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Malorian Arms 3516 edition
>Cyberpunk 2020 vs. Cyberpunk RED?
Cyberpunk 2020 is the second edition of the Cyberpunk TTRPG that focuses on simulation gameplay and has a black trenchcoat aesthetic.

Cyberpunk RED is the fourth edition of the Cyberpunk TTRPG that is set after Cyberpunk 2020 following the Fourth Corporate War, focuses on more balanced gameplay and is more streamlined but has less content.

>Cyberpunk Rulesets (The Vault) (May not have all updated rulebooks, check official sources for updates)

>Resources for RED:

>RED free-DLC and extra content

>RED Easy Mode is available for FREE.

>Errata Pages

>Character Sheets

>Last thread

> Thread Question
What content would you like to see in a future DLC?
Some kibble.

This gun perfectly represents Johnny Silver hand as a person: it is HUGE, FLASHY, BOMBASTIC and extremely impractical and overly complicated, but very badass. It is ridiculous over the top. It is built like a rifle, with a rifle-style bolt and a rifle-style magazine too. It shoots full-sized rifle cartridge that can't fit into a pistol grip. It almost looks like it was originally built as a full-size rifle and then cut down later on, but no, this is from factory, it was a custom order from Johnny himself. To really feed his ego, they made sure to make this pistol truly one-of-the-kind. It functions line no other pistol in the entire world. The feeding mechanism on this thing makes no sense. The magazine is on the front of the trigger, but the bolt in the chamber are way back at the end. Normally, the bolt would be placed directly above the magazine to make the feeding process as simple and reliable as possible. The fastest path to your destination is a straight line after all and there is little reason to deviate from this design, but with the Maolorian the rounds have to go up then shift direction and go backwards and then up again where they can be chambered and fired. So, this concept is technically possible, yes, it's something like the glorious Mars automatic pistol, a really obscure firearm from the 1900s. It has a really weird feeding mechanism that doesn't feed in a straight line, it goes up, then back, then up again. So why would this design be ever necessary? It is not, but you I guess you can squeeze out an extra inch of barrel length without extending the whole length of the gun, meaning it is basically a bull-up pistol, but it's so overly complicated for no tangible benefit that it's not worth all the trouble. The recoil of the Mars pistol was also absolutely dastardly anyone. Whoever shot it once never wished to shoot it again. You got to be a gigachad like Johnny to wield a gun this shitty.
Good channel, I like his content.
I recall that 2020 version of 3516 was more akin to MARS pistol from WW1 era.
It's a bullpup mag loaded pistol that is a revolver at the same time (it has 2 chambers that rotate).
Also I'm pretty sure that Johnnys arm was specifically made/upgraded to withstand the recoil
Has anyone looked at the 2077 boardgame? I'm interested in it but the marketing is pushed so hard that it makes me skeptical.
>>New stuff
>Weapon attachments
Gotta fill the space. Active Camo (+2 to conceal), and Smartgun Hax
>Special Ammunition
Track them, zap them, drug them, burn them
Kind of basic, honestly. Golden Chrome is so BIG it covers most of my ideas, and simultaneously the ACPAs cover whatever heavy hitter I could come up with - it's no joke, their weapons start at 5K and end at 20K.
Anyway, back to the weapons:
>Double Barrell / Sawn-off
+5 if shoot both barrels. All Ammo.
>Jailbroken Microwaver
6x6m AoE. An example of a Tech Upgraded weapon.
>Amplified Shrieker
DV17, another example of a Tech Upgrade.
>Arachno Foam Launcher
It's a glue gun from Prey. Grapple, build cover, maybe extinguish/slow fire. Get creative.
Alternative Grenade Launcher. In some scenarios it's better, in some it's worse. Suit Yourself.
>Super Smart Rifle
Clogged all Smart Weapon shenanigans into one. Got 3 scopes at once, boosted smartlink (+2 to hit), always trigger a second chance and has a base of 14 while doing so. Become Aimbot.

Following upgrades received a change/claryfication:
>Advanced Plating (not sure if optical camouflage belongs here or not)
>Heavy Plating
>Advanced Manipulators
Microwavers are insanely underrated. I have seen so many players dump TECH because they don't know how it's used in combat. And the cruelest thing is that if they aren't paying skill points at chargen and into even decent TECH it's almost impossible to recover from without spending tons of IP. All from a funny 500eb zappy gun.
>for no tangible benefit
Johnny asked Malorian for a gun that could put down a skezzed out chromed up fanboy in one shot. It's no less outrageous than Adam's .666 caliber magnum "handgun."
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One could always go for a shielding, but yeah it would hit yo wallet.
Compared to this the Shrieker feels weak - sure it does force a critical injury, but it's severely easier to lock out it's effects - single gear piece, or two pieces of cyberware are enough.
On the other side you'd have to invest in extremely HL hefty borgware to ignore the microwaver if you have much chrome.

Great supplement though
Not sure what am I supposed to think about the plating change.
Like, why would you lock SP13 behind two slots upgrades?
To put this in some perspective
1 Upgrade 500eb
2 Upgrades 1000eb
2 Upgrades 1500eb (oh I see the pattern here)

And then you can add the special effect, like invulnerability to fire damage, EMP or self regenerating abilities of a Subdermal. 5K seems a bit excessive but I guess you've went with +1 price category. So a good, and specialised plating is always 3 slots. Really pricey, and pretty much forces you to a tech upgrade for a bonus slot because no way in hell I'm wasting 3 out of whatever slots for a protection.
Also fuck smart design, no I'm not going to use that. It's 5K, why on earth I would use it in any other situation than absolutely boosting the autonomous drone? For a price of 5K i could go with better drone core and it grants me not only
>upgrade slot
but also
>higher DV to disable

Imagine tech upgrading the Smart Design to give +2 slots, or Smart Programming to reroll instead of ignore. Or Plating to gain +1SP, or Holo to make two holograms, or...
you get the idea
Nigga incorporate these in your textbook because these are my ideas, and therefore they're objectively better than yours

BTW, how would a Tech+Roboticist multiclass work? Could you, like possibly take a single Tech level to gain the tech upgrade power, and then just use your bonus from roboticist? I mean the bonus you use to fabricate and repair them. Why wouldnt it apply?
It would be pretty wack, yo. Imagine a combat drone TuP-d to the brim.
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This took more time than it should, but I’m sure it was worth it.
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This is embarassing
I hope this time picture will not get compressed into oblivion
TUp Autonomus Drone = 4 monts 40K
TUp Smart Design twice = 2 months 20K
TUp Smart Programming = 2 weeks 2K
6,5 month, or 26 weeks, assuming you doesnt fail a single roll out of DV29 and so on.

All of that assumes you have about... 31K to spare for materials, and are a Tech yourself or just pay nothing for the person doing your job.

Man, even with recent HQ boosts where you work on 3 projects at once you still lose over 2 months to get your drone these "available only on drone creation" upgrades.

On the other hand - you end up with 11 upgrade slot monster, which you could further creampie with actual upgrades.
Since this would already be a endgame shit I could assume you would do such work yourself as a Tech, and be a roboticist rank 10, further boosting upgrade slots to 12.

So, let's go with TUp Heavy Duty + 20HP + 10 (from outstanding drone) = 50SDP minimum
Make it twice for maximum SDP and Borg Weapons (70SDP, 80 if you go with Ground Drone)
Then TUp Heavy Plating SP16 +2 (from Outstanding Drone) = METAL GEAR DRONE MOTHERFUCKERS
TUp Advanced Plating - let's go with nanoregeneration. 10min full SP like fleshweave.
Lets do it again for Optical Camo - DV17 and invisible to IR

How we are doing on the slots? 6 out of 12. Halfway done. 62+24=86K (assuming no workpay) on core and upgrades. Maybe it's time to think about some combat?

Maybe go with TUp 45HP Particle Dome? 10K
Then a combo of a TUp Overclocking for +2 and a TUp Superior Combat AI that doesnt require two previous tiers (20K total)

How we doing on slots? 9/12 Weapons will wait, time for movement.
So, since it started as a Ground, lets now add TUp Bonus movement System that combines air and water (2K -5SDP)
TUp Advanced Movement (2K) +6 MOVE
We have 11/12 now, too low. Only a single weapon, or TUp Weapon Mount that can hold two guns? Say, a U-56 and Helix because why not. 11K

Totals 131K and God know how much time to fabricate ultimate combat drone with a 10/14 MOVE and 20 Combat Number.
Can all foundational chrome be protected? As far as I remember we have hardening for limbs (core rulebook), linear frames and eyeballs (black chrome) and the fbc dlc gave us single-use all-coverages hardening. Does that just leave ears, brain, and internal upgrades? What would even happen if your neural implants get disabled? Would that be a concussion? And I guess the eye hardening could be 'invented' to work on ears too. I think we discussed this months ago, so the blueprints for a fully Emp-proof borg are there.
Pretty sure that if you’re closer to two digit IQ than to being braindead you’re able to figure out what exact stats should other shielding have.

James Hutt
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How does the internet work in RED? Is there even an internet at that point with forums and stuff or is it all just local architectures and local networks connecting to your agent?
All major population centers (such as Night City) have their own citinets/data pools which is identical to our modern internet (but a far cry away from the old 2020 net where you could be chilling in your bathtub in Night City and be diving into the Arasaka datafort in Tokyo). From what little lore on citinets have been published we have examples of forums, youtube and definitely news sites/screamsheets, so it should be 1:1.

The nets are just airgapped systems although I don't think it's unreasonable to say that a data node could let you transmit data to the citinet. For example I could have a security camera in my house attached to a net with a password node, control node, and data node. The password hopefully keeps people out, the control node controls the camera, and the data node can connect to the net so I can view the camera from my agent anywhere in Night City. If someone pysically accessed my house they could get into my net and write a virus to send the camera feed to their agent too, or something else related to that system.

This is all conjecture because the netrunning chapter is so bare you have to just make up your own shit as you go along because the developers are lazy as shit. One referee might like this way of combining net architecture and the citinet but another would block it.

Check your pager, James.
New Cyberpunk anime is in the works.
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I need help, choombas
I really like the cyberpunk setting but I never played the game, my table plays D&D 3.5 and a lot of them are also interested in cyberpunk system and story but never tried it. Are there any streamers running a cyberpunk campaign which is fun enough to hook new players but also keep the gameplay basic enough so I can copy as a DM at least for start to get into it?
Gonna be GMing for the first time this Sunday. Ive been using this playlist


To get ideas on how to run the Street Stories campaign book

And this playlist


To go over the rules
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nice, Thank you. Will be listening to them over the weekend while I work.
thinking of combining rain world with cyberpunk in a game set during the time of the red

some overgrown tower city where all the lower levels are flooded and downpours come even some of the upper apartments suffer from flooding and water problems
though the days where it's sunny or not raning lightly are a feild day for scrappers who all come out on their boats to the surronding sandy coastlines and waterlogged lower flooded districts

mutated animals will also be more common and will be a threat in this enviroment
and certian plotlines from 2020 and the fourth corparate war might come back like the carbon plauge
You might get some inspiration from the Cybergeneration book ecofront too, at least for some animal ideas.
D&d players I've introduced to RED really appreciate the companion app as well, it's top notch and most importantly is fully customizable so you can get a good amount of Homebrew stuff in by manually changing values. Rip the AI stuff though, the criminal record generator was pretty unique
Would that app work on Siemens M55?
No, sadly. It's pretty good on android and Apple (at least according to my applefag players). It does have a desktop version but it's buggy. If you make a character sheet on the phone and then export it to PC it works well in the browser.
Can you make a demolitions expert in RED? I'm not seeing anything other than grenades in the book
Depends by what you mean by demolition expert. Yes corebook "only" have 'nades and rockets plus variants, and DLCs and Black Chrome have some more options for them. More than that require light homebrewing i.e. using Techie role to make more explosion funsies.
Could also use one of homebrews that are around the net, like this one https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Aql6u3ZH5Aqc9x9l3RH143uKBPg-OZsFqjKJ5TPFs74/edit#heading=h.47dya49gqlro
Maybe as a tech you could tech-upgrade grenades to be excellent so you get +1 on the attack roll (and make it that much harder for enemies to dodge?).
What's to stop you from just reflavoring rockets and grenades into plastic explosives and other bombs and shit? Like, the rules for explosions are right there, you just expand on them a little, change the way they work slightly.
GM's fiat really.
One homerule I would recommend without second thought is better scatter rules. Just use d8 and have the nade/rocket miss in that direction by the amount you missed DV and on perfect fumble have it explode in your hand/you drop it. RAW sucks balls in this place so much it's not even worth mentioning.
See >>93939876
If you're brain dead atm (happens to the best of us) respond to this post and I shall deconstruct the rules for you.
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Tell me about your favorite PCs you or your players have played as?
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I wonder if it'll follow a different life path or something for this one.
Just downloaded the Cyberpunk RED app to check it out, what is this thing? I never ever ever use phones or apps for anything so talk to me like i'm an 80 year old man.
The app is an excellent digital character sheet but won't really help you learn the game if you don't have the book. For now Id suggest just looking at pregenerated characters.

The first page is a long one, it has your role abilities and their descriptions (pretty much word for word from the book) and at the bottom is your bio stuff you rolled for or selected. You can roll here for your role abilities too. You can also enter the Improvement Points you've earned and spend them. The app knows your current role/skill ranks so it charges you correctly for the next rank.

The next tab is your skills. You can roll and it will tell you your result and the breakdown of the dice and all bonuses. I can't speak for homebrew stuff, but the app is very good with gear like the Techscanner (which adds +2 to multiple tech rolls) and picks up on that gear if you have it. The app developer is a hard working guy who is constantly trying to include the good gear-based DLC.

Gear is self explanatory. You can buy what you get for your character through the app There is no oversight and you can easily spend into negatives. But that's the same as how a player can just write whatever they want on their character sheet, too. You can customize items here, such as getting a cyberdeck and putting more slots in (such as via tech upgrade) and even change the descriptive text.

Agent tab is just fun in-universe stuff. Contacts can be a fun way to keep track of NPCS you either like or hate.

Combat is an important tab because fighting is fun. Shooting guns will actually expend ammo, and reloading will draw ammo from your gear page. Like in gear you can edit stuff here too.

And netrunners get the netrunning tab which is its own can of worms, but at least the half dozen netrunner players I have had think the app makes it more fun.
So it's a streamlined character generator and character sheet then? I was checking it out earlier. Yeah I got all the books, everything for RED that has been released (and a majority of 2020 for fun).

I'm wondering if I can get my group to use it, we kind of imploded last year and haven't played anything ever since and it was right before I got to run RED for them.
So far every player I've shown it to loves the app. It's criminal that R.Tal treats this dude so poorly, they should make him an official employee. They're trying to chase 5E players and a great app is exactly what you need to do that.

Like I said I can't speak much for the homebrew stuff but the app works amazingly with official stuff.
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Something like that
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Is it possible to make my character a giant spider mech? If so what all books would I need to accomplish this?
quick question
a 5e only friend was interested in Cyberpunk. I haven't read any edition but I'm quick at catching up, which edition should I go for? How much lore do I need to make the real experience? Should I give him splat books to pic random items without actually playing to get the full experience?
>It's no less outrageous than Adam's .666 caliber magnum "handgun."

Dirty Jian hands typed this post.
If he's a retard (as described), do RED, you won't be able to get him onboard with 2020's approach to equipment and ware which is frankly a huge part of its experience.With RED on the other hand, the core rulebook is happy to brainwash him through character generation and anything he'll find unfamiliar (range charts, SP, etc) you can print out extra tables and cheatsheets for.

If you're going to play in the Time of RED, the book will also have all he needs to get up to speed; but if you're running in the year 2020 you'll probably need to give him the rundown. If he got excited about it from the videogame or anime you could also get the edgerunners kit to put that shit directly into his veins again, which can be more appealing than RED's economic depression and rusty world.
There are multi-legged work robots listed in the chromebooks. Maybe you can do a daioni situation with an ACPA sized borg body?
Hey choom, I think you got the wrong door. The Culter Dei braindance club is 2 blocks down
I'll give it a shot. Thanks.
Any weird and obscure gear you guys know of in the 2020 books? Like those air fresheners that fill the room with hallucinogenic gas
One of the chromebooks has horizonally split eyes so if your head is out of the water, you can see above the water and below perfectly at the same time. The only application for this would be Navy Seals, or perhaps security forces for a sea-based location.
Lancer's devs gave carte blanche to a creator to make a thing that functions like the app for RED but better in every way and it makes getting into that game so easy in a way most aren't. What do R Tal do with the RED app guy?
I have a player that is a rockerboy streamer in NC (Which I've seen some others talk and play around with this premise) and it's been fun adapting whatever streamer culture exists today and hyperbolizing it to fit in the time of red (e.g. Stream Snipers, Streamers using trends for clout, parasocial tendencies).
As yes, water, the substance famously known for staying perfectly level with the middle of your eyes as you swim through it
The crazy thing about water based gear, vehicles and chrome is the water in most of the setting is absolutely polluted filth so no one ever wants to go into it.
Would doing a rule that every 6/10 rolled on their respective dice causes a single wound regardless of Armor, help adjust for the high SP in 2020?

I know RED does something similar with it’s critical hits to help penetrate SP.
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Red does so more to make a death spiral than to help with high SP values.
When you rolled double 6 you already have enough damage to pass LAJ, so it’s not like you’re in a situation where you need additional firepower.
I recall the intend was to make the system use HP and be lethal at the same time - you roll a critical, armour doesn’t help because of a +5, character gets essentially handicapped with a nasty effect and boom, you’re low on HP, can’t do a single thing and suddenly you’re much closer to death.
Can’t say for 2020 never played it however.
Think I’m going to give up on trying to find an RL group for anything that isn’t D&D and just stick to running games on VTTs where the pool of players is larger.

>spend 4 months trying to hobble together an IRL group for CP RED
>eventually manage to get 4 players plus 1 who will only be able to show up a third of the time
>have first session yesterday and most of the people said they enjoyed it and we schedule another session
>except for one guy who decides the system is “too hack and slash and not his vibe”
>even though I told everyone this would be a intro scenario designed to teach everyone the combat and netrunning rules
>and we only had 1 fucking combat
>now I’m back down to 3 people + 1 who won’t be there most the time

And this is in a major city. Meanwhile GMs in my RPG club that run D&D 5e can ask if people want to play in their games and they’ll be flooded with takers within a few days. This is probably the 3rd most popular RPG out right now and I still struggle to find players. I can only imagine how much worse it is for GMs who want to run anything obscure
>Major city
Like New York?
One of my houserules is that AP bullets always cause a single damage to armor if it doesn't penetrate. If it does, then it's RAW 2 armor damage.

Also I'm doing a homebrew on weapons/combat overall, would doing gun attachments that use half of 2ROF viable? I think it was a missed opportunity in core rulebook, but then i realized that half of attachments on rifles/carbines and MGs can make use of half 2ROF, but can't make a shot. Feels like a unnecessary complication.
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>If all goes to plan (knock on wood) we’ll be releasing it on October 15, 2024.
Release date on Forlorn Hope/Hope Reborn is out, also the history on the bar from 2020 to the 2040s. https://rtalsoriangames.com/2024/09/23/tales-of-the-red-hope-reborn-dev-blog-1-a-brief-history/

Some of the history gets retarded, and I guess Trace is now mostly confirmed as Rogue's and Santiago's kid.
>Kiroshi kidnaps a young Trace Santiago to use as a bargaining chip in contract talks with the Aldecaldo Clan. Santiago Aldecaldo taps the Queen of the Solos, Rogue for a retrieval.
Anyone got any fancy chipware ideas?
>Forlorn Hope survives and thrives in post-nuclear holocaust
>gets inherited by feminists
>withers away and disappears during Night City's renaissance
What did they mean by this?
I can't find it in either Chromebook 1-4 so maybe I'm just losing it. Which is nuts because I distinctly remember that it was Kiroshi brand and even had a picture with the eyeball with a horizontal split. Well I hope this bit of weird gear is equally satisfying.
From few times I played 2020 and +100 times I played RED - RED has death spirals, 2020 has just death.
I remember this, I bought every single physical RED book and Edgerunners but while i've been waiting in between releases I started buying all the physical 2020 stuff too for fun even though I don't plan on running it, I just always wanted to own it and I can still use a ton of it for RED.
I give James Grey or whatever a lot of shit but looking at things now the set price categories are a genius idea for a game where players are meant to update all of the last edition's content.
>OK ref I'm inventing the double-slit pupils from Chromebook 4 so I don't take a -2 penalty on perception/ranged attacks when I'm partially underwater like an alligator. What should I price them at?
>uuuh 100eb?
That CDPR was too obsessed with keeping all of the 2077 lore firmly attached to the withered nutsacks of 2020 characters to give a fuck that most of them should really be dead fifty-four years after nuclear armageddon.
2077 really should have been 2050 and RED should have been 2035, 10 years after the bomb.
I didn't think of this much at first but over the past two years it feels like a huge oversight.
But CPv3 was already set in the 30s, they couldn't reuse that time.
I feel like we’ve seen enough street kid. I would like a corpo series but I would love a nomad one, it’s the redheaded stepchild of cyberpunk backstories. I was the only guy in my friend group to choose that background for 2077 and I loved it, synergized great with Panam’s romance and ending
I think R Tal 20 years ago would’ve been all over it but because they’re splitting the license with CDPR it makes for legal hoops to jump through. I doubt it’s a conscious decision to fuck him over, I just think it’s corporate bullshit stopping them (ironically)
I feel like if they kept one of the characters alive it would’ve made for a fine story, then throughout the Johnny side quests you find skeletons and graves of everyone else that he worked with. To keep everyone alive was a mistake I agree. Maybe Kerry would’ve been understandable since he’s rich and a sellout, which would be the cherry on top for Johnny’s loss of everything
I really found it weird that only Johnny got soulkilled. You think having all the legends up and still kicking would make people trigger happy or something.
Like the other anon said, Kerry is rich so he can get a pass, but everyone else is odd.
that anon last thread who made a funny age mistake got me thinking: what would be the life expectancy in the 2040s and 2070s? I think Donald died at age 150 and Saburo Arasaka is still walking at 160, so wonder if there is a limit or immorality tech (not counting soulkiller) does exist for rich people out there.
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From mouth of Max Mike himself - do you have money?
>September 3rd. The Professor notices a tremble in his hands. It’s Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), a degenerative neuromuscular disease. Treatment can slow its progress, but there’s no magic bullet. He continues his work but brings in Bill Dolarhyde’s niece, Edelweiss, to assist Marianne in running operations.

side note: there is in fact a magic bullet, it's called FBC and in the RED DLC that introduces it, it is framed as a medical procedure to save a girls life.
it's heavily implied rogue is also a sellout which is why she's alive.
New DLC dropped: an okay-ish investigation subsystem that isn't that impressive but is probably better than literally nothing.
It just seems so cowardly. They go through all of this shit to build up the theme that there's no such thing as a living legend in Night City and that if you're already condemned to die, there's no reason not to go for the very top because your ticket's already punched. Legends die. People get wasted like trash. Nothing you've done makes you invincible and if Morgan Blackhand or Weyland Boa Boa gets stabbed the gut or shot in the face in a back-alley brawl, they die. And then they have everyone significant from 2020 still walking around and doing their shit (except Bartmoss, but fuck him). I guess the stat total disparity in 2020 is canon. Your character can get wasted, but no one's allowed to touch a hair on the heads of any of the setting's special boy canon NPCs.

The most narratively-interesting thing you could do with the rockerboy legend or the world's greatest solo who died fifty years ago is to have no one remember them. No one's special. Even if you die blowing up a building, in a week, someone else will take your stool at the bar and only their surviving closest friends will even still care.
Anyone got the rules for vehicle combat for Combat Zone?
this doesn't even resemble panam. this artist also sucks at drawing hair. they have the nerve to change for this shit?
I just can't be fucked to read through a very gamified system like this. shouldn't solving the mystery be entirely up to the players putting together clues, not using a resource to chip away at a not!health pool? might be more to it than that but I checked out fast
>side note: there is in fact a magic bullet, it's called FBC and in the RED DLC that introduces it, it is framed as a medical procedure to save a girls life.
That's not true. ALS is not mentioned in Interface 3.
It is however the plotpoint of one of the gigs in 2077.
>I think R Tal 20 years ago would’ve been all over it but because they’re splitting the license with CDPR it makes for legal hoops to jump through. I doubt it’s a conscious decision to fuck him over, I just think it’s corporate bullshit stopping them (ironically)
Oh yeah, I forget how CDPR own are fucking this franchise I love now. Sigh
>his artist also sucks at drawing hair.
He 100% does.
how bad is the agreement that CDPR got RTL to sign when CDPR is able to make tabletop games that have nothing to do with RTL and which don't mention them and are promoted above the 2077 stuff RTL is doing
I have seen AI images of cars that were better than that good fucking lord
New York is hilariously shit for RPGs. In a city of 10+ million there's the Compleat Strategist, a couple of small shops in Williamsburg, and then in South Brooklyn where I'm at there's The Stand (and I mean I imagine it's gonna close soon since Gary is getting on there in years). I seem to recall a Games Workshop near St. Marks but I haven't been there in ages.
Fuck of James
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Nobody fucks with Combat Zone?
There's also Hex & Co.
I just don't get the point of playing a Cyberpunk board game when the ttrpg requires so much gm fiat, houseruling, and player-generated content (mostly from techs).
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>average lifespan if you have the money is 120
>in 2020
>we have people right now that are 116
I feel like the average lifespan would be slightly higher, adding 20 years seems minuscule. The time of the Red probably fucked up a lot of lifespans due to fallout but what do I know about the correlation of fallouts and lifespans if there is any.
2070s probably has a much bigger bump and more available tech to general people.
And there's the Arasakas, FBCs, age-halting nanotech, and gene mapping in the mix of all the years.
What are the actual living standards in Night City for your average choom?

It seems like goyslop and consumer goods are extremely widespread and cheap, with plenty of fat poor people around which is more than can be said about favelas.

How much worse is Night City than everywhere else on Cyberpunk Earth?
this faggot doesn't know what average means, point and laugh
Is this an excerpt from a full article? I wouldn't mind seeing all of that tech.
What the hell does a smart link even do?
Night City is just like living in any developing country IRL. Watch a travel vlog where someone goes to South Africa or Haiti and that should give you a good idea of what to expect.
>Watch a travel vlog where someone goes to South Africa or Haiti and that should give you a good idea of what to expect.
I guess my question is "Is it *worse* than living in a devleoping nation today?"
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The "average" NC citizen seems to live the drifting shized out hobo lifestyle subsisting on vending machine goyscop and trashburgers the same way the "average" person on modern day planet earth does just the same because of how the overpopulation curve works. By cyberpunk world standards though, Night City is considered to be a gigantic fucking shithole with rock bottom standards of living full of violent lunatics and the worst most depraved scum of the earth imaginable and not at all an accurate representation of the rest of the civilised population. There are still some fairly nice and normal places to live in cyberpunk, particularly if you got in the more northern parts of Canada or Europe.
What's the in-world reason why nobody has fixed Night City?
>I guess my question is "Is it *worse* than living in a devleoping nation today?"

probably about the same
It's an independent city state because that's convenient for the megacorps that run it in all but name

Obviously Arasaka doesn't like getting its tower nuked but there's reasons for the status quo. Fixers are really just filtering down jobs to runners from corpos of all types.
Silverhand tried.

Non snark answer: Nobody wants it fixed. Its a corrupt playground for all the biggest players of the world to run amok and for all the ambitious retards to burn themselves on their pyre trying to "make it big".
>ANCAP state with few laws and regulations where corps and rich individuals can come in and do whatever the fuck they want
>Weak state also means social issues like poverty and crime fester, eventually spiraling control
>Add to that 5 or 6 wars over the last century making things worse

Basically it's beyond being saved.
How would you make weapons aside from 4d6/5d6 viable? Aside from the the fact that handguns/smgs are concealable I see no benefit in using them when SP11 is so easy to get
You don't. Red is a terribly balanced game and half the weapons are only good for giving to trash fodder NPCs.
Tax evasion
It's just a comment from Reddit. One probably could easily recreate that, especially since reference pdf has all of this stuff already listed.
Consider that LA when it was capital of murder you had murder every other day, and in Watson district alone you have 2,8 murders daily, half of which come from Totentanz alone.
It's city scale exemple of "The purpose of a system is what it does".
Higher rof makes it worth a while from the experience, especially if enemy was already hit. And if you don't use basic ammo.
It annoys me so much that he fires it with the wrong hand in the game. The whole point of the gun is that it's so heavy you need a cyber arm to fire it. But in the vidya he fires it with his meat arm.

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