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>The God of War is sad about War


/v/ is over there.
And r/DnD is behind the curtain
Never forget that ben counter in his 98% completely retarded collection of ideas the Soul Drinkers series had a space marine captain that was tired of fighting.
OP is referencing some metaplot rubbish Paizo are doing in Pathfinder 2e, where Gorum, the CN god of war, became sad that his followers liked doing war instead of peace. Supposedly he's position is more that war is a necessary evil one must do in a calculated fashion to achieve peace, but, realistically, he just decided this today because Paizo says so. So, in his infinite wisdom to improve the world, he decided to... orchestrate his own assassination. Not send a herald to reform his earthly religion. Not do war against his more extreme followers directly. Just straight-up commit seppuku by asking one god to lie to another god to make the angry assassin god kill him. It's pretty dumb.

t. someone who actually likes Pathfinder 2e but can't be bothered with metaplot
>My plans are beyond your understanding
Pretty good representation of your average CN PC's thought process
Metaplots are some of the dumbest shit ever introduced to tabletop games.
Anon, please form a complete thought before you post.
We literally know nothing about why Gorum dies, both because the book isnt out yet and there are no PDFs to pirate. Where the fuck is this idea coming from?
>became sad that his followers liked doing war instead of peace
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We do know why he dies retard. He goes to Calistria and asks her to arrange his death. Akehnkek or however you spell it then kills him in a brief fight, because Gorum's nature won't just let him lose on purpose. His juices then rain everywhere.

The whole thing is on the wiki
Lol. Lmao
This sounds more like the premise for a late-stage Discworld story, when it got preachier and the subtext became the text.
>a space marine captain that was tired of fighting.
Maybe he just needed a nap.
I mean, that last part is pretty metal, but more as a backstory thing than just... something that is occurring presently in the setting. I hope his blood rain poured all over a gender reveal party in New Thassilon.
Calistria is not mentioned on the wiki.
I had to fucking find a copy of the Prey for Death adventure to find this info.

And it immediately tells me that OP is a disingenuous fuckwit.

He went to Calistria to help engineer a great battle that he might not win, to give him the Hero's End he wants, to teach the lesson that not all battles can be won. Calistria takes the secret of his looks that he is just a suit of armor and tricks the god of assassination into killing him, thinking him a pretender to divinity.
There is no sadness about war. There is only a hate for evil and the use of war to spread it and create it, which Gorum resolves to stop by dying in a grand battle to teach a lesson on loss. All of which goes horribly awry because Calistria is a tricksy asshole, and causes a whole bunch of bullshit to happen.

Why are so many of the people here such retarded idiots who must make up bullshit about these things? You can read the fucking adventure yourselves and not listen to a disingenuous faggot post on 4chan.
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>became sad that his followers liked doing war instead of peace. Supposedly he's position is more that war is a necessary evil one must do in a calculated fashion to achieve peace

Wrong, he likes fair fights. In fact, one of his edicts literally is "Attain victory in fair combat". He got fed up that so many of his followers went autistic and used his power to become tyrants and despots and wanton butcherers. He didnt suddenly come to believe that peace was cool.
Who's the god of unfair fights?
The Goblin God.
Maybe he should have thought of a better phrase for his religion than "BLOOD FOR GORUM!!" If he didn't want to attract autists
>Be good of war
>Literally an all powerful being
>No one understands my message about war
>Bless and provide divine intervention for people who do war stuff and not peace
>They keep doing war stuff
>Why can't they understand me
>Don't send heralds to commune my actual message about war
>Oh if I had the power to make them understand
>Don't even consider manifesting an avatar to spread my message
>Guess I'll just kill myself then

And this is why RPGs should be a framework and encourage people to create their own settings.
What if I refuse to wear the armor?
I like this Goblin God fella, like the cut of his jib.
Gorum will be sad. Do you want to make Gorum sad?
>CN god
>honorable precepts
Paizo are a bunch of retards and anyone who uses their setting is beyond retarded.
This is why I make my own pantheon. My Goddess of War loves warfare, fighting, bloodshed, and conquest.
Why a woman? Only a woman would be instigating conflict over every petty sleight for several millenia amirite guys *awaits high fives*
The Horseman of War, who is NE and is more in line with 'Can't be a war crime if there's no tribunal left to try you'
It's honestly something so sad, small-minded and depressing that a TTRPG writer, someone who ostensibly would have a background in enjoying the fantastical and mythical stories of legend and religion and folklore, would give their 'war god' some kind of sad teen narrative arc right out of a CW network show.

Just look at the riotous pagan war gods of our species' own history: Astarte, Athena, Ares, Tyr, Odin, Sekhmet, Kali. Imagine the thundering war chariot of Ares, preceded by fear and panic, attended by the goddesses of bloodshed and chaos, heralded by deific personifications of the din of clashing swords and battlecries. People, real people like you and I, sang hymns praising the terrible violence of this god while also pleading to be spared from such destructive impulses. That's the dilemma you think is so interesting right there, executed as it was in reality.

When you approach writing a god you should be straining to understand how something inhuman, something ineffably and sublimely associated with a divine concept or even just divinity itself would think. You can't respect a god so human it never expands beyond a 14-year-old emo's idea of soap opera.
>why do you look like that
>just after I was born I was splashed with the gore of a dying war god
They abandoned all concept of alignment in the setting after the OGL debacle. It's just holy vs unholy now.
You see, OP, and people who believe him, are of a kind that is all too common, I call them Culture Warriors, and they must, MUST complain about everything popular, proclaim it as "woke", and hope for its downfall, they have been losing quite badly and are getting more annoying because of it
Plan confuses me tho, like how can the mantis dude think him a pretender deity if he is that well entrenched, or does him just being a suit of armor somehow changes that and makes him look like a fraud
Look bud, setting fire to a village and slaughtering defenseless farmers is cool and all, but you have to agree that fighting a barbarian king and his army of bloodthirsty savages is a much better way to spend your time
Chaelor Swift is an arthropod, so he naturally expects hard exoskeletons to have nice juicy meat underneath.
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I mean, it sounds dumb but a God doing stupid, round-about, and pointlessly destructive shit is par for the course.

I forget the name of the book that introduced Binders but the bestiary had entries for people who were touched by and descended from the beings whom the Binder could make pacts with. Anyway, I like thed idea so came up with the idea of a War Goddess who purposefully gave up her divine immortality to truly embody her domain so she "lives on" through her children who are randomly born with her markings and will always in some shape, form, or fashion, get involved in war and conflict.
i fucking always knew calistria was worst girl and that elves should be ashamed of their godslut of whores
also op is a lying fag once again
Paizo has long since decided that they don't care about Calistria and are going to shove Nocticula the succubus whore queen in your face instead.
>And it immediately tells me that OP is a disingenuous fuckwit.
Nothing about the post was disingenuous,
Gorum is upset about war being waged by bad people, something a neutral god absolutely should not give a fuck about
>He went to Calistria to help engineer a great battle that he might not win, to give him the Hero's End he wants, to teach the lesson that not all battles can be won.
so in other words he went to go get killed in battle
>There is only a hate for evil and the use of war to spread it and create it
hes a neutral god you stupid fucking shill
>All of which goes horribly awry
except his whole plan was to die, which worked out fine
his plan and all the reasoning was fucking retarded because its being written by paizo, but it still worked out because he died as he wanted
>Gorum is upset about war being waged by bad people, something a neutral god absolutely should not give a fuck about
NTA but a neutral deity should care if their purview is fostering Evil. They're neutral, Evil is not.
No, they shouldnt
1 step away alignment is normal
Gorum should not be upset about CE followers of a CN God just like Calistria has a ton of CE followers. Gorum is neutral because he didnt care about the morality of war and all his tenants were about how you conduct yourself in battle, not why you go to battle
Yeah, but that's in either direction. If they're causing significantly more Evil than Good they should care, because that's not neutral.
>the god of war is sad about the lack of war
Most neutral dieties do not care about balance and those that do sit on LN not CN
Except that's obviously untrue.
while a neutral god could care about evil and even prefer good for reason that good people as a rule are more chill or pleasant to be around it's doubtful that the god of war would care about that.
And yet one does. Funny how that works.
This metaplot only exists for Paizo to release an AP where the PCs ascend to godhood. It’s the only way I can explain this. Letting a PC become the new god of war is like the most easy thing to sell.
That’s because Calistria is the goddess of whores and lust and vindication, which paints women as schemers and sex as dangerous, while Nocticula has been rewritten into the goddess of sex workers, poets and dreamers. It lets them have their cake (wow we’re so liberal) and eat it too (look at these boobs!)
its very obviously true
Multiple Eldest
What game are you referring to?
Aren't we talking about 1 god and so it doesn't matter what most do because it's 1 god
It wasn't ever one step away in 2e, and he doesn't even have a fucking alignment retard so it doesn't matter
At least that's internally consistent.
Being the neutral deity of war is not the same thing as being the neutral deity of pottery. Gorum should not care if his followers are evil any more than if he cares that they are good. War is war.
Gorum hates stuff evil people do and all his edicts and anathemas reflect that.
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His edicts and anathemas make no sense for a CN god to have in the first place.
It's all incredibly neutral shit though
The asspull in question isn't evidence that it isn't an asspull
Disingenuous shill retard
He's not CN.
>Edicts - attain victory in fair combat, push your limits, wear armor in combat
Those are all neutral things.
>Anathema - kill prisoners or surrendering foes, prevent conflict through negotiation, win a battle through underhanded tactics or indirect magic
Killing prisoners is unambiguously evil, and winning a battle through underhanded tactics tends towards evil more than good.

Other quotes about him just reinforce that
>Gorum takes no pleasure in one-sided fights or the slaughter of innocents; an armored knight drawing a sword in his name against a helpless peasant might find his blade rust away. Far more delightful would be the peasant’s seemingly pointless swing of an iron pot, which might be answered as if it were a spoken prayer and transformed into a deadly blow.
>Murder and assassination similarly offer no honor, and Gorum feels nothing but contempt for those practices, as well as for Achaekek and Norgorber, who condone them.
The dude just doesn't like wanton slaughter and other evil shit.
Gorum has never been cool with evildoers using war to do evil shit in 2e. It's been a consistent part of his characterisation as a god and so it shouldn't come as a shock that he's not cool with evildoers using war to do evil shit.
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I disagree. The Inner Sea World guide lists him as CN and says that he is a violent warrior who "takes what he wants

Painting him as an honorabu samurai God or whatever is revisionist according to Paizo's own work.

Gorum has Destruction and Chaos listed as some of his Domains. Paizo just decided they didn't want that and retconned him into caring about nice stuff
So a book from the wrong edition disagrees with shit from the edition we're talking about? Colour me shocked. My quotes aren't even from the remastered shit.
>from the wrong edition

Tell me anon, what major in-canon event happened that made Gorum suddenly go from "haha kill things funny" to "here is a strict list of tenets for u to follow!"?

The guy was granting spells to evil clerics. 1e Pathfinder and 2e Pathfinder are not two different universes. It's the same Gorum. Paizo just randomly decided that the war god not caring about the effects of war was problematic.

War itself isn't an inherently good or evil thing, so the god of war being neutral is the best solution. Minor deities can round out the other aspects of it and already did. It's not like Gorum was the only god with war as a domain.
Underhanded tactics are not evil
Countless pathfinder APs have good players do things like sabotage, infiltrate and even assassinate
Gorum dislikes that not because its evil but because it avoids direct glorious battle
He is totally cool with soldiers slaughtering soldiers as well
And yes he is CN
Pathfinder 2e changed lots of things. In 2e all the stuff I said is how he's characterised. Die mad about it I guess.

If you're going to strawman why reply? And, no, he's not CN. Alignment doesn't exist.
>Underhanded tactics are not evil

Paizo themselves agree with this btw. There is an Empyreal Lord whose schtick is espionage and being sneaky. Lawful Good lol. Kelinihat. Lawful Good no less.

>Pathfinder 2e changed lots of things. In 2e all the stuff I said is how he's characterised. Die mad about it I guess

So you don't find it strange that his entire personality changed with no explanation given?
Why would I find it strange that a new edition of the setting, which is an intentional refresh of it, changes things without justifying it? That's what it's for.
Because it's not a new setting? All the characters are the same? 2e isn't a reboot. Everything that happened in 1e still happened in 2e.
Are you illiterate? It's a new edition of the setting, and a refresh of it. The lore changed between editions. They're not entirely identical settings for more reasons than the timeline moving forwards. There were retcons.
>Pathfinder 2e changed lots of things. In 2e all the stuff I said is how he's characterised. Die mad about it I guess
It couldn't be more obvious you're a tranny
>Alignment doesn't exist
It does, the decade+ of material and lore isn't going anywhere
Gorum existed before PF2e and it's unacceptable writing that his behavior will immediately do a 180
They are a necessary evil though if you want more of a particular shit.

Still can be done better or worse though.
>It does, the decade+ of material
Not in the game we're talking about though.
>and lore isn't going anywhere
Of course it's not. That includes forwards to so the new stuff doesn't effect the old stuff if that's what you like.
>are you illiterate?

Are you?
It is in the game though
Golarian is Golarian
There are not seperate universes. The concept of alignment didn't just vanish in universe, pozzos poor writing is trying and failing to make it go away
Would like to point out that at least according to the wiki good clerics of Gorum weren't even allowed in 2e before they started pretending alignment didn't exist.

So yeh, he was canonically granting spells to evil clerics even before his suicide plot
Alignment isn't in the game anymore. Just like that.

Yep. The shift to a more evil follower base didn't come out of nowhere.
Golarian is a setting, not a game, and it does have alignment
Gorum is CN
For all the non 2e remaster stuff, sure.
If alignment is gone what is stopping me from being a nice guy wholesome chungus cleric of a random demon lord of rape and murder
Gods still have edicts and anathemas but other than that if you can make that work as a fun and interesting PC, more power to you.
>paladins can't smite evil the baby eating sociopath because he's good aligned
imagine trying to defend this
How do you even justify the existence of paladins without a codified system of morality
There is no 2e universe
There is no 2e remaster universe
There is one canon setting, and it features alignments and aligned planes like the maelstrom, Hell and Elysium
The entire cornerstone of Nocticulas ascension to godhood was that she changed alignment despite it being part of her physical being as a demon
Nocticula swapping teams makes me wonder if we are gonna get a reverse happen with a powerful celestial in a future module.

Probably not cause paizo but yk
The alignment change didn't change how that works, in either version of 2e that sort of scenario couldn't happen.

Not much really changed there. Paladins in 2e were LG Champions and their cause was was about acting honourably and following the laws and authority of legitimate rules. In the Remaster you can be a Champion of Justice and it's all about respecting legitimate authorities and not acting dishonourably.

Cry about it.
Actually it can happen, because I can eat babies and call myself good
Since alignment isn't a thing you can't disagree or smite me
>cry about it

Eat shit bootlicker. Making an evil rapist for my dawnflower paladin just to spite you next game.
>everything the shill is backed into a corner their defense is just lol cry about it
It's amazing how bad you shills are
That's not how smiting works. It never had a alignment restriction in 2e.
Okay that's a pretty clever idea regarding the war goddess. Is she dead or is she still siphoning power from it or did somebody else usurp her?
If 2e deities still have coded rules and tenets, what's the point of removing alignment?

If a deity tells you to be good and obey the law as it's follower, then that deity is by definition lawful and good(Lawful Good)

If a deity tells you to burn down civilization and eat your siblings, that deity is clearly spreading chaos and evil. Chaotic Evil, etc.

Paizo isn't fooling anyone.
Ugh I hate the fact that you're probably right.
I mean, it's OGL stuff at the end of the day. They moved away from that because WotC is WotC and as such some things needed to be removed. But your logic sort of argues for removing it as it's sort of redundant. If a god tells you to be good why do you need to be Good? You're already good narratively so it doesn't really make a difference and not having it does open up some more options in regards to RP and all that jazz.
>where the PCs ascend to godhood

The Starstone already exists

But yeh I really think the module will just end with War getting split up multiple ways. I doubt Szuriel wins, and I'm not sure who would even contest it from the good deities. Iomadae, maybe? I think it's likely she grabs the "just wars", aspect at least. I've heard rumors that Arazni is getting promoted to a major deity slot but I'm not sure of what.
Alignment is absolutely not OGL material
It's not to the same degree, but the Order of the Godhand are an example of a largely evil organization that worshiped a good deity in their personal pantheon. Seemingly they were getting spells too.

Granted, it's actually possible to be a non evil Hellknight, so maybe that explains it.
Alignment is in the SRD
He'll just kill himself so yes

This is so tiresome.

There is no real difference between someone writing in "Chaotic Good" on their sheet and acting chaotic good at the table without doing so. It's all performative on Paizo's end.

The deconstructionists there are just terrified of the idea of gameplay limitations of any kind(as if the average friendly table was strictly enforcing that kind of thing to begin with)
>The lore changed between editions.
nta but thats straight up what a retcon is. They are not AUs of each other, its the same setting with story continuity between each other. This isn't some meta universe with a flimsy fourth wall, "edition changes" are not a thing that happens within the setting itself. Anon is trying to ask if there's a Watsonian reason for the change in Gorum's character, not a Doylist reason because if there is not Watsonian reason then it's a reason.
You do understand the concept and difference between Watsonian and Doylist explanations, don't you?
That's why I said there were retcons.
Paizo hates the law, chaos and neutrality aspects of alignment
They hate that a LG character can't do CG actions on a whim any more than they can do LE actions
This is why they removed slavery (plus Americans worship black people). They hate that it was lawful and thus a LN or LG character shouldn't be acting against it
Isnt the Godhand (and Hellknights overalll, I suppose) more focused on the Law aspect of their order? In their own ideology, specifically, cause Hellknights deal with "lawbreakers" in such an utterly brutal fashion that it is hard to argue against them being evil. So it wouldn't be that big of a stretch for them to respect a Lawful deity.
If there is no real difference why have it? It's not a restriction if there isn't a difference. It's just cruft.
>"edition changes" are not a thing that happens within the setting itself
it's a meta change and not the same version of the setting
Yes the GodCLAW is LN, and not Evil.
Seperate hellknight orders are really barely affiliated, but the organization overall is Lawtistic not Evil, despite the name
Given that Iomadae is LG, it's totally reasonable for a LN knight to worship her, and in the case of the godclaw it's specifically about them liking some but not all aspects of their 5 dieties
>likes Pathfinder 2e
Fucking retard.
>Paizuri metaplot
>Isnt the Godhand (and Hellknights overalll, I suppose) more focused on the Law aspect of their order? In their own ideology, specifically, cause Hellknights deal with "lawbreakers" in such an utterly brutal fashion that it is hard to argue against them being evil. So it wouldn't be that big of a stretch for them to respect a Lawful deity

The Hellknight orders themselves are sort of a mixed bag. You have the Order of the Chain(?) who catch runaway slaves but will also severely punish anyone who illegally enslaves you or legally mistreats you, then you have Order of the Nail who seem largely benevolent really, since their main schtick is hunting down dangerous monsters and helping border settlements. But I guess "dangerous monster" could be stretched a bit.

You could actually be Lawful GOOD Hellknight in 1e. It's mostly the autistic dedication to order and law that is holding them all together despite their differences in other areas.

They all view Hell's structure as a good model for society but that doesn't necessarily mean they worship devils etc.

Except for the Godclaw(I had the name wrong), who explicitly worship Abadar, Asmodeus, Iomedae, Irori, and Torag.
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I mean war is kinda gay now like back in the caveman days it was just a bunch of hairy oiled up men beating the shit out of each other but then people started making weapons and shit and then you needed well organized armies and y'know all that faggotry instead of two tribes sending out their meanest guys to fuck those guys up real good
>You could actually be Lawful GOOD Hellknight in 1e.
In 2e as well
>Your humble wargod, Roger a Muirebe
MantisChad's won
Calistria could have let Gorum smash before he died at least baka at women
She wanted the Mantis D afterwards
They call him AchinKEK for a reason
>gozreh is literally a cloud/some water
>and also 2 people
>totally fine as a god
>gorum is a cloud of black smoke
>this isn't okay this can't be a real god
Uhhh is there something I'm missing
Gender fluid sweety
It makes sense though. You may have as many hobbies as you like, but once it becomes your portfolio, your domain, your job, it turns the passion of warmongering into daily grind for worship. Stab people, send prayers. You provide blessings, you need to deal with the politics of your pantheon, you are expected to attend meetings and have to deal with calls from other gods from other domains who feel your people are stepping on their turf. Military industry? God of commerce would like to ahve a word. Naval warfare? Hello, Poseidon here, what is going on? Art of War? Love can be a battlefield? What a bullshit!

Imagine god of arts, constantly being pesked to provide inspiration. Goddess of death that needs to explain to every mortal that yes, it's their time, not, they cannot play chess with ehr. God of justice dealing with moral dilemmas, so he needs to resort to heavy drinking to forget. Imagine goddess of fertility who needs to be pregnant all the time. Goddess that is lawfully evil (tm) and cannot do anything to feel good about herself? They would hate it, sooner or later. Being a god is an eternal burden, a punishment. That's why demons have all the fun, they don't have any responsibilities, do not have to serve the filthy mortals.
The early contours of civilization were defined by two factors. The first is that cereal agriculture increases legibility to the state radically, while reducing the actual health and capabilities of its practitioners.

Almost nobody would voluntarily be an early farmer unless forced to--which is why the early cities were essentially large prison camps with fields around them. A city full of slaves, protected by armed slaves, ruled by a King who was himself a slave to the seasons.

The second factor is that cities can NEVER sustain their populations reliably from within. Additional injections of manpower are necessary because cities are filthy, dangerous, and the occupants live less well with less free time in worse conditions. In the Bronze age of Assyria, Babylon, and Egypt, one could not simply attract migrants because no sane person would AGREE to move to the city and be a slave. So, they would send soldiers out to enslave and kidnap the hill-folk, which caused those tribes to become hostile.

The existence of urban centers is uniformly and without exception a gyre of suffering. War, slavery, poverty and squalor are the fruits of cities, their only advantage is as a center of trade so that a class of merchants and tradesmen can live well without feeding themselves, and as a center of power for kings to wield as a weapon.

War is the immune system's response to the cities. The cities must be destroyed, if there is to be peace. The cities are Moloch, the demon with roads for veins, and bricks for bones, and his blood creeps over the land, poisoning and corrupting it. There can be only one answer to such a threat.

The Grass-Herders must be exterminated. The Garlic-Eaters must die. The Wall-Builders must be brought low, and put to the knife. Death to the Cities. Death to all enemies of The God, whose heart is the Black Sun, Whose love is the cold win, whose blood is the stars, whose sperm is the Ekwos, whose hatred is the bitter sea. Death!
t. steppenigger
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I'm not saying pathfinder ever was high art, but it at least didn't seem to take itself too seriously with its edginess for most of 1E. What the fuck is this even.
Strictly speaking, PF2e doesn't have alignment anymore, just whatever the anathema and edicts of your order is.
You're the only culture warrior here bud. No one mentioned woke. That said yes we do hope Paizo fails considering they removed slavery from their world lore but you omit that.
Mentally ill faggot lmao.
They've got to do that because they just finished getting cucked by the real world again. The ability to make bad games and lose money is the only revenge the urban bugsoul has left.
Actually got a bit curious and looked up the status of slavery in Golarion on the wiki. Generally speaking, it looks like the decline in slaving is mainly due to the fact that slavers are a very common enemy type so across multiple adventures the slave trade is dealt a ton of blows.

Biggest two things that aren't just adventures where you punch slaving bastards in the face was the city of Absalom freeing all the slaves after they had already freed any slave who fought in defense of the city when it was sieged by demons and the empress of Cheliax freeing all the slaves with a shit load of asterisks like mandatory conscription and ruinous repayment terms that basically means nothing changed for current slaves and the whole thing was done to placate abolitionists and centralize power.
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She no longer exists in a physical way but as an essence carried by her children so she always gets a front seat to all battles.

She has a cult that looks for the signs of her Children because they know she only comes about when war is imminent
This is a pretty novel idea though, a lot about war has changed.
I can see a theoretical god of war being upset how different things are
"They don't even stab each other anymore, it's just guns and planes now a days, am I too oldschool?"
Enslave everyone again ez
I think it'd be cool for a modern concept. War has become fairly cowardly. Imagine you were an ancient War God, empowering champions against odds and letting men test their mettle against each other for victory.

Now some doughy drone operator is praying to you for better PING so he can bomb a guy on the other side of the planet.
>space marine captain that was tired of fighting.
At least that makes sense, the guy just wanted to retire.
So he was not a god of war in the first place, but of peace.
You should put it in context. The Sergeant was tired of fighting because he belonged to the renegade Chapter known as the Soul Drinkers, where their mutant leader Sarpedon consistently made the shittiest decisions possible.
At this point there were like, a hundred of them left, and they had suffered multiple bouts of treachery. He was saying this right after they had barely escaped the custody of the Imperial Fists, and were literally facing annihilation.
>My god is deep, flawed, and conflicted about their role in the universe
Stupid. Shit writing. Dumb idea in general for a god. A personification of a core concept.
>My god of war is basically a gambling addict that loves all conflict and plays both sides of the field to maximize glorious carnage and heroic moments because that shit makes his celestial dick diamonds.
Clean, effective, and gets the ball moving.
or you can have both, for example Athena and Ares.
>the Soul Drinkers
How can you drink a soul?
He's not talking about any Pathfinder lore, but about Worldbuilding in general.
Athena wasn't deep. She was the tactical aspect of war and Ares was the brutal aspect of war.
They were both superficial dirtbags.
>War has changed
War is still very much about making enough of the other guy's population die and resources bleed that they admit defeat.
Hilariously the only reason MAJOR global conflict stopped was because of nukes being invented.
There’s also the Order of the Torrent who are an anti-slavery and anti-corruption order as well.
>Athena wasn't deep.
she was the goddess of wisdom.
>They were both superficial dirtbags.
IIn fact, they were pretty good despite being the gods of war.
>War is still very much about making enough of the other guy's population die and resources bleed that they admit defeat
Yes, but the methods to achieve that changed.
Also at one time the objective was to kill all your enemies.
>She was the goddess of wisdom
Who started the Trojan war because she didn't get an apple and turned a bitch into a spider for bragging about looking. She was a shitbag like all the god (except Hades).
>They were pretty good
Greek/Roman gods were fucking terrible. The whole point of them being terrible with no consequences long term was a privilege afforded them because they were gods.
>Objective was to kill all your enemies
A dead population doesn't make for good slaves and whores. Unless it was to set an example, total country death was not common place for pretty much all of human history.
Was this posted in the wrong thread? This is a very cogent observation that has NOTHING to do with the thread, it's like it fell out of a much better thread into this one.
Par for the course with this dogshit setting. I don't even know why people get angry at this point.
To be fair, Hera also started that war.
With a soul-straw.
>they have been losing quite badly
I dunno lil bro, hasbro ain't looking hot and vidya is crashing/healing
>hasbro ain't looking hot
I won't even bother to search their last quarterly report since you're obviously wrong already.
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>Making your war god gay and lame
Know what would've been more interesting? If Gorum died in glorious battle unintentionally, because that's what happens sometimes when you go to war.
Pagan gods should embody all aspects of their portfolio, the Greeks did it best.
>Zeus is the god of rulers and power, sometimes power is abused, therefore Zeus occasionally abuses his power
>Hades is the god of the underworld and afterlife, sometimes death comes too soon for someone, therefore it is perfectly in line with who he is as a god for Hades to steal a girl and leave her mother to mourn
There is a story to be told here about a war god who, in embodying all aspects of war, eventually loses a war he truly cared about and has to live with that, because that's part of going to war, it's bigger than any one person, otherwise it wouldn't be a war, it'd be a fight.
I mean shit, imagine Gorum disappearing/fading from the setting because he, canonically, is too busy with a war on another world, one that's taking all his attention. If you want to make it personal then have him be in love with the leader of one side, deeply, emotionally invested in them, despite the fact he knows they're going to lose.
Players can go after him only to get pulled into this everwar in another dimension, where Gorum has trapped himself inside his own personal Kobyashi Maru attempting to win a war that can't be won, because 'I am the God of War, I always win', with the stakes being that if things keep going as they are, at some point Gorum is going to go 'Fuck this being a general shit, I'm going to ride out personally on one side, just like the good ol' days'
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And once a War God gets personally involved, 2 things might happen:
>By engaging himself he's now vulnerable and might die because people die in wars, in which case 'Oh fuck, Gorum is gone', at which point the NE Horseman of War hoovers up his divinity and all war goes from 'a thing people do because they're people' to 'War is hell and we are its demons'
>He gets a taste for it and in that case it becomes 'OH FUCK, GORUM IS HERE' as the war spills across all realities, because no war that involves war himself can be contained or restrained in any capacity, at which point the entire setting becomes 'Gorum bit into the crazy hamburger and fucked us all. Now there is only war and everything the other gods attempt to do to try and stop him just makes him more erect'
He doesn't have to be a big ol' uwu sadboi about war as a concept to be compelling.

Such is life though, PF writers are hacks, most tabletop writers are hacks, ect, ect.
Shitkisser seething that his post didn't go down well lol.
>They abandoned all concept of alignment in the setting after the OGL debacle
War has sort of always been that way. David and Goliath is basically about why you shouldn't trash talk someone who can hit you from ten yard away, no matter how big you are. It's always impressive when you have a heroic stand but the beating heart of all combat is not dying for your country but instead making the other bastard die for his.
>Why are so many of the people here such retarded idiots who must make up bullshit about these things? You can read the fucking adventure yourselves and not listen to a disingenuous faggot post on 4chan.
This is 99% of all Warhammer discourse on this board. It’s fucking horrible, everybody is either some dumbass who half remembers something or some dumbass who’s listening to some other dumbass who half remembered something or some dumbass who’s going off a contextless Reddit summary
Hasbro was/has been trying to figure out how to monetize D&D harder and it leaked they were going to torpedo the OGL that all their third party content relies on to exist. Pathfinder still had some D&D sacred cows/holdovers from its days as a 3.5 port and part of PF2e's recent face-lifts have been Paizo scrubbing as many of those out of the game as they can. Alignment's been removed, lots of older spells and feats got new names, ability scores were changed to just be modifiers instead of 10, 12, 14, etc. (which they should have done ages ago because you can't even have 11 or 13 in something).

Basically they're trying to file off all the numbers in case Hasbro pulls a retard and tries to get litigious.
I think from a business perspective it is quite ingenious if done well. No one has done it well yet.
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Reminder that we won. Mantis God should become the new God of War by right of conquest
Just like communism!
I don't think metaplots are inherently bad.

I do think they are bad when they remove almost all danger from a setting and make it safety scissors tier.

The Worldwound for instance was a major and iconic feature of the map and setting. It only took a single adventure to destroy, and now nothing has replaced it.

With Gorum's death, will the effects actually matter beside the god himself being dead? I doubt it honestly.
Of course He is, He played Himself. Weapons got better until it became impractical for either side to actually FIGHT wars, merely threaten each other with doomsday devices and Mutually Assured Destruction. There hasn't been a proper war in ages and the next one will inevitably be the last on account of killing everyone. He misses swordfights.
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Yeah, Pathfinder's so incredibly anti-woke.
Read Pathfinder? Of my own free will? No, I don't think so.
>someone who actually likes Pathfinder 2e but can't be bothered with metaplot
2e sounds interesting because from what everyone says Fighters are demigods from level 1 and Wizards can barely make a magic balloon animal without passing out
Didn't Warhammer Fantasy have an event that was written out based on the results of tabletop games? That's pretty awesome, it lets players feel like their games influence the world
I was about to say that L5R proves you wrong, but L5R would have been cringe af even without player input.
>the NE Horseman of War hoovers up his divinity and all war goes from 'a thing people do because they're people' to 'War is hell and we are its demons'

I'll take, "Awesome Things Paizo is too Pussy to Do," for 1200, Alex.
Fighters have +2 more to attacks than any other martial except gunslingers with a firearm, and are the only martial that gets opportunity attacks for free at level 1 (others usually have to buy it as a feat around level 6)

The success-failure system, I find, actually makes casters a lot better, because most spells give you at least SOMETHING on an enemy getting a regular success, and now you get even more when they crit fail.

So yeah, both statements are overblown.
>But yeh I really think the module will just end with War getting split up multiple ways
We already know this. Pieces of his armor/corpse get scattered around and the book after this is focused on Norgorber making power plays to claim them. And then they ruin him too. We know his real name and backstory now and it is so much more boring than anyone ever thought. Not to mention you interact with him so directly that the writers are already on record saying they had to cut a whole romance subsystem. Romance with Norgorber.
Pathfinder just hates their gods and writes them awfully. Iomedae still gets shit for the trumpets
The only interesting thing to come out of the Norgorber stuff is confirming that he was human. And that's just because it further reinforces the fan theory that Aroden, as the god of humanity, was a massive trolling racist that made the Test of the Starstone only passable by humans.
>he's sad because world peace was achieved byu the God of Unity
>He did so out of hatred and spite for the God of War
>Now the God of War is slowly dying, his worshippers having been culled, his temples layed to ruin, his name all but erased. the mere concept of conflict is slowly wilting away in the ever increasing in the stranglehold of permanent peace
>however, the God of Trickery and Deceit finds himself in the position to act
>You and your party finds themselves hired by an old man revealing himself to be a priest of the God of Deceit with the mission of destabilizing the world from its permanent state of peace
>This is an Evil Campaign now.
Fighters have to jump through the fewest hoops and get the most toys to play with in their actual party niche compared to most of the other martials. The only thing they don't have is flat damage boosts but they're more accurate, typically more or as durable, get action compression and a bunch of General Feats for free, and are simple to put together. The Fighter is basically online at level 1 while most of the others need to wait or fuck around with gimmicks (that still benefit the Fighter). Barbarians are about even with them since PC2.

Other Martials can beat a Fighter in a niche but the Fighter is never bad. They even get to swap extra feats around during daily prep after a certain point which kinda passes me off because Inventor had to pay for that in their power budget, don't get any extras, and that swap relies on a check.
>except Hades
You know something is wrong with your culture when the god of death and the underworld is the nicest among your gods.
Knowing Paizo, the only reason he died is because he's a CIS male and not a nympho lesbian in a polycule.
my character doesn't believe a word out of this "priest of deceit"'s mouth. furthermore, war isn't evil. finally, if we're in a campaign setting where conflict doesn't exist, there's nothing to fucking do, and if conflict doesn't exist we can't make things happen. and if we CAN make things happen (i.e. we can just start a war) then shit just doesn't matter
Well Hades was ultimately apathetic over the living world and was more focused on keeping the afterlife, his personal kingdom, running smoothly. There's also the symbolism of the Eldest son of Cronus being the king of the underworld because all things eventually die, and so he will one day truly inherit his father's rule as he was supposed to buy that's a whole other thing, the point is he just doesn't give any shits at all about the living.
The only major god that was entirely benevolent to mankind, had no bad stories to their name, and was universally loved across Greece was Hestia. Goddess of the Heart and basically Ancient Greece's mom equivalent.
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>Nooo! How DARE you humanize my purile fantasy super-duper soldiers with gay shit as feelings?!?!? They don't suppose to do anything but feel angry!
Fuck your lore, its boring and stupid. A story of an SM going rogue and retiring would be a kino both because it makes for anactually good serious story and because it would make American and Slav lorefags kys over disrespect for their "serious" existing lore.
Nah, Fighters are the best at fighting now and Wizards are no longer grossly over powered. Which just means both things are strong.
>The only way for someone to be human is if they're the same old tired 'I sure am tired of everything, if only I could give up on the thing I've dedicated my life to and spend the rest of eternity diddling my pickle, fuck having commitments to any higher ideal, the only real humans are the ones that think only of themselves and how comfortably they are cooming in the pod' bollocks that every fucking series ever has fallen into
Wow, such a great story, I can't wait to hear it again next week.
What the fuck are you talking about? I don't know how much of it is just you being touchy about the IP and how much you are geniuenly deranged over American moral panic bollacks. But I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume its the former.

No, you dolt, having one (1) SM deciding that there is more to life than forever war is not some proof that all SMs are like hin now. It just shows that they are sentient humans who can also have emotions. Its so stupid talking to 40k serious-fags. On the one hand, you want the setting to be taken seriously and viewed as deep, rich and profound, not some parody Rogue Trader meme. But on the other you can't for the life of you accept that for something to be serious and mature, it takes more than being "le grim". That's what a 12 year old thinks is mature, along with tits and dropping the F-bomb. If you *really* want your lore of SMs to be that of very angry toddlers that don't act like real people and might as well be programmed robots, go ahead. Just don't pretend that its anything but a shallow purile puddle of a setting. But hey, I guess the water in the puddle is tar-black, so you have to take its rich blackness more seriously than that crystal clear puddle of Heavy Metal.
you're missing the mark. the idea here is you're playing the greatest con game. the game effectively is
>make up as much beievable grievances against one region towards another, leverage small incidents as acts of sabotage, raise diplomatic tensions and fan the fires of war and conflict. this is why its an evil campaign: because you're going around spreadin hate, anger, rancor andstraining tensions between peoples.
people tend to enter conflict for some of the dumbest, if no reason at all. never forget the War of the Bucket, an Italian war between two small regions that escalated far, far out of hand.
I agree, war isnt evil by definition, its the way you bring about the war that is.
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It doesn't go horribly awry because Calistria is "tricksy". She does exactly what Gorum wants. The problem is that Gorum has sub-Somalian IQ and apparently doesn't understand obvious consequences. His hero's end is bullshit. He specifically wanted the appearance of dying in battle in the hopes that his death would... I don't even know. There's no plan beyond a vague lesson he wants mortals to learn. Gorum is a retard.
This is so fucking gay and basedfilled it's unbelievable, holy shit.
Brazilian bros
Is Tormenta just blatantly plagiarizing Pathfinder or what?
Isn't this literally the same thing that happens between Tauron Glorienn and Aharadak in that book?
>most boards filter onions to onions
>chad /ck/ doesn't filter it at all
>/tg/ filters onions to based
It really makes me think
blame the wokenazimods, aka Fed Glowies
you're only finding out now that tormenta is just (forgotten realms+some stolen pathfinder ideas+elfslavewatdo fetishes)? Specially once they became ultra faggots and killed every single little bit of original idea left.
Tormenta 20 tried to be more original and in exchange it became even more lame
Go ruin someone else's franchise, faggot.
We should make our own fucking image board and not let anyone without a dick in. It would cut the current jannies attending by at least 42%.
>It just shows that they are sentient humans who can also have emotions
The less human a marine is, the less reason he has to desire a human life. The more human a marine is, the more he desires to protect those weaker than himself. The other anon is absolutely right, there is no room for ''woe is me'' faggotry where he goes off and plows land or some shit, either he is so detached from humanity war is all he knows, or he is fully aware of the horrors of the galaxy and will fight to the death to protect the common man from them.
playing a fighter in PF2E is effectively being two levels above everyone else in the party. Imagine playing 5e or 4e or 3.5 and having a class ability that's just "lol yeah you get to level up more than everyone else"
that's basically how it works. Oh and you also get more feats period than everybody else, free things other people need to spend feats on to get, and also access to the best feats that other classes wish they could take, to the point the best Archetypes for other classes are literally "this lets you take a couple fighter feats"

inb4 some fag says I'm just mad casters aren't gods or whatever, no I'm not idgaf about arbitrary "martial vs caster divide" shit that's purely a D&D issue, 4e didn't even have that issue and neither do games like mutants and masterminds or exalted or literally anything else that's not married to vancian casting
First proposition simply doesn't work, because ultimately the marines are the PoVs of the setting and already have established characters that humanize them somewhat.

Second proposition works, and your reaction to desertion seems hysterical. Why can't 0.01% of the supermen have crisis of faith? How is that "faggotry"? For one, you are basically calling Diocletian a faggot. For second, the goal here is to show that marines are capable of more complex thoughts than "rawr, me kill and also [insert chapter personality quirk]". And desertion is just one example - an SM could react to feelings that make one desert in different ways, perhaps choosing to become more heroic or self-sacrificing for his brothers, but in a way that shows that this is humanity showing through the programing.
Welp the problem with D&D is that its got so many sacred cows that any attempt at fixing it ends up twisting it into some sort of weird pretzel-shape. Vancian casting is just a bad mechanic for any game that has more than a handful of spells cast per day.
>Imagine playing 5e or 4e or 3.5 and having a class ability that's just "lol yeah you get to level up more than everyone else"
Funnily enough that's an old concept rather than a new one. People used to have different XP requirements for levelling.
Demi-humans get more abilities, but humans rank up faster, ect.
>Also at one time the objective was to kill all your enemies.
Only really on the scale of tribes and city states. Total genocide wasn't generally done because you actually needed a population to rule and most armies routed at 10% losses.
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>The only way to be 'mature' is to be a whining little baby. If you don't act like a Californian trust fund baby who has been forcibly thrust into combat without any prior warning for the first time every scene you're in then you're completely unrealistic!
The sheer breadth of the human experience is only comparable in scope to the narrowness of your mind anon.
The fact that the idea that people can be fully aware that they're going into some shit but do so willingly because the other option is leaving other, innocent, far less able people in that exact shame shit and that they do so willingly, without mewling like a teenager forced to go to a social event about how they don't want to be here every chance they get, is alien to you condemns you more as a person more than I ever could.
Tell you what, go talk to a firefighter, or a mountain rescue operator, hell, talk to a lifeguard, the kind that go out into storms to rescue men on boats I mean, not the kind that work the local pool.
First of all it'll get you out the house and second of all it'll make you engage with another actual human being who has a different life experience to you, outside of that you might actually learn something about the topic you're trying to engage with.
I mean I doubt you will since that would require a yoctogram of humility on your part, but if you can't give it the good ol' college try then we'll at least accept grades 4-6 from you.
the filters changes onions to onions, but it changes it to based if it's at the start of another word, like basedjak is changed to basedjak
What a moronic way to describe having a +2 to attack rolls

Yes, that is the Fighter's Thing, they get a +2 to attack rolls. Rogues get sneak attack, Rangers get hunter precision, barbarians get giant rage damage, Fighters get a bonus to attack rolls.
the problem is subhuman writers wrote Gorum as retarded
They started with the conclusion of
>we have to remove the chud god
and then just wrote backwards from there
They do also get free extra class feats, 10 HP, the best Perception scaling, and a bunch of general feats baked into their chassis. Their base kit is really strong.

I had a weird moment a while back when building a backup character for a FA game. He was going to be a Ranger/Cavalier to sort of exploit some homebrew guns the GM came up with but somewhere along the line I realized he would be way stronger as a Fighter dumping his class feats into Beastmaster with his FA feats going to Beast Gunner, because the only feats I really wanted could be picked up with Combat Flexibility. He won't boom and zoom anymore but it doesn't really matter. He's going to shoot better, have spells, a better companion, and better perception. He loses some out of combat flexibility but only a little.

Shit, my current guy started out as an Inventor and my GM eventually just out and suggested reclassing him to Fighter because my combat performance was abysmal and I wasn't having fun. Granted, that was an Inventor.

Also Precision Edge is a damage bonus. Are you thinking of Flurry?
Bro that's nothing, there's an AP where Iomedae tortures the PCs into answering the call to adventure. You know, LG stuff.
The story behind that one is actually a fascinating look into the Pathfinder game design teams complete retardation.
Originally it was a purely roleplaying segment, maybe a paragraph or two, where the writer had put in 'Iomedae wants to know more about the PCs and if they're up for the job, here's some questions she'll ask and how to roleplay her'
Then along came James Jacobs, much vaunted of 'High Cha, Low Wis female NPC gets mind fucked' and 'Playing anything but CG isn't really good' fame.
Who went 'This isn't mechanically complex enough, lets turn it into a game show with a penalty horn that blows your fucking eardrums open.

Because he's stupid, if that didn't quite come across. But because he had seniority no one could tell him 'No, fuck off retard'
they get +2 to attack rolls in a game where you add your level to everything offensively and defensively and the designers have purposefully made it impossible to escape the ironclad rails of the system math. This is a game where fighting something 2 levels higher is challenging you is difficult and fighting something 4 levels higher is borderline suicide......and Fighter gets to fight enemies 4 levels higher as if they were only 2 levels higher.
>Then along came James Jacobs, much vaunted of 'High Cha, Low Wis female NPC gets mind fucked' and 'Playing anything but CG isn't really good' fame.
Hate this retarded hypocrite. Why is it always the self-righteous "male feminists" who turn out to be the most degenerate, offputting magical realm coomers?
This is a terrible post
They'll eventually get rid of Erastil, Abadar, and Asmodeus for being chud gods too. Erastil because his existence is a reminder that fags can't breed and have no futures. Abadar because muh capitalism bad. And Asmodeus because, of all things, the player base is still hung up on the mention of him being a misogynist in an old book. It's exhausting how much control fags have over this franchise.
>It's exhausting how much control fags have over this franchise.
Every franchise.
>James Jacobs, much vaunted of 'High Cha, Low Wis female NPC gets mind fucked' and 'Playing anything but CG isn't really good' fame
>Sad about war
Why would a CN care?
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This retarded backstory and the retarded approach to solve this self inflicted problem is a pretty good example of what your average CN character tends to be, ngl.
So he's Lelouch from Code Geass, but retarded.

Well, more retarded.

Wow this is retarded.
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>Make a world of bravery, muscle and metal.
>Humans make a cute device that ends killing melee.
>Now they're throwing dildos from computers and using fucking toys to toss mini dildos.
>Men are more scared of shit coming from nowhere than engaging in battle.
Why is the god of war sad about war?
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James Jacobs is a typical "male feminist" creeper that constantly talks about how progressive he is and how much he respects women, which is more than other men because all other men except him are insensitive misogynistic chuds. Unsurprisingly, he's a total freakshow openly displaying his perverted fetishes in official paizo material. He constantly has hot submissive women being raped, but only to like, illustrate the plight of women, man! Not because he finds it titillating or anything, that's something only a misogynistic chud would do!

He also got scolded too many times as a kid over his rampant perversions, so he sees anything lawful as equivalent to evil. Lawful good characters will always be portrayed as stupid "fake good" despots. Chaotic good is the only true good, usually represented by a barely pubescent chaotic good mary sue ethical slut character BUT DON'T YOU DARE oversexualize the scantily clad pansexual purehearted prostitute character that's central to the module plot, you male gaze chauvinist conservative!
>riotous pagan war god
Ares fits that bill. Bellona as consort of Mars fits that bill. Athena does not.
>Vulgar Display of Power
This is what happens when you stop forming the Koryos and sending young men out to slaughter rival tribes. They don't get to rape and murder any Helots, but they know they were supposed to, so they post-facto rationalize this as a moral virtue and not a lack of opportunity (which it actually was.)

In an ideal world, James Jacobs would have gone out in a wolf skin, tortured a few Mexicans to death during a punitive raid into Tijuana to remind the slaves not to make eye contact with the Spartiates, but alas we don't do that anymore so he became a fucking weird fetish-fag obsessed with women being violated in some nebulous way, but even then his inner need to "see" this violation runs up against his invented moral rectitude, so it contorts itself, it is not him raping the whores, it's something else. The whole thing is very psychosexual and weird--really we just need to round up and kill all the theater kids.
Been working through APs of 1e for a while now (finished Serpent Saventh Yi something, still doing the Kingmaker ones in tandem with the video game 1 chapter of the AP, then play 1 chapter of the game), when does this start happening?
>anon makes up scenarios in his head to get mad about
Many such cases
>Lmao, you're capable of basic pattern recognition? How stupid is that
Bless your little socks, you're going to think it's fucking magic and pretend he never predicted it when it happens.
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Every female made by this guy has tons of CHA but diddly squat WIS. see Arueshalae and Shorshen
Anon, look at the graph. Hasbro has declined hard since 2021. It is worth almost half of what it was before.
They already retconned all three of them in stages and killed off Gorum. Do you remember when the devs themselves started joining in the virtue signaling against Erastil because he dared to believe women belong at home tending the house and raising babies? Promised to change him because a good god could never hold such current yearly problematic views? Then they did. They retconned all his MUH MISOGYNY and reduced his presence from then on. Same with Abadar during the whole slavery debacle, started easing off on him being okay with slavery and reduced his presence at the same time. Asmodeus too, retconned him having paladins (before champion rework) and changed him to be less scheming and intelligent and more of a retarded dick whose plans always fail and you can feel good about kicking him right in the patriarchy. Stop acting retarded, people will think you actually are. And if you keep up the act too long you will be.
covid would do that to a business that still relies on physical stores and theme parks
>im already Tracer
and then he got all mad!
If this guy is now the only god of war, doesn't it mean war got even worse and people are napalming everything that moves?
Also Ameiko (but she'd totally be a great empress guys i promise)
How is this still up
Instead, they promote Calistria. Setting aside the fact that this setting markets itself as being acceptable for minors but has several gods dedicated to prostitution, Calistria has the most ridiculous portfolio of any god in the big 20. She's supposed to be a god of petty revenge that doesn't allow her followers to get consumed by it. Except her followers are allowed to spend years plotting the perfect revenge. They're also not allowed to let a slight go unanswered. Revenge is something they have to think about and be ready to enact at all times. It only makes sense from the perspective of not having real standards and thinking every choice someone makes has to be so heckin' valid. At least Urgathoa is an unapologetic hedonist monster. Meanwhile, gods like Erastil and Abadar have to be toned down because they embody virtues that don't validate your every base impulse.
The magic of autism.
It's not exceptionally low quality, just regular low quality, par of the course nowadays.
They also managed to somehow turn Shelyn's followers into vapid sex addicts who don't understand consent, which really sounds more like a Calistrian thing if anyone desu.
There are a bunch of regional war gods as well. The new Tian Xia guide has like two or three. It's just that none of them was part of the main 20 like Gorum was. The Horseman (female) of War may or may not be Golarion's most influential war deity now, but she's not major deity level.

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