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GW raked over more than half a billion dollars in revenue. Where are all the idiots claiming that warhammer is in decline?
Don't confuse the appeal of a franchise for its fans with it's economic success.
Revenue and profit are not the same.
GM fuck Blackrock and Vanguard
I dont do economics because they refuse to use sensible units but as best i can tell Its 10% up but with inflation at 3% per quater thats actually a 2% drop in profits on 2023
Warhammerfags are even more company loyal than DnD5efags
every couple of years they'll declare a "boycott" of GW and start preaching about Battlemech or some other shit but inevitably they come crawling back to daddy GW and shilling out hundreds of dollars for the latest space marine slop
GW is an unsinkable ship
Brand value is a very difficult to measure factor of long-term business sustainability and has a great many ways to cash it out for short-term profits. Their FOMO tournament-pushing business model is excellent at extracting value from committed customers, but awful at gathering new ones.

The business model for long-haul whaling is having near-infinite upsell, which for Warhammer WAS the domain of wargear accretion that led to decently common magnetization of boundary areas to swap parts quickly. But FOMO balancing the cacophonous horseshit that was the likes of Ork Looted Vehicle rules is a complete lost cause and The Bitz Box makes reading the opposing list in-play a headache.

You have to look at the specific inputs for the business to be sure, which in GW's case is probably mostly the molds and plastic. They sure as shit aren't giving their employees raises to compensate for the broader indexes!

Not necessarily, the game doesn't have nearly as strong of a network effect as RPGs nor are GW models in specific particularly important to play. It hasn't quite become synonymous with wargaming as a whole like people use "D&D" for all TTRPG, despite GW's best efforts.
Sorry guys, I didn't mean to do this, I just bought a box of orkz cause I wanted something to paint.
You missed the general.
You don't belong here.
GW is pretty rich mang.
But who cares.
It's not the only game in town.
You got Firefight, Stargrave, Rangers of Shadowdeep, Oathmark, Kings of War, Hail Caesar, Bushido, Blood and Plunder, Flames of War, Blkout, conquest, Warmschine, it never ends...battletech lol... heroquest...star wars shatterpoint
>Internet Maxists be like: "This multi-billion dollar mega corporation is my ally in the struggle tm"
And the dumb cunts will tell you that because those games aren't as popular as 40K that they're all dead games nobody plays.
holy shit go back to pol you fucking tourist
I want GW to live forever.
So that the competition has to price their miniatures reasonably and put out proper rules.
Post models.
Do not insult Maxism. Max will save us! All hail Max!
I'll show you mine if you show me yours

Dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, alive but unhealthy, dead, dead, lol dead, dead

>it never ends
>Fails to mention Bolt Action which is alive, but might die in V.3
Battletech and Flames of War and plenty alive by me
everything but 40k is dead if nobody likes you

I know its not what people mean, but the more profitable something is, the more likely it is creatively in decline. Can't make an omelet without breaking eggs. The bigger the omelet, the more sacrifices required.
You can't have seen many games if you think that's happening. There are a bunch of cheaper and better options, but others are even worse.
Maximalism was a real socialist ideology you retard. After they were expelled from the socialist league in Russia they joined the Bolsheviks.
kek this. 40k is for people who'd get kicked out of regular groups.
What the fuck are you talking about, anon? /tg/ is a board for Maxists only. All followers of Max, unite!
You were right!

They aren't desd, they are stable, ie no weekly errata. Lol. You have to try harder than that. The appeal is they don't change every 5 mins
and warhammer fags will never give them a chance because it doesn't say games workshop on the product
"Disney Star wars is more popular than ever" vibes
Just write it on in pen, they are pretty dumb
I sold three Blood Angels dildos today
Flames of War fucking died when they transferred the game from V3 to V4. Tournament numbers went from numbering around the 60s to barely scraping a dozen or so players and the game is barely discussed anywhere. Of course battlefronts production getting absolutely fucked did not help but battlefront themselves are really here to blame.

Turns out nerfing infantry and towed guns to make the game revolve more around tanks, gutting tons of historical army lists, early war and the pacifc thus also making shitloads of armies obsolete, simplifying the rules, selling DLC stratagem card packs with rules only printed on those cards (quite a bit were also OP as fuck and basically auto-takes), compacting point values to where you can no longer properly balance the game and releasing a dozen books to milk more money and passing off made up propaganda myths as historical to justify nerfing armies was a mistake.
Can someone explain something to me? If the production is only 26 million and they are making record profits at 500 million? Why the fuck do they keep raising prices every fucking year?
Because why make only 500 million when you know slop-addicted losers will still buy your shit if you raise the prices? Might as well make 600 million.
They're publicly traded bro which means they are """obligated""" to constantly increase their profits every quarter so the faggot investors don't get upset at losing money too. This means they constantly have to raise prices to keep up, and is also the reason they keep squatting models lately. Producing models that don't sell as much compared to producing models that do sell more is literally seen as losing profit to them.
Tl;dr corpofaggotry
That’s not very customer friendly. They keep telling us it’s a lot to mark the models. So they are lying too?
Get this shit on a banner, now.
Always. 90% of corporate reports and announcements are intentionally worded to be half-truths so they can get away with lying and bullshit without getting into legal trouble. The more you look into and learn about corpo shit the more you come to despise publicly traded companies. Private and mom and pop joints are the way to go
No they squat models to invalidate them in the game in order to sell you more models. Why do you think they got rid of space marines and fat sigmarines? To sell new ranges to people that already had big collections.
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>Where are all the idiots claiming that warhammer is in decline?
The real idiot is you spending your time trying to reason with some guy in nigeria or russia about the economics of selling toys to british people and americans

>wow some dumbass in brazil doesn't understand money I better argue with him online about this
great use of time OP
Always wondered what happened to Flames. It was being shilled nonstop by the WAACfag 40k players I knew for a while after their army got nerfed.
Production isn't the only cost you fucking idiots
Yes it is.
What the FUCK are their expenses if is only 26 million on 'production' and end of the day they had 494 million in revenue, but only 203 million pre tax profit
Lmao fag and 100% called out
> licensing is up
> but it's a smaller percentage of the profit
This isn't a good look. What's going on here. Why don't industries that general real money want to license the IP. It's basically them licensing it to cheap like their stupid blushes, shitty mobile games, and t shirts at this low of an amount
Remember they still run a bunch of store fronts. Rent on those places, employee salaries and shipping product around adds up quickly.
I will give battletech a chance when it has a ruleset that isn't total crap. Both of them are dogshit but in opposite directions.
>t. When your perception is entirely based on feelings and shit you read in comments from anonymous strangers
>producing models that don’t sell as much as others is losing profit
No. As any high school level Econ 101 class will tell you. There might be a lost opportunity cost IF players who bought the cheaper model would buy the more expensive one if the cheaper didn’t exist, but that’s it, and there’s no evidence (let alone proof) that’s the case.
Producing models that sit on shelves and take up space in warehouses for a long time until they sell, is literally lost profit.
t. Econ 102, apparently
I think basic logistics is beyond the comprehension of the average poster on /tg/ these days
>Where are all the idiots claiming that warhammer is in decline?
At the local GW store forking over their money for the latest price-hiked piece of poorly made injection molded plastic.
GW has limited production resources due to the city not allowing them to expand their manufacturing space. It's not a matter of "cheaper vs expensive models", it's literally a real logistics case where they have to prioritize only using their machines toward making the best selling stuff and new products. If they used their machines toward random lower selling or old shit they'd be losing profit and having even more stock vs demand issues
Get that reddit shit out of here man nobody cares that you peaked in high school
GW literally do pay large bonuses to all staff in successful years.
This really would explain a lot.
/tg/ repeats the same idiotic mantras about GW over and over again. It doesn't matter how much money GW makes, the opinion of this board will forever be "GW is doomed" because their opinion is based on spiteful, bitter contrarianism. The newfags that come in will be even more stubborn about this in their attempts to fit in.
Maybe the internet isn't dead, maybe attempting to have a conversation with Chang or Jeet just feels like you're talking to a bot.
>city not allowing them to expand their manufacturing space
They are actually expanding, it just takes time (GW has money, but not "new factory overnight" money), especially in the UK where there's red tape for days - I believe it's due to open 2026?

> ... employee salaries
Oh fuck off. There isn't even 3k employees at GW. 99% of their sales staff is minimum wage slaves. I love to know the amount wasted on middle management bullshit and what the top execs are making.
You don't wanna see my models man, I really suck at thinning the paint.
A bot usually gives a more topical reply
All the haters are holed up in their containment generals. /Awg/, /infinity/, /trench/, /hwg/. Too scared to come out except for their little discord raid doomer threads.

Cope. Financial success is directly correlated with how much a franchise appeals to its fan. If the fans didn't find it appealing they wouldn't be buying shit. But let me guess, all that money is wrong and the REAL objective proof is ... a bunch of chuds screeching on twitter and 4chan
I'm just glad all of troons coming out for MtG and the current ass lickery from GW has to killed my urge to ever play publicly with strangers let alone events
>discord raid
dunno what's more pathetic, uncritically believing an obviously faked screenshot
or choosing to believe it because you're that desperate to fulfil your victimhood fetish
they don't realize that literally every other company is like pure scum in comparison to GW's 90s boomer tactics. GW looks like our Lord and Savior in comparison to say what FFG or WOTC tries to pull.
>Obviously faked

Proof? If it's so obviously fake you must be able to easily debunk it right? Either way I know you're wrong. Plenty of us infiltrated that discord and saw their autism for ourselves
>LITERUHLLY every other company is like pure scum in comparison to GW's 90s boomer tactics
>lists an asmodee and hasbro division
least dishonest GW simp
Next you're going to tell me Magic The Gathering has never been greater than it is today.
it's unfortunate every one of you brave GW footsoldiers that infiltrated this anti-GW discord raid channel forgot to screenshot the list of users, the channel name, in fact literally anything besides the typo riddled retard written post

meanwhile I've been infiltrating discords myself, and I seem to have found your recent posting, Sir Yiffy
Why do jannies give the bannies when i takk aboht wh40k outside the general but not when u do it
Because you're an incel chud who wants to talk about all the 'darkies' in warhammer
no? i just want to talk about how horus heresy is a fucking disgraceful rewrite of canon
Don't confuse the appeal of a franchise for its fans with a couple of people on that internet
You missed the general.
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huh, didn't realize licenses are a pittance of their revenue.
makes it seem like the licenses are nothing more than marketing for their models.
I love the Warhammer franchise, but no way in hell will I ever play let alone buy their wargaming hobby models.
I'll watch the cartoons, I'll play the videogames, I'll buy the toys and merch, i'll cosplay as a nazi, i'll even buy their boardgames.
But i won't spend a wooden nickel on the actual tabletop hobby game.
Warhammer/GW is in spiritual and cultural decline, not economic. Profit usually comes at the expense of the soul of a franchise. Look at Star wars and marvel, Call of Duty, etc.
The Darkie Eldar
The Darkie Angels
The Darkie Library
And the Darkie Mechanicum.
Whod'a thunk it?
Uncle Ruckus, no relaschuun

Nobody with a brain-cell is saying Warhammer isn't selling; whether what it's selling is any good, or if the game is any fun, or whether or not its doing right by its players (and/or employees) is an entirely separate matter.

I've warmed up slightly to 10th edition's offerings, but I'm building to play, not to collect. Until I finish the 1000pts I'm working on (and extensive conversions I'm doing) I'm not buying any more shit. I still don't like what they did to some of my model's rules and my enthusiasm for finishing is going to be strongly dependent on the outlook of balance dataslates.

I've finished painting and magnetizing a dozen battlemechs and I'm working on half a dozen more. They're cheaper to buy, faster to paint, I don't need to do up a billion drones for glorified tokens.
Oh, look- another one of these.
>Be a midwit
>Screenshot some 'Financial Report' from GW
>Scream about the profit amount
>It's 1000 times more than midwit has ever had
>Thinks that's a huge deal for a corporation
>Doesn't understand that 'profits' are already slotted for planned expenditures for company growth
>Doesn't know anything about running a business
>Would basically call $1 in the black 'profitable and successful'
>Works at Chipotle
I'm going to flat out admit my own ignorance- I have no idea if 500 million in profit is good for GW, better than normal, about average, or below projections, or what- because I don't sit in on the fiscal meetings and I don't work at a corporate level like that.
I'll admit my ignorance because unlike the usual fuckwit that points to these financial reports bellowing like a retard about how it justifies making cheaper models or whatever-
A guy that doesn't know what the fuck he's looking at and knows it is smarter than 99% of the people talking about it.
That said, odds are at least someone in here has a better understanding of this than I (or the rest of us) do, and I'll concede that point. Everyone else is slightly more retarded than I am, deal with it.
Desperately gouging the playerbase you're alienating by trying to attract "modern audience" degenerates isn't the sustainable business strategy "investors" want you to believe it is. Progressive fucktards crow about how their sickness isn't hindering business reports on Reddit, but all they're doing is taking credit for momentum still overwhelming the churn. 40% profit margins aren't realistic, and it's a fucking shame that some people have so little going for them in life that they'll sincerely engage GW's anti-consumer strategy.
That's a lot of buzzwords.
I guess if you're too stupid to read the words in the OP image, you're primed to demonstrate Dunning-Kruger for everyone
>I’m building to play
So you’re buying for the worst part of 40k? 10th is a dumpster fire.
The sad thing is GW is more than capable of making actual fun, creative, and engaging games.
What I am about to say is strictly my own opinion, and I know this is going to piss some poeple off- because apparently it's legal to let a 'tard access the internet. I suppose you could put a laptap in their kennels or whatever, I don't own one.
But Warhammer 40k is not a very good game. As a game, it's... mediocre at best, really.
Horus Heresy is basically a modified version of a previous edition of the same 'mediocre at best' game.
This is where the 'tards are already seething, especially the MUH HORSE HURSY fuckwits- but deep down they're even more of a 'tard for paying even more for a shit game that fewer people actually play.
I'm fond of Necromunda, quite a bit. I actually liked the mechanics for Middle Earth Strategy game, too. The Warhammer Quest games have some issues, but they can also be hilarious and fun with a few buddies. Kill Team and Warcry aren't too bad, either.
But the two 'main games' from GW- Warhammer/40k? Not really that great.
Just my opinion, 'tards can get bent.
>Of course battlefronts production getting absolutely fucked did not help
more on this?
Okay, me speak slowly and use small word for you
>GW says our DEI initiatives are attracting new customers! We're healthy as a business
>GW actions are: yearly price gouging (i.e. increases don't correspond with inflation), rotating models out of "official support" with every codex, selling said codex with repackaged art and immediately out-of-date rules, and manipulating the points system in official rules to continuously invalidate owned armies unless you perpetually buy more

Meanwhile in the real world, the money we have to spend on luxuries is stretching thinner and thinner. Gdubs is racing us to the bottom with their hands in our pockets.
You don't even know what that means, do you?
Your fat greasy fingers are already typing it in Google, too- so you can pretend that you do.
Let me be more specific.
I don't care.
I could probably take the time out of my day to look into it, but again- I don't care that much.
I admit I don't know what I'm looking at when I see a financial report without context, etc.
But you don't, either. You cannot convince me otherwise. If you attempt to prove it, I'm going to assume (correctly) that you're still stupid and just copy/pasted, and still not care.
All further mewling, raging, sputtering, etc. from you will be disregarded.
You're welcome for me speaking to you.
Also revenue does NOT equal growing player base. GW has always survived declining players by increased prices with absurdly wide profit margins of about 30%
For the emperor!!!!
haha am i fittin in?
You're an idiot. This is just one of many chances you've had and will continue to have to acknowledge it.
I'll give it a pass. A shame you weren't around just a few short years ago, you could bleat and bellow about 'muh squats' and say 'plazic sizzers when' and make a canned Matt Ward reference, and that'd be all it took.
I do wonder how much of the tabletop revenue comes from relative newcomers?
what's the retention rate?
what's the percentage of boomers to zoomers?
Opinion disregarded, you are welcome for me speaking to you.
Finding the exact fuckwits I was talking about is easy- because all you have to do is... reference fuckwits, and they always announce themselves.
muh squats though
moreover, plazic sizzers wheb?
but yeah matt ward is the literal antichrist
Show models, tourist.
Well done, let's do some frotting and talk about Dawn of War and post 'Heresy' memes so we can pretend to fit in with real 40k nerds
Battlefront has almost all their miniatures produced in mayalsia and when covid happened the lockdowns basically fucked them by severly limiting how much minis they could produce and they had to shutdown production of all of their side projects and were limited to producing for flames of war and team yankee and even then most team yankee stuff would be on back order for weeks.

Of course though V4 came out in 2017 and basically all the issues present with V4 including gutting early war and the pacific theater are unrelated but they've announced early war and the pacific for mid war coming back in 2025.

As for their side projects their WW1 and Vietnam game are back in full swing with brand new editions and miniature lines and perfectly playable but their arab-israeli game has yet to make a come back. You might think it retarded to even consider releasing a new edition of the game now given current events but battlefront did release a warsaw pact book for team yankee when the Ukraine war started and they already announced a new Israel book for team yankee right around when that Gaza shit went down.
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Because there is an active anti GW Cabal on discord trying to psyop people into hating warhammer
Battletech is the only one you'll find other players for, and the game itself is so fucking autistic they had to make a dumbed down version that is actually just dead.

Warhammer fans don't need help hating Warhammer. All they do is bitch, buy, and pretend to play/paint.
GW must be running it
>Battletech is the only one you'll find other players for
Battletech is the only one YOU'LL find other players for.
This is your regular reminder that if you're lazy or unlikable enough you'll only ever play pick up games of 40k.
Your friends caving after weeks of begging isn't finding players for a dead game. It's you being a punk bitch to projects too hard.
>Your friends caving after weeks of begging
If that's the only way you can think of to get people to do things with you no wonder you struggle.
> It's you being a punk bitch to projects too hard.
Coming from somebody that thinks every game that you can't personally get a pick up game for is "dead". Now you're even projecting your projection.
So...what do people who get kicked out of 40k play?

Regardless of how many people there are out there shitposting, there's absolutely people trying to reduce sales of the new game, and being very obvious about it.
Crying No U doesn't make you any less wrong, and actually goes to reinforce how you're both below average on intellect and social skills.
Nobody had a big collection of fag sigmarines
>So...what do people who get kicked out of 40k play?
Oh wise anon of unfathomable charisma and unmatched intellect would you deign to explain how I'm wrong?
Banned for being right is common enough.
It's surely their primary cost if not at least a notably high cost. Employees aren't paid especially well, advertising is fairly small scale unless it's a video game, they barely play test their rules in the first place so if they're spending a lot of money on development they're throwing that money away, they rarely take up shop in high real estate areas and usually build tiny holes in the wall, model development is absolutely not that expensive. So what's the big cost that's apparently eating up hundreds of millions?
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>all this sweet anti-GW copium

Keep on coping with your dead games, losers!! Even TOW and AoS btfos the shit out of your pathetic franchises

Oh wow! A bunch of games that each have a fanbase in the single-digits!
Based Chad
They are reaching a point where almost no sane people keeps bying their products. If they keep raising the price, there is a point where you don't buy less, but you just quit buying since there is a threshold of play points you need to reach, and don't want to spend that much money.

Only mentally unstable people, who genuinely have mental issues, like addiction, fomo anxiety or borderline autistm keep buying it, and they are big expenders.

GW is turning into a gacha-style company, only interested in whales. At least you get some plastic in return.
Why in the fuck is there not a great firewall keeping jeets and changs on their own shithole sides of the internet?
60% of Warhammer's consumer base is <16, never underestimate a parents ability to spend money to keep their kid happy.
Because white people conquered the world and then felt guilty about it. America's thin pretense of isolationism was ruined generations ago, with WWII if not earlier, otherwise we'd have some kind of western 2channel that only allowed North American IPs and Western European IPs (foreigners would still get in if they tried, same as with 2channel, but there wouldn't be nearly as many and it would be a refuge for middle-aged westernoids who are burnt out on multiculturalism).
>production costs 26 mil
Damn, y'all are really buying industrial plastic at 95% markup, the packaging is probably more valuable.
GW is run by the Nottingham boomers anymore. It’s filled with DIE and black rock MBAs like everything else
The truth is a lot of plastic is marked to hell and back but the kicker is these levels of markups that approach almost 1000%+ materials cost almost never happen outside of cleanroom manufacturing for medical parts
Games Workshop has convinced thousands of losers with hygiene and social problems that they only will be able to play games with people who are forced to (tournaments) play them. The average GW fanboy is this weird combo of smugness and low self esteem (so what if my marines arent painted I have an army chud and I get ganes in) that is cheapening the hobby for those of us who remember better times. Simply put if you play modern edition 40k you likely have trouble making friends or convincing others to play anything else.
What? A significant percentage of players won't even play against somebody whose minis aren't expertly painted due to it being a constant reminder they've spent $12/unit.
>it's not the only game in town
>names a bunch of knockoff bullshit nobody has ever heard ok
It's quite literally the only game in town. Sure one might pop up in the future like DnD having it's little brother Pathfinder but even that is tiny in comparison
Miniatures wargaming has always been a niche hobby, just there's one part of it that grew massively and became a high street brand. That makes it more accessible to people that won't or can't put any effort into networking, but the rest of the hobby has remained much as it was. That doesn't mean it's the only game in town, or other games are dead, that's a cope. It's just the only game you have access to without making changes to your own habits.
Correct. You might see one or two people pretending to like faggots, trannies, or brown people, but nobody actually does.
Pretty much.

Warhammer clearly has it's roots in the rest of the hobby, but it's basically surpassed everything else to such a extent that it's not even a point of comparison. History and even fantasy/sci fi games that are not Warhammer might as well not even be part of the discussion.
People who claim Warhammer is in decline are talking qualitatively or out their ass. Normies love mediocre mass-appeal garbage, this is well known on wall street.
It's BATTLETECH you swine! It's a better game and setting the least you can do is call it what it is.
>History and even fantasy/sci fi games that are not Warhammer might as well not even be part of the discussion.
Not everyone's one of those freaks you see and smell at stores, it's not that difficult to reach the basic level of social aptitude required to organise with other nerds.
I'm aware, I did it personally. However, even among local groups there is still a stark difference between the Warhammer side and the non Warhammer side.
>gw winning the stonks bigly
>no mo anime booba on in*nity
>onepage faggots blown out hard in several threads
bros... we won...
GW is booming but in the process warhammer is becoming worse with all the price hikes, amazon diversity show and shitty videogames.

It's slopification, like how star wars became progressively shittier over 30 years until it finally shidded and farded to death in 2015.
Is that a lot of revenue? What is their EBITDA margin?
>of about 30%
Bullshit it has to be around 80% right now.
You're correct but that doesn't change that the playerbase is growing. We're at the point where more people play "Space Elves" than they do Union or Confederacy in any every other game combined.

I'm not couting secondaries/tertiaries here btw.
>more revenue from selling minis than licensing
they are lying. #auditgw
that's crazy man
gw if you're reading this post please do a MTO of the realm of chaos-era models
check out knightmare and eureka miniatures' chaos army range if you aren't already aware of them

How do we destroy this company? They must be brought down, I'm sure we all agree on it. Ideas? If we can't destroy them they should at least be seriously damaged.
>I don't care.
And yet you still came in to post.

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