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What are the defining elements of "Tolkienian" and "Moorcockian" fantasy settings?
For Tolkien its language. I don’t care what any of you mouthbreathers say, Tolkien was a linguist autist and the best way to stay true to Tolkien is to be one yourself
my very educated opinion as someone who has barely read either author
magic fading from the world
vaguely christian metaphysics
conflict between order and chaos
cyclical history
i second you both but would also add for Morocock a aspect of higher planes and multiverse interactions being involved.
As for both their relationship they have towards being British is important and also defined by the eras they were born into.

Tolkien is very much enamored with the ideal of the Agrarian British countryside in contrast with his dislike of the horrors of war.
Moorcock on the other had has a clear distain for Brittan as Empire, mostly informed by his growing up in the period where Brittan lost most of its colonial holdings and had not properly adapted to it.
This informs the way morality and people within each type of fantasy are portrayed.

Also Tolkien drew more from the Norse countries while Moorcock draws more from France and the Italian states.
moorcockian ur bum lmao
What's with this meme?

Both of these authors have had immeasurable influence on the TTRPG hobby. Discussion of how their works and worlds are viewed, how they got there, and what the ramifications are inform multiple levels of how fantasy games are created and mechanized.
Being a ww2 allegory probably

But the point of the thread isnt to discuss either author or their influence, because OP hasnt made any effort to do that. Its to waste people's time replying to a slide thread.
>slide thread
>I don't want to talk about this
You can fuck right off
Tolkien was an optimist that believed in the power of community.
Moorcock is a pessimist who believes all systems are corrupt and will eventually crumble.
Depends on whether "Tolkienian" means inspired by Tolkien or inspired by Tolkien's works. For example, >>93925142 says language was very important to Tolkien, which is very true. But I'd say that language isn't all that important to most things inspired by Tolkien's work. What this anon says >>93925186 speaks towards that style of "Tolkienian".
Did op mention anything about games though?
You need to go back
>le slide thread
whatever shit board you've just blown in from is probably faster than /tg/ because the final thread in the catalog's last reply was 21 hours ago so if people are posting slide threads they aren't doing a good fucking job
if your thread gets pushed off the board after nobody replying to it for a whole day it was a shit thread
and if you want to police the board so much apply to be a janitor you stupid cunt
lol. lmao even. Every "community" he ever showed was full of backstabbing frauds. His most optimistic, powerful, and joyful character was an insane hermit.
Tolkien: Eucatastrophe
Moorcock: More Cock
Yeah, you're totally right. The entire trilogy didn't have any elements of disparate peoples coming together to recognize unity in the face of adversity was the only way to survive. There weren't any themes of leadership and its burdens or what it means to lose touch with your roots and what the ramifications of that are.
Thank you for the elucidation.
Tolkien has a lot of talkin', Moorcock is good if you like Tolkien but want more cock
How come i get three replies but the people engaging with the topic get zero? Is it because this thread is just to pad the catalogue and you actually dont care about either author?

Oh btw, the samefagging isnt exactly subtle when you use the same canned replies in every spam thread...
Because the topic isnt about anything interesting. "Worldbuilding" and "setting" talk is peak nogames. Just blurt your opinion out there. It's because reading is a solo hobby as compared to games which is inherently social and leads to discussion.
The sort of prose most often identified with "high" fantasy is the prose of the nursery-room. It is a lullaby; it is meant to soothe and console. It is mouth-music. It is frequently enjoyed not for its tensions but for its lack of tensions. It coddles; it makes friends with you; it tells you comforting lies. It is soft.
>citation needed
I'm pretty sure that's from Epic Pooh, the literary manifestation of Morecocks seething and coping about Tolkien being popular and influential.
I'm posting from page 0 so no clue how bad the thread is but
>"Worldbuilding" and "setting" talk is peak nogames
it can be, but I've seen multiple DMs try to do a sandbox with no though put into that stuff and it's a boring blank nothing world where you have to propose things to exist if the DM feels like it. It's an important part of the hobby if it's used to create gameplay, it's masturbation if it doesn't add stuff to do.
yeah I'm sure you're being gangstalked or whatever cope conspiracy they use on your home board and not just a fucking retard that people keep calling a retard cause you're being fucking retarded

I'm not contributing cause I haven't read Morecock, want to read any on topic replies though
threads about sci-fi and fantasy in general have been on /tg/ since the start
you need to lurk more
That's not what community is. You're giving another example of how he dismissed the idea of community and instead depended not on chains of obligation but instead voluntary fellow-feeling.

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