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If you think about it healing magic is a slippery slope to necromancy.
One day you're healing wounds and curing diseases, the next you're researching forbidden rituals for eternal life because you spent your entire life deciding who lives and dies so you clearly know best.
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What was the saying, road to hell paved with good intentions?
>If you think about it healing magic is a slippery slope to necromancy.
I took a picture of my AD&D book and it had necromancy on the Cure Light Wounds spell, and I was gonna post it here for big lulz, but my phone is pure dogshit so I'm going to bed. G'night /tg/.
A necromancer is just a healer who showed up late.
>but let's keep going
shouldn't it be "SO* let's keep going" since the point has already been passed?
Most D&D editions have healing under the necromancy school.
Congrats OP
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Have you tried not playing D&D?
That's why I'm not allowed to play cleric anymore. My brain IMMEDIATELY goes there. Wanna be a good guy, a hero. You start raising the dead and doing miracles, it only makes sense you'd use that power for as long as possible. Do as much good as you can, right? Now add the religious aspect of "I wouldn't have this power if my God didn't want me to use it" and, if your church/order/whatever has no hard rules on the undead, why not? Being a ghost with all my magics and memories AND being able to possess objects/creatures? Yeah, now I can do even MORE heroic shit and good deeds, forever.
Clerics have the built in feature of their magical sky daddy witholding spells if they start thinking wrongthoughts. It's healers of other classes that are free to go off the deep end
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Necromancy typically starts Out as a healing school.

>Accelerating the natural healing properties of the tissues to fix them in a window of opportunity that allows the organism to continue living, avoiding exsanguination or impairments that would otherwise prevent them from being able to live/act to save themselves.

However, then you're going to end up with three distinct branches of necromancy.

>Corpse Jockies.

The Healers are going to move on when they learn techniques other than necromancy to accomplish their goal more effectively. Time-reversal, Conjuring properties from the higher planes, evoking restorative radiance, etc. The Seventh Tower series uses Light to replace displaced flesh while it heals. Even Illusions can heal if you're proficient enough in it.

But the point is, just as Healing can be a slippery slope To necromancy, Necromancy Healing can be a slippery slope to Any Other Branch Of Magic That Heals Better Than Necromancy.

That leaves the Scholars and Corpse Jockies.

The Scholars will study their art, but they know it's dangerous and tend to sequester themselves away. These folk will find all kinds of tools, uses, and techniques within their art to accomplish unimaginable things, and some of them will do so while maintaining enough morals to do Great, Good, works. BUT, their work is dangerous, and most end up in self-sealed dungeons when their experiments eventually claim their lives or unlife depending on their paths.

Then, Corpse Jockies. Basic bitch mode necromancers who figured out One Trick and have been making it their whole career and legacy since. Make the body move. Make part of a body move. Animate a corpse, a skeleton, a ghost, it's all just keeping the one part of a much more complicated system viable enough for motor functions and turning a wreck into a magical battle-bot, presumably en-mass.
Depends on the Skydaddy. One that gives no shits about the undead, the "ick" of it, and isn't a pansey may just think it's cool one of His followers has found a way to be useful even in death.
As others have said in the thread, mindlessly reanimating flesh over and over again is a pointless waste of efforts. Without free will and a soul to carry your memories, there is no terrific importance or value to being alive.
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Tthis post brought to you by Pharasma Gang. Urgathoa can suck a fat one.

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