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Wait magocratic convention is out and no one told me?!
Zenobia my beloved...
>World: Universal Century

Latent Newtype
High Charisma
Super Cute

Powerful Strikes
Overwhelming Force
Hazard Resistant
Towering Frame
Psycommu System

>Upgrade: Prototype Psychoframe

Dangerous Rival
Hostile Contact
Inner Hatred
Pilot Palette
Battle Junkie
Patron Saint

>Spark: The Rival

>Goal: Space Unfolded
Psychic powerhouse of a gundam
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This cyoa was updated, you can pick a home base on 2nd page.
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What's the funnest setting?
Remind me, what was Zenobia's deal and why did she summon (You)? Was she just mainstream Eclipseist?
>Remind me, what was Zenobia's deal and why did she summon (You)? Was she just mainstream Eclipseist?
Zenobia is the narrator of the revised Blood Mage cyoa, replacing Basilia the Starry. She's a member of the Eclipse's Inner Circle, but a very junior one who gets stuck with a lot of the grunt work. She's been through the Loop, and she's already burning out . . . to the point that she's willing to blow off her responsibilities and go off with (you) as a companion.
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She is cute and overworked.
Besides this she along her faciton summons many people, (you) and (you) from the past are some of those.
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You spoilered the wrong page, and forgot to post the conventional spells.
Shoot - my count was off. Sorry
>singlehandedly kills all hype for Magi Redux and Exalted Conquest
Tankista is too powerful.
Wasn't this plane one of those that you could deplete for mana in the previous versions?
You still can.
Wait, is option B the origin story for Nameless from Magocratic Convention? And option A leads to the Avalon plane?
I wrote this earlier for own use:

Magocratic Convention CYOA primary world
Blood Magic CYOA world
(You)r IRL world
Time of Troubles CYOA world
that post-apoc WIP CYOA world
option B from >>93911266 CYOA
option A from >>93911266 CYOA
Hell Rebellion CYOA
Not related to another CYOA? A players-trapped-in-MMORPG like Sword Art Online and Overlord
Colonized by Supremacy (from their victory scenario) from Blood Magic CYOA?
Not related to another CYOA? Jail dimension for Abysswalkers
Colonized by Enforcers (from the Dominion victory scenario) from Blood Magic CYOA, after they win and leave Earth behind
Not related to another CYOA? Cold War with psychic powers and superscience
Not related to another CYOA? Death games dimension
Not related to another CYOA? Constantly shifting mansion dimension
Visited by Ark from Blood Magic CYOA
Not related to another CYOA? Scifi Mars-based world
Not related to another CYOA? The world the magical girls unit comes from
Not related to another CYOA? 4x game world on hex terrain
>he didn't check the excel file for the hidden lore of future cyoas on the planar chart
shaking my head
you probably also don't know the roster of eclipse listed on the secret page sheet either
What excel file?
check the source files folder for magocratic convention
>that post-apoc WIP CYOA world
I think I vaguely remember one page of this being posted a long time ago, you had to choose what possessed you. I remember one choise being dragon I think? Anyone got this?
No Outer Reincarnation world?
When OR released, Tankista said it's not in the Observable Omniverse setting unless you really want it to be. Of course a Blood Magic blood mage was later incarnated into it by the multiplayer, but that's multiplayer zaniness.
Is it possible for your Blood Magic character to become Omniarch for Magocratic Convention or are you meant to create a new character entirely for Magocratic Convention?
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>Wait, is option B the origin story for Nameless from Magocratic Convention? And option A leads to the Avalon plane?
Yes. Option B turns (you) into the Nameless deathseeker who killed Aeneas on Sheol and is accidentally recruited by the Convention. Tankista's lore page also has a proposed cyoa where the Nameless version of (you) challlenges Terminus at the End of Time. Assuming it gets written, of course.

(Hey, the option promises an interesting life.)

Meanwhile, Option A gives (you) Avalon.
It would require some temporal shenanigans, but it could be done. (You) would need to hitch a ride back in time with the Loop, get to Eden (possibly by posing as a survivor/refugee), and doing something impressive enough to get (your) name in the mix as an omniarch candidate . . .but it's theoretically doable. It wouldn't be easy, but Yang, Prometheus/Dido, Epsa, the King, and Nameless (you) managed something similar.

(Not the omniarch thing, but the time travel/evacuation part.)
>doing something impressive enough to get (your) name in the mix as an omniarch candidate
Practically impossible. You're better off trying to kill and replace a candidate.
>(You) would need to hitch a ride back in time with the Loop
The Loop is something that only covers Sheol alone, from outside perspective it was already over the moment it started as per word of god.
There might be some downtime between the end of the events of blood magic and the appointment of a new omniarch, so if you can planeswalk to eden and kill and impersonate the most likely candidate, then you will become the omniarch.
I want to see other people's policy choices and faction relations.
Shame no one posts partial builds even.
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Yeah, but Anon was asking if his blood mage on Sheol could become the Sixth Omniarch. If the King from the Crown covenant on Sheol can be deposed by his future self (who rode the Loop back, per the Crown covenant mission), and still have time to qualify as a respectable Convention agent, it's doable.
Not at home, so I can’t share my policies, but I remember my relations:
Pragmatic: 155
Purist: -100
Reformist: -100
Eclipse: 8
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>Eclipse: 8
>t. Nudor
I'm kinda full and can't put my hands on that tasty cyoa, so my build will wait next time.
Haven't really had the time to read all of it, is outreincarnation's planet mentioned? Are other CYOAs that we know of metioned? I've only seen times of trouble.
jesus what absolute chaos
the multiverse will burn because of the action of 1 man
Nudor Omniarch would greatly piss off the Purists and Reformists, but based off his dialog he's willing to make pragmatic concessions, so I don't think he'd destroy the Convention
>He is willing to make pragmatic concessions
Well yes he is the pragmatist representative
I have to rethink my policies becuase the reformists hate me too much for me to get magical girls and that is something i can't allow
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At least post the cyoa.
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I'm not done with my build but so far its:

Ideology: Militarism
Pragmatist 0
Purist 275
Reformist -45
Eclipse 1

I didn’t plan on going all in on purist policies but fuck pragmatist and reformist policies are retarded.

Exmanafication - Maintain
Status of Blood Magic - Prohibited
Veiling - Strict
Non-Mage Membership - Permitted
Non-Human Membership - Conditional Sorting
Omniarch Election Law - None
Omniarch Rule Term - Indefinite
Doomed Plane Evacuation - Mandated Sanctuary
Measurement Reform - Unified Standard
Separation of State and Magicka - Disregarded

Diabolism - Banned
Meme Security Measures - Counter Manufacture
Emergency Loan - Rejection
Apprenticeship System Overhaul - Mass Tutoring
Gateway Regulation - Tight Control
Mage Qualifications - Examination
Military Budget - Status Quo
Cloning Laws - Criminalized
First Contact - Expedition
Mana Regulation - Unregulated

Edenite Mana Influx - Maintenance
Outworld Administration - Magistrate System
Independent Caster Stance - Oecumenism
Sorcery Manufacture Rights - Exclusive Contract
Stance on Defection - Reintegration Process
Agent Qualifications - Unchanged
Sphere Organization - Consolidation
Planar Chart Expansion - Old Categorization
Class Action - Sorcerer Focus
Time Loop Research Ban – No
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rank the advisors
Thoss > Ele > Astrapea. This is a beauty rating, of course.
Nudor would top the beauty rating too.
I'm not gay or a woman.
sounds gay
No u
All my cyoa ideas are too niche for me to even bother making them. None of you will enjoy anything I happen to enjoy.

It’s not even worth making for myself, as I already have everything in my notes.

Why would I make a cyoa based on 90s movies when no one here is old enough to remember or appreciate them?

I know what you mean. My cyoa had a section where you could pick a sword, but then I thought, "What am I even doing? Who uses swords anymore?" Nobody in the audience is going to understand what a sword even is, except the history nerds.
>>93936191 (me)
Sorry I will elaborate, a sword is a weapon that people once used to fight. It's like a really big knife. Bigger than what you're probably imagining. Some swords even needed to be moved with two hands to use comfortably.
I get the joke you’re trying to make but the average /tg/tard doesn’t even know what a jerkin is, and DMs will look at you like you just had a stroke / are mentally retarded. What makes you think cyoag won’t be even more ignorant of things?
All tabletop is a trap because not everyone is going to be equivalently educated on all things, or have the same level of tact for things like soft or hard realism. A history buff is going to have a hard time with a Naruto buff.
Nudor >>> Ele > Astrapea

Nudor is right. Ele is sometimes right and her grumbling about more mana and troops is cute. Astrapea is a lying hypocritical bitch.
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>Major poise + Major exploitation + Minor Disarmement + Minor guard + Minor feints
>Mastery, Cool, Breathing, Aura
Collected, graceful, methodical and utterly vicious in how I calmly and progressively take my opponent down. I can intercept any attack and casually redirect the momentum of the most powerful strikes to make my opponent tumble and lose sight of me, only to feel the tip of my blade delicately pressed against his neck. But then, I step back, smile, and give them another chance, and again, and again, until they tried everything, and everything failed, and I entirely deconstructed their fighting style, leaving them nothing. Only then does my blade flashes and open their throat without so much as a sound.

Privately-owned by a dommy mommy who loves to see me fighting another slave to the death and humiliate them.
Anyone against against blood magic was diddled by Dido. You saw that right. Was.
>against against
so... for?
Its over. KNEEL shitalics. KNEEL arobitch. This is a GODista general!
Thoss > Ele > Astrapea > Nudor
Thoss is cute.
Ele is reliable.
Astrapea is a retarded hippie. Her heart is in the right place though.
(((Nudor))) is a kike who only cares about mana and selling the convention out to other kikes. Charming fellow though.
Yes. Dido’s diddling is very convincing.
How do I get a futa Dido gf bros?
I don't think the grammar works that way.
>"against blood magic"
applies "against" to "blood magic", which is a noun phrase, as usual.
>"against against blood magic"
applies "against" to either "against" or "against blood magic", which is probably just ungrammatical.
>None of you will enjoy anything I happen to enjoy.
this is very unlikely, there's all sorts here
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Slightly modifying this build for an asoiaf setting.
>Major poise + Major precision + Minor disarmement + Minor guard + Minor exploitation
>Mastery, Cool, Charismatic, Immune
>ASOIAF, wandering swordsman from Yi Ti, visiting Westeros and the western part of Essos to seek challenging opponents and test his own skills.
Same overall description but I need major precision to cut through a guy's armor by slicing within the small gaps between the armor pieces. If I understand disarmement well, it's not just about disarming your opponent but also depriving him of all his strengths by positioning yourself perfectly where he can't easily maneuver, so that + poise is kinda broken.
>whine whine whine
This is the new generation of CYOA authors, they are all whine and GIVE ME MOTIVATION. I fucking hate them, look at the old school authors Aromage, Tankista and Berri. These authors deliver OC and never whine or beg for motivation.
If you want broken, look at major acrobatics.
Major motion, rhythm, and acrobatics and minor disarmament is virtually invincible.
I mean there are tons of broken combos

Flurry Major + Precision Major + Feints Major + Motion Minor with Mastery is OP as fuck
unstoppable force >>93936498 vs immovable object >>93936417
If your cyoa doesn’t have the following

Anime images
Anime girls/waifus/lolis
Free superpowers

I won’t read/play it
That’s just how it is
>look at these authors that are exactly the same
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Thoughts on making enemies or lore type entities that are just too powerful to fight?

Or is everyone here expecting to be the absolute strongest in a given cyoa world?

Justify why.
This one is so difficult for me to choose. I need to think on it.
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>the 2 eufags literally only ever speak just to shit up the thread with tabkflopsta shit
I preferred when it was dead at night. At least pick a good cyoa to spam.
it depends on the cyoa, sometimes you're strong enough to contend, sometimes you're not
You shouldn’t be the strongest. I enjoyed coming across people transcendent to a Player Tarnished, like big jar boy in that image. It was refreshing. Just because you can kill gods doesn’t mean you can kill ALL of the gods. You can’t kill Azur or Lusat either. They’re beyond you. Those dead giants in the earth were probably a lot more powerful than you too.

Authors like Gil are based for saying “No”.
I don't have to start the strongest but it can't be impossible to get there.
Uhhhhh; anon; we took out the evil not!Griffith twink rapist and his pedo chad bodyguard; can’t get stronger than that. Let people kill.
I really wanna get into this, but it feels like I'm missing so much subtext and context from other cyoas and author answers that I'm stumbling in the dark like a retard. Idk I hope everyone who's been following Tankista for years enjoys it but as someone new trying to get into it it feels like I'm reading the 5th volume of a book series where devoted fans bombard the author in obscure interviews about questions later volumes answer in a meta, indirect way. It just doesn't work as a stand alone cyoa and if I have to read 10 other cyoas and dig through the archives to barely get this one, then I'm sorry that's not an effort I'm willing to make.
That fight was actually kind of pathetic once you realize it was a 2v1 match. Lol.

The Greatjar solos them. Easily.
Flopsta cyoas are never worth the effort.
Immovable object wins because it operates on absolutes while the the “unstoppable” force doesn’t.

If you want an explanation that is more concrete, then:
Immovable object: Ironically faster. It is also absolutely unpredictable and all knowing of opponents’ every possible move. Speed and immense tactical advantage.
Unstoppable force: Actually just many very fast and precise attacks, which does nothing against the literally invincible Major Acrobatics. Feints is countered by Minor Disarmament and superior speed, not that it can do anything to Major acrobatics in the first place.

The only conceivable way to even touch the immovable object is to use Major Exploitation to create weaknesses that didn’t exist, to force imperfection onto its perfection.
Seethe more Xartok
>inb4 I already have that face in my -ACK
>t. Homeless eufag
Spam the thread with something good at night when nobody else is on at least.
Pretty sure you only need to play blood magic before mago to understand.
The Xartok discussion yesterday was more entertaining then anything tankista or his three fans have ever put out.
>>93936743 (You)
Sorry, I meant to say Aro and her three simps.
I'd much prefer aro over tankista.
>That fight was actually kind of pathetic once you realize it was a 2v1 match.
Miquella functions as a cape retard
Gateway got more builds than magocratic lmao.
no doubt you would, simp boy
>They instantly jump in
This reminds me of that time Ed Greenwood had explained that there should be people and beings you just don’t ever want to cross. Ever. Doesn’t matter how powerful you are.

> I'm reminded of the original Realms campaign, and the Company of Crazed Venturers attacking Shaan the Serpent-Queen (who briefly appeared in a Wizards Three DRAGON article). She was busy working magic on a small island off Mintarn. They attacked, broke her concentration, and she looked up with an irritated frown. They bid her stop, or they'd destroy what she was working on; to demonstrate, one of the Company mages touched (and disintegrated) a stone he was standing beside.

> She shook her head in derision, and touched the island beneath them, disintegrating IT, and dumping the Company into the chilly sea waves for a long swim...whilst she turned back to her spellcasting, floating on nothing and ignoring them once more.

> A heavy-handed lesson, but...well, Larloch's in the same league, and more. Just consider him a power of the Realms and Don't Go There.

He was explaining why liches like Larloch are NOT the same ye old liches you are generally to face in typical adventuring.

This is a lich who casually enslaves other liches.

Eventually there are wizards that just go and cancel the encounter altogether. No fighting is possible. They’re too effective.

Another example would be Ioulaum the elder brain lich. Literally a giant brain in a subterranean city ruin.
And lantern! Needs more RGB lighting though.
This but for flopxistas.
So summon Dung Eater and make it even.
>TFW your miqueillion years of planning came undone in a moment and a massive jar just shoves you and your consort corpses into itself
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Ed Greenwood is fucked
Why do you care what he has to say
……….this is real isnt it? sigh
According to the DLC lore the great jars are actual gods too. Worthy of worship.
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Did he do write ups on the other races? Goblins? Asking for a friend, haha.
Nah, Ranni would win.
at least make an elden ring or dnd cyoa if you’re going to talk about it
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This thread needs more kino.
Begone coomer.
What CYOAs even check all these boxes?
I don't think even husanon manages to hit all of them
like 90% of isekai cyoas with anime art automatically do because waifus and superpowers are bingo free spaces and multiplayer is rare
>Authors like Gil are based
please kill your self
The only multiplayer-only cyoa that I recall seeing was one /trash/ cyoa. Or possibly some metacyoas that are applied to another anon's build, which could be considered multiplayer if you squint so hard your eyes bleed. I can't think of a normal bluebloard multiplayer-only cyoa.
Universal war is a multiverse done right.
mcyoag has a bunch, just look at their favorites or whatever they must be running right now
it's okay, but the cyoa as a whole is very mediocre, none of my builds feel memorable, i just remember that the world is the best tarot
I don't care either way. If I want to be top dog I'd play Living God. If you make something good it shouldn't matter.
AFAIK none of those are multiplayer-only, ie require you to play with other anons to play the cyoa at all.
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>World: Magus World

Blood [-15000 Mana]

>Race: Human

>Sex: Male

Gungnir [-5000 Mana]
Maintained [-3000 Mana]
Appraise [-7000 Mana]
Food! [-50000 Mana]

Sword [-5000 Mana]
Armor [-1000 Mana]

>Destiny: Hero [-2000 Mana]

I'm left with around 6 times as much mana as the average skilled mage. Eat your way to the top.
What are Arzenal, Barsoom and Elysium based on? I know Barsoom is an old pulp fiction setting, but with the anime picture I assume it's something else.
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>the world is the best tarot
Death is close to true immortality.
Isekai are the purest form of CYOAs.
Everything else is slop.
> Major
> Minor
> Perks
> World
> Status

Fighting style is to stall and talk-no-jutsu my enemies into becoming allies. I also want to use this to manipulate my 'owner' into doing what I tell them to, so I can live a life of luxury in the upper class.
My only gripe is with the tarots
I honestly see no point in CYOAs that are not atlest about self-inserting.
Why would I choose someone elses adventure?
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He's right you know
Italics still hasn't learned this. I will never understand his aversion to isekai.
I want Pause, but I fear that a rank 8 will resist and immediately rip me apart.
He is a false prophet.
Who will deliver us from these dark times?
Rank 8 resisting time stop? Unlikely. The law of time at this level of power is too much for rank 8s. No, it is the world itself, a half rank 9, who will resist and rip you apart.

>Life (-20k)



>AI Chip (-15k)
>Skip Birth (-15k)
>Pause (-35k)

>Reincarnate (-20k)

150-20-15-15-35-20=45 kilomana
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Husanon here.
I'm thinking about adding a new way to grow in power besides earning more essence and completing wolrd objectives.
What if you could improve each specific power to lessen it's restrictions?
For example with lots of practice you could lessen the strain flashing hand puts on your body.
Or increase the time you can have shining luminary safely active?
I really want to take the dragongirl, but she seems like she invalidates a lot of the rest of the roster. On one hand, dragongirls are really good, on the other, she takes a lot of points and kinda invalidates taking a harpy or guard doggirls...
It doesn't help I want wizard and tamer training... and healing magic (which doesn't seem to be divine) would also be really good to know, especially since I need to pursue immortality...
This is a team cyoa. Make it so that it also requires a deeper connection with the artifacts.
That's already implemented.
Your mom is already implemented
That's part of the course to earn more essence.
where the fuck are hoe and gauntlet retard fuck you
let us overcharge existing artifacts with essence to enhance their powers
I don't have as much free time as I used to due to work.
I'm making Luva's page.
I'll post it as soon as I finish I'm looking foward to the feedback on the balance of the powers.
Don't post shit until you finish the entire cyoa. Then post the actual cyoa. Stop pulling an aromage and posting every single image you make.
Isekai Hunter is ironically the best Isekai cyoa
Then why the fuck did you make a pool making it seem like the artifacts where already ready to be released?
Also I would have assumed that the limitation/restrictions of the powers could be improved unless you stated otherwise
Ok, I'm going to cope myself some and just say that since I don't pick her, there was not actually a wounded dragongirl available.

>A New Body
Man, Obviously
>A New Home
Frontier Cabin
>A New Harem
Doggirl x2 (Guard)
Doggirl x1 (Wolf)
Catgirl x1 (Cook)
Harpy x1 (Messenger)
>A New Friend
Priestess (Nah sorry lady, I only want monstergirls)
>A New Problem
Adversary (Duelist)

I've set myself up to become a great magician and with a good baseline for the study of magic, which I will dedicate myself too. Obviously, immortality is a must-need, but immortality for my harem is also something I need. Tamer is obvious, i'm going to be finding and adding more monstergirls to my harem, especially if I can find a lamia like she had. It will be a long road, but this is a road I must travel...

I like this cyoa, wish there were more like it.
>Then why the fuck did you make a pool making it seem like the artifacts where already ready to be released?
I didn't mean to imply that.
I do have their text written what has been occupying my time lately has been writing the world section.
>Hi! I am nameless!!
That's so silly. If you are person who keeps getting brought up due to getting involved in important events, they are reasonably going to start referring to you by a name. The only way to be nameless would be to not be referred to by people, either because they don't know of you, or don't care about you, or fear to reference you by anything resembling a name even in private.
The name is Nameless, dumbass.
Why is the allsync tab icon green now instead of blue?
this is a veiled dominions 5 cyoa
Wrong, >>93935224 clearly says he is nameless.
>he doesn't call his variants "Nameless", "Omniarch" or "First Sinner"
But why?
none of them are on speaking temrms
Did you link the wrong cyoa?
well practice making you better at the thing you are doing is logical
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Oh my god shut the fuck up tankfagsta retards, its NA time shouldn't you be asleep by now.
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>>93938110 (me)
Ah you mean the element set.
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Isekai bounty hunter is good, I just wish there was more options for classes. The only caster classes are necromancer and curse dude, so if you wanted anything else its kinda shitty.
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I started that meme you stupid nigger, you don't get to call me that.
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No tok, I did
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Not going to lie, but monstergirls having the option to imprint on another human kind of kills it for me. Having used goods and the idea that a relationship like this, can go sour just sucks all the fun out of it. Nay i say to these monsters, i dont trust them anyways.

>>New Body

>>New Home
Rural Farm
>>Will help keep my body in good shape for what is coming further down.

>>A New Harem
>>Althrouh i REALLY want a drow, but i will keep it real.

>>A New Friend
>>I will hone my body as a farmer, while practicing the art of the blade. I will study by nightfall and learn the sciences and laws of this land. In time i will become known as a battlemage and create my own spells suited for this specialization. In time i might figure out how to make electronics work in this world? The Priestess already likes me, so let us see how this works? Maybe teaching me some healing magic so we can bond a little better to boot, even if my focus is more on general wizardry mixed with force of arms. Rather than being a cleric. I dont look down on those with monstergirls, but the thought of them going feral will keep me up some nights.
Technically people will stop talking about it once a better CYOA appear.
This one ain't it.
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I already have this face, bring me a new one.
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I knew tankfagsta simps had bad taste but this is just abhorrent.
Tok like it THOUGH
You already lost
>I can't freely beat and abuse my harem so this cyoa sucks
Filtered, good.
I won you mean.
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I don't care about that person nor his tastes.
If I called the nameless me "Nameless" with a capital N, then the description in option B would stop applying, so he would immediately job and die.
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That does sound like a good idea to me, yeah.

Question. Are things like companions/boons going to cost a separate resource than essence? It doesn't make much sense to me for non-artifact stuff to use up your essence. Really looking forward to your CYOA BTW. Looking for news on it has been the main thing keeping me checking the thread regularly.
The "imprinting on another male" thing just ruins the whole "match made in heaven" feel that i wanted. So i felt like skipping that pain was the path of least resistance. Has nothing to do with beating monsters or are you just projecting?
Was Dragonfall fixed yet?
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Ops wrong build
Faggot twink
Yeah, Italics fixed it.
Italics made it good
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Thanks to Italics yeah.
Fuck of real Xartok.
I already told you I have that face, i'm not tok, retard, but I'm i'll start spamming his builds if you want to see them so badly.
Nvm he already beat me to it >>93938263
Reminder, Gil is a good author.
SEETHING AND MALDING at the superior monsterfucker as you should.
more tok builds please
Reminder, Gil is a smelly jew.
needs 'everyone who talks about aro's cyoas are simps or aro'
Why are you guys so obsessed about Aromage?
Why are you guys so obsessed with Tok?
That'll be a good one for the next if simpposter keeps shitposting at me.
They're desperate for female attentions
>Are things like companions/boons going to cost a separate resource than essence?
I din't want to have another resource so they are objective based.
Each world has challenges or opposing forces that you can help fix and each one rewards you in different ways from wealth, materials or man power to the loyalty to the companions you meet in the world.
All of these become your assets rather than assets of the house.
Companions specially have certain problems that they need help with and they can even conflict with the wishes of another companion so you might have to choose who to help or try to find a solution that makes both happy.
Also I'm happy that you look foward to it!
So it's basically the same kindergarten method of pulling the hair of the girl you like?
Stop being obsessed
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ehhhh anons mostly do it because they be horny/lonely, they got mindbroken from not having a loving gf
it's the main reason why lolifags and other degenerates exist
Not until they love me.
Gil won’t fuck you ever.
>Bleeding Effect

Remember, guys, if you proceed with what Aeneas has planned for the Final Mission without alterations, you'll doom everything. Because merging everything into one timeline is how the Void is supposed to win in the end.
I like how the pdf of information for chains of isekai is so fucking big there’s no actual point in reading it or playing the game by that point

Why do some authors not know when to stop writing?
Glad you got filtered, gay fag.
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Time for some good cyoas.
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>the cyoa that doesn’t know what science is in relation to magic
>”hur dur they’re like different factions”
Aro is a legit retard and she can’t even confront me about it ;)
>why don't modern scientists just dress up like wizards and call everything magic
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Science is science and magic is magic. There's your (you)
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What do you think lab coats are?
Lab coats.
>CYOA is longer than 5 pages
not gonna play that
>CYOA isn't longer than 5 pages
not gonna play that
Glory Unto The Sweet has a sequel? So cool!
Here is your exactly 5 page cyoa
Ok, goodbye.
No, you're thinking of Gloria.
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They do, they’re just too stupid and blind or autistic (a mix of social autism and an inability to into semantics) to see it, lol.

How is science not magic?

All scientists are sorcerers to some shade. That's why they seek theories of everything to unify different layers of reality. It's as if scientists believe as-above-so-below and as-within-so-without. Scientists believe in summoning entities that transcend the body like AI and wish to become transhuman themselves. Don't forget scientists' quest for immortality either…and think about their obsession with seeking patterns, their inclination to turn patterns into geometrical representations, and their wish for theory to be beautiful! Scientists might as well wear robes and dissect bodies on altars- no, wait, they're already doing that… Christ, they might as well sacrifice materials in rituals to gain a material back with transcended properties. Oh wait…

Modern science is a literal fucking descendant of past arcane/esoteric/occult thought.

Fucking hell. The mad scientists is quite indistinguishable from the stereotypical wizard trope.
— “No sense of right and wrong”
— “All progress demands sacrifice”
— “It’s not a matter of could, but should”
— “Sweet, man-made horrors beyond my comprehension”
— “Oh-my-science… what have I done?”

Good fucking lord. I hate modern science so much it’s fucking unreal. People like Neil deGrasse are a sickness.

Want to piss off a physicist? For real? Just say this: “Hey if you don’t treat nature as divine or magical then you don’t truly appreciate it or respect it do you?”. They always lose their fucking minds.

Don’t even tell them what Isaac Newton thought. Hint: He was a massive fucking God fanboy to the point of hating on the Trinity—something that could have gotten him killed

All in all, I’m just saying cyoa authors like PCA and Aro are retarded. Uneducated. Or just historically unaware. One of the other. Magic to these people is just paint.
Best girl next to Zynthia
>he's too retarded to understand science is science and magic is magic
Damn that's crazy, anyway.
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Modern day scientists don’t even know what philosophy is. There. I will end it at that.

Theoretical physicists scream “philosophy is dead!” even though they can’t technically escape taking philosophical positions themselves.

Atheism is a sickness. It has arguably become an even bigger sickness than theism. These retards don’t want you to see the magic/beauty/wonder/mystery/etc in the world.

Just fuck it.
it's not longer than 5 pages so no I won't be making a build for that
>t. didn't read HPMOR
You need to adjust your priors my friend.
Hahahaha, go fuck yourself.
They can only stop being imprinted on you if consistently abuse them, or through active trade. You can get literal fresh or young ones that haven't been previously imprinted, and if they trade them, they very likely didn't fuck them or anything. So what are you crying about? That you can't abuse them? Retard.
Are they pokemon?
Imagine being a high iq autist coming to a thread dedicated to low iq escapists who don’t actually value real life or care to learn anything

Why would he do this to himself?
> Isekai
Magus World
> Mahou
> Race
AI Chip
Skip Birth
Route Finder
> Fortunes
> Destiny
> Mana

Built to extract as much power and resources as I canfrom the Magus World while mitigating the danger with Privilege. (Relatively) Low starting mana isn't a big deal since I can increase it over time.
I don't know, why would you do that to yourself?
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I think there is an image floating around about "entering a thread I don't like and now I am mad", but seeking it require too much effort.
They are the modern symbol of someone holding secret knowledge to alter the world.
>high IQ
He's a warm 90 on a good day, he just studied well and is extremely overconfident.
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He's incorrect on at least 60% of his opinions, I just ignore him and have never replied to him. I don't know why anons bother.
With minimal spoilers, Mission XX is the one that all the main characters are assigned to, correct?
>failed science class
>seethes endlessly about how science is just wizardry and complete bullshit
sorry you're retarded anon but I am sure Walmart could use a guy like you!
Knowing something someone else (You) does not is indistinguishable from arrogance. Kek. To be the most informed person in the world is to wage war on it.
Just say you hate nature and take everything for granted.
Same reason we engage our Lord and Savior Tokhaar Gol.
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why are retards arguing about the dichotomy between science and magic in a thread focused on cyoas?
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The destinies really pull the cyoa down horrendously desu.

>With minimal spoilers

Don't bother, the cyoa is already too overcomplicated.
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CYOAs? This is the off-topic thread bab.
If this even a cyoa? Where are the choices?
my headcanon is that you are coming down to the planet as a pretender dom 1 chassi
You choose between five mechanisms to increase your "complexity", the level of which dictates which "qualities" and their upgrades you have available to use.
You also choose which "qualities" you have, and the level of "complexity" at which they activate, which dictates their cost and how many upgrades they can have.
Post an actual cyoa next time please.
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Probably ok but I don't like it personally.
Why the dislike?
Understood, second round will be posted after this.
Is Dido less of a bitch in the remake?
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Has the author said anything about making more cyoas?
I'm pretty sure this thread isn't for actual choose-your-own-adventure books.
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Tok, I just wanted to say, that you are - at best - the THIRD most attractive(physical) author, and I've seen a total of six authors irl(mostly reddit). For some reason the "just be yourself, bro" douchebag likes making cyoas(not lewd) for reddit upboats.
Ok tok.
This one is ok.
He appears to hate the Science whilst supporting science whilst supporting religion whilst not supporting religion

Truly a strange fellow
It’s almost like there’s good and bad on both sides…
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>Husanon's Luminary
Loved, supported, hyped, on the way
>Italic's Luminary
Dust, forgotten

It's Italicsover. Hahaha
>Tankista's cyoa update
Loved, supported, hyped, makes xisters seethe
>Aro's nexus gateway
Dust, forgotten, can only have relevance by updating it every 2 seconds

It's Discordover. Hahaha
Nigger both of them look foward to each others work
Nigger both of them enjoyed each others work
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Ivory did nothing wrong.
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>Scalespawns cannot be female
Delete this rule the next time that you do this.
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Of course. I, tok, will make this change. As I am a generous author that always does what my fans desire.
>High Fantasy
>No Elves but no Dwarves
That’s a going in the fucking book, knife ear lover.
*Elves by no Dwarves.
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This is so much better than that slop that tok made.
she did, she has big boobs and she is not mine. Fatal flaw
Well it's not called SHORT Fantasy is it, stubby?
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Italics has never liked any other author's CYOA. The fuck are you talking about?
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He literally said that he looked foward to reading Luminary once it was finished.
I'm looking forward to both. In fact we need a crossover so we can get the legendary furry loli cyoa of yore
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Should I add a furry companion to my multiverse CYOA?
Is it immersion breaking if most characters are humans?
gotta agree with tok here, >>93939536 this is disgusting.
only if its a cool furry (must be a male) and not sexualized
Honestly yea thats one of toks shittiest takes, fix it so next time I can post my build with my wife yolfi who had her wish turn her into a 7th greater dragon subservient to me.
do it
Why even add a furry if it isn't going to be a female?
I chisel a little more of my CYOA every day. I am the sculpter, my mind is the clay. One day... I will finish my OC. I will feel the thrill, the rush, the exultation of sharing it with you all.
Shitalics... 10 years...
I'm bored.
Gateway update ETA?
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no idea lol, im switching the talents section out with an early adventure section, still finishing up the new page 1.
>But where will you take us?
Wouldn't something like "But where will you go first?" or "But what will you explore first?" be better?
And I think the word "but" is unnecessary and things would flow better without it, as two sentences.
and I think both of you should end it all, but we can't have everything in life.
I didn't ask
italics when is luminary coming out?
What is the point when blood magic still wins
>Switching the talent section out
>that means no more strongth of bonds or break of mortality
Damn I guess we really are gonna be jobbers now.
No no, i'm moving talents to page two and adding more.
I hope you're moving the talent section to another page and not deleting it outright
Aro you didn't convey that at first you don't have to be so hostile.
This just goes to show the level of intelligence of aromage's fans. Absolutely braindead. Not even able to understand something as simple as moving a page lower.
So this is the only defense arofaggots have? How pathetic.
>thinks people wont see he's samefagging
>didn't understand the other troll
I'll never understand calling others retards while outing yourself as the biggest retard.
>Get called out for not being able to have basic reading comprehension
>Y.. you are le samefag!
>t. Projecting
Because if its that level of furry, i wouldnt put my dick inside even if she paid me. So the companion is 100% platonic, you have a lot more of female companions than male ones plus for a guy its usually more relaxing to have a "bro", just like for a girl is usually better to have a "sis" if its 100% platonic. Which will be because its too much animal, i am glad i was born not a zoophile
>xhe's so mad xhe wont even reply
Go on, show me where aro said specifically she was moving them down before >>93940462 said anything. I'll wait.

Literal retard. "Haha you fell for the bait" no you're just retarded.
>he wont fuck women
Many such cases among shitposters in this thread.
After Luminary comes out.
Nice reading comprehension faggot. I think you dropping out of school was your biggest mistake. Now you are seething after being told you were wrong and your only defense is
>Aieeeee it was not clear enough for my retarded brain
How do you know he will have much more females?
>a post over two days old and several threads back
I accept your concession, retard.
I won't fuck a fox that got barely bipedal and is trying to feign being human. Would you fuck the ugliest woman in history? that thing and that woman are basically the same to a no zoophile
This but for the shitposter that replied to >>93940561
The female-male companion was more oriented to cypas as a whole. Usually its female focused or both sides equally. Cyoas centered on males are less common, which means there is an inbalance.
How easily do aroxisters seethe. Literally all it takes is aromage posting a single thing. Then the xisters, being the retards they are, are unable to understand the post. Just call them out on their stupidity and watch them melt.
>I won't fuck a fox that got barely bipedal and is trying to feign being human
Very specific, in the specific case, I would not either. If the case is >>93939536 which looks nothing like what you describe, my answer would be yes. I guess I am a zoophile, since anything non-human is classified as a 'non-human animal' so even someone who wanted to fuck say a mass effect asari is a zoophile.
>The only one seething accuses everyone else of being upset
Like clockwork.
>he says, so mad he wont even reply to posts anymore since he got btfo'd
Lol, "i'm just baiting guys trust me i'm just trolling". Lmao.
See, what did I say? Xisters melt easily.
Aroseethers can only get btfo'd so much before they get so mad they give up, they can shitpost at others but can't handle being shitposted back at.
No, she's even worse but the narrative lost any pretenses about her actions.
I keep hearing about Dido this, Dido that. What is her deal and why does everyone hate her?
Doesn't Summoning cover Invocation?
She's 60% of the reason the Convention is collapsing.
>someone who wanted to fuck say a mass effect asari is a zoophile.
Wtf, that thing ( which i dont like either, btw) is nothing alike to an animal. Being a zoophile is being attracted to an animal, that woman is just blue and has weird hair/tentacles instead of hair. Its WAY more human than >>93939536, who looks like bambi's mother if they surgically put her head in a human body and then covered it in fur and mutated her legs to be as thick as humans but with the feet of a dog. Tell me, why is that character attractive? is it the head? the head you literally could use in an animal and woulnt notice it?

Instead of barely bipedal fox I could say
Barely bipedal deer with weird feet, a pair of boobs, weird tail and human arms. That now describes this thing
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This is the Psionic girl, she's a thought-form/nightmare who wants to be real.
Why not? Invocation seems to be just a subcategory of Summoning.
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>anything non-human is classified as a 'non-human animal'
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second picture.
>wants to be real
Did you mean "physical body"?
She can form a physical body with psionic energy but she wants to be truly flesh and blood.
Could you change legion's picture into something more fuckable?
Does she give good back scratches?
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Impossible, there's nothing more fuckable than this.

Calm down diogenes. You know that there's only one species of human.
Your comment implies I do not know what fuckable looks like, which offends me. I might have been willing to change it otherwise, but now, just to spite you, I will not.
Then write "flesh and blood body". She's already "real".
She can just be whatever you want anyways bro.
There is still an image on the cyoa "bro"
This is fine I guess. I don't really get what the difference between being tangible and being flesh and blood is realistically so.
That's the dumbest thing I've heard this week. Dumber than Ivory even.
Giving Tok's bimbos a run for their money. Author's have the strangest taste
there's also the new demonic waifu
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>>93940722 (Me)
On my blind run, I assigned Melio, the Bull, to the same mission as Iesule and Prometheus, under the understanding that he can have the worst women if he really wants to have sexcapades on the job. Then, I applied Iesule's bonus to Prometheus in foresight of the nonsense that she was about to achieve. I did not know that it would have entailed killing convention agents in normal circumstances. Does this mean that I got him to impregnate Dido with a new convention agent, whom I will absolutely corrupt into a Purist tomboy of the highest grade, or does it just mean that the bitch drove him into homosexually seducing the Gatekeeper (we were on the Irkalla mission)?
In the opposite interpretation, how does Dido+Iesule create new agents in other mission circumstances
I love my legion.
This seems more like a demon summoner. The attention should be on her for her image, I think.
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each get two images, remember? This is the true form.
I don't know what this has to do with my post though. I am talking about the image you posted here. >>93940948
>more legion than legion
Why is it looking at me like that...
She wants to kiss you.
Then turn back into >>93940961
>Gender: Male

>Age: 18

>Races: Elf & Sagittarius

>Racial Modifiers:


>Faction: The Leonine Kingdom
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So this is what makes Aro get off
This would have been better for legion. Also, for this >>93940948 image, you really picked one where she is sharing space with someone other character? I mean, I know you are not the best at picking art since you picked someone showing their back before but...
Sorry, I can't. How about we start with you kissing my hand? That is very romantic.
What's the sauce of this image? I reverse image searched with 5 different reverse image search tools, yet I only found variations, not a single one exactly like the one you posted.
....my man, it's in the filename. mike franchina on artstation.
U welcome
Shit. I used open image in new tab instead of the download icon, so I thought that wasn't it.

Tokmaballs. When is your latest flop coming?
>Sorry, I can't.
But you're an eden...
Stop being an INCEL!!
I want to, but you wont turn back into the hot form...
My mommy aro won't let me.
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Me and my legion sitting in our paradise realm I made by being the psiborg overlord.
>>93941131 (You)
Sorry, I posted the wrong image. Here is the real one
Should the time loop research ban be lift?
>Is still completely ignoring the 'ultimate shapeshifter' part of Legion
>Still going on a pr campaign for the british woman
When it is done
it's the Kirilia and bloom thign again, it doesnt matter if original kirilia is rather meh and bloom is a cocoon of an eldritch being, they both can morph to literally anything you would want right? then its fine.

The only problem i see with Legion in waifu's aspect is she/he/it looks like sees you more like a parent/family, i don't know if it could develop romantic feelings toward you, if it can't, i wouldn't fuck it
Family doesn't preclude lore, retard.
It is still a cyoa and it has to have a nice image, regardless if they have the power to change shape. You could say the same, that it does not matter how anyone looks like, since shapeshift magic exist. There is a reason why EA changed the initial image of the shapeshifter.
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Why do you harass me like this I didn't do anything to you :(
>There is a reason why EA changed the initial image of the shapeshifter.
I think it was something like
"can you change kirilia's image"
"sure, whatever she is ashapeshifter so it doesnt matter much"

>Family doesn't preclude lore

... wtf does this even mean?
Anon, I just want you to accept your waifu how she is. Be a progressive guy.
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>I think it was something like
People did not liked the original image and told him to change it. He did. That is what happened. It shows that it matters because otherwise there is no point making the change. Also, you have not answered why it would matter for any companion in any cyoa where magic to change shape exist to have a good image. After all, with your logic, it does not matter.
File: The Witcher pg5 CYOA.jpg (7.06 MB, 1800x8692)
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There was a build list for this I think
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You dumbass.
It was fun.

Build Reviews: https://rentry.org/paspsxhp

Build List

JRPG Witcher >>92893444

Alare >>92887079
Reclusive Mage >>92927168
Pyrobiogolemancer >>92897806
Erann an Fongreim, The Stoke of Rebellion >>92903566
Dollmancer >>92898482
Sir Oppen of Nilfgaard >>92902843
The Lawyer >>92902610
Daniel Strange "Silvermind" >>92915436
Faemmarvith >>92925911

King of Steam >>92891545
Demonic Noble >>92900153
Secret Guardian >>92908464

Myriad Powers Centipede >>92900514
Bodysnatcher >>92903967
Forest Spirit >>92905512

The Fae Prototype >>92890938
Rudus of Vizima >>92920909
Monstrous Witcher >>92925919

Lilit >>92895265

>Normal People:
Irnir the Poet >>92925317
A magical shapeshifters base form matters because that's the real form. With an eden like she is however, it doesnt matter because any form she takes is her real form.
Actually no. She does have a real form. The one she had at the start.
>People did not liked the original image and told him to change it. He did. That is what happened.

Thats... literally what i said?

>It shows that it matters because otherwise there is no point making the change
It shows some people care and wanted it changed. The words of EA about he not really caring as long as it fits her aestethic of elegant assassin show he couldn't really care if she was beaitful or not, as long as she fit what he had in mind. A proof of it is that the new Kirilia, while better than the last, is still the ugliest gift easily.
It's like if you are an artist and people ask you to color differently some detail you really didn't care, like the hat of kid should be blue instead of red and you do it because you don't really care and someone asked you, so you do it. Only reactive personality types would make a big fuss over it

>Also, you have not answered why it would matter for any companion in any cyoa where magic to change shape exist to have a good image

To me, if the character is centered around shapeshifting, the "original" (even more when legion doesnt have original) doesnt matter. If a character has shapeshifting powers but is like additional and not really a part of their personality, I think they could do minor changes but not start each day with a new appearance like i think Kirilia would do. It's like the difference of a character having "good at sports" as part of their kit and another character being "football guy from bazil that is top tier player and trains at least 5 hours a day", like yes you could play football with the first guy but the second is clearly oriented around it.

It's different havign "shapeshifting powers" and being "abomination of flesh, ultimate shapeshifiter capable of copying anything it touches and usually changes form as a pass time"

I understand your logic, i truly do, but i dont see it as "necessary", like, yes, I see changing the picture making legion gain more fans but is not a "must have"
Eden aren't magical, they shapeshift on a biological level actually changing their cells and stuff. That doesn't make sense.
massive egg covered in scales... hot
You are right. Eden does not make sense. Maybe aro should learn how to write.
Review this!
Maybe you should learn how to not be retarded.
>He seethed
That wasn't even me but he's right you are retarded.
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What did I do? :(
>Cooper jobber build
Go away Tok
you posted a NSFW page on a SFW board.
Oh, I didn't check
>t. seething retard
cry more, idiot. Don't even know how to write
>Eden aren't magical, they shapeshift on a biological level actually changing their cells and stuff. That doesn't make sense.
>cry more, idiot. Don't even know how to write
>has incorrect grammar in the sentence he tries to say someone can't write
Pottery. Also I'm still correct in saying that.
>Dollmancer >>92898482(Dead)
Good times.
>a cool furry (must be a male) and not sexualized
seconding this
people who hate animal races wouldn't be as hostile if cool pics were posted more than the coomer ones
>Thoughts on making enemies or lore type entities that are just too powerful to fight?
Done right, it works. ScottishAnon's Night Ride - where all (you) can do is try to outrun That Which Follows - was quite popular.
>I really wanna get into this, but it feels like I'm missing so much subtext and context from other cyoas and author answers that I'm stumbling in the dark
Magocratic Convention is fine to play as a standalone cyoa. All you need to know is that there's a hostile group of mages known as blood mages out there, and they've done something causing a bunch of problems. And that's explained in the cyoa itself.

You can go straight from there, and make a perfectly good build.

If you want the context for a lot of the missions, and agents like the King, Prometheus, and . . .Robert (?) the Enforcer, you really only need to read Blood Magic. About half of the missions have ties to it, and a couple of the agents show up in both places.

If you really want to go in depth, compare the names of Agents against the quotes on the spells in Blood Magic. That'll show you things like why the Reformist faction has problems getting traction.

Hell Rebellion, One Page Shitpost, and Time of Troubles take place in the same multiverse as Magocratic Convention. But it's a big universe, and really only the One Page Shitpost cyoa has much of an impact. The other two - Time of Trouble and Hell Rebellion - are each reflected in a single mission of Magocratic Convention, and little more.

Again, though, Magocratic Convention works as a standalone cyoa. If you just want context, Blood Magic shows you the other side of the Convention-Blood Magic dispute, but that isn't necessary to make a good build.

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