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>You cultivate a martyr's complex, lurching from man to man, holding out your bleeding wrists so they might see how you hurt yourself. You brood in the shadows when all you want to do is scream, 'Look at me!' You are too arrogant to win people over through effort. You expect people to notice you there in the half-darkness, and point and shout out, 'Oooh there! There is the great Perturabo! See how he labours without complaint!'
How do you respond without sounding mad?
>you are too arrogant to win people over through effort
>...'See how he labours without complaint!"
I dont expect much of 40k writing but come on now
The whole point is that he's NOT labouring without complaint, retard. He's labouring just enough to spin a huge sob story for himself because he's a whiny bitch who's in it for sympathy and not to get the job done.
What's wrong with being mad?
In retrospect, killing her was the appropriate reaction.
Lonely people want to be noticed SHOCKER!
>. You expect people to notice you there in the half-darkness, and point and shout out, 'Oooh there! There is the great Perturabo! See how he labours without complaint!'
>Expect a modicum of decency and respect
>Is arrogant
What a bitch
>Do a great job
>No thanks, no 'good job anon', nothing
>Do a bad job
She was a gaslighting crazy cat lady, do you really think her words hold any merit?
The only appropriate response is "You're right."
I mean he'd still have to kill her for morale reasons but he could at least own it in private

>>Expect a modicum of decency and respect
Being worshiped as a living god by the sons you casually abuse and humanity at large (even if the Emperor says don't worship the giant glowing space angels with haloes) is a bit more than a "modicum" I wager.
The lad had some real "raised by a single mother" energy.
>do shitty, difficult, but essential jobs for years and years with fantastic results
>always follow orders because that's what you're supposed to fucking do, but your coworkers refuse and suffer little consequences
>everyone tolerates you at best- most people act like a living dog turd walked into the room in your presence and chuck you at even more jobs at you with zero regard for your wellbeing to get your to leave
>after a particularly shit job, you end up having to blow up your childhood home cause the fuckers living in it now are becoming terrorists after your dad died
>motherfucker who has gone through approximately fuck-all in comparison has the audacity to act like you're some upper-class emo teenage shithead cutting themselves because their life wasn't interesting enough
>with fantastic results
Lol no, he was most retarded Primarch of them all and his legion was worst one. It would be better just to send Angron and his retarded sons, they would conquer worlds that Perturabo conquered but faster, with less causalties and lower collateral damage. He turned easy victory like Tallarn into blodbath and defeat. IW got loses so high in every battle that they had to implement quick recruicment just to cope with attrition and they took all kids from theyir own world causing it to rebell, they emptied their own civilised planet just to cope with perturabo retardation.
He is even worse than Curze who was retarded on purpose.
>oh no Daddy don't love me despite my achivments like losing 100 marines to take undefended hill or my first action after taking command of legion beind it's decimation
>oh no my brothers don't respect me at all, because every one of them do their job better even angry retard with nails in brain
Come on anon Perturabo was worst primarch of them all and didn't had Angron's excuse of nails or Curze's visions.
>How do you respond without sounding mad?
By continuing to slaughter them en mass.
>read Horus Heresy novels, expecting a grand war tale
>it's actually just characters snarking and dressing each other down based on their character flaws
Hello John, how's the boy buggering going today? Forced any of them to drink your piss or put on the Pain Glove yet?
Perturabo and all primarchs are shithead manchildren sure, but the Iron warriors were a workhorse legion. Countless worlds conquered and garrisoned without a word of protest of how much it cost them. Their geneseed being so good for making marines meant they could afford the attrition and rougher jobs, and they sucked it up and did it without protest. Was them who helped wrangle up Terra and the rest of the solar system while other legions were getting on their feet. The Emperor couldnt have asked for a better legion for the scale of what he wanted to accomplish.
Shame the Emperor was a moron and decided to make primarchs for some reason and give them such authority and power
this thread is great because it's filled at least half with people who miss the fucking point, once again proving that the reason Peter Turbo is one of /tg/'s favorite primarchs is because Peter Turbo is
Don't forgot that he had to genocide his own fucking homeworld because he's so fucking terrible
>but the Iron warriors were a workhorse legion.
Same as Ultramarines, Dark Angels, Iron Hands, Imperial Fists and most legions
>Countless worlds conquered and garrisoned without a word of protest of how much it cost them.
Same as other legions, just other legions like Ultramarines were better at it, even asshole legions like AL were better at it
>Their geneseed being so good for making marines meant they could afford the attrition and rougher jobs
Other legions just conquered worlds without suffered super heavy losses and all legions had rougher jobs, Death Guard and Salamanders specialised in rough jobs while Fists also specialised in sieges but unlike IW those legions didn't need big numbers because they valued their marines. Closest legion in terms of style of operation would be World Eaters, exept WE are retards who just frontal charge enemy but are as effective as IW.
>and they sucked it up and did it without protest.
As all legions, didn't hear DA and Wolves complaining about getting rekt in xenocidex.
>Was them who helped wrangle up Terra and the rest of the solar system while other legions were getting on their feet.
Terra was mostly Thunder Warriors and First, all legions participated in conquest of Sol, even thousand sons despite super low numbers, first operation of crusade pacification of Luna was done by Luna Wolves, IW are nothing special in terms of pacification of Sol.
>The Emperor couldnt have asked for a better legion for the scale of what he wanted to accomplish.
Ultramarines? Dark Angels? Fists? Luna Wolves?
>Shame the Emperor was a moron and decided to make primarchs for some reason and give them such authority and power
It wasn't Emperor's fault it all happened because Karen took the kids.
I'd agree with you, if Perturabo did not actively cultivate a culture where if you did not pursue risky to the point of suicidal measures, HE would order you killed.
His desire to be noticed and praised was borne in blood by his legionaries, who coincidentally also never got fanfare, but complained far less
Nothing you can bring up can counter this, unless you are going to defend his reckless disregard for his soldiers in pursuit of personal glory.
>supposed galaxy brain supercomputer giga autist that can micro manage an entire campaign
>doesn't use gigabrain strategies to minimize his casualties
>doesn't create super tech and invent new tactics
>instead just uses space marines worse than canon fodder
There is no excuse for this. The way pertardo is wanked he is supposed to be the scariest motherfucker to go up against, with his legion having top tier tactics, strategies, equipment and logistics. Instead he is arguably the worst general among the primarchs. This guy lost to fucking FARMERS because he completely nullified the advantage of having Space Marines by turning the battle into a massive tank fight.
I dunno ask /hhg/
You missed the general.

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