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Has your character ever scored with a barmaid?
Brothel prostitutes don't count.
Outside of the erp sessions I’ve done many times, yes. Not explicitly but our characters having sex is just the given assumption and then we roll to see who gets lucky
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hmmm lets see...
>first character
Stuck in a forest
>second character
Stuck in a desert
>third character
Stuck in taiga wasteland
>forth character
Stuck in open sea
>fifth character
Stuck in literal hell
My rogue did fuck around, I rolled 16 for his age so that's what any red blooded boy with high income and low chances of seeing tomorrow would do.
so he fucked older women?
He repaid hospitality by a mother and daughter in the countryside once. As for the rest, yes, it was bound to happen, not many underaged girls adventuring around. It was all fade to black anyway.
How old were the mother and daughter?
>prostitutes don't count.
all women are whores so I guess I cant contribute.
Didn't really care to ask, it was just an off side thing
16 was a man for most of history. Manhood wasn't just some number though and was generally "as soon as you can work like an adult and want to get your dick wet."
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A lot of barmaids doubled as prostitutes, but leaving that aside, yes. He was meant to be a stereotypical quasi-Spanish wastrel though, so it was very on brand for him. It also didn't happen too often because he was almost prissy when it came to hygiene.
>He was meant to be a stereotypical quasi-Spanish wastrel
I really like this character concept!
I’m the DM, but I can tell you 2/4 of my players have scored with a barmaid. The Fighter still chats with her daily via Sending Stone. The Barbarian preferred to keep it a one night stand, as he was cheating on his honey back home.

The Paladin and the Monk will likely never try, as they are too pious and too clueless, respectively.
Barbarian sounds like a chad
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Owning cattle was a standard thing for most of human history.
In rural communities a man's wealth could be measured by his cattle size, more goats/sheep and cows you have, more valuable you are socially. This is only for the lower classes obviously.
But this is really dependent on the region and the time we are talking about.
Dowry also functioned as a way for the woman to have an income if you die and she has no one to support her.
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Yeah. She was a cultist of Ahalt the Drinker, so it didn't go too well. The funny thing is that if she'd asked him to JOIN the cult, he might have. Sacrificing the occasional tax collector or Br*tonnian traveler in exchange for healthy crops in a quiet, out-of-the way Old Solland village is not a bad retirement in that setting.
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>man gets paid to draw boobs
>can't draw boobs
This makes me unreasonably angry.
My PC is too much of an elitist to care for barwenches.
My tiefling warlock went celebrating after successfully killing a gay paladin, and ended up rolling so well he got in a foursome, including an elf barmaid
He has his moments. Since he’s the only one with a girlfriend in-canon, I suppose it’s also canon that he gets the most pussy.
My ugly, scarred up orc seduced a city councilwoman, and she became my bottom bitch.
There are several towns where he has to wear a disguise before visiting because several women are all angry at him for ghosting them after one-night stands.
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Yes. My Tiefling bard has boinked a barmaid. And the barman who was the barmaid's father. Also the captain of the city guard as well as the head librarian of the local wizards university. This all happened over the course of a single in-game day.
Over about 50ish something characters, over the course of 20 years.
I've never had a character have sex, or even kiss anyone.
So no different from irl me then
Yes. He immediately died because she turned out to be a flesh-eating demon in disguise. Next character I rolled did not learn the lessons of his forebears. Nor the next one after that...
At least you're persistent.
Barmaids are usually the least of the problems.
Considering the inkkeepers are usually retried brigands its gonna be rough.
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You guys can keep your fancy elf princesses. A nice milkmaid will do it for my lad.
Yes but the other players talked the DM into making her secretly a vampire because they wanted my character dead and me to leave the campaign.
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My character was the (adopted) daughter of an innkeeper, who scored with an NPC. Does that count?
Last time I played irl I made a bard, and decided to live up to the stereotype by nailing a barmaid in the first town we went to. Due to circumstances I never managed to find anymore barmaids or even women of legal age, so it ended up being that one time.
>burning Brets alive
Based. 'Ate Bretonnians. Not racist or nuffin, just don't like 'em.
Tieftrannies not beating the allegations
What allegations? Also, Sylk is a natural woman. As am I.
Wasn't a barmaid but I was playing Traveller and my older, ex-military pilot wandered into a motel on some backwater planet and seduced the receptionist because I didn't want to camp with the rest of the party. I don't remember why but I guess it worked out.
My first ever character scored with a barmaid. I quickly realized that the barmaid was my fat friend, so I never tried it again. He was gracious enough to allow me a fade to black, but the following morning when it was time for my character to leave, my fat friend rolled onto his back, lifted his legs in the air, clutched at his "pussy", and yelled "STAY!" in a high pitched voice. My next character was a priest.
No, but once played an evil champign were The BBEG order his minions to strip and spank ever wench in a city

It was me, I was the BBEG
I played a paladin who hooked up with a milfy gnome innkeeper that it turned out was a devotee of Loviatar who had a full on red-room-of-pain in the inn's cellar. And had a minotaur character who was briefly enslaved by a wizard after some incredibly low reveling rolls during down time and was forced to be a scrying-orb-live-sex-show star for a bunch of old arcane perverts. He was required to mate with several chubby drow women who wore cowprint lingerie, truly a fate worse than death.

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