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So the party finally slays the Chamber guarding Dragon. As they enter, the doors shut close, and an great lumbering Marot makes it presence.
How can the party legitimately defeat the Marut and claim the riches for themselves?
Ask the shitty dm to provide more information and context to the scenario
What's a Marit? Maybe they can try talking with the Maret. Or just blow the bloody doors off and flee the Marat.
Ia Marot
Throw a bag of quicklime in it's eye.
He's literally M'bongo from Africa. Just use Racism to kill him.
I seduce the Marut
>slop image
>pointless surveypost
looks like a quake character
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throw a paper airplane
The marut doesn't care about the party, it's marching out the door they now opened. It's going off to kill a lich somewhere.
So is it armour with a giant eye growing in it? Or a giant eye with armour growing out of it?
Marut literally wants to rape your party. Hope you have Wizard that portals you the fuck out there or Druid transforming whole party as cockroaches so you can escape through small cracks.
Why does the Marut want to attack the party? What cosmic law have they broken? Is there an immortality elixir in the treasure I don't know about?
If it has no business with you, as in you didn't breach the divine/infernal contract etched on it's frontal disc, then you have nothing to worry about.
>What cosmic law have they broken? I
Go read Mechanus Mekania. You can literally pay Gold for Primus for Marut to serve your TerraScape shit. e3 lore btw. Legit on e5 too.
If they can kill a dragon whatever that is shouldn't pose a problem.
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They refuse to pay taxes.
Unironically how we lost a PC in my previous campaign. DM gave an extra legendary magic item to one of the PCs with the caveat that he had to make payments on it periodically. He didn't, so eventually a Marut showed up. The party was so terrified that they killed the PC and handed his body over the the Marut before it could even say anything. The funniest part is that the Marut was as polite as can be and just wanted to know what was going on. It was willing to take pretty much anything as collateral until the PC figured out how to make his payments. The one Marut in the entire multiverse that was willing to hear you out and try to reach a compromise.
99.98% of this board
ourside generals
Marut are like cr 14
I'll check
I guess the idea is to push it as a back-to-back encounters with no opportunity to rest and recover.
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Did NOT think they were core
If you killed a dragon that's actually appreciably large than it's a cakewalk. Keep in mind that this is a CR 15 monster with
>no fly speed, it literally has to use fucking air walk and dimdoor to get around lol
>10ft reach and 30ft movespeed
>15 HD no con bonus
>no Regen
Only the elemental damage on it's fists even gets through DR/magic lmao
The bigger issue with Mechanus is that if one Marut fails, they just make a stronger one and send that. If that fails, they make a stronger one again and send that. It keeps going until whatever the Marut needed done is done.
That is simply just not true
>It keeps going until whatever the Marut needed done is done.
I honestly doubt that more than a single digit number of liches have fallen to maruts across all the infinite realms and planes
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Alright, now try the 5e version.
Now i understand OP.
How the fuck can you kill that thing.
>How can the party legitimately defeat the Marut and claim the riches for themselves?
Depends on the system
I see a number of ways of keeping it at bay (for a time), such as outranging it on a phantom steed while plinking at it with potent cantrips. But no obvious way to corner and kill it. Legendary resistances and immunities make it difficult to land most fight-ending spells and abilities. At-will plane shift makes it pretty much impossible to trap or restrain. If it's ever in a disadvantageous position, it can just peace out and try a different angle of attack. Entering melee is a bad idea because you'll be eating automatic damage from the two least-resisted damage types in the game, any failed wis save means you're getting taken to court. It's not immune to stunning, though, and its Con saves aren't impossibly high, so I guess a monk could go in for a suicide charge, Flurry of Blows to attack four times, Stunning Strike four times, and pray to get lucky enough to burn through all its Legendary Resistances and stun with the last hit. Then have the rest of the party unload everything they have before it comes to again.
dude just cast exhaust
We don't use necromancy or any other means to unnaturally extend our lives, so the Marut has no reason to aggress us.
I tell the GM to stop being an ESL faggot and to learn English.
Double bless from a peace cleric, then staying way the fuck away and plinking with slowing effects like ray of frost and lance of lethargy + repelling blast. So long as you're 60 feet away it can't hurt you. That doesn't actually kill it, but it will stop it from TPKing you.

What game system are we playing?
Shoot it
walk backwards
repeat till it does
works at level 1
wow, so difficult

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