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ITT: unsafe fantasy art
By 'unsafe' do you mean 'teeny-tiny'?
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I know it's been discussed to death, but the "controversy" still pisses me off. Necromancer babe is (iirc) in-context super fucking evil, and also quite literally armed. She's got a damn magic fireball in her hand. Her expression is somewhere between indignant and enraged, rather than fearful or submissive. I'd say that the work is actually fundamentally egalitarian: we're juxtaposing the barbarian dude's sheer size and strength with the necromancer's sophistication and magical skill.
The only things, if I'm being generous, that I could see as being in potentially poor taste are the position of her legs straddling his and her general sexy femme-fatale outfit. The exposed bit of thigh is potentially sexually suggestive, but frankly nothing about the barbarian character's pose/design/attitude suggests that he's sexually interested in her, nor is her pose meant to be seductive. The necromancer babe, for her part, does seem to be a femme fatale (hence her outfit), but that's actually what makes this conflict interesting: here we're seeing her "mask off", any attempt at trickery or seduction is out of the window, and now she has to demonstrate her raw power, or die. Lucky for her, and us the viewers I think, this looks like an even, exciting contest. The barbarian's winning, but only for now. We'll see just how well his claw-thing does against sorcery.
>Lame thread for insecure man children #16,736,289
can you post a picture where I can actually zoom in on it
>everything offends my sensibilities
>no YOU're insecure
It's all so tiresome.
>puckee21 spamming his commissions again
Now post the booba edit
>I love shit. I love everything about it. I love posting absolute shit, I love reading absolute shit, I rub it in my hair, I even spread it on muffins
>I'm going to post "unsafe" artwork because modern game standards scare me
it's all so banal.
>modern game standards
This is an obvious shitposting thread but I hope you're not being serious with this
He should fuck that ELf first though. Or is he just gonna fuck the beautiful carcass instead?
Hole is a hole.
That's a human, retard.
>irrelevant post form neglected manchild #356,675,789
What exactly is "unsafe" about this? Retard is about to eat a fireball if he doesn't cave her skull in.
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Prudish idiots are censoring art again for whatever politics are the flavor of the month now? Plus ca change...
What's the purpose of people fanning figures of importance?
You'd think it's because of heat but everytime I see it in movies or what nots they're doing it so slowly I doubt it cool anything.
Your coprophilic tendencies are showing. Maybe if you didn't solely think about shit all them you'd be able to critically think about how poor your comparison is or how bad your understanding of the topic is. Alas, you can only think about feces.
>You can kill torture and rape men BUT DONT YOU CHUDS EVER SHOW A HOT WOMAN IN DANGER
>refugees welc-ACK
Status maybe?
Anon, the card debacle happened years ago. You're not a /pol/ tourist, are you?
>over a decade ago
>still mad
Is he implying Garruk should drop what he's doing and go find Nissa?
Illidan was locked down 10,000 for over years. He was so long locked down he was literally forgotten.
Feces are more interesting than a bunch of fat, hairy man children cooing over "forbidden" art like a bunch of 12 year Olds with a stolen copy of Hustler.
>How dare you compare this shitty thread with shitty art to actual shit
>The correct bodily fluid is pus
Duly noted, fuckface
>Butthurt "no U" from overly defensive faggot #729,834,115
They do frighten you, then. Good to know.
>flavor of the month
Rape has been illegal since the Code of Hamurabi, you insufferable, stinking neckbeard
The art doesn't depict rape. Also Western civilization wouldn't exist without rape, because of the Rape of the Sabine Women by the Romans.
There's a reason for why female soldiers disappear in media when the battle starts.
I visited the Borghese gallery earlier this year (that's where this statue is displayed) and it really is an incredible work of art. You can't appreciate it fully with a photograph, you have to go there. It's a beautiful sculpture, but it's also more than that. It looks alive, like Persephone's kidnapping is actually happening in front of you.
Is his veins purple because of her magic?
>A marry-your-rapist law, marry-the-rapist law, or rape-marriage law is a rule of rape law in a jurisdiction under which a man who commits rape, sexual assault, statutory rape, abduction or other similar act is exonerated if he marries his female victim, or in some jurisdictions at least offers to marry her. The "marry-your-rapist" law is a legal way for the accused to avoid prosecution or punishment.[1]
Although the terms for this phenomenon were only coined in the 2010s,[2][3][4][5][6] the practice has existed in a number of legal systems in history, and continues to exist in some societies today in various forms.[7] Such laws were common around the world until the 1970s. Since the late 20th century, the remaining laws of this type have been increasingly challenged and repealed in a number of countries.[4][8] Laws that allow courts to authorise an underage marriage on account of the pregnancy of a female minor when she is below the age of consent, commonly with parental consent, can in practice be a way for a statutory rapist to avoid prosecution for the statutory rape of a child.[9]
The law has been justified as recognition of the cultural value placed upon female virginity at marriage, in which "despoiled girls and women are a source of shame for their families, innocent of wrongdoing though they may be."[10][11] In some cases, the perpetrator rapes the girl or woman whom he wants to marry after she rejected him.[vague]
yeah, he wanted to get revenge on her killing one of his pets and she pumped him with black mana that turned him into an obsessive killer
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Garruk has a thing for choke pinning mages, it seems.
>Harder daddy
Oh shit, it's the board police.
Wee woo, wee woo.
if surface area is big enough you dont need to flap it fast to create substantial air flow

Some game stores were shrinkwrapping picrel book with a bit of cardboard so you couldn't see the back cover.


What do normoids think happens in combat anyways? That it's like a PG-13 action movie where anyone who dies is knocked down and there's no blood, strangulation, death spasms, dismemberment, etc?
Lucky anon. I want to see some of these works of art in person one day.
>The only things, if I'm being generous, that I could see as being in potentially poor taste are the position of her legs straddling his
FWIW, basic unarmed tactics for attacking a prone or semi-prone opponent - if you cannot pin them via bodyweight or leverage - have you put yourself between their legs. This prevents them from easily standing, it mostly prevents them from rolling out from under you, and it prevents them from kneeing you in the fucking dick.

For what he is doing, choking someone with an extended arm, Garrick is FIGHTHING FUCKING CORRECTLY. There's nothing sexual about it beyond what someone chooses to read into it. He's doing the tactically correct thing by putting his legs between hers so she can't escape or kick/knee his crotch. The artist may actually have done their research for once, and has gotten nothing of a decade of reee-ing because stupid people on the internet have to see SEXSEXSEX in everything they do.
>What do normoids think happens in combat anyways? That it's like a PG-13 action movie where anyone who dies is knocked down and there's no blood, strangulation, death spasms, dismemberment, etc?
MtG has been trying to become the MCU in cardboard for a long while now, so... yes actually. It being bland and goreless is an entirely reasonable expectation in line with the attempted brand trajectory since at least Origins. It's not what older fans wanted, but it's what they've been doing.
>What do normoids think happens in combat anyways? That it's like a PG-13 action movie where anyone who dies is knocked down and there's no blood, strangulation, death spasms, dismemberment, etc?
what?? Western civilization is the moral bastion of the world
Having a Tzimisce player is the biggest red flag for any table.
Are you ignoring the mass rapes committed by the mongolians, Chinese, and Imperial Japanese?
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>modern game standards
So has murder, but I don't see you whining about rules surrounding combat.
Holy fucking moly, I've never seen such a disconnected post. People are literally dying, young men on both sides are being blown to pieces, shot dead in unforgiving shitholes, and families are losing their loved ones. And this is what people compare it to? Pulp fucking movies? Entire lineages are being dismantled and NATO is comparing it to fucking DUNE and Harry Potter?
It is indeed all so tiresome.
Why is he looking at the viewer, not the opponent?
Depends. Sometimes that might work, but others that just lets them take a leg or waist control. Personally, in that situation I'd try go outside, lean in. This will close off the stripper-heel-to-balls angle even more, give greater control, and not give her his leg.
She's actually got a relatively good position there to trap his forward leg, and kick out the back one. Use that, and/or an orbital kick/fireball slap to loosen his chokehold, then frame out.

If he falls into that position, I'd say he should be going for a knee-ride, or hook the back of her right leg with his left while planting his knee on the rock for stability.
Still, ignoring the footplay game to be able to wail on her faster and harder with his right is also perfectly reasonable.
Yes, you might suffer eye strain. Be careful.
Probably. Pharaos had a designated fan-operator as a court position (as well as a designated sandal-carrier, i shit you not, and both were also relatively high positions).
Well, yeah. The Pharaoh was not merely the head of state, he was a living incarnation of divinity. Any sort of position in his court, no matter how menial, was accordingly prestigious.
Funnier thing here is that blown up Russian convoy
What happened to his right leg?
Got his shin blown off in Japan. They had to reattach his foot at the knee.
Tragic. My condolences for his loss.
How I hate "modern" culture, the most boring, ugly and souless than has existed in the western world... If it wasn't for the asians we would have about zero new things than aren't rip offs of the 80's but lamer.

Is this unsafe fanatsy art for ants?
>Western civilization is the moral bastion of the world
You DON'T want to be fanned extremely fast. Makes your eyes water and the stark difference to the extreme heat when you move out of the draft is ugh.
Source: Wuz kang and shieet
>rule out any verbal magic while you're finishing the job
Seems pretty smart to me.
>think this is an obvious edit
>check veracity
>it's 100% real
Jesus fucking Christ, is this organization being run by absolute clowns?

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