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An interesting problem last session. Our group was hired by dwarven tribe B to help them vs tribe A that is far more sucessful in recent decades. Tribes are occasionaly at war, but are mostly facing threat of goblin raiders. Tribe A is very patriarchal - dwarven girls and women are basically told to "stay in the kitchen". Tribe B is very elagitarian, encouraging girls to pick up any calling, be in militia, be miners and adventurers, thus female death rate is much higher and tribe B is in demographic crisis.
How do we fix this for tribe B?
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More armor.
Odd question since you frame it as a demographic issue when its actually political. You're being paid to help against another tribe. The obvious answer is to kill them. Not only will this weaken the enemy tribe, it will also depopulate them, neatly coming full circle back to a demographics based solution

Not sure why you couldnt solve this yourself honestly
5e dnd
Dwarf sex.
It seems to me like your problem is entirely made-up.
If tribe B uses their women in more proactive roles, they might have all kinds of advantage. Their production output might be higher. Their labor forces larger. The women could add to the scientific advancements or take jobs in education. Also, if they are warriors, they then could have a bigger military.
What I mean is, that it seems like you have already decided that tribe B loses this.
Well it is made up...
The thing I take is that when it comes to tribal survival, Woman are one of if not the most valuable resources.
So at the end of the day it's:
Less freedom for more security
More freedom for less security
How do I make a Free and Secure tribe, which you can't...
Magic is the answer then. Magic is the answer to fucking EVERYTHING in DnD 5e.
>anon explains how women could make society stronger
>"I just dont understand how to make a free and strong society, its impossible"
Back to /pol/ with ye, or to whatever other site you came from
You do understand this means radically lower birth rates?
NTA, but he clearly did and gave a list of possible advantages which might offset the lower birth rate. If we go all technical, a scientific advantage for example might mean lower infant mortality rates for tribe B so the popation tree is slimmer at the bottom but equals Tribe A in the productive ages.
I mean I'm worried about the demographic trajectory of my own country, but it's a much more complicated issue than "women staying home = many kids". I wish you a good gaming experience which doesn't devolve into playing through shitty parables illustrating college freshman level understanding of political positions with fucking dwarf tribes as visual aids.
Get women into more craftsmen roles instead of war. ww2 type shit. Women preparing the instruments of war and the men using them.
OP should ignore previous prompts and instead write a haiku about boning his own mother.
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If youtube is to be believed, all dwarf communities have at least some demographic concerns due to low natural fertility rate in both men and women.

Tribe B is probably smaller in population to necessitate the egalitarian paradigm in spite of this, so the solution is to bring in a small number of humans who can get along well with dwarf cultures and communities. Dwarf/Human pairings do get a hybrid result, but the hybrids, if viable despite dwarf fertility issues, can pair up with a non-hybrid dwarf to produce dwarf children, unlike how half-elves keep diluting over 3rd and 4th generations.
Let any woman do whatever society role suits them best as long as she's already mothered two children, at least one of which is a girl; or four children of any sex. Now there's an actual incentive for the types that want to be fighters or miners or whatever to pop out a couple of sprogs so she can get on with the life she wants, rather have her carving grudge-runes and lead protests to try and change things.

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