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/tg/ - Traditional Games

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Warhammer 40k should only have 3 factions:
>The Imperium (mostly the Space Marines)
>A hostile xenos faction
As it stands right now, the Imperium never feels like it's under any threat, because it never really loses. There's a bunch of different factions that are stated to pose a threat to the Imperium, but never do. Simplifying the amount of factions would allow for a bit more wins to be spread around.
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come play our miniatures game!
we have:
>"space marines"
>"space marines with horns glued on their helmets"
>"TBA alien faction"
It's better than:
>Space Marines
>Space Marines with horns
>Weak aliens
>Other weak aliens
>More weak aliens
>Silly weak aliens
>Comedic weak aliens
>Stupid weak aliens
>more than three things is too complicated
Just don't be retarded.
if it were a one-off strategy game like starcraft 3 factions would make sense.
but the imperium is vast like the amount of imperial factions to choose from and the game presumes that any battle between any 2 factions would be feasable so you got the tau who are just big enough to get theatened by everyone else, the eldar who are just about anywhere, the necrons who could be just about anywhere, the tyranids who come from everywhere at once, the orks who are just about ecerywhere, the dark eldar who can go to just about everywhere and chaos who also could exit the warp almost everywhere.
the only factions who are united and have land with borders have so much of it that this any or everywhere intrudes on their territory
if the imperiums so strong why haven't they simply beaten the weaker aliens
Because they're not worth the time it takes to kill them. If you're in a fistfight with Mike Tyson, you don't focus on a gnat buzzing around your ankle.
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>can't even settle on a third faction
this hot-take needed more time in the oven
OP was too busy jacking off to the image to bother thinking about trivial things like a fleshed out setting.
>Warhammer 40k should only have 3 factions:

>Loyalist Space Marines
>Renegade Space Marines
>Chaos Space Marines

>Femmarine image
>Bait post
>Warhammer 40k should only have 2 factions:
>>Loyalist Space Marines
>Chaos Space Marines

>As it stands right now, the Imperium never feels like it's under any threat, because it never really loses.
Except sometimes. If you mean they never get wiped off the map, well duh, but then again neither does the orks or the tyranids etc
Not even 'sometimes'. The Imperium ends up winning pretty much every conflict with xenos.
There is a long list of planets lost.
If you mean that they eventually stop invasions then yeah. They are the largest player in the galaxy after all. But they do lose sometimes.
>There is a long list of planets lost.
But in every case they do more damage to the xenos than the xenos did to them.
I actually wouldn't mind it if 40k focused even harder on humans and had the main factions being Imperium, Chaos, and Renegades, with Renegades being a catch-all collection of rogue chapters, Cybernetika/Heretek forge worlds, and small human polities that have broken off from the Imperium and - for a time - are managing some independence before being conquered again. I'm not a fan of the "all humans are either Imperium or straight to Chaos" thing. They missed a good opportunity with Huron Blackheart.

Keep the xenos but don't have them as a focal force, with the Orks being the most prominent "enemy of all humans" and the others being seldom encountered and mostly in the background.
>But in every case they do more damage to the xenos than the xenos did to them.
Not really, no, and losing a planet is losing 100% so...
If you mean BL books, regardless of quality they are usually written from the viewpoint of survivors.
Thing is, let's look at the factions:
>Necrons can't generate new soldiers so every one of their warriors that is killed without the reanimation protocol working properly is perma-killed forever, also they lost a lot of their technology during their sleep and they keep losing more and more shit to the Imperium
>The Eldar are already a dying race and that's before you get the Imperium slaughtering more of them and wiping out entire craftworlds
>The Dark Eldar are literally dealing with a daemonic invasion right now that they have no capacity to stop
>The Orks have failed to get any sort of Beast-analogue going in their own race and now have to compete with far more powerful enemies than they're prepared for
>The Tyrannids have lots pretty much every hive fleet they've ever sent and are now forced to resort to specializing against fighting daemons which provide them no food
>The Votann have lost entire clans and will inevitably die out as their Votann continue to age and wither
>The Tau have lost every war they've ever fought with the Imperium and continue to be outpaced technologically while their empire dies
So far the only faction in the game that's actually growing and getting stronger is the Imperium and Chaos, and those are both mostly human factions.
But that's in the large scale. What you are saying is that the US didn't lose against Vietnam because it still exists, and that in turn means that Vietnam doesn't (or shouldn't) actually exist.
In other words you make no sense.
The imperium stopped every invasion because they are gigantic. But the imperium winning against orks is like you removing a patch of mold. You did it, great. Mold still exists, and may even come back in the same spot.
The mold may come back, but it's weaker and smaller every time.
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>what if le imperium and le tau

Who the fuck is spamming these threads
The Imperium isn't growing or getting stronger. It's divided in two and under pressure from every direction. I realize that GW has done a piss poor job depicting the situation, and that most of the major conflicts since 8th edition have ended up being Imperial victories, but officially the Imperium is on the back foot and struggling more than ever to survive
Eh, the thing is though that's just to Chaos. Chaos got a major victory, yes, but it's mostly humans anyways. So really, the entire conflict in 40k can be summed up as a human vs human civil war while xenos get their asses handed to them.
Yeah I think a lot of people are forgetting that Chaos is by and large the human faction. They're the main Chaos-worshipping race, and not only that, but the CSM are by and large still explicitly human supremacist to the point that they're occasionally willing to team up with Imperium forces to fight aliens. Whether it's the Imperium or Chaos that wins in the end, either way it's a human victory.
>the CSM are by and large still explicitly human supremacist to the point that they're occasionally willing to team up with Imperium forces to fight aliens
TTS is not real lore
The Iron Warriors sided with Imperial Fist successors during the War of the Beast.
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this is just HH. Go play HH.
>/tg/ - Traditional Games
>half the threads are 40k lore shitposts
will this ever end
Lurk moar

This is a 40k board. Always was, always will be.
>tranny image
>tranny opinion
Every time
I dunno ask /40kg/
Imperium has never dealt a decisive blow against orks or nids and any strikes against them always cost more than whatever they gain.
>Imperium has never dealt a decisive blow against orks

Anon they killed them so hard during the great crusade it took them 2 millennia to become a threat again.

Then they killed them so hard a second time that they were able to turn their homeworld into a hive world and it took them another 8 millennia to invade it again.

And they lost that first invasion and had to try again
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Warhammer 40k should only have 5 factions

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anon those are species
and you wrote down 6 not 5.
2k humanity has yet to completely eradicate any kind of pest, globally. What makes you think 40k humanity can do the same on a galactic scale for things that aren't merely pests?
>Then they killed them so hard a second time that they were able to turn their homeworld into a hive world and it took them another 8 millennia to invade it again.
>And they lost that first invasion and had to try again
The Orks don't have a homeworld, what the fuck are you on about?
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Orks? And so far from Orkland..
>they killed them so hard
They killed one dude and it not only nearly cost them the Emperor's life, but it also wiped out an entire founding legion and planted the seeds of the Heresy bu revealing to Horus how weak and mortal the Emperor actually was.
>muh homeworld
Orks don't have a homeworld, dummy.
>mere pests
Tell me the next time mold claims a munitions factory and starts churning out fungus powered war machines that threaten society. I also didn't realize that the majority of the world was ruled by fungal empires that humanity has no hope of defeating.
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even though its a bait image by posting it you have proven you are an utter fuckwit, so it is pointless to engage in debate with you.
You missed the general

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