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How would your average mudcore medieval fantasy int 8 druid who likely believes in some insane forest god know what a tyrannosaurus rex is?
Because D&D 5e settings are usually absolute clusterfucks where you have floating cities with magitech jetpacks right next to forests full of literal dinosaurs. It's retarded as hell, but that's what you get with modern DnD.
Because I went to Chult.
That's just Dragonball.
His tribe ride dinosaurs across the savannah.
He made a Knowledge Nature check
An elder druid drew it on the bark of the ancient oak.
Their circle worship dinosaurs almost like the ancient japanese worshiped the kami.
you're confusing your shitty DM with settings
Sounds based and more interesting than Medieval england/france/germany combo fighting goblins in a cave #15312532
>Translation: anon has never read any official D&D settings
Why he didn't drew Godzilla?
Have you ever looked at the default encounter tables in a D&D monster manual?

Just kidding, you don't actually play games lol
Based Eberron enjoyer
He wasn't familiar with that grand wonder, and none of them have yet managed the much less interesting but surprisingly on par Prismasaurus. Magical Beast type and Epic HD are a bitch.
What gives? You can just draw something, say you worship it, and therefore you can wildshape into it. It is like 5e, man. The greatest game eva. You need to transform into saurus, lel.
>Magical Beast as a type
>Epic HD
No, it's not 5e, 5e Druids don't get a Tyrannosaurus Rex as a permanent minion. And even in 5e, there's still a CR limit, even for Circle of the Moon.
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>DBZ is 5e compliant
Oh no...
the problem with d&d is that settings usually are NOT like you are describing
Dinosaurs aren't actually all that rare in D&D.
because a pressed and mostly complete fossilized skeleton resides at the back of a cave in their forest?

I just write my own and having Dinosaurs in the rules means I have a good template to make other colossal beasties of my own.

I make my own tables based on what I feel SHOULD be in any given place
they're called "dragons" in his setting
Can druids finally transform into cool stuff again?
Druids smell awful though
That sounds more like od&d than 5e. It also sounds fun as fuck.
>D&D 5e settings
Anon, I'm pretty sure that demotivational is from the 3.5 days.
What would a tyrannosaur wish for?
Longer hands?
To not be extinct?
No, I've got it, no more NEAs large enough to threaten earths bio-sphere.
I thought it was gonna say something like
>If you even think about hurting those precious creatures I will throw a tornado at you
it's in 5e. Page 79-80 of my monster manual deluxe remastered 11th printing has 6 different dino stat blocks.
I can't remember any modules with dinos but I'm sure they're somewhere. Probably in one of those 9 trillion AL modules.
They'd definitely wish for bigger arms
we already know the answer, death
I don't know, running on four legs is faster.
I think they just didn't need them and they got tiny over time and might have completely disappeared had they not gone extinct.
Isn't this a Blue Oyster Cult song?
int 8 people love dinosaurs
It's handy to have limbs that can reach your mouth in case you need to manually adjust something that's currently in your mouth and your tongue isn't cutting it.
>have splintered bone stuck in your gums
>can't work it loose with your tongue
>just bite harder bro
I have a pet lizard, and he occasionally needs to use his front limbs to fix a problem in his head area.
That's what birds are for. But the trex alread is one.
Using four legs is more tiring though. Two legs is a lower energy way to get around
if two legs was better form of locomotion why so few mammals evolved that way?
>D&D 5e settings
I don't know if 5e has a single original setting. 99% of its setting content uses settings from previous editions. Weird thing to pin on 5e.
>if two legs was better form of locomotion why so few mammals evolved that way?
Mostly because it's also rather risky, human bipedal locomotion in particular is basically a controlled fall.
Honestly I'm not even that worried about the "seen it before" restriction. It's there, sure, and it makes a degree of sense, but it just doesn't bother me. The power of the druid is already gated behind their level, so it's just not a big deal.

And it's not like Dinosaurs are "animals+" within their CR, so it isn't like they're unlocking the more powerful version of things. They're just animals.

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