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>have a great homebrew setting with flushed out nations, what i think is a good pantheon and magic system and a interesting story.
>absolute utter dogshit when it comes to building drawing a map for my homebew every attempt looks like a a 4 year old drew it.
>lose interest in setting go back to thinking about forgotten realms or pathfinder shit setting because i can picture the world eaiser.

i just lose interest when i cant picture the world in my mind why am i this autistic i got everything else sorted out, just the geography.
Post your maps and I’ll draw some, though my maps aren’t anything spectacular either. Here’s one as an example if you want more with this style
This one of those times AI is useful. Tell it to make a map for a world with X continents, Y Countries, whatever you need, and it should give you a few options to pick from. If one looks like how your head sees it, great. If none look good enough for you, but each has bits, take what you need from each image and use your preferred paint program, and put it together like a jigsaw puzzle. You'll probably need to do that anyway to relabel countries and remove the gibberish symbols, but that's the downside of having no map drawing skill.
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Use fantasy England

Use a map of Doggerland

Use a map of of somewhere you are familiar with, and change the names and politics

Try Azgaars.
Use the Kingdoms of Kalamar map and insert your own politics.

Pic related is based off of a real place on Earth, few will ever recognize it.
drop a cup of rice on a white paper, draw a line around it
Thanks thats a good idea.
It's OK, the rest of your ideas are just as shit as your drawing ability, you just can't perceive that with the same clarity.
Just do hexmaps bro. Anyone can draw those.
it's japan. Im not retarded.
it's an extremely old trick, you could google this kind of stuff
I wouldn't have this problem if my setting wasn't just Earth in the future, since I know Earth's scale and can't just skip all the small details.
>trace some shit in gimp or paint
>doodle some icons for shit
>text tool the names
yeah, it's gaming time
Do a hex map for scale and general layout, then trace it for a normal map following one of a bajillion tutorials online for mapmaking.
>Use a map of Doggerland
i've done this
i'm a hack
If you use a decent AI, you should be able to inpaint the original image to edit areas of it, rather than making an entirely new image.

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