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Previous Thread: >>93924333
Can you guys give me a premise for a CYOA or a general idea of a CYOA you haven't seen or wanted?

It would help me a lot. I just need ideas to bounce off of.
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Here is my little OC
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>choice of different throwaway settings, instead of elaborating a single setting
don't do this
Minion master cyoas.
>no feast of good
Isn't that just an army builder?
I want more sci fi stuff but I know that's a bit difficult a genre for some people.

I'd love an army builder though like Mercenary Captain. Maybe with cyber punk and magical units. Always love a sci fi magic mixed modern setting.
a gentleman thief cyoa
A cyoa about traversing one specific dungeon with a party. Not an abstract dungeon, each room could be as thoroughly described as a kingdom might be in some other cyoa.
Focused on that in the same way Witch's Game by Zugzwang is focused on the year-long duel with the witch.
>I want more sci fi stuff but I know that's a bit difficult a genre for some people.
Italics will ironically save us Sci-Fi bro.

Eternal Blue about the water world with hovercrafts. Star Runners and total space elf death. Colossian and being the robot. Echoes PSY thwarting an alien invasion.

We're going to be alright.
You are a jobber in most worlds, lmao
General Wanglong Zhanshen
Major: Power, Clearing
Minor: Duelling, Relentlessness, Guard with Mastery
Perks: Mastery, Aura, Grip, Weapon (giant and heavy guandao)
Setting: Xinjia, Noble

He will find you on the battlefield, he will charge and slaughter anyone on his path, he will isolate you from your allies and he will gut like a pig
>t. died at the hands of swordmaster WanglAng ZhEnshen who had the same abilities as him but better
It's Italics though, I like him but he's so fucking slow since he keeps turning shit into Novels. Dear god I'd love an Italics CYOA but I don't have the cope.
Yes, make more.
Four of the six settings state that you're among the best in the world.
Meaningless. In all stories jobbers are also top 1% of the world or some shit. The point is, they are weaker than the people that actually matter.
And the people that actually matter are...?
nta but in worlds like Earth-B67 you are literally a slave
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I'll be closing the poll soon
who is winning?
Somehow worse than the original.
So the two best Magic worlds are Khrom or END
Gauntlet but the hoe is just one vote behind
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Posting Beri's Living Dungeon because I finally finished a build for it.
I've already vooted so I won't be pitching in again, but I'm curious to see any of the artifacts.

Awesome. I loved the original, I'll make a build for this variant shortly.
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oh fuck we already know who the gauntlet are....(pic related)
i wanna see the hoe
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>Guard (Major) / Drawing (Major)
The core of my build. My entire fighting style revolves around both attacking and parrying through Iaijutsu techniques, returning my blade to its scabbard after each strike
>Motion (Minor)
For the speed boost of my strikes, though not necessarily for movement, as I’ll be more of a static and reactive fighter.
>Precision (Minor)

>Mastery (Precision Minor -> Major)
I’m not the kind of fighter who makes big sweeping slashes. Instead I kill with small, precise cuts aimed at tiny targets, like severing the tendons of a hand or slicing a single artery in the neck. With Motion + Drawing, my strikes are already incredibly fast, but when targeting small critical points, the speed ramps up even more. My blade is nigh invisible when it leaves its sheath.
I'm a one trick pony but I honed that one trick to godlike perfection.
>Unusual Stance
Iaijutsu was originally developed to allow a samurai sitting beside his master to defend him from any idle position. One of my gimmicks is that I often fight while sitting (on the floor, in a chair, etc). I sometimes even sit at the start of or during a fight. When seated, my blade becomes deadlier and anyone who steps into my range is killed instantly.
>Charisme / Immune
I'm going to fuck a lot of women all over the world, and Immune will make me immune to STDs. Very important.
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I always liked the archetype of the foreign asian warrior with an exotic fighting style in a western fantasy setting, including in Conan stories.
With a twist. Rather than being a noble myself, I'm a wandering swordsman who has caught the eye of a decadent rich fucker passionate about fighting and gladiatorial contests. He’s taken me under his wing (both because of my strength and because I'm a foreigner he can exhibit to his friends) so I'm going to enjoy the hedonistic lifestyle of my patron while traveling the world with him. He's helping me meet and fight other famous swordsmen in various tournaments and exhibition duels at noble parties (noble ladies often ask my patron if they can take me to their bed after the party, thinking I'm a slave, which I sometimes roleplay as with my patron's complicity, just to see where things go and also escape consequences). Plus, I'm also a bodyguard of a sort since he likes to drink and get into trouble.
I'm basically what Ubisoft wishes Yasuke was for Nobunaga, but better.
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If we tie it means you have to show us both.
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Nah, I'll live
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yes and regarding your fighting abilities (which is what that anon was talking about) you're among the 0.1%, possibly way higher depending on your build. I don't know why you'd be playing a "build your swordsman" cyoa for the social status but if it's what you're into, there are two settings with the option to be a noble yourself.
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Waifufags must die
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A massive iron landship that slowly walks over the landscape. It looks as if it has been put back together hundreds of times. It only moves during the night, and only when it isn't receiving enough victims. A dark oil drips from old wounds, yet not a drop is left behind when it moves.
Somewhere in the north, passing by large cities and settlements as it makes its way further south.
The Black Fortress

This dungeon is unable to create minions on its own, instead transforming whatever it can capture into new servants, usually relative in power to the creature that they once were.
>Outer Shell Material
>Inner Hybrid Material
Darkoil and Gearmold

Whatever its purpose once was is long lost, only able to function at all because it is merely the shell of a gargantuan monster made of darkoil.
Immortal Core
Curse Catch
Realtime Reshape/Warshape
Avatar/Perfect Likeness
High Armament
Exterior Armament
Signature Monster: Darkoil Golem

Its interior appears significantly larger than it really is. This is no pocket space or reality bending, but rather every "level" cleared simply leads to a random new rearrangement of rooms. Only when each level has been cleared, will the core become reachable. While the internal walls can be destroyed to progress, trying to cheat in this manner is more likely to backfire, as it will awaken the dungeon itself to attack directly. As long as one is able to reach the core without prematurely "awakening" the dungeon, it will limit itself to guarding the core with an ancient automaton avatar puppeted by darkoil, as its final challenge.
the shittiest way to order these.
Black souls?
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Evasion Hazard
State Changes
Cursed Puzzles
Unfair Arena

Most traps are not immediately fatal, instead attempting to curse or wear down the intruder. The final blow is almost always dealt by a monster... or by strife within the intruding party itself. The dungeon's hostility increases greatly in the presence of light; intruders are given the option to gain perfect darkvision in exchange for a distracting level curse of emotion.
Knowledge, Monsters, and Blessings

Those who can conquer the dungeon are given the blessing of absolute truth, limited access to all kinds of knowledge, and optionally, the chance to return with someone who had recently perished within the dungeon. One may also optionally choose to become an unaging darkoil revenant retaining free will and autonomy.
Transforming 2 (Debilitating)
Emotion 1 (Distracting)
Senseless 2 (Debilitating)
Mindmire 3 (Defeating)

Contrary to its reputation, the dungeon is picky about its victims. It desires to consume people with darkness in their hearts. To that end, it attempts to trick and goad intruders into showing their true nature, giving into their base desires, and turning against others. It tempts the good to fall, and drives the wicked deeper into depravity, before finally ending its victims when they are ripe. Those who can resist its illusions, and maintain a pure heart will instead be helped along by extremely lucky coincidences.
It feels incomplete compared to the original, it also feels worse. Two whole sections are missing that were very important.
Darkoil Golem
Darkoil Revenant (Transmuted Darkoil)
Goblin (Sexy, Strong, Hybridized Trap Experts)
Giant Bat (Tiny)
Miniboss Darkoil Golems
Freed Goblins
Captain Goblins

The dungeon has achieved symbiosis with bats and goblins. The former are a cheap and disposable minion that can overwhelm intruders with great numbers. The latter live among hidden rooms within the hulk, repairing and maintaining the cyberpods, and whatever ancient machinery that hasn't become completely broken down from age. A number of revenants converted into darkoil beings also stalk the halls, completely mad from curses, and willing to use every skill they had in life against intruders. This is the fate of those who perish in the dungeon.

Purposes: Classic, Ascending, Worldshaker
Requests: Help the Hero, Curse a Cretin, Annihilate an Army

The dungeon will ignore small groups of people around its exterior, but will become increasingly hostile against large groups. If approached by an army, or a group too large to challenge the dungeon properly, it will attempt to thin their numbers. On occasions, when the dungeon has killed a large number of victims in one place, it will release a small army of darkoil revenants to attack the place from which they came. Although they technically have free will once they leave the dungeon, their curse of madness makes most of them little more than a suicidal plague.
Punchy waifu... my beloved. You already know. Huscunny.
Cyberpunk or Orvhein seem to give the most personal power.

Just be owned by someone that treats you well
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Roronoa petah
Minor: Dueling, Exploitation
Major: Flurry, Drawing
Perks: Aura, Weapon (three katanas), Cool, Legendary, Goal (become the world's greatest swordsman)
Setting: Khrom
You are just one of many super enhanced slaves. Also, this is the future. They can probably blow you up in a second by hacking you or some shit.
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we RULE this general
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I'm... a jobber...
>worse than the original in every way
>the copy pasted parts only serve to highlight its inferiority
>Just be owned by someone that treats you well
Are you stupid? The cyoa tells you the type of people you get. Either some asshole rich fag that makes you play death games until you die for the fun of themselves and their friends, Mcdonalds employee, or El Cartel de Norte.
He will be back this very week btw
Ronin, simple 'as
>Cyberpunk or Orvhein
Where is the full one? It had a full table, with duplicate options yes but I think it had more columns and rows.
How do you feel towards hags? Mature older women that could be MILFs? Would you rather have them over lolis if given the choice?
I kneel. You win
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Since I am not a pedo. The answer is yes.
Assuming they dont change states, like inmortality. hag for life. Assuming we are normal humans and age and die, loli, will eventually turn into hag and semi hag is fine too
If virgin good, otherwise bad. No preference other than that. Personality is more important.
Then pick another setting and stop whining, or go play a cyoa where you're a god. It's pretty clear this cyoa is about building a fighter and then it gives you a choice for a general backdrop and a quick justification for fighting other swordsmen, that's it. Rither you're in a cyberpunk deathgame, a ronin fantasy or you're a witcher. Now stop being a braindead retard.
I like both and everything in between.
Attractive characters are attractive.
I mean I love very specific Hags like Outis. Trying to breed their infertile menopause wombs is hot.
How about you take your redditor cyoa and go back? And try not to seethe on your way back, kid.
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If they are old enough to be my mother I'm young enough to make them one.
isn't forbidden city just a worst version of pure dominion?
>Would you rather have them over lolis if given the choice?
Yes. Always.
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Rolled. Selfinsert. I couldn't roll on 4chan since different sections have annoyingly different numbers of options (17,20,6) so I would've needed multiple posts for rolling here.


Major Precision
Major Power
Minor Motion
Minor Drawing

I start fights fast, I move to enemy fast, then I sworderize them very very precisely and very very powerfully. And I can dodge a bit. But I am clearly on the aggressive murdering-the-opponent-quickly side of things, with not much versatility.


Mastery: upgrade Minor Motion to Major Motion
Good as I am at murdering things, I'll need a touch more survivability, by dodging. I would've added Minor Guard instead, but it's slightly redundant with the Vigilance perk.
Goal: Living very long
Redundant with Major Power, perhaps.


For a selfinsert, Leisure is obviously the best.
>Attractive characters are attractive.
>exposed retard's incoherent blabbering
>Redditor could not resist seething
As expected
>jobber build
It's rolled, of course it's not optimized.
I hate gauntletsamefags so much its unreal.
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nah anons right all your problems are self imposed
Provide evidence or fuck off.
Your mum is a jobber, and the job she does is related to blowing
All moms jobbed to the cock.
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The Sovereign's Garden
Hybrid Material (Hydroplastic)
Quick Repair
Bigger Inside
Perfect Likeness
High Armament
Expert Training
Private Chambers
Hyper Growth
Signature Monster (Lamia)
Signature Evolution (Cultured)
Evasion Hazard (Almost entirely used for rougher terrain or ponds and streams)

Lesser Slime (Elemental)
Slime (Elemental)
Queen Slime (Elemental)
Fairy (Hybrid Silent Movement)
Alraune (Hybrid Born Leader)
Treant (Hybrid Regenerator)
Dragonling (Elemental)
Dreig (Elemental)
True Dragon (Elemental)
Cockatrice (Hybrid Friendly Fire)
Lamia (Hybrid Friendly Fire)
Basilisk (Hybrid Friendly Fire)
Wildemorph (Gigantic, Tiny)
Beastlings (Smart)
Honeydrone (Hybrid Quick Revive, Tiny)
Honey Queen (Hybrid Melting Heart)
Hive Golem (Hybrid Regenerator)
Lumianti (Hybrid Siren's Song)
Giant Spider (Gigantic)
Arachne (Hybrid Trap Experts)
Goblin (Hybrid Weak Point)
Orc (Hybrid Adaptive Fighting)
Ogre (Sexy, Smart, Strong)
Harpy (Hybrid Omen of Calamity)
Blyza (Hybrid Storm Body)
Torren (Hybrid Elemental Fusion)
Thunderflash (Hybrid Elemental Fusion, Elemental)
Typhi (Hybrid Elemental Fusion)
Weave(sister) (Hybrid Born Leader)
Boss (All, Free)
Mini-Boss (All, Free)
Captain (Lamia)

Rescue the Refugees
Annihilate an Army
Purvey Peace

I made a slight edit to this, I realized I don't need tradeshops since I have no curses, and so it doesn't really make a difference since anyone who fights in my realm is getting fucked up anyways. I decided to use this picture for my core, since I like it more and its supposed to represent your soul... just imagine more trees around this thing as its kept in the deeper part of my personal abode in the super-realm.

I wanted to make an imagebuild and pastebin, and I still may, but its hard getting the pics.
>Just be owned by someone that treats you well
>just be mistreated by someone who doesn't mistreat you
Nice way of outing your samefag, retard. Btw, you are stupid since nothing on that post has anything to do with what I said.
>Provide evidence
evidence of what? you haven't even explained what your issue is lmao, you're just having your period and you're seething at the wind
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"I've lived so short a life, haven't I? Not a long one, no, likely won't be too much longer but that doesn't matter, right? What matters is that I have FUN while it lasts! HAAAGH! Put up that potmetal pigsticker you call a sword and FIGHT or I'll kill you solololow!"

>Motion- Major
"Why so slow? Why so clumsy? Fool! Doddering dimwit dumb-dumb! I ought to cut your hamstrings for trying to ZIG when you should have ZAGGED!"
>Rhythm- Minor
"You have no GRACE! You have no FLOW! Your swings are choreographed, ugly! Just like your face! I'll give your cheek another cut for that! DO BETTER!"
>Acrobatics- Major
"Your feet are buried in the ground! Your eyes are nailed to your forehead! C'MON! Try a little! JUST TRY! It's like you're drowning in concrete!"
>Flurry- Minor
"Sosososo.... SLOWLOWLOW! It would drive me to conniptions if it wasn't so funny, wouldn't it? Let me show you how you're supposed to do it! CUTCUTCUT! Ooh, you lived! Another one, yeah? STABSTABSTAB! Oooh, you almost got it that time!"
>Feint- Minor
"BAH! You were doing so well! I gave you a once-in-a-lifetime opening and your dullard butterfingers SLAMMED it SHUT! It is so FRUSTRATING! It's like you're neck deep in jello! Am I that really hard to intercept?"

"Why so scared? I thought you were tough! TOUGH! You aren't a coward, huh? Nonono, couldn't be, CAN'T BE, you're not brave enough for that! It takes a real man to run and you aren't him!"
"You call that an ambush? It's a fun time, that's what it was! You didn't even bother with a ghillie suit! Just you and your buddies CROUCHED in that dip! They were even WORSE than you!"
"I don't understand why everybody goes dragging their feet! IT ISN'T COMPLICATED! Swinging a sword is the easiest thing in the world! You must be another RETARD! C'MON! Put your back into it!"
"I am BEGGING you! Fight like you MEAN it! This deprivation starves my soul! Don't you get it, dummy? I lust for the FLESH! NO! Not harlots, the BLOOD! I want to FEAR for my life! I want to taste my LIFE'S ebb and spit in DEATH's eye! Why CAN'T you give me that? Why WON'T you give me that? You are greedy, oh so GREEDY! Keeping it ALL to yourself! DIE! DIE! DIE!"

"This world is vacant, and now, so are you! AAAGH! Why!? Why did you this?! You didn't even try! Now your guts are tasting the sky! It's so ugly! NNNGH! My sword is so dirty! You did this to me! You did this to yourself!"

>The Belt
"Stupid! Stupid, stupid, stupid! The VIZIER needs to send more mercenaries next time! Ooh, maybe I'll cut off his pretty little daughter's HEAD and put it in his DESK! Why, that's a GREAT idea! Yeah, yeah, yeah, I bet that would REALLY get him moving! HAHAHA! I can't wait to see the look on his fatty fat face! Just for that, dummy, I'll give you a quick death! G'bye!"
>All your problems are self imposeeeed!
>I don't understand what your issue is btw
Sure samefag-kun
what ever sperg
I knew paranoia was a common traits among troons but damn
>Obsessed with transexuals
just.....just release the page already, i don't care which artifact is it anymore....
Nice way of humiliating yourself, lol
The psychic powers in E.n.d seem pretty powerful based off of the wastelands description and can be basically whatever you can imagine
Whoops, but yea as I said

It was hoe all last night and today but gauntletfags have samefagged the vote in their favor since he refused to release the page, to literally no ones surprise.

Who cares, also really weird cause it wasn't actually in the post-box. It's like my copy-paste just wanted to show itself there.
gauntletGODS are able to post without any problems. Unlike hoefags who can not even copy paste.
hoeCHADS don't need to samefag at the end to win.
You forgot the thread title. Nobody mentioned it yet, you need to be properly shamed for your mistake.
I'm convinced he's just been waiting specifically for gauntlet to get the lead.
There is no samefag. Everyone loves gauntlets more
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I voted Hammer...
Why is there so much controversy over the artifacts when we're going to see them all in a couple more months?
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Wait a minute. I didn't add Freed Revenants into my build cost.
So I'm getting rid of Mecha. The control console of this thing is no longer functional.
With the remaining 3 points, I'm hybridizing the bats with the Suffer Entity's Anxiety ability.
i don't give a fuck who wins anymore, i just think refusing to release the page its kinda shitty.

that said. what's the point in seeing the gauntlet page if we already know how she looks? wouldn't be more interesting seeing a new artefact?
Beats me, i am fine with any artifact, thats why i voted hammer, to show love can be spreaded.

Just like we should treat each other, with love and care. I love you all
>t. gauntlet samefag
Liar, she has zero votes...
because the poll is the difference from seeing them now over in a few months retard are you incapable of thought?
Husanon was a shitter all this time. Who knew
End the war. Release both Hoe and Gauntlet. That way everyone wins.
True. I was between her and the hat, i guess i picked the hat in the end and forgot about it
I voted for gauntlet because I wanted a tie but now it's wining
I will follow in the steps of my master, Shitalics, and not release anything for years.
I agree, even though I voted for Hoe personally.

Well yeah, but what's the point? You can't make a build from a single artifact, and the artifact exists in that context. It just seems silly to get worked up over.
what kind of that do you think she is?
i hope its a cowboy hat
>You can't make a build from a single artifact
>he genuinely believes this
Pfft. IsiGODS will put you in your place.
Do you tend to play every cyoa as an isekai? Or do you treat it as a more of a character builder.
I bet all my money the hoe is the hoe girl from sakuna of rice and ruin. The ones i dont know are the hat, the hammer, the belt, spear and bow
>t. husanon on damage control
Thats the thing, i seriously cant imagine her. As a character, as an artifact, her powers. Is the one with more questions and the one that can vary the most.

I would say... jester or clown hat
How almost all her powers are support for other artifacts
I do both, there's no need to limit my fun.
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>You're equivalent to a master in all forms of combat!
Killed by gun.
>You can ignore distractions like hunger, pain, tiredness, and more!
Killed by gun.
>You can shoot ki blades from your sword!
Killed by gun.
>You can detect killing intent!
Killed by gun.
>You can swing your sword super fast Zantetsuken style!
Killed by gun.
>You have tons of combat experience!
Killed by gun.
>You can slice apart anything physical!
Killed by gun.
>You can parry any attack if you block at the perfect moment!
Killed by gun.
>You can slice through space-time to attack many targets at once!
Killed by gun.

It doesn't matter what artifact you have, you are killed by gun. Gun triumphs over all.
Half of those negate guns but go off queen.
>Several powers allow you to either predict gunshots to evade them or actually move faster than bullets.
Nothin personeel kid
Lost to blood magic.
Lost to Magical Journey magic.
So I use my sword to steal your gun and kill you with it.
Lost to Gateway
Both from GODista. He wins. Strongest setting.
Gatewayfags win against ultimate gods by just waiting for them to die of old age, lmao.
oh yea, that would make sense
>Gateway planeswalkers can wait 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 years without being eaten or killed by anything.
>laws of physics don't allow guns to work
what now gunkek
Whats the point of making any build when every build loses to Living God cyoa?
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This is funny. Aro gave gateway protag a way to not die of old age but refused to do the same for the so called ultimate gods
What's the point of making a Living God build when every build loses to Ultimate God cyoa?
>He can not last that long
Skill issue
What's the point of making an Ultimate God build when a random burglar can break your fingers with a pair of pliers?
>Real gods losing to ultimate gods
Nah, you just wait for them to die of old age and win. Also, what is the point of making ultimate god or living god build when everyone loses to COSMIC GODS!
What's the point of making a build for any CYOA when I can be all powerful within my own imagination?
The ONLY thing that can beat an Ultimate God IS old age.
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Major: Motion, Rhythm, Acrobatics
Minor: Exploitation

Vigilance, Mastery, Magic, Ranged

Orvhein (Hegemony)

Replicate the ritual and become immortal at all cost.
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>>You're equivalent to a master in all forms of combat!
Mundane masters of fighting styles get lit up by guns just like anyone else. Being a black belt won't save you from Death by Gun.
>>You can ignore distractions like hunger, pain, tiredness, and more!
Shredded lungs from gunfire remain shredded lungs, even if you ignore the pain. Death by Gun.
>>You can shoot ki blades from your sword!
Pulling a trigger is always faster than swinging a sword. Death by Gun.
>>You can detect killing intent!
Doesn't save you from Death by Gun.
>>You can swing your sword super fast Zantetsuken style!
Explicitly described as a technique taxing on the body. You falter against sustained machine gunfire and suffer Death by Gun.
>>You have tons of combat experience!
And all that combat experience tells you that Death by Gun is inevitable.
>>You can slice apart anything physical!
Requires utter concentration and can only be sustained for a "moment" every few minutes. The Bullet will still seek you out and you will suffer Death by Gun.
>>You can parry any attack if you block at the perfect moment!
Perfect moment being the keyword here. Bullets move fast enough that this ability without Flashing Hand will simply get you torn apart, and so it suffers the same weakness against sustained gunfire that Flashing Hand does. Death by Gun.
>>You can slice through space-time to attack many targets at once!
Brings backlash if used too frequently, and similarly requires Flashing Hand to be useful against the Bullet. Death. By. Gun.
Nah, they lose
>when every build loses to Ultimate God cyoa?
No they don't? Have you read the powers for both? They can create multiverses on a whim. In any case, the cosmology is completely different for both, it doesn't make sense for both to exist in the same verse.
What now, bitch?
Because it's not fun being all-powerful.
Ultimate jobbers can not even make a single multiverse without having a fucking specific item.
And that's a wrap, GG gunfags
what is your definition of "soon" exactly?
Living god
>Is the strongest in existence
>There is only one (unless mpfag)
>Does not die of old age
>Only gets stronger with age forever
>Can create a multiverse with zero effort

"Ultimate" God
>Is not the strongest in existence
>There are many of them
>Dies of old age
>Only way to prevent death of old age is by becoming weaker
>Needs an item to create a multiverse

Magi Case
>Has cool badge
>Has hot wife
>Discovered how to not die of old age
>Became the strongest with their own effort
>Can do anything with their magic

We can really tell how the STRONGEST is here, right?
Again, if my sword skills will always lose a direct fight against a gun, then I avoid a straight fight. I steal your gun and kill you first.
>Dies of old age
it will never not be funny
So I just play Living God so I can create a multiverse full of waifus?
>turning shit into novels
Why are you making things up? Eternal Blue for example is 8 pages. Echoes is like 8 pages.
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Right now.
Ok no more votes.
Because of how close the result is.
I'll post both.
I just need to assemble them on Photoshop.
The gauntlet will come out first as she got more votes.
They disgust me. No.
Arosisters... time to gather our defense squad! DON'T LET THEM WIN!
Even the older Magi Case magi have been around only for a few centuries. There are trees older than them. Any claims they live "forever" should be taken with a grain of salt.
give me both.
Ultimate Gods are the strongest in their setting though, and there are ways they can get stronger and live eternal.
No one is claiming immortality. Just immunity to Aging.
>Loses to two other ultimate gods who are each as strong as you. Except there are two of them and one of you
Goodnight, jobber.
Entropy will still break their cells apart in the end, so they will age whether they like it or not.
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That's like saying humans aren't the dominant lifeform on earth because two humans can kill one human.
You yourself are not the strongest. That is all the original post is about.
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>WE CAN'T STOP WIN--ack! Im being broken apart by entropy! Daddy whyyy

"I perish intentionally" isn't the awesome solution you imagine it is. Not aging to death is still better.
Immortality sounds very bothersome. I'd prefer to be immune to effects of aging so I am in the prime of my life until the end, and replace Immortality with an absolute freedom from the forces of fate so I can truly Choose My Own Adventure.
skill issue
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Hey guys how do these new Echoes look.
>WE CAN'T STOP WIN--ack! Im being broken apart by entropy! Daddy whyyy

What are you talking about? entropy is your power and has 0 drawbacks on you
AIEEE, aromage-sama. I am dying of old age. SAVE MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!
It means you age to death.
You are ageless so...?
Just ascend to Authorhood like me. No aging and ultimate power.
The point of Entropist is that you make everything in existence, including yourself, age to death. You age to death. I am saying this can be seen as less desirable than not aging to death. It's a victory in a very petty and contrived sense. Real victory is not aging to death.
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Extensive farming CYOA with seasons, biomes, various crops, livestock, and so on - ideally in some kind of well-done low fantasy setting, although sci-fi could work. One day I will make it but I'd like to be in good company. Another thing that would be cool is one set in The Book of the New Sun universe but I doubt anyone here would do that justice
Since you are personally so weak in aro's new cyoa. All powers that only work for yourself are useless. The only meta is to pick stuff that will help the people that can actually do something.
>meta is now mind of machines + thread of thought
How predictable.
You don't have to keep repeating what's already been said, even if you're right.
Why would aro link powers to allies? I don't really like that. It makes it so that I have to pick them for their power not for them.
>You age to death
Readlet, literally everyone can turn into a minion type who by defect are ageless.
>The point of Entropist is that you make everything in existence, including yourself, age to death
Lol, no, the entropy of entropist is not age to death, is death, literally only 1 power is about aging and was included in 2.0. And you are not weak to that, as i said, there is several ways in the cyoa to be ageless
>garlic bread
>mayo/ketchup/mustard (burger sauce mix)
>cheddar, emmental, provolone
>salami, bacon, roast beef
>onions, lettuce
>onion rings
>Nigga reading.
Ok I know this is make believe but there are limits.
It's okay, he's just reading DBZ lore.
bro most regular non-god cyoa builds win against ultimate chump builds
Husanon is doing the same yet no one is throwing shit at him.
But I am not talking about husanon. You don't even know what I think about his WIP. What does that have to do with what I said?
Your purpose is to make yourself (and also everything else) age to death, until everything is dead, including yourself. That's literally the premise. If that wouldn't be your purpose, you wouldn't be Son.
Please label CYOA spam threads properly so my filters can work. Thank you!
You need to go back.
the cheese options are lacking.
I don't think many people would pick Cloak of Death considering its main strength, the draining ability, only really works on fodder and is shut down by more serious threats.
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They are here. In this very thread.
>to make yourself (and also everything else) age to death
nta but did you read the cyoa?
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all the options are too limited, let's be real
>Your purpose is to make yourself (and also everything else) age to death
Again, where is this stated? did you read it? entropy in entropist is the death of souls, not aging to death. Tell me where this thing you said is stated
>until everything is dead, including yourself
only if you want to suicide
>That's literally the premise
Aging anything to death is the premise? ok, tell me where is this stated. Please, tell me you are the physicsfag and you are having a mental breakdown because you dont understand the entropy from entropist is not the entropy.
>If that wouldn't be your purpose, you wouldn't be Son.
Readlet, the Father doesnt force you to anything and gives you freedom. Literally you could sit in a world planting trees for all he cares and you wouldnt lose your powers nor stop being a son
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Is this better? It makes the shadow form tougher and allows you to weaken stronger enemies with the life drain.
Lol. Lmao
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Yeah thats fine. Making it able to debuff strong enemies makes it a pretty good underdog option.
Good. Now I can attempt to grab a whale and make it weaker or something lmao.
Ok what do you think of his WIP?
I was just using a comparison I haven't heard anyone say the same about his work
Why would a whale not die instantly? Do you consider them to be divine or especially powerful?
>I haven't heard anyone say the same about his work
i did
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Then you are the newest of newfags because he totally got told the same.
You're mistaken! This quest thread should be on /qst/!
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Whales can be killed by one determined human with a harpoon, they are nature's jobbers.
>This Thread will greatly boost your memory, intellect, and your science and math skills.
Mind of Machines + Thread of Thought is the TRUE Paragon loadout. Time + Mind destroys everything else
You could never hope to destroy my lady Aro
I also adjusted Scale of Serpents to give you cosmic wisdom, Ash of Stars to give you talent in all forms of physics, heart of nature to increase your neuron count, and boosted the size change of horn of hell.
Actually. This whale was blessed to not age. Now it beats an ultimate god.
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>Mind of Machines + Thread of Thought
psyborg ftw
Whoever made this has never eaten a sandwich in their entire life.
Just another reason to not even bother making a build
Sure he did.
He gets his dick sucked all the time.
Congratulations, you have somehow missed the point of the cyoa.
>The Father is stillness, the eventual end of all things. It is a primordial force of sorts, which saw the possibility of eternal suffering, and quickly made it so that all beings with souls cannot suffer forever
You are aging everything to death, and you are part of everything, so you are aging yourself to death. That's your whole thing. That's the premise of the cyoa, everything else is details.

>the Father doesnt force you to anything
Then why are you playing a cyoa specifically about aging everything to death, including yourself? If all you want is big godly powers, you could be a cliche generic fantasy god in any other cyoa. Entropist is not that, Entropist is a very unique cyoa about aging everything to death.
Who asked?
>Said anon calmly as they defended aromage
>he actually doubled down
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is he a retard?
Generally useful in life but not something that factors into most peoples definitions of "powerful"
>talent in all forms of physics
But no talent in engineering, the thing that turns theoretical knowledge into something practical. Knowing the specifics of nuclear fusion is one thing, making technology that can practically utilize that knowledge for energy or war is another. Ash of Stars can only best apply their talent in physics in their innate gravity and temperature manipulation abilities.
>increased neuron count
Lol. Lmao.
>size change boost
The current maximum is 10 times larger, stronger, and more durable than you are now. The strength of the average person (which is your strength at the start unless you also pick Shard of Divinity or something else that boosts your innate strength), times 10, genuinely is piddlesticks compared to the other options. Even if it was boosted up to 50 it would still be lame.

These are, unironically and without memeing, paltry buffs compared to the addition of Thread of Thought.
There is a difference between defending someone that gets shit on constantly and defending someone that everyone seems to coddle.
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>You are aging everything to death, and you are part of everything, so you are aging yourself to death. That's your whole thing. That's the premise of the cyoa, everything else is details.
Buddy, read it again, slowly...
>quickly made it so that all beings with souls cannot suffer forever
This is a case of a readlet with lore issues. What the Father did is put a stop to the suffering a soul can recieve, this doesnt mean aging to death or anything. It means demons, true ai and demiurgues can't hold souls and torture them forever.
>so you are aging yourself to death
>All minions are ageless by default
>You may transform yourself into any minion
Nah, physicsfag isnt this dumb. Are you the cat poster?
>That's the premise of the cyoa, everything else is details.
Translation: I know the cyoa itself says i am wrong, thats why i wont accept logic and i will keep saying that the father not letting demons torture a soul endlessly means I am aging everything myself included. BUM you aged 1 year now, what are you gonna do? you have to do nothing, wait, BUM I aged myself 50 years, how about that?

>Then why are you playing a cyoa specifically about aging everything to death, including yourself? If all you want is big godly powers, you could be a cliche generic fantasy god in any other cyoa.

1. Stop with the agign everything to death.
2. What kind of answer is that? i tell you a lore fact that the father doesnt force you to anything and your answer is... then why do you play it?

>Entropist is not that, Entropist is a very unique cyoa about aging everything to death.

You sound like you believe you know more than the author, which puts you in the retard realm
he is, lets ignore him
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It might take a little while I'll likely finish tonight I have yet to find some images.
Honestly. I think the hate to aromage is too much, like, playful hate is funny and all even more if is both ways so nobody really gets hurt. Thats why i dont participate on it (nor anybody's else hate)

But you act like then hating Husanon is justified, both things shouldnt exist. Authors is what keeps this alive. If i dont like something, i make a suggestion or ignore the material, i did not care about magi case, for example, but still recommended Italicts to write a novel to gain money taking advantage of his hobby and never participated on the hate to Italicts nor magi case, just skipped visiting the thread for a couple of months
>telekinesis fine enough to perform surgery with, powerful enough to propel things to the speed of sound
>telepathy that can read minds, implant thoughts, or outright render whoever you want unconscious
>precognitive sixth sense that ensures you are never caught off guard too
>all of these have a max range of anywhere you can see
this is OP as hell even without mentioning the intelligence boost. things like the telepathy and telekinesis dont even have the "doesnt work on powerful stuff" limitation cloak of death has, what the FUCK was aro thinking?
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>Be waifufag
>Have infinite creative potential
>Be waifufag instead
you beat me to it
>thread of thought is added
>ivory just mindrapes you the next time you meet her
Uh oh
>every power
>every intelligence boost
>still a retarded schizo
Is aro a misogynist?
Already could. She has the Nexus powers too.
You're telling me Ivory can turn me into her cumslave boytoy whenever she wants?
>tfw there's nothing stopping you from just hiding in the Labyrinth and capturing exotic (enthusiastic) sex slaves from across the cosmos until there's an existential paradigm shift
You are making too big a deal over Ivory.
>Ivory finds out that you're a cosmic pimp and spawns a black hole inside the Labyrinth, slowly eating the entire maze.
Magi Case mages didn't get real magic until the 1500s.
>using a finite blackhole to consume an infinite maze
Lol, lmao, even. Especially when she has a proscription against destroying realities.
She's writing herself
Which Heritages will they be under?
Not sure if i'll put them under a heritage, but if i do it'll probably be Dreamweaver. Psionics and Death are very closely related to dreams.
>it's the you spent a billion years training but have to choose between knowing how to guard and how to swing your sword meme
One would think Death to be under Pathfinder.
Especially since form of death in nexus is basically made for pathfinder.
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Of course, you have a minimum level of competence in everything. The skills you choose represent the domains in which you push your expertise beyond mere mastery.
Psyborg will definitely be my new build.
Aro, is it Skai or Ski? Or, if they're different, what is their difference?
'Skai' and 'The Ski' refer to the same entity.
Why have two spellings then? I was so confused that I reasoned that Ski was the name of the omniverse.
Ski is the possessive noun to Skai's proper noun.
No, i don't remember why i set it up that way either but i clearly went out of my way to do so.
Is it possible for an Ultimate God to have/gain multiple Aspects without going insane, only the right way hasn't been found yet? If yes, which starting Aspect would be the best for this purpose? I'm guessing Creation or Connection would be the best and that there must be a certain order to this, so gaining the opposing Aspect first is probably a mistake (as evidenced by that insane Ultimate God of Time in Events).
Monads *might* be able to gain true power over a second aspect in their stage, and yeah it'd probably be creation or unity.
Good, good, good, I'm definitely making a build for gaining multiple Aspects when Ultimate God gets updated.
>Is it possible for an Ultimate God to have/gain multiple Aspects without going insane
It would have been done by now if so
Plausibly not. Afterall, the few Ultimate Gods that tried to gain multiple Aspects have gone insane. They can live forever (if they Fall, which has manageable consequences) as supreme existences, so why take the risk of (what they think to be) nigh guaranteed insanity and subsequent annihilation or eternal imprisonment by all the other Ultimate Gods?
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Witcher build
>Major Power, Major Relentlessness, Minor Exploitation, Minor Movement, Minor Precision
I need superhuman strength to slash through the hide of large beasts, exploitation and precision reflect my knowledge of the beast and where exactly I have to strike to take it down, motion for all the pirouetting witchers are known for and relentlessness for the bear school build and the fast healing they're famous for
>Mastery, Magic, Immune, Breathing
Magic for the Signs, Immune for the premium witcher immune system and Breathing for the battle meditation before I descend in the lair of a monster.
>Lanval -> New World
give me that New England horror folk tales with wendigos and witches in the wood
This looks really good, but unfortunatly there is no eternal youth and thus unplayable
Lewd cartoon child bodies literally make me feel nauseous.
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Shit taste
Fun Rankings:
Ultimate God
Living God
Magi Case
Second build, Conan build
>Major Relentlessness, Major Filth, Minor Power, Minor Motion, Minor Clearing
Unstoppable cunning warrior who uses every bit of his surroundings as a weapon, motion for the cat-like agility of Conan and of course his physical strength that can break bones behind armors with each strike. clearing for preventing me from being taken down in the many large scale battles I'll take part in with swords and arrows falling everywhere
>Mastery, Vigilance, Charisma, Polyglot
vigilance for the highly heightened senses of Conan, his womanizer charisma and polyglot because he's well-traveled and has friends in every kingdom
>Khrom -> Adventuring, with a bit of seafaring in the mix

>Martial Arts
>Disabled (Blind)

>-The Belt
nice one, I like the idea of applying the material you borrowed to a real setting. I do think it loses a lot from the original but I hope to see more of your work in the future. More fans should adapt others' work here, especially when the original authors have been gone a long time. It's actually kind of interesting that it doesn't happen more often - I guess there's just an inhibition against it in most people's minds, but ultimately CYOAs are a free medium. Not sure if it stems more from wanting to be able to take full credit and flex your ego, or from respect for the authors and fear of mockery
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>Thread of Thought
>Picture of an ogre reading a book
It actually makes a lot of sense when you think about it. You see, ogres have layers like onions, so the deep metaphorical layers of thought give an accurate portrayal to the hidden context of the choice, thus creating a more coherent sense of adventure for the player to embark upon.
With thread of thought I finally don't feel the need to take urania. Although white-gold heart is still mandatory for scienceniggas
>Living God
Living God has the best cosmology and metaphysics
Don't care, I WILL beat you to death.
>t. weakling



One more
>I finally don't feel the need to take urania
There never was a great need for her.
Nah you needed the nanomachines to make stuff, and regen is always good.
I have just realized, I meant chrona the whole time.
Why does psy powers come with math?
>increased neuron count
>Lol. Lmao.
What did he mean by this
You will become smarter and you will LIKE IT.
Just answer the question for once, aro
I already have this face in my collection.

Also you're retarded.
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I'm thinking on maybe using yellow as Luva's color instead of red.
Do you guys think it works?
Bonded Among Stars is a literal poor man's Zodiac Brides.
The item itself is mostly red with a little gold.
Post what red looks like so that we can compare side by side.
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Here is the alternative.
What bothers me most is that it is too similar to Jian.
Red definitely looks better than yellow.
What if you used red with a yellow glow surrounding the text?
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Yes it definitely does.

Now this is a good idea to deal with my concern.I could do the same for all artifacts.
Instead of only giving them one color they could have 2 that way I don't have to worry so much about color overlap.
>this is the retard bringing up and shitting on entropist every thread
At least read it beforehand lmao
using this website must be very difficult on you
perhaps you should stop
>Minor Guard
>Major Motion
>Major Rhythm
>Major Relentless
>Mastery; Young Genius
>Legendary; Heroes Relic
Thanks for the OC.
What is it with authors and fate waifus? Entropist had like 4 and this one so far seems to be going that way too.
Why did you split Blademaster in two?
New Thread:

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Agent Zero
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Dirk Daniels
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Vara Tandros
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Dale Hanigan
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Chancellor Ayrumi
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Crown Prince Merrick
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Nora Renholm
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The Watcher
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She just nuked your entire home like a hypocrite so dunno
They have characters with really good designs.
nah it's just frozen my guy

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