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Greetings, Heroes!
Welcome to /SHG/, home to discussion about superheroistic role playing games, including but not limited to Mutants & Masterminds, Marvel Super Heroes/FASERIP, ICONS, Basic Action Super Heroes...

Thread Questions:
>What system is your favourite for running a Super Hero Game?
>What system that you tried is really not your cup of tea?
>What kind of mechanic is essential to you to convey the fun of playing a Super Hero?

Character Art, Stories and other questions are appreciated!
Why does that Wonder Woman look like she smoked gas station weed?
She's fighting Weedos Weyrd, the mind altering wizard
I am partial to basic action superheroes (BASH). I have tried other more light systems, but they were too freeform and didn't really give the feel of superpowers. I have read Mutants and Mastermind and other crunchy systems, but they were too stiff for my tastes, while Bash is an happy middle ground.

The best feature of Bash that I have not found in other systems, is the teamwork manouvres. Basically, players can delay their turn to act at the same time, and execute a single attack by using the best of both players (basically, becoming a gestalt character for one action) and, if the action is original enough and not used too many times, the game master can grant a bonus die to use in the attack. There is no other system that I have found that can do something like that so quickly and make it fun players had a blast coming uo with these.

Storytime: The campaign was about a world in which, in some case, some specific individuals would develop superpowers in response to near-death situations, or, basically, develop powers that would bring them back from the brink of death. There were three players:
Mix, an alien shapeshifter martial artist;
Woodbones, a janitor Wolverine knock-off, but with wood instead of adamantium (he could also shoot the wood spikes from his hands and they would regrow);
Holywater, the youngest catholic bishop in the history of the church, who could control water and turn into water. The players were fighting sister Mary Jane, a nun which was like the Human Torch. She believed herself to be chosen by God and could not be reasoned with; she was after the bishop because she mistakenly thought he was involved in a ring of child trafficking controlled by other clergymen.
Holywater and Woodbones declared a combined attack: Holy Water created a sphere of swirling warer around the nun, and Woodbones shot wooden shards in it, creating a sort of blender, which, thanks to an ungodly roll (BASH has exploding dice) killed the nun.
No Supes love?
these threads are particularly pathetic, nobody has anything to say or anything on their minds. Why do you want a thread if you don't have anything to talk about?
>Why do you want to talk about Rpgs on a board about Rpgs?
U ok?
superhero ttrpgs usually suck
>Why do you want to talk about Rpgs on a board about Rpgs?
not even close to what I said, are you stupid?
Oh you really want an in depth answer?

>Why do you want a thread if you don't have anything to talk about?

Can't you fucking read?
>Thread Questions:
>What system is your favourite for running a Super Hero Game?
>What system that you tried is really not your cup of tea?
>What kind of mechanic is essential to you to convey the fun of playing a Super Hero?
>Character Art, Stories and other questions are appreciated

Is it clear now? Need a drawing?
>What system is your favorite for running a cape game.
I've had fun running mutants and masterminds.
>What system have you tried that you don't like.
Really only tried mutants and masterminds. Looking to try a more advanced one, like champions, but IDK.
>What kind of mechanic is essential to you to convey the fun of playing a super hero.
I've found two types of players. The first is the person who makes a broken character and then fails to use them properly. The second is a person who makes a broken character and successfully breaks the game, leading to the inevitable arms race between GM and player, but I am always prepared for such an inevitability, it goes with the idea of what a super hero is. These games are great for figuring out who's competent in your friend group.
slop is always this hideous. Why is it that OP keeps posting these pointless nothingburger pseudo-general shitpost threads with the most hideous no-effort fetish art? That's the real question.
anyone have a mega link to the Marvel Multiverse TTRPG and the X-Men Expansion?
One idea I had was that a being of pure Creation and a being of Destruction collided and split into pieces, all the heroes and villains getting a fragment of one embedded in their being to grant them their powers. Having fragments of both instead of just one or the other and staying alive and/or remotely sane is effectively unheard of. Obviously making things out of light like a Green Lantern is one such Creation power, and outright deleting things or making people drop dead would work for Destruction powers, but what else could work, because I need more ideas for both heroes and villains for both beings.
You could go the Fire Force manga route and apply the Create/Destroy concepts in a broader sense to get various effect, like a Ice manipulating hero explained as the power to "destroy heat" or a villain who can "create electric charge" in peoples brain (mind control)
>What system is your favourite for running a Super Hero Game?
Mutants and Masterminds 3e
>What system that you tried is really not your cup of tea?
>What kind of mechanic is essential to you to convey the fun of playing a Super Hero?
Power building, it ranges from how you want to limit yourself for fun to making up fun things about your character for roleplay. My second campaign of Mutants and Masterminds has just finished our session zero and is ready to move into the first session. I can't wait because this is a continuation of the previous campaign where the players made more dark, serious characters and left the world in a weird and problematic state. I have stories if anyone is interested
>I have stories if anyone is interested
Please do share!
>What system is your favourite for running a Super Hero Game?
My Genesys homebrew.
>What system that you tried is really not your cup of tea?
MASKS, felt very restricted to what I wanted.
>What kind of mechanic is essential to you to convey the fun of playing a Super Hero?
I really believe that all superhero games need a mechanic that promotes teamwork and positive actions from players. I have no problem with my players being as powerful as Scarlett Witch or Spawn or something else, but some of my regulars have a bad habit of forgetting the humanity involved. I'm personally big on having weaker villains use the public's perception against heroes they can't outright fight or turning politicians loose backed up by insurance agents to try to chain down people with superpowers. Mechanics that add to the push and pull of doing what's right even when those actions are difficult is my favorite way to create challenges for my table.
>is always this hideous
You are blind. Therefore, all your opinions on visual art are worthless.
I have several stories, all from the same campaign. Would you like to hear about the prison break or the yacht heist first?
Honestly never really been that satisfied by any of them but Mutants and Masters has probably served me best

>Not my cup of tea
The 80s Marvel TSR RPG. In particular the damage resistance being absolute meant a lot of players just grabbed 50 or so and were pretty much immune to anything but extreme heavy hitters that shouldnt just grow on trees

>Mechanics needed
Good balance and motivation for a variety of heroes. The best superhero games are ones with lots of customiztion so people can create the kind of hero they really want and not feel left out because the game overly favors something like flying bricks or ninjas with 7 attacks a round

After that you need a good group that not only likes comic books but likes similar themes in them too. If you are trying to play a 2Ks era DC game whle the other guy wants 80s Antiheros via Watchman where he rapes as often as he saves people and another guy wants an angst filled Vertigo themed Gaiman style game while guy 4 wants 60s Adam West camp it just aint gonna work together
How do you calculate speed in M&M?
Go prison break my dude.
I would also like to hear about your approach in preparing it and how much you improvised
Okay, before I get into this story I'll have to lay down a bit of backstory. I freshly got done with Static Shock and wanted to play a good hero ttrpg. So I got to showing my 5e party Watchmen, and considering a couple of them were Marvel and DC fans, they were in a good mood for me to toss the idea out to them. Now it took me a while to build their characters, and mind you I still don't know much about the mechanics but I was learning while we were going and I grew to love this system. So we built 4 characters, Dr. Gaslight the group's telepathic and telekinetic, and almost rapist. Gabaghoul the mob boss who cheated death and gained the ghostly ability to phase through objects and become invisible. John Doe, I can't describe him other than take Tommy Monaghan, give him a fucking horrible crack addiction, cybernetics, and a hate for his former boss, The Shadow Government. Last but not least is Dick Slicker. Johnny Sins, who is a gay, astronaut, pornstar with a horse dick, whose stats are just the powerhouse premade but with flight. Cont.
I've planned somethings, like the story I wanted to tell, the characters I wanted to throw at this party, and the set pieces I wanted to show, but this party has a habit of doing the unexpected. I roll with the punches, but sometimes you can't roll through them all. Setting is a simple one, cure for cancer mysteriously gets synthesized and explodes during transport, coating 20 city blocks of Chicago in a life changing event. The party had a bit of a hand this, but it varies depending on each character. Steadily, they perform tasks to stop metahumans from attacking people they care about (read: bully) and make sure their identities remain intact while building power. The prison break event all starts because a player of ours wanted to be a chaotic neutral shitheel and thought that him and his character being on acid was a great idea. So, the gang meets up at the clinic of an important NPC who became too much of a fan favorite with the party because she points these weapons of mass destruction to the next target to destroy and heals them when they get hurt too badly. Plan was to meet a police contact and a couple of vigilante allies to start a proper and legal investigation into the company that started this whole mess but due to players getting rowdy it turned into who could do something funny, with Dick Slicker taking acid. His player thought it was funny and he doesn't really give a shit about roleplay. All he cares about is mindless fun, he's an irl friend so I can't just kick him out. Dr. Gaslight's player wants to mind read everyone in the room so he can see what this meeting is all about and to see if anyone is hiding any harmful intent. Thing is, Dr. Gaslight has a negative modifier on his power that makes him and whoever he is reading their mind experience the same pain, inflictions, and status effects. I don't know if you all have ever had to utter the phrase "Everyone make a fortitude check against being sent on an acid trip." before, but I have.
So, John Doe and Gabaghoul pass with flying colors, but Gaslight and half of the people present fail the check letting loose the dogs of war. I let Gaslight's player choose on of the Vigilantes to play as for the mean time while all my notes go out the window and this session just becomes the super powered tard wrangling Olympics. After 2 hours of combat, wrangling, playing soothing music, and promising that "you are on solid ground" and "you aren't going to fall off the earth" later, the party contains said telepath in a dumpster outside after a swift KO punch from Gabaghoul. I roll for intrigue because I was trying to salvage some of my notes from earlier and my stealth operative takes Gaslight from out of the dumpster to throw into a Shadow Government black site just outside of Chicago. John Doe being the double agent for the party's side already had chipped ever PC and important NPC he's come across, has already hopped into his
'93 Buick Regal and started a road trip with the party to make sure that their resident telepath doesn't drop the soap. Session ends with that, and two weeks later we end up gaining a new player and starting another session. New player just finished watching the second Spider-verse movie and wanted to make Spot. I let him and tell him that we'll pick him up in prison, and that he will have to break out too. I start with Gaslight's section of the session, waking up in the prison, finding out he has a power inhibitor collar that will blow up if he uses his powers too much, etc. It was supposed to be a "whip up a prison riot with former villains and random civilians" style mission but it turned dark way too fast. Gaslight gets dragged into interrogation, Spot pickpockets a guard.
Spot grabs a universal remote, and releases himself from the collar. He proceeds to portal the collar off of Gaslight's neck, and then portals them both out of cells. As Gaslight and Spot run into the cafeteria to try and hide, spot gets a the idea to look at the remote again. I tell him that it sends frequencies to the collars to release, shock, or explode in case a prisoner gets too uppity. Spot's player stares me in the eyes while saying that he wants to hold the explode button down and chuck the remote into the other side of the cafeteria to trigger a massive explosion. I said what any DM would say at the time, "Are you sure you want to do this?". He responds with "Yeah, I don't care about the negative karma." I tally up how many people were in the cafeteria and make them roll a toughness check, they barely pass as a symphony of five hundred collars go off, creating a hole big enough for them to start escaping. Meanwhile, the rest of the party is playing catch-up and trying to avoid being caught violating the US Military's quarantine zone around Chicago. John Doe gets them past the zone by off roading the Buick Regal and having Dick Slicker pick it up and fly it over to the black site prison. Thing is, when they make it to the black site I call for a stealth check. The party fails and gets assaulted by SAM turrets and Dick Slicker nearly gets knocked out before a massive explosion happens and all hell breaks loose. Gaslight and Spot free a couple of Metahumans because Gaslight wants to make up for the horrible explosion caused by the new member of the team. The riot helps the party meet up and they escape with two new NPCs in tow, while they fly the Buick Regal back to Chicago. They get into a dog fight with a couple of F-22 raptors while leaving and avoided The Warden, who uses his drones and tech armor to keep metahuman prisoners in. All in all, we all had a good time.
Good times for the players, it looks like a hard work for the gm to avoidveverything fall apart. I've come to the conclusion that super games derail much quicker and much worse than classic d&d games.
Organizing and having a story in mind looks like a waste of time.
It seems that you need someone to tell you that repeating the things thrown at you to get you to shut up aren't perfectly reversible. You can't just repeat them at other people with equal validity.
Great ideas, thanks, if you have any more please let me know. Oh, how about a shapeshifting power that works by "destroying" your old form?
>general to talk about trpgs based on a visual medium
>a visual medium which includes years and years of pages, cover arts, fan arts, collabs, nearly endless drawings
>AI vomit is the opening post
Do better senpai
It's rough sure, but I like to think of it more as needing a loose story that happens in the background and letting the players figure it out as I go like an investigation. Combine that with a lot more improve and you're golden. I don't view it as ruining my notes, but as a fun challenge to take on.
You're right, i didn't give much importance to the opening post image, was on my phone.
The thread does get more bumps thanks to this kind of comments though.
>What system is your favourite for running a Super Hero Game?
Prowlers & Paragons
>What system that you tried is really not your cup of tea?
Mutants & Masterminds
>What kind of mechanic is essential to you to convey the fun of playing a Super Hero?
Power scaling
I would keep looking at anime/manga powers for this kind of loose interpretation, western comics is imo more literal.
>Teleport by "destroying space" between two locations and fusing the two parts (pic related, jojo part 4 Okuyasu/The Hand power)
>Density/size alteration by creating additional mass
>Invisibility by destroying light
>Forcefield by creating infinite space in front of the attack a la Jujutsu kaisen Gojo
What about the yacht?
Mutants and Masterminds.
Prowlers and Paragons.
Character Customization.

Also this wasn't asked by op but i dont like superhero school settings or settings where all sources of superhuman abilities come from one thing. I like kitchen sink.
I haven't watched JoJo before, so I hadn't really considered that a source of inspiration, thanks, I might check that out.

As for other ideas, what do you think of a duplication power for Creation, or an intangibility power for Destruction? Powers like fireballs or similar elemental attacks are easily justifiable as Creation abilities, but besides your "Ice via destruction of heat" idea from earlier, what might work for elemental-type Destruction abilities besides destroying air to create an area of vacuum to suffocate people or make implosions from the pressure differential, or shadow powers via destruction of light? Oh, and I just thought of this, what about illusion powers via destroying the target's perception of what's actually happening, or a power that lets one turn anything into an explosive by creating a tiny amount of antimatter or something?
I love supers threads. I’ll post some character art in a few minutes.

If you’re new to these, /tg/ has a resident autist who actively looks for supers threads to derail. Check on desu if you don’t believe me. He’s in every single one. He will whinge about nonsense and post incessantly. Ignore him.
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Feel free to contribute. I like to make stat blocks out of character art that stands out to me.

I was a Mutants and Masterminds guy for a very long time but I'm starting to play Prowlers and Paragons and I'm liking it so far.
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I may as well drop some stories/ideas while I’m at it.
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Dungeons and Monster of the Week plots don’t lend themselves well to supers games. It’s fine in DND when you’re getting magical items and new powers and abilities every few levels, but supes tend to stay the same. It’s better to think about superhero media as soap opera, which it basically is already. Characters have long-term goals that stay more or less the same regardless of what happens to them (Batman in his 80s was still fighting crime). So have your monsters and dungeons, they can be lots of fun, but make sure your players have in-universe goals beyond punching stuff.
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This goes for your villains, too. Even small time guys who knock over banks for quick cash have a long term goal. Take some time before you play to establish what your characters want and make sure the actions in play feasibly contribute towards those wants.
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>What system is your favourite for running a Super Hero Game?
Prowlers and Paragons. Easy to learn and to teach, and it has a lot of flexibility making characters. Not a fan of the meta currency though.
>What system that you tried is really not your cup of tea?
Mutants and Masterminds. Felt overwhelming at first, but maybe I need to take a second look.
>What kind of mechanic is essential to you to convey the fun of playing a Super Hero?
A very flexible character creating process. P&P won me over because of it.
Sure! Abstract concepts like create and destroy, especially if coming from gods, can explain basically anything
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He’s so stupid I love him
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I'd like to see some statblock pls
Sure. I'm trying out Prowlers and Paragons, if that's helpful.

I'll start with Major Victory (https://pdsh.fandom.com/wiki/Major_Victory_(Chesler)

Fucking brutal backstory. An American soldier on nightwatch burned, blinded, and exploded, only to be resurrected by the spiritual embodiment of America itself. His description makes him sound kind of like Captain Marvel, so I modeled him off of that. He's in the High power level with a trait cap of 16 and 150 character points to throw around.

That 16 cap is broken. Victory can shrug off bullets and lift up to 2 kilotons.
The Measurements Table on p.11 of the Deluxe Handbook (Metric is on p. 312)
Distance Rank = Time Rank + Speed Rank
You are adding the ranks here not the actual measurements.
So if you have Speed 9 and are traveling for an hour, then you are traveling 1,000 miles. So Speed 9 would be 1,000 mph.
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Homer Colle was a brilliant materials scientist who created a form of very strong, customizable, fast-setting adhesive. His dreams of wealth and recognition were dashed, however, when another scientist from his own institution revealed her own version of fast-setting glue only days before his own paper cleared peer-review. Enraged, Homer murdered the woman and took his research with him, emerging as Stickum, villain for hire.

His powers are entirely built into his equipment; on his own he's quite weak (Might 3d). Most of his mileage comes from his 12d Ensnare Power, which can affect anyone who comes into contact with a person affected by it; reel in unsuspecting victims with a gluey tether; and be set as a trap, sticking any would-be speedster in their tracks.

His Talents could make him a formidable technician/researcher for a supervillain team a la Clock King, but his insane narcissism flaw would keep him well and truly isolated. Much of his ill-gotten gains go into maintaining his secret lab, where he obsessively works to perfect newer, stronger, and more deadly adhesives.
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Prowlers and Paragons is interesting. Like Mutants and Masterminds, you don't really need that many powers or character points to build characters that can be legitimate threats.

The Jackal, secret agent of Anubis on Earth, is built as a just-above-street-level threat. His enormous wealth, connections, and infamy in the criminal underworld give him access to minions, technology, and costumed villains as a matter of course. Never be afraid to stat a relatively weak character but then give them buckets of cash - whatever they can't beat they can buy. Per the rulebook, the Wealth perk is essentially a plot point. There really isn't anything on the planet save enormous corporations The Jackal couldn't acquire in one form or another.

His mask gives him astral projection powers, handy for a criminal kingpin, but also render him mortally weak should it ever be removed.
What’s important to consider when creating a female super, hero or villain, as opposed to male supers? And what are the most prominent female supers in your settings like?
Thanks. I do want to make sure that my powers make at least some logical sense though, hence why I ask for ideas and feedback on the ideas I have. For example, how about a creation power that puts people to sleep by creating tiredness, or a destruction power that heals by destroying illness or injuries?
Stop posting about your fetish.
Well i would go:
>destruction of pathogen
to heal from poison, viruses and illness in general (antibiotics heal by destroying bacteria after all)

>Creation of flesh
To heal wounds (something like stem cells)
If it’s an effects based system, the source of the power is just fluff.
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I've been off for a while due to IRL stuff, but I can tell the Yacht story sometime later today. Have a meme that they made for the campaign
What are some traditionally “villainous” powers that can be made to work well for heroes and vice versa, and what examples of this exist in your setting?
Is there an OSR-friendly Super Hero Game?
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I'm playing a shameless self-insert solo game where I got sucked into another universe to gradually gain powers. I started off slaying the "Demon lord" in one world then using a powerful arcane item to open a portal to another, and now I'm slowly gaining even more power and followers so that I can take over the multiverse.
It will still be a while before I can effectively take over planets with the efficiency that I want to, but I have a plan for Earth that's inhabited by super heroes.
>Start by claiming a secret base somewhere in a remote location. Most likely an island base or inside a volcano. (While the base is being built, send my followers out on a covert mission to gain as much intel as they can on the state of the planet and it's militaries/factions/known supers.)
>Once my base is complete, begin quietly going on secret missions where I take out villains like a super hero. (Start with smaller-timer villains and work my way up.)
>Secretly capture any female villains I find attractive or good candidates to fatten up and turn into sex/breeding slaves. Enslave them at my secret HQ
>Once all the known supervillains in the world are captured, Simultaneously let them all loose with and give them any resources necessary to cause mischief
>Now lead an army of supervillains against the superheroes, killing anyone who opposes me and enslaving any women that are good candidates for slave stock.
What do you all think?
How closely do you copy existing heroes and villains when you need a quick NPC?
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The absolute state of sloppa
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So, the Yacht story is a couple of sessions after the prison break story and another great disaster that caused lots of repercussions within Chicago. The party gets a call from their police contact, one Lt. Tyson Marco of the Chicago P.D. He asked them for assistance with a police raid on a Yacht owned by tech mogul Issak Krueger, owner of Keptek. Krueger is suspected of illegal possession and distribution of firearms and Meta tech, using his yacht named The Crawdaddy to distribute it into Canada and other stops all along The Great Lakes. Taking a chance, the party was supposed to sneak into the Crawdaddy during a party that was being held that night and find any evidence that they could before the police raid goes down, like a classic gala heist. The party had other plans. John Doe's player asks if he can leave the meeting to find the nearest fire department, I allow it because I'm curious. While the rest of players are planning on how to sneak into the event and how to get past the security drones, John Doe says he wants to break into the Fire Marshal's truck and outfit and speeds to the docked yacht. When he makes it to the yacht, he declares the ship a fore hazard and demands to inspect it. Passing the deception checks with little to spare, he is lead around the billionaire's yacht by the crew and checking each individual room one by one to find some sort of information. As the rest of the team rush to the yacht to be there to support him, John Doe traces the main server room and finds that it's locked and hidden within Krueger's penthouse room. While Gabaghoul helps Gaslight sneak through the yacht and make a mad dash to catch up, John is already squabbling with Krueger about his penthouse room. Cont.
Eventually Doe pisses off Krueger enough the he's able to load him into showing off the penthouse room. John Doe then brains Krueger with a fire extinguisher as hard as he can and knocks him out, and checks the room as quick as possible to find the servers that he traced. The other two join up with Doe at the same time he opens the server room and get into a fight with Krueger's bodyguard. Doe starts the hacking process and copied s the files while Gaslight and Gabaghoul are getting their collective asses whooped by this enhanced special forces operator. By the time Doe finishes the data transfer, both Gabaghoul and Gaslight are on their last legs. John takes the fire extinguisher and threatens to cave her employer's skull in if she doesn't stand down. In a moment of hesitation, Gaslight mind wiped her and gives her amnesia. The party then kidnaps this woman, light a fire in the server room, and then escape off of the boat. They throw her into a clinic, and tell her that she was saved by them, and that she is lucky to be alive. John Doe then makes up a false story about how the yacht was attacked by a Metahuman Supremacist group named The New Men and releases it to the public. The session ends there
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i really wanna run a supers game but for some reason i really struggle with running non-fantasy games.
any advice on how to structure sessions/adventures for a superhero game?
also does anyone have any experience using gurps for supers? its my preferred system for fantasy rn and seems like it would work pretty well but ive heard mixed things. i would like to do a game with gritty/over the top violence in the same vein as Invincible
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How much armor do you prefer your heroes and villains to wear vs exposed skin, I lean towards something more like picrel for the average.
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she's bulletproof
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I've never used GURPS, but IMO it depends on what scale you are going for. Street level heros build up from fighting low threats like b&e's and kidnappings to fighting large scale criminal organizations like the mafia piece by piece. I usually end those with a villain that isn't planetary scale but ends up becoming a a very real threat with their schemes. I don't really run really large scale stuff, but when I do it's more of a one shot.
Depends on how the character's personality is, if they are serious or shy then more armor and being covered up. More confidence to playful then less dressed. Also if their powers require skin contact to work this also is a factor
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Haha similar to what i'm doing. I made a self insert hero and he got sucked into a dimensional void due to a fluke caused by some gods fighting between dimensions. Manifested the ability to dimension hop and I can get stronger thru battle and training. Currently camping in the poor district of town and taking out small time gangs and criminals and working on my combat abilities. My big power is I can gain other super powers by seeing them (low % chance). My guy isnt keeping note of females for breed stock but thats not the kind of game im playing.
I LOVE this guy! What a cool costume!
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Check here >>93952879

Punching stuff is fun but superheroes are fairly stagnant characters. Wolverine's claws and healing factor have been more or less the same for 40 years - his storylines are what define him as a character. Ensure your characters have things to do and goals they are working towards. Ensure your villains have motivations and are legitimate threats - bump them up a power level or two.

This sounds obvious but steal plots from comic books! Superhero gamers just don't want to interact with the source material very often.

I'll post more character sheets in a bit. Happy to work with/play with anyone.
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I played a character that looked similar to this that I called Brimstone! I guess "devil guy" isn't a terribly unique concept, but that's still a cool overlap.

What kind of powers does this guy have, do you think?
Brimstone looks fine to me! What’s his deal?

Dart has a few themes - frog, poison, weird body

For the frog theme, he’s got to have jumping and agility powers. Maybe immunity to drowning or a weakness to hot, dry temperatures. The poison theme is easy - touch-based damage, maybe he can spit it at people. He could leave it on surfaces as a trap for others. Maybe he can generate different poisons for utility. And the weird body theme could be dealer’s choice - I like to think he can contort his body into weird ways.

What do you think?
He's a pretty blatant Batman-esque hero, though when I played him he'd collect "the Devil's Due" when he saved people, by adopting useful people as informants a la the Shadow.

I like your powers for Dart. He comes across as a creepier Spider-Man, or a less creepy Toad.
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Posting El Dorado, my solar-powered lucadore who gains superhuman strength and durability from his grandfather's magical mask.
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Fuckin nice dude
I'm in the process of creating a super powered sentient hamster for in campaign purpose. Making him similar to superman but obviously he's a hamster. my friend didnt think i'd be gutsy enough to roll it and run it but im doing this. a tiny lil hamster sized superman with eye beams and flight and super hamster strength. I havent worked out all the details yet tho especially backstory.
Animal testing gone wrong maybe? Or alien that just looks like a hamster
I like the idea of animal testing gone right but havent solved the whole he's not owned by the lab part since I want my hamster free not owned or restricted by others. I could also use the cliche of alien rock lands on earth grants hamster powers but its cheesey cliche stuff so idk. I'll probably give in to a bit of cheese since its a sentient superman styled sized hamster and that alone is comical. I also thought the whole dying cosmic entity puts all its power into the hamster as its dying as a last ditch effort to save itself (fails and dies but hamster gains powers and ability). the game isnt for a month or more so I have time to sort all this. I've also been making alot of ai art of the hamster for fun in various situations.
Thanks, man!
What about an abandoned animal testing lap? You could have the hamster be the only success of an experiment, but the scientists never knew it and had to hastily abandon the lab. Or you could have a whole supporting cast of other discarded little freaks back at the lab that you're trying to take care of. The old owner could have been a supervillain who comes back to town after seeing your character on the news and putting 2 and 2 together.
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Ha that might work. The lab was defunded by its superiors after the hamster was the last "failed" test and in response they just let all the animals out into the wild (thinking they were just regular animals) and the hamsters powers manifest shortly after. I'll probably jot down in notes all the potential origins for him than see which one appeals to me the most. The lab idea was good to build off. I see some potential stuff.
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