing that protects you from them instantly killing you.
>I don't know why it's not more popular.
Because goverments that live shorter time than people, people become essentially immortal, first contact just happened and there are heavily modified cyborgs around. In Spaaaace!
I mean getting into schismatrix requires a person who likes, and has already red a *lot* of scifi.
Essentially it boils down to:
1) No ready/steady factions
2) Overwhelming for most players
3) Gamemaster needs to do a *lot* of work for his campaign, and it needs to be on rails because sheer size of things.

Besides, I guess people who like harder scifi are already into Traveller.
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Alright, so I reiterate my comment:
Yes that's a perfect premise for a dark-urban-sci-fi-fantasy setting, but damn that also sounds like a really fun anime
I don't know. Doesn't sound any more complex than... say... Eclipse phase.
Plus, having constantly changing factions means you can start from a blank page and play the game as a sandbox, where players are free to be proactive.
Gatekeeping is easy.
Post the worldbuilding.

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