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Different defensive maneuvers doing different things.

games like this? where dodging, parrying, and absorbing are actually separate mechanical repercussions instead of just all being different values to add to a target number?
Like making it so that dodge actually requires an entity to move away if they succeed, parry can negate damage, but might take away a bonus to your next attack, and absorb makes you take some damage, but doesn't affect your offensive capabilities or require you to move away.
Palladium et al from Fantasy all the way to Rifts
UESRPG 2e, which is a fan-made elder scrolls game that steals some shit from a lot of d100 games
Has parrying, evading, and blocking (in rough order of usefulness imo)
negates the attack if you have more degrees of success than your attacker.
if they have more DoS but you did both succeed, you add your DoS as damage reduction against that attack, and they don't get any Special Effects (things like grappling, armor penetrating, damage maximizing on spells...) on you
Can't be used against ranged attacks or AOE effects
negates the attack if you have more degrees of success than your attacker.
if they have more DoS but you did both succeed, they don't get any Special Effects on you
This is the only defense you can take against AOEs, and if you evade an AOE you have to move to the edge of it (and dive prone if you don't have a talent that says otherwise)
If you Evade a ranged attack, you dive prone (except with a talent)
if you have more degrees of success, you reduce the damage taken by both your shield's armor rating and your offhand's armor rating (if you're wearing heavy armor and you didn't try to block a warhammer, this generally makes the attack negated).
Can block ranged attacks without penalty, the evadefags WISH they could do the same
>parry and block
if you choose to defend yourself when your opponent missed you anyway, you can use *your own* special effects
>choosing not to defend yourself
tif they hit, they are entitled to a special effect
you can rely on your armor to absorb damage, but when you dive into a group of peasants and they start grabbing you, strangling you and yanking your weapons away you're fucked.
my fist-build player used this to kill a knight enemy the party otherwise really couldn't damage
third edition is pretty much finished and over the last year they've done a shit ton to clean it up and finally make it comprehensive and well organized into a rules compendium
we played 3e first and then went further back into 2e and found that 3e was much more boring and simple in comparison

Palladium? Rolemaster? World of Darkness? Have you tried not playing D&D?
>parry can negate damage, but might take away a bonus to your next attack, and absorb makes you take some damage, but doesn't affect your offensive capabilities or require you to move away
Might steal this for a future project.
>Verification not required.
I wouldn't have WoD listed, it has different defenses but they're just numerical values you have to beat based on what kind of attack you're using, there's no real interaction there. I would however recommend Shards of the Exalted Dream for some well done move/countermove combat.
Yah, I like it as a way to show all out attack, or active defence.

I Also like the dodge thing cause the essential nature of heavy infantry, what makes it functionally heavy as opposed to light, is the ability to take and hold ground. Light infantry might deal some damage, but they cant stay when pushed by heavy infantry, or take the ground of heavy infantry directly.

So how you defend is determined by how you want to proceed instead of what number is the biggest. You want to all out attack, attack and defend, or abandon the position.
GURPS is 100% on board with this concept as a default. Depending on how autistic you want to get with it, with Martial Arts, Gladiators, Low-Tech, Shields Up! etc. you can get to where which side you present the enemy while fighting matters, whose sword is ever-so-slightly longer, which enemy you're proactively warding against with the shield while you focus your parries against another while trying to prevent foes from getting into your rear arcs, Retreating as part of defenses to keep enemies from closing into your personal bubble and shivving you, etc.
I [plan to] use both passive defenses (type of defense decided through defender's roll) and a number of active defenses (through declared reaction skills, if defender beats the attacker in a "reflex contest").
My game isn't finished yet, though.

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