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Whispered One Edition

>2024 PHB Scan (Gencon copy, not DnDshorts)
Cropped and rotated, but more artifacty

>2024 PHB spoilers

>2024 UA

>2014 Errata

>5etools (2014)

The Trove Vault (seed, please!): bit<dot>ly/2Y1w4Md


>Previous thread: >>93907264

What's the most epic enemy you ever faced in a game of D&D?
TQ: A goblin
Piratefag here.
Had two combats, and both times the PCs went down multiple times with close calls with death saves and heal juggling. Think I need to take a step back and better design my homebrew monsters and throw less of them at a level 3 party.
All I want is good-looking fishfolk or frogfolk. D&d does its own locathah dirty by making them uglier than the average Monstrosity or Aberration. Use the current Locathah art for some kind of slaad tadpole and let players play a colourful fish furry.
I'm hungry now
If a 2024 draconic sorcerer dips warlock for Agonizing Blast can they add double CHA damage to cantrips of their chosen damage type?
I hate you.
Yeah, with poison spray
The only modifier with a rule saying you can only add it once is Proficiency, anything else can be if you meet the requirements. Elemental Affinity adds to one damage roll of spells in general of the correct damage type, Agonizing Blast adds to damage rolls of the chosen Warlock cantrip. So of the 5.5 PHB Warlock cantrips if you choose Poison for Elemental Affinity Poison Spray can benefit from both features. If older 5e works that aren't reprinted yet are allowed it expands to Create Bonfire, Frostbite, Green Flame Blade, and Lightning Lure as Warlock cantrips that deal one of the applicable damage types (one roll for Elemental Affinity for ones that can deal multiple instances of damage, but applies to each roll for Agonizing Blast.)
Forgot Transmuted Spell is base Sorcerer in 5.5, that adds Thunderclap in the base PHB and Booming Blade from older works to the eligible list when using a Sorcery Point to change to one of the other damage types.
I guess you also might be able to technically combine the new Pact of the Tome with the new Agonizing Blast to get more elemental damaging cantrips as Warlock ones? Might interact oddly if you change out the Tome cantrips, but if you keep those constant it should work?
its kind of funny the current rules make it so you aren't likely to have a mace wielding cleric. If you put points into str you are going to take protector and get martial weapons anyway. Thaumaturgy clerics are going to run 14 dex and dump strength so the only weapon they will be ok at wielding would be daggers and bows
what cantrips would you take?
Guidance is based
Sacred Flame and Toll the Dead are a pick one based on aesthetics.
Word of radiance sucks
spare the dying and resistance seem only ok for tier 1 play.
Light, mending and thaumaturgy are all situational
When will we get a scan of the new phb? there should be one out already, no?
How do people play small parties without healing word access? I know actual healing isn't really necessary but not being able to ping-pong downed players feels really restricting.
Just don't go down
Here's how i do it:
Drinking a potion as an action grants max possible healing from that potion
Drinking a potion as a bonus action requires a roll for healing
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If you wanted to play a "Sword Saint" style character, I think the Cleric does a pretty good job at it now. You start off with Magic Initiate (Wizard, WIS) for Blade Ward, True Strike, and Mage Armor (Flavored as you see fit!), then you focus on Wis + Dex, pick the Protector Divine Order for Martial Weapons (Longswords = Katana while Greatsword = Odachi [Req 13 STR]), and go full-on Cleric from there, Bless, Cure Wounds, Lesser Restoration, Remove Curse, Spirit Guardians, even Summonn Celestial.
It would be better if Clerics could learn True Strike so it would benefit from Potent Spellcasting but Blessed Strikes is okay.
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>literally two versions in OP
Technically those aren't "proper" scans where someone undoes the bindings to get clear images of each page, but someone taking pictures by hand. But if that's what the person means that's not much better, it's still perfectly readable until a clean one comes, with a decent amount of effort put in to have working bookmark system, person is perfectly free to buy a copy of their own and put in the work for a proper unbound scan if they're impatient.
>>2024 PHB Scan (Gencon copy, not DnDshorts)
>Cropped and rotated, but more artifacty
so this is D&D 6e or whatever they will call it?
No, it's a McDonalds drive-thru menu from 2006
I believe the preferred term is McDrive.
Hey bros, what's more fun as a gish Cleric? Tempest or Forge domains?
Yes, it's the PHB for D&D 2024, alternatively referred to as 5.5, 5.24, One D&D, or D&Done.
/5eg/, if martial maneuvers had the same format as spells but used a resource other than spell slots, would that still feel too samey?
Still 5e, more of a revision with mixed results, rather than a proper 5.5. It's mostly useful for the classes that got proper buffs from it which is pretty much everyone except Wizard, and Ranger who got monkey pawed.

Tempest for sure.
>ummm your spell can't go unnoticed unless you have subtle spell, chud!
UH OH looks like faggot dms with no brain get put in their place again!
What, like a Tome of Battle kind of deal? It'd be fine in principle, save for 5e's inclination towards "natural language" that isn't particularly natural.
Yes, because no one would find anything suspicious about you waving your hands and waggling your fingers in esoteric patterns while chanting aloud.
>Detect Thoughts
>Components: V, S, M (a copper piece)
>Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
If you can cast the spell without being noticed (i.e. out of sight/earshot of the verbal or somatic components) and then come into range for the spell to work all within one minute, feel free to do so.
I mean, targeting yes, but the act of casting is still perceptible. May not specifically know you're trying to read their thoughts or trying to charm them or just calling your mom with Sending, but Verbal components can obviously be heard if they can hear you, Somatic and Material can be seen if they can see you, etc, so they'll know you're doing *something* unless you're somewhere they can't see or you get rid of the components.
Actually, Vecna.
It was a one-shot. Everyone was level 17, we made kinda busted characters, and DM undertuned the encounter (and no obe told him you need multiple entities in combat, because otherwise players will just focusfire anything), but he did a good job making it appear that it wasn't that the encounter was easy, but that were just that strong.
Redpill me on Blood Hunters.
One of my players asked to play one, I approved, since I'm a cool DM, but dunno what I'm getting myself into.
you can stop being stupid now guys, you lost it's time to admit it and grow the fuck up
Whose time did we lose?
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Totally. The fact that you're just muttering to yourself in a normal speaking volume and waving your hands like a stereotypical Italian is completely silent and invisible because they aren't aware they're being targeted specifically. Subtle Spell is in fact a completely useless feature that was printed by mistake.
>seething this hard over there being a clear and obvious rules change
let it go
Look man, I'm bored and your bait responses aren't even fun anymore. At least put some effort in.
> Extended Spell (5.5)
> ... If the affected spell requires Concentration, you have Advantage on any saving throw you make to maintain that Concentration.

You know, most sources that boost Concentration specifically specify CON saves, which 99.9% of things that would cause you to lose Concentration are, but Extended Spell just says "any saving throw to maintain Concentration".
5.5 version of Sleet Storm causes a DEX save that if failed makes you Prone and lose Concentration rather than how the 5e version makes you make separate DEX and CON saves (5.5 version is probably cleaner, but it feels so odd). By my reading if a Sorcerer who has an Extended Spell up is hit with a Sleet Storm they get Advantage on the DEX save? Which also feels odd.
>make to maintain that Concentration
Only if the sorcerer extended spell cast Sleet Storm in the first place.
Oh wait, I see what you were saying now.
I guess? Feels rules lawyer-y rather than the intent of the spell. To me the save is to avoid going prone and if you go prone you also drop concentration. Like Tasha's Hideous Laughter and going incapacitated.
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Ok, I'm back with numbers. Someone has to Redpill me on Pal / Cleric.

>Lv. 6 Full Cleric
>Warhammer 4.5 Avg + 3 Str
>Spirity Guardians 13.5 Avg (Which we'll use as single target because no guarantee creatures will choose to stand in the AoE which negates damage. But I will admit the area control is nice.)
>Spiritual Weapon 4.5 Avg + 3 Wis Mod
Total: 28.5

>Lv. 2 Pal / Lv. 4 Cler
>Warhammer 4.5 Avg + 3 Str
>Lv. 1 Smite 9 Avg
Total: 16.5

Not as impressive, but if you take into account enemies will avoid the AoE could be seen as either 16.5 vs 28.5 (or 15.0) Damage. I agree that is a big gap, but look at what happens just three levels higher.

Lv. 9 Full Cleric
>Summon Celestial 28 Avg
>Warhammer 9 Avg + 3 Str
>Spiritual Weapon 4.5 Avg + 3 Wis Mod
Total: 47.5

>Lv. 2 Pal / Lv. 7 Cleric
> Spiritual Guardians 13.5 Avg (Same Flaw, but I'll mention this spell as the best option.)
>Warhammer 9 Avg + 3 Str
>Smite Lv. 1 Avg 9
>Not mentioning Critical Hit Damage if Lucky.
Total: 34.5 (Up to a Possible 52.5 Avg with Crit).

It starts to get more viable.

Final Comparison:

>Lv. 20 Cleric (Ignoring Intervention for sake of Argument)
>Warhammer Avg 13.5 + 5 Str
>Boon of Irresistible Offense (Because Fuck it, let's play with fire) Crit Warhammer becomes Avg 27 + 20 Str Total + 5 Str Mod
>Summon Celestial (What I believe is the most Sustained Damage) Avg 25.5 + 40 Mod
>Spiritual Weapon (At Lv. 8 for sake of Argument) 18 Avg. + 5 Wis Mod
Total: 107 (Up to 140.5 Avg) Per Turn

>Lv. 2 Pal / Lv. 18 Cleric
>Warhammer 13.5 Avg + 5 Str
>Smite (Lv. 9 for Sake of Argument) Avg 40.5
>Summon Celestial (Same as Above for Sake or Argument) Avg 25.5 + 40 Mod
>Spiritual Weapon (Same as Above for Sake of Argument) 18 Avg + 5 Wis
Total: 147.5 (Up to 181.5 Avg with Crit)

Considering you can choose to apply Divine Smite after you land a Crit, I find it just as easy to exploit this tactic vs. the Epic Boon.

>TL;DR Lv. 2 Pal / Rest Cleric is Valid.
>objectively worse up until levels that might as well not exist because full casters are still fullcasters
Is this supposed to be 2024?
Your full Cleric numbers are wrong then, since Spiritual Weapon is now concentration so you can't pair it with Spirit Guardians and the like, and the only subclass that can bypass the restriction (War Cleric) can only do so at it's lowest level.
I'm currently playing a paladin1/war cleric 5, gonna be lv6 next monday possibly. got booming blade and blade ward as cantrips using magic initiate. pre-cast blade ward basically gives you 1d4 AC which is huge IF you're aiming beyond bounded accuracy (basically the more AC you have the stronger it gets) , so i never use spiritual weapon over shield of fate.
In general full cleric is stronger, but i really wanted to try the new masteries, so i picked 1 level in paladin, mostly for the fun of pushing things with a warhammer, it can be quite strong if you pick sentinel and grabd yourself a mount (75gp for a riding horse). Also there's not much point in making comparisons of level 12+ since you probably won't reach that.
It's also worth mentioning that the new searing smite is really good when upcast, all instances of damage increase by 1d6 per spell level and there's no concentration required.
See, I still don’t agree that it’s major downgrade vs full cleric. At some point you’re just fishing for crits, but it’s fun to play in it’s own right.
No 2024 Monster Manual scans yet?
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>paladins are half casters and have smites as a singnature spell among others
>rangers have a mish mash of offensive spells with no real theme

If Paladins gets Smites, Rangers get traps. I made a few ranger spells, some possibly overtuned. Can I get some criticism on these spells? Wording is a little scuffed.

>Blast Mine
was written in a way so that the ranger can't trigger it, but can be used to sort of quake grenade jump to safety, if that makes sense. Might just be my own autism.
>Cinder Pit
similar to searing smite, but can't be upcast
>cordon of arrows
Slightly reworked, adds WIS to the damage roll and is made first level, but ammunition by reduced to 2.
>Flame Arrows
very reworked flame arrows, which is also a druid spell. made into a first level spell produces the new burning hazard. Might be 2nd level power. This is also a druid spell
>Herbal Poultice
I liked the idea, but wasn't really sure how to make it distinct from lesser restoration without making it too strong. this might be the first I cut.
>Hide in plain sight
Sort of a mix between the old hide in plain sight and vanish features ranger features from the 2014 ranger. It just lets rangers be better and being rangers for a spell slot. for two 2nd level spell slots, they can make sure they and their party can get away from danger via pass without trace + hide in plain sight upcast.
>Spirited away
Alternate name was feywild doorway, but I like the description of being swooped without a choice. Similar to banishing smite except lower duration, spell level, and specific interactions with fey creatures.
>Vine Snare
Slightly reworked normal Snare spell but higher level, ritual, no consumed material components, cannot have more than one active at a time, and alerts the caster. I made it a ritual for rangers who might want to use it for hunting.
>Cinder Pit
>doesn't involve falling
Nah, it doesn't release until February.
Galder's Tower or Leomund's Tiny Hut, which is the superior choice? Whether mechanically, stylistically, or otherwise.

And why can't a sorcerer learn either of them? It's not like they don't have other ritual spells on their spell list.
Oh, doy.
It's not a pitfall, just a small divot with incendiary powder originally it was, and it knocked you prone, but I thought it was a little much for first level and I didn't want to make it 2nd level.
Rename it, then, doofus.
no, I like the name
Honestly, just play War Cleric. You get most of the spells you might need without having to prepare them and you get Hold Monster at 9th level, so you and your party is gonna get auto crits. With going Cleric all the way, you're not missing any feats or whatever. If you want a mastery, there's a feat for it that you can use to increase your dex/str as well. But I'm honestly not sure if doing a bit more damage is worth it if you're missing out on casting Wish every week.
Playing this Half-Elf Barbarian/Fighter for my next campaign and I can't wait, they're an absolute goddamn menace fight-hungry idiot. Haven't decided on subclasses yet but I'm super excited.
AI slop is pretty hot, ngl. Better have another portrait with the tiny, crazy pupils.
Random shit
>Me and DM buddy talking
>Discussing firearms in D&D
>Long story short, no it doesn't 'break' the game
>Start talking about having a setting with firearms
>"Fuggit, let's go full Colt Peacemakers, Winchester lever-actions, etc."
>This could easily work
>Start talking about a 'Wild West' campaign
>But it's still fantasy/D&D with magic, melee, monsters, dungeons, etc.
>Include all the fantasy races- orcs, goblins, elves, dwarves, women, etc.
>But also has black powder percussion pistols, steam locomotives, telegraph, etc.
>DM says he really doesn't have the time to homebrew up an entire fantasy setting
>"I'd probably just use a standard setting like Forgotten Realms and modify it it a bit."
>I agree, seems like the easiest way to do it
>His eyes go wide, shit-eating grin
>"I'm going to call it 'Forgotten Frontiers'!"
>It's cheesy, but goddammit I like it.
>He's been watching westerns all week and texting me non-stop with ideas
>I recommend 'Deadwood' show to him
>He says he'll check it out
>Yesterday he texts me, tells me his plan to kick it off
>"You cocksuckers are sitting together in a fuckin' saloon"
>What have I done
All jokes and shit aside, I thought this actually sounded quite fun and I'm stoked- anyone done anything similar? If we're gonna get Orxicans, then we may as well.
>Elves get back to work building the railroad
Tasha's Hunter remains undefeated
westerns influenced a lot of the genre assumption of dnd, so its easy to transplant things back
Yeah, that's true. I had a DM once that kept running these little small 'town event encounters' that were basically lifted directly from some classic Westerns- and I kept having to stifle a chuckle because the other players just weren't picking up the little references and thought these were just totally normal DM-brewed events and characters.
How many quicklings is too many for a level 8 party of five? They will be able to use cover and guerilla tactics and not all be fireballable. I feel they could kill 12 of them in one round without needing to get super lucky but I don't want to run 20 creatures or turn them into swarms. I might beef them up a little so they're favoured to at least survive a second-level AOE spell.
Anything much more beyond fifty or sixty.
What kind of damage should a thurible golem deal with its spinning censers? Pic related is slop but it's the closest I can get to the my idea right now. Except it would look a bit more dark and gothic and such in style.

But I am trying to decide if it should deal radiant damage or necrotic damage or poison damage or what. How would you use such a monster? I like the idea of it being an old guardian of the church that has been corrupted by evil energy.
Fire or Radiant, and the more it attacks, the more squares on the battle map become obscured with holy smoke.
Swinging the censer in an arc deals 3d6 fire damage(or appropriate for the level) and it's a 180 degree "cone" and he attacks twice like that.

He can also throw the censer forward and down to swing it like a hammer, dealing 1d12 fire damage and forming a flaming sphere on the location (recharge 5-6) he cna keep up multiple flaming spheres
That sounds cool. Fire is a good neutral energy type that makes sense. I've experimented with monsters that create terrain effects like smoke or difficult terrain before. Do DMs actually use them or like them or do they just get annoying?
how loud is hunter's mark components?
DMG should have sound ranges, but im retarded and need a spoon
something like this?

personally i really like them, it's a fun way to add complications to a relative simple encounter without too much work. and it adds flavor too, seems like it makes an attack feel a lot more impressive to players if it has some kind of effect like that, even if the actual mechanical impact of the effect isn't a big deal. having a bunch or multiple enemies that can do them might be a bit much, but for one or two guys its great emphasis imo
Shits all over the place, but 60 feet is the usual. How would someone counter spell a hunter's mark from 60 feet away if they can't see you casting the verbal component?

Personally, ask your DM to change hunter’s mark from verbal to somatic for the reason stated above, hunters don't go around shouting that they're going to hunt. Shit should be quiet.
/5eg/, if you had to make give each of these classes one unique subsystem to be the best at, which would you choose? note: it doesn't have to be a subsystem that already exists

druid, give it something that stands out that isn't wildshape (fuck wildshape)
Define subsystem.
a subsystem in this case is a group of interconnected game mechanics that aren't specific to a class.

some examples of subsystems include "monsters", "weapons", "spellcasting", "hit points", "resting", and so on
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>Playing forever campaign once a week with the same friends I've had since high school
>occasional breaks or change in schedule but all is well
>That one friend gets married and has a kid
>girlfriend, now wife, thinks she needs to involve herself in all of her husbands hobbies
>She presents herself as the epic gamer gal who is into all the nerd stuff like the guys
>All of her favorite games are mobile puzzle slop, farming sims, dating and dress up games
>Also a Disney Adult...
>She gets to fast track her character level so she doesn't have to feel behind every one else
>She doesn't really care about combat scenarios and over emphasizes roleplaying situations
>Any time her character has a conversation you might as well pull your phone out because it's gonna be a while before you or anyone else gets to do anything
>She can't handle the gritty scenarios that our group encounters regularly, and actually cried when a captured party member was disfigured by a group of cultists
>We had to skip a session after that because she needed a "break" to feel better
>Constantly calls off sessions for frivolous reasons, or just gives no excuse at all in some cases
>Clearly doesn't enjoy DnD or take it seriously but craps up our game with her presence to feel included anyway

>Forever DM has terminal retardation
>Smoking weed every single day for over a decade
>Can barely form a coherent thought anymore, or manage the story beats

Bros I think DnD is over for me, I can't fucking take it anymore. I really enjoyed 5e, and I thought at first it was a good thing that shit like critical role and dimension 20 were taking off. But the people who play this game now are fucking mental defunct mongrels.
Combat scenarios and dungeon crawling might as well be a fucking optional feature at this point, everyone wants to be Vox Machina and have these grand epic storylines and character developments.
But they are to dumb to understand that they are not a team of professional writers and actors.
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This seems stupidly simple. If a creature is hesitant, you have a shot at slight mind control.

>take observant feat
>bonus action search: insight the creatures mental state. (is it hesitant?)
>if it is, action: animal handling to try and tame it (DC 15)
>free pet animals
>gets to fast track her character level so she doesn't have to feel behind every one else
Uh, yeah? Your new players join in-progress campaigns at level 1?
yea, I feel like thats a grog thing but should be super common in 5e.
I said fast track not starting level.
Imagine if you will a handful of characters at levels say, 9, 7, 8 and 6.
Now imagine the player who is level 6 feels like the level 9 character (who has more experience because they play the game more seriously, and get more done) gets to do more and be the center of attention.

So we get special random events in our game that hand over thousands of experience points to one player.
this seems like some errata (useful or not) and half-baked changes presented as a new book "not .5 or 6 version but just buy our stuff" so they can grab some cash

Hilarious and silly that they cannot even properly number their versions anymore.
How many abilities is too many for a mid-level priest/warlock version of a common enemy? - I've heard people say combats should only really be planned for 3 rounds, but that's not been my experience at all
You could fight them on a very large map where their speed is more useful, they already have evasion
i checked out the book, in the humans page of "species" there is not 1 white person in the artwork and just mostly black africans and some mixed-race with one poor seemingly chinese fella at the back. The hobbit/dwarf/gnome looks more like a human with dwarfism than a member of a fantasy race and its hard to tell what it supposedly is.

The native american at the right looks like its half black african+something. This is ridiculous.

What happened to the other races or "species"?

They could have 1 white, 1 far east chinese and 1 south-east asian, 1 hindu (black or tanned or white) and a 6 others since there are nine depicted but they are all non-white and mostly black africans.

This is racist.

Not buying this, nor selling it in my store.
Cool story, bro.
>a bunch of black people in a picture
>"maybe this image takes place in a country that is predominately black?"
>"no, this is clearly an anti-white conspiaracy"

It's not that deep.
>Compontents: ...a copper piece
>>"maybe this image takes place in a country that is predominately black?"
Since when is northern Sword Coast predominantly black?
>inb4 it could be another part of Faerun or even a different setting
No. Anything that happens in D&D happens in Sword Coast of Faerun or originates from it. Nothing else matters. Literally.
All material components are silly puns, anon
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I'm assuming 15 str and 17 wis and taking +1 wis at 4 and +2 wis at 8
1 handed simple weapons are d6
2 handed simple weapons and 1 handed martial weapons are d8
2 handed martial weapons are d12
sacred flame/toll the dead are D8
() are for war clerics doing 2 attacks
() is also for toll the dead hitting 12 instead of 8
after level 7 its assumed weapon attacks have divine strike and cantrips have potent spell casting
>levels 1-2
4.5 (6.5)
levels 3-4
5.5 (11)
6.5 (13)
8.5 (17)
4.5 (6.5)
Levels 5-6
5.5 (11)
6.5 (13)
8.5 (17)
9 (13)
level 7
10 (20)
11 (22)
13 (26)
13 (17)
levels 8-10
10 (20)
11 (22)
13 (26)
14 (18)
10 (20)
11 (22)
13 (26)
18.5 (23.5)
Level 14-16
14.5 (29)
15.5 (31)
17.5 (35)
18.5 + 10temp hit points (23.5 + 10temp hit points)
Level 17-20
14.5 (29)
15.5 (31)
17.5 (35)
23 + 10temp hit points (30 + 10temp hit points)
the wind spell requires a bean. darkvision requires carrots
Which weirdly puts it in a position where the Material component rules technically say you can't use a Component Pouch or Focus, but must provide an actual Copper.
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Is playing left with tactics from right appropriate for a party of beginners? (Respectable left brained STEM autists that is.)

Do I just use good tactics and adjust training wheels as needed? Throwing in bonuses like healing potions and good samaritan NPCs if I have to?

Are there any changes you would make to this adventure in the years since it came out? Goblin caster would surely be a more interesting boss in part one than a bugbear, identical ruffian npcs could be switched up, etc.
Sounds like a good encounter desu, if there's no fear of death it's not an adventure
It's not a good encounter unless somebody goes down
Searing Smite is better than Divine Smite
>spell scrolls are magictech bullets
>fighters can use second wind to ricochet a missed shot to be a hit
>monks can curve their bullets
>poker and hookers
I'd play that
How do you plan on using Searing Smite and Summon Celestial at the same time?

Clerics should gain their power through being the material vessel for the divine
For example a high level cleric of a specific war god should almost be able to simulate some of that god's feats, boasting high physical capabilities

While Paladin power is more-so warlock like in that they made a pact via their code and by sticking to that pact they benefit from their specific abilities.

All fighters should have manuvers in all honesty, give battlemaster the weapon master traits and cut that shit out from the other classes

Druid should have a heavier emphasis on scaling their power off their environmental surrounding, this is something only land druid gets which should really be a core identity of the entire class.

Rogue should benefit most off either the hidden condition or attacking enemies who are already debilitated in some regard, as soon as a foe is put on the backfoot thats when their core class power kicks in and before that its about using your tools and party to open up opportunities for the rogue to game.


Spontaneous casters like sorc should all swap to a spell point system, prepared mages like wizards can retain prepared casting and instead have positive and negative metamagic to "hack" spells to control their use, so not just heighten/twin/quicken but slow/reduce size/delay cast to fire off a higher tier spell at a lower slot treating spells like a language system
Didn't you post this last thread, complete with not finishing your
The goblin ambush is lethal if they use stealth sniping tactics so be cautious. You can always start at level 2 so an evil mage using magic missile doesn't kill two party members
Keep King Klarg, it shows the newbies more monsters which is always more fun. Keep the goblin deep nuts mage idea for crafmaw castle. And you can change the redbrands how you want, so long as it's level appropriate, though that sounds like a lot of pointless work to me. Just roleplay them different and have them use different weapons.
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Sex with shapeshifting dragons.
Do you guys have any suggested price list for magic items? rarity really sucks in this edition for determining the actual value and power of items.
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>Players gather spears and weapons and such to sell them later
>All the shopkeepers say they are 'low quality' kobold goblin and bandit gear and worth nothing
>Invest time into "remaking them" into standard versions
>DM: "Shopkeepers and blacksmiths don't buy weapons, they sell them."

Is there any point to looting stuff that isn't ammunition?
The rules outright state that the equipment of most enemies is unsalvageable or worthless. If you want to loot your actual enemies, you're going to need to hunt creatures with valuable bodily components. Humanoids only have gold or magic items if you're lucky
Yes, that was my first campaign and we're currently on our third in the same setting. I had Thay be a corrupt rail baron company (among other things. They had managed to industrialize undead labor) that was trying to run a humble frontier off of its land.

Now it's a good 300 years later and the party is a team of mech pilots
Do you gather white/grey vendor trash in video games? That's your answer
I enjoy playing levels for a long time. My DM and other players think we should gain levels faster. But I enjoy sticking to one level for a significant amount of time. Not only does it make leveling up feel more rewarding, but I think the obsession with gaining levels is MMO-tier autism. Do people realize the game gets less fun to play the higher your level gets? Anything about ~level 6 begins to feel tedious.
The people I play with ruin our game with looting. They demand that they loot everything and so the game feels boring. The obsession with loot is MMO-tier autism that has brainrotted millennial and zoomer players.
and thank god for that, I might enjoy my PC's fat luscious titties less if I was.
Real game only begins at max level, buddy.
Sure, beating Grung the Goblin Chief mught be fun, but its just a waste of time when you should be spending it farming random encounters in the Abyss, or something infinitely respawning, like avatar of Tiamat.
Indeed, not like it was the very core of DnD since inception, to an extent that some variants conflate gold and experience gain.
Not to also mention that gold is necessary for crafting, spell scribing, purchasing important items and also for many games it seems harder to get wealth and resources than it is to level up. With the way gold is so miserly handed out compared to XP/milestone levels it's not unsurprising to envision that gold and the means to use it might be more powerful than arcane knowledge or combat skill.
Its easier to become a world renowned level 15 wizard than it is to get rich.
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>playing pf1e
>fight off an entire army, several thousand strong, of demon-worshipping apes
>each and every one, by vanilla stat block rules, carries a masterwork darkwood club
>these weapons are valued at about 350 gold
>slaughter the entire army to the last dirty ape we could find
>loot the entire army
>make over 1 million GP from one encounter
>our faces when

Yes, anon, you are being gatekept from looting your enemies intentionally. It's for good reason, too.
I think Shin Megami Tensei has proven at least five times (I, II, SJ, IV, V) that there is absolutely nothing wrong with modern settings with high fantasy magic, some people just can't handle peas in their mashed potatoes without some cyberpunk spice.

I've played with DMs and ran games where it was all but said that if the party doesn't ask and doesn't check then they don't get the loot. Not everyone plays the same way and looting the dead is implied instead of a choice.
Mechanically, Tiny Hut. Ritual to create an indestructible (without Dispel and the like) bunker you can attack from (with advantage, because you can see outside, but they can't see you?) Sure, why not?
Stylistically? The tower, shame it's so tiny (10' square or 5.6' radius circle), and isn't a ritual.
>bonus action search: insight the creatures mental state. (is it hesitant?)
Hesitant to do what? If it's hesitant to take food from you (as most wild animals are), it's definitely unwilling to be your pet.
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So what the fuck do I do when a creature becomes invisible through means other than hiding.
What's the Dc to look for them? Am I missing rules somewhere?
Magic like faerie fire and see invisibility
So a creature that is invisible through means other than hiding is undetectable unless you use that?
Doesn't that make Greater invisibility broken as fuck?
Does invisibility not provide any change or improvement to hiding/stealth?
If a creature has good sense of smell or eharing, do they completly ignore creatures invisible through spells?
The invisible condition says you are concealed, and the search action that it lets you find concealed stuff. Does that only apply if the concealment was done through regular hiding?
Just because they're invisible doesn't mean you don't know where they are.
Just because you know where they are doesn't mean you still don't take the attack disadvantage for not being able to see them.
>They don't know they're being targeted
>Therefore the spell should be unnoticed
You can not know who the target is, but you can still see a spell being cast. What the fuck do you think Subtle Spell is for if according to your rules lawyering, you already have it. Anon, you're retarded.
The party enters a room in the dungeon. There, a kobold that became invisible through a spell is waiting in "plain sight", standing there. As the party enters, the kobold throws a pebble to the other side of the room to distract the party, but one of the PCs theorizes there's someone invisible in the room.

What is the DC to find the exact position of said kobold?
If they somehow know the exact place the kobold is standing, can the wizard use spells with saves that require "a creature you can see", even though they can't actually see the creature but know the exact location?
If they discover the exact place the kobold is, does that mean that now, whenever the kobold moves without attempting to hide, they know the exact spot he moved to?
If the zone has Silence applied to it and nobody can see invisibility, blindsight or smell, do they still know where it moves every turn despite 0 visual and audio feedback? What if the creature is levitating too, not touching any surface?
So full disclosure, I've been confused by the playtests a bit but generally not loved anything I saw from 2024. It's also been hard to get a rundown of any of the actual, appreciable changes that aren't class based (Few of which I liked), and I came across this post in another thread.

Is this accurate? If so, sounds like a bunch of shit that was already in the game if you actually read the books or ran games like 90% of tables, alongside a few other poorly implemented changes. Anything else people would add or think on this?
>What is the DC to find the exact position of said kobold?
If the kobold successfully used Hide action, it's the result of its Dex (Stealth) check. If he didn't, there's no DC, you just know. Also, because WotC are morons, there's no duration or end clause for the Invisible condition caused by the Hide action. The Search action allows you to *find* the creature, but that's not the same as being able to *see* the creature. Congratulations, one successful Hide, and you're invisible forever.
>If they somehow know the exact place the kobold is standing, can the wizard use spells with saves that require "a creature you can see", even though they can't actually see the creature but know the exact location?
>If they discover the exact place the kobold is, does that mean that now, whenever the kobold moves without attempting to hide, they know the exact spot he moved to?
>If the zone has Silence applied to it and nobody can see invisibility, blindsight or smell, do they still know where it moves every turn despite 0 visual and audio feedback? What if the creature is levitating too, not touching any surface?
Maybe, and no.

And people thought 2014 stealth rules were badly written....
>If he didn't, there's no DC, you just know.
I hate this so fucking much man. The fact that an invisible dude standing still not making a move or sound is still detected and known down to the exact square is so fucking stupid.
>>Clearly, trannies and old women are the same.
It's the menopause.

If you've no natural estrogen, what's the difference between you and a eunuch on low dose hrt?
>A ranger is supposed to use bows. Its a RANGEr. It fights at range.
rangER. As in a person who ranges. As in a park ranger or the lone ranger. As in home on the range.
>All I want is good-looking ... frogfolk.
there's like 5. just pick one.
There’s no rule in the 2024 book saying you know where all enemies are in combat with 360 vision unless they take the hide action.
NTA but the whole "dual-wielding ranger" archetype brought in during the shift to 2e never ceases to confuse and infuriate me. The 1e ranger was 1) good at fighting giant-class enemies (from goblins to actual giants) by doing more damage to them, 2) great at tracking and 3) good at surprising enemies. They also couldn't carry more kit or treasure than they could carry on their person and their mount. Then came The Crystal Shard and Drizzt and suddenly rangers had dual-wielding. God damn drow.
Did the most SOVLful race+class+subclass combination get buffed in 2024/5.5e?
A creature within your field of vision is visible, then you know where they are. If you don't, it is because they're hidden in some way, usually behind something that while you might see, you haven't paid attention yet.

So if the party walks into a room with an invisible creature standing still, not "hidden" behind anything other than the spell itself, and the rogue says they wanna check if somethign is amiss, what would the DC to find said standing still creature be?
Also, as anon pointed out, if a creature is indeed hidden through traditional means, as per the new rules, they are essentially invisible with no difference to the spell version. Actually, there is, because this hidden creature can attack nonstop without issue in front of you and be "invisible" until someone bothers to use the search action.
Also, there is no difference between this creature having the invisibility spell on or not, beyodn the fact that they don't need to break line of sight to hide again, which is pointless as they get no benefit at all from doing so if they're invisible through a spell.
Both the hide action invisibility and the spell invisibility end when you attack someone (or cast spells)
That's not what the book says. Only the level 2 spells mentions that specification. The invisible condition itself doesn't say that, and the only way to have an invisible condition that can be seen through a perception check is one through the hdie action, as seen here. >>93936427
Hide action rule continues onto the next page btw.
Did they not bring over the rule in Xanathar's that tells us how fast a person falls in 2024? I'm not seeing the 500 ft thing nor am I seeing what happens if someone falls on someone else.
Why would they? The rule is in Xanathar's. And it's optional, anyway.
>imagine Ettins' arguments in the bed
Because there's no explanation in the 2024 rules as to how fast a person falls?? That should be a core rule, players will ask "Hey how fast do I fall? I'm like 200 ft off the ground how long will this take? Will I have time to do X?"
This is a basic question that the base rules should answer.
Actually somewhat yes. Variant Human is now the base line, although you only get to pick "Origin Feats", but there're a few good ones in there. You get an extra proficiency and you get Inspiration every Long Rest. Add to that the Changes to Remarkable Athlete (You now have advantage on Initiative and Athletics rolls. You also can move up to half your speed when you crit [imagine that with Great Weapon Master]) and Heroic Warrior (You get Inspiration at the start of your turn) and you get a Class that can dish out Crits like it's nobodies business and is able to get around whilst doing so.

All in all, it's a pretty basic but also capable combo. Maybe get a few feats to expand your out of combat abilities and you're set.
Sword 'n Board Champion can stack Two Weapon Fighting + Dueling due to weapon swapping. Champion Fighter is the only mono class/subclass that can do that.
>rules talk about hidden and invisible as different conditions
>they aren't
>but they are
Was it really that hard to write Hidden (concealed through normal means) and invisible (concealed through supernatural ones) as different rules?
I'm not following.
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>Be a level 20 Champion Fighter
>Wielding Shortsword, equipped with Shield, and carrying Scimitar.
>Has Dueling and Two-Weapon Fighting Styles and Dual Wielder Feat
>Attack 1 with Shortsword (1d6+Mod+Dueling)
>Attack 2 with Shortsword (1d6+Mod+Dueling)
>Attack 3 with Shortsword (1d6+Mod+Dueling), Sheathe Shortsword
>Attack 4 Draw Scimitar, attack with Scimitar (1d6+Mod+Dueling)
>Light + Nick Attack with Scimitar (1d6+Mod+Dueling)
>Bonus Action - Enhanced Dual Wield, Attack Scimitar (1d6+Mod+Dueling)
Any class can do the swapping thing, but Champions are the only Class/Subclass that can get two Fighting Styles.
RAW you now always have to end your turn in a stable space that can support you so you fall until you reach the ground before you end your turn unless you have a fly speed.
So you now fall an infinite number of feet instead of 500?
So if I'm on the elemental plane of air and have no fly speed, I crash the game with an unresolvable falling event?
>but Champions are the only Class/Subclass that can get two Fighting Styles.
they're the only one that can get 2 fighting styles... without spending a feat.

ASI feature just says "another feat of your choice for which you qualify."

Fighting Style featsjust say "Fighting Style Feat (Prerequisite: Fighting Style Feature)"

So you could technically take all of them if you didn't mind missing the ASIs.

It does mean that Champion Human is pretty much Feats the Class.

but so is warlock, albeit only origin feats.
What about when you fall and it's not your turn? Does that mean you fall slowly until your turn begins and you suddenly accelerate to an infinite speed? Like if I'm flying 10,000 Feet in the air and get knocked prone by a dragon on their turn I start falling but I'm not moving until my turn starts in which I immediately fall 10,000 feet in less than 6 seconds?
Good point, I thought those weren't obtainable without getting the Fighting Style feature.
They’re the same condition but they end differently depending on how you got it. How you get the invisibility condition determines how it ends, hence why they’re with the rules for those actions rather than the generic.
Why would that require a rule? Its a simple calculation, nothing more. You should be able to calculate how far something falls in X seconds if you finished school. Don't tell me you can't.
It's almost like these 2024 rules are poopoo garbage that weren't playtested and just pumped out for money because it's "new product"
A copper piece could just be a literal piece of copper. Nowhere does it state the component is a Copper Coin.
Why would dnd planets have the same gravitational acceleration as Earth?
Because at no point was it ever established that they do not.
At no point is it ever established that the fact that I fucked your mom doesn't let me do 40d6 untyped damage to you as a free action but we don't assume that to be true either, do we?
Like reality unless otherwise noted, do keep up.
Because in general their physical characteristics - gravity, rotation, atmospheric composition and pressure, temperature ranges, climate - match Earth's. But in any case you can ask DM what the setting's G is, and put it into the formula. Its just one variable.
I get what you mean but the overlap in mechanics and confusion is even mroe stupid than before.
So hiding gives you the invisible condition, but one that (I guess?) cannot be denied with see invisibility, as you're not really invisible despite having the exact same benefits. Both the hidden version and the lvl 2 one end if the creature attacks, but if someone uses "see invisibiility" on a creature that's trying to hide, they cannot hide anymore, or I guess they can but only from that guy, unless the creature breaks line of sight and hides, in which case they cannot be seen with see invisibility unless the caster also uses the search action.

The wording on Hide action also makes it sound like once you get the Stealth check, you don't need to stay outside line of sight, because if you do, then the Search action shouldn't work, so technically an invisible (spell) creature standing still after succesfully hiding breaking LoS against someone who can see invisibility is still invisible?
Nice homebrew
Eccept a "copper piece" is commonly used name for a form of curency. A piece of copper would be worded a piece if copper. By conventions of the English language, the words "copper piece" would usually mean "one of the mentioned objects, which is distinguished by being made of copper" and "a piece of copper". E.g. "We were choosing between goblets made of different materials and choose the copper piece". English labguage is full of subtleties.
Oh my mistake, perhaps I ought not assume I'm talking to functioning adults.
Why are we having to do real-world physics in a game that could simply have an explicit sentence that says:
>When you fall from a great height, you instantly descend up to 500 feet. If you're still falling on your next turn, you descend up to 500 feet at the end of that turn. This process continues until the fall ends, either because you hit the ground or the fall is otherwise halted.
And if it meant a copper coin it would say so. Truly a mysterious and subtle language, English, isn't.
Why would we have rules for something that is merely a function of time and distance, which other rules already supply? Its a basic calculation. Not to mention your example is dumb, because it gives you constant speed, while a falling object is constantly accelerating.

I mean, I know american schools are DUMB, but you do know things that basic, do you not?
A copper piece is a unit of currency, like a penny. Or a cent. If the game used pennies for its currency, the component would be called "a penny". A coin is a generic term which is generally not used unless you are talking about a variety of different coins.
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Because its a game, not real life? I don't stop to calculate the amount of force required for your monk to punch a dragon and actively harm it nor do I have to have calculate the the wind pressure and gravity to have a person shoot a blow dart at a dragon and damage it.
This is a table top game, basic rules like this should be clarified in the book. Even games like Pathfinder do this.
>if you don't play my specific brand of calvinball you're just a kid!!!
In the 5e thread of all places too lol
Because punch is described in rules, and would take insane amounts of calculations. A distance you fall is insanely simple. Don't shame yourself by implying you can't do it off the top of your head.
That is correct. You do need the feature to meet the prerequisite.

However, the feature is not the only time you can pick them up once you do meet prerequisite. You can pick them up any time you can grab any feat of your choice. So you can't pick up one from Lessons of the Old Ones, or from human race, because those specify Origin feat. But you could pick it up at any ASI or Epic Boon.

If you remember 3.5 Combat feats, feats that only Fighters, Paladins, and Rangers could take (well plus monk, but they got specific ones, for effects that are rolled into ki as a finite resource now), it's almost exactly that, except there's no feat chains in them, and a lot of things that would have been end of chain combat feats like slasher, GWM, polearm master, etc are fair game for anyone they just have stat prereqs instead.

Feat chains only exist in 5e for setting-specific backgroundy type stuff. Strixhaven Mascot, Soul of the Storm Giant, Adept of Black Robes, Baleful Scion, etc.

I also wouldn't be surprised if at some point they did them for racial abilities, if racial ability feats aren't permanently gone. "No really, I am the dwarfiest dwarf who ever dwarfed, I'm two feats deep into my dwarfness. My liver thinks strychnine is delicious, I could feel an earthworm pass gas two miles deep, my skin literally feels like stone to the touch, Elven craftsmen cringe in fear at my arrival, I could club a man to death with my beard due to all the honorary baubles weaved into it."
Everyone has a fly speed on the plane of air because they can choose the direction they fall
Since non-fiat currency is based on weight of precious metal not on mintage... There's not actually much of a distinction between those.

The royal stamp was just a guarantee of metal quality and quantity.
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My DM keeps making every campaign start with "You meet in a tavern and the barkeep gives you a quest"
How do I tell him that I want the stories to have a more engaging opening? I don't feel very motivated with my introduction just being someone telling me there's a gold reward for doing something.
>Combat scenarios and dungeon crawling might as well be a fucking optional feature at this point
combat in 5e is fucking trash mate
I absolutely do not understand why people find it even remotely interesting
Moral dilemmas, navigating social situations, choices, mysteries, exploration, those are the fun things to do in dnd, not fucking combat
>The best parts of DnD are the parts that got systematically stripped out of the rules and weren't the focus even when they were in the rules
H___ ___ _____ ___ _______ ___
How about the prisoner start?
Tell them that? Also give an example of what you'd like to see- maybe something like this:
Time Stamped for your convenience.
>The best parts of DnD are the parts that got systematically stripped out of the rules and weren't the focus even when they were in the rules
Something not being the focus doesn't mean it's not the best part.
Something having less rules doesn't mean it's not the best part.
The only thing that logically follows from combat having more rules is that it requires more rules to function, not that it's more fun than the rest.
Stop recommending this dipshit, he's dumb and has a faggot voice
A broken clock can be twice right a day. Caring more about the messenger than the message is dumb and short sighted.

Anon even time stamped the exact part that was relevant to the other anon post. Didn't even said to lsiten to the guy himself, jsut the part of the video that was of interest.
That's why Brennan Lee Mulligan picked DnD as the rulesystem for many of his settings that weren't combat focused. He knows how to run social encounters but running combat requires more rules to work properly.
If you're playing an abstract rules-lite game, what purpose is DnD serving as a medium?
>If you're playing an abstract rules-lite game, what purpose is DnD serving as a medium?
Are you asking what purpose does the game with the simplistic, rules light combat serve for a game more focused on social interaction?
just say that? if that's your only major gripe it should be easy to work with him to suggest alternatives. (which will help it go over better vs coming off like just telling him to do more work)
Creatures like adult or larger dragons in DnD would be crushed under their own weight in an Earth-equivalent environment, so obviously it's different enough.
>Just ask your DM for gravitational acceleration, idiot!
I'm sure he has that on hand, especially in unusual environments like other planes

Just stick with max fall speed of 500ft/round with 20d6 maximum fall damage per 2014 PHB + XGtE
good post
bad and gay post
Fresh off the bus. Where do y'all go to get a game started? As a DM? As a Player? I would really prefer online with FoundryVTT. Local game stores just ain't fun for me. Is StartPlaying a good site or what?
Official D&D discord if you're desperate and willing to risk purple haired xirs playing non binary unicorn centaurs - although I did find some perfectly normal groups there.
Mr Ripper server, Corkboards and Curiosities, and other smaller communities are slower to find a game, but will have more quality players.

In any case, if you DM, you will find players very, very quickly, since DM shortage is most felt online.
>I'm sure he has that on hand
If he's a serious worldbuilder, he should. If he isn't, he should stick to Forgotten Realms or Eberron, which use Earth values

>other planes
I'm 99% sure AD&D and 3.5 Planescape books provided those values, because those were serious editions
Origin feats are kinda boring and with there only being a few it feels like lots of characters will be same-y, it seems
Why yes i think i will make a mountain dwarf devotion paladin and take the defense fighting style and pick up heavy armor master
It's also the fault of Backgrounds shoehorning you into a single origin feat.
He has some decent ideas, more than your average D&D youtuber.
His voice is fine, compared to literally faggy voices of Runesmith or Arlentric.
What does dorf provide that the human lucky feat doesn't do as well if not better?
Playing dorf enables me to RP with a stupid accent and play a violent hairy short alcoholic
I mean, nothing stops you from roleplaying your mother no matter the species you choose
Just roleplay as somebody from the equivalent-Boston area
I'm running a game with an all-dwarf party. It's pretty silly, but fun.
what if the DM doesn't allow intrinsically evil races?
New York?
I have never seen an online only game work. People always half-ass it and it dies. When people make the dedicated effort to meet up IRL it tends to mean they re more serious and willing to commit
Rolling the dice can be fun, so I think it's worth trying it irl.
As a counterpoint, our group has completed 3 full campaigns that each took about 12-24 months, and a couple of short lived fizzled out ones, entirely online. There can definitely be an element of people being less engaged, I find it tends to be worse for me during combat slogs, some other players might just have nights where they're not fully there mentally for whatever irl reason, but generally it works well enough. I agree that it's BETTER in person, but it's not like it doesn't work.
I'm starting a game with my work colleagues next week and, because we're in the habit of regularly chilling on a virtual office/videocall all day while WFH, I'm wondering if the engagement will be higher when we play with webcams on, versus my other group that just uses voice chat.

it's in a neighborhood with an abnormally high crime rate
>northern Sword Coast predominantly black
Since the drow showed up in Luskan? Blame Jarlaxle and his shitty crew for setting up shop there
>Hesitant to do what?

The influence action. If it's unwilling, then it's unwilling. But by the definition in the book, if it is hesitant, you can make a check to get it to do what you want to do.

It's in the page I posted.
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Has verisimilitude been totally lost in modern DnD? Or in official modules at least. I know a few people who DM for 5e and do a decent job, but man something as simple as picrel feels rare.
To the point where the fucking “Monsters Know What They Are Le Doing” guy made a book based around a revolutionary concept — “living things dont want to die”
>Has verisimilitude been totally lost in modern DnD?

>Anything that happens in D&D happens in Sword Coast of Faerun or originates from it. Nothing else matters. Literally.

5.24e uses Greyhawk as the default campaign setting dumbass
This is why I only use cultists, demons and corrupted animals as enemies for my players. Anytime I tried to have an NPC/animal flee, the players would ruthlessly hunt it down.
>To the point where the fucking “Monsters Know What They Are Le Doing” guy made a book based around a revolutionary concept — “living things dont want to die”
Unfortunately the dipshit didn't go on to say 'if your enemies flee around 1/2 hp use more of them'.
That's just common sense. Any combat where the first look at the battlemap doesn't prompt one of your players to mutter "oh, shit" is bound to be a boring one.
How would you kill a divination wizard as an equal level PC?
You have to throw the players red meat every once in a while
MY PHB 2024 finally came in, let's see the damage...
All the classes are better in general, Bladelock is actually good now, there's a carrot in the form of a level 19 Epic Boon feat for every class to stay singleclassed, still working my way through and stopped at the star of the Equipment chapter.
Take one for the team, cut the spine and upload a half-decent scan.
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Saw this random screenshot from a video game called "forever winter" and made a monster based on the impression I got
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Let them cast detect thoughts on me.
Divination wizards being strong is total nonsense
Wizards being super strong and broken in general is mostly nonsense and assumes you have an AL faggot DM who babies you and gives you plenty of long rests and never ambushes your ass
Let's not have this argument again.
They're "strong" (read: vesatile) relative to something like a barb or fighter whose statblocks basically only contain a few actions.
Doesn't though.
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>Lich rescues his trusted lieutenant and withdraws to get him medical attention
OK. Still evil
Has common sense been totally lost in this general?
Every reply is some absolute statement and extreme generalization completely detached from reality
>every new player is purple haired CR fan with pronouns
>nobody does any combat anymore
>all dms are terrible at everything
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My last BBEG was just Mr. Freeze except a Lich.
guess all the references in the PHB to info on Greyhawk in the DMG and Wizards claiming it will come with full poster maps of Greyhawk (city and world) are just a miscommunication then
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Depends, is the NPC using this statblock? In a 1v1 I'd probably focus on dealing as much damage as I can and pray they miss those Arcane Bursts, you've probably got a high wis save as a Wizard and might not be too worried about the Revelation but its still something to look out for.
I'd say summons would be a good source of damage. I think you can microwave them with Faithful Hound + Wall of Force.
using bites of weed brownie as enemy tokens for my next session and whoever gets the killing blow has to eat it
If I remember correctly, their purpose is to pick up the dead and wounded left on the battlefield and...Do stuff
>all the references in the PHB
There are none.
>info on Greyhawk in the DMG
And info on Faerun and so on and so on, irrelevant.
>Wizards claiming it will come with full poster maps of Greyhawk
I've heard longbow fighter is pretty strong, whats the build? Does it have to be vhuman to work?
Elven accuracy+samurai or battlemaster
20 dex, sharpshooter, piercer
Fighter's packed with ASI not as necessary but may as well for bm or custom origin
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For 5e D&D? Its not the strongest ranged build that falls to the Hand-Crossbow, but both builds are very similar. Here's what you gotta do...
>Step 1: Have a high Dexterity Score
>Step 2: Get the Archery Fighting Style
>Step 3: Get the Sharpshooter feat
>Step 4: Pick a Fighter subclass that gives you accuracy increases Battle Master gives Precision Attack which you can use in response to missing an attack or you can play a Samurai who can generate advantage with Fighting Spirit.
>Step 5: Maximize Dexterity ASAP
>Step Bonus: Find +1/+2/+3 Magical Longbow and ask teammates to cast Bless on you
That's the build. It's incredibly basic but it works because Sharpshooter is very powerful on a character that makes lots of attacks. You don't need to be a Vhuman/Custom Lineage to make this happen but it helps since the only feat you need is Sharpshooter, you could get stuff like Lucky (for re-rolling misses) or Martial Adept (for one more Sup. Dice for Precision Attack). You could actually be an Elf and get Elven Accuracy which works very well with Samurai.
How about Arcane Archer?
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NTA, but its fine you'll mostly want to use Grasping Arrow and Banishing Arrow the other options are kinda ehh, but not unusable depending on the situation. At its core you are playing a character who has the Archery Fighting Style, Extra Attack & Sharpshooter- you can use Action Surge to push out more attacks. Those things alone make you threatening.
Arcane Archer has no way to give themselves advantage on a bonus action to take full advantage of Elven Accuracy. Samurai has their fighting spirit feature and battlemaster can quick toss a net. Fighting spirit is the more reliable of the two since it works every time, but quick toss has a much bigger payout as it can potentially give party members advantage too, plus it eats action economy.
I kinda want to build a mounted fighter with a lance and bow, maybe Piercer, Mounted Combatant and/or Sentinel. Any thoughts?
Only three classes can really pull off mounted combat without DM fiat
>small beastmaster ranger & drake warden
>small battlesmith artificer

Anyone can buy a mount, but they have hardly any hit points and die too often to be useful.a warhorse has 19 hit points.

>get a wizard to cast phantom steed for you
>buy Mount with sidekick levels
>Bind familiar: warhorse
>DM exclusively doesn't target your mount

All that aside? hell yea, mounted fighter is sick as fuck
I don't know why you're trying to deny any of this, read the PHB and look at the wizards website, they have not been hiding it.
So with the changes to monk, unarmed strikes, and the tavern brawler and grappler feats, would it be better to play as a race with flight like an owlin or winged tiefling and fight people in the sky (and drop them for free prone condition), or play something like a tabaxi so that you could drag your grappled enemy through 100ft of spike growth in a turn?

Are there any other races with abilities that fit well with the new monk?
Thri-kreen with dagger weapon mastery, daggers in each tiny arm, and grappler feat so at level 10 you can grapple the enemy and attack 6 times per turn with advantage.
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A series of links that go over the details for ya
>>Get a Mount with sidekick levels
Do this if you can. Ask your DM nicely if they would be okay with you getting a Mount at level 1 that levels up with the group as a Warrior Sidekick. It helps a lot.

>Make your game sessions special with over 400 total and 18 new magic items, practical solutions for common Dungeon Master pitfalls, and Greyhawk, a customizable premade campaign setting.
>... a double-sided poster map of the Greyhawk setting ...
>no mention of FR

>And the campaign might take place in a world of the DM's creation or in a published campaign setting, such as the Forgotten Realms or Greyhawk (the latter is described in the
Dungeon Master's Guide).
- PHB, page 8
>No mention of any FR info in the DMG

>Presents Greyhawk as a customizable, ready-to-use campaign setting for Dungeon Masters. Set your adventures within Greyhawk or use it as a foundation for worlds you create.
>Includes a double-sided poster map depicting Eastern Oerik from the Greyhawk setting and the city of Greyhawk.
> No mention of any other campaign settings
You're not always going to be outdoors, but you will almost always going to have a floor to cast Spike Growth on. The new Four Elements Monk can even push/pull people across the Spike Growth with each of their elemental strikes for more cheese grating per round.
Sorry to hear that anon. I hope for the best for you, and others too.
Elements Monk can also fly after 11th level so they can just grapple and drag their target through Spike Growth for their entire Fly Speed
>faggot voice
Americans can't help their disgusting accents.
So what's the TLDR of the new edition now that it's out?

Is it good or bad changes?
more of the same
I'd say it's more good than bad. If we switch to 2024 rules though I'll definitely be houseruling a bunch of stuff back to 2014 if it's not already something I do differently.
most of the good new rules are just stuff you were already doing as a dm but now formalized
Can you guys elaborate on some bigger changes?
more clarification (there is a rules glossary)
a lot of quality of life improvements
a lot of flavor and soul getting sucked out of 5e (what little it had left)

We really have to wait for the DMG to see what 5.24e is like
What are some quality of life changes and some flavor getting sucked out?
Let me explain.
No means no.
Thank you for coming to my Tedtalk
The 2024 version of the Dungeons & Dragons Player's Handbook brings several significant changes compared to the 2014 edition, refining and expanding on player rules, character creation, and class features.

>Character Creation & Origins: The 2024 rules introduce a new "Origin" system that replaces the concept of races with species and emphasizes backgrounds. These backgrounds now play a key role, granting feats that can modify ability scores, while species provide traits like speed and size without imposing ability score adjustments like in the 2014 rules. This makes character creation more flexible and less reliant on racial stereotypes

>Class Updates: All 12 core classes have received updates. For instance, Barbarians now have more versatile Rage mechanics and Druids see significant changes to Wild Shape. Monks, Paladins, and Warlocks have more dramatic adjustments, such as Ki being renamed to Focus Points and Hunter’s Mark being more central to Rangers. Many classes also received additional subclasses.

>Feats: Feats are no longer optional and can be chosen more than once, with new types like Origin Feats and Epic Boons. These provide special powers and ability score improvements, making feats a more integrated part of leveling up

>Weapon Mastery: The introduction of the Weapon Mastery system adds new properties to weapons, enhancing combat versatility. Each weapon can have unique properties like "Cleave" or "Graze," encouraging strategic combat

>Simplified Rules: Rules like surprise and healing have been streamlined for easier gameplay. For example, surprised characters now suffer a disadvantage on initiative rather than being unable to act in the first round.

Overall, the 2024 update offers more customization, strategic depth, and ease of use, building on the foundation of the 2014 edition while making the game more accessible and dynamic.
Thanks, ChatGPT!
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weapon masteries good
bonus action and casting divine smite bad
I'd like to throw out the idea to house rule slamming as falling damage

>get pushed into an object
>for every 10ft you would have moved, but didn't because something blocked your path, (like a creature, object, or wall) you take 1d6 damage
>slaming a creature into another creature makes them take the same damage (rather than splitting the damage like falling)

Yea or Nay? If you nay, you gay.
>triple eldritch blast at wall
>"heh..... nothing personell...."
You should at least split damage between colliding characters, hitting another creature isn't like hitting a wall or floor.
i want to play this because it seems fun

But what possible backstory could you have?
>push you off a ledge
>you would have moved ~7000 km to planet's core because gravity
>you path is blocked by ground after 5ft of movement
>you take 37565454d6 damage
but that's falling
Why was it deleted, wtf?
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ok so PC has been wearing these cursed eldritch/aberration bracers and is slowly being transformed into something like pic related by them. I've been having him roll on madness table just as a downside when he uses them, but now I wanna go next level. Suggestions?
shonen protag
>But what possible backstory could you have?
Any paladin backstory + magical powers.
You have innate magical powers, and took a paladiny oath
>Removing PHB spine to make scans better

>Removing Crawford's spine to make game better
Born with magical powers to a religious family. Think that said magical powers stem from whatever cosmic enemy applies to the setting you play in, this is reinforced by the family who say all magic is of the devil. Become a religious fanatic obsessed with self-discipline to cope, but you still have the magic powers you were born with.
Alternatively just be any paladin backstory plus innate sorcerer power that lay dormant for years.
>i want to play this because it seems fun
Everyone resigns to the charisma build eventually. One of the fun things about a system being heavily played for ten years straight is that pro-system people eventually stop making justifications for the jank and anti-system people stop bothering to point out said jank. Playing 5e? You will play a broken-ass spontaneous charisma multiclass caster eventually. It's part of the game.

Anyway, 'my father was an evil dragon cultist and I want to redeem my bloodline'. Also, 'the gods blessed me with sorcerous power from birth, so I will dedicate my life to their service'. Also, 'my parents found my magic too much to handle as a child, so they sent me to the temple to be trained instead.'
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>shonen protag
Unironically a barbarian

>Unable to cast spells and abadoned by my party, I've suddenly become the strongest?!?

I can use ̶r̶a̶g̶e̶ BoDy StReNgThEnInG, which increasing my melee attack power by 15%, gives me a 25% boost to my attack accuracy, and all incoming weapon damage I receive is reduced by half! I can also wear a black trench coat and no other armor and be just as protected as most people

>oh no, a dragon breath
hehe, my danger sense alerts me to incoming attacks, helping me avoid them!
these are good, any more?
comedic relief at best
This might be overdoing it. Last time I try and copy Dungeon Crawl Classics
Very convoluted.
What are divine powers?
I've been wanting to start playing dnd but it feels the space is overwhelmingly faggy or fag adjacent. How do I get a group with non queers?
DM, vet, gatekeep
The big man begs to differ.

”I inherited the knighthood of my father, but my mother has magic in her blood. Now I'm torn between two paths."

"My king sent me on a holy quest of sword and shield. Through troubles and adventures, I slowly discovered my sorcerous potential."

"I was a wildling sorcerer in my youth, a trickster and scoundrel. They caught me, caged me, and beat me into a man of honour."
Are divine powers/cleric powers just spells? because forcing an enemy to auto fail command is crazy.
Did you get this feeling actually searching for games, or from /tg/ comments?
Because what we say here on /tg/ is generally not exactly descriptive of reality.
The Barbarian is just his surname. He is a multiclass Battlemaster and Thief with Outlander background in fact.
That's not a barbarian thoughbeit
no, he's a barbarian in both name and skill.
No, he's a competent and level-headed warrior.
ergo, he is a barbarian. glad you agree
>literally the archetypal barbarian of all barbarians
>"Nah, he doesn't battle rage enough, the mechanics are all off"
I love 5e but this is what d&d normieslop brainrot does to you

divine powers are spells

>because forcing an enemy to auto fail command is crazy.
it's not an auto-fail. you're trading a saving throw on their end for an ability check on your end
I put my shield in front of me
0 damage
>literally not at all an archetypal barbarian
>"no he is called a barbarian by media that isn't d&d therefore he is a d&d barbarian"
>loves 5e
I'm calling you a retarded faggot. By your own dipshit logic that is irrefutable proof you are own. And I disregard the opinion of both retards and faggots.
>class: fails to represent its inspiration
>people: ergo inspiration is not class
>idiots: noooo, it says same word, it must be same, despite no similarities!

D&D as a secondary product has a duty to represent its inspirations well, and must be held to high standards. When it fails to live up to them, it must not be cut any slack.
just filter them out
>Because what we say here on /tg/ is generally not exactly descriptive of reality.
Frankly, what /tg/ says about the ratio of queers in the scene isn't descriptive *enough*. If you don't specifically go out recruiting 30-year-old fa/tg/uys from your local MtG/Warhammer scene, you will pick up more libtards, thespians, transsexuals and fat nonbinary lesbians in the ttrpg scene than you ever even believed existed in your region.
>everyone praises Gary Gygax
>read up on him
>didn't invent D&D
>ousted actual inventor of D&D out of greed
>ran cimpany into the ground
Why do we praise this piece if crap again?
I understand Americans praising him for stealing the invention from inventor, that's typical in American culture, but he didn't even profit well from it, having failed as a bussinessman, so he didn't live up to their ideals
I literally posted recruitment calls in official D&D discord a number of times. Never got the woke trash /tg/ is clamoring about. Maybe they were faggots IRL, but it didn't show in games
i'll take the commies over virgin wizard or hexadin-only #3241874 and "that kobold cant have 13AC that's calvinball!!!" any time thank you
your perspective makes sense in the context of only 5e. however, anon's perspective makes sense in the context of dungeons and dragons.
so i guess you guys are both right

to wit: barbarian has been a part of dnd for nearly half a century. in the last ten years, *this particular* iteration, as written, fails to represent its inspiration.
out of curiosity, what kind of game was it
and did you do anything special with the recruitment calls
And this is a thread dedicated to this particular iteration. AD&D is barely more relevant than World of Darkness in a 5e thread
delusional, back to your hugbox discord
Its not Conan the Battlemaster/Thief. Its Conan the Barbarian, because it actually fits. Its the most accurate you can get.
Nothing special.
>Looking for players, oneshot with possibility of turning into a campaign if we hit it off. Y'all hear of a recruitment call for a dangerous adventure, and while you have heard dark rumors what can go wrong, yadda-yadda.
>"that kobold cant have 13AC that's calvinball!!!"
>player gets immediately removed from the table for metagaming
And Aragorn is a ranger that is constantly casting hunter's mark, goodberry, and pass without trace, right?
>"I was a wildling sorcerer in my youth, a trickster and scoundrel. They caught me, caged me, and beat me into a man of honour."
i like this one, thanks, using it
which subs should I use for my revised cleric brew?

>life, light, war, trickery
>life, death, forge, nature
>life, death, order, trickery
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thoughts and feelings on the new TWF?
Fantastic improvement over its 2014 implementation. Still some issues.
>Nick should be how it works at base, not a mastery property
>Not allowing two non-light weapons to be dual wielded together in any capacity is a huge blunder
How does it work now?
>>all dms are terrible at everything
This one is probably the closest to true
All people who reject complete generalization are redditors >:[
Not sure if I can explain well enough over typing

But through weapon mastery's (nick) you can now make your off hand attack as part of your attack action INSTEAD of using a bonus action. So a level 5 character would have 3 attacks as part of their attack action if there off hand weapon as Nick and they have Weapon Mastery of that particular light weapon. This leaves your actual bonus action free to do other things, and if you so desire you can use said bonus action for an extra attack anyways. So 4 weapon attacks at level 5 simply for having one weapon mastery before extra damage from TWF fighting style or any additional feats. If I understand it correctly that is.
Ah, so exactly how it SHOULD have been from the beginning. Finally
Need to have some source of a Bonus Action attack still, for the Two Weapon Fighting specifically the wording of the Dual Wielder Feat seems to interact with the Nick property moving the Light Bonus Action attack into the main Action by allowing both the Nick attack and a separate Bonus Action attack, with this interpretation apparently confirmed by people who talked to Crawford.

> Enhanced Dual Wielding. When you take the Attack action on your turn and attack with a weapon that has the Light property, you can make one extra attack as a Bonus Action later on the same turn with a different weapon, which must be a Melee weapon that lacks the Two-Handed property. You don't add your ability modifier to the extra attack's damage unless that modifier is negative -- Dual Wielder

> When you take the Attack action on your turn and attack with a Light weapon, you can make one extra attack as a Bonus Action later on the same turn. That extra attack must be made with a different Light weapon, and you don’t add your ability modifier to the extra attack’s damage unless that modifier is negative. For example, you can attack with a Shortsword in one hand and a Dagger in the other using the Attack action and a Bonus Action, but you don’t add your Strength or Dexterity modifier to the damage roll of the Bonus Action unless that modifier is negative. -- Light property

>When you make the extra attack of the Light property, you can make it as part of the Attack action instead of as a Bonus Action. You can make this extra attack only once per turn. -- Nick mastery property
Being cringe, probably.
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How do you build her in 5e?
>describe my character as thicc, having ample breast, wearing very little, and having thick hair
>"My Dexterity is so low because my chest just bumps into things teehee."
>another player's character tries to hit on mine
>"Sorry, mate, I'm straight"
>finally explain that my character is an overweight man with huge manboobs, and the thick hair is on his body, his head is actually balding
The looks on their faces were worth getting kicked out of the group over.
War cleric / battlemaster fighter

the zerker and rogue shit are whatever
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What would the split for that be?
Also what would this character's domain be? She has access to some form of true resurrection.
when are official pdf's coming out?
play patfinder
Never, I don't like the powerscaling in there. DnD is easier to tone down.
play 4e
When using homebrews, I prefer to use my own, instead of Kobold Press, Paizo, and other upjumped homebrewers who call themselves "publishers"
I’d rather play HeroQuest than 4e desu
Nice, 5e tools updated to have 2024 stuff
buy the books, support the author
stop. using. 5etools.
But Anon, I did. It says right in their FAQ that you should only use it for the ease-of-use if you already own the books :^)
>support the author
I'd pay someone else twice just to deny WotC money.
I hope they rot.
It's better overall, but at this current time, we've got some confusing rules floating about due to the nature of the text not being as clear-cut as it used to be.
Some examples:
>Due to the way the Nick Mastery is worded you can apply the Nick Mastery even if you're not attacking with the weapon that has the Nick Mastery.
>You can TWF with one hand by just switching weapons
Also, there's no way to dual-wield two non Two-Handed weapons which is a shame. But we can dual-wield Hand Crossbows!
>Nick should be how it works at base, not a mastery property
There's an argument to be made that RAW you can make the Nick Mastery apply for all of your Light Weapons simply by picking the Mastery on the Long Rest.
Who is this Nick fellow anyway?
>life, death, order, trickery
Thematic for the alignments, which used to be a big part of cleric domains. People think of cleric as the "priestly healer," but cleric is actually one of the most diverse classes in the game bar none.
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That's really poorly written. I like to think the intent is that you can make several attacks and that's the whole point of the TWF/lack of ability score damage to balance. But textually, it just re-states the same thing in different abilities. That's a confusing nettle if things that requires some stacking.

I'm just generally unsure of how to feel about the weapon masteries/weapon properties. Martials needed something, but I much prefer the idea of everyone getting something like choices from the old Battlemaster tactics, rather than this, which is a bit limiting and requires a lot of page-flipping and minutiae to get used to. And that's if you don't consider some of the confusing stacks like TWF.
Oh, shit, that's redent. Glad they have a separate link for the 2014 version. I'll need to update my links for it, that'd be confusing if I try and use it as reference and nothing looks right anymore. Thanks for the heads up, anon.
seconding life death order and trickery, it makes for a nice variety.
You better make Trickery fun anon
>but so is warlock, albeit only origin feats.
I want to make a joke about how silly it is a Fiendlock taking Lessons of the Old Ones for Musician just to learn guitar or whatever, but that's literally just the legend of Robert Johnson

And then Faust would be the same but for Skilled
Imagine spending all your invocations just to pick Lessons of the Old Ones and Skilled to be the soulless Skillmonkey.
The Dual Wielder/Nick interaction does feel a bit odd since both refer to the Light property, but other sources of Bonus Action attacks work so it should be fine? Like a Monk who multiclassws or pulls the Feat for a Mastery can make the Nick attack and between one and three Bonus Action Unarmed Strikes depending on level and if they burn a Focus Point.
How long do you expect a level 1 adventure to be? I'm writing a level 1-4 intro adventure and it's looking like it won't be longer than 6 pages. I know lots adventures pad their page count with maps, I guess I could do that.
One session per level of the group. 1 session at level 1, 2 sessions at level 2, etc.
I personally enjoy the early levels more than most, so Level 1 alone can be something like 2-3 Sessions, especially if the players aren't complaining and are moving at a pleasant pace.
>Somatic (S)
>A Somatic component is a forceful gesticulation or an intricate set of gestures. A spellcaster must use at least one of their hands to perform these movements.

>Material (M)
>A Material component is a particular material used in a spell's casting, as specified in parentheses in the Components entry. These materials aren't consumed by the spell unless the spell's description states otherwise. The spellcaster must have a hand free to access them, but it can be the same hand used to perform Somatic components, if any.

Its very interesting that they didn't say "one free hand" or "one hand free" in the Somatic Component rule vs the Material Component rule. If this is intentional then we can finally cast spells without Material Components that have Somatic Components even if we're dual wielding wands or holding something in our other hand.
Unknown. War Caster still has the "use hands with weapons or shields for Somatic" clause, so it's unknown if they rephrased Somatic but didn't intend to imply that the hand didn't have to be free, or if the implication people are reading into it was intended and they just forgot to update War Caster.
I notice there's no obese characters, so that probably made you feel alienated too.
Do your characters have children, /tg/?
New DM here.
I keep running into issue of my party technically being outlaws due to not complying to current settings laws around religion based rules.
As such, they are always aggro from npcs of law enforcement some even having roles I'd like filled later in the game but they keep dying to the party, I'd rather have the npcs get slaughtered than the party but idk how to reconcile so they can work together against big bads I have planned later on. Should I just have them continue to be on the run? This is probably my fault for using humanoid npcs often and not kobold, goblins etc as enemies though.
Are the players aware of all the laws they are breaking? Is this a communication issue or are they intentionally setting themselves up against the establishment? I understand you have bigger problems planned for the setting and think the players will need to ally with this organization eventually, but you can't really force the players to do that if they don't really want to.
Don't help the party. Instead have your villains start wrecking shit. The players will either team up against them, try to be heroes on their own or ignore the problem, in which case you're now running an evil campaign and your goals are different.
Yes. A player is currently running an adventure for us, so I repurposed an NPC with a kid to play as. The Character is a 50 yo dwarf forge cleric with a 20 yo kid, who's an artificer. Mom died in Childbirth.
>Ray of Frost. Make a ranged spell attack against the target.
>Sorcerous Burst. Make a ranged attack roll against the target.
Is there a difference between a 'ranged attack roll' and a 'ranged spell attack' in the 2024 PHB?
It's important for the distinction between weapon and spell. That looks more like an oversight with no apparent implications.
the gm suggested that he may have a bastard child from the desert sorceress he had a fling with years ago. probably an adult now and seeking revenge for his momma
weapon attack is no longer a term in 5.5 afaik.

There's just attacks and spell attacks, and both can either be made with a weapon or without one, as specified in the effect.

Since it's a ranged attack roll not a ranged spell attack, presumably you'd make it with dex.
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From what I can tell that's the only spell in the book that's worded like that- because of that I'm pretty sure it's a misprint/error.
Ranged attacks can still use your Spell Attack mod- look at this flaming skeleton NPC from the Monster Manual.
"Weapon attack" has exactly one mention in the 5.5 PHB it seems (yadda yadda, OCR might not be perfect so just using the search feature on the PDF could potentially miss one, but if it was commonly used would presumably come up more than once), which is presumably only there for backwards compatibility reasons, last entry in the rules glossary is "WEAPON ATTACK
A weapon attack is an attack roll made wit h a
weapon. See also "Weapon."", so indeed not a major term likely to be used going forward. Instance in Sorcerous Burst however is almost certainly an instance where they missed the word "spell" in the description, it would be super odd for a semi unique (can technically pull it as a Warlock with Pact of the Tome since it's a cantrip and that's one of the few "pick any" features rather than "pick any from the Wizard, Cleric, and Druid lists" like most other things got swapped to) signature Sorcerer cantrip to not be a spell attack. Absolute strictest RAW it is technically not a spell attack so as written it should technically use DEX, but you'd have to have the intelligence of a Trump supporter to actually run it that way rather than the obvious intended way
So, I just found out that one of my soon-to-be players is... massively a weirdo about TTRPG, in a way that makes him likely an imminent ThatGuy.

I knew of some weird takes he'd said before like "if a party defeated a monster without engaging it in direct combat I wouldn't award them experience points" and I've experienced him as a fellow player actively sabotaging whenever we tried to do something sneaky or clever by going in hot at the worst possible time, under the excuse that it was the nature of his character (though new revelations makes that a bit weird of an excuse). And I knew his opinions about vidya were that he heavily despised open world and skipped all text in games. But I never realized it was to this extent.

His concept of what a TTRPG adventure should be is HIGHLY influenced by JRPGs. He hates all player-directed agency, he WANTS to be a passive participant. If he's not drug by the nose from railroaded preplanned plot beat to preplanned plot beat, he feels like the GM isn't doing his job.
And since he doesn't believe in player-made character goals and narrative is just whatever arbitrary task the DM says you're doing that day, he also doesn't believe in RP outside of Teehee Macaroni hijinks, characters are just a statblock to operate; the entire point of playing TTRPGs is just having cool fights. And so the reasoning for his aforementioned plan-wrecking behavior is almost certainly that *obviously* anything that would avoid fighting is disruptive ThatGuy badwrongfun and should be stymied in order to "help" the DM ensure their railroad stays on tracks and his planned combats occur.

He's a good friend, super chill guy, otherwise I've got no issue, but how do I DM for a player who basically wants me to play the game for him any time he's not in combat? Worse, how in the world do I integrate him at a table without having him be a constant albatross around the other player's necks?

>hurrdurr be adult talk with him
how do you think I got to this point?
Let him die when he does something stupid you mf.
He sounds like a retard with retarded ideas, you can either try to beat them out of him by forcing him to engage with RP (try sticking him in a mystery focused plotline and just throw puzzle pieces at him until he puts them together), or cut him loose (my preferred suggestion). Life is too short to be playing grindy videogames, let alone doing that shit in a tabletop game.
You wouldn't need that many tbqh. There's only 18 skills

Human for 1 + skilled (4, 4/18).
Noble for 2 + skilled (5, 9/18).
Warlock 1 for 2 + Beguiling Influence (4, 13/18)
Warlock 2 Lessons Skilled (3, 17/18)
Warlock 4 Skill Expert or Prodigy (1, 18/18)
You run a normal game and if it isn't his speed he'll drop you, or he'll become a problem and you kick him. He gets no special treatment, this is the game you're running and if he's the only odd one out then he's a bad fit for the table.
It's that simple.
Okay, but I can't just be like "Sorry guys, I know you were trying to not fight the sleeping dragon but Heehoo Linguini got you in another TPK because his player is an obligate combativore, so time to reroll some new dudes. again."

>try sticking him in a mystery focused plotline and just throw puzzle pieces at him until he puts them together
I can already tell you from experience that's not happening. He'll just leave it to the other players and maybe be haha tortellini in the background if he gets bored from it taking too long.

>if it isn't his speed he'll drop you,
He doesn't. I have never seen or heard of him dropping from a table, even if he passionately hates the way the DM is running things. Its not until the group dies.
>or he'll become a problem and you kick him
He's my current roommate, burning bridges would be very inconvenient. Plus, again, he's generally pretty chill he just has really weird, deeply held opinions about what TTRPG is supposed to be.
>he WANTS to be a passive participant.
Put him in a subservient role to the other players then. If he doesn't like that, then he better play his character then. And if he does dumb shit, then give the rest an opportunity to retreat.
Sounds like anon should tell him to play a barbarian. That way the rest of the party can plan around him acting like an aggro retard.
>>try sticking him in a mystery focused plotline and just throw puzzle pieces at him until he puts them together
>I can already tell you from experience that's not happening. He'll just leave it to the other players and maybe be haha tortellini in the background if he gets bored from it taking too long.
Ok, I recommend cutting him loose (and maybe telling him he's too autistic for social games)
He specifically hates barbarian, because although it otherwise fits him perfectly, it only has one ability that everything else revolves around.

The only class he hates more is wizard, and that's because it has both a spells known and spells prepped mechanic. He thinks it should work like cleric or druid.
Neat. You should tell him to play a barbarian, that way everyone else can plan around him acting like an aggro retard.
2013 playtest 5e was GOATed
The rules for spell casting in melee were based and the fact not every class had a PB or added its PB to spells was kino
Don't forget maneuvers being a base feature for fighters
>he's too autistic for social games
I mean yeah... "My hyperspecific idiosyncratic way is the only correct way to play the game, also I MUST have externally supplied hard structure" definitely does seem pretty... Telltale.

>Neat. You should tell him to play a barbarian
He literally will not. I just told you, even though he loves going aggro and being a big unkillable defensive tank, he hates the way barbarian is built. He hates rage both from a mechanical and flavor perspective, and he hates that they can't use heavy armor.
His ideal class would be basically Bofuri, 32 AC, DR/Magic, MMO taunt skill, and a giant pet turtle mount that does nothing.
>Okay, but I can't just be like "Sorry guys, I know you were trying to not fight the sleeping dragon but Heehoo Linguini got you in another TPK because his player
if he is always being bailed out by DM, he is logically correct to assume he will always be bailed out by DM
I mean, if dumbass starts an unwinnable fight, there's nothing preventing the party from leaving him to it. In fact, it seems ideal.
He's unironically too dumb to barbarogue
if i was a player and the DM rewrote encounters on the fly so that retards survived, i'd be pissed
When are they gonna fold in Xanathar's and Tasha's into 5.24? Vanilla right now is kind of empty. Are they planning a total burst of options like in 3.5?
i doubt anyone from 3.5 is still at the company
>how in the world do I integrate him at a table without having him be a constant albatross around the other player's necks?
>but it'll be awkward
then get a new roommate, if he's that much of a sperg that he can't take not agreeing on an rpg without it being a huge falling out then you're doing yourself a favor in the long run

it is not your responsibility to accommodate someone who isn't trying to meet you halfway and it is disrespectful to the rest of the group to force this on them so that you can avoid a social interaction.
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give me some good hb body horror monsters
I think the main good that came out of the new rules is that they should stabilize WotC's volatile state right now.
Hopefully they put a new emphasis on this game and realize it's one of their most profitable.
If this era sticks, I'm hoping they keep it and expand on it for at least another decade.
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I hope you realize that it feeling empty was entirely intentional. They'll probably slow-roll it and milk it for as much money as possible after they release the DMG and MM.
Dunno what you mean by hb but I've got some. Big fan of "things that should not be"/seemingly or typically normal but horribly fucked in an abstract, eldritch way monster design.
Anyone posted a formula for transferring 2014 to 2024? I want my Forge Cleric. Bonus points if it works for 3.5 source material.
He's not, the three times I know of he's he's done it he's been bailed out by the party nearly dying running back to save his scrappy doo ass or abandoning the plan to go in equally hot on a wing and a prayer that it all works out. Because "don't split the party."
I'm slightly exaggerating because none of them were literally TPK tier, but all of them were definitely "lose all of your resources surviving" punishment failstates that were supposed to be avoided.

>it is not your responsibility to accommodate someone who isn't trying to meet you halfway
It would be easier to convince him if he hadn't been validated by bad GMs with bad players so many times prior. Groups where the DM was a railroady, DMPC-laden storygamer, and where all of the players were player-insert inert lumps along for the ride. When basically all of his previous play experiences have been exactly what he's describing, except for two which were DMed by people just as, if not more, backwards-ass and autistic about the game than he is, just in entirely different ways, so they rightfully feel like outliers. Of course he feels like what he wants is "normal" and the people wanting to do crazy things like make choices in the game are disruptive psychopaths.

>it is disrespectful to the rest of the group to force this on them so that you can avoid a social interaction.
It's also disrespectful to kick the player for whom the table basically started forming.
I feel like my best case scenario here is to just never find 2 more players. I can't say player 2 won't be his own hassle, but at least I know how to deal with chaotic """"neutral"""", especially since what I was planning to run won't give him too much chance to cause havoc with petty larceny anyways.
I guess since I'm inexperienced and they're premade adventures I could always just blame the module and not knowing how to "fix" it for any annoyances player one has (or causes).
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If you have the Weapon Master feat/class ability for it, with Light weapons with that tag, you can fold the attack you would have had to use your Bonus Action for into your Action like it's an Extra Attack once per turn, leaving your bonus action free for one more Attack.

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