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/tg/ - Traditional Games

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How invested is this board in T-sports? Right now it's a huge craze sweeping across the Warhammer 40k fandom. Tournaments are dominated by well organized teams that frequently play scrimmages, give patreon donors strategy and build advice for piloting their armies, and even get free benefits from GW itself. It's brought a lot of life and popularity to the 40k competitive scene, and I think it will one day be seen in every competitive tabletop hobby.
Richard Siegler FTW, that clutch win in 2018 still pops into my head on occasion.
This isn't a real thing.
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Rick Priestley just started spinning in his grave.

Wargames are incredibly imperfect games of strategy, and in their modern incarnation were only dreamed up as to give miniature collectors a reason to get lots of their lovingly collected and painted miniatures out with friends.

Different strokes for different folks, but GW sees people like you as the imbeciles they can jangle the keys at for more money, so you infect the well for more normally-adjusted players with your impossible desire for balance on disgusting, lifeless tables. That's not mentioning any patreon-begging, minor e-celeb streaming, sponsored content bollocks.
It very much is so
There's nothing stopping you from playing using "plastic army men rules" and making little pew-pew noises and knocking over guys when they die. You could roll dice too if you want. But most gamers actually want to play a game and not just fumble around with little pewter goblins that you bought in a bargain bin.
>most gamers actually want
Show your survey data.
nu 40k is basically MtG wombo combos with miniatures, Warmahordes was more suited for tournment play even as a contemporary alternative.
Sounds like the gayest shit imaginable. I hope everyone involved dies in a bus crash
GW stock is the greatest bit of survey data, by focusing the entire game on balanced, hyper competitive scenarios they have fostered a community that actually buys, builds, paints and plays with models instead of just sitting around complaining all day.
Gonna be great when there is a giant scandal about 3D printed bits and model sniffing...

Bait used to be good
Why would they 3D print bits when they regularly receive kits from GW for free? Especially racking up tournament wins for store credits, it's a lucrative career
>nu 40k is basically MtG wombo combos with miniatures
Not really, the game is more about maneuver than ever. Older editions were all about gentlemanly line warfare with opponents just tabling each other and calling it a day. But now with the maze-like maps of ruins and variety of objectives the game is more dynamic than it's ever been before.
Why is it CAACs and narrative faggots have countless pictures of *other* peoples tables yet have nothing regarding their own escapades? The sad fact is these posters are table police, they constantly police people for playing how they wanna play. They’ll kick and scream if anyone uses tournament rules because it’s quick, and simple yet they themselves make no effort in gaming how they wanna play.

Your sad angry no game grogs who don’t leave the house admit it
>Why would they 3D print bits when they regularly receive kits from GW for free?
Because in hyper-competitive setting it's a fine balance between getting away with cheating and exposing the cheating others do.
Just look at all the crap in E-Sports, or REGULAR Sports...

>But now with the maze-like maps of ruins
Your concentric rings of L-shaped Styrofoam bricks is not a maze...
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>maze-like maps of ruins


Manoeuvre? More like hide
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Eat my dick
I don't get it either, especially since 10e has it's own narrative ruleset in Crusade for them to mess around with.
Cheaters are regularly punished
What is Maneuver if not using the terrain to get an advantage on your opponent? Older editions had no maneuver to speak of
>And here comes the Official Model Sniffer to inspect the players' models before the match starts!
>What's this? It seems... Yes! The Sniffer has caught a whiff of 3D printing!
>He's indicating Larry Lardfat of the Colorado Cocksuckers has 3D-printed components on his models! Gary, have you ever seen a turn like this?
>I certainly have not, Mark. The referees are now inserting Lardfat's models into the chromatographic scanner. Lardfat seems to be protesting, I wonder what's...
>Oh! Oh! It's true! The scanner light has turned red! Lardfat's models are 3D printed!
>Wow, what a shock. That means Colorado Cocksuckers is disqualified and... Wait a minute, Lardfat seems to be flying into an incoherent rage.
>Incredible, he's smashing the models of Mississippi Manlovers. Oh gosh, Gary, this is a dark day for T-Sports.
>Indeed, Mark. The security is now dragging Lardfat out of the stadium. Honestly, I'm surprised the forklift can handle that load.
>What a... What a shocking turn of event. But we now go live to Los Angeles where California and Rhode Island are playing. Over to you, Christina.
>Cheaters are regularly punished
Yes of course, and the fact that there are cheaters to regularly punish should spell this out to you.
The Game was rigged from the start, I win!
This is a very cool table and I love the little retro models, but 2e died for a reason.
The table police lmao I like that

only the most demented of minds could concoct such a phrase
It's a very real thing in the 40k space, people that are very aggressive in their belief that people shouldn't try and "just have fun", but whenever they lose they sperg out
At least I don’t cry in every thread
Yup, that’s dynamic gameplay if I’ve ever seen it. Might replace Chess as the thinking man’s game even.
It's many more degrees complex than chess, a solved game
I agree, 40k 10th is the peak of human intellectual endeavour in gameplay. That picture exemplifies this point clearly. Some people are too stupid to understand that hiding behind L shape ruins is as good as it can get for humanity.
Unironically though, chess sucks its own dick over how many board states it has, but 40k has more types of pieces, more pieces total, and more positions they can be in. It probably has more starting positions than chess has in total. By a chessfag's own metrics its more intellectual than chess
Each piece also has a much wider variety of actions to take
Kek, I'd watch that.

>captcha: D0GYAA

This is a below room temperature IQ take
same reasson why boxing became more popular than pre-MMA mixed combat, there's a sweet middle ground where limiting options adds complexity. In the case of chess is how solved it is, meaning both sides can tell what the other one is doing and can adapt and respond while revealing their own strategy.
White nerds finna be doing anything to say they be at sports except playing some fucking ball.
>Rick Priestley just started spinning in his grave.
But he's still alive
Based retard
>why boxing became more popular than pre-MMA mixed combat
Easier to rig
I personaly dislike competitive play in any gaming hobbies as most of the time it just seeps into and ruins casual play. Best example is LoL, esports ruined that game.
Thing is my Brother is a competitive 40k player and is even part of a team and i want to play with him while also sticking to how i play games(make fun/themed armies)
Im probably gonna be dunked on when i eventually finish my necron army (I normally play fantasy/aos but he got me the indomitus necrons as a gift) but i will try to have fun even if i probably get salty when he uses his "Chaos knight" army with only warhounds.
Try setting up a cool narrative scenario to entice your brother to play something that isn't the usual competitive match.
There's nothing intellectual about chess. The game is more or less figured out and is now about memorizing common board states. People don't use their frontal lobe in chess, they use the part of the brain responsible for reflex.
Fucking what, this can't be real
There's also the ease in which a casual viewer can self insert and follow the action. Classic kicking and boxing has a very open and eye catching movement that's a lot easier to understand then why your guy keeps doing that stupid little shin kick or being able to easy understand the advantage of being over or under guard and guiltiness vs chokes.
>in other words big heels give me a murder boner that well executed arm bars just don't
Esports did not turn into the multi-billion dollar international industry that braindead investors expected it to be, so they're probably scrambling for anything they can get.
dude just literally kill the wardogs

im forced to practice 13 wardogs for a team event and im at like 20-25% win rate
those little shits just die lol then you have nothing to play the game with
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