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Both the very first and most recent table top character you rolled appears before you, with no way of returning to their worlds. They have all abilities, skills, and gear on them just like their character sheet. What do?
I apologize to my first character for making him so shit, then ask my last character to put him out of his misery.
I can't even remember my first character.

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>character you rolled
Fucking disgusting. I have never played a game where you roll your characters traits/stats/whatever, and I never will.
Heh. By coincidence, both characters are men of great faith, with a calling to guide others and give healing of one sort or another.

I offer that my first PC can take my place in life, because he was an overall better version of myself, and even if details differ, his family is my family. His holy blessings can do incredible good in this benighted world. I do not believe he will find supernatural monsters among us (not counting the other PC), but he can knit people back together and ease suffering in many ways.

Then I address my latest PC, informing him that I am the god he has long sought. I made him, know all his secrets, watched over him on his long journey, and can attest to all this with utter conviction. His new task is to assemble a cult, then use those cultists and his psychic powers to remake the world to be more in line with my desires. He is more powerful than the first PC, with a sinister charm, so many will be swayed by the zealous light in his eyes. And for those who get in our way, he knows many mysteries of the flesh, including how to break it.
Kinda saved. It'll probably a nice afternoon learning about pirate adventures and such while me and my last nervously try not to piss off the demigod.
>generic goody-two-shoes jedi
I guess the world has a starship now
>fat dumb fish princess
Does her demesne count as gear? The six cities sre technically on *a* character sheet, even if it's only kinda adjacent to the main stats
>both are men
I ask them to leave.
>a talking skeleton wizard
he kills me for making him like he killed the necromancer that made him back home
>most recent character is a heroic crusader type
attacks the skeleton and dies immediately due to power level difference
one is an insane retard
the other is a personalityless war vet
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>spetsnaz guy with tons of explosive
Have fun with
>a literal 11/10 wife material
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Latest is... myself sent to a fantasy world...

How the fuck does that work? Are there now 2 of me?

First was Male Dwarf Fighter made to be a pliant 'go with the flow' type to not grind against other players or the GM. He'd probably just get a job whether or not I told him to.
Not much I can do; neither character would be able to survive in this world long, given they lack a number of critical organs to live here, and this world doesn't have the magic and supernatural forces that compensate for the lack of those organs.
I guess I'd try to convince them to try anal before they died, because nobody in this world would ever have as clean buttholes as they would.
Generic male elven ranger legolas clone in D&D3e
generic female (male) elven ranger lego-lass clone in D&D5e
I guess they'd fuck
>How the fuck does that work? Are there now 2 of me?
now neither of you will be virgins!
I tell them to have a seat, because we're actually going to conquer the world with space-magic and hign-tech cyberjank.

For the glory of the God-Emperor and Arasaka, though.
>I have never played a game
We believe you.
>T. D&D-only player.
The only reason people roll stats in D&D is to lie and say they rolled higher than the allowed point-buy. Otherwise NOBODY does this shit.
Robot monk teams up with post apocalypse cult leader. Sounds neat
You could not be any more wrong, nogames.
>low level LG cleric of pelor
>high level LE wizard obsessed with power.

My first character would get disintegrated by the 2nd. Who would then see a world without magic that can't realisticly oppose him and then ends up conquering the world.
>Turbo-autist lizard wizard with no social skills who physically cannot stop electrocuting things
I guess I'll fry. My saving grace is that this abomination genuinely believes the world works like the walls of bad trashy fantasy/romance novels you find in airports so maybe it can be befuddled by the YA section in the local bookstore.
>Alcoholic middle-aged anti-mage who lost his pension
Well I guess he can keep the lizard under control, assuming he doesn't rope himself first. Probably the more stable of the two, all things considered.

Maybe they can balance each other out? The hyper-active sperg can bring some levity, the grizzled old pro can keep things grounded, together they fight crime.
>half-orc monk/barbarian multiclass (I worked with my DM on the character concept and he OK'd it in spite of the alignment fuckery because all the monk levels were in his past, he has since retvrned to barbarism (drowns his woes in booze)
>chill sentient robot sniper assassin and gearhead
I absolutely cannot recall what cornelius constantine the third had on him when we stopped playing, it's been what, 17 years? and it was 3.5, there was no real storied loot. he punched his way out of some interdimensional prison with the rest of the party, picked up an orphan girl who was also imprisoned there, and was going to be her "does his best but is really fucked up" adoptive father. I can't recall what killed the campaign either. it sucks that he's here because he's got a kid to go back to and no skills besides drink and punch, and while he's a good guy he wasn't exactly a nice guy. presumably he fucks off and gets sad and wasted
geist-03 and I would get along great though. and he's a sentient robot with a laser sniper rifle. if I sell the laser sniper and battery tech to the gubmint we'll be rich forever. he's an absolute profiteer too so he'd be on board. he'll finally be able to just grill for god's sake, too. robo homie acquired

if non-constructed/campaign characters count I just now wrapped up some system testing with a friend and there's now a battle-scarred alcoholic christmas cake mercenary-turned-battle nun (two dimensional) and literally all I have to do is be comforting and not completely amoral and I'm in. unfortunately she has no cool items. I mean, morning stars and chainmail are very cool. so are lanterns, honestly. but nothing groundbreaking.
I'm unsure how she'd take her god not existing here. becoming religious was an atonement thing
Oh bother, I am stuck with a literal self insert and the rotting Floridian Vampire from the 80's who speaks in rhyme.
I guess the first guy is like my brother now. Sweet.
Hopefully the rhyming guy does not kill us, maybe we can do that cool independent ghoul thing if the first guy can stake him.
>a 1st level 3.5 Bard Breton from an Elder Scrolls homebrew
>a 7th level Assassin from Lankhmar AD&D 1st Edition

The Assassin probably robs the Breton for all of the gold he's carrying and the Breton complains wildly but is completely ineffectual? These two characters are so unalike that I'm struggling to make any sense of their interactions, let alone including me in it.
>What do?
>clearly remerber the first guy, incredibly cool Elf Fighter/Mage who ended up with profound powers (I was 8 when I rolled this character and played him for ages)
>literally cannot recall what the latest PC I rolled up was
So, I guess one of them will be a surprise but the other guy is thousands of years old and has freakish amounts of spells and magic items, I figure it's a near 100% certainty I get dragged into some attempt on his part to return to his world even if it's actually futile.
>implying an 11/10 dream girl would be interested in your flabby incel ass LMAO
Every high value woman craves a roleplayer who plays fetish characters, I'm sure
Two elves, one theoretically lawful and one trying not to be evil asshole pop up in my apartment.
First one would probaply try to communicate first and second one would just check everything out discreetly.
Both are swordsmen in armor.
Hell of a lot would depend on whether or not I speak Common.
Listen, if one of your female characters showed up, you'd take a shot at that, right?
Pretend I don't know them and leave them to their fate, I have no intention of dealing with a generic 5e half-orc barbarian and a half-jap prettyboy airhead and his retarded violence dinosaur. Not my problem, my life is shit enough already.
The Last character I fucking played was some low magic dirt farming struggling survival world.
I fucking left that shit game.
The character would probably arrive on Earth. Think are world and national politics were the greatest ideas ever, and enlist into some white collar job.

Just like me, the most entertaining thing the character would have done in his life was leave that game.

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