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Imperator Titan Edition

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>Thread Question:
Given 40k's rise in popularity, what blessings and curses does it bring to the fandom in the short and long term?
Thread theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=whxcq4I0kAo
>short term
price hikes, lots of ignorants and noobs, longer games and shortages
>long term
more people to play with, more social acceptance of the hobby, more catering and dilusion of the source material
Chaos Orks when?
>t-they're unorky-
I don't CARE.
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whats a good dark red, /40kg/? are there many reds out there that are darker than khorne red?
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First time painting a space marine and doing a power sword, what could I do better? What should I improve?
I just did a nuln oil wash and am gonna do touch ups and edge highlights now
I don’t know about the power sword
I do not have an air brush
Is Space Marine 2 really gonna make a difference to GW? Look at /co/, the rise of comic book movies didn’t save American comics from being a dying medium.
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I think they existed in the old days of Rogue Trader.
Not sure if pic related is legitimate. I don't know what book it is from either.

Garl Vorbak / Word Bearers Red is the darkest iirc.
It probably made GW a lot of money, and drew in some new blood looking for a new medium of entertainment.
You could do wet blending. Or watch this video.
It's looking fine for tabletop anyway. I personally don't even bother painting any effects on my power swords.
Barak-Nur Burgundy is a pretty dark red my dude
There were Orks infected by Nurgle so even "Chaos Orks" that are really just Ork zombies filled with Chaos energy could work.
I'd accept this because Orkish Daemon Engines would be the sickest shit ever.
I use Vallejo Model Colors Burnt Red. 70.814. Covers really nice.
At the same time when Chaos Tyranids happen.
Tyranid Daemon Bioengines?
its a win for 40k vidya at least
hoping relic would consider giving dawn of war a go again
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Some more Boyz in the wasteland.
Very nice models, and nice shade of green for the greenskins. What's the green skin recipe?

Careful with glazing if you are a newbie. If you do it wrong you will make an ugly lump on the surface.

If it’s your first time painting a power sword I would recommend the standard metal blade with the lightning effects.
I like them but that grenade is clipping through that Ork's hand
I do not have the precision Duncan has, he makes everything look so easy, like the little flicks he does for the details is not in my reach, I leave smudges.

>If you do it wrong you will make an ugly lump on the surface.
How so?
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reminder that Imperators are over 1km tall
can I get a human for scale
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Backlit big things in space = kino.
how do i ask a femstode to peg me gently
Clueless normie here. The God Emperor Trump meme made me watch a few hours of Warhammer lore videos on Jew tube so tomorrow morning I'm going to the local war game shoppe and buying some miniatures to paint along with some codices. Have t decided the faction yet, will jump at whatever they have in stock that looks the coolest. Already have paint. Which faction should I commit too initially? Leaning towards Marines, orks, nurgle, chaos Marines, sisters so far. Not especially keen on eldar, tyranida, Tau, GSC and for sure not the dwarf guys. Convince me
>wants to be pegged
are you gay?
Hmm no easy way... maybe sacrifice a couple hive worlds to Slannesh, capture a femstode, and then go from there? Think you'll get pegged by something.

>How so

If the paints too thick it will accumulate instead of a smooth finish.
pick skaven
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Chaos Tyranids are absolutely idiotic as a concept even on a metanarrative level.
Adding Chaos to an already villainous faction doesn't make it magically spookier, it just replaces the original flavour with Chaos. For similar reasons, Chaos 'Crons are pretty dumb too, although fluff-wise they make a smidgen more sense (if at all).
Chaos Orks make more sense because Orks are inherently more neutral-aligned and work as mercs all around the galaxy for different parties on a moderately often basis.
If you're after the visuals, nids already have enough precedent for freaky mutations without any need for Chaos, much like there are mutants in the Imperium that aren't related to Warp-taint in particular. Begging for otherwise is just flanderizing the setting, making it feel smaller.
Their codex sucks
Fun but their codex sucks
I assume you mean Death Guard? Fun and their codex is good
Fun and their codex is good
Fun and their codex is good
Although Space Marines are the chief /yourguys/ with the greatest flavor variance CSM are in second place. Sisters have low flavor variance but you can make it work, after all, they're /yourguys/. Orks also have a lot of flavor variance. Death Guard is on the lower end.
Thank you.
Death word forest base
Athonian camoshade wash
Death world forest layer
Mix of Elysian Green and Death world forest layer
Elysian Green highlight
Ogryn camo highlight
>The God Emperor Trump meme made me watch a few hours of Warhammer lore videos on Jew tube
Christ you sound obnoxious, fuck off. A+ if bait though.
Khornecrons would suck ass but other Chaoscrons could be interesting. They would introduce conventional psyker stuff to them, could make for some fun rules and dynasties.
Honestly the fantasy stuff looks pretty good I might opt for that route. Depends what store has I guess
Death guard CSM and sisters are definitely high contenders for me to seek out. Of the SM branches I'm liking white scars. Also I forgot the regular imperial infantry guys those look bredy gool
This comment reminds me, I'm hoping the store is not bursting at the seems with alphabet people. I'm a comic fan and the LCS's around here have trans fats every time.
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>no pictures of the new Vespid in the actual Vespid colours yet
how do I know it’s thin enough?
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Necrons either have zero souls meaning they have zero potential or they have such small specks of souls left in them post-Biotransference that they're several magnitudes less valuable than even Tau.
>They would introduce conventional psyker stuff to them
Again, that's just really making faction less unique and more like /other thing/. Not to mention that crons are already irredeemably evil.
It's like saying that zombie-bitten Freddie Krueger could be interesting, or if a facehugger latched on Chucky. To me it reeks of World of Warcraft and its approach of
>what if thing, but corrupted
>what if thing, but corrupted by TWO things at the SAME time?!
>what if corrupted thing, but corrupted by LIGHT!?! eh? EH!?
I just find it a creatively bankrupt low hanging fruit.
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>Codex: Aeldari
>Codex: Astra Militarum
>Codex: Chaos Daemons
>Codex: Chaos Knights
>Codex: Death Guard
>Codex: Drukhari
>Codex: Imperial Knights
>Codex: Leagues of Votann
>Codex: Thousand Sons
>Codex: World Eaters
>Codex supplement: Black Templars
>Codex supplement: Space Wolves
The edition is already in its second year and there's still so many codices left to be released.
>Codex: Death Guard
>Codex: Chaos Knights
>Codex: Thousand Sons
>Codex: World Eaters
These shouldn't exist and should be either supplements (latter two) or rolled together in a single codex (the former)
We have already too many codices, fuck this bloat
fuck misplaced the CK on the list but whatever
knights, custodes, chaos demons, and to an extent genestealer cults are whats bloating up the game.
seethe harder faggot
Anon, I said Chaos Tyranids specifically because I know they will never happen.
Just like Chaos orks.
Rolling GSC into Nids wouldn't be too hard and there is already a bunch of precedent of them working together in more nuanced ways so I wouldn't mind at all, really.
Chaos Daemons are in an awkward spot and need either major fluff improvements/revamps or be rolled into CSM. That way I can see god-specific legions being enough to warrant being a separate thing since daemons would be in there too, but otherwise TSons & WE can easily be supplements and so could be DG, really.
Knights should be packaged together in a codex with maybe additional fluff depicting intricacies of their rivalries.
I am objectively correct, unless GW switch to digital rules we should have less codices, not more.
GW should make a malstrain hivefleet.
Very nice Orkz, blue iz best.
My stormboyz shall be done soon
what if they renamed the daeth korps of krieg to the death korps of sneed
funniest shit ever
>Chaos Daemons are in an awkward spot and need either major fluff improvements/revamps or be rolled into CSM.
They only need to be rolled back into the CSM.
Where they belong and where they originally were.

Not everything needs supporting or be added as an army to the tabletop.
Necrons have zero souls and absolutely no warp presence but they can still be possessed and Chaos'd, since they're basically just super advanced AIs, which can be possessed and Chaos'd.
>Again, that's just really making faction less unique and more like /other thing/
I'm not so sure. Obviously, Chaoscrons would be a new faction because of how different they would be. Necrons abhor the Warp and they wouldn't be able to be paired together without corruption. Mechanically, the base Necron playstyle with less reliability and weaker commands in exchange for psychic phase interaction and Chaos soup could be really different, moreso than things like Chaos Guard could be different.
Honestly I didn't think of this until you brought it up but Chaos Necrons could be awesome.
>Not to mention that crons are already irredeemably evil.
This isn't EXACTLY true. Some Necron dynasties merely rule over humans no more unjustly than the Imperium.
Besides, even if they were, they still have unique philosophies and view points on Chaos.
Chaos Necrons will most likely never happen but I'm all for them, I think I'd even prefer them over Chaos Orks or Tau or Votann.
And Necron Daemon Engines would be cool.
We need to have a conversation about Space Marine codexes
No your gay little chapter does not need its own book, blood angels dark angels idc what it all needs rolling into one big space marine codex with maybe some extra detachments than other codexes but that's about it
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That can't really be a thing with how Necromunda is and Malstrains have a weird fluff where they're weaker than the originals. But plenty of hobbyists have been doing horror-themed nids for a long while before Malstrains were a thing, its very much on-theme as far as fluff goes
Imperial and Chaos are close enough that they could use one Codex.
They could be cut for all I care lmao.
I actually think they should stay, they just need more units.
I think they should stay too.
Codex bloat really doesn't bother me.
hands attached to a 4'3 frame typed this post
>Codex bloat really doesn't bother me.
It should, it objectively causes problems for everyone
More options makes me happy.
They just need to be good, not like whatever travesty Imperial Agents was supposed to be.
>but they can still be possessed and Chaos'd
When & where? I think best you got is Vashtorr's fluff how he managed to overpower necron tech by using Noctilith shite, which have always been able to work both ways, amplifying the empyric energies or dampening them.
>Honestly I didn't think of this until you brought it up but Chaos Necrons could be awesome.
What could there be interesting about them?
There is nothing they could really do that darkmech doesn't already do, Chaos does in fact use blackstone and we have even models for that, even if its a glorified terrain piece.
It really just makes crons look like jobbers and not much else, so unless you really get off to gloating & chaoswank, I fail to see the appeal.
>Some Necron dynasties merely rule over humans no more unjustly than the Imperium.
Which ones? I can only recall one lord awakening & "generously" telling humans they have a month to fully evacuate before he axes the entire population.
>And Necron Daemon Engines would be cool.
Again, I fail to see anything cool about that. What would they offer? Tron lines on top of Chaos engines? Necron tech with glowing chaos stars? Come on. Anything you could imagine otherwise (like say, TK-alike cron take on necrosphynxes) you could already do with cron tech.
Ninjon made daemon engine out of cron bits before and it looked fucking horrid.
>more options
>every chaos marine codex lost like 45% of their range and dont even have a right to be called an army.
Ok, and that becomes increasingly unlikely the less time GW spends on a codex because there are 30 others that need releasing.

If there were less codexes there wouldn't be a need for a painfully obvious A and B team, with one doing absolute dogshit codexes. Plus you'd get the one for your factions faster.
>No your gay little chapter does not need its own book, blood angels dark angels idc what it all needs rolling into one big space marine codex with maybe some extra detachments than other codexes but that's about it
They have basically done that, barring the codex supplements for the Big 4 (BA, DA, SW and BT)
It's flavorless shit now.
Realistically all the supplement chapters could be rolled together into one supplement book. Especially now that they're cutting down their unique units counts and only giving them a reduced handful of subfactions each. Codex Space Marines and Codex Supplement Angels of Death.
The only reason they are split out like they are is because it lets them space out marine model releases across the entire edition instead of all at once with king droughts in between.
>That can't really be a thing with how Necromunda is and Malstrains have a weird fluff where they're weaker than the originals.
Malstrain is tyranid equivalent of cancer/corruption.
It doesn't matter if they are weaker, hivemind can't and wont use their worthless biomass because it is tainted and diseased.
They already said that Hivemind can hear the broods on Necromunda, the signal is horribly garbled, it's the tyranid equivelant of skinwalker/wendigo trying to talk like a human.
>there wouldn't be a need for a painfully obvious A and B team
Is it actually a 50-50 split between good and bad Codexes? I haven't really looked at them all but that would probably imply as much. I know they tend to release in pairs lately.
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Of all the successor chapters with "Eagle" in their name, which is the coolest? Coolest colors, coolest lore, etc.
>Malstrain is tyranid equivalent of cancer/corruption.
It's not truly because cancer/corruption spreads. There is not a single piece of fluff that states that they're contagious to regular tyranids.
Hell, malstrains aren't even contagious to regular GSC and the two have regular-ass gang wars on Necromunda.
Everything else is conjecture on your part and extrapolating on your original assumption.
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nope, orks are green.
fortunately you've got plenty of leeway on the shade of green, including the most pale and the darkest, the ones that are essentially yellow or blue or brown with a tint of green.
anything else is either some kind of somewhat unorky skin condition, sign of alien infection, warpaint or the influence of a chaos god.
personally I'd support added variety with the skintone condition clause, squigs come in all colors and patterns and so do orkish shrooms, perhaps some isolated breeds of orks show non-green patterns.

pic is a piss poor mockup of a normal green skinned orc which has a fungal pattern on some areas.
probably bullied by proper orcs as "ginjas" or "shroomers", but a full klan of them might still be functional enough to survive and get a reputation.
>The only reason they are split out like they are is because it lets them space out marine model releases across the entire edition instead of all at once
Right because god forbid marinefags go a week without a new release
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2025 will be the year of the Eldar
Ynnari resurgence is coming
Hey, they can go for a year at a time sometimes without so much as a Primaris Lieutenant to be seen.
Not entirely 50/50 because there are codexes without a pairing but its close enough.

AdMech + Crons
Custodes + Orks

The latter of those pairs which released together is markedly better
>Ynnari resurgence
but the latest rumours talk about extra corsairs units on top of the aspect warriors, so if someone has really bad taste he could probably make use of those for his ynnari army
is this slavhammer?
Doom Eagles because they have "doom" in their name. Death Eagles are a runner up in second place for the same reason.
What an awful sculpt
Overdesigned slop begone.
You've got to realise when coomers complain about faces being 'ugly' its generally because they dont look like enough like the anime girls they jerk off too
so you end up with custom models that look like that
Lol, DEagles
whoops sorry i meant to say the 12th space marine codex is whats bloating up the game. pure bloat, nobody plays or wants them, pure bloat.
>It's not truly because cancer/corruption spreads. There is not a single piece of fluff that states that they're contagious to regular tyranids.
It is contagius. It's why the Hivemind avoids necromunda.
>Everything else is conjecture
I don't care, I'm correct.
>When & where? I think best you got is Vashtorr's fluff how he managed to overpower necron tech by using Noctilith shite, which have always been able to work both ways, amplifying the empyric energies or dampening them.
Death Guard Codex, Necrons get infected with a rust disease by Nurgle, and I can't remember where but Lucius possessed a Necron after it killed him.
>What could there be interesting about them?
"What's interesting about Necrons?
There is nothing they could really do that admech doesn't already do."
I already gave you plenty of reasons, from how Necrons would view and interact with the warp, and their mechanical differences. If you don't think those are interesting, then I disagree.
>It really just makes crons look like jobbers and not much else
Not really? Literally everything physical can be "corrupted" by Chaos, except maybe like C'tans. Some Tomb worlds have lost to Chaos factions, so there's room for them to be possesed. Even if small in number, they'd exist, and they'd be fun.
>Which ones?
Just fluff from codices, none named.
>Again, I fail to see anything cool about that
Have you seen the difference of normal tech to their Daemon Engine equivalents? Daemon Engines are crazy, and Necron Daemon Engines would be even crazier. Chaos Chronomancy Engines alone would be something epic.
>Anything you could imagine otherwise (like say, TK-alike cron take on necrosphynxes) you could already do with cron tech.
That's... not even close to being accurate.
The complete and total lack of psychic shit, and the fact that Necrons have no biological components at all, for instance.
>Ninjon made daemon engine out of cron bits before and it looked fucking horrid.
I fail to see why this a good point whatsoever.
I get that you hate the idea of Chaos Xenos for some autistic reason, but I think they would be cool, and you're not really saying anything that changes my mind.
what are those baby sized feet hahahahah
>It is contagius. It's why the Hivemind avoids necromunda.
That's your guess at best lol, there are plenty others, the easiest being that graviton archaeotech that resulted in Malstrains happening still exists in the planet's defensive repertoire.
Go ahead, explain why Malstrains don't spread to pure GSC on the planet. That's enough of a glaring hole in your theory already, yet you cling to the silly cancer comparison because it fancies you, not because it's really depicted as such in the fluff we've been shown.
>That's your guess
Nah. I don't need to read the rest.
Feel free to live in your deluded world then lol, meanwhile I'm actually converting my nids.
There are fewer than you think. Eagle Warriors, Doom Eagles, Dark Eagles, Death Eagles...
There's a few others but none with as much info.
>asshurt nidfag asshurt over malstrain
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>I get that you hate the idea of Chaos Xenos for some autistic reason, but I think they would be cool, and you're not really saying anything that changes my mind.
Wrooong, in fact I am one of the few autists here preaching RT fluff about Yu'vath and Rak'gol as well as other adjascent stuff like Khrave.
>Necrons get infected with a rust disease by Nurgle
Bro, a rusting agent is not nearly the same as getting Chaos'd.
Turning an ork boy into a chaos spawn with Warp powers is not equivalent to the Faustian corruption that Chaos traditionally employs. A chaos spawn made from an ork boy doesn't constitute as "chaos xenos".
>Literally everything physical can be "corrupted" by Chaos
I guess there is no real point to argue anymore since I fundamentally disagree on basis of the above. Shoving something into the center of Eye of Terror and pulling out a garbled mess isn't the same kind of internalized, intelligent and wilfully accepted corruption as CSM.
Any predictions for the upcoming Krieg box?
Killteam sprues for the regular troops, updated Bombast, Medusa, Command Squad, Marshall and death riders?
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Just have it as /your dudes/
>during his first attempt to flee, hermiatus seeded a few of his altered prototypes towards a tyranid tendril in the octarius sector, this resulted in a tyranid fleet contracting the condition and getting isolated from the rest of the swarms, surviving in a scavenging fashion and only now escaping the imperial cordon with the octarius situation spiraling out of control
>the first tendril which picked up on and analyzed the psychic beacon of necromunda for too long has been infected in the form of a psychic congitohazard and began displaying malstrain aberrations, other fleets are keeping distance from it
>a fleet scattered by the formation of the cicatrix maledcitum and lost for a time-dilated period of time inside of a chaos rift has been driven to a loss of cohesion/form of insanity/degenerative cannibalism (this was the early ouroboros fluff btw), despite the malformations it has adapted to travel the currents of the warp and it now stalks chaos rifts to attack whoever closes by, including other fleets
>a tyranid splinter fleet specialised in the large-scale experimentation of the ymgarl factor on a greater and greater number of his biomorphs, it's now mutated beyond control and is specifically targeting worlds with presence of ymgarl genestealer strains
you can take these approaches and more, trust me, I'm an expert xenobiologist
I'll give these a try, thanks lads
>i am asshurt, thats because i enjoy the Malstrain as a vector & excuse for more adventurous conversions, pushing design constraints slightly further
unsure how you got that from my post but ok buddy
God dammit more blue orks

Good job though, you have a lot of patience painting that many orks with that skin tone
Don't feed ideas to silly people, especially ones that coincide with what I already had in mind and started working on, stop that
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what? you don't want a star buddy with your same fleet fighting somewhere else?
it's the rift scattered guys, isn't it?
Are there any LOYALIST Space Marines whose primary color is pink?
Then I stand corrected on the first point.
>Bro, a rusting agent is not nearly the same as getting Chaos'd.
The fact stands that a Warp-based affliction could affect them physically, and Necrons are nothing but physical. A scrapcode affliction that targets a Necron's mind and binds them to the will of Chaos or merely sends them into insanity could totally exist. Chaos AIs do, afterall.
>A chaos spawn made from an ork boy doesn't constitute as "chaos xenos".
I suppose, but "Necron-based Chaos Spawn" (despite the fact they wouldn't be Spawn) doesn't really flow very well even if that's what you believe they would be. Besides, nothing to say that Chaos wouldn't have something to offer to Necrons. Necron leaders are intelligent, and one could be desperate or insane from slumber enough to accept a Chaos bargain to not suffer immediate full destruction that turns on them like it does all Chaos followers. And Chaos isn't always instant; it could be gradual, and the Chaos Necron hypothetical faction could be degrading into a Chaos Spawn form yet the ones you see and could use would be in their cascading state. Not like we don't have degrading factions already.
>Shoving something into the center of Eye of Terror and pulling out a garbled mess isn't the same kind of internalized, intelligent and wilfully accepted corruption as CSM.
That could be the fate of any Chaos Necrons, but there's still an inbetween state and the possibility that it doesn't happen at all. Once again, Chaos AIs aren't all just flesh blobs.
are stormboyz meta in every list? it appears so
at least one squad of 5 yeah
But probably in some far off and forgotten lore blurb.
1-2 squads by the looks of it. At least one in each list, like a squad of grots
>nah, nids are too strong, they'd never be genetically corrupted or fucked with, nothing can do that
>just ignore the malstrain that did all of those things, also they can't genetically corrupt nids either, just ignore the hivemind avoiding them
Is Vallejo brush on primer any good? I hear it usually has issues adhering to the model and obscures some detail but I dunno if that's just cause the dude who told me was a fuck up.
Also I want to add that I'm sleeping now. In the end, my final opinion is this: Agree to Disagree.
>Is Vallejo brush on primer any good?
It will get the job done.
I've used it before and it worked just fine. As far as I know the reformulation of Vallejo products has left the airbrush primers that can also be brushed on untouched.
As for adhering problems it shouldn't be happening if the model is plastic. If it is resin or metal then it hasn't been washed properly.
Based and greenpilled
Another thing I'm talking about the black primer. Grey and white primers are usually terrible for brush on application.
>people unironically pay for shit like this
I don't think it is meant to be a 28mm-32mm scale gaming piece.
Quite frankly a lot of STLs are jammed with too much detail on them and I think it is because the creators are still trying to make a 3D sculpting portfolio of what they can do hence why they don't choose simplistic designs.
That would require james to actually let them go to the palace of slaanesh to get the last sword. That went well last time when it didn't happen because of Gavin Thorpe writing himself a massive roadblock because he juiced shalaxi helbane up futher than they already were.
why is that?
secondary objectives
https://youtu.be/qhz4CK4ZPvg?t=70 (1:10)

Was that an F-bomb in a piece of official 40k media?
relatively cheap points wise, they have deep strike so can preform secondary missions very well and fast movement
not what i was unsure about but ok
There are other ways to wake Ynnead besides the Hand of Morai Heg.
Like finally putting Commorragh to the torch as an offering to the stillborn Prince of death.
aren't we just hecking mature?
there were two of them in the episode
you puritan shitstain
Very cheap action monkey unit to place wherever you want with deep strike, and then very fast movement to continue doing more actions until they're dead.
Pretty disappointing to have a cool unit such as stormboyz reduced to action monkey status, but there's not really a better alternative for Orks in 10th, and you need to do actions.
Just surprising, I always got the impression this was one of those settings that only allowed 'tame' swears, like Star Wars
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I'm pretty sure it's "fug" in the 40k universe.
What are some farking Warhammer swears? I'd love to see what kind of goofy stuff the writers have had to self-censor with.
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>Darkness in my BLOOOOOOD
Gaunt's Ghosts uses ''feth'
Orks are always using 'zog' in the same way
Crawling in my skin
How are you guys dealing with the agonizing wait for the Emperor's Children army release?
It mostly is.
Masturbation for the most part.
wasn't it "frag"?
I don't think I've seen this, but I swear I've seen "fug" used before.
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>Cadia stands!
>Check the status of Cadia on the wiki
>It got destroyed
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I hope it's at least to some depraved stuff
You will have sex with her normally and luke it.
Do you already have an army to work on?
If not, it might behoove you to get some practice in on existing CSM kits because you are going to suck at chaos trim if you haven't tried it before.
You can probably guess that at least some of the vehicles for CSM will also be playable in EC so you could work on a nice Rhino or Land Raider for your army to get a head start.
>100 coats of ardcoat
oh thank god for a moment I thought someone actually hotglued that mini
i see, thank you
i have another question: why are grots spammed so much in dread mob lists?
I will not have sex with the big Custodes ladies.
How did ranged work before 10th? Did this guy have better ballistic skill or something?
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I'm working on a Custodes army just to have something to play with. And I do have a Daemon Prince but I'm waiting for the Greenstuff I ordered to arrived so I can do some light conversion work. Plus there's Space Marine 2.

I have stuff to keep my hands busy but my mind, my mind is always on my one and only
cope fag
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Political tourists are political tourists, regardless of stripe.
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You could be the first person to actually read that new Emperor's Children book everyone kind of just forgot about. Might give some insight into what GW has planned for their return to the 42nd millennium.
Bike books are probably better though.
Bile*, as in Fabius
>sentenced to paint thousand sons rim
nta but I actually like doing that
Someone won a tourney with 120 grots because they're 80 points for 20 bodies. Absolutely dirt cheap infantry.
It's infuriating that grots got battleline in dread mob instead of deff dreads
Unironically the game would benefit from having army rules distributed like The Old World. Two or more big books grouping up several individual armies together and then releasing books for each army later with more rules and options. You could have Forces of the Imperium, Servants of Chaos, Xenos, etc, then the arcane journal-like books later. Not indexes. Full army rules, just grouped up and released at the same time.
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>Not indexes.
So doing this again wouldn't be good enough?
You are making the mistake of thinking Codexes are organized like they are for clarity or convenience and not just to spread product release tie-ins across a 3 year edition rotation.
I fuckin want to! It sold out instantly on GW, my local Warhammer shop didn't get any copies, and the general release isn't until fuckin January!
Oi dipshit, cut it out.
Anyone have a 3rd edition pdf from which, as opposed to the one in the torrent, some fucking cretin didn't decide to randomly cut a third of the book?
Did imperial agents really deserve a codex?
i played a game of 40k today
i lost
What faction did you play? What was your opponent?
6 inches
Yeah but it should have rolled deathwatch, sisters and grey knights into it
Remember, no matter how hard you try, a dark angel took your girlfriend's virginity first.
But I'm gay
one book that provides a cohesive home for all those imperial forces that don't warrant their own exclusive range and codex is a good idea, but it has to contain ALL such forces, not just some
>custodes and thunder warriors
>null maidens and grey knights
>deathwatch and damned legionnaires
>rogue traders and law enforcers
>navy forces and stormtroopers
>assassins and knight titans
>puritanical and radical inquisitors
>various auxiliary elements (sanctioned psyker, sanctioned mercenary, enginseer, sister hospitaller, preachers, sensei)
>But I'm gay
Do you guys pick your armies based on lore, gameplay or models?
so is the dark angel
based on how much kitbash potential they have.
i picked ork because they look funny
lore and design.
Try checking out /grog/. They don't have everything, but they've got a good amount. Which pdf are you looking for?
can't decide between orks and world eaters
Sorry, pretend it says "Sentenced to remove moldlines from spiked ridges and interior curves"
Is there a paste in around here for audiobooks/ebooks or should I just check the regular places?
I like the guard because of pure military autism
there's a warhammer thread on /t/
Models/design. Lore is secondary. Gameplay is tertiary.
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How bright should an edge highlight be?
Where is hardh critique anon when his feedback is welcome
I don’t care about your marines it doesn’t matter what barbie doll dress up scheme you do with them they will always look boring
Is there really not a single marinefag in this general whose models you kinda sorta enjoy? They can't all be boring.
You could push it more. At the moment the blue looks a bit flat.
I see a wash blotch on his backpack, but honestly, he looks pretty clean and nice so far.
People usually do one that's not too noticeable and then an even thinner one in places that's brighter.
I miss cross-factional units like this, made the setting feel a lot more alive and interconnected. It feels more like a toy setting than ever now
Ignore that raving faggot, but it's completely up to you, keep in mind it can really change the look of the model depending on how you highlight it, go on Sloptube to find some edge highlights tutorials, see what you think what looks best at what you're going for and just do that.
50/50 basecoat + white(or whatever brighter tone you're adding) = fine edge highlight
midtone between fine edge highlight and basecoat= chunky edge highlight.
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possibly the worst matchup imaginable:
knights vs. custodes
People keep saying Khorne is the god of honor but I've not seen any honorful behavior from any Khorne worshipper who's really into it. They all seem like raving lunatics.
>but I've not seen any honorful behavior from any Khorne worshipper who's really into it. They all seem like raving lunatics.
Nulore, ignore.
There's nothing more bland than how Warhammer settings and fluff get more and more insular and disconnected as time goes on.
He's not the god of honor. All of the canon instances of Khornates talking about honor frame it as something demented like "don't run away while we butcher you".
Khorne kills you the other gods torture you
Models & design. A cringe at the thought of painting and fielding an army I don't like the look of
Khorne is not the god of honor, he's the god of war and bloodshed. Honor is an aspect of war, but he's not too picky about it. Go read the two realm of chaos books in their entirety before asking any questions about the greater powers.
Main rulebook. They have the same version, one with the army lists removed.
And codexes don't have the full wargear lists, in some cases sending you back to the rulebook.
Thanks for your help anyways anon
Marines will always be more popular than your army.
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I despise edge highlights but generally you want two of them, one that’s a mid tone, usually you’d mix the base colour with whatever you’re using to highlight, this one will be wider. Then you do a second more precise highlight in the actual highlight colour. If you’re lazy you can just drybrush the highlight but it’ll look splotchy.
Well based off my country’s price for the game at 2 million copies they made 160 million gross. So we’ll probably see more of it.
>Go read the two realm of chaos books
WHF shit that's not canon to 40k.
depends on how lustrous the material is supposed to be. a "flat matte" surface has an edge highlight which is maybe 50% brighter
"glossy matte" like painted metal armor maybe has edge highlights 100% (or, double) brighter.
I use TMM but for a highly lustrous surface you start to get into a danger zone where in reality, it wouldn't have edge highlights all over, but the edge highlights which do exist would be very bright and would at their brightest just be pure white.
painting highlights and shading is actually painting texture.
>mandrake box is $80
>night lord squad is $75

Wtf is this shit. I collect both Dark Eldar and Night Lords. I was really looking forward to getting these. These prices are insane. I knew they'd be overpriced but $155 for two squads?
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Care to point it out so I can go ahead and fix it?

On it

I am struggling mostly with having the color a good consistency to be precise, I am basically drybrushing with the edge of sable brush and evertime I clean it out or pick up new paint it gets too thin and as a result too thick and not precise enough.

I am trying to figure out how to get good looking transitions between shades.

I am trying to make this one extra nice, I usually don’t do marines, it’s a gift.
I should have said I despise edge highlights cus they’re a ton of work and my brush control is dogshit. You’re doing good on the little guy so far.
>Care to point it out so I can go ahead and fix it?
On the blue part of the exhaust "ball" to the left of his head, on your photos.
Warhammer prices are getting fucking ridiculous all around. $58 for five Flayed Ones...
I straight up refuse to buy new anymore. It’s worth the extra time to buy used, strip, and repaint.
It is ridiculous but the prices of anything aren't ever going to go down. People will keep buying at the current prices or GW will go out of business.
Both books have rules and stories for 40k.
that retarded gyrinx
that retarded everything
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The second pic is definitely a step in the right direction. Your dude looks really good so far.

The way I usually do my highlights for my blue is a chunky highlight->wash->fine highlight method.
I feel the first highlight does a good job on defining all of the raised edges, the wash brings down that highlight a bit so it's not too bright everywhere, and then the fine highlight hits the edges that would be receiving the most light.

I think in your case you'd benefit from having a slightly darker and slightly chunkier highlight to go over the raised edges that are currently not highlighted, just to give the model some more overall definition.
What wash do you use?
The a color based one, a general one like nuln oil or agrax, an oil wash or a glaze?

Thanks, on it

I am also not the best, I am backtracking alot

Yeah, I am also scared to go for too much right here, but I also dont want him to look flat
Where are y'all getting your prices for upcoming products?
>Yeah, I am also scared to go for too much right here, but I also dont want him to look flat
yeah painting can be a pain in the ass if you havent developed a "love of the game" by now.
Batch painting helped me get over the hurdle of edge highlighting unironically. If I could break down each painting step and do it in batches it felt a lot less daunting than figuring out how to paint a single mini "to perfection"
Erm, akshully anon, that's 10 Mandrakes, and a normal unit is 5, so a normal unit would be ~$60, so you're axtually getting a discount since it should be $120! :)
I do different washes for my different colors. In the case for my blue, all of the paints i use are:
Pro Acryl Blue
>All highlights (one ends up more muted because it gets hit by a wash)
2:1 ratio of Pro Acryl Sky Blue to Pro Acryl Blue
Tyran Blue from citadel
>Wash for deep recesses (optional)
Drakenof Nightshade from citadel
shut the fuck up

PLEASE shut the fuck up
Thanks anon, I appreciate it.
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I think you’re already past needing to worry about him being flat. Even at the last stage you posted he’s alright and will mog 90% of other minis.
>Highlights during batch painting.
Absolute madman. Only sergeants, characters, and vehicles get highlights from me anymore and I tend to try and go more volumetric which is kinda hard without an airbrush.
I can't think of a better example of how unfun nu-40k is
I just read the statement that "a single Custodes can liberate an entire planet" and that has to be the most retarded, capeshit piece of lore ever
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The blades of this hive tyrant are gal vorbak red with wild rider highlights
Inquisition should just be it’s own army makes perfect sense to me
No, it's just WHF shit.
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I'm asking again, are marines really that awful and boring? Surely there must be a marinefag model poster or two whose models even the grumpiest contrarian eldarfag likes? Thinking about starting a marine army.
And you’ll be given wogs and trannies and pay out the ass every time GW wants to milk the player base
Enjoy your popularity, may you forever keep it
>absolute madman
Says the guy painting faces. Thats no small effort anon. They look good.
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I really feel like I just lack the experience right now, I started painting 8 months ago
Especially when it comes to paint consistency and brush loading

Yeah, I see, that will make things alot better, I only have nuln oil and agrax right now, I should look into biy color based shades

Thank you anon, I think I will varnish soon, really don’t know what else I should do now
The only thing that matters is that you like your army. Any anon that doesn't like it is just text on a screen.
Leagues of Votann are the biggest example of wasted space
have you guys ever met a waacfag in the flesh
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Faces are stupidly easy for salamander succesors anon. Just base Corvus black, wash with drakenhof nightshade, drybrush with administratum grey. Eyes are just a dot of Mephiston and then another dot of flash gitz and done.
You just know
I meet them every Thursday.
I like to think that's because a single custode can use a level of strategic and tactical acumen to command whatever forces available to their fullest potential, all the while showing up to only the most hard-fought combat zones in an attempt to turn the tide.

However a GW writer will probably write a lore blurb that a single custode killed a million guardsmen on a flat open plain so what do I know
I really enjoy painting this marine, he is pleasant to paint, nice structure, big enough etc
My army is IG tho, I really like tanks and artillery, but painting the super detailed and tiny cadian shock troopers makes me want to kys myself
Go to any GW or LGS 40k night and 90% of them will be WAACfags. 9th edition and its consequences were a disaster
>reminder that Imperators are over 1km tall
What's this from? Is it the accepted canon? It makes the stories where titans fight stupid because the other titans (including Warlords) are so much smaller in recent canon.
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Closest I've gotten was an Ultramarines player who built the WAACiest lists, even in crusade, but had no clue how to actually pilot them and would always be punished for how cagey he was.
I don't play against him anymore, it's just not fun to fight someone who doesn't engage in the game and would rather run away the whole time.
I was one in my teens when I first played. No idea why my friends would continue to play against me, one of them would lose every single battle but he didn't seem to care too much. A true ork player
Anon you should still read them, and liber chaotica. Theres mention Khornate grave tenders. Markers/monoliths marking great battles are important to khornate warbands and these guys travel the wastes and north tending to these sites and kill anyone who disturbs them as they're all fanatical elite warriors of khorne. Lots of cool tidbits in there like that
Can Custodes even have sex?
He also was the proud owner of a bikini bottom camo'ed land raider, apparently
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Odd question but what do you think the red equivalent to that blue wash is? I'm still trying to find a decent one but most of them (imo) aren't very good. I honestly thought APs dark red wash would've been great but it's not too far from agrax / dark tone
Yeah I think it's supposed to be AL which doesn't make sense because he's running named characters like calgar and gman in the same list as it
Like be reasonable no way is an AL land raider going to get anywhere near those two lmfao
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Drybrushing metallics over black surfaces looks fantastic for close to zero effort required
>tfw blue vs blue

How did that shoota squad go? Don't see them very often these days
I am very sorry but I'm no Evil Sunz git. I can't help with red washes because I spit on those grots
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>all of these anons who refuse to post their models because there is a risk (not really) of getting doxxed
>tfw ork bros constantly posting their very unique conversions without giving a fuck

One day one of us will get doxxed for it but i admire don't give a fuck attitude
Poorly. Shootas are quite bad, so they just ended up sitting on an objective they advanced onto before getting crushed by some terminators the next turn.
I'm not evil sunz but tbf not far off it. The quest for a red wash continues
go back
You never know when you need to stab a motherfucker.
>Anon you should still read them, and liber chaotica.
No. It's still WHF shit that doesn't belong in 40k.
That is demonstrably false.
Ok lame-titties anon.
Why is the Munitorum so fucking based?
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Orks were a lot more menacing loooking in the old black and white art. These guys do look like theyre crazed war obessed aliens who are also really into DIY gun smithing, bomb making and mech building.
Don't care about being doxxed, what will you? Come over and play a game?
I'd like that.
>9th edition was the problem
8th was full of BA smash captains + 32 guardsmen + knights in the same army.

I wasn't around for 7th but I'm sure it was just as bad.
They’re bureaucrats so that’s objectively false.
they NEED to have like 70% or some crazy shit revenue
fun fact, for $155 you can get 120 (one-hundred-twenty) almost unique fully kitbashable stargrave minis
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Feels good to be painting again
You guys working on/finished anything fun lately?
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They can still be sinister looking but they'll never been sinister in the same way they are here
If only

Given the time we are currently posting at I'd have to assume you are from the US, might take a while for me to come over for a game
I think their last report had a 34% profit margin or something ridiculous.
It will hit a cap (eventually). Unfortunately as its popularity grows so will the prices. Its forcing me to finish my pile of shame though so thats one upside.
Still working on a trukk when I get the chance

That would great btw, what did you use for the helm and shoulders?
Almost like orks got flanderized into being the goofy, so random, retard xenos.
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>Oh yeah, you know where I play my games now? What're you gonna do about it? Come over and roll some dice with me? Perhaps next Thursday? 5pm? What army are you gonna bring? I'll bring my Orks.
No pics but I've got stormboyz on the painting table.
Anon the Warp and daemons are shared across both/ all three including AoS.
Same gods, the insights of what happens within it is shared across both.
And again Relams of Chaos were written for BOTH 40k and fantasy. Plenty of 40k stuff in them
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When did they reduce the maximum cap of 30 boyz to a squad?
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I'm not really into posting models anymore because associating myself with this place has become embarrassing, but finding greener pastures is proving itself to be difficult.
How can I go back when I never went? Why are eldarfags like this
>30 boyz
I miss it so much bros...
Still working on the typhon. I underestimated how long the second coat of green is taking.
Maybe make some friends and show them your models
Thanks anon and it's Tinny Tin from Vallejo
Couldn't we take 20-30 stormboyz per squad at one point too?
It was removed when mob rule was removed, in 9th edition.
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>Get this right, Orks are a psykic field that changes reality, whatever they beleive to be true BECOMES TRUE
>Car wont work, tell them it does work and it will, gun is some pipes tied together
Its the worst
so normal mortals can wear terminator armor, would it be possible to have a navigator in terminator armor
Oh wow I've got that and when I used it it looked like complete shit. Definitely a skill issue on my part
Hey what can I use for priming other than sprays? Its too cold and wet where I live. Are base paints with same name as sprays (wraithbone, grey seer, abbadon black etc) usable as primer?
>greener pastures
I heard of this other website, reddit I think it's called, maybe try posting there instead?
Just buy brush on primer. The base paint are not primer equivalents.
They remade their game colour metallics and apparently the new ones are quite a bit different, i probably have the older one so it might just be a product issue
Might be time for an airbrush. I know you're probably sick of hearing it but I'm about to cave in and get one, the weather here is just shit all the fucking time so I don't really have an option anymore
There's nothing normal about Navigators.

What's the worse that can happen? You out yourself as a 4chan dweeb, too? You sure you want to do that?
Could be it, I have the citadel equivalent (warplock bronze) which I don't mind. I'll have to try find the previous one if possible, I do have the newer formula
Why can't Fabius Bile lead beastmen
I openly browse 4chan at work, I am beyond caring.
Darkmech hag titties...
They're inferior to his new men of course. Bill only works with quality ingredients.
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I've been painting my Repentia. I thought they were pretty much ready but these photos have shown some issues I should fix.
But he literally uses beastmen in his books
Ever sprayed varnish at your window, close the window too early and get a coughing fit?
The plastic crack is going to make me die young.
I haven't varnished anything yet
I finished battle sisters and I'm disappointed that anon lied to me about a pegging route
No, its horrible and hugboxxy and I hate the rotating nature of it.
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Post cool nids
Well you'd fit in there better than here.
I dont know if its just the poor lighting but they look a little dull, like they could do with another round of highlights to push the contrast on them
They look well painted but just a bit flat if you get my meaning
I haven't painted a nid in 2 decades anon, I still have a few old 3rd ed models lying around somewhere too
Did you enjoy the game though? Was the porn any good?
The VR game or the trainer game?
>for $155 you can get 120 (one-hundred-twenty) almost unique fully kitbashable stargrave minis
Wow! I don't care!
Not really, I can be pretty critical of things and only hand out praise to something I want to, besides I don't want empty praise myself and I seek more than just empty exchange of pleasantries. Also it just moves too fast for me.
are ork clans only a cosmetic choice?
Ork Klanz are a way of life, anon.
Thinking you're better than this cum encrusted hellhole is peak reddit behaviour though, you'd fit in just fine.
Thanks, I do agree. I was supposed to add more shading on the skin and brighten the clothes with glazes but I grow weary. Probably continue tomorrow.
Critique every model in this thread then please, we need more reviewanons
Is grimdark narrator autistic? Whybdoes he sound like that?
There is a reason there are so few people here from even 2020 is what I am trying to say.
This is a pretty good book. Slog in the middle but definitely feels like the EC. Great representation of the whole reason they're total retards
>Is a 40K loretube autistic.
Anon… I…
>enter gay workcuck (formerly known as games workshop)
>hey man, you think i can just grab the free miniature of the month real quick and be back on my way
>sure thing, buddy. but if you take it you'll have to clip, assemble and paint it here :)
>give him a look that says "are you for fucking real bro"
>tell him i just came from work, i do not have the paint with me and i do not want to spend my time painting it there, just give it to me please
>no can do :)
and then they wonder why private discord groups are flourishing and nobody plays at their place
Thanks for the tale, reddit
Reviewing is pointless and retarded. What's the point grading a miniature on a scale when we have no idea how long they took, or what the goal was. If one anon paints 10 marines in 5 hours to play the game, and they are viewed 99% of the time from four feet away, there's no sense in comparing it to something painted in 200 hours for the purposes of taking a photo of it.
>gets pissy when denied shitty gibs
Do americans really? Just buy a box poorfag.
Says whom?
You're giving off reddit vibes, anon. You sure you don't wanna try to be with your people?
>all of these anons who refuse to post their models because there is a risk (not really) of getting doxxed
they don't own models but I doubt you do either with such a braindead post like this
my name is sebastian though
and i am not lying and therefore not afraid to name-drop those motherfuckers, its the games workshop in düsseldorf
Sorta, as it stands:

>evil sunz - kult of speed
>goffs - bully boyz
>snakebites - da big hunt
>Just buy a box poorfag.
uhhhhhhhhhhh... no?
they say i can get a free mini each month
so fucking give it to me
you sound like a paypiggie
You're probably right but I do own models anon
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Me. I said it. Try to keep up, anon.
>german """person""" complaining that they don't get free gimmedats
>paint it too

I've only had to assemble them and that was it, fuck sitting there for however long and paint it, that's insanity
Orkz or Tyranids for a first army? Kind of want something somewhat on the easy side in terms of painting while being fun to play/play against
>hey, we offer this free item
>can i have it?
>no, get fucked gibsmedat LMAO
come the fuck on
>can i have it?
But that isn't what he said is it, Hans?
I refuse to believe your name is Sebastian. This hunger for gibs to the extent that you piss and moan about it indicates a name that is a smidge more culturally enriched.
it's supposed to be objective mongoloid
1 = your brain in painted miniature format
10 = golden demon winning
what about dread mob
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>Once my Horus Heresy is successful, all the 40,000 Warhammers shall be mine!
I got goosebumps bros
Probably bad moons
I have enough disposable income to do or buy whatever I want, which is a box of models once in a while. I have bought 2 boxes this year I think. Getting upset over not getting a free plastic soldier as a grown adult is embarrasing.
What is the current mini of the month? I'd go and get it but I really couldn't be fucked dealing with the one dude who runs the local warhammer store, his autism is unreal
>Getting upset over not getting a free plastic soldier as a grown adult is embarrasing.
they OWE me free miniatures
and im just gonna say, im gonna get them one way or another, thats all im saying
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What's your dream Versus box?
Any two factions, any one new model for each side to sell it.
A pretty lame kruleboy, not even worth visiting the store over desu
Last 2 months were pretty cool though
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Yeah, I am very happy with my results, left is the first mini I ever painted, right is what I did today
Thanks for all the anons that gave me advice
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>mfw I take seperate pictures for this place so that some inbred schizo won't find them with lens
The first mini ever painted still looks really good though wtf
I kinda hit a pleataeu, I
>prime black
>drybrush white
>paint with base/contrast paints
It looks alright at tabletop distances but I wish I could be better
You may have looked like a bum who'd just go and sell it on ebay as NOS for a few bucks.
Sisters of battle containing
a sister of mars (tech marine equivalent)
repentia with plasma
and sisters on bikes


GSC with ambots, I don't care what else is in there
>doesn't get gibs
>implies violence
Doesn't make you look good "Sebastian"
You'll have to move past drybrushing and one coat paints if you want to improve
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I followed Duncans guide for the Kriegsman, I also used the Vallejo game paint starter box for it.


While the marine, I just looked at pictures for inspiration and used the techniques I learned til now. I usually prime dark gray and then start painting, I never used contrast or speedpaints
Post elf women
ok ok you got me, fuck dude, my name's mohammed
>tfw your first mini looks about the same as my current ones

That's quite a solid effort anon
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Csm vs admech, but my admech are traitors
so i got a deal and got 2 of these kits.

do i build 2 tyrannofexes or 1 t-fex and 1 tervigon?
>Paint 1 (one) Kroot
>Took me 2,5 hours
>Still got 23 to go
I'm going fucking insane bros
It's a marathon, not a sprint
Yes. Truth is based
This is why, regardless of what /tg/ will try to make you think, most people do not wait for their entire army to be painted before they play.
>paint one ork
>takes me a fucking day
>looks ordinary
>have over 100 to go

I'll get quicker over time but fuck me, what a slog
Dark Eldar versus Ad Mech (or Dark Mech)
New Covens versus new Cybernetica Cohort
Battle of the Augmented.
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Eldar Wraithhost
>2x5 Wraithguard
>new plastic Wraithseer
vs Black Templars
>2x10 Crusaders
>2x5 Sword Brethren
>new Chaplain that isn't shit looking, hell just steal and slightly alter the new totally-not-a-chaplain from AoS, pic related
2 tervigussies
People don't post models when demanded because they are usually only demanded when someone drops an unpopular opinion and the other party demands painted models as a kind of credentialing ritual.

Then your only choices are: 1) don't post models and remain anon, or 2) post models and no matter how good or bad they me be, spend the next thread scrolling through replies that all nitpick every flaw in your painting, real or imagined.
I'm always a fan of variety myself.
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>play tyranid
>have to paint pretty much the exact same monopose termagant 80 times
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High res picture, I am actually very proud, you can see that I didn't even bother scratching off the sprue gates on the Kriegsman
Why are their bases so huge
Base size creep is real 25mm holocaust is happening right beneath your nose.
Tbf no one really picks out flaws in mine because they look quite shit so they don't see the point to it. If I was a better painter I'd suffer from being criticised but I'm not so no one gives a shit

I posted models when someone asked me to but they NEVER responded to it so I just gave up
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>how bright should my edge highlights be
sadly your mind has already been poisoned by hobbylets, it's over, billions must add chunky highlights on every edge of their model no drybrush
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I dunno, I think he is fine
Holy shit you faggot, that's the purpose of a REVIEW, it's supposed to be objective. If someone speedpaints a marine he won't expect it to be rated 10/10 you dumb mongoloid. Go back to plebbit or wherever you want a backpatting hugbox
"Here's my speed painted marine"
5/10 it's speed painted

why do people have middle ages sword in 40,000 bc space warfare
Rule of cool, sometimes you just gotta stab a guy
I should just start mass replying every model post with "5/10 Great start. Keep working on improving."
It’s a future sword.
Space marines with primaris centurions
Fallen with updated plastic sculpts
would probably be an improvement for this place.
So long as there are men, there will be men who need a good stabbing.
If you played Darktide as a Veteran with a power sword before it was nerfed, it makes a lot of sense.
Because some times you need them.
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Has anyone painted /theirguy/ from space marine 2 yet?
wasn't there an anon with monarch butterfly patterned nids?
read his last post
He gave fairly objective evaluations and provided some basic feedback on how every rated mini could be improved. I'm sorry you're so fragile you think you have to learn the history of how the mini came to be when rating it
Think that poster toned it down a little bit since the other day. Seemed much better than straight up abuse like last time
What a stupid question to axe
You've got it ass backwards, friendo. Space Moraine Dos is for making your existing dudes in.
Updated nuscale Grey Knights vs a new range of undivided daemons.
There were a few of us reviewing. I was not the guy just linked, but I did give a similarly styled review for only the first half of a thread
PINK pink? Don't think so. There are a few purple ones though.
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Gretchin Revolutionary Committee vs Imperator-class Titan. Grot new model is a leader, Imperator is a new model in hard plastic.
>Most imbalanced points in a box ever made
>800 points of Grots versus 5000 points of titan
>Grots always win every game
Is that the one that ate Yvraine
>Imperator-class Titan
that's a 15 metre tall model, sir
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Am I missing something? I post my models here all the time.
anon with the smoothest base rims known to man. I respect that
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Emperor's Scythes' are the closest you get.
>Emperor's Scythes'
Weren't those black and yellow though?
Or am I confusing them for something else?
Scythes of the Emperor
That anon is mentally challenged.
Fantastic models, by the way.
That's the Scythes of the Emperor. They're two separate chapters.
>Those Bladeguard
Very nice. Now I feel foolish for going with blues with blacks.
Nah but I should I just made a technicolor abomination after I found out leadbelcher was locked behind a 40 dollar "dlc" so I couldn't make silver skulls. So I said fuck it and made every piece of armor a different color.
That's stupid. What's next, the Wolves from Space and the Angels of Blood?
Bluish teal with black can work well.
Orange and teal or bust
Ngl angels of blood actually fucks as a chapter name.
Oh yeah, I remember now.
God that is dumb.
>Angels of Blood
That would totally fit in. Almost there with the chapter named Angels Sanguine.
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Finished my first deathwatch veteran finally, I expect the full kill team is going to take me at least a couple weeks at this point.
What about "Wolves of Space" and "Angels of Dark"?
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Finished up this guy.
Working on some sword brethern now.
So do Imperials not love their kids? Read another short story where a father used his child as a human shield to soak up lasgun fire and I now that I think about it, I've never actually seen an Imperial parent, low or high born, show any care for their children.
Watchers of Death
Templar Blacks
Escaliers Grisaille
Angel Bloods
Angel Darks
Canis Astartes
Mariners Ultra
Scars of White
Guarded Ravens
Hand of Iron
Fist Imperial
Der Salaman
Not so much but I do kinda like "fire lizards"
Wolves of Luna also goes hard
In the gaunt’s ghosts books there’s a fair number that care about their kids. Like the one noble from vervunhive.
A lot of children are raised by the state in communal group homes to alleviate the parents to work their 16 hour days. It varies from world to world of course, but the vast majority of Imperial live in hive cities.
Mob of Dread
Tide of Green
Horde of War
Speed Kult
Snaggas of Beasts
Boyz who Bully
Think about honor in terms of WW2 Japanese honor, the kind of honor that kills civilians and bayonets babies but fights to the death instead of ever surrendering.
First, low empathy society. Loving others is considered near heretical on many worlds because it detracts from the love you should be giving to the Emperor.

Second, kids die very young, so they couldn't afford to invest much emotion in them. The median life span across the Imperium is only something like 21. 40k also bases a lot of its culture around bad history memes, and it's a meme that pre-modern people did not love their children. This is mostly because the only historical records that survive are from nobles, who saw their kids as expendable tools and extensions of their own power, much like richfags do today. WFB actually gets it right where commoners definitely do get attached to their children.

Third, on many planets such as Cadia or Krieg, parents don't even raise children, it's done by the state.
Bearers of the Word and Sons of the Thousand go hard as fuck too.
Heart of the Black Kabal
Flesh of the Prophets
Strife of Cults
It should be da hunt of big
>haven't played since early 9th
>Check out how GKs changed
>All there fucking melee weapons are gone for just 1 single melee
>Psyker phase is gone
So are tsons and GKs just completely fucking gone without psyker phase? Why the fuck would they remove such a big thing for some armies
What's a decent matt black spray can? I don't want to full for the chaos black ruse again
True but I thought that sounded stupid

Skullz of Deff
Moonz who iz Bad
Bitas of Snakes
Axes of Blood
Sunz of Evil
TSons sorta got a pseudo-psychic phase with their army ability.
Rustoleum matte black primer like 4 bucks at Walmart
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Sisters of Silence vs Chaos Cultists and Daemons.
Cultists get a new rogue psyker possessed by a daemon that's become a warp conduit.
Sisters get pretty much everything new.
>Pic very much related
I'll have to go to my local hardware chain here, they might have it. No Walmart in this country unfortunately
16 work days would be considered paradisaical by many Imperials.
Eldar vs orks. Fuck this imperium bullshit for at least one edition. I know they do it to sell boxes but fuck anything but more space marines
And it would seem crushingly brutal to "many" more. The galaxy is a big place.
are black templars fun to play?
>Der Salaman
GSC vs Votann, with the added benefit that votann's wave 2 focuses more on the mining aspect of the faction.
Miners vs miners in a battle for the caves would be so fucking sweet.
Yeah, but there are averages, and the average across the million worlds of the Imperium is 20 hours. Sure, some planets work less and some planets work more, but the vast majority are working 20 hours for every standard Terran day. This is backed up by other sources like the Calgar comic stating that Macragge was considered to be one of the best worlds in the Imperium for its 14 hour workdays and average life span in the mid 30s.
>Power axes and heavy armor
>Cyborg war dog handlers
>Gas masked flamer units
>HQ with a flamer and power fist wearing a leather dress armor
Do/did they ever have any of these in the TT because I've only ever seen their models with bolters.
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I used to post my models but people here piss and shit themselves whenever they see 30k models being used in a 40k iron warriors army.
Is this the one btw?
>chaos 'crons
Vash'tard corrupts them by offering them his knowledge of STUFF to get what they want like bodies or whatever.
>chaos tyranids
Genestealer cult infects chaos cult and subverts them from within.
>chaos tau
Gay, tau are lame.

Chaos aliens work best if you created a whole new alien race like the Yu'vath who worship chaos, but they'd have to have a new spin on chaos and not just be like "we like the big four and supply crystal weapons to CSM". In a certain sense, since even chaos humans are xenophobic, it would make more sense if Chaos Aliens were like Fimir or beastmans and hated humans and wanted to take their place as the children of chaos.
I'd probably do that if I was playing emperors children, the 40k lucius is one of the worst models of all time imo, the 30k one looks great
Emperor's Children vs. Eldar is the best I can do.
30k shit doesn't belong in 40k. Simple as.
It's called 30k shit for a reason.
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It really amuses me how bad GW’s writers are. A 20 hour workday 7 days a week would kill you within months at best and would leave no time for literally anything other than working. You’d work through your entire population in a matter of years even if there’s a shitload of unemployed peoples shitting out kids in the underhive.
The most LBGT friendly match up, that wouldn't surprise me desu, although would dark eldar be a better fit instead of eldar?
friend wants to get into 40k as a secondary and doesn't want to watch youtubers, what are some good starter books to recommend him
It's why people either ignore it or go with the birthfactory/vitaewomb headcanon.
Is the lore in the rulebook any good?
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Chaos Eldar soon.
I offered him to skim my codices but he wanted novels
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Why are GW using these talmudic tactics where they are trying to normalize 3 mans instead of providing the standard 5 mans and still charging 5 man prices for 3 man boxes.
A haemonculi refresh vs. Emp's Chi so you can have Fabby in there against his favorite aliens? No, that wouldn't be possible.
Are there any like Black Library short story anthology collections? Something that has just like a sampling of all the different types stories and imperial factions and maybe a Xenos perspective or two?
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Corporate Greed.
Fabius Bile v Rakarth would be insanely cool. Even better if they get a tie-ins novel like Gene father or something
It's like how in old Warhammer Fantasy Lore, each peasant in Bretonnia was supposed to give 90% of their harvest to the knights and keep only 10% to survive to next harvest. Those peasants must have had some pretty fucking big fields.
They have only one sprue of five girls with flamers, bolters or swords.
They are in desperate need of additional kits.
Several. I think Gw stores even had some they were given long away for free a few months ag9.
Emperor's Children are honorary Eldar.
World Eaters are honorary Orks.
Thousand Sons are honorary Necrons.
Death Guard are honorary Tyranids.
Iron Warriors are honorary Votann.
Word Bearers are honorary Genestealer Cults.
Night Lords are honorary Dark Eldar.
Black Legion are honorary Tau.
Alpha Legion are honorary Harlequins.
You're an honorary homo sapien on the basis you're only the former
And you my friend, are an honorary retard.
Gal Vorbak, as much as I like is almost purple. Not just dark red.
I'm actually a homo erectus
I'm about to be homo erectus if you keep it up big guy
They're 50m officially. Maybe 70, give or take a little.
That’s the warmaster titan, the emperor titan has to be between 300 and 600 meters, considering how tall a cathedrale is
>Chaos Eldar soon.
Never happening, just like exodites.
Shrinkflation b wild, yo.
Humans are the only ones who can fall to chaos in 40k.
because people will keep paying no matter what
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>has to be
Not really. The Epic model is aboit twice the height of a Warlord, cathedral included. Remember, the cathedral isn't actually a cathedral, it's just dress up for the megastructure housing guns, sensory equipments, comms, etc. It's not that big. Wuite small, honestly.
Because they know people will pay for it anyway.
Just 3D print that shit
Sons of the Phoenix lead by Clonegrim vs Emperor's Children lead by Fulgrim. It's gay and cringe but I want it.
Gw spray is definitely overpriced but I've never had an issue with chaos black even once. Rustoleum is good, I've had good luck with cheap store brands but you need to test them to see if they'll dry tacky or too thick
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This is correct.
However, this is not correct
>average base human, 1.70m
a manlet made this chart
These all look a bit too big to me. Proportionally it doesn't make sense for the human to be that small next to the Knight. We see things on those models humans are meant to directly interact with and they wouldn't make sense if thwy were that small next to the robot.
I think that can be cool if you do some work to tie them into the current line.
>imperator titan is just 60 meters tall
A lame-o faggot made this chart.
Space Marine 2 did the right choice of making the Imperator titan 1000 meters tall. >>93935278
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Even the models agree
>These all look a bit too big to me.
Yeah, I agree.
I think they should all be 50% smaller.
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Well I bit the bullet and just ordered the firestrike turret and librarian online. I finally (technically) own everything on this list. Now I just need to start looking for paints.
Don't care, still lame and gay.
SM2 did the right choice.
If you are a complete newbie and don't have any paints yet I highly recommend getting the warpaints fanatic set, they are golden, army painter really did something good here and I usually do not praise their products, they are pretty hit and miss.
Imperator titan should be at best 15 meters tall, even with its fortress.
Thanks! Thats a big help. Do you recommend getting paint thinner or should I just use water?
Get a wash bottle from amazon and fill it with distilled water from your dryer.
Seconding fanatics, was very cynical of them but I've loved all of the stuff I've tried out of the mega set. The silver, soft tone and rust are going to be mainstays in my regular paint rotation
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>no phobos chaplain, phobos bladeguard veterans or phobos assault intercessors
>invader ATV
>Firestrike servo turret
Needs a dreadnought
Lol im planning on making them Necropolis Hawks so I just grabbed what felt right fir close range urban combat. The assault dudes are the mainline backed up by the big guns while the sneaky guys take the flanks.
my dude, scratch the invader ATV and the Firestrike servo turret and get a ballistus dreadnought
its the Imperator from Space Marine II which is considered by GW to be canon.
They felt more appropriate for a chapter dedicated to fast urban combat. Also I thought the atv was funny and it ended up being the first model I bought a few years ago.
I'd suggest leaving the arms and legs separate while painting this scheme as a beginner. Getting white and yellow to a good coverage over black is a pain if you don't do it often
>liking the ATV
this is the same kinda guy who uses his Rogal Dorn to abduct models
Too late, I'll manage some how though. I already know it's not going to be pretty.
How can you not like it? It's hilarious. Look how close the turrets is to the drivers head. Or those front facing bolters that can't be aimed.
I might grab that eventually but for now I'm happy with what I've bought.
You guys are braver than me. Got burned so many times on their old paint I can't bring myself to even give that stuff a shot.
True, I am now sad it did not make an apperance in space marine 2
Did you also not like the speedpaints 2.0 ?
anyone have any art examples of chaos glowing/fiery halos? I wanted to try out an osl effect sculpting a flaming halo and having it 'float' above the head with some wire, but it's for a chaos model and I thnk that's too 'emperor-ey' , maybe a green flame or sculpting some kind of floating chaos mark? any inspo pics are appreciated
I never found another product that AP makes to tell other human beings about, fanatic is very nice though. If you want to try something and definitely find a use for it, their new soft tone is lovely
No idea never tried it.
Was already invested in the couple of contrast paints I use didn't see the need to buy the same stuff
This is such a specific thing that you're going to have a tough time finding references
I still have like 2 pots of seraphim sepia to burn before I'm on the lookout for that.
When GW changed the wash formula I bought all I could find along with agrax earthshade
To get games back to having a lower model count without reducing their bottom line
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>no subs on Tithes
Wish me luck, bros. I can never fucking understand those people.
Instead of lamenting the time, you should cherish it. Use that time to catch up on podcasts or check through some of your favorite bands releases for new albums. This hobby is only a race if you are rushing yourself.
Oh I just want a matte black spray, not a fan of going over the vehicle AGAIN with matte black paint. There's nothing wrong with it it's just too glossy for my liking
Very tidy for first mini ever, good shit anon. Hope you keep having fun
I honestly have no interest in the new primaris dreads. I really wanted to get an old boxy one but the store owner warned me they're likely to get sent to legends soon.
>Rain all this week
>Had a dry day yesterday finally
>Went and primed models after work since more rain was on the forecast
>They look different than the ones I had done previously with the same primer
Uh oh.
Was using Chaos Black a mistake?
>get several of their old coloured metallic range
>all fucking awful
>turns out the metallic black is great for drybrushing

The only use it has, it legit came out of the dropper bottle like a big pile of shit. I see they updated those as well but I'm not going back there
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If you're going to spray over top anyways, why not pick up a can of good matte varnish. Testors is normally ill suited for our hobby but their dullcote performs perfectly every time. Means you can use whatever paints you like regardless of finish and at the very end you can tie them all together
No one here listens to music anon
Oh OK I didn't realise it was possible to varnish something and then go over it with paint, I assumed it created some horrendous hydrophobic surface that nothing adhered to
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Legends only matters if you're playing in a big Grand Tourney. If you're playing with friends or friendly pickup games then usually noone cares. I say get the boxy boys you love while you can and if you want to do big tourney stuff later you can worry about that then.
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What's your optimal weather for painting?
It's been really hot and I can't force myself to
Not true, I listen to interpretations of ancient sumerian songs all the time.
Probably either too humid from the rain the days before or you may have subconsciously sprayed slightly more or less than your previous models
Wish I could paint checkers like that
I paint indoors retard
Oh really? That's good to know. Is it okay to run them with primaris stuff or is there some weird gw ruling like with rhinos? I've been trying to think of an excuse for one to be rocking around with a primaris chapter.
Damn that flat dread is carried hard by the weathering.
You should fix that
Took a week off, did the next episode of the tithes come our or something?
Nah varnish is just paint with no pigment in it, you can paint easily
people already parroting the reviewanon lmao
NTA but tbf it is a lot of weathering, it does look great but it's a bit much for me personally
Honestly you should anyways
I paint black templar and that's always my first step. Need to make sure I didn't miss a spot with primer and some black paints are more black than others even after varnishing to the same finish.
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I fucking love chaplains
That is true but that guy used the exact same words reviewanon from last thread used to describe some other lamentits minis.
>some black paints are more black than others
Who cares, as long as the details aren't clogged you're gonna paint over it anyways.
Just takes time, anon you'll get there.
There's not really any weird ruling conflicts using the dreadnoughts I run.
That's half the reason I do it lmao
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That's only true with gloss varnish. If you get matte varnish, then you're good.
I take it you haven't finished the campaign yet
Meant to respond to this >>93938496
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They are kino without a doubt
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>there’s people that prefer the old sentinel over the new sentinel
I don’t get it
Doesn't matter. He looks cool as FUCK
I bought six of them right before they announced the guard refresh.
Im fucking pissed.
>You vs the guy she tells you to not worry about
I think both are cool in their own merits. Having a few of both would make for an interesting looking force
What's the melee potential like on the newer ones? Seeing a walker with a chainsword is exciting
Old good, new bad
Simple as
why is Cawl and GW afraid of giving me jetbikes in 40k
I can be trusted with them I promise please can I have jetbikes
Proxy outriders with javelins
To be fair, GW somehow achieves to make some old bad new good kits, like the fire warriors in 2016 I think, or the dark eldar kabalite warriors in 2010
Can't speak for everyone, but if you threw 30k bikes on short flightstands so they were at least slightly closer in height to the outriders, I certainly wouldn't complain about them having a place in your army
I've always disliked how the old armoured sentinel has windshield wipers that wouldn't be able to move.
I do like them too, but fuck that one in particular.
Leandros did nothing wrong.
Play eldar
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the older ones looks more agile, imo. I admit that they're definitely front-heavy looking - the cockpit should have a counterweight. Still make nice scout sentinels, thought.

New sentinels the balance problem, and also the chainsaw isn't an afterthought awkwardly glued onto the hull to accommodate an an old gimmick from Codex: Catachans.
He did everything wrong.
And realistically it would've been found out what happened to Titus. Which would land him onto a penance crusade very fast.
If I paint it to be raven guard can I still run it with my boys who are a successor chapter?
Old one looks like those from return of the jedi, I like that
The vehicles are the only things that tempt me from the eldar range. Oops all jetbikes, oops all grav tanks, or oops all airplanes sounds like a blast to paint
New one is too big and rounded
I don't think anyone would have an issue with that, I personally would do the model in hawks scheme and then maybe make one of the arms raven guard to call back to his original chapter
Chaplains are stupid but skull helmets are cool.
The old sentinel is more squared and industrial
the new one is sleeker, like it was meant to run alongside an admech's dunecrawler rather than the imperial guard's leman russ
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>talmudic tactics
Why did he become a Chaplain anyways? I never read up on them but did him being very stiff and relying on the codex but emotional and going to the inquisition cause it to happen as a punishment? It also felt like both in the beginning and the end of SM2, he was helping Titus out but was giving him the stink eye at the same time. It was weird.
What's the coolest, non-god aligned chaos legion/ warband?
Sons of malice
Red corsairs
Creative director said some 40k shit about how it was a point to refine him being a nark and stickler into a good nark and stickler
Night lords if you are a fan of conversions and blue red corsairs if you're not
>Still make nice scout sentinels
You need to rebase them tho
Oh that's a good idea. Thanks anon
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Word bearers
What's the point or going chaos if you aren't going balls deep?
Red Corsairs
Sons of Malice are aligned with Malice anon.
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Thanks, king.
Fuck the Munitorum.
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Oh shit it's Abaddon the Despoiler, the one and only Warmaster of the Imperium Nihilus!
Well I didn't vote for him.
he forgot about the thing
chaos eldar would be cool tho bc it's diametrically opposed to their way of life
You don't vote for warmasters.
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Why does he have arms?
Nothing involving the Eldar is cool.
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abadibidedespili wammimpinihili? neva 'eard uv him
That right there is a feller who isn't corrupted by chaos and just uses it as a tool to further his own goals, yup yes siree
>still no chaos eldar
>still no chaos orks
>still no chaos tau
Its a sin
Patrick looks like he has so much fun there
>..Big angry fella
Why did you have to post that? Now I have to go rub one out.
A Bad 'Un
So is Abaddon like cool, or is he a fuckin dildo? I can't decide.
Why would Khorne ever accept a bunch of losers who got his son shattered?
We don't need them.
Convert your own, lazy ass.
Fuck I was hoping it would be cheaper. Silly me. I should have bought it when I had the chance. I had a 10% discount at my LGS.
look at his tiny hand
abaddon the deshriveled
claw on the right to compensate for his tiny left grabber
seethe stupid monkeigh
kinda both? he's cooler in the heresy
If I had a dollar for every chaos character with a big claw hand with an inbuilt gun, I'd be able to purchase a medium-sized energy drink.
>chaos tau
Their souls suck to hard to make it profitable
>chaos orks
It can happen but they tend to get killed for being unorky
>chaos eldar
Will never happen because eldar sell like shit
So, why haven't the Tau allied themselves with the Eldar yet?
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Summer 2025, summer of chaos

June Emperor's children
July Death guard
August World eaters
September Thousand Sons

Each one will get their own new units they're lacking and the Girlyman will meet the other girlyman in battle
Because even the Tau see nothing of worth in the Eldar.
You forgot to mention that Clonegrim will be released in june alongside Fulgrim and EC since SM need their equal attention cake too
The tau only ally with races weaker than them so they can control them.
Female space marines will also be released, it will be written in lore that the Primaris procedure lets space marines pick their sex and we get curvy female space marines with boob armor.
the tau could never control the eldar
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I wish they'd tease some of the new plastic Krieg stuff
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and cocks yea
We also get female space marines and people pretend that there was never a lore reason why space marines are all male to go along side the female custodes.
what do i play if i’m trans
Dark Eldar are already Chaos Eldar
eldar or custodes
Gr8 b8 m8 I r8 8/8
Female orks in april you heard it here first. Stock up on boys people soon you'll only be fielding gals
idiot. i would rather see eldar that willingly sell their souls to other chaos gods to avoid slaanesh
Tyranids, then buy an ovipositor dildo
Space Marines
But actually it's Sisters of Battle
No they're not but they're about as unprofitable as chaos eldar would be
As opposed to Eldar that willing sell other souls to the chaos gods to spare their own?
It's not worship, but it is certainly service to Chaos.
whichever army sucking dicks will get you.
pick your favorite flavor of elf
Ropes and ladders
>We also get female space marines and people pretend that there was never a lore reason why space marines are all male
I know why they are all male.
I just don't care what the reason is because it's gay (lame) and homosexual anyway.
And homosexual shit doesn't belong in 40k.
Russian roulette with a Glock
>June Emperor's children
fake and gay, you're not getting emperor children until the end of the edition and these factions are getting only a very minimal amount of shit because a big deal of their new codex will be the inclusion of demon units
ftm sisters
mtf custodes
They already liked the torture now they just have slaanesh holding a gun tontheir head saying "dont stop" and the deldar weren't planning on stopping anywho, remember the dark eldar were doing this shit before slaanesh was even born
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He had a stick up his butt about the codex and you won't find many dudes that take the codex more seriously than UM chaplains. I think it fits.
Is the series good so far? I'm debating whether it's worth the bother torrenting.
The 1st episode was good because it was a sequel to Pariah Nexus.
The other 2 are pretty bad with some cool moments sprinkled in.
They're right there in the OP, all 3. Just click on them. Don't even need to download.
You first.
Chaos Genestealers have been a thing since 1e. Try again bozo.
My heart will always be with the original Black Legion. Salty bitches who would never get over losing the Heresy and the death of Horus, they were rumored to be working with the Tyranids and may have even called them to the galaxy. They had hatred for every other legion and would kill on sight for the ass fucking they received upon reaching the Eye of Terror. They only worshipped the gods when they knew they'd get something out of it, scorned them the rest of the time, and even learned how to exorcise the daemons out of possessed marines. Much cooler than the current "diversity is our strength" marines.
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And they're still a thing!

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