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Thread Question: What custom sectors do people use for their games? What makes them special?
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>Warp travel towing is some bs, and I think the only reason anyone thinks it works is so they can create more money while white rooming their hypothetical rogue trader.
The Leagues of Votann do warp travel towing regularly. They send Kin in basically diving suits with mini-gellar fields out to secure clamps and cables, then the League ships tow the wrecks into realspace for salvage. They have Ironkin Wayfinders to track vessels through the warp and follow in their wake. In fact, even human ships can follow warp wakes - it was the subject of a 30k comic! Pic related, they are chasing each others' warp trails and fighting inside the Warp here.
>The Leagues of Votann
That should change no one's opinion.
Leagues of Votann ARE real 40k, retard-kun. It proves the possibility.
Tomaes Sector Sector (the Imperium made a linguistic mistake & it was also filed improperly & it's name is basically sector sector sector)

It's special because it's mine & it's where my games take place. It's got a little bit of everything & it's really fun
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sisters of bottle
>made after 5th edition
>real 40k
>5th edition
>real 40k
real 40k is the 1998-2006 window between the start of 3rd edition and the point just before the release of the 4th edition tau empire codex.
If a space marine chapter ended up in charge of a near future Earth like planet, say 2100
And it had the relatively large pop well have of over 20 billion
What would that do for their recruitment drives?
Like the fact the place could be working on dealing with their own genetic issues and making themselves more pure human would help a lot in getting viable chadidates
Since they would be able to readily gene screen the kids and take the proper ones as opposed to watching for whomever happens to best bash the brains out of another
Really amazing to see someone unable to do anything except jump to wrong conclusions.
Yeah because people really cared about Dark Eldar and Necrons before 5th edition. If you're going to pretend to be a grog at least go all the way to saying if it's not RT era it doesn't count.
What's a good introductory mission/task for the agents of an Ordo Hereticus inquisitor on a hive world (that's still being figured out)? Having a hard time coming up with something to start off a campaign.
>there are some reports of spooky things going on
>investigate if there is anything actually happening or if it is just the riffraff being dumb
>it actually is the pesants being dumb, but it uncovers something unrelated and actually real
Is there a homebrew for Fortress Worlds? I want to make a cadian.
Which game?

Also, we really need more classifications for world. Not a ton, but some nuance would be nice
Yeah, it's in the core book.
maybe I should make a guardsman PC

I think psyker is OP in dark heresy, unless my DM just isnt making it difficult enough
maybe. with nothing to go on except "it's a binary choice" we have coin flip odds that you're right or not.
well I dont know, as a psyker it feels like i'm able to do pretty much anything with the +30 to your next test power
Reports of running water, but local controls note no abnormalities in flow control
You are sent in more because the cog boys are upset about it than there actually being ghosts
You can find out it is ghosts, or you can find that there is some heresy afoot in a recessed area, perhaps some nurgle slime is weakening the pipe walls and threatening to taint an area
Still haven't clarified which edition of dark heresy you're using, but either way yea they have some power and some risk. Not just risk of psychic phenomenon, but risk of being a brilliant soul to other psykers and demons, risk of being strung up or tied to a pyre as a witch, etc.
Just look up what the modifiers are for an imperial world for the Death watch generation tables.
What are some changes you usually make to the 40k universe?
Dark Heresy 1
Which page? Unless it falls under Imperial world, that's gay
Sorry Groove, you are the gay
The league is just a less retraded version of the squats, maybe this is just me but I really don't care for them and the other fantasy echoes.
Everything post-Gathering Storm isn't canon. Just don't like it.
>Which page?
Into The Storm 11. Only War 59. Or yknow, now that you've named the system you could check Inquisitors Handbook 23 and interpret that as a fortress world in combination with an appropriate background package.
How do I show slavery and servitors as bad things without being distracting? I feel like it would just come out flat given how everyone and their mother is desensitized by that shit in universe.
Are they? Is every world the same? Nowhere to go explore and find different human worlds?
1st ed dark heresy

psy level 4 divination psyker (glimpse, divine shot) with some biomancy (iron arm, the spell that allows you to heal people)

last session we were fighting some bloodletters which did hit like a truck and killed a PC, so i'm not sure if difficulty is the issue or if psyker truly is that OP
but due to the damage the bloodletters dealt, it feels like that healing spell is nearly mandatory otherwise there wouldve been a TPK
Midhammer > Nuhammer > Oldhammer
Have someone the PCs care about be enslaved or threatened to turn into a servitor.
>Are they?
Within the IoM, yeah. Death and worse fates are the standard within the Imperium. Servitors are pretty common sights within ships and hives so most PCs wouldn't be fased by them slaves are just a less horrific version of the same thing.
>Nuhammer > Oldhammer
Well Im thinking more that its a mistake theyre supposed to have that world, let alone system
That part of the fear is the ecclisiarchy are worried that the marines will become without number from such a suitable world and are trying to petition that the planet is clearly a protoforgeworld and should be remanded to the admech
The idea being that there is a bit of intrigue and court politics going on witht he potential that some one will release a counter genetic agent on the planet further down the line from the venus temple of assasins in a bid to correct the antiflaw on the planet
In essence, Im trying to make a transhuman dread campaign idea where the fighting is more an also doing that against xenos, while having to deal with sactioned mornons and gibbering idiots who are against the angels, for angels cannot be without number, their divinity comes from their rarity
I hope they are not Raven Guard descendants, that would just nip the problem at the bud. Memes aside it sounds like the recruitment itself is not a problem, just that the locals are being retarded and they are not sure how much they can push without making a bigger problem.
You should have ran away, desu.
That only 1 pc went down is something of a blessing.
Why? The old iterations of the setting just fall flat as parodies. At least the new versions elicit more of a reaction.
The Imperium does not have a universal law regarding slavery. Planets are free to define their own laws around it. Slavery is illegal on Alecto but a major industry on Necromunda, for instance.

Servitors are considered an entirely different classification and are treated fully as property everywhere, as long as the lobotomization is sufficiently deep. Spoiler for Flesh and Steel A major noble house gets brought up on slavery charges for trying to pass off less lobotomized servitors as advanced grade servitors, which apparently is how advanced servitors are made but there's an upper limit on how little lobotomy you're allowed to do.
Back at you. You can say it "falls flat" but that says more of you than 40k.
Yep, having the options to fight smart, flee, and come back prepared is a power. GMs/groups who make it a regular requirement you fight on the NPCs' terms suck.
Nah, theyre mystery meat marines, theyre almost certain theyre ultramarine, except for the blueberries already said no, so theyre just drawing a blank now
Its part of the reason the ecclisiarchy is making these moves, as theres no larger founding group politely reminding them that avenging angels is for alliteration, theyre far more preventative protectors, patient and powerful

I like playing politics in games more than the roll a dice to pretend youre playing an fps
since the politicing is far more fun give and take with the other dudes at the table

The locals of the planet dont mind how things have turned out, theyre not big on the imperial truth yet, hence the heavy ecclisiarchy prescence, but that then leads to the fact the marines can get a much bigger population with all the wonderful slogans we have today, see the stars, abandon your dead end life and join the war
that sort of stuff
the gene screening is probably the most dangerous tot he setting tech, since theres no good reason marines are rare beyond the idiocy of waste implants first, then try to make it work
To me, i would say most gene tech is from the gene cults of lua and a lot of people had so little concept of how intricate humans are
the fact we did get some mad lad to make actual cat people is proof the tech was common as breathing and as inconceivable as the wheel in the Andes

The Admech are kind of interested in the planet, its not often they get a gift from the promethium huffers
But theyre wary since its very very odd to get given something like this
Im partly planning that one narrative path is some of the tech marine applicants commit tech heresies and sour relations with the ad mech, hence the usage of a gene fader on the planet
RT era was memey garbage and I'm glad it's gone
Stone this man
So...how does this general work if nobody in it can agree on what constitutes 40k
Still doing memey garbage, but now the people writing and modelling for 40k aren't in on the joke / can't make it worth telling.
Why? He is right. Obiwan Sherlock Clouseau and half-eldar and all the other stuff can stay gone.
I simply don't find rogue trader era stuff funny when it tries to be funny, that's pretty much it.
Obiwan Sherlock Clouseau was peak 40k, you blasphemer. You and people like you are the reason everything fell into grimderp.
It doesn't work, just like 40kg, hhg, etc don't really work unless you're exclusively talking mechanics (and even then it's a mess).
It doesn't.
Sounds like a good plot. I hope the game goes well and you remind your players of what you are going for.
All you need to know is that 40k died at the dawn of 8th edition, because that's when the deathstrike missile launcher lost its infinite range. Pick and choose whatever you want from before that.
It's almost as if most of the time people are talking over one another to an obscene degree.
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I've finally broken the writer's block and have started working on Anarchy in the Galaxy again, and filling out the Solaris Expanse. There's wild times out in the Large Magellanic Cloud.
Im expecting them to just declare war on the ecclisiarchy and skip everything in favor of bolter does the talking
Thats what arco flaggelants are for
If the wolrds people are already going bionic, a simple script - ure shall see them turned into the most fanatical servant in the Emperor's name
I have many puns planned.
>there are no green stars
chat is this real
Hello /tg/, I'm starting a new Dark Heresy 1e game and I hammered out a little introduction for them to read as they go to Inquisitorial Boot Camp (TM).
I never even realized I never saw a green star until now.
Technically the sun is green.
Technically any star producing enough green light to count is also outputting enough other light to not count.
Yes, it even is the primary color it produces for some reason.
What *are* the blood angel's red thirst and black rage? I don't get how they could keep those things seemingly a secret for 10k years especially when they and their successors go to the deathwatch and such. But I also don't get how certain characters like Malikim Phoros of the lamenters or mepheston are supposed to have succumbed to the rage but then recovered?
I'm considering some houserules for Deathwatch and I'm wondering if any are too much or just stupid.
1. Basic class bolt weapons have the original RoF in the core book
2. Every specialty gets all of their special abilities if they have to pick one
3. All ranged weapons that only have a Full-Auto RoF gain a Semi-Auto RoF equal to half of Full-Auto divided by 2 and rounded down
4. If you buy an advance that any of your advancement tables has that is earlier, but more expensive than the same one at a later rank, you get refunded the difference in exp. This is not apply to elite advances.
5. At Respected and Distinguished, they can make one piece of equipment Exceptional craftsmanship at no extra cost. At Famed and Hero, it can be one piece of equipment to Master-Crafted or two pieces of equipment to Exceptional. This applies on a per mission basis and does not apply to cybernetics or equipment from the Signature Wargear Talent.
> you get refunded the difference in exp
once you reach the rank where the advance would be cheaper
Because, as the little box says, human flesh eyes see a mix of colors as white.
Make it a weapon upgrade. Someone threw up their DW homebrew here not that long ago; Anoint Them With Blood, based on Liber Imperium. It does this pretty well imo. No idea where else to get it.
Ditto, make a Master Apothecary/Assault/Devastator/Tactical (not you Techmarine - you get everything already) set of talents.
Why not 'when you buy any advance from your three standard advance tables (Chapter, Deathwatch, General) you buy the cheapest version of the advance, regardless of rank?'
One piece of standard issue equipment?
I looked at the picture before reading your post itself, so I thought and believed I was reading official stuff. I was even going to ask "what book is this from?" Cool stuff, well done.
House rule suggestion that I think makes the game way more tense and tactical.

Dodge rolls must be called BEFORE the attack roll is made. That way players can't just rely on dodge as the get-out-of-damage free card for the one big hit that lands on them, they have to call what they dodge against after all enemies announce their attack. If they dodge an attack that ends up missing they waste it, makes the combat way more intense and forces your players to rely on cover more.
whichever era brought us shit like this is the worst. I hate meme garbage, the setting should be sincere and genuine to itself.
Not sure if trolling or retarded
Sorry but it is lame as fuck, noise marines are meant to be thousand year old veterans of the long war and absolute monsters that are terrifying to behold. Not some sperg with a guitar. The whole "slaanesh is about LE SEX and LE DRUGS" shit is gay meme shit, slaanesh is about excess and perfection.

Most of the oldhammer shit looks terrible and has not aged at all into what the setting is about. Don't get me wrong I hate newcrons and Primaris marines as much as the next faggot but all of that cheesey shit was also lame. There is nothing worse than a setting that cannot take itself seriously.
I cannot tell if you're serious
I'm being serious, I just hate the design of it. It looks goofy and dumb and purely reddit
40k is goofy. Taking it seriously is far dumber, because so little of it makes any sort of sense.
idk man I guess it's just my outlook on the setting. I think sincerity in any setting is king, self parody is wack and it's why so much of modern sci fi/fantasy media sucks (Look at MCU and Star Wars!). If you're into wacky goofball orks and david bowie noise marines more power to you, but that shit does NOT exist in my game!
This is the worst take I have ever heard. This is the kind of take which results in Female Custodians. Just an awful goddamn take.
There is literally no reason for Female Custodes to not exist, they aren't space marines, each one is a made-to-order genetic marvel. They aren't mass produced super soldiers that Astartes are. They also had literally no lore until a few years ago, who even cares lmao.

I'm sorry but Female Custodes are nowhere near the levels of cringe inducement that LE WACKY GOOFY ORKS and LE WACKY NOISE MARINES are, it's embarrassing when the setting has to parody itself because the writers can't take it seriously.
Standard issue or gained from the arming phase of oath taking.
to add to this. I know that Femstodes is clearly a very cynical attempt by GW to try to push into the womens market and make the game more "diverse" or whatever, but they could have done MUCH worser things. As for the internal consistency of the universe, there isn't any strong reason for why they can't exist. Much worse things have happened, for example, the time they turned Necrons from a mysterious and terrifying existential threat into "le rick and morty space tomb kings with WACKY dementia antics"
Just awful.

Just as bad but at least a consistent argument.
sorry faggot but the setting should not be reduced to flanderised memes and bits
Oh no! You called me gay! How will I ever get over the embarrassment of being called gay by a retarded cumchugger?
what if i called you... my lover <3
>or gained from the arming phase of oath taking.
That's stupid. Why would you allow a permanent change on a temporary choice of gear?
>On a per mission basis
>Femstodes is clearly a very cynical attempt by GW
This being what it is, is enough. GW aren't expanding or supporting the setting, they're auto-cannibalising it.
Give them a higher req budget and cease the fuckery.
I would say you gotta get with my friends, make it last forever friendship never ends.
I'm reminded of my last GM suddenly. He compulsively viewed everything in the setting as part of a grander narrative about the struggle of humanity, because if everything matters, then it all has to be leading to something, right? And that meant everything has a narrative connection. EVERYTHING. Anything remotely silly about 40k had to be turned into something with a 'theme'. I remember one distinct moment where he insisted that Chaos - I think it was specifically Slaanesh - must always give people what they want, and the extreme nature of Chaos is actually because humans are that twisted and fucked up inside, since Chaos must be a mirror to humanity and so must be a perfect reflection. Questions as to how growing crab claws and becoming a mindless abomination fit into that idea were ignored, but he had a lot of other ideas that connected to some kind of social issue or theme.
>Geneseed can be used on anyone, and the reason it isn't used on women is that the Emperor is sexist
>It can also be used on adults, because a military culture like the Imperium's is actually a chain of parental abuse, and to sustain that chain it has to be used on children
>Psykers are distinctly a metaphor for autism and neurodivergence, and it's a lack of being valued by society that leads to their powers going out of control, not Chaos or a lack of discipline
And if I turn my head and squint, I can kind of see some of it. Space marines are drowning in a biblical Fathers & Sons style of writing, you can see how badly treated psykers just get worse, etc. But the thing that turns that from mildly interesting into cringey ass shit that made me duck out of that campaign asap was the demand that nobody ever smile a little as they're talking about it.
This is a good take.

WH40K is a game for men. It's based on violence, grim humour, wackiness, and not taking yourself too seriously, although that last bit has slowly been chipped away by people with no sense of humor and people who want to strangle everything in chains of seriousness.
>Questions as to how growing crab claws and becoming a mindless abomination fit into that idea
Crab rave
>self parody
Why would you call it that? It's goofy nonsense, not parody of any kind.
Removing that sort of thing restricts how people think of the setting, and took us away from a galaxy where Orks can be freebooterz or rockers, Eldar can be corsairs or dino riders, even chaos can occasionally not be evil.
Ork rockers are retarded and cringe, i'm sorry! Orks should not have anything that humans can relate to, they are a manufactured species of complete monsters whose very existence is antithetical to life. Eldar Corsairs and exodites are cool however.

Sorry I just hate goofy shit and I will hold my ground on this, it messes up the setting and leads to the situation we have today where everyone just talks about 40k in the forms of memes and flanderised bullshit.
All of this sounds extremely gay and nothing I agree with, your GM just sounds like an annoying sigmarxist faggot. All i'm saying is that I don't like the setting being reduced to jokes, I like it when characters act genuine and sincere in RPG's and I like it when the writing takes itself seriously. Maybe i'm boring idk, but I just cannot stand the same 12 reddit bits that warhammer often gets reduced to.
Holding 'ground' isn't any kind of defence here. It's just airing your dirty laundry at the table.
Removing silliness from the setting is part of what shrinks it down to memes. 40k was originally conceived as a huge, barely connected galaxy full of infinite possibilities. Shit like insisting Orks can only kill shit and nothing else ever is the kind of thinking that kills that.
I'm more fine with Ork culture stuff when it's kept IC between orks, but it's now how they should appear to humans in the setting. My least favourite thing in the space marine game was when the orks would yell out "get da hoomie git!", orks should be beasts who roar and yell and tear people apart but not wacky cockneys, it makes them feel less alien.

As for the noise marine stuff, the designs just look stupid and not at all scary, noise marines should be scary.

And I will NEVER accept necrons being anything but silent, utterly hateful towards life machines that are completely above any kind of mortal understanding.

Maybe I am just very jaded from all the grimdank shit!
>Maybe I am just very jaded from all the grimdank shit!
And yet that's all you want? A boring slog of nothing but grimdark seen through tunnel vision.
I've seen grognards at my LGS blow up on people for laughing a bit at Guilliman being stuck on the porcelain throne for ten thousand years like they'd just called the religious experience that led them to Christ a silly coincidence. I wonder if there's ever been any serious academic interest in how people interpret fictional vs real events that leads to that sort of thing.
This is for the rpgs, faggot, the only thing that matters is what the GM does in his game.
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Solo Rogue Trader campaign guy here. After reading through the Only War regiment creation rules I'm thinking of using the Penitent Homeworld for my Rastfarian Imperial Guard.

The Commander would be Supine, Regiment type would be Armoured and they'd be Leman Russ users. Training doctrine would be Die Hards, Special Equipment provision would be Well Supplied.

Think I would call them "The Lions Of Zion"
blud dem heretic brothers a majooor bumbaclats yahear
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>gm preparing only war
>5 out of our 6 players wants to play as support classes including me
>gm is only allowing 2
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Also creating a Samurai Imperial Guard unit from a hive world.

Hokkaidoll Guard

Hive World, Sanguine Commander, Mechanized Infantry, Iron Discipline, Augmetics,

Proud warriors of the world of Hokkaidoll, the Hokkaidoll Guard are drawn from the troops of the Noble Houses of that world. They see it as an honorable duty to serve the Emperor in his wars against the many threats that plague the Empire.
So convince them.
Just how hardwired is AI hate into the collective subconscious of the Imperium? Are the Imperials even able to distinguish between true AI and "especially temperamental machine spirits?"
Most don't know shit from crap, but are superstitious as fuck and a mob with torches and pitchforks (or guns) solves minor problems.
>Just how hardwired is AI hate into the collective subconscious of the Imperium?
This is mostly a Mechanicus thing. For them it's nearly universal. Others would have to be pretty well-educated before they even hear the term "Silica Animus". Most of the Imperium relies on the Mechanicus to tell them what tech is OK to use and how to use it.

>Are the Imperials even able to distinguish between true AI and "especially temperamental machine spirits?"
Probably not all that well. I'd expect them to react badly to anything that seems too clever, or that can hold a conversation without being made of meat (think Turing Test, but with more superstition and without knowing the term or applying formal processes). There are likely also specific known designs for hardware that are recognized as dangerous, but these lists and details would almost certainly be big secrets.
Everyone knows AI is badwrong.
No one knows how to distinguish them from machine spirits, and Admech are the only people likely to try. Descriptions of knight and titans make it clear they have AIs, but they're just considered machine spirits.
Where's the "Can you tell the difference?" bit with UR-025 with and without an imperial aquila when you need it?
>Are the Imperials even able to distinguish between true AI and "especially temperamental machine spirits?"
No, because the Mechanicus are retarded cumguzzlers who wouldn't know an AI if it hit them in the face.
Plot Armor and hand waves.
>Just how hardwired is AI hate into the collective subconscious of the Imperium?
They don't know shit other than "if the robot starts acting funnier than expected shot it" but they really know what the fuck that means.
>And I will NEVER accept necrons being anything but silent, utterly hateful towards life machines that are completely above any kind of mortal understanding
I just find that angle to be boring as fuck without an animalistic aspect to "justify" it, like the nids being space locusts turned into a weapon.
Machine spirits are just loyal A.I and they refuse to call it that because it would cascade.
What's a system reclamation code?
>And I will NEVER accept necrons being anything but silent, utterly hateful towards life machines that are completely above any kind of mortal understanding.
This is how they are now though. All of the whacky Tomb Kings IN SPACE stuff is purely between themselves. As far as humans are concerned they're totally inhuman robots tha kill people for no reason. There's even an Ordo Xenos inquisitor whose entire gimmick is figuring out if the Necrons are capable of communication because the Imperium is just that clueless.
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What Dark Heresy book cover Gunmetal City Gunslingers? I remember it being the first book I've read, but I check every book in my stash and they don't have them, it's like I'm going insane
i think it might be INquisitors handbook
Yes it is, thank you kind bird
>What's a system reclamation code?
Back during the Horus Heresy, planets had a code they were assigned before Compliance was achieved. The old system was adapted in the present day for the conquering of the Solaris Expanse. The first number is the Expeditionary Fleet number, and the second is the position on the to-conquer list. So, SR-12-38 is the 38th planet that the 12th Expeditionary Fleet is set to conquer. Some factions use alternative identifiers for expeditionary fleets, like how the New New Homeworlds use D, the House of Korst'la uses K, the Mechanicum uses M, like SR-D-19, etc. There may be an SR-3-88 one day...

There's still a lot to do. The Varitia Sector and Orbis Subsector are complete, and the New New Homeworlds I should finish today, but there's still to do:
- The Redentor Sector
- The Mechanicum Demesne
- The Shining Hinterlands
- La Grande Delusion
- The Calibrations of Xholankha
- The Realm of Settra
- The Dynasty of the Neb-Ta-Djeser

And then the Important Factions in the Expanse section will be after that. Luckily the Mechanicum Demesne and La Grande Delusion should go by quick, as I've run games in those before. But there's still a lot of struggle in making every world feel unique.
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>mfw the Serf Game concept I've been suggesting to my friends was well-received.
To give everyone here an idea what Serf Game is supposed to be, you play as serfs tasked with maintaining the standards of living for a single Marine. Session Zero is about the players rolling for their Marine in a manner similar to House Creation in Song of Ice and Fire RPG; roll for Marine Age, Marine Role, Temperament, Fighting Style, and Chapter. That way, the players could roll that their Master is a Space Wolf Dreadnought, or a Techmarine in service to the Dark Angels.
So this is for deathwatch, right? Otherwise your players will never meet each other.
Can you attack 8 times per turn if your character dual weild pistols wile using wrist mounted weapons? I think I might be misremembering the Only War rules.
I legitimately can't understand how people can take Gathering Storm seriously. It's almost painful to read. Cawl and Greyfax in particular are written like shitty fanfic SIs.
So it's just Maid?
Conceptually Obiwan Sherlock Clouseau is awesome.
But I think more subtly on it might do much better.
Like Lizardman names.
I for one would love the return of Toby Wansher Loclusew.
Because most people get from second or third hand resources making sound a lot less bullshit without the details.
Can normals realistically fight a space marine? I'm confused about MC beating Aurora space marine in the beginning of the game in Rogue Trader video game
>Can normals realistically fight a space marine?
Depends on the writer and who's the protagonist. If the protagonist is a mortal, space marines drop like flies to show how badass the protagonist is. If the protagonist is a space marine, all normalfags automatically explode like bloody pinatas in a 20 meter radius from transhuman dread.
it depends on the tech you have access to, your numbers vs. that of the astartes, and whether the astartes are ready for you

if you just walk up and meltagun an unsuspecting marine in the back it's easy, you just might not survive the revenge from the dead guy's battle-brothers
A single space marine? Absolutely. They’re scary but not unstoppable, you just need the firepower to crack their shell. The real trouble with a Space Marine is the squad. Space Marines work best in a team, they’re significantly weaker without someone to work alongside.
Yes it’s basically just maid, and no it’s not deathwatch. The Players come together and design their Marine as a group. Everyone is part of a single marine’s retinue. It wouldn’t be for a long campaign, mind you, maybe 7-8 sessions.
>normals realistically fight a space marine?
Not in most depictions.
Speaking of Obiwan Sherlock Clouseau, how would you stat Columbo as an Inquisitor, guy seems like a very intelligent & aware man. Nothing seems to escape his notice he merely plays along most of the time. He also seems really knowledgeable at least on a surface level about every thing.
>Oh just one more thing
He also goes around unarmed. In the show it's to symbolize his great intelligence & that he doesn't need to be physical. But in 40k that seems like suicide. I was thinking of giving him the bionic laser eye as a nod towards Peter Falk having a glass eye. Would this be enough or should he have more firepower?
update: we settled on a totally random roll for fairness
the psyker and the techpriest won so i will be playing a 15 year old weapons specialist or operator who lied about his age
It could be worse. The only times I've run Only War so far are Solar Auxilia series, so there is a grand total of one available specialist - the techpriest. Imagine fighting over a single slot.
No, you can't attack with a wrist weapon and a normal gun in the same hand. You can attack twice per turn with the gunslinger talents if you are rocking akimbo, I think you need Independent Targeting to shoot at 2 different targets though.
friend says he would like to run deathwatch after we finish our current vtm game

what am i in for?
In Storm of Iron a fodder Imperial Guard officer mogs a named Space Marine in melee combat.

Space Marines aren't superheros in the original lore. They're roided up child soldiers in bulletproof armor, so if you have armor-piercing weapons they're little different from anyone else. If you don't, then they;ll squish you.
Kill with some advantage, yes. Fight on even footing, no.
>think you need Independent Targeting to shoot at 2 different targets though.
Nah, just if they're more than 10m apart.
in the books groups of people have killed chaos space marines with less gear than your Rogue Trader character in that game so yeah that's not a outlier or anything just the consquence of a lone idiot marine running into a group
i get that it's spacemarine xcom, but from a 1 to 10 how much jank are we talking about? and how is it to learn for new player who never played a fantasy flight warhammer rpg?
I don't know anything about Columbo but you don't have to give him a weapon. He's a smart guy and so would have enough plans in place that he wouldn't be in danger of getting attacked. I would assume that he would have servitors and agents to handle the fighting. Potentially he could be a hand to hand master, or maybe just explosively booby traps every room he is in to take out people with explosives rather than a gun?
As, you got balls statements go, how would
"You know you're supposed to give up a prognoid when you're an intiate?"

Im kind of wanting some marines who have lost/given up/not allowed to have heritage from the imperial fists of their gene seed, and have ended up adopting a more laid back personality from the guard and serfs they end up using during seiges
Making them behave and act more like very proffesional spec ops/shock troops
First into the tunnels, the wall breakers and hammer which falls into the anvil of war
They have high a high casualty rate for astartes since their prefferred engagement with heretics and chaos is to put a melta charge on a wall and be just isnide the blast radius where their armor is singed of paint
They would consider the singed and scarred breacher look to be their chapter colors, as the longer you have served the more your armor has the softly melted look of melta hits and the soot and ash of the breach
>but from a 1 to 10 how much jank are we talking about?
6 sounds about right, the FFG wound system is just jank to learn.
the group is nice enough that i can live with a six

gotta try and make me a sneaky marine so i don't get hurt (as often) in the first place then. Thanks for the answer anon
I assume it is for Imperium Maledictum, here's one from Dark Heresy you could use, as there's some Ad-Mech element you could use that

Then remember to buy Dodge.
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Anyone run a campagin where the entire players were space marines? If so how did you scale the difficulty to keep up with their power level?
Just read the Deathwatch rules and bestiary.
What's wrong playing one of the Guardsman class? It's been years since I've toucheed the books, but Weapon specialist and Sargeant were decent enough careers
>What's a good introductory mission/task for the agents of an Ordo Hereticus inquisitor on a hive world (that's still being figured out)?
A common task for the Inquisition where Hives are concerned revolve around important people going missing, or people not doing what they're supposed to do. To put it more bluntly, you'll want to either have a Missing Persons case, New Religion Sprang Up and it's Causing Problems, or Manufactorum has reported 11% drop in Productivity.

Never forget the name of your organization. You are an Inquisitor. You Inquire. That means asking questions. What sort of situation on a planet defined by *having tons of people* would require somebody asking questions? The suggestions above. Fortunately for you, I've got a ready-made quest for you.

>Manufactorum has reported 11% drop in productivity. PCs are tasked with speaking to the noble family involved with that Manufactorum. They arrive to find a train getting raided by gangers later revealed to be former worker-clansmen of the Manufactorum. The train is full of guns, but the special section has Volkite weaponry. PCs can ask what the fuck is going on to the Nobles, who reveal a Magos has discovered Schemata which will allow them to produce Volkite weaponry with just mild (serious) refitting of their Manufactorum. This has gotten the worker clans angry, because they aren't trained to manufacture Volkite weaponry
>Captured gangers or Underworld connections reveal the matter is further complicated by the gangers trying to organize all the worker-clans and commit to a full-on strike. They report that workers are going missing, and PCs will find evidence that their minds have been tampered with. They will discover that the Magos has been abducting former clansmen and turning them into tech-thralls and Servitors, bluntly explaining that the "precision offered by a thrall is required on the production line."
Ta-da, you've now created a conundrum for any newbie player.
Are there any examples of abhuman "mules" ?
i will thanks! any other tips?
What marine are you gonna play as?
>Just read the Deathwatch rules and bestiary.

Have you played Deathwatch? if so what do you think about it?
haven't decided yet, game is gonna start in a few weeks at best and i just downloaded the rule books just gonna go with that i said here >>93957718 and avoid pyker stuff for now

i guess chapter raven guard would make sense, but i haven't read the classes yet
Not yet, my group is playing through an only war game before we get to the marine stuff.
Just read the Parry and Dodge rules because they are a huge source of survivability.
Raven guard you'll find in the first founding book (they get +5 to agility and perception), but getting a lot of agility would be easy for an assault marine
I always wanted to play only war but it was discontinuted before my group could play it.

What do you enjoy the most about the system?
I like
>What do you enjoy the most about the system?
The tables and details.
>Have you played Deathwatch?
>if so what do you think about it?
It is a clusterfuck of a system and poorly written in many parts, but it's very crunchy, tactical, and has an absurd amount of customization you can do.

The biggest issue with the system is that since the damage numbers are so big, it's pretty rape or be raped; the PCs will absolutely steamroll everything into pools of gore until they themselves are steamrolled in return-- as a GM, this becomes especially problematic when one of your players is way tankier (Tech-Marine) or damaging (assault marine) than the rest.
I also like
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>It is a clusterfuck of a system and poorly written in many parts,

What exactly do you mean when you say it's a cluster of chaos?
At the time of that fight, the party will consist of some combination of two psykers (one unsanctioned), a Sister, an experienced techpriest, and a Navigator. Available equipment by then also includes at least two bolters, multiple longlas, a plasma gun, a power axe, and a force sword. It's definitely doable.
Important rules are spread all over the place, and have a habit of being unclear.
It has a lot of upfront stuff to learn like keeping track of 4 advancement tables and what your organs/armor/abilities do but otherwise the system itself is easy to learn.
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>Guy at my LGS does 40krpg games
>A lot of it is pickup games of pure combat
>One day ask him "do you do things other than combat?"
>He's like "lol no it's 40k the only thing we role play is killing & stuff"
It's so weird to see an rpg where the gm doesn't even do the rp part
he also thinks that 7th edition kill team is the superior game over actual Kill Team so I don't think he's exactly the best source of wisdom
What games specifically have you seen him play?
He uses the rpg rules from the late 2010s (the dark heresy/black crusade one). As I said, he is all-in on combat so the only worthwhile point investments are into killing more. He also has a bit of a pc murderboner and the one time I played he REALLY wanted to kill my Space Marine and was happy when the other guy's Joe Space got krumped by an ork warboss. Stand up guy otherwise.
Damn shame. Maybe he just can't RP for shit.
It might be that he just really likes 7th ed and that's the closest he's gonna get with a store full of nu40k players
I want to homebrew a game where you play as Blackshields during the Horus Heresy, doing whatever you want, fighting both sides, doing mercenary jobs etc, would BC or Deathwatch be the better system to build off of?
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Been looking through the threads of that sector some anons are making and it seems like a fun place to detour a rogue trader crew to.
Crib from both, Deathwatch is far more specialized for being a marine though.
Now that I say it, BC's Infamy might work better than Deathwatch's system, as DW assumes you're under the supervision of an official marines contingent.
Maybe this is a retarded take but i'm honestly not a big fan of any infamy/fate point systems, its fine when you its a "once per session special coin" thing, but lategame BC is just horrendous when every single player can save themselves over and over by just burning infamy points.
Then use DW fate points and strike that use case from infamy. That's not its sole purpose. Mix and match shit, anon, are you a GM or aren't you?
Doesn't fly. x2
Rewrite twenty times and throw away twenty of the versions you're left with.
>would BC or Deathwatch be the better system to build off of?
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay.
there is a hombrew 30k book for deathwatch called the good, the bad and the alpha legion which has most of the gear and features blackshield marauders
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I use the Sciponius Sector. It's a narrow area of space from Hexos to the border of the Somnium Stars. There's not really anything "unique" about the sector as a whole-In fact I didn't even originally set out to make a whole sector. It just sorta evolved naturally over about six years of DMing different 40krpgs for my group.

Players came and went and came again, and we have kinda a pool of friends who all enjoy stuff set there now and sorta cycle in and out from campaign to campaign.

We kinda hashed everything out planet by planet-some fluff here, some fluff there...Then someone wondered where they were in relation to each other and I photoshopped up a map and we added a few more to make it make slightly more sense.

When it came time to put a map together, I chose the area of space around Hexos for a few reasons. For starters it had very little lore at the time, so it made a good planet to pick as a "main" world without having to work around a lot of stuff. Aside from that, it was an area of space with a wide variety of threats to face, but almost no space marines (I like the more mythologized/body horror versions of space marines so picking an area that doesn't see them often was important to me).

Ironically enough, the Grand Narrative this year is taking place in the rimward region of the Chalnath Expanse-an area just coreward of the map I drew. I made sure that all my players who also play 40k itself or Kill Team got tickets. We all built teams based around the fluff from our RPG campaigns, so it'll be fun to sorta expose our OC stuff to the wider 40k community. (I've got inquisition agents kitbashed to be various characters from our Dark Heresy games...Various surviving characters anyway.)

Currently we're playing a Black Crusade game on Malthus Prime.
>I'm sorry but Female Custodes are nowhere near the levels of cringe inducement that LE WACKY GOOFY ORKS and LE WACKY NOISE MARINES are
You're an idiot savant of shit opinions.
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At the very core, I think 40k can best be described as a punk setting. Sometimes it's cyberpunk-sometimes it's grimdark and edgy. It's *always* punk though. And it's every kind of punk. Your GG Allen shittenpissenmarine making Chris Ofili paintings (read Fulgrim) is just as valid as an assassin who looks like a member of the Sex Pistols, or a piss take on an exaggerated view of the cross pollination between the hardcore scene and the metal scene. There's a reason the best 40k art all looks like album covers, and the combat rules feel more like a mosh pit simulator than a military operation. It's the same reason the nobles are all fat pigs, the orks are hooligans with stabbas, and the underclass are all either decrepit freaks who just don't get it or hypersexed gangers. It's because at it's core, punk is a gonzo-esque artistic reaction to lived experiences and the feeling that life is really kinda fucked when you think about it-and 40k is punk.
Besides chaos weapons from Dark Heresy are there any other mechanics that would work well for a Spirer suit?
I want to make a game about a gang finding a dead noble with high end gear after a hive quake and being hunted for it.
I wouldn't really call it punk because at the end of the day the theocratic oligarchy is the only real reason why humanity still alive and all attempts to improve your lot are doomed to fail.
Would a modified version of the Butchers Nails that rewards and punishes obedience come off as fetishistic? Like a noble house who's servants only feel joy through the completion of their tasks and duties.
Could take some inspiration from the Infamy track in Black Crusade/the possession track that builds off it.

Basically, have you accrue points for doing actions suitable for the variety of suit you're using, with a table of abilities that increase as you get more of said points. Allow players to invoke the suit's unlocked ability suite 2x per session, to include stat replacements just like invoking a demon.

Outside of using the suit's abilities it's basically best quality carapace equivalent IIRC, so when the suit is in a less active state stat it as that.

Note: Spyrer suits are likely of xenos origin, and do not fit on standard humans. Finding a chirugeon both willing *and* able to alter your body to use the suit should be an entire adventure of your own-especially given the potential conflict for picking someone to wear it/making sure the doc won't betray you on the operating table and ransom the suit back to the justifiably-pissed off nobs who lost it.
That's an in-universe perspective, and one only held by the Imperium to justify their actions.

The fact is, there's several points where the Imperium could've taken an off ramp and turned out different. Instead, people schemed and buddyfucked their way to the bottom at every point, until society got so broken that it'll inevitably fall.

It's too late to change anything *now,* but the Imperium was not humanity's only chance-It's a decaying corpse of a society, and completely unsustainable. You say it's the only way for humanity to survive, but a core part of the setting is that it's the reason humanity is dying. Humans kill more humans than even the orks do.

The Imperium is basically a post-fascist state. It's an exposè on what happens when the guy running your cult of personality inevitably dies and everything starts to crumble down.

Honestly, if the Imperium was a necessary evil it wouldn't be as cool-nor would it be the cruelest regime imaginable.
How does chaos magic work in the setting? Specifically, my impression is that its something granted by the chaos gods or an extension of their will. Could a sorcerer ever weild it against the will of a chaos god? Like a nurgle sorcerer using foul magic against Nurgle's own wishes or in defiance.

I'm probably not wording it well, but in other settings, magic is usually some trained will being manifested, but in 40k it seems like a channeling of a chaos god's purpose or atleast a privledge granted by them.

There's two main kinds as far as practical magic goes. Both tap on the same source, but in different ways.

First, you have psychic powers. Some people have a natural connection to the Warp (an alternate dimension shaped by thoughts, belief, and emotions). These people, called "psykers," can use this connection to draw on the power of the Warp itself. This is really dangerous because things can live in the Warp, and said things are usually really hostile. Most of them can't exist in realspace for long, but really want to, so they'll jump on any bridge that appears.

Some of these creatures are powerful enough to be sapient, and some people are wise enough to understand how the Warp works (albeit to a very limited extent.) These people will often engage in sorcery-acts intentionally designed to invoke the powers in the Warp. This can take the form of anything from doing acts that resonate in the Warp, to conducting rituals to summon demons from the Warp. You don't have to be a psyker to be a sorcerer, but it makes it much easier since you'll be able to use your own abilities to bolster your ritual potential/to visualize what exactly you're doing.

The Chaos gods are big clusters of the energy that shapes the Warp, and have some level of sapience (though not in a way that makes much sense outside the Warp). They can also create daemons, which are basically smaller clusters of that same godstuff. Bargaining with their agents can make it easier to use the Warp, but the cost is usually your soul. And if you slip up as a psyker and open that door a little too wide, you'll lose it anyway. And probably cause lots of problems for the people in the immediate blast radius.
Thanks for the advice I will probably make the surgery a plot point to unleash the full potential of the suit.
No problem. I happen to be DMing Black Crusade right now with a possessed PC in the party, so it was kinda fresh on my mind.
Yeah so basically this is every reason why "punk" culture is fucking cringe
So, I'm guessing you don't like 40k, Battletech, or probably about half the zine style indie ttrpgs. Am I correct?
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Volitor implant.
>The subject has cranial surgery to implant neural receptors and artificial nerve routing, and can be compelled not to reveal a certain item of information, remain within a set area, or perform a specific task. If the subject attempts—or is forced—to counter this compulsion, his brain shuts down into unconsciousness, or even death for some severe volitor patterns.
Change the result.
>That's an in-universe perspective, and one only held by the Imperium to justify their actions.
It's become popular to say the imperium could fix their shit if they weren't listening to the ecclesiarchy and so on, but any 'off ramps' the imperium had were written (poorly) into the setting as they were laying down new tracks to making more money.
You misunderstand. It's a fundamental fact of the 40k setting that the Imperium is dying.

It's not that they can fix things now-it's that they could've earlier in history, and now it's too late. This isn't nulore, it's been that way since 2e (and arguably before then).
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I've been using a sector I homebrewed for a Rogue Trader game called the Zerzuran Chasm. It's a sector that opened up post-Great Rift, and Guilliman's been hoping to find new worlds to supply resources for the Imperium as well as colonize. What makes it special is not only the alarming number of suitable worlds even without getting past the Dragon's Gate (which the players will need to figure out how to do), but the reigning sector Inquisitor is a little lax regarding certain forms of Xenotech which lets players have a little fun trying to see what they can get away with.

The map will be filled out more as players manage to cross the Gate and go into a wholly unknown region. To all those who were wanting a PDF to give some detailed information on it, I'm sorry. IRL's been a pain in the ass, I'm still trying to write things out without it looking like a piece of shit.
Making maps is suffering at times, isn't it
Is there any compelling reason to not be a psyker in just about every game that allows it? I mean you could just not use your psychic powers and still do everything the normies can do.
It is. It really, really is. But it's so much better than 'theater of the mind' and the players liked it, so it's worth it. Thank you again for the advice, by the by.
Opportunity cost, is mostly it. It's just kind of expensive to invest in being a good psyker, but the benefits of doing that are pretty great. It's just not OTHER things you could be investing in.
Check the homebrew repo in OP and pick up The Good, the Bad, and the Alpha Legion. It's a deathwatch supplement for playing in the heresy
Great to hear, we still have lots of things to flesh out tho, and our thread just died so you'll have to wait until the next one pops up before you can read up on it more.

Pretty new to mapmaking too, but it's getting there, still very basic for now using the pre-made assets found in the OP of this thread
What would be a good excuse for riot trooper type space marines?
Theyre heavily involved witht he arbites and get routinely called upon and are expected to serve
Why not just get more arbites if all they do is crowd control? It's cheaper and more accessible, also if manpower isn't an issue then what's stopping the higher ups in for example a hive to lock down the hab blocks that are in unrest, gas/starve/burn, them all to quell the problem?
Give us more context to work with here otherwise it's not very helpful.
>riot trooper type space marines?
Look up Breacher marines and Siege Vanguard army list.
My current take is that planet/sector routinely deals with demons and genestealers, so its something that can frequently and sharply escalate
Less of, today we call upon battlebrother billy club, and more with dying breath arbiter Ogee Mcsucks lights the astartes signal
Im think it can works since the baodab sector had somethin relative to this
Black Crusade's Legacy Weapons, with a second set of modifiers for armour.
yeah, it was a forced combat encounter as it was the last session in the "chapter" of the campaign

would have lost 2 PCs but the DM favours one player so the PC basically never dies and got a piece of equipment off of a boss type NPC that displaces you when you hit 0hp (not crit damage, just flat HP) but the PC has such a high dodge chance and the DM never have enemies that actually think smart, so they never really take damage in the first place
In the FFG system, how on earth does the crit system work? I may be too burned out from work but I have read the section in the books multiple times and I still don't fully get what happens. So if somebody is hit and the damage exceeds their woulds you roll on the chart, then what? And how does it interact with vehicles?
What does gulliman think of and feel about Celestine? They seem to work well together but are they close at all?
When you go below 0 wounds, you start stacking up crit damage and comparing the number against the crit chart with the body part and damage type that applies. 1-10, low will fuck you slightly, high will have you burning fate to avoid rolling up a new character.
Righteous Fury (when you roll a 10 on any damage die) may also result in rolling a 1d5 on a crit table, depending on what the actual game is because "the FFG system" changes with every game.
From what I understood you don't roll on the tables. The tables are just another HP bar with debilitating effect depending on how much critical damage they took.
So let's say a guy with 6 wounds takes 8 damage, he gets the critical damage on the second item of the table. If he gets hit with more damage, let's say 4, he gets effect number six on wherever they where wounded on top of the previous effects.
I have no idea how vehicles factor in.
>And how does it interact with vehicles?
Vehicles have their own tables, and being inside one when someone is looking at critical damage means dealing with fire, crashes, exploding ammo, and worse. (I kid; fire in a vehicle is already worse)
do mechanicus girls have rusty pussies
Of course not. They keep them well coated with unguents.
Anyone else think that the hunter killer missiles are woefully underpowered for their size in Only War?
its a little weird how their Krak missile has a little less pen and damage, but it's still a +20 to BS. they're vehicle weapons, though i imagine you could think of them like a javelin or TOW if it was single use for some reason
Depends on their denomination. Magos Biologis probably have exquisite pussies.
grenades are also woefully underpowered, nothing less satisfying than landing a frag grenade ontop of an enemy soldier and it rolls like 4 damage with zero pen. I always buff them to be 4d5 rather than 2d10, and give them a way bigger blast with a "killzone" rule which adds tearing in the blast centre
Any particularly good premade adventures you would recommend? (DH1e)
It’s not really a secret. The Inquisition knows about it but considering SM chapters do their own housekeeping and how loyal BAs been for 10,000 years, the Inquisition turns a blind eye to the geneflaws. Just like the Space Wolves and the Wulfen or Dark Angels with Cypher.
>Bros of Silence
I paid 300 bucks for faith and coin and haven't even opened it. My RT collection is complete but I feel empty.
I hope you use those books well.
That sounds fine.
I need some art inspo for non-chaos aligned human rebels and non-standard looking Imperial guard. Stuff like this would be perfect (no idea where its from)
One of my black crusade noise marines used this as their model in my campaign. They also ran around with a sentient cybernetic tumor extracted from their body called "Little Daniel" who played music through a vox box.
I know a guy who's looking for Faith and Coin and can't find it for less than 1.2k. You're lucky, anon. Make good use of it.
I just dumped my Rank one dark heresy party into the middle of a Faydae strain outbreak on a bulk transport. Not sure if they will be able to survive it, but I hope I keep the situation managable enough. Since Zombies are difficult to manage but I imagine that if they play things smart they should be able to get things under control.
Wrong, machine spirits are the warp's effect on machinery.
Nah, far less deadly than that. Honestly DW is one of the worst 40K RPG systems to start with because of the bloat that comes with playing a spehs mahreen (have to remember all your "racial" bonuses, your armour ability, squad mode...), but at least it's one of the most survivable. Just expect stupidity and lots of dice rolling, particularly if someone plays a devastator with heavy bolter.
so how did WANG evolve over the years? is it worth it? still ass of a system? what. whats the good and whats the bad of it
Ask Reddit or the discord. Legitimately, not just pissing you around, no one plays it here it's mostly just grogs who stick to the FFG stuff.
I recently played in a WANG campaign. Here's my general impression of it:

It has a lot of good and a ton of bad. I can honestly say that I have never seen a system have so many good ideas that then proceeded to faceplant on themselves so thoroughly that it made the ideas seem like a bad turn in the first place. However, I also believe that a good chunk of these ideas seemed good to me only because I've played FFG extensively and dealt with it's problems, so when I saw something in WANG, I'd think
>Oh, that's how they're dealing with that issue...
And then immediately be disappointed by it's kludgy implementation. For some godforsaken reason, they implemented two ways to make multiple actions in a turn, one for attacking multiple times and one for making multiple completely different actions, the latter being limited to only one attack as a component. Sounds fine, if unnecessary at first- but then, what if you want to use a multi-action to debuff an enemy before you strike them? Is that a multi-action or a multi-attack? You'd think the book would be clear about it, but they just never bothered to clarify what those rules were supposed to MEAN.

And so on and so forth. Mechanics that are kind of neat except for an absolutely slapdash implementation. I really like Shifts a lot, but they're more akin to advanced DoS than anything. I think it's telling that since finishing that campaign that I have not felt a single urge to play in WANG again, but I have thought about doing homebrew that ports a few of it's mechanics to FFG.
The severan dominate are the only ones I can think of right now
oh I don't mean actual 40k art, just sci fi soldiers that have the right vibe for being warhammer, idk, Im not sure what im looking for until I see it lol
This happens to literally every Only War party unless the GM puts his foot down
Has anyone made or compiled from the RT rules a homebrew PDF for a party of all Orks?

Thought I'd ask before I either send my players trawling through multiple splatbooks for the ork bits and bobs, or start just copypasting the pages with ork rules together
My party suffers from the opposite, not a single medic in the party. They had to go conscript a drunk quack doctor from a village just to survive between sessions
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Bros.. How do I find a group to play as a complete noob? Is it possible to play online?
look up "Ordo Discordia", pretty active discord community with a lot of players looking for groups. Good luck finding people who mesh together and can agree on a timeslot, its a real process making a group from scratch. Playing online is absolutely possible, roll20 is a solid free virtual tabletop, there is also another one called Foundry which does cost a bit upfront.

What system do you want to run?
Thanks, and Deathwatch (no primaris thank you)
They're going through just as much of a lack of GMs as anywhere else. Might as well try to find a game here.
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dark heresy 1e

bio-lightning psychic power says
>You channel your life force through
the meridians of your body, causing
your form to crackle with living
energy. You may direct this energy
against a single target within
Range. The target takes 1d10 plus
your Willpower Bonus in Energy
my questions:
A. does it ignore armour? it doesnt state so but...
B. how to determine hit location? it autohits so you cant reverse the hit roll for location, and armour may be different depending on location

am I missing something here?
>it doesnt state so
So it doesn't do so.
>how to determine hit location?
Page 200.
>If it is not specified what type of Damage an attack deals, count it as Impact. If it does not specify what location an attack hits, count it as the Body.
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>protects the integrity of your lore
The integrity of 40k's lore is on par with the English language. I like the game, but everything that's happened with primaris, Cawl, m42, etc has been bullshit from day one.
Oh yeah, and Cavill can't save the setting. At best, he'll have a team that will create a show as enjoyable as the game. Nothing to sneeze at there in m2, though.
>threatens to walk from the Amazon show over female Custodes
Henry.. my knees.. I'm kneeling
ah thanks, I was looking around hit locations, no idea why it isnt there

maybe skip bio-lightning then? its damage is decent (1d10+6 for me) and I can corpus conversion to get lots of hits in, but its range is only 10m
>Threatening people who control you
Transcripts or GTFO
>maybe skip bio-lightning then?
Depends on your group and gm. I've seen some GMs dump everyone close enough to smell each others' breath, and rare others that will start a fight in Only War at 500m. You get to actually feel the range on weapons in the latter, but average GMs prefer reducing their prep time.
usually a fight has close combat in it (or other PCs moving into melee) so I guess its not too bad

and for range I already have divine shot if I need to use it
but then again the constriction power might be better as it fully disables the target for a turn, allowing other NPCs to just smack them with ease
what am I missing
did he mod in a real marine instead of primarysue, I can't tell. is it just the helmet. ionfuckin know, im running on three hours of sleep.
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I'm going to be playing a psyker in Only War and I could use some help working out my build. More specifically, which powers and talents are good? I don't care about utility of any kind. My only concern is killing my enemies by whichever method is the most effective.
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hmm no..
So how big of no-no is cold trade? Can rogue traders do it? Will it get inquisition on offender's arse or is it more of arbites matter?
reading the 'Cold Trader' background package in dark heresy book of judgement, it would definitely get the inquisition on your ass if caught although as a rogue trader you might be able to skirt it but if you start bringing it into imperium space that'd probably be bad
iirc Pyromancy was good for that type of play with Biomancy also being viable.
Is it worth while to especialize in single psychic discipline in Only War? So far it seems like the Jack of All Traits is better but I'm worried I'm missing something important.
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What is a good system to play with those are getting into Warhammer ttrpg wise? A regular game, Dark Heresy, Black Crusade, or what? Friends played DnD, Shadowrun, CoC, and Cyberpunk, so I imagine they can get in the right mindset all fine with a session 0.
I posted this in the wrong general
>What is a good system to play with those are getting into Warhammer ttrpg wise?
Only War or Dark Heresy 2e are the bets options in most cases, if you prefer cyberpunk and are already familiar with it you could use those rules and back port the magic rules from The Witcher TTRPG. The issue is that the volume of stuff you need to translate it's rarely worth the effort for most tables.
It comes down to a matter of how much exp you have to spend. A lot of psychic powers are useful but so are things like dodge, characteristic advancements, dodge, medicae, dodge, and step aside.
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Would you say Dodge is important?
What would be some fun sex material to have a slaaneshi cult be using, but the whole whips and bondage gear sisters of battle and inquisition find vomit and repulsive?
Im partly thinking like geniuine aafection tier stuff since theyre on so many layers of drugs affection doesnt exist to them
And the other being a mirror match where a sister repentia ends up on the wrong side and takes most of the battle to realize it
Anyone played Imperium Maledictum? How is it compared to Dark Heresy?
I know this is a /v/ermin question but has anyone here played that new rogue trader crpg? I wanted to know what it's like writing and gameplay wise, and if it's a worthwhile purchase for someone who likes Vidya rpgs and Warhammer.
This is 40k. It's Warhammer Fantasy Battle in space. It's always been Warhammer Fantasy Battle in space.
In terms of writing, I liked most of it.

In terms of gameplay, it has only a superficial similarity to the RPG it is based on and otherwise plays closer to their pathfinder games.
Think of it this way. In terms of avoiding damage, not being suspicious (charm, etc) is best. Then there's not being seen (stealth), not being hit (dodge), not being hurt (good armour + TB), not being killed (having more wounds), and not dying from it. (anything that stops you dying)
Once you're in combat, dodge is the highest available option.
They made the setting mostly correct most of the time. If you're bothered by 40k through an Owlcat-y lens, then it might not be for you. Otherwise you have to ask yourself how much jank and minutia you want in your rpg mechanics.
I enjoyed it, they took out mechanics from the FFG system but honestly the game mechanics are pretty crunchy in their own way and you have a lot of build variety and can make some absurdly OP stuff (which I enjoy doing)
Fair enough.
If you can eventually get your ass a rare/very rare weapon like a Bolter or even a Long Las then Warptime can net you a lot of spiky damage.
As for direct damage with powers: Molten Beam is essentially a pocket Melta and Inferno is a pocket big grenade
You forgot the most important part, killing everyone before they can kill you
>Will it get inquisition on offender's arse or is it more of arbites matter
Probably both? Likely dependant on details
Isn't there a psychic power for dodging?
There is, and it uses perception for the test
Have been playing it, clearly an upgraded/more modern version of DH but still very bare bones. Probably more worth checking out when Inq and Mechanicus books are out.
I hope you find something useful.
Again it's a matter of how much XP you have to burn. iirc it's made with a penalty to counteract the bonuses you get from gear and psy ranking.
Is it better than just raising your dodge?
It will scale with your psy rating so it's generally going to be a better investment overall since PR can do other things.
Fair, I'm asking if there are any big "catches" that I'm missing. I'm still learning the system.
Well there's the usual chance that it might fucking kill you. But talents go a long way to preventing that.
Yeah, I'm probably going to buy shit like Favored by the Warp or the one that allows the user to ignore Perils once per session.
>Inferno is a pocket big grenade
Way too much investment for what it does. Honestly nothing beats a good old flamer at crowd control.
Honestly what ranged weapons are even worth using with Warp Speed? Everything that can auto burst does piddly damage, and everything that's susceptible to that kind of damage you should just flamer to death. Maybe the autocannon is the sole exception?

Warp Speed seems to me like something you should use for one of those really impractical late game multiattack melee builds while you've got a force sword and more psy rating than sense.
Not all situations call for it. Crazy to think of, I know; encountering the enemy without wiping them out to the last man again and again again.
Have Sister of battle from Cadia ever been mentioned? I wonder what kind of reaction they would face for their purple eyes from the 'normal' ones.
It synergises well with eye of vengeance and tank hunter, but yeah it's definitely for the guys that want to do 60m long charges into a warboss
Or you can just Fetter the power unless you are trying to dodge something that can kill your character.
Any advice on how to translate magical powers from Warhammer Fantasy to Only War or Dark Heresy 2e?
I'm working on a Sorcerer's power set for a major conflict in the Underhive.
I mean... It's 40k, if words are a viable or desirable option odds are the PCs wouldn't be deployed.
Im thinking agape still fits best
the subtle corruption of chaos where the simple true love is enough to burn a world
Though if this were a visual novel, I am now aroused by big busted latex horse drones that look like clydesdales and are being used to tow highly phallic artillery around
I blame you anon, I blame you for showing me such things
wait which power is this?
the +30 to next skill check one?
Hardly. Just because there will be violence doesn't mean PCs can't be deployed for scouting, theft, kidnapping, etc.
Foreboding, it's just precog dodge with the chance of killing you.
there are other things you can do than just flat out kill. I'm pretty sure Dark Heresy encourages torturing for information. If you murder your enemies first, you went full retard and lost likely big pieces of information.
Fair, it's just not the default for Only War.
Some people have very strict definitions for what can happen in an OW game. Fuck all that. Recon regiments are in the core book. You have all the same interaction and investigation skills as the other games. Pretty much all the guardsman specs start with the fellowship aptitude. As GM, you can make shit work. As a player, you have options.
How common knowledge is it that living under the Eye of Terror is why your eyes turn purple? If someone doesn't know, purple eyes would probably be looked at very mildly, as just another one of a vast number of human phenotypes.
>How common knowledge is it that living under the Eye of Terror is why your eyes turn purple?
Sounds like it should be something along the lines of Routine(+10) forbidden lore (Mutants) check.
The Venator Blade from The Lathe Worlds pg.64 states that it grants its user +15 Weapon Skill Tests - I assume it's supposed to mean +15 to attack tests made with it specifically, but the wording just says
>"A Venator Blade grants its user a +15 to Weapon Skill Tests"
so I'm unsure.
No, it looks correct. What's the issue?
It implies that it's a flat +15 WS, meaning say, if you're wielding it and another melee weapon in your other hand, the +15 applies to it too since the wording doesn't specify and just says "grants its user a +15 to Weapon Skill tests".
+15 to WS tests using that weapon, not others
Yes, I realize, that, but the wording doesn't specify that, it just says "+15 to Weapon Skill Tests", it doesn't specify it's just with the Venator Blade. That was why I was confused.
>but the wording doesn't specify that
If you're not attacking or defending with it, you're not going to benefit from it any more than you would if it's on your belt, in your backpack, or on the ground.
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