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Previously: No.93923349

>OFFICIAL Commander website, where you can learn the rules, see the current banlist, and read the format philosophy, laid down by the rules committee:

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen color identity.

>Deck List Sites: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck strategy and card choices.


>Proxy a deck or a cube for cheap

>How to proxy using any printer

How many times do you typically play a preconstructed deck before deciding to make upgrades, and what factors influence your decision?
That is understandable. I personally prefer to get Multani out asap. As the sooner he is out the more of an early game threat that he is, especially since he has shroud.
Ritualposters are niggers

About 3 or so times to get the feel for it. Though some times after a few games it will set in that it wasn't really the deck I liked or expected. The last precons I bought were Bello, Esper Knights, and Guff. The latter two are permanent members, Bello pretty much made me remake Klothys since I already have an aggro deck that can hold its own.
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Why is ritualposting so boring?
I almost never play precons any more because they usually suck ass. Wacky mana curves, way too many taplands, and very little interaction. I created my own "precon" decks in each color to help people learn to play because I didn't feel comfortable recommending people buy ones off the shelf to get started.
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Same energy.
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I have played precons exactly zero times. You could not convince me to waste a single cent on those piles of steaming garbage when the option to build for free on archidekt/moxfield/tappedout is right there and a whole deck can be proxied for $30.
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Same energy.
>mfw the ritualposting has had more compelling development in 3 months than Magic's story in 3 years
Stop slandering my deck masters like this!
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Same energy
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>guy who pays for fucking 4chan is anti proxy
makes sense
something something poor.. seethe or whatever.. u know the deal
Zero (0) starting life is superior to any other amount of starting life.
Cap life gain to 60.
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>life totals matter
People could start with 1000 life and it would only affect a handful of decks.
Now I'm horny
WotC deserves $0 and resellers deserve even less. If they want to make an unsanctioned format the center of their game, they get to deal with me cutting them out of the process.
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>You could not convince me to waste a single cent on those piles of steaming garbage when the option to build for free on archidekt/moxfield/tappedout is right there and a whole deck can be proxied for $30.
I don't really care for you hate boner. Proxies aren't fun to draw, to play, to discard.. they aren't fun
I wish I was as based as you
>try to play a game of edh on mtgo
>waste 5 minutes on turn 1 just waiting for people to realize they have no actions to take and need to pass
I've always had a problem with the proxy or not debate because on one hand, fuck giving Wotc any money, but on the other most proxyfags just do the same bullshit as other proxyfags and seriously lack imagination. I'm on the fence on this issue.
>Combo/cEDH brainrot
Proxying is what allows you to open your mind to anything you want. Sure the first step many people take is getting an $80 staple for $0.25, but it also opens you to tons of extremely niche rares that never got reprinted.
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give me one good reason, except for sunk cost, for why proxing is bad.
Whenever I reach over to grab someone's ABU dual and eat it, if it's a proxy it tastes like shit.
Game integrity.
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your dollars go to support ugly black characters that are draw by gay liberal weirdos who jack off to blacked porn as reparations
I said aside from sunk cost
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Oh god, AI chatbots have overrun TG.
Limitations breed creativity. The only reason why I give anons on this website a pass is because usually the argument for proxying is to not give a retarded company your money, and that's a good thing.
But out in the wild, I've seen people proxying and it's the same decks over and over again. Proxying does not "allow you to open your mind". It just lets people use staples more often and build and toss decks away without putting any heart into them.
Your reasoning is low IQ and nonsensical.
I'm not conservative. Why did you assume I was?
>anon is being a meanie poopy pants
Dehumanization is not an argument.
But you tried that in the post he replied to?
You're a moron and those dubs are wasted on you. I'm not the anon he was replying to but there's a huge difference between making fun of a group of state protected weirdos and likening someone to a robot.
This argument falls apart when you are not playing with fixed budget because then the game devolves into whoever makes the poorest financial decisions.
No, not really. Stay malding, 4chan NPC.
>Limitations breed creativity.
Not really.
Yes, really and you would know that if you hadn't been born after 9/11.
I'm 38, bro.
Congratulations, you're 38 and have the mentality of a sheltered teenager.
The only fucking thing that happens is people then bhave to use junk draft chaff to replace these cards. You aren't being creative. You're just playing the walmart store brand version. Can you give me some examples of these super creative decks that in no way would be improved by adding more pricey cards to it?

Mono is even worse. Your choices are already limited. You're not helping yourself by refusing to use mono color staples. What are you replacing cabal coffers with in your mono black deck?
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>been asked to make pic rel on a dare
>most of the fun discount shit is in red or green
At least I can use Draco
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>9/11 was 40 years ago
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you know what you must do
Yes really.
Sure, you're right in a vacuum, but people don't play in a vacuum. There are social rules that people work out when they come together in a game. If not, those people will not play with you again.
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>you can literally style on someone with Scornful Egotist now
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There are no anti-proxy arguments that hold up against any pressure
Maybe someone doesn't want to be. Maybe they just wanted to build a curse deck, or some shit. Even shitty commanders add up in price with 100 cards. Not everyone wants to be a special snowflake.
This is inherently a complaint about cEDH pubstomping. Their fast mana and true duals bought with cash does not somehow make that match better and address that complaint. The way you'd deal with this is the same way with proxies or not. You ask the table about their decks and you make sure you are all at a similar power level.

I have never heard an anti-proxy argument that made any sense.
why would anyone want to support that regardless of nominal political affiliation?
Are you dumb?
Are you?
>Can you give me some examples of these super creative decks that in no way would be improved by adding more pricey cards to it?
No? Dude, I've never played Magic in my life.
the free mono black braids list you get for opening a mtgo account is actually a functional deck
im impressed
>Can you give me some examples of these super creative decks that in no way would be improved by adding more pricey cards to it?
In my Pramikon deck, I don't play any straight up counter spells or the "free" counterspells. They are all draft chaff counterspells like complicate and condesend because the theme of the deck is "do you pay the 1", so everything in the deck wants to tax you mana.
As for your question, you could probably run cabal stronghold or just run pure Swamps and Break the Ice to punish people who run special lands.
>Limitations breed creativity
this is true, but self imposed limitations are more interesting than financial ones
you can build a stupid busted deck for cheap but I'd personally rather play my 5 color basic lands deck
great so now I get to be creative and efficient
why yes I will put wheel of fortune into my rug looter tribal deck
This same argument applies when proxying. Nothing is stopping those same social rules from applying if someone wants to proxy Dockside Extortionist.
>self imposed limitations are more interesting than financial ones
>you can build a stupid busted deck for cheap
but your average mtgfag buys Funko pops and watches the Command Zone. They won't use self imposed limitations. This is the same crowd that brought UB into mtg.
the most important skill in edh deckbuilding is being able to identify which decks need certain staples and which ones don't
>You shouldn't play the commander you want, because.....YOU NEED TO BE ORIGINAL!!!!
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Proxies 4 lyfe
So your argument is that you want slop?
I can't disagree with the truth.
That's why pickup games are such a crapshoot, but that's part of the fun I guess?>>93934404
what does this have to do with cyber punk?
we get main printing anime cards now?
>This is the same crowd that brought UB into mtg.
UB (Ugin, Bisexual)
Rebecca is more Rakdos in personality though
And Ian Malcom ain't BUG or Naya. Didn't stop them from making official alt cards in those colors.
This doesn't look anime at all.
isnt he izzet?
I'd replace with Vial smasher instead of Ghryson. It would make more sense since she's a little goblin.
Why is Sundering Titan still "banned"?
They did a secret lair with a bug and naya version that's just an alt-name for egg-negro lady and BUG Twink guy.
Same as splinter twin in modern, it's either power-creeped out or going to be a problem. There's not a world where adding it makes for interesting situations.
>There's not a world where adding it makes for interesting situations
If "interesting" were the bar here then every single auto-include would be banned.
Sundering Titan's ban is just ooga booga superstition
They were really holding back because it was the first UB set, and it was also replacing a core set but i really wish Tiamat and the Tarrasque had cards that weren't so fucking lame
"If the Tarrasque is on the battlefield and would change zones, instead it does not"
it's very easy to both reanimate and sacrifice artifacts, and resolving a couple sundering titan triggers will probably win you the game
Just got squirreled away for 30 bucks dont ask how . So all good upgrades end up just swapping Hazel for Chatterfang ? is hazel really that bad against t8+ decks ?
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Is there a pdf containing all the old schemes to print out? I will NOT be paying over 100 bucks for a gimmick playmode.
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Christ almighty I hate landfall decks
>shuffle shuffle shuffle
>draw between shuffles
>more shuffling
>shit 8000 zombies with field of the dead and 800 scute bugs
>fucking around with their lotus cobra, nissa, and tireless provisioner mana for 10 minutes
>cast big payoff
>doesn't win, turn keeps going
>bounce resetting their lands for more triggers
>pondering what to pick up and what to leave on the board
>recurring graveyard lands
>marit lage is assembled somewhere along the way
>wanked off, not ending the game
>pass with glacial chasm online
holy fuck shoot me already nigga.
I've had several times happen, where someone is wanking having a shitload of creatures, or better yet, just resolved a Storm Herd, and I killed them. Want to learn how? With a Rakdos Charm, it's a simple trick they hate.
I also have had someone several times plead for me not to kill them so they can get their next turn, but I always do in that case. If they make a statement like that, I will 100% do it, because to me, it translates to them saying that if I pass the turn to them, they win the game.
Thirty (30) starting life is objectively superior to fourty (40)
Hazel depends heavily on dropping early and making tokens, the mana can be good as long as you have spells to cast but she is not a toolbox commander like Chatterfang is

Room temp IQ (Celsius)

Room temp IQ (Fahrenheit)
You just want the game to be pay to win. If you keep seeing the same cards it's a design problem and not my fuckin problem WOTC is a greedy corporation that intentionally creates a power imbalance in order to drive sales of its booster packs because pay to win fags and investards slop them up.

Proxying en masse would be the only way the FIRE shit would get fixed. By not buying Wizards printed cards and proxying exclusively I am doing more to fix the numerous greed driven problems with the game than you are seething about proxychads.

There is literally zero argument against proxies beyond "I'm a seething little bitch that is angry I can't use my wallet to stomp people".
Room temp IQ (Kelvin)
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What is EDH's equivalent of Lantern Control?
>the Odd Acorn Gang
9001 IQ
It's still Lantern control, but with more ways to untap your artifacts
He made a post appealing to conservatives, you chose to respond to it, that doesn't mean he assumed that you were a conservative. Learn to anonymous. Your place in the conversation is your entire identity, you don't get to have any identity beyond that, not here.
So legitimately braindead and turbo retard?
Why did he assume that poster would care about that stuff if not conservative? Delusion?
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what do (YOU) imprint?
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so Chatter is no fun brain dead auto win and hazel full of lever and buttons but fun and fair ?
I would love to have a better answer, but it's almost always Dramatic Reversal.
Do you know how much is room temperature converted from Celsius (23) to Fahrenheit? This will answer your question.
No, not really, he's right. You don't know what "heart" means. A person who thinks that a strategic archetype is cool and tries to build his deck accordingly is a person with "heart". A person who spends too much money on pay-to-win cardboard is a person who does not have "heart". Given the same quantity of heart, a proxyfag will build all the meta decks relevant to a particular format/timeframe, and then play those decks to his hearts' content, and then move on to something else (possibly adjacent to the meta, possibly completely different). Whereas a person who wants to buy official cards and who has "heart" will continue shitbrewing for year after year in a sad attempt to approach his chosen meta within his chosen "budget" constraints. The difference is clear, one person spends money to gain the approval of an amoral soulless profit-driven entity, the other spends his money (and his attention) more wisely.
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serously why the fuck did they make them so bad?
>Limitations breed creativity
If by "creativity" you mean "playing worse cards for no reason other than price" then yeah sure it breeds creativity
Have you though about playing in lower power pods?
>your 2 1/1 squirrels become 1 4/4 squirrel (this is generally better than "squirrels you control get +1/+1")
>Probably going to draw a card each combat phase
>5/5 menace trample reach for (5)
You have none of my sympathy.
doesn't look bad to me.
you can stack your squirrel buffs all on the Acorn gang for easy 21, you token making fuck
This is a great squirrel voltron but you need to have room temp IQ (Kelvin) to understand and pilot it.
>As a sorcery
>One or more
These things make them really clunky
They make it so that you have to announce your game-winning squirrel-pile alpha swing (no adding commander damage at instant-speed after they decline to block) and they make it so that you can't gain 1 card per squirrel (just 1 card per attack phase at best). Yes, you can describe that as "clunky", but you still have none of my sympathy.
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Squirrelfags have no idea how good they've got it. This would be THE commander in another less supported tribe. It's big, it has a lot of keywords, it draws cards, and supports the tribe with its ability. But hazel and chatterfang are so profoundly retarded all you can do is gaze at this card and ask, "why did they even bother?"
voltron only works at low powered tables, also 5 mana is a lot
He takes your go-wide strategy and makes it easy for people to stop combat with a single kill spell. His ability to draw a card is good, but the tap granting ability might as well not be there.
>The ability to turn (eight 1/1s and one 5/5 commander) into (8 tapped squirrels and 1 21/21 commander) might as well not be there
Ok fag
I tend to disagree.
Make red control great again. Is there a better choice in my colour?
You can't pay any of these costs
please don't laugh at me
You still had to tap out for combat, and now you've been stopped by one kill spell. Congratulations, you drew zero cards.
it's just me, your biggest fan. you are just too funny when you don't try to be
that doesn't make me feel good
They're additional costs, so he still has to pay for them.
You're in green, there are a zillion ways to protect your commander for cheap. He even refunds you the card when he gets the hit in. Card's fine, it's just hilariously undertuned compared to other squirrel bullshit.
Its probably a basic land and color identity thing
Sundering titan was legal for a long time and the format is better for it being banned. The RC knows this, your dumb ass doesnt. Shrimple as.
Holy pathetic
>nooooo only I'm allowed to be mean it doesn't make sense when others are!!!!
Kill yourself fake right winger.
Absolutely does lmao what a retarded thing to contest. I proxy because I'm intelligent enough to not misuse it as a concept but most people aren't and therefore most shouldn't be proxying
>anti proxy is pay to win
My strongest deck is a ~60 dollar (CAD) Lilah pile which is undefeated and my 120 dollar rakdos pile which is also undefeated
Both those arguments make sense though anon and neither of your rebuttals to the arguments serve to refute them in any way lmao this place is fucking retarded
People using proxies is an amazing way to filter them. They are all toxic, insufferable and don't have any integrity. They might as well be spanish. I would never play with them, simple as.
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Flash Flood
thanks, otherwise I couldn't. he seems like such a nice person
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it's like kicker so it works
What a sad way to look at any game.
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Anon I dont give a shit what you do so there is no need to make yourself look like a moron and throw a tantrum. I'm just telling you your arguments suck. My best deck is 60 bucks btw and none of them exceed 200 in price so your tantrum couldn't be more offbase
What is the best cheapest EDH deck I can make that I can add too over time?
Budget is like 30-50 bucks but over time no budget.
I'm new to this and a single breadwinner so I have to ''leak'' in purchases so my wife doesn't lose her mind and I can still pay bills every month.

Also I can understand the reaction because this guy isn't exponential, he multiplies the value of your squirrels but there's no easy way to turn it into "get X squirrels (worth of value) per squirrel", and in the context of commander squirrels have basically become synonymous with "pretend you're making 1/1s which is the weakest thing in this format but you're actually gaining exponential value which is the strongest thing in this format".
You can see that Odd Acorn Gang gives you solid linear value, and it looks like shit, because you're used to squirrel commanders that give you mathematically-superior value in one way or another.
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dragon general for pic rel mood?
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Im just imagining it as a skeleton commander, and it would unironically fix the tribe by giving it something to do besides regenerating, and it would give regenerators something to accomplish (safe card draw)
Why is this place so unhelpful and stupid?
You guys just post random cards and like ''hey if this and this happened this would be awesome haha'' and that is the entire thread but spammed until death.
okay what do you need help with, i'm all ears
Funny enough I have this in my landfall deck as well since I run both winds of abandon and realm razer
>watch Bride of Chucky as a kid/early teen
>get a stiffy when Tiffany turns into a doll
What the fuck. Still not buying the SL though.
I would play this. I mostly just want an excuse to run Skeletal Swarming.
Okay but why are skeletons buffing other skeletons that don't make much sense. Maybe if they sacced themselves
Squirrels also have no precedent for buffing other squirrels, besides lords obviously.
They're obviously sharing their milk cache with their bone bro (they become tapped, because they go to the store to buy some more milk)
Save your money you fool
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My fav part about buying cards is getting all that free shit. Got my 7 cards and received 12 for free, most foil too. It's like.. a gacha game with guaranteed winnings.
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Storm chads, i'm thinking about building this deck that i've put together, but i'm feeling people will just leave the table because of the long turns. Any experiences to share with storm decks?

My mate spent 50 bucks on otawara in foil.
Makes me feel better about spending 20bucks on junji
>Lgs 5 min away has regulars that smell like shit
>Lgs 15 min away is aggressively woke/trans and lets homeless sit in at edh tables
>Knew a guy that literally had his deck stolen off a table there
>Only good Lgs is half hour drive but they close at 9 so can only fit in 2-3 games for edh nights there

Fuck I just want to play my new tuned up jank why are stores like this
I'm going to turn nogames at this rate if I can't find coworkers or someone for a group
I got something better.
Do you mean the chaff sellers throw in to help prevent bending?
It's a BIG skelly made out of lots of little smaller skellys
Yeah. It's fun seeing all these random cards. I've got nearly 300. I should build a commons deck with em

I think i'm done fiddling around with my Knights deck. but any thoughts and suggestions would be nice
>Shitty huge local TCS with weirdos, trans fetishists, people who don't bathe, can't hold a normal conversation, and are stupid
>New store opens near me
>Normal people
>Everyone makes fun of the people who go to the big store
>People from the big store start trying to come to smaller store but leave because they act scared of normal people

I'm enjoying it while I can.
I spent all this money on these cards and justified it to myself by saying they were an investment. The idea that someone spent $0.25 on what I spent $10, $50, maybe even $100 on threatens my self delusion and asks questions I don't want to answer.
anon, did you goldfish your deck before saying this? I'm counting literally 3 cards that draw more cards, that is not NEARLY close to be enough of card draw. You have too much equips that do nothing too and are win more cards.
I mean, turn 5-8 a combo/storm player is threatening to win and you are already behind because you have no cards in hand to do something to stop it.
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Last time I bought a 30 cent single I really needed for a list it had hardly any sellers so shipping was more than the card
but they packaged it with 4 bloodhounds, 4 hard evidence, and 4 scuttletides.
I was staring at them like, are they trying to get me started into some budget modern deck
Ignore this guy
He's obsessed with card draw and thinks every curve is too high.
This isn't Modern.
But it's hype, isn't it? I even got pokemon cards and cards from a game called flesh and blood.
One of em even wrote me a handwritten letter of thanks and that he'd love if I bought more and shit. It's so funny
same only in my 30s
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>this isnt modern
Lol. I took a look, that's a deck running taplands with zero ramp or card draw. Maybe, just maybe, it's a consistent problem new players have.
Depends entirely on what you like to play. What kind of play style do you favor? Since you mentioned goblins I assume you like to turn sideways and attack often. If so then that's not a bad place to start. There's a lot of options for it.
This one is actually kind of cool. Weird but cool
God I hate Jace so much it's unreal
Spam together to make a big guy? Literally lend each other a hand?
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If it's all knights, why no patchwork banner and heralds horn? Maybe Vanquishers banner
What kind of options do you have? Are you deliberately trying to play a lower-powered version of a slower strategy? That's fine but Mardu is probably the greediest color combo so you really need the foundation of your deck to be solid regardless of what your strategy is. Based on the card choices I'm assuming this is literally all you have to hand so take my suggestions with that in mind.

Biggest point: Please do not ever run Temple of the False God. Play a basic if you have to. You cannot afford to stumble on mana and on top of that your deck is very pip-intensive.

Next thing that stands out to me is your lack of decent ramp given the big mana costs of some cards you've chosen play like Hex and In Garruk's Wake. Especially on only 36 lands those cards will be tough to cast when your card advantage isn't kicking in until turn 5 or 6 at best. You need to get the Talismans in there and maybe a Chromatic Lantern to shore up the wonky mana base.

The other anon is right that you are lacking some inexpensive card draw. Mask of Memory is an easy include here and I'd hope you have a copy lying around somewhere. There are a lot of other obvious things like the very weak equipment package you're running which, again, I'm assuming you're doing because you don't have Swords of X & Y or they'd already be in but investing in a Feast and Famine or a Hearth and Home/Fire and Ice is probably worth it.

Good luck, this seems like a deck being held back by the reality of your collection but for what you have it's probably playable with tweaks to at least make sure you don't choke on mana. If you can do nothing else maybe get 3 more untapped lands in (total 39) or invest in a Triome, City of Brass, and Mana Confluence and cut some of the really basic uncommon equipments.
Some tribes really do not know how good they have it.
I like these crab tokens. There any commander than can do anything with them?
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I like how it's all 50 cent cards and then the random expensive fetch land, kek.
I always buy the cheap ones that make lands enter tapped. I've got like an entire stack of evolving wilds
didn't know they existed. i'm new.

thanks, this is all solid advice and exactly what I was looking for and yeah some of the weaker equipment is stand ins until i can get better stuff. but that will have to wait for the future.

I thought my commander's card draw would be good. but i guess i really am sol if my commander gets consistently removed.
yeah its my most valuable card in the deck. i pulled it randomly from a booster.
>buys weird expensive promos
>skimps on the manabase
Classic retard.
Ohh... well if you already have it, duh.. use it. But I wouldn't buy that expensive thing.
Yeah.. I mean anon, the difference between arid mesa and evolving wilds is 15bucks. And all it gives me is a land that's untapped instead of tapped.
I'm not playing competitive commander, fren. I'm playing casual. I've got sol ring and farseek and cultivate and whatnot of bullshit to shit out lands.
Dont give people advice if you have wildly terrible opinions. Fetchlands are an essential part of an average powered deck and enable a wide variety of strategies. Not only that, they're as affordable as they've ever been. You can get by buying fancy cards for a monocolour deck, but if you're running three colours, and a nongreen three colour at that, you really need the fixing.
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You are the type of person nobody likes.
Like.. last time I played my mate, I did some.. turn 1 land sol ring, turn 2 cultivate, krosan verge, turn 3 farseek, land, crack krosan verge.
That's.. uhh.. 7 lands and a sol ring on turn 3. That's aids enough.
But you are clearly just a disgusting cellar nerd. You have no idea what casual even means.
>average powered deck
Show me a precon that features fetch lands that don't make shit enter tapped.. cause that's average power you nasty loser.
Not even the 300dollar ur dragon precon has a single one of them.
>passive aggressive bitch fit trying to guilt people into playing shitty decks
Classic scrub behaviour. Precons are the ENTRY point. They are not good decks, not even average decks. Casual doesnt mean terrible, it means no judges and you can rewind plays. The average deck is around $250-$500 and has a full set of fetches and shocks.
You can put the sleepytime tea in ice tea and it's good (probably 1 bag of that to 2 bags of black tea or green tea). It's mint and chamomile and a bunch of other things that taste good cold. Just sayan.
Same with this.
This one is probably great on ice, unless it has orange peel, then it's terrible.
sadly, that anon is correct, bro >>93937261
if you are playing a 3+ color deck without fetch lands, just don't ever bother, you are literally gimping yourself. That's why if you want to play budget, just go for 2 colors, no not even mono color decks, because in one only color it is almost obligatory to get the expensive staples of that color, meanwhile in 2 colors you can get by using the strenghts of each one to get consistent results (like if you go boros for example, red sucks to destroy enchantments, but white is king with that, so they are a nice complement for each other).
T. budget maniac
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There are enough fetch lands that cost 5 cents. Those are more than enough.
>tapped lands
I'll ALWAYS be one turn ahead of you using 25+ basics with 2 colors.
>guilting you into playing a weaker deck
If you don't like good matches and your decks don't cover a range of power levels then you're stupid, but you shouldn't feel guilty about it, it's one of those things that serves as its own punishment.
Even if so, I play at tables of 4. You really think everyone lets you ramp out your ass? The one with the most lands gets controlled.
And.. also why the fuck would I care. You think I'm here trying to win a prize pool? Nobody cares about your boner for winning
I only recently put my paper deck lists into moxfield and was surprised to see that the manabase is over half the cost of most of them
I played Modern from Innistrad block through Khans and up until around MH2 so I always had sets of fetches and shocks and check lands to put in all my commander decks. I was also used to spending several hundred dollars to build a completely new deck. If you only play commander then I could see how you'd think the price of lands was ridiculous.
>If you only play commander then I could see how you'd think the price of lands was ridiculous.
You have this backwards. You should not be comfortable paying hundreds of dollars for one deck of premium cardboard. Fuck, especially in formats where the decks are half as big as commander.

Most of my decks come out to about $70-$80 and I never spend more than a couple dollars per card on lands, almost all my lands are basic.

Based tea bros.
It's just another form of ritual posting.
Speaking of which, that rupertposting faggot should be here in a few days.
If you dont know about how to improve a deck or the relative strength of cards, I wouldnt give deck advice. It just makes you look like a jackass.
you are correct anon, i don't know how can people find OKAY to spend so much on pieces of cardboard. I only have 3 decks, i've put them on moxfield and they cost 44, 105 and 245 dollars each and the more expensive one was my first edh deck where i was blind by euphoria.
If you want to go to sanctioned tournaments and have a competitive deck (which is the entire point of playing a format like Modern or Legacy), you gotta buy real cards
I don't think spending ~$300-500 dollars a year on a hobby is that extreme. I've spent way more than that on season passes and snowboarding gear, or car mods and track days
Where exactly did I give advice?
here maybe? >>93937121 that is a question
Or maybe I gave advice here >>93937202 .. by saying I find the one expensive land funny..
Or maybe.. hm...
Are you having fever dreams? Where did I give that anon advice on his deck?
Ritual posting has more soul and substance than 80% of this general.
>t. the very faggot that does so
You can do better than being an 80% pleb
>I've spent way more than that on season passes and snowboarding gear, or car mods and track days
Ah the classic "I can afford it" retard justification.
It's premium cardboard anon. It flat out is not worth $300-$500 a deck. The fact that the barrier to enter tournaments is that high should be more than enough reason to not fucking want to enter tournaments.

I play limited every other weeks. $20 buy in for the packs. More than enough fun to be had. I don't know what would compel some sweaty nerd to drop half a PC on cardboard that will be set rotated in a couple years anyway for the CHANCE of being labelled "best sweaty nerd at this 1 irrelevant event"
Its okay if your only paying 2 bucks for a high quality proxy, but yea my inner jew wont allow me to spend anything above 10 dollars for a piece of cardboard
honestly, with 200-300 dollars you should just build a cube. An EDH deck should not EVER cost more than 100 usd
>anon you are just poor kwab
lmao, i don't care
Do I have jewish ancestry? 10 bucks is around my upper limit too. Only for a single card though. I have routinely spent like $20 without really intending to by picking up a bunch of $1-$3 cards at one time, and it doesn't bother me as much.
You were telling him he doesnt need fetches; that's just objectively wrong.

I help people all the time, maybe you should improve as a poster.
Please direct me to that exact sentence. I'm waiting..
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wh-where's the third autostub?
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Neheb and friends have been reverted.
You wrote some elaborate nonsense about the nature of precons not including fetches and therefore it's not representative of the average deck, implying he didnt need fetches. Do better, apply yourself.
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>precon that features fetch lands that don't make shit enter tapped.
>I always buy the cheap ones that make lands enter tapped
>I've got like an entire stack of evolving wilds
2 statements made by me that clearly show I always stuff my decks full of fetch lands...
one about precons not having the "pay 1 life ones"
Are you just pretending to be retarded?
As it should. I would of allowed him to work as he did before even with the changes because retroactive nerfs to a somewhat okay-ish commander is ridiculous.
get your MH3 fetches while you can because they will rebound. They're just optimal.
what now? what's mh3
Was something changed about how Neheb works at some point? Did I miss this?
Fetch lands refer to a specific type of lands, not just any lands that fetch a land. While panoramas and the like also fetch lands, no one refers to them as such, and in general they're some of the worst lands possible. This is why you shouldny give advice; you dont know what you're talking about.
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They changed post-combat main to refer to only second main, so extra combats would not trigger those cards multiple times.
This is after they printed pick related by the way.
Shit is wacky.
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>Fetch lands are lands that can be sacrificed to search their controller's library for a land of a specific basic land type.
>Evolving Wilds
>Sacrifice Evolving Wilds: Search your library for a basic land card, put it onto the battlefield tapped, then shuffle.
2 cents..

Nigga, you are embarrassing yourself.
I do like the idea of Goblins, I was also looking at Spiders, or a cheap Braids?
I play in a pretty casual group so
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Whats a good ratio for looting effects and big creatures in Reanmiator?
I'm running Sedris and i have 20 looters and 9 big creatures, and i feel like i spin my wheels too much before i actually see some good targets
Also thinking of replaceing Sedris with more of an engine type Commander like Ludevic/Vial Smasher or some Mana Dork, any reccomendations?
>admit to being new
>act smug about not knowing terminology
Other anon is correct, fetchlands refer to a very specific cycle. No one cares about your draft chaff
If you scrolled down down, retard anon, you'd see that it specifically refers to the mirage cycle of bad fetches, but more specifically onslaught and zendikar fetches. Fabled passage isnt a fetch. Evolving wilds isnt a fetch, panoramas arent a fetch, landscapes arent fetches, and if you actually played magic for more than 6 weeks, you'd know as much.
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I had a hard time using Sedris because he's a 9 mana investment do actually do anything.
I've had more luck using a lot of the same cards in MOM Ayara, even if it does mean losing blue.
Considering you're an identifiable poster, if you were wise you'd be more considerate, especially on subjects you dont understand.
>the wiki proves me right
>the dictionary or anyone with basic understanding of the english language, proves me right
Nigger.. you people have the IQ of a crack baby. Fetch.. dude, google what the word fetch means. I mean, this is like trying to show /x/ posters the earth isn't flat. That's the level of intelligence you guys are showing.
first game i tried him sedris actually won me the game, but that was a super fringe case.
I'd love to keep it grixis, but i will probably reshape it to Chainer, Nightmare Adept
I get not wanting to go off Grixis, there are all kinds of cute tricks to get around the downsides of Unearth, but Sedris is just so fucking slow for today's games.
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Seems like you really want to be known as the retard who doesnt know what a fetch is. When most anons say dumb shit they can slink back into anonymity, but you're going to have a bit more difficult time.
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It's.. I have no words man. Have you people really never used a dictionary before? Do you people not know what google is or maybe wiki pages?
>go for and then bring back (someone or something) for someone.
Like.. I dunno what to say man. A bunch of people trying to redefine the english language.
What is wrong with you?
What the fuck is this thread..
yes, needed to cut 3 cards too before the game, i decided to throw out Obeka, Teferi's Veil and Sundial of the Infinite.
Fun and cute tricks, but i never intended and expected to cast Sedris and they are do nothing without him. Think my pod is slow enought for him to actually do stuff consistently though
Swords to Plowshares
Just like a tron deck doesnt refer to a voltron deck, so to a fetch refers to something very specific. Always has. Go somewhere else if you dont like it. You arent welcome here.
Like I care what you have to say dude. I'm done with you. You are clearly not on the intelligence of a regular human.
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I am not that poster and I have posted 0 times ITT.
When someone says "fetchland", they are usually referring to 10 specific lands that enter untapped and fetch untapped.
While you are technically correct that Evolving Wilds is a fetchland, people will often call these cards "slow fetches". The original fetch land cycle from Mirage are an example of slow fetches as they don't give access to the mana on the turn you play the land. Evolving Wilds and its counterparts are also slow fetches because once again, they don't give access to mana on the turn they enter the battlefield. These cards are generally considered bad choices because lands that enter tapped are generally bad unless they have great abilities. I personally run Evolving Wilds as a decent mana fixing budget option, as it still causes two land ETBs, fills graveyard, gives shuffle, all that great stuff, but I am also well aware that I would replace it in every single deck if budget were no consideration.
You can let things go instead of autistically sperging out all over a thread. You don't need to reply just to whine about nothing like here >>93937893 instead of discussing cards or gameplay.
So, when the next two UB sets come out next year im planning to make a UB villains deck in grixis colours. Im doing grixis because i feel like its very fitting colours for villains and no way in hell am i making a 4 colour deck (I might do a five colour deck if an interesting commander comes out)
Now im already doing some planning with the UB stuff that has come out. The plan is to be mostly creatures with half being big villains a la sauron/ abadon and the rest being their minions that help me keep a board state/ramp up to my villains coming out then the rest of the spells being mostly protections, ramp and draw.
I currently am thinking of using Sauron as my commander as he is currently the strongest of the ub villain cards out but theres probably gonna be a more busted or funner commander out for marvel/FF
However i am currently looking at the DnD/Baldur's gate cards and am wondering if those fall under UB or not.
Im also probably not gonna use the transformers/Jurrasic world cards as none of the cards seem to mesh well with what i wanna do.
Of course Ill make an archenemy deck to go with it for fun.
to all UB haters who are no doubt gonna hate on me, fuck you im gonna have fun with this.
grixis are le villians XD
>t. retard who doesnt know what fetches are even though it was explained at length
All this could have been avoided if you recognized your limitations and worked on being a constructive poster.
Yes, I understand what you are saying. But it's a fetch land, no matter how you turn it.
But I'm tired of this nonsense.
It started with me saying I buy the cheapo fetch lands cause I don't have endless money and it spiraled into this shitshow of nonsense.

Fuck this pointless conversation.
Here, look at my dogmeat instead https://archidekt.com/decks/9268682/dogmeat
I spent the last hour putting all my cards in there. Finally have it on archidekt.
Jeez man we're reaching "Teleportation Circle is a Scam card" levels of not understanding jargon here
All lands that fetch a land of a basic type are fetch lands, but not all are fetchlands that exclude the word "basic" in their text. Realistically it is just some weird boomer term just as "pitch spells" is a weird boomer terminology that people just accept as part of the game.
The only winning move is to simply ignore the obvious bait posters and retards. You will not win any argument on the internet in general and 4chan in particular.
oh god oh fuck i forgot that Marvel is actually incoming
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I should probably throw a farseek and cultivate into my dogmeat.. it's already low on lands..
i can only imagine Disniggers wanting their "The One Ring" and "Bowmasters", what do you think it will be? That Gauntlet?
What do you think people are going to say about your deck?
I play the one ring and then combo off with the infinity gauntlet
no need, Enchantress ramps easy
it's funny how people questioned how kamigawa advances when it only took us 50 yearss to go from the industrial age to computers
>Sauron precon, grixis
>Doctor who villains precon, grixis
>Chaos precon, grixis
most of the UB stuff with villains that has come out has been grixis and im gonna stick with that colour combination to make it easier for me.
you are most definitely correct but i still wanna try and have a discussion/get feedback on planning and when im making the deck
get your buttcheeks clenched hard and be ready to run for the hills because when its spoiler/release season this general will be unusable.
They will most definitely be a stanlee cameo, if not i will riot. Also i predict that the collector boosters and secret lair bundles will have a;t arts/new cards of the marvel cinematic universe characters to milk downey jr and the rest.
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I expect a mix of
>weird stuff
and maybe some
>weeb deck
What would u call it? It definitely rips ass, that's for sure. The only issue it has is mana.
Hm.. but aren't farseek and cultivate way easier to use? Like, dogmeat usually gets fucked in the ass 10 times over in the first 3 turns cause everyone is afraid of him
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>please ignore me being an ass and look at my deck

Your deck has the exact problems that every single new player's deck has.
>fuck the dog in the ass
as he should, i hate this bitch.
but Selesnya are THE protection colors, especially enchantress, you will figure it out
The technology advancements are weird across the planes. Kamigawa will be this futuristic society, yet most places on other planes are backwater by comparison.
forgot to add: if you go full enchantress any enchantment like Ordeal will trigger all your stuff.
Also, Dogmeat is your main gameplan, you need your ramp to be cheaper than him, so no Cultivate for you
I don't see any problems with it. I love playing it, it's super fun.
I thought about protection spells but I never really need them. Dogmeat is so fucking cheap, I can recast him nonstop and I kinda want to recast him since he brings me all the good shit back and draws me cards.
Explain why cultivate is a no go? I'm not following.
you could be a rapist and i'd still despise you more for your love for marvel
they understand that deep down a more primitive existence is a happier one
so were and still are different cultures here on earth.
also, Cuckmigawa has just its own problems
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Looking at the decklist, I just remembered the one time I buffed the eidolon of rhetoric up to 25/25 with hexproof and indestructible and beat my mate to death with it while he never got to play anything.
I'm such a cunt
This autistic character desperately needs a rewrite, he's too on the nose.
does archidekt have a feature where you can display how many land-mdfcs there are next to the actual land count? moxfield has this and it contributes to one of the reasons i don't like viewing archidekt decklists
>redefine the language
That is how game specific terminology tends to work.
I never said that anon
Ever since people started calling damage dealer "DPS" in vidya instead of "DD" I've been waging war against this nonsense.
Triggers me like nothing else.
I have autism.. like, actually. That stuff drives me crazy
>The average deck is around $250-$500 and has a full set of fetches and shocks.
Holy shit anon. While I agree about the rest of your point you can't honestly think this is true right? You don't really think the average person playing is spending that much on one deck right?
>play fnm for a few months
>stick binder fodder in a deck
>wait 2 years
>suddenly deck is worth $750
a tale as old as time
That's nigger tier logic retard
>if you don't waste your money on shit that has an outward appearance of wealth then you are just poor and mad.
I could afford some gaudy gold chains, but instead I'll invest it. Also all 4chan pass users are mentally damaged cuckholds
That's not autism anon that's just being an insufferable retard!
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DPS stands for damage per second.
Im not gonna cuss you out cos autism but there is an explanation of why its its DPS.
>Average npcrec pile
Yep, checks out
And in turn based games people say DPR instead
Anon is just retarded, nothing to do with autism besides the correlation
Do you call the motor of your car a horsepower? no, you call it by what it's called, not by what it does.
Have you ever considered looking things up that you dont understand instead of flopping around like a fish in the bottom of a boat?
not interested, busy playing tekken
>tfw posted my deck here twice and never got roasted
>Not even a single (You)
Post it again I'll roast you
That's a good thing. Post it anon, I'll write some elaborate nonsense.
hey, coulda been worse. could have posted just a couple cards with the commanders and get yelled at by the whole thread
To be fair if that happens you did it to yourself.
well you guys keep telling people to put in interaction and then it's just "no, not that kind"
Galazeth Prismari with Dragonstorm wincon. Lots of autistic choices made.
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I've got something better...
Posted my dogmeat, it now has 37 views.. no replies.
Posted my samurai deck, 101 views, got 2 replies asking me why I chose those commanders
Posted my Mite deck, got 74 views, no replies.
What's the best way to deal with a smug "oops all counterspells" deck. One of the guys at my table built a monoblue deck with 20-30 counterspells in it including the free ones. Even when targeting him he has managed to pull off agonizingly grindy wins. What play style beats this strat most effectively without building an equally faggy blue deck?
>people look and immediately leave in disgust
Hey, fuck you..
That's because you're a huge fag.

First, not everyone is the same person. Second, I have no idea what you're talking about.

God I hate custom deck categories. That being said, there are some neat things and some weird things. What kind of feedback were you looking for?
But people still look at my decks.. they just never say anything worthwhile
Your deck is not worth commenting on.
Vexing Shusher
Guttural Response
Red Elemental Blast
Cavern of Souls
Veil of Summer
Veil of Autumn
Boseiju, Who Shelters All
etc. etc.
The easiest method is 3v1, it's difficult to keep up enough countermagic to stop 3 different people.
Stuff like Silence and Grand Abolisher also works. And number of "can't be countered" effects.

The entire play style is built to fuck on 0-3 cmc spells that are hyper efficient by strangling their resources or making their hyper efficient spells too overly costed.
>all these unnecessary manafixing non-basics
just the idea of casting price of progress makes muh DICK twitch
at least you have a lot of counters but if I ever played a deck with this few cheap creatures I'd be killed every time
Destiny Spinner
Alosaurus Rider
Rhythm of the Wilds

And my personal favorite, Thrun, the last Troll. I run him as commander and he completely buttfucks monoblue grinding counterspell decks by himself.
Good list. I don't know what you suggest to take out but have you considered Winter Orb to slow down decks? I know people will bitch about stax but your deck seems well equipped for it.
I also like using Rite of Replication for my Scourge of Valkas. Generally useful to have even if said card isnt available.
all of these can be countered except thrun and the lands
Play threats, they can't and won't counter everything
Counterspells in multiplayer are basically a loss of tempo unless you are protecting a win
idk have you just tried hitting him with a rock? that might work
it's not rocket science. There is a minimum threshold of interest that the deck does not meet.
Try using your brain before communicating next time.
There's the easy answer, the medium answer, and the skilled answer.

Easy: play uncounterable things.
Medium: play things that tax their resources. Make them discard, make their spells cost more, limit the number of spells that can be cast each turn.
Skilled: push their shit in by playing more than one spell per turn. In edh blue players are chomping at the bit, and all counterspells is a fundamentally bad deck for a lot of reasons. There are two free counterspells that can hit creatures: daze and fow. Every other counter requires mana or a considerable cost to run it. Bait them with something lower impact then drop your good card. This involves having a lower curve, understanding your key cards, and generally understanding game flow. Learn to read your opponent, pay attention to how much mana they have open, and watch how they react to drawing new cards.
I've posted mine couple of times, but mostly never got any replies. I don't care much, but I hope that someone did find my list interesting or gave them some ideas at least.
What's the plan here? I don't see many ways how your dragonstorm ends the game, unless your opponents are already in relatively low life totals.
>that bit in the graph boing back in time marked with the "?"

commanders for this feel?
play an extremly low curve type off deck, like eggs or some other cantrip shit.
nothing edges a blue player than a fucking tempo loss on their counters, so they likely wont "waste" it on your 1 mana spells.
granted these type of decks are often blue as well
A counterspell players priority is always countering what will eliminate their resources. Use that against them and do things that will leave them in a bad position.
Or play stuff like Defense Grid, Dosan the Falling Leaf, Leir of the Drowned, etc to make their hand worthless.
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>all these anons complaining about not getting feedback
Couple of points. First, be the change you want to see. It takes time to give feedback and very often people will be ungreatful, but that shouldnt deter you. Second, ask for specific feedback. Dont just post your deck and be like "thoughts?", there is a lot of variation between metas and budgets, be specific about what your looking for. This includes talking about how your deck performs, and the things you like and dislike. Finally, dont post memey shit you know people dislike. This means squirrel tribal, dr who decks, yadda yadda. Those lists have a small and very specific audience who are also generally unhelpful, build what you want, but dont be surprised if no one cares. Dont spam up the thread but try a couple times throughout a week or so and it will increase your odds.
I don't get it
also u are an asshole
Maybe I can explain it better than the other anon. He is saying your deck is unremarkable and thus not worth commenting on, much like someone would not comment on a random pebble they see along a road.
bro they're intentionally trying to antagonize you, just stop responding to them. like holy fuck you're making yourself MORE engaging by getting upset at it
>I play limited every other weeks. $20 buy in for the packs. More than enough fun to be had
you are still spending $500 a year on mtg drafting every other week but instead of ending up with a constructed deck that may hold some value, you just get a bunch of draft chaff
This. The irony of the budget fag is that they wind up spending more in the long term for less return.
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I want to make a Lava Golem play in MtG, I don't mind if it takes a couple cards to pull off.
Basically I want to play a creature with a big drawback and then give it to another player so its their problem.

Open to suggestions
Zedru or beamtown bullies are your only options, though the bullies have green and black so you can get more niche tech.
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Jon Irenicus is made for you. Fill the rest of the deck with cards they really don't wanna have.
My deck is the most weird thing I've ever seen in here. Stop lying.
I'm not actually upset, I'm just really drunk and wanna talk to people
>you are still spending $500 a year on mtg drafting every other week
For 26 weeks of limited, as opposed to what? Maybe 3 tournaments a year? If that.

Also there's a prize pool every week with consistently ~$5 minimum ROI. More like $20 or $30 if you get first pick, completely refunding cost of entry, before even considering the value of that "draft chaff". Particularly now when draft boosters aren't even a fucking thing anymore.
Compared to paying to enter the tournament you already paid to build a deck for, and getting fucking nothing if you're not at the top of the ranking.

Not to mention, you're probably buying the fucking boosters anyway, so you might as well play limited.
I have never said "don't spend money on this hobby" I've said $300-$500 on a single deck is fucking retarded, because it is.
You mean your unremarkable voltron deck with minimal neat tech?
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Any idea for budget upgrade options for this precon?
Anon, the average deck costs that much. Not a great deck, not a good deck, but the deck an average mook would have. I have individual cards that cost that much. Draft is useful if you're new and are looking to get some new cards for your collection, but otherwise getting your cards from draft is an awful way to build a specific deck.
Okay, some good options. What cards should I give my opponents though? I think I remember a demon that had a really brutally cost for attacking but I don't remember the name
I like playing dogmeat, it's really fun
kek it's generic af. a literal copy paste from npcrec
you get some stax pieces like koskun falls, otherwise everyone will focus on you, gl hf
Back when I was into Modern, the biggest game store in my town used to host tournaments with 50-60 people and 5 rounds every weekend. Buy in was $5, if you had at least an even record you got your money back as store credit.

>Not to mention, you're probably buying the fucking boosters anyway
I have not opened sealed product outside of a draft in almost a decade and I very rarely draft or go to pre-releases anymore.

If you are complaining about spending a few hundred bucks on a deck and are also opening packs in your free time, I'm sorry to say anon but you might be retarded.
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It's funny u say that.. cause nobody in their right mind would run Mikus Spark, Aggravated Assault, Miku, Lost but Singing or Eidolon of Rhetoric
Manabarbs, Polluted Bonds, Spellshock

Anything that pings someone on their turn automatically.
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I love this woman like you wouldn't believe
That's because you're retarded. Voltron is only above unsorted pile of cardboard in terms of skill required.
I don't play voltron. I play dogmeat
The real answer is Thrun the Last Troll. Even if he counters everything else, you kill in 6 shots. You'll have to accept that after the counterspell player is dead you'll be in a tough spot against the other two.
Run lands that help like rogue's passage and cathedral of war because they can't be countered. watch out for stifle
>Draft is useful if you're new and are looking to get some new cards for your collection, but otherwise getting your cards from draft is an awful way to build a specific deck.
Where the fuck have I said "build a deck with draft!" ?
I said
1. Spending $300-$500 on a deck is retarded
2. I play draft every other week for 20 bucks and its more than enough fun
3. There is no sense in spending hundreds of dollars just for a chance to be the sweatiest nerd at the sweaty nerd contest
4. the fact that drafting every other week eventually works out to cost as much as a tournament deck is irrelevant because
i) You get way more play for the same price
ii) Some of the cost is refunded by the prize pool, which is open to all players and not just the top of the ranking like a normal tournament
iii) You're probably buying packs anyway - don't pretend "oh I only buy singles" no one fucking does that, we're all retarded and we all try the slot machine
iv) I've never said don't spend money on the hobby, return to point 1.
Main thing I'm reflecting on right now is ramp options since one of the best options (Storm-Kiln Artist) is creature-locked, and for autism purposes I'm not playing non-dragon creatures. The deck tends to fizzle hard if any of its combo pieces get exiled (e.g. against mill) so I'm looking for treasure token options to give me the option of hardcasting dragons in a reasonable timeframe.
>You're probably buying packs anyway - don't pretend "oh I only buy singles" no one fucking does that, we're all retarded and we all try the slot machine
"I'm retarded so other people must be retarded"
nice argument fagtron
draft is fun on occasion but deckbuilding is the part of magic I am most interested in, and the deckbuilding options in non-rotating contructed formats like commander are vastly greater
the thing that you don't understand as a budgetfag who can't fathom buying expensive singles is that you only have to buy staples once
if most of your cash goes to good lands and format staples, eventually you will have a collection of cards that lets you build almost any deck in the format
>Nonbasic fix
Obviously fetches would be better, but I'm aiming to accommodate my playgroup and one guy there REALLY hates fetches, so I tried to make it so every land in my deck would tap for mana.
>No small creatures
That's specifically why this deck runs a large volume of removal/interaction. The lack of early blockers generally mandates responses to people trying to swing in early.
>Winter Orb
Consciously chose not to include this card. It slows the game to a crawl for other players unless removal is instantly used on it. In general I feel it creates an undesirable gamestate that I don't want to bring to my group. I'd consider it a lot more if I was only playing with randoms.
>Rite of Replication
A good option for me to consider, but I feel it's somewhat redundant with Dragonstorm. I'll think about it.
>Really want to try EDH
>See the Wal-Mart ''Random'' Commander Decks are good deals for 30 bucks
>Out of 6 Wal-Marts in my city the only one that has any is 30 minutes away in the fuckin' ghetto

I fucking hate my life.
>the thing that you don't understand as a budgetfag who can't fathom buying expensive singles is that you only have to buy staples once
Lmao this retard desperately wants people to think he's rich
Bud those decks aren't worth it. You can just get a normal precon for like $50.
These things have 40k decks in them on the regular and are 30 bucks.
Did you not know that?
Based on your own words, I spend the same amount of money on magic as you do, I just spend it in a way that better suits my goals
Don't condescend to me, faggot. You're going to pull shit and then you're going to get raped in the ghetto to boot.
>i light money on fire in a more betterer way than you
You sound 5
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Sounds like Lord of the Pit.
Phyrexian Negator also is literally Lava Golem if he takes 2 damage.
Sulfuric Vortex.
How come this thing was such a powerhouse ye back in the day? Was there no bolt or any playable burn removal in standard at the time?
This entire post is retarded. My best deck is around $3k atm. I bought $50 or $60 worth of cardboard occasionally over 10 years to get there. Slowly over time I traded some niche singles for more applicable ones, and after getting staples, upgrades have been outrageously cheap. If I only drafted, I'd have nowhere near as good of a deck as I do right now. If you want to be good and play edh you need to focus on it, practice, improve and refine your deck. If you play edh quarterly and dont really care, make a deck out of the garbage you get drafting. And it is garbage, dont kid yourself, it's incredibly difficult to crack chase rares and special promos only drafting.
Didn't look at the whole list but here's my feedback
Cantrips are not "card draw" because they don't give you card advantage
Based on your use of custom deck categories and your misclassification of cantrips I've concluded you're a scrub
>My best deck is around $3k
Kek how do you function? You should have been declared medically incapable years ago
Read the next sentence you mouthbreathing trog.
>SL version is as expensive as regular version was a year ago
Damn they printed a ton of those then
>My best deck is around $3k
Stopped reading there to call you an idiot
¨Cantrips? This is magic, not DnD
Yeah buddy none of that changes a thing.
I held back by not mocking you for saying this:
>If you want to be good and play edh you need to focus on it, practice, improve and refine your deck
That's true though
most of my 2 color decks have very little to no fixing and I've been able to cast 4 pip cards no problem
Fair enough on Orb. Still vouch for Rite since I like to have a kill switch for Scourge and Terror. I still run it in my UR Sarkhan deck.
Mock me all you like, I have a hobby I enjoy and a great deck by spending less money than you did on cards I wanted. I worked hard, I learned a lot, and I got good. You can take the advice or leave it, I'm not your tard wrangler, but drafting for a collection is only as good as the sets you draft and the random pulls you get, at best.
I can tell you're the same retard who kept posting that "git gud" meme no matter how many times people ITT told you it's a casual format and you're acting like a big fish in a small pond
You're replying to two different people. And you should work on improving yourself, your decks and your deck building.
I cast the mighty Boldwyr Heavyweights
Choose your creature carefully anon, my giant is quite powerful.
Suggesting that you should seek to improve at the things you enjoy should realistically be the least controversial opinion ever
Marble Titan
You can swing with your big ass creature
>casual format means everyone is bad
No, it means no judges and you can rewind plays because you fuck up and are drunk. What decks do you play? Bad ones, evidentally, but I'd like to take a look.
>i light money on fire in a more betterer way than you
Buddy, you were the one who made this claim originally, way back here >>93937526 when you said drafting every other week was a better way to spend money than buying singles to make constructed decks
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I search my Shield Sphere! Now your damage next turn is reduced by 5!
Everything about this format's design makes it less competitive. You're a retard if you think you're honing some craft. Play what is fun or fuck off to another format
I don't know how this is difficult to get: no deck is worth $300-$500.
You are an abject retard if you are spending those sums on decks. You will get as much if not more enjoyment spending that money in a different way.
You're the one making it about the best way to burn money. I'm saying "don't burn money, spend a little now and then to have fun", while you're trying to impress people with your 10 year long master plan to build a $3000 dollar deck. That is retarded.
Suggesting that you should seek to imrpove at the things you like should (and is one of at least) be the least controversial take in existence. Improvement does not mean competitive or not casual. You're a weak man looking for excuses for your pathetic behavior
decks that have a well defined game plan, consistent mana base, and powerful cards are fun to play
piles of jank that get mana screwed or blown out by removal/board wipes are not

>You will get as much if not more enjoyment spending that money in a different way.
I already told you, my other hobbies are even more expensive than MtG and far more impractical
>You're a weak man looking for excuses for your pathetic behavior
Go on. Post it. We know you want to.
>piles of jank that get mana screwed or blown out by removal/board wipes are not
If this is your starting point for improvement, cardgames may just not be for you
Improving is fun. Adding new cards to your deck is fun. Playing close meaningful games is fun. You seem to be the only one arguing against common sense at this point.

I'm not trying to impress anyone. It was a statement of fact. I built my deck slowly over time and it's now both very good and very expensive, especially considering how little I spent on any given interval. Who are you to determine what people get enjoyment out of? Seems like you're having a bad time playing a hobby you dont enjoy and you're posting in a place that makes you mad. Feel free to go elsewhere and have whatever you define as fun.
>my other hobbies are even more expensive than MtG and far more impractical

>Lmao this retard desperately wants people to think he's rich
Also, didn't nice dodge. You made a claim, you were proven wrong, glossed over it like nothing happened. Impressively shameless
I search for my most powerful creature: BOLDWYR HEAVYWEIGHTS! This creature is so powerful that it comes with a downside. You get to search your library for any creature of your choice. What do you choose?
>my soldiers know they need never fear for their protection
>gets weaker by the second
This is the most pathetic card I've ever seen.
It should have a
>Whenver X blocks put a +0+2 on it
a clone, copying my mighty powerful heavyweights of course
go ahead, bet you can't top that!
WotC, Hire this man!
When are these fuckers getting a universe within?
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Speaking as the counterspellfag of my pod, my biggest threat is things getting on the field if I can't counter them at the time, so I have a bunch of bounce spells to throw them back into their hand and counter them on a later turn.

Ultimately they all struggle and can't deal with it most of the time, but they don't realize the inherent problem with my deck: low ammo

I've got a magical gun that shoots silver bullets that will turn your Gishath or Shurikai into a bunch of untapped lands. But I only have a few in my hand, and I'm desperately drawing whenever I can to get more counters. When I don't have something that removes hand size restrictions, things get bad, because I've got a creature or two and an enchantment or something, and a few counterspells, so I've gotta save them. When my pal just shits out five low cost creatures that don't do much by themselves, I've got a big fucking problem. If I've got three opponents, I'm gonna get fucked up if I just dump my counters, so I usually have to play very neutral and just kill anything I know will lead to some kind of combo or turn the board state into a nightmare.

That's life as the counterman. Sooner or later, you run out of counters, and people start to eat you alive. Thankfully, Leviathans and Krakens and Sharks and Crabs will hold my line for long enough to bounce their creatures and give me a second shot. Good luck beating your counterbro.
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I search my library for...GLASSPOOL MIMIC! This creature may LOOK weak, but I can have it enter the battlefield as a copy of my most powerful creature...BOLDWYR HEAVYWEIGHTS! You get to choose another creature from your deck, but that price is a pittance compared to the POWER of my Heavyweights.
I hate to break it to you anon, but the $50 precon you upgraded with draft chaff is almost certainly a pile of jank that will get mana screwed and blown out by removal

Also whether you believe I'm "rich" or not, I'm just giving my honest perspective on why I don't have a problem with spending $500 bucks on a deck. I've spent multiple times that amount on tires and parts just to drive my car on a race track for 20 minutes, so a few hundred for "premium cardboard" that I will own and use for years and years isn't a big deal to me
>is uncounterable
>makes your dudes uncounterable
>has his own counterspells
my fav stompy commander
>I hate to break it to you anon, but the $50 precon you upgraded with draft chaff is almost certainly a pile of jank that will get mana screwed and blown out by removal
I genuinely don't know what world you live in.
Post it. Post your deck. I'll be honest with you; if it's well built and has the right ratios I'll say nice things. But I'm skeptical, especially after this retarded argument.
I can go all day my man. I have a myriad of clones to choose from! including but not limited to
spark double
making it heavyweights with a +1/+1 counter
that's right, my creature is even bigger than yours so your days are numbered
One of my friends buys lots of precons to go along with his more tuned decks and so I've played against a fair number of raw or slightly upgraded precons. Some of them are surprisingly strong (usually the ones with busted commanders) but a most of them are slow and fall on their face in the mid/late game if they don't draw one of a few strong cards.
Nigga you can upgrade a deck for a few dollars.
I said earlier that all of my decks are about $70-$80 each.
I don't know where the fuck this "build decks with draft!" meme is coming from, I even explicitly said that's not what I'm saying twice.
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You can, but not significantly. Particularly the manabase. Anyways you were criticizing people for buying singles instead of spending money on draft, when the obvious parallel was that the singles were being used for decks, and therefore you were using the singles from draft instead. If that's not what you were arguing, and you're arguing instead that all spending on edh is retarded when compared to draft, you're not only dumb, but you're in entirely the wrong thread. You went on a giant tangent calling everyone who disagreed with you tryhards and paypigs, then when you were proven wrong you doubled down and started playing internet detective.

So, to summarize, you've been acting retarded and made the thread worse by posting. I suggest you do something else with your time since you dont know what you're talking about.
Even MORE powerful!? IMPOSSIBLE! Unfortunately for you, your Boldwyr Heavyweights comes with a downside. Now that he's in play, I get to search my library for any creature I want and put it directly onto the battlefield, and I choose...MALLEABLE IMPOSTER!! This unassuming flying fairy enters the battlefield as a copy of any creature YOU control, which means I now possess a WINGED BOLDWYR HEAVYWEIGHTS. How will you survive now that my most powerful creature can fly over your field with impunity!?
Boldwyr Heavyweight posters, I appreciate the humor you bring. I hope you have a good night's rest
>flavor text
so making fun of this physical attribute you have ZERO control over is okay, but it's bad to joke about other physical attributes like sex or race, got it

t. seething manlet
>You can, but not significantly
Bruh this is straight up wrong.
>Particularly the manabase.
That was the entire basis of the fucking argument. Look, here it fucking is:

What more is there to say when you're paying so little attention to the conversation you're having that you've brought it full circle?
aha! but you have allowed me to foil your plans. for my next trick I shall slam down a clone named evil twin. this motherfucker can now destroy any of your mimics, flying or not.
be careful, anon. I've been merciful but I gotta go all out if this continues
Post your deck or fuck off, I've humored you enough.
Kek cry harder bitch
Sure isnt a decklist. Go on, show us this great manabase in an $80 deck.
You do this every time you lose an argument. You're not interested in decklists, you're looking to deflect from the argument you lost and hope to find something to nitpick or complain about. It's so tiresome watching you do this day-in day-out
A dangerous move, but you've made a classic blunder! You forgot that your Boldwyr Heavyweights may be powerful, but he comes with a downside that allows me to search my library and play a creature that perfectly counters you! I choose...UNDERCOVER OPERATIVE!! He comes into play with a SHIELD COUNTER, which will protect him from your destruction ability for 1 turn. This is more than enough time to destroy you, because he also enters as a copy of my most powerful creature WINGED BOLDWYR HEAVYWEIGHTS!!
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All these cards have been powercrept
>anon acts retarded and makes a contentious claim
>ask them to prove it
>they never do
I'll give you a hint: if you were arguing in good faith you wouldnt make so many excuses and play retarded internet detective.
mockingbird is strong, but context is important lol
Nigga you've sat here for hours talking about how you spend hundreds of dollars on decks and how thats what everyone should spend.
You're just wrong. It's a retarded amount to spend. No amount of fishing for decklists so you can say "nah uh! see, you gotta have tis fifty billion dollar dual land or your deck is power 2" is gonna change that
I've grown tired of your struggling. my absolute ace is here to finish you off. callidus assassin will come in as a copy of your flying heavyweights also! destroying the shield counter on your operative. now I have effectively countered your plan moot and am again in the lead! do your worst, it will only make your demise faster
I'm baking new, this thread is going nowhere
Didnt read, you going to post your viable manabase in your $80 deck or not?
>Can't even copy Boldwyr Heavyweights when searched
Precons are viable you fucking sped, what are you even saying?
hey, don't laugh at anon's 1/1 flier, he's a bit slow.
It's good, but being limited to only copying things with mana value less than what was spent hurts things.
So that's a no?
Lolno are you fucked? The manabases are notoriously terrible.
Have no fear, I am here
Cool, check the dictionary for the definition of "viable" bud.
MY struggling!? It is YOU who is struggling! I get to take advantage of your Boldwyr Heavyweights weakness and Summon...KIKI-JIKI, THE MIRROR BREAKER!! With this crafty goblin, I can create a copy of my mightiest monster...WINGED BOLDWYR HEAVYWEIGHTS!!
>capable of working successfully; feasible
>the terrible slow mana fixing in a precon
Are you actually retarded? Maybe a monocolour one, but the manabases are notoriously awful and universally the first thing to be changed.
Christ you're actually retarded. Check yourself into urgent care and tell the nice nurse-lady "brain hurty"
Google it you tard. Everyone hates them. Having checklands is the high bar.
How much worse are basics in three colors than taplands, assuming budget mana rocks? Are there any sub 2 cad replacements that aren't worse than basics often?
>I misused a word and now everyone has to change their dictionaries
Okay tard.
It depends on what your color distribution is, what your early turns look like, and your budget. If you run 9 fetchlands, three shocklands and one triome, you can have all your colors with ease no matter what your colors. If you're in green, you can run mostly basic forests and have your colors with ease because of land auras and land searching. If you're in two colors and also black, you can run Urborg. If you're in blue, you'll have a fistful of top deck fixing cantrips to dig for colors. Red easily makes treasure tokens, and white has a bunch of Land Tax style effects. There's no reason to ever run taplands unless they do something other than make mana.
Wish they'd put out a full notUrborg cycle already.
Urborg and Yavimaya are both in Dominaria, so I would assume you'd need to find lore-significant plains/island/mountains from that plane.
It's just not really in pie for White or Red to do that, apparently (Blood Moon is already considered a break, and is as close as you'll get). Blue COULD do it, I think?
The idea that overwhelming mana concentrations could imprint themselves onto other lands isn't a color pie related issue.
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things were so much better back then, before imaginary walls started stifling creativity.
In a lot of ways yea, but I do like the semi-modern color pie, FIRE designs show us how much it sucks when every color plays the same.
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My cute dino

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