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/tg/ - Traditional Games

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Chad Edition

Here is a thread to discuss trading card games other than the big three.
>Build Divide
>Force of Will
>Final Fantasy TCG
>Legend of the 5 Rings (L5R)
>Flesh and Blood
>Gate Ruler
>Battle Spirits
>One Piece
>The other DBZ game
>Magi Nation
>Lord of the Rings
>The Condemned CCG
>Grand Archive TCG

Post about card games you've played and help other anons get to know your games!

Pastebin/Rules for some games
>Dragonball GT SD
>Gate Ruler
>Build Divide
>Ashes Reborn
>Fusion World
>Various Japanese CCGs without western translation (page is in moonrunes)
>The Condemned CCG

voice chat for playing /acg/

>Last Thread

>Thread Question:
Who is the most chad character in your game? BTFO waifu card gamers!
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Today's Build Divide reveals are an Ultra and Normal rare from set 15.

"Nine-Headed Dragons" Accelerator, Maxilla
[AUTO] When this unit attacks, you may play up to 1 (Operation Accel-Dive) from your D Deck targeting this unit at no cost.
<Territory> [ACT] (Normal timing/Attach 1 Command card from your hand as +1000 Aura to this unit without an Aura): During this turn, this unit is unaffected by your opponent's effects.
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Operation Accel-Dive
Target up to 1 unit. Draw 1 card and during this turn the targeted unit cannot be blocked. If your life is in the Red Zone, you may attach this card as +1000 Aura to one of your units with the (PSI) attribute.
>Mogs your locals
>>93914295 #
>>93912394 #

This actually mirrors my experience exactly. Big creatures actually feel so useless because your opponent can counter so easily and cheaply. There are 1 and 2 mana removal spells that can completely invalidate your 5 or 6 drop. So you learn pretty quickly to try and bait those out early. I’ve only played with the green and pink starters so far but green seems pretty cancer since their key mechanic is Anchor. Usually your units are destroyed each turn but anchored keeps them around for an extra turn. It basically doubles the value of the card.

I’ve bought some packs as well and I see really cool cards that I would like to try out. I’ve always really liked games with alternating actions so I’m happy that more games are trying it out and it works really well in this game. You never feel like you have nothing to do since you draw two each turn and if the game goes long enough you tend to find a way to get your gameplan going.

Scanning the cards in is actually super fast. The app reads the QR code in under a second. I could see it being annoying for a 1000+ cards but for the hundred that I bought it was easy.

One complaint is that there are a lot of temporary statuses that cards can get that makes upkeep a hassle. You actually want to use the little punch cards they give you because you can miss a status pretty easily.

All in all the games I’ve played so far were really fun just lopsided because alongside green being very good, pink is dogshit. Hopefully I’ll get some games in tomorrow night or the weekend and I’ll report back with more data.

One more thing: I feel like the heroes for the starters are WAY better than the ones you pull from packs.
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>be FFG
>wait two sets to start up competitive organized play with the bottom, least-competitive competitive event
>make the prizes the most unappealing trash possible
>only include enough of the literal participation card for half the players at an event
>hold so few events that none of this even matters because nobody can actually attend
I feel like competitions should be outsourced. So many vendors run good enough events that devs shouldn’t even worry about it. Just provide promos and prizing to orgs you support
The fundamental problem with Yu-Gi-Oh is that the mechanics fight each other rather than cohere.

The combat system makes removal mandatory. Since it's bigger number wins, you can't damage your opponent without getting through their monsters AND playing a big monster requires having an existing monster, if you establish a big monster and your opponent doesn't have removal or can't stall to get to removal, you just win the game. This means that unlike other games where removal is very good, in Yu-Gi-Oh removal is necessary. However, removal being necessary and big monsters requiring multiple cards to be invested means that big monsters become nigh unplayable unless they are cheated out or have some very impactful, often immediate effect.

The whole game's design is full of hese chains that push it from the fundamentals to become what it has become today.

My advise would be to not start from Yu-Gi-Oh at all. Instead think about the specifics of what you like about goat format and try to design systems that encourage that. Alternatively, you can pick one mechanic from Yu-Gi-Oh and try to build around that.
Where do you get one piece and digimon cards in the uk? Any fellow bongs got some advice? I'd rather not buy overpriced shit on amazon.
Yugiohs normal once per turn mechanic is sluggish and shit thats why it was made irrelevant by special summons that then broke the game as Konami refused to put a hard limit in how many times you can special summon in a turn.
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PSI girls are such sluts
Women dress like whores by default, in a world with no guys sexual modesty would be a foreign concept
>Mtg is big in America
>YGO is big in Japan
>also dogshit
Just say you hate every game at this point if you're going to use that argument.
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>Ripping over $70 in card value from a $12 locals buy in

I love playing One Piece.
You love money? Gross. You're just as vapid as those anime thots
>locals is $12
What kind of scam are they running? It should always be $5.
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>Dimension 0 mentioned
extremely based

The only English documentation on the web as far as I know is an unbelievably bad machine-translated blog that was last updated in 2009, but I learned them ages ago by searching Japanese sources on youtube. Here's a quick breakdown:

>mana follows Duel Masters rules, units have separate costs for summoning and moving
>units are played to the row closest to you and must be moved to the middle or end row to damage the opponent, with units moved all the way to the end dealing +1 bonus damage
>units battle only when moved into the same space, with the weaker unit immediately dying
>damage is represented by taking the top card of your deck and placing it face-down in your mana where it can be used as a mana source with no color. If you accumulate 7 face-down cards you lose

I'm leaving a few things out for brevity but it's a fairly rules-light game. The two things that give it a reputation for being difficult are:
>playing a unit from your hand is an instant-speed action. If you know MTG, imagine how fucked it would be if every creature in the game had Flash. This makes the tempo extremely weird- the typical timing to play your units isn't during your main step, but rather your opponent's end step
>The 'Plan' system. As many times as you want during your turn you can pay 1 mana to turn the top card of your deck face-up, or if it's already face up, discard it and flip the next one. You can play this card at sorcery speed. This is an extremely powerful tool to keep from running out of cards, but knowing when to use it is difficult, since it chews through mana and the non-instant speed means your opponent will typically be holding up mana to deal with whatever you play off the top

The game did well in Japan for a number of years, but I've heard people say it was hard to get into due to the extremely high skill ceiling and lack of luck-based comeback mechanics to ease new players in. Hope this was interesting
Rush Duels is literally fixed Yugioh. I would start there and try to make it more unique.
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Who else playing Grand Archive? Spoiler season pretty fun
Grand Archive has no soul
What do you mean?
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Anyone heading to Vegas for the DLC?

I'm hoping for a deeper run into the main event this time, but my main goal is the Cindy playmat. Going with friends so it's my best shot.

Don't you have a general for this Jewish garbage?
I present the chaddest chad in any game.
You're in it.
This is /acg/ not /Disneyshit shilling general/
>hero name: zen
>keyword: transcend

was zen FtM all along?
do you not know what the prefix trans- actually means?
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Adventure Time Card Wars is getting a reprint and new content. Physical for sure, no idea if they will bring back the digital version.

tell me so i can reach new levels of enlightenment
I backed it when the campaign was live.
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What is the current state of Flesh and Blood? I played a few games up to Heavy Hitters, wondering what is going on as I really like the art of the new set.
Locals seem to enjoy it quite a bit
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I'm going, and I wish you luck and that you can avoid most of the steelsong out there. I think that's the deck to beat, but also the one that will be targeted, so I expect R/P to probably be the one to take it.

I've been playing hyper aggro, which absolutely slams everything but steelsong (at least on the play), so we'll see how the dice and avoiding that match-up go for me. Still trying to figure out if Gathering Knowledge is any good, and playing around with the 3 drops. Mostly I'm just going as an excuse to hit Vegas, hookers and blackjack and all that.
I think it's hilarious that you can buy code cards for fusion world with no repercussions.
Why would there be any repercussions? It isn't like the codes can be reused. As far as they're likely concerned, every code card entered is just a confirmation that someone at some point bought a real pack.
That is a good point. I just think it's funny that I can get roughly twice the stuff for the same price as like 3 in game 10 pulls.
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Today's Build Divide reveal is a Rare from set 15.

Deadline to be Crossed
During this turn, all your units gain "[AUTO] When this unit is destroyed, you may remove 1 card with the same card name as this card from your Cemetery. If you removed, you may place this card from your Cemetery onto the field rested."
anythang above diamond is literally unplayable. open, jade, jade extended master race. gold and diamond welcome if second class citizen status is accepted and embraced.
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MST launched with a bang, then there were some pretty big pockets of dissatisfaction with the resulting meta, where there was a Tier 0 deck (Zen) that made the meta revolve around him. There were about 4, arguably 5 "real" decks that metagame.

They announced a sweeping philosophy-driven ban that saw a bunch of draw spells being taken out of the game, with others being put on an unofficial "watch list". This has been largely positively received, as many of these cards were the enablers for a lot of "unfun" plays that were seen as very uninteractive with little counterplay.

Community sentiment is pretty high going into Rosetta. Currently most of the heroes from Rosetta look fine, not super meta-defining as of yet, but decent A-tier or B-tier decks. While there are some contenders for "best deck" this meta, it's still mostly unproven and most people think that there are plenty of decks that will have game into them (Kayo and Enigma). We'll likely have a fairly open field this upcoming PQ season in the first few weeks.
At least one of the heroes from Rosetta is going to be tier 0. I think it's going to be Aurora or Verdance, and if it's Verdance the meta is going to be cancer because she's a durdler. Tier 0 deck that takes 45 minutes to get to its guaranteed win would be really bad.
I will now build your deck
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Bunch of my friends going with me are more interested in hitting the craps tables than the tourney, haha.

Best of luck to you as well! One of my friends signed up for side events and was asking about an aggro deck, so I'll probably build yours for him.
It's worked well for me. You could try Befuddle for Friends or 2-Pinn but when I tested with it, the card was a basic land pretty much every time.

If it's helpful, the cards I'm not sure about are the lizard (idk which franchise he even is from lol), 2 drop Pinnochio, Friends, Gathering Knowledge, and 3 drop Maleficent. Cards I'd consider in their place are Neverland, Queen's Castle, either of the 1 drop "pop to draw" chars, Befuddle, Gale, Be Our Guest, or plain ol' vanilla 2 drop Wendy. I suspect we'll see a really well tuned version go far in Vegas but only make top 8 if it avoids steelsong, and I'd be shocked if hyper aggro wins.
Split card anon here, this time I have classes. Classes are apart of the RPG mechanics and define the multi-color pairings. Basically in addition to building up your deck, there will be a diablo like skill-tree that gives you access to skills like abilities you can use without cards, adding unique cards to your deck or buffing certain types of cards.

The classes are:
Life Giver
- Healing
-Untap Effects

-Spell Recursion
-Land Recursion
-Creature Recursion

Titan Caller
-On Kill Triggers

-Exhaust/Freeze effects
-Creature Silence

-Combo Attacks
-On Attack Triggers

Soul Scourer
-Direct Damage
You should copy the Wixoss XML in Cockatrice and replace the cards with your made up ones to actually play test it before going kickstarter
I'm not necessarily a furry but God damn this rabbit is stacked.
TQ some would say it's Uther but we all know it's Galachad
>Orange dress and green mantle
Bitch cosplaying food
I have several questions.
1. Why wixoss specifically?
2. Why make something in a card game simulator for a digital card game?
3. Who said anything about a Kickstarter?
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Anyone tried printing ascension cards?

I can't find a place with all the cards files and don't want to pay for cardboard.
Isn't it like $15? Deckbuilding games go in /bgg/ btw.

Except for Flesh & Blood
>I can't find a place with all the cards files
The first place to look is Tabletop SImulator mods

strings WorkshopUpload |grep http |sort |uniq
that outputs this gob of text https://pastebin.com/raw/geAhc46J
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Today is the day!
I'll be excited for it's English release.
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I mean, it's even her goddamn name.
This is going to make so much money
>that flavor text
Holy fuck this looks amazing
There's a pair of Lancelot cards where

Captcha hjsxs
Hand job sex
The flavor text crosses them.
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Rip upload fail
Almost all TCGs are generic fantasy or fantasy +sci fi, although some IPs have their own unique elements.

What themes, settings or IPs do you think are underused or would be popular for TCGs?

Waifus, cool monsters or known characters just seem to add the most 'collectability' or aesthetic appeal to cards so maybe it's inevitable.
Horror is a common answer. Military is generally under explored as well, despite the dominance of creature combat games. Historical tcgs are pretty rare too. Fantasy and Scifi are broad enough categories to cover virtually anything, but like you say, the tcg space mostly contains kitchen-sink settings like Magic or FAB. Stuff like L5R and Netrunner were scifi and fantasy but more specific with distinct lore and themes that made them stand out.
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Are lolis a theme? If so I think they are under used.
Horror is limiting your audience as well as it isn't child friendly. Not that booba games are, but there is a bigger market. People probably want to collect beautiful cards instead of scary or disgusting ones for the most part, although MTG has lots of horror art so I may be wrong.
Realistic military stuff may be too boring or niche.
I can see mechs with cool designs doing well, but you could just have this as one faction, and multiple factions with very different aesthetics can catch more players.
Most cool ideas just end up as board or deckbuilding games. It's harder to find a cohesive theme or even IP, that will support several thousand cards.
Someone should make another attempt at a History themed game. You could easily port have sets themed to historical periods: Italian Renaissance, Vikings, Mongol Invasion, Ancient Egypt, etc. If you're smart about the design you'd have nearly infinite card options.
Like a For Honour type deal? If it wasn't just dudes fighting it could be more like a civ building boardgame with a custom deck.
Thank God. The westoid TCG App has looked like shit for over a decade at this point so glad to have something that actually looks good.
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Haven't posted in a while
First some z/x pulled some secrets but no gacha exclusive ones
>but no gacha exclusive ones
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wixxoss Recollect Selector
Really gorgeous art
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also z/x merch came today, shipping costed 150$ because of the weight
Got huge mat, 2 bed sheet, 1 beach towel , one pillow and box for storage
1) How much are you spending on this

2) You better have a job
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box for curious
1) on sealed product 500-600$ and on singles 700-800 $
2) I have a job and my own apartment
>2) I have a job and my own apartment
Fucking Based.
>Live in Naughty Kindness
Words to live by
Religion. I want redemption!
>Bandai releasing ANOTHER TCG
Wtf are they thinking?
Holly shit SWU is almost releasing more sets a year than magic.
I just saw that there will be a new prerelease for it, last one was 2(?) months ago, and the game released in like july.

IDK i think FFG wants to crash this game.
Three sets a year? What does magic do, one?
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>IDK i think FFG wants to crash this game.
>Top 10 TCG sales
>Posts 9
Is this supposed to be bait?
Yes. I actually was sketching the idea out earlier. This is rough and would undoubtedly need some adjustments, but as an idea:

>three resource types: manpower, ingenuity, luck
>leader (or city?) card that determines your starting life and resource deck, both size (thinking somewhere between 10 and 20) and make-up. Maybe also has a special ability but seems hard to balance.
>draw 2 each turn, split as you want from main deck and resource deck, and untap at the start of your turn
>1 resource deployed per turn
>permanents are Units (e.g. Winged Hussars, Hoplite Phalanx, etc) and Locations (e.g. Library of Alexandria, Town Hall, City Wall), paid for mostly by Manpower and Ingenuity
>one-time action cards are Discoveries (1000x Folded Steel, Evolution, The Plow), which are your turn only and paid for largely by ingenuity, and Events (e.g. Battle of Waterloo, Plague, Ambush), which are played any time. Both are paid for primarily with Luck
>units can tap to attack locations or the opponent or tapped opposing units, any untapped units can defend a target, unit owner assigns damage in any combat
>units can attack turn they're played at half normal strength
>start of each turn, both players can pay their unit's reinforce cost to have all damage fall off, otherwise it sticks around
>60 card main decks, 3x each of normal permanents, 2x each for normal actions, 1x each for "uniques" like Spartan Hoplites, Library of Alexandria, Battle of Waterloo
3 sets since april, 1 set every 2 months. Inst that like a bit too much?
Try looking into Age of Empires II ECG...
One set in March, one in July, one in November

I mean, their balance and OP decisions so far do in fact suggest intentional sabotage
Even source doesn't show 10th lol.
Come to think of it, I don't see that baseball TCG bushi made anywhere on these lists. Did it flop like FaB did?
>yugioh rush duel
The master duel general said rush duels was a flop
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How would they know? It's only sold in Japan.
You believing anything from Yugioh players makes me laugh
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Today's Build Divide reveal is a Rare from set 15.

Crow Lovers, Mao
[AUTO] When this unit is placed, you may attach the top 2 cards of your deck to this unit as +1000 Aura. If you attached, add up to 1 unit card with the (Shot) icon and a total cost of 5 or less from this unit's Aura to your hand.
<Territory> Power +3000
I had an UB today at my lgs, I brought yellow Vegeta since its auto win against green and has a good blue and black match up.

Out of 20 people 6 were Jiren, absolute insanity, 0 blue Vegetas, and of course in 4 rounds I see 3. These retards actually believe they can beat blue or good green players
For comparison, here's a piechart from a different article on the same site showing market share % for each game at card shops (I think, my nip's not 100% but I think the tag is just a general "don't copy plz" disclaimer).
If OCG YGO is at ~20% market share and Rush Duels is at 1% then relatively speaking it's a flop.
That being said I'm a bit skeptical of the data. Pokemon/One Piece look a bit low.
translate the picture because idk what the fuck each represents...
>More useless aura slop
Suprised they haven't dropped Build Divide and just focused on Bright. Shits a waste of resources.
Is there anywhere to play Grand Archive online or is it just TTS? If so then baka
>he still can't read katakana
Never even heard of it but it looks similar to this idea. But you're not moving through the ages here, just trying to kill the other dude.

Each set would be themed around a time period, e.g. Ancient Greece, Conquest of the Aztecs, etc.

Would probably need some way to limit who can play what cards though.
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Ah yes just what the TCG landscape needs, another fucking Bandai game.
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Honestly I'm just impressed you had 20 people at an Ultimate Battle. I went to one during the first wave and we had 6 people and I don't expect much more than that for wave 2.
Unless it's Gundam TCG, these fuckers are retarded
>unfun plays
>prisms only comeback chance at playing the game that is Brutes and Guardians (also known as Flesh and Blood) is now gone
James Africanamerican is a hack
Naruto or Elden Ring are the other choices
Think it'll be something that isn't included in Union Arena tcg
It'll be interesting to see what they do for year 4. I imagine they'll put more juice back into promoting the main series or just can it after the year ends.
>they'll put more juice back into promoting the main series
Idk man all options seem exhausted. Unless they put Bloom in another booster set with a Bikini lmao
What will be the gimmick in the Dragon Ball super formula this time?
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any translation for this?
Watch it be another shitty copy paste IP game. They need to be stopped.
A Naruto TCG would annihilate One Piece sales
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Trunks: GT
[Permanent] [During your opponent's turn] If you have an energy marker, your other Battle Cards other than "Trunks: GT" cannot leave the Battle Area due to your opponent's skills. [On Play] Add up to 1 of your Life to your hand.

[Permanent] If you have 10 or more cards in your drop zone, this card's power is +5000. [On Play] Place the top 2 cards of your deck into your drop zone. Then, choose up to 1 of your opponent's Battle Cards with a Cost of 3 or less and place it on the bottom of their deck.
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It really wouldn't. Naruto is less popular than dragonball which is less popular than one piece.
Cope OnePisstard Naruto ending is the only reason you pile of shit is now popular overseas
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and one more

Son Goku
[When attacking] If this card is attacking a Battle Card with Cost 4 or more, this card's Power becomes +25000 until the end of this battle. Afterwards, place 1 of your Energy into your Drop Zone. [At the end of your turn] If Energy was placed into your Drop Zone by this card's skill during this turn, draw 1 card and rest this card to turn it into Energy.
So Black is now Green?
I can only hope that its something similar to Sand Land, where it's actually just a one off product
No, that's a Green card, just like how this Gotenks >>93948609 is a Blue card. The little pentagon in the bottom left corner of the card shows what color it is.
I agree that, in an alternate universe where Naruto didn't end ten years ago, a Naruto tcg would be posed for better success than in the present timeline. But I don't know what your point is.
I don't even like one piece or see the appeal, but it's made far more money than Naruto ever did, and it's been a decade a since Naruto was relevant.
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Should I replace my Urith, Maniacal Enma with Urith Fanatical Enma and if so what Magic Fessone Crafts should I add to my deck?
Probably going to be Naruto
>casual optcg player
>mainly play starter decks with friends
>pulled some op08 for fun and got a manga rayleigh

thinking of holding onto it because its kinda cool but i know the manga art cards are usually pretty pricey. is it worth to try and sell online as someone with no prior background in selling singles?
Probably, yeah. Make a tcgplayer seller account, charge $5 for shipping and pay for tracking, and you'll end up netting 85% or so of the sell price rather than 40-60% in store credit. Imo it's worth the extra $200 you'll get from it.
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Unless the gameplay is ass and it's another screenshot art bs.

Bandai haven't been good with game design recently. It's cash grab and lackluster quality
Cards ass. Sell it before OP09 releases
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Why can't you people post translations as well?
Seen it on cockatrice, and people play via webcam regularly as well. Saw talks about making an untapped mod
Wait, it's not simultaneous release? Oh well, there goes all my interest.
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Tacticool anime waifus. Does not have to be realistic. Use GFL/AK as reference
UA looking like a real competitor. I feel bad for Digimon... ...
Pretty, what's it from?
Finally got the chance to bust out Spirit Duels today and it's really fun. The game feels like a streamlined version of Destiny with a Pokemon like theme.
Cute beetle lad.
I used him in one of my games, he's pretty solid as you can move one of die from one spirit to another. Since the dice are generic and the power of the face is based on the spirit they belong to he can be really usefull.
Fuck Dice
>and dice
Yes, have you notplayed SW:Destiny?
I'm a sucker for games with spaces and tiles like Vanguard and Monster Collection. It reminds me of my homebrew project.
Is it me or too many recent card games follow the idea of having leaders?
So I'm curious about Grand Archive, but I take it there isn't a digital client?
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It's because Commander is the most popular TCG at the time. It's an easy way to identify what your deck does and encapsulates the strategy, aesthetic and gameplan in a concise singular package.
No Digital Client sir
have you got a LGS who host the game?
I live in the middle of nowhere so the only niche game that gets any play at either of my LGS is One Piece.
Name of the girl in pic?
People saying Fuck Dice are uncultured swines who don't belong here. Begone noobs
i'm onto you, ashes shill
The name is literally in the pic, it's Hong Kong
dice ruin card games. The only time they are acceptable is when they are entirely adjustable, at which point they aren't even dice but just counters/tokens
>dice ruin card games
Pretty sure you're reffering to dice card effects like roll a die and if you get a 6 etc.

Other than that, gonna disagree with you there bro.
that's literally the only way to include dice while keeping them functionally as dice. It adds a very degenerate element to the variance. Even in Ashes you have shit like your 6s letting you shoot stuff for damage or reviving creatures, and if you don't roll them, you need to start milling card to get them.
>1 in 60 chance of drawing a specific card is good.
>1 in 6 chance of rolling a certain is le bad because... It just is!
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I love spoiler season
>1 in 60 becomes 1 in 15 if you have 4of, or 1 in 7.5 if you have effective duplicates (like removal).
>You draw 5~7 cards at start
>You can draw more cards per turn
>the the longer the games goes on the more the probabilities change
>You can have tutors
>Different cards will interact differently together
>Deck building unlocks new strategies
>you rolled a 1, tough luck
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Alternatively you can have a blend of card and die faces with something like the challenge deck from Earthborne Rangers.

Every check you make you draw a challenge card and compare the appropriate modifier to your stat for the "roll." There's extra symbols on the bottom that activate trigger effects on faceup cards with appropriate symbols. Twenty four card deck that features four reshuffle card symbols (1/6) that make it possible to reset the available rolls often and prevent you from easily predicting probability left in the deck.
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She is a coomer case hit art variant of a popular Lrig, I am so sorry anon.
I want her to rape me for every last drop of my seed so badly
Sounds like a decent turnout.
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Today's Build Divide reveal is a Super Rare from set 15.

[Evol - (2B, 1R)]
Target 1 of your units with the (Dragon) attribute, during this turn it gets Power +3000. If this was played by Evol, then, destroy all your opponent's units with a Power equal to or less than the target.
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Does Union Arena have any original art like Digimon/One Piece or is it all stuff from the respective anime/manga etc like Weiss Schwarz?
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>laughs in Neopet
They choked off the mutant wave for this.
>IDK i think FFG wants to crash this game.
264 turnout
Sexy females play the game also
Sorry 246*
1 in 6 chance with additional mechanics to let you retry baked into the game even.
>Sexy females play the game also
You're 0 for 2 in that image, anon.
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I really love this game a lot. The die rolls also never feel like it's entirely down to luck, since so many factors can help alter results and amount of dice rolled. I do hate that rainbow Neopets are one per box so I've been using proxies for the ones I don't have. This would have been great as a LCG but I get that they need to make people chase after cards.
Thinking more about this, I think unique deck identity could be also added by throwing some extra identifiers onto the card, and anything that is outside of those identifiers could only be a 1-of in a deck, with no uniques. e.g. Ancient Sparta could be Hellenic, Kingdom, Slavers, or something like that, and each card would have a mix of various types as well.
Why cant they stop making useless cards? Theres a quick timing that power buffs then applies the current power as damage to any unit in Red already ffs
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Uh, in Basic, old friend?
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>Why cant they stop making useless cards?
I came here to ask this about SWU

the cards they're printing are so bad that it makes me wonder if every good archetype in the game wasn't purely an accident and not at all the way they thought their game was played
FFG have a good track record with card design.

Give them time anon.
pack filler.
Netrunner was full of pack filler too. And it was an LCG!
god I started playing this game just for Piruluk and it didn't even last long enough where I live for her first printing to show up. Life is truly unfair
the first round of PQs (regionals) are such a shitshow they had to issue a public statement that they're "working" on improving them
2 cost for a scalable nuke - if you have tokens - is potentially good. Really just need 4 or 5 units to make it pretty good.
Do you mean game design or event organization? I'm so confused and kinda think it implies the former while more than likely means the latter.
I'm tinkering with a hunting focused card game (both players focus on hunting common prey, they don't fight each other). So aside for a unique premise I think it could have the collectible aspect of different animals (and lots of alt arts) and guns.
I want crusades!
For me it's Beyblade X. Fuck this star wars shit, I'm going to play a gear sport.
Based, we making holes in the wall this version
Spiffy cat
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I don't get Piruluk lovers, she was ok in the first anime; really nasty. The second series hasn't pulled me from the couple episodes I watched; and I have been told her popularity comes from a manga nobody reads. I would get it more if they were obsessed with big tittied Fluttershy
To torture the metaphor as I watched DIVA(A)LIVE. Pinkie Dash with her friend Appleshy make friends with Twilight Rarity in a greator effort to be the best ponies. To save you 4 hours: it doesn't get good till the last 2 episodes with the exception being the fanservice episode where not team rocket steals all the girls clothes at an onsen. I guess it is a watch for holobronies.

The first Wixoss anime is definitely the standout show. You could call it a Madoka Magica clone, but it does its own thing and is amusing as a product advertisement as all the characters who play the game suffer severe mental anguish for doing so.
First season of WIXOSS was good though it felt a bit padded and repetitive. Ending was great and set us up for the most legendary run of kino known to man, but they completely fumbled it and crudely forced the same 'oh woe is me' stuff as the first season had legitimately included as part of it's plot.
If they made a season where ruuko just embraced her love of battling after getting influenced by urith and we got eight-ten episodes of them crushing girl's dreams and making them cry in brutal LRIG domination it would have been great.

I only skimmed 3/4 but it seems like there's a plot point where the new protagonists need to beat someone in a competition to stop something bad from happening and ruuko just quietly enters it and wins because she's ruuko, so that's nice.
I feel like I'm having a stroke
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Thank you.
The Diva girls are underrated. I didn't watch the Diva anime but I think they are well designed characters. It's a pity that people give them so much flack and it seems like they are back to nostalgia baiting with the latest sets.
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Mostly I just think Piruluk is cute, but I thought her role in the first series was also pretty cool. There aren't a lot of card game shows out there that accurately depict how much mental anguish you can experience at the hand of a blue control player

I think the Diva-series LRIGs are well-designed for what they are, but I've never really been a fan of idol stuff and it feels like a weird theme to tack on to a property that made a name for itself by being bizarrely dark
Duel Masters Lost

We gonna be talking about there here like we did before for Build Divide?
Actually I doubt anyone will sub it :/
I'll watch it for sure
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What about Bakugan?
>a game entirely about balls touching
that shit was impossible
>a weird theme to tack on to a property that made a name for itself by being bizarrely dark
That's just the anime though. The game itself is agnostic to all that.
Even in the first season there is mention of the Wixoss being a cute game.
If anything, some of the older more edgy cards would be out of place.
Is it actually gonna be good though? The promotional art seems edgy, but if it's gonna be just for kids I'll pass.
Well sadly the era of card game anime has died.
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I wouldn't say it's agnostic to the tone of the show. While the cards do tend to be cute, a lot of them also tend to have a more serious or cool feeling rather than strictly being bubbly and colorful, especially in the early sets. I think cards like that are a lot more appealing than cards with happy idol girls on them
>leader cards
>back-and-forth interactivity
>traps and surprises
>tons of characters, locations, and events to reference

Ace Attorney is the perfect fit for a card game
I don't want another card game with leader cards.
So no thanks
It's overdone at this point.
And aren't you people tired of IP games already?

Like when I play Yugioh and summon Stardust Dragon or Battle Spirits and play Siegwurm, there's a element of excitement.

When you play One Piece TCG or Dragon Ball games, that excitement isn't replicated.
>Kano should be dead now, tomes were important to him
>People disrespect AB
>Kano wins event
It keeps happening
You have mentioned idol twice now. But honestly, I didn't even realize the Diva lrig were idols, the cards really don't portray them as such. In fact, when starting the game, I couldn't even tell who were or were not Diva lrigs. Aya, Dona, Guzuko etc all could have been Diva lrigs.
I think people are just conflating their dislike of the anime with the characters.
You get what you fucking deserve.
This is why Kano is based.
What's Digimon like?
It's probably the most interesting current Bandai game, but it's still a Bandai game.
Other than leaders and colored mana, how do you encourage deck variety?
It's currently between Digimon and Lorcana if i was to pick up an alternative CCG. Lorcana has more players but i don't really care for the setting, Digimon has less players in my area but I like the setting.
>I like the IP
You might as well enjoy it while it's around, then. Seems like an easy choice to me.
Lorcana if you want to get a girlfriend I guess.
I know you dudes go into your LGS, see a female and get a boner but you take your glasses off and see a tranny
you, sir, are an artist
Most people seem to grok Type B more quickly. I've also found a small minority really struggle to grasp how blocking works in Type A; sometimes to the point of inability.
I am making a historical military TCG >>93961526

>>93946054 and it seems we have several same ideas for a game. Though also many differences. But overall theme of militaries, cities and buildings/locations are in my game as well.
>Disney Adult
if your mechanical reference points are magic and yugioh, you need to play some more games dude. those two are extremely primitive. it'd be like if you were a car designer and you went in to a manufacturer with a concept to pitch, and led with "it's like the Model T, but I've made numerous improvements". well, no shit. your game is making improvements over the dinosaurs, and so has every other TCG printed in the last 25 years.

As to the combat style, Type B with some restrictions is usually best. a good game gives players a large suite of viable decisions every turn. but experience has proven that if you just let any creature attack any other at any time, it leads to stalled battlefields. so you need some ways to constrain the attacking ability to make those choices harder. some examples:
>common creature abilities that make them untargetable, or protect other creatures near them from attacks (eg keyforge)
>creatures can only be targeted for attacks if they're tapped
>only creatures on a "front row" can be attacked while any are on the front row, but these are also the only ones allowed as blockers
>player can use his own health total to block for creatures under some conditions
Why limit to history of Europe? There's some cool shit in the americas and Asia at a minimum that would make for some interesting sets or mechanics.
Type A works better if there is a tactical merit to letting attacks through instead of blocking (eg: Battle Spirits)
As for Type B, I'll preface this by saying I don't think I've played enough games that have it, but it will likely have the problem of one player snowballing due to the other not having the resources to push back after their units keep getting wiped out, so that's something to keep in mind
>but it will likely have the problem of one player snowballing due to the other not having the resources to push back after their units keep getting wiped out
Thats the reason I was also considering the Type A
With Type B, if one player gains an advantage on even turns 1-3, they can continuously keep the other player from building any kind of unit presence at all and games can become very one sided.
I've considered making it so that units can by default only attack the enemy players HP, but that it would be common for creatures to have activated abilities for a cost, that cause them to attack target creatures. This would make it so that you might have to pass on playing an additional creature card this turn if you want one of your creatures on the field to kill off one of your opponents creatures. It would at least slow you down this way in early game, then late game when both players have much more casting cost resources, they are able to do both summons and attack ability payments in one turn - but both sides have an established board presence by now so its not unfair.
Do you have $10,000 to spend on art?
No need, I have drawing talent myself and will draw every card myself.
Btw the idea of paying for artists is outdated, anyone can just have an AI make their games artwork for free if they can't draw themselves. But since I enjoy drawing and have some skill in it, I will hand draw it all as that is more authentic feeling than the AI alternative.
Its also very important to me that the artwork in the game looks just like the kind of artwork I enjoy myself. The clean, sterile artwork of modern card games disgusts me. They all have that digital drawing look like any and all imperfections were carefully edited out, its just not how true art is, in real drawing you don't get second chances and the little imperfections stay in the end result and bring character to the image.
>Its also very important to me that the artwork in the game looks just like the kind of artwork I enjoy myself.
For me it's the "traced stock photo" look of wikiHow.
Type A also works better than in mtg if damage doesn't fall off. Makes removal less relatively valuable and generally makes combat more strategic if it's attritive.
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Why would he when he can use AI?
A potential problem with that solution is the defending player would need to spend resources to whittle down the other player's units on their turn, because otherwise they'd die from direct attacks if they focus on building their field too much. Maybe that's what you want for your game, maybe not. Also that's assuming if players can't assign blockers as well, which would probably play differently and fall under Type A

How about introducing a cost to maintain units on the field? Going back to Battle Spirits, spirits require atleast one core on them to stay on the field, and you can put a bunch of cores one of them to increase stats and unlock new effects. If you summon a bunch of them at once, you'll have difficulty playing more cards since your core reserves would be spent keeping them on the field, and that's before taking into account their low levels since your cores would be spread thin. Supply lines/food reserves would probably make sense in the setting too
I've considered this too. Also thinking of a possibility of creature units having two types of vitality. Health points, which are semi-permanently damaged but recover a small amount each turn, and armor which is permanently broken and different weapon types can be resisted by armor, pierce armor (ignore it) or crush armor (blunt dmg would actually multiply damage taken by unit relative to how much armor that enemy unit has) - but armor can be restored to full with something like blacksmith units or blacksmiths shop building cards that are permanents on the field.
Maybe some kind of healer units such as medics can restore health as well - this will add more reasons to have women on cards as a certain standard of realism has to be in my game, women can not be warriors (except in the Amazoness tribe from Greek mythology, which will be a faction, but it will function very differently from every other faction in which only men can be combat units).
Blocking could be free of cost, just that targeted attacks to kill off enemy creatures would have a cost.
>How about introducing a cost to maintain units on the field?
I thought of upkeep costs but I dont like this because the game has a YuGiOh inspired extra deck mechanic where you remove your creatures and/or other permanents from the field or hand to summon boss creatures from the extra deck.
For example, needing to send Arthur and Sword in the Stone to the graveyard in order to summon King Arthur from the extra deck, which will be a much more powerful creature than normal Arthur, as he now has Excalibur. Having to lose your boss creature because you couldnt pay an upkeep cost would be too devastating after already replacing 2 cards with 1. These boss creatures need to be very capable at defending their existence on the field like boss monsters in YuGiOh.

Another problem with upkeep costs is, that I like the idea of players being able to amass large armies of units to better represent the feel of armies fighting each other.
Upkeep costs will keep the amount of units on field low, which will make the game feel more like a few guys versus few guys, not much of a war.
>no rumors
>no news
>no spoilers

im gonna make a wild speculation and say that next fab set is going to be everfest 2
>if your mechanical reference points are magic and yugioh, you need to play some more games dude
That's kinda what I'm getting from this. Seems a whole bunch of "Let's take elements from Yu-gi-oh and add them into this new game"

And if you're having to do that then that's sad.
Yu-gi-oh isn't even a good designed game.
Sounds like you didn't read any of my posts if thats what you got, because my game is nothing like YuGiOh. It only has inspiration from the extra deck feature from it and even that will end up feeling different because YGO has no casting costs, my game does.
Maybe actually read my posts and you would have known its nothing like YGO or MtG, either one.
My game is very original and different from any card game I have ever seen, thats the whole point because as I said, I want to fix the things I dislike about the existing popular TCGs. I also already said I don't want to reveal the original ideas because I am serious about making and releasing this game, these are trade secrets to be kept until marketing and release.
Wild speculation we're going to get a set that sends us to the Savage lands, because it's the one place I want them to take us that they have completely avoided.
Rather than worrying about the 10k in art costs I'd be more worried about the millions he'll need in advertising if he wants it to be the runaway success he thinks it will be. The contacts with international distributors as well.

Anon, 100%Authentic military Europe is not a theme that will "corner the white male market", hell it won't even corner the nerd market. History shit is way more niche than you think it is.

As for your question:
>Type C: creatures can attack the enemy player or "used" creatures on the opponent's side.
The choice between those two systems and ONLY those two systems makes me think you don't know nearly enough about TCGs to be making one.

Post art.
>millions he'll need in advertising if he wants it to be the runaway success he thinks it will be. The contacts with international distributors as well.
It will be a digital videogame client CCG first, duh. Then if that succeeds the profits can fund the launch of a paper version of the game.
>Anon, 100%Authentic military Europe is not a theme that will "corner the white male market", hell it won't even corner the nerd market. History shit is way more niche than you think it is.
Thats not what I said. I said authentically inspired by history of Europe, as in believable, as in not DEI pozzed. Not "realistic military sim". It will have gods and mythical creatures as cards. It will have all the cultures as factions that are never in media, such as Finnish mythology.
>The choice between those two systems and ONLY those two systems makes me think you don't know nearly enough about TCGs to be making one.
I wasn't making a hardline stance between two options. That post was literally at character limit, this board does not exactly promote deep conversation, just short posts. Also your argument is moronic, you act like people cant have favorite types of combat for games if it doesn't line up with your favorites - I named those two types because I like them (and they are not exactly unpopular core themes for card game combat, existing in the top few most popular TCGs). I dont need to specifically go for a more niche, unpopular type of combat basis like in your favorite dead hipster game that only 80 people globally care about.
>Post art.
I have never converted any of my drawings into digital form. They are all hand drawn pencil art. Will probably switch to drawing tablet for making the card arts.
Someone shill me on this game.
>I have played at least 9 different trading/collectible card games
9 is not a very high amount of games, especially if you're counting digital cards. I can think of about 26 /acg/s off the top of my head I've played and have physical cards for still in my house, and I'm sure I'm forgetting some.

Have you played any 1v1 fighting TCGs? Have you played any Deceipher games? Have you played any of the /acg/ GOATs like Codex?
>Also your argument is moronic, you act like people cant have favorite types of combat for games if it doesn't line up with your favorites - I named those two types because I like them (and they are not exactly unpopular core themes for card game combat, existing in the top few most popular TCGs).
Sounds like I hit it dead on, why get so defensive?
> I dont need to specifically go for a more niche, unpopular type of combat basis like in your favorite dead hipster game that only 80 people globally care about.
And here's the proof. What I described is a popular extant mechanic that's very popular with Japanese DM-derived games, it's not some obscure nonsense from a dead game no one ever hear of. It's used in FoW, every Bandai game that isn't BS, and a couple more existing games.

A fart in the wind propped up by the usual ACG crowd convinced yet again it will be the next big thing/have any meaningful legs.
It's a kitchen table game.

There's nothing wrong with that, but don't mistake it for a mainstream tcg.
It had a chance to gain a decent following, but the endless delays at every stage of the "revival" - on top of basically zero engagement with either retailers or the community - suggests you're completely right.
>Thats cool, but I dont need to play dozens because I am creating a game of my own original ideas, interests and imagination first and foremost
Rule 0 of business is know your competition, anon. Learn from what others have done, know what works and what doesn't. This is really basic stuff.

>It won't be anything like that so there would be no point.
You really don't sound like a designer. How do you know the check mechanic from UFS or the destiny mechanic from MMNT warrior don't suit your game if you don't know what either of those are? Why can't you take inspiration from FaB's pitching mechanic to incorporate some long term strategy into your game? Why is ivion's psoitionality not able to get you to think about how maneuvering armies work in your own game?
There's plenty of ways you could learn from these games both directly and indirectly.

Same goes for many, many other games, in all sorts of sub-genres.

>Not gonna play them though unless there are F2P game clients.
>Wants to capture the market, won't research anything that's not free.
You know even F2Ping most F2P games won't give you a true sense of what the game has to offer, right? Plus digital F2P ccgs are heavily leaning toward hearth clones, with a few MTG inspired games sprinkled in, so no wonder that's your frame of reference.
>ivion mentioned
There are dozens of us!
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Waiting for this action card
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>DEI callouts
>self-limiting apeal
>grandiose plans
>concerned ideas will "leak"
>using AI and own, currently non-digitized sketches as art
>starting as a digital ccg
This is top tier bait, anon, well done. You earned the dozens of (you)s.
It's live! Finally got The Condemned added to CCG Trader.


Now we just need to wait for financebro to get through to him. Also, any web developers here in /acg/? My store showed me how they use TCGPlayer in their store for their inventory, and they would be willing to sell a shipload of dead games through CCG Trader if they had a similar setup. CCG Trader will need some help making it happen, if we can help them get it up and going, there's a whole hell of a lot of value to be gained for everyone.
Financebro here, got a response last night but have had family in town and haven't been able to get a full response to him yet. Sounds like the web dev step would be a big win as well from what he sent back - the cost he gets charged per sale via POS is a little high, but at least low enough to be more competitive than £/sale, particularly for stores rather than individual sellers.
Designing a fun and balanced - to say nothing of popular - game is more about trial and error than creativity and inspiration. You can replace research with play testing, in much the same way you can replace a diesel engine with horses, but why would you? If you've got giants offering to pick you up, stand on their fuckin' shoulders instead of trying to bootstrap from the ground up.
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If I was gonna make a card game, I'd base it on Valkyria Chronicles.
Change the universe, make new units, heroes, etc. I did the same for The Condemned. It started as "how would I make Let It Die into a card game?"
Oh yeah, that's definitely a hit. I too was talking about targeting specifically, so now who's making things up about the other.

>You started off by immediately making moronic assumptions about my designs that you had no reason to believe.
You starting with talking about "fixing" resource mechanics is all the justification I need to make assumptions that you didn't know about many card games. You know else who "fixed" the resource issue? Almost every other game released since the year 2000. There's some notable exceptions (looking at you darkness: the rising) but that's not really an issue that needs to be fixed with 99% of ACGs. Not to mention that by your own admission you've only played 9 mostly digital games, with digital card games tend towards being so innovative and incestuous in design that they make Bandai seem like a bastion of creativity.
>More projection from the man with the most fragile ego on /tg/.
Only thing worth responding to is to say that you're so out of your depth you don't even know what proxying is.
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Don't remind me of this shit product, you still can get Vingolf 2s for 10 bucks. It is an ok way to get dual stones quickly (and I like vingolf frames) but yeah everything else in the box is unplayable except against itself.
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>I didn't even realize the Diva lrig were idols
They all come in groups with their own band names, tons of them have music gear and theming, Piece cards represent songs they play together, and it's literally called Diva
Based. Though I don't know how well it would translate. I thought about a minis game based on it once, but then I realised it would just be infinity.
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Crossover when?
A game that stayed alive for 10 years before the company that made it shifted into boardgames (they kept producing L5R for another 3 years but dropped all other ccgs).
Easy to learn, complex enough to be as hard as Chess (no irony here) in high level.
As you move your characters and have to secure ranks to play new stuff, you will most of times be in a position where you either move to secure more "fire power" or keep things back to ensure you can play new stuff. The game has dice rolling but aside from the trait that makes odd rolls fail you will most of times don't even bother about rolling it.

Cool decks to play:
Stealth assassins: Characters with the Stealth skill can attempt to move to the opposing ranks and "hunt" down the opposing warlord. (Pros: Once you get your dude on enemy territory you will have an easy time killing your opponent ;; Cons: If your opponent kills every single character you own in your army/ranks then your stealth-ed character will lose his advantage and will be forced back into your ranks)

Play big character: just like the deck in your image, just have your deck be higher level characters and curve them out, eventually move one or two to the front rank so they can tank attacks. (Pros: It is easy to play ;; Cons: You are at an advantage against combo decks and ranged strike decks)

PewPew decks: Decks based on ranged strike, either with spells (when your warlord is a wizard) or bows and things that produce ranged strike (for rogues), Usually players use items that improve ranged strikes (like increassing the range and damage) and go for one strike (Pros: You usually goes for one strike to end the game if you are a rogue, while you make lots of attacks if you are a wizard Cons: You will probably have a hard time because your opponent will probably annihilate your army before you can make your shoots)

Uber/Voltron: Big dumb fighter = op

there are many other decks, but those archetypes are cool to start imo.
Walked into my local LGS, haven't been there in about 2 months since I've been traveling. They completely removed like 90% of their game variety. The card case is now all MTG/Pokemon. Yugioh had one shelf of some 25th anniversary tins, One Piece had about 10 boxes on a shelf in the back. No more digimon, grand archvie, wixoss, FAB, etc. Asked if they were planning on carrying any of those games again and they said if Union Arena takes off like One Piece they might but it's unlikely. All local tourneys are ended except for FNM and trading exhibition days. Going to try and get people into other games I guess so the games nights aren't just mtg but overnight my local scene is fucking gone.
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Well I can kind of understand where you are going with this, but it didn't throw you off that when you learned which ones were throwback LRIGs that their first depictions have them instruments/microphones in DS?
I just saw a yugioh player do 40 actions in one fucking turn
agreed. best thread in a while. going to make great pasta too.
I love that he keeps doubling down; really top shelf stuff.
>band names
>Piece cards represent songs
And you can tell this from the cards how?
Let's be real, show that image to anyone that doesn't know what wixoss is and 10/10 would tell you they are magical girls, which were what lrigs basically were.
To be honest, not really.
This is a game with card names like "Umr =Tre=. Key to Uproar", creatures based on home appliances and leader cards with scented bath towels. As far as I know, the game could feature anything as long as it was cute anime girls. Hanayo was the only one that jumped out as a redesign and that is only because she is my favorite, and even then there has been so many alts that some of the lrigs being "idols" didn't strike me as odd.
I could tell the art direction was a little brighter than pre-diva and if you watched the anime it would be even more obvious, but to the extend of disliking the game? Nah.
I've thought about how the mechanics could work but I'm too busy to play tcgs that already exists let alone design and playstest one.
A yugioh just flew over my house!
Why the fuck are lorcana cards so expensive if barely anyone plays it? I build a deck but my store never get more than 8 people per tourney
No thanks
I guess but I at least want to get regular games
Oooh, that is some good cat for sure. Thank you.
That LGS is dying, those aren't the actions of a thriving business. I'd bet they overspent on singles and it bit them.
Uh, they're not? A meta deck costs like $150 and most of that will be 2-3 playsets from the first set which still hasn't been printed enough to be below 2x msrp for a box. Cheaper than any other game - besides pokemon - that can pull even 8 regularly.

My LGS pulls mid-20s most of their lorcana night, yours needs to advertise on Facebook to get the boomers out.
This post was forged in a lab to be as cringe as possible
The upkeep could only happen at the start of the turn after resources are refreshed for example, which would allow situations where a player gets to summon a big boy while having 0 resources which is always exciting. Refunding the upkeep cost when the unit dies or fusioned would be another way to help with that mechanic too, but at this point I think I'm just trying to get you to add cores into your game lol

While a neat idea, I do hope you won't literally get people to play like 10+ cards per side on the field, since it'll be super messy to look at unless some sort of structure is made to how units are placed, like in Netrunner
Netrunner isn't about different European cultures going to war against each other, so what could he possibly learn from it?
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Dead as hell, must've been a shit game.
Bro got baited loool
Man I love 4chan and being anonymous
>said if Union Arena takes off like One Piece
It won't. I'll kill myself if it does.
Don't say this anon. Don't make me root for UA's success.
I love you bro >3
Ah yes, the 'Fondle an Unwilling Minor' card.
>no idea why when I specifically said I only came to talk about targeting
It was a natural progression of the discussion, as game mechanics are rarely in a vacuum and bounce off of other mechanics that may or may not serve to make said mechanic feel better. I believe it went "Type B has this problem -> I might use solution A -> that solution has this problem, how about solution B -> solution B disagrees with this other mechanic I have -> how about this modification to solution B to help with that -> we are here"
In any case I've said my piece on both types and other stuff to keep in mind going forward, it's up to you whether or not to take them into account or not
You have the reading comprehension you accuse others of.
It would make it a lot easier to talk about your game if you'd give concrete examples of what your rules and mechanics are.
>but they might get stolen
Alright then you're just going to have people mocking you for sounding like an Ideas Guy.
>There's nothing wrong with my reading comprehension,
Anon you took
>Here's some aspects from contemporary games that might indirectly inspire you because they are tangentially related
>I want you to create a carbon copy of a dead game

Your reading comprehension is so fucked I could say "I think bees are cute" and you'd spend the rest of the thread ranting about how much I hate bees.
He can't post details or we'll know exactly how unoriginal and uninspired his mechanics are.
>you started rambling on about nonsense, making accusations that my game needs to copy this and that and so on.
Looking at other games for inspiration is a very common procedure in game design, and I'm pretty sure I've been very level headed with my suggestions. If I wanted to throw accusations I'd call you a fag for trying to copy mister dinosaur paddock's writing style and end it there instead of playing along for multiple posts.
>I don't need your commentary about copying mechanics from other games.
Why discuss it then? If you didn't need input and thoughts from other people there's no reason to post about it in a public forum. Try asking friends and family first instead next time if you have any, though if they have any kind of background in analog gaming they would likely suggest a lot of the same things
>Also you sure seem to be seething a lot about MTG
I have literally never played magic and have no opinion about it besides thinking that one manga set in the 2000s about it is pretty neat
>. I am fully aware that no other card game my core mechanics
Correction, you know 9 games don't have your core mechanics.
When did Dino Paddock Anon pivot to European Folklore?
>The issue was that you didn't give feedback about my game,
Because you told us sweet fuck all about your game. You know, the one you wanted feedback on.

>Don't backpedal now.
This is why I said your reading comprehension is fucked. To put it in your words, you imagine an argument I was making and then argued with it instead of what I was saying.
You're right, my bad. Other games are good.
Best thread in a while.
I gave you the feedback in >>93962219 and further discussion bounced off from there. If you disagreed and didn't feel like continuing that angle of discussion you could've just not replied. Since you've been disingenuous and arguing in bad faith for a while though I guess I'll help stop for you then. Have a day
>you could've just not replied
By now you should know he's physiogically incapable of that.
I'm sorry but your feedback was shit.
Have a good day and fuck yourself in the ass
Dino poster 2.0 was fuck FaB anon all along. What a twist!
You don't even know what the feedback was.
I've played Uno and Pokemon TCG on Gameboy, and I've come up with a new idea for a game that solves their problems and is better than any card game ever made.
Please do share.
I was respectful, laid out my ideas and what I wanted. But you retards act all schizo and probably got jealous.
Can someone suggest me another board where there aren't retards like you?
He was new based on the post above yours, hopefully he fucks off forever.
Nice try fag, you're not going to steal my idea. You'll find out after you sign up for my Kickstarter like everybody else.
Fuck, foiled again.
I'm here to discuss card games, since that's the one thing you're stedfastly against I'd rather you not be here.
Shut up idiot. You goddamn savage. You'll all be forced to acknoledge me as a game design GOD when I finally publish my game.
You're going to eat your words and regret behaving like baboons to me.
Split card anon here, I was going to post my draft rulebook, but this seems like a bad time. I'll post it in the next thread unless there's some anons who really want to see it. That said, I have a working title "spirit callers" not sure if it's what I'll stick with, but since I've been calling the special resources spirits it seems like a decent enough name.
"Oh my god Anon you're so amazing, is this really the first game you designed? It's too good, Anon, you're too good!"
- you, after I publish my masterpiece except I hesitate to call it a masterpiece because I'm going to make even more amazing games in the future.
You're talking to the wrong guy.....
He's from /v/, so obviously everyone he dislikes is one person.
skeptical on this because we had heavy hitters this year and, what classes, other than brute, do the savage lands have to offer?
Bro I'm laughing, idk what the fuck is going on here lol
Dino anon 2.0, A.K.A. a cope spiral the size of the milky way.
What's going on is that I presented my ideas and was immediately attacked by savages with fewer than five brain cells between them. It's not the first time I've been met with hostility after the lessers get a whiff of my boundless creativity.
I've dismissed no less than eight therapists after quickly sizing up their knowledge and judging it inferior to my own. Mother was greatly displeased each time, but in time too, she will fall in line when the world witnesses my glory.
>after the lessers get a whiff of my boundless creativity.
:/ wat
Fine, idiots. I'll give you just a small taste of what I have in store for the gaming world.
As we all know, Yugioh is a shit show where nothing has costs. Magic came along and solved this problem with its Lands. But as anyone who has played Commander knows you can get manascrewed and lose because you never drew a Land card.
My solution elegantly eliminates this and, indeed, many other issues I've identified with both games.
My solution is this:
Lands are moved out of the main deck and instead have a deck of their own.
Brilliant, is it not? It's already more information than you disgusting apes deserve.
My.. my god,... it... it's genius... I... I'm sorry I doubted you anon. Truly you are a god amongst men who will revolutionise the entire card... no... the entire games industry. Countries will be founded in your honor.
>AIjeet has started calling others indians.
Why is MTG and Yugioh being mentioned here anyway. We don't play or like those games here.....
Seething anon's only point of reference for card games.
please be real
You can play whatever the fuck you want but it just tells me you haven't played that many card games if you have to resort to referencing those games.
Anon, he's a veteran card gamer. He's played 9 whole games! And "looked at" many other games well enough to know all about them, but also those other games are complete trash and no one should bother with them.
Last Evil is the best card game
Why are you so obsessed with FaB?
What would you say are the main TCG resource systems? from my experience it boils down to
1. Your hand is the resource (FaB, GA, etc)
2. Lands (Lorcana, FoW, Sorcery, etc)
3. Energy (One Piece, Hearthstone, etc)

Lands is probably the most used one in physical games and Energy in digital ones (like Slay the Spire), and there aren't a lot of games that stray from these three (only Ashes and Wixoss come to mind).
Best card ever. I run at least eight copies in every deck.
>I am making something original
how do you know that?
>Levels (Vanguard, Wixoss): You can play cards of equal or lesser level than your main card
>Damage (Vanguard, some Final Fantasy TCG cards): You need to have been dealt X amount of damage before you can use a card/ability
I'd add a category for set number of resources per turn (Ashes, SW:D) and something for "Any card is a land" (DM, DBS, etc.). Maybe something for one use resources (Wixoss, BuddyFight?)
I think Damage isn't a "man resource".
Actually Ashes probably going into the Energy category, it's just that instead of building up to 10, you start off with 10.
The "Any card is a land" is just the modern implementation of lands, hence Lorcana, SWU, etc.
I mentioned it literally once.
Wixoss is very weird in how it simultaneously doesn't use resources like YuGiOh, uses one time lands in Ener, and uses levels as a limiting factor. But I would say Ener is probably Wixoss' main resource.
Oh you
I tend to take "Lands" as specific resource cards (MTG, FoW, UFS) rather than the "resource usable once per turn" aspect.

Ashes also probably isn't the best example for X resources per turn. It might be a variant of Energy like you said. I know there are other games that give you a number of resources each turn though.
>If you think for example a talented video game dev goes through every game in a genre to lift ideas from, you are sorely mistaken. They'll at best be inspired by a few of their favourite games but mostly use their own original ideas.
oh you poor soul
Alright man, be quiet and go to sleep already.
You'l also note he thinks "lifting ideas" is the same as being "inspired by" something.
Magic predates yugioh
>Lands are moved out of the main deck and instead have a deck of their own.
Force of Will
Ashes dice
Resource systems
Yugioh Buddyfight Vanguard

Specific Cards
MTG FoW Ashes Pokemon Exodus Final Fantasy One Piece

Cards as Mana Permanently
DBS Duel Masters Star Wars Lorcana Final Fantasy Alpha Clash Build Divide Z/X

Cards as Mana Temporarily
Wixoss Flesh and Blood Final Fantasy Grand Archive

Automatic Mana
Hearthstone Shadowverse Shadow Era Runeterra Elder Scrolls
>to lift ideas from
>They'll at best be inspired
You did this earlier as well.
Resource less TCGs come up with other means to deal with their hot mess

Hard action limit

Numerical limit
Vanguard Wixoss Buddyfight

Damage as Resource
>If you think good devs take inspiration from a lot of things, it's no wonder you don't understand design. That's what lazy uninspired people do.
you talk like someone who has an elementary schooler's level of engagement with art.
"...we are like a dwarf perched on the shoulders of a giant. The former sees further than the giant, not because of his own stature..."
>The "Any card is a land" is just the modern implementation of lands, hence Lorcana, SWU, etc.
that was like a 2nd generation thing. earliest examples were probably some obscure late 90s games. by the time WoW did it in '05 it was already tired enough for people to complain about it being a worn out concept.
there's also the pool of money that accumulates and you can save it from turn to turn. netrunner or codex for instance.
haven't played netrunner, but this sounds a bit like the wixoss system
why does one write
when one is actually very angry?
>Anon is so far up his own ass he can see out his own mouth
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how does this work? wouldn't you just keep spiraling inwards?
those two are pretty different, they just share the carrying over of unspent resources tracked with a little pile of tokens.

you can use an action to make a credit. cards can also make credits more efficiently than 1 action = 1 credit. you keep any credits you make until spent on cards.

you have a any-card-facedown-as-a-land stack called "workers". each worker makes you one gold per turn. any unspent gold is carried over to the next turn
You could see out of your mouth, but you'd just be seeing a continuation of your innards.
if it worked for the world serpent it can work for you too
nice drawing, anon
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aha, i got it
>Never seen anyone that narcissistic before
Try a mirror. You've acted like you know better than everyone about everything this whole thread.
anon, just stop beating off with the OC donutsteel nonsense. post a rules doc and some rough cards, people here can put it on the table and see if it's actually awesome. all this foreplay is not necessary. we can't give you any kind of useful notes if you just keep talking in vague hypotheticals.
He's not looking for notes. He's not looking for feedback. He's here to feel superior.
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>ITT: /lit/ anon refuses therapy on account of his massive intellect; designs revolutionary card game on a whim
holy mother of projection
This is too forced, man. You're not going to recapture the greatness of the deluxe paddock spergout.
Let me guess, it's a Sonic Card Game
>lord anon has declared all else as trash.
You're certainly describing someone in this thread...
>bad games that failed because they were bad
>I don't need to play the obscure failing ones because their designs made them fail.
>their style of combat is better than in your hipster games.
>there is a reason why it's more popular than your favourite game: it's just better
>otherwise they wouldn't be failing and obscure
>You think just one guy recognizes that shit game as shit? It's not good otherwise it wouldn't be dead.
You guys are still going huh?
Is it still:
>I played x amount of games, I know what I am talking about.
>you only played x amount of games? you are basically retarded.
Is this the same guy?
i am non of the anons you were arguing with until now, but I will attempt to understand this post as a grasp of honesty.
You surely must see how having an attitude of "I am totally original, but I don't have the experience to know it" while at the same time thinking that great artists pluck their ideas out of the aether can be seen as juvenile and pretentious? Be it painters, writers, game designers, or film directors, all of the great ones have spent a grueling amount of time learning from their past masters and improving upon them. Replicating and learning techniques before knowing what be be added and improved. The Renaissance didn't happen over night, and neither was anyone born a master of the arts.
Do... do you honestly not see the point that was being made? Do you think I'm just mad you're calling games you've bever played trash? It was a clear example of you literally doing the thing you accused others of.
Why not both? I can name any target and you can block for anyone with anyone
What makes a game succeed is not it's theme, mechanics, uniqueness or quality. It's 75% marketing and 25% luck.
Fucking knew that would be his response. This guy is serisously 'tarded.
>I never said I wasn't inspired by other things
Name them. Do it faggot.
>He thinks I care if he respects me
That's cute. Though expected of a narcissist. Remind me again who is the one with a dozen posts calling games trash?
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He wasn't the hero we deserved, but he was the hero we needed.

See you fellow mouth breathers on the next one.
>You seem totally unable to recognise what an insufferable cunt you behaved like from the start.
That's because your perception skills are fucking terrible. I LITERALLY told you I was acting like a cunt on purpose and you didn't seem to notice.
>insisting that only games inspired by your favourite games could possibly be good.
Link the post.
>Why didn't you just link to the post? It's the same thread moron.
man shut ur retard ass up lol
What in the fuck is wrong with the people who make yugioh cards? Why is every single effect in one continuous paragraph? It makes it pure torture even trying to read the card
Link the post bitch boi.
anon, you're making more of this than it is. people were just looking for some context. which you've got to own - your introductory post made you sound like an uninformed ass. you've got to expect some pushback.

>We are long past the point of me sharing game mechanics after the way you homos behaved.
ok, so if you don't want to talk about your game anymore, why are you still here?
>why are you still here?
Because he's still seething that we don't appreciate his greatness.
Why do you feel the need to respond to every post?
how much time do you spend on /pol/, be honest?
Link the post though.
Marketing is 50% theme, 25% art, and 25% luck.
Okay, bvut where's the link.
Why can I show you're full of shit using your own words but you can only "paraphrase" mine and can't link to actual proof?
The weight of pretension and schizophrenia to racialized thinking feels more like 70% /lit/ 30% /pol/

And because he's a shitposter playing a character, he's gone this whole meltdown without once mentioning jews. That would be impossible if he was real.
sorry anon, the white race only likes slop these days. Asia is the future.
>get government job
>learn chinese
>await the soft-takover
That's the play here right? Make sure your lineage is part of the state instead of the peasantry.
Luck is 75% marketing, 20% pandering, 5% kissing the ring or star
Asia is nothing but IP crossovers now. TCGs have fallen
>assumptions that I am only inspired by mtg and ygo, when NOTHING in my post even in the slightest implies that
anon, you brought them up by name in your first post

so you want to make Sorcery? you could have just led with that
I dunno, a 70/30 might do that. could be more of a "our society is a doomed, fallen empire" type without having (yet) gone in for the whole le grand conspiracy thing
>Billions must discard
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I tried putting this into wolfram alpha. The jewish element of the equation is very confusing. Does this mean pandering is inversely correlated to it?
Ok let's brainstorm theme elements to attract a TCG player base. These could be combined. No licensed IPs.

- Anthro animals (like sonic)
- mechs or robots
- waifus
- unusual art style like pixel art
- meme references
- really weird and distinct factions

I'm thinking about the next game after my realistic historical Evropean setting has succeeded.

Ah, shit...

We're just too quick on the uptake...

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