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based worldbuilding guide that really gets what's been ruining modern fantasy these days
I know a lot of my world is extremely conservative
>watches a video explainer on Guns Germs and Steel
>makes "guide"
You're not wrong but don't expect nu-/tg/ to accept it.
Your retort is just as shallow and poorly thought out as the OP's infographic. Please reflect on your own experiences and the world around you before posting again.
neither is shallow, if anything they're pompous af
The classical is fine but the ridiculous looks like a strawman.
I've noticed some trends of downplaying grand threats like treating monsters like just resources to be farmed, I blame MMOs and isekai animes, but none of that snowflake shit it mentions.
>"Ridiculous" image says "healing is extremely easy"
>Meanwhile the "classic" image is from a DnD setting where anything up to and including LITERAL DEATH can be fixed up by a visit to the local cleric.

Based take overall, but poor illustration.
Nah, the illustration shows the take spot on. It's just that this kind of windmill tilting doesn't give a rats ass about how things actually are.
To be fair, anything from DnD 5e is a terrible illustration of any kind of worldbuilding because DnD's settings are usually kitchen-sink clusterfucks with no actual internal consistency.

Well, everyone having magic out the ass is consistent, despite some books claiming its less than 1% of the population.
Forgotten Realms is from way before 5E.
Cheating death costs a lot of money. It's not something your average person can do
Your average person can become a demigod in a few weeks in DnD 5e.
Ha. No. PCs can become demigods in a few weeks. PCs are not your average person.
>The days where a hippie weirdo like Philip K. Dick and a libertarian weirdo like Heinlein can be buddies is dead.
not really, I have friends in different positions of the political gamur, we just don't bring up culture war bullshit and tolerate each other when we get a bit ranty
>So are the days where they could make it as profitable creators.
I feel this is 1000% true. But people make a career around repeating poltical stuff selling something vaguely related on the side. It's just much shittier than it was when editors where the ones filtering people instead of who can scream louder and get more yes men.
>no manufactured goods produiced
Weren't Mordor and the orcs the more industrialized/technologically advanced faction in LoTR?
I mean it's understandable how a survivor of the Somme would associate industrialized warfare with abject evil, after all.
No, not really. they only made self sustenance weapons.
Gondor wasnt flooded by competitively priced import as far as we can see.

Industry angle is more Saruman's shtick specifically. Mordor is more vast hordes.
>Mordor is more vast hordes.
Mordor is the whole region. The blasted land with the black tower is just one part of the region called Gorgoroth. Past it there's Nurn which is fertile land.
>Non-autistic fantasy is more like "Yeah um... the rivers all are fed by... the riverlands. The capital is called kings landing because king land there. There's a big wall... it's called the wall."
Real place names are often quite like that, except maybe in a different language or two and then mutated over time.
Good geographic autism will tell you where the settlements are and what they do there, but for place name autism you need to invent legends, history, language, and religion.
>And I have to ask, primarily, why is it that this aspect is growing in popularity?
Who the fuck says it is? Where is it? I have noticied an uptick in fucks pushing they're Fantasy Modern Cosy shit with way too many details "Tee-Hee sorry to lore dump uwu" bullshit way more than I've seen some basic ass "Here is Riverton, a town by a river."
Cite some sources instead of just blathering on
Clearly you have not read Rawls.

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