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Previous: >>93940538

>OFFICIAL Commander website, where you can learn the rules, see the current banlist, and read the format philosophy, laid down by the rules committee:

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen color identity.

>Deck List Site: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck strategy and card choices.


>Proxy a deck or a cube for cheap

>how to proxy using any printer

Thread Question/Prompt: What's your favorite boardwipe outside of black or white?
Blasphemous Act
Delayed Blast Fireball
Cyclonic Rift
Consuming Tide
Coastal Breach
Raise the Palisade
Flood of Tears
lol lmao
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Hi friends it me again! This is my Arabella deck now. I've largely dropped the hatebears stuff because I dunno they seemed kind of irrelevant overall. I did keep a few choice ones because I do feel they help keep Arabella safe but largely I pivoted to focusing on protecting her so I can just swing away for increasing damage every turn. There are 3 slots still needed, which I am hoping to fill with card draw. And as you can see I have no mana acceleration, which I don't think i need much but if you see a few cards that seem they could go in place of a rock that'd be cool I'd love the feedback! Thanks!

culling ritual no contest
Gay Bolas
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>have deck
>want to add color to the deck
>want to keep original deck
>have two decks that do the same thing
Why do I keep doing this?
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I know some anon is gonna call me a tard again but I'm very certain this is the right move..

The dinos are only for defense of the heart. When I have the choice, I'll always play elesh norn and getting my hands on Vishgraz is easy af. So one elesh norn makes my board with vishgraz total aids while killing everything all opponents have... and the other elesh norn eats the 3 mites Vishgraz makes to transform into even more aids and cancer.

I can't think of a situation where you'd wanna play the rex instead of one of the elesh norn.
Behold the boardwipe of mono greenie weenies
this is me. I bit the bullet and combined like 3 of my previous ones to 1 and now I already have 2 and a third one brewing that shits out tokens of creatures on the field
I always have this when it pops into my head to build an 5c elemental tribal deck but then it just hits me that I would build it exactly like my bant flicker deck, except I'm blinking terrible evoke elementals instead of good creatures.
Blasphemous Act, absolutely.
1 Mana to wipe the whole board 9/10 times feels the best. Its low cost makes making it asymetrical very easy.
Even if something survives, just one mana to kill most of the table is still worth it
Same energy.
Green has Spinning Wheel Kick, which I use.
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And I find 7 mana to be relatively cheap. These 4 are enough to always give me endless mana.
If a match even goes that far.. usually my poison hits terminal levels by turn 6 or 7.
Nobody is ever able to contest Ixhel so she just keeps putting in the work.. last match I won was only ixhel and the grafted exoskeleton. That's 6 poison counter per turn.
2 from toxic 2 she has and 4 infect.
>4mana to kill one thing
This is far from a board wipe unless you regularly have infinite mana, even in green. To kill just 3 creatures you need 8 mana that's absurd anon. At least post ezuris predation or the artifact/enchantment sweepers they have. Or that big green dinosaur that fights everything when it etbs
Assemble the legion seems like.it would do work here
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I'm thinking of trying to squeeze Lumra into my Meren deck but I worry I don't have quite enough self-mill for the lands to be worth it and the body is just a big dumb beater. Not sure what I'd cut to make room.

This card is criminally underplayed. Freely tap down a nasty blocker on your turn, save it for combat trickery on opponents combats and I've never not drawn 4+ cards from it but usually much, much more. I love this thing
I like building block cubes, cubes made up only of cards from one block. I'm thinking of transforming it from 300 cards in random packs into 240 cards, drafted in set order. It would force drafting a little more strict, but I used to have an Alara cube that was drafted in set order and I liked it a lot. Anyone in here have opinions?
I feel I rarely have enough creatures on the board to benefit from the +2/+2. Infect/toxic creatures are perceived as big enough of a threat even the 1/1s tend to eat removal very quickly. The -2/-2 is good, but also matchup-dependent (it's very good at stopping 1/1 token spam, but doesn't do much against big creatures since a 12/12 turning into as 10/10 will still kill you pretty quickly). Rex doesn't need other creatures to do its job, as long as at least one opponent doesn't have enough toughness to completely stop the damage.

Though there definitely has been times when I wish I had Norn in my deck, and I do have some other beatsticks like Vishgraz and Skithiryx (or even Ixhel: toughness 5 flyer with vigilance that puts out 2 poison counters on hit does surprisingly good work), so I could potentially swap them around. Ideally I'd keep both, but I don't want to have too many high-mana cards, and I already have a bunch of 6-mana creatures and a few 7-mana non-permanents as well.
Thirty (30) starting life is objectively superior to fourty (40)
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not technically a board wipe but it's how I use it
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Preconbros ww@?
I am getting bored with building decks
I'd like to practice getting better at the game itself, anyone got a list that makes you flex your mtg skills?
Talion is like a janky Rhystic Study. As a Commander what are you getting? Draw power and burn? In dimir? It’s not like you’re hurting for either of those, and your Commander gets a giant target painted on his back for being annoying, while offering you absolutely no other advantage.
Rejigging my Barrin deck to be more stax focused since trying to play control with 4 players is difficult. Any neat stax effects/cards that work well with Barrin that you'd recommend?
Shoutout to Apex Devestator and a way to make it indestructible, or Marhault Elsdragon on the board with a Taunting Elf
There are a lot of stupid takes in this thread. This is certainly one of them.
Everything you said is a reason to play him lmao.
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I love barrin but I look apart mono blue and put him in a uw deck instead
Post your list because I'm 100% sure you already know about/ play all of the basic bitch shit id recommend
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Here it is, here it is.
pulled a confetti foil rhystic study in the collector pack that came with the MB2 box. What should I do with it? sell?
Idk man most of these are not half as interesting as you think
None of these are making it to my already massive backlog
whats ur backlog
Don't currently have a list online unfortunately. I'm not running most of the stuff on EDHREC.
Eat it
Seconding >>93948728
Eat it.
How tf do you plan to do norin?
Winter seems pretty fun, to me at least.
Eat it! It's the law.
We need to pick out a wine pairing for it first. I'd assume a white since it's lighter fare?
So has it been long enough? Can I build her now?
Come back in 10 years
Get a nice argentine malbec, chugged from the bottle. It'll help mask the shame and cardboard poops.
>t. /ck/
Im working on the 5 mono colored pitfighters for a closed meta
Im retuning selvala explorer returned
Im retuning child of alara: domain
I wanted to see if I could make a GW deck that doesnt just devolve into death/ taxes with Kellan
I have some unknown r/x deck that will be the home for all of my artifact engine cards
I got my 4c sodomy deck that needs to be detubed because thoracle wins are boring as shit
I have a crosis and treva decks using only cards that have been standard legal since ive started playing that need to be looked at because standard just rotated and its time to pick those cards up
I have a few background decks I am working on
I also want to tune up the mono black braids deck that comes free with a new mtgo account
I have a golgari canadian highlander deck I am brewing that needs some attention and I have been telling myself that delver of secrets is still playable in legacy so I need to get a lot of games in for that.
Oh and I have been brewing a bad mindcrank modern deck but thats mostly for the lulz
A red huh? I would've figured cardboard would be closer to fish or chicken than red meat, but you're the cook.
>Local TCS is having FNM
>Too scared I'll get matched up with a guy that said I calculated life loss and card interactions too long
>I just started last week
Is there a way to practice without playing?
The best way to eat a card is to batter and deep fry it. White wine pairs well with tartar sauce, so pick your favorite.
No, but you can play with people who are sympathetic to the fact you are new or just ignore that homosexual man you played against last time.
Do zoomers really?
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has what sea gone woke
Only bad players get mad at new players for being slow. Just make eye contact and tell him you're still learning, he'll stop.
I play this deck
Keep playing and take even longer, don’t worry he deserves it.
Its a good idea to play with some friends before playing at an FNM especially if you are really that slow, though I doubt you were so slow it was worth commenting on.
Just dont be that guy who goes on his phone
Eat it.
Just be a massive asshole to that guy or go to the owner and report him for unsportsman like conduct.

At worst, threaten him with actual violence.
I was the same when I played Yugioh back in 04. There was this asian old man with horrible teeth who was a massive prick to everyone to the point many people wouldn't sign up for the tournament out of fear of being matched with this utterly horrible piece of shit.

Dude threatened to beat the shit out of a 12 year old because he didn't like their play. Mega assholes scaring off players predates zoomers.
Waiting until the 27.09.2024 to get my deck cause Gamestop was too cheap.
Don't you make me repeat it
I ordered from tcg player so I won't get it before like October 10th, probably.
LGS over charges on all precons and amazon is a fuckshow, so I use TCGplayer even though it is indefensibly slow.
Gamestop is a better investment anyway
Good morning Sir(s), post your favorite commander.
I'm not allowed
>Artifact focus
>Unequipping equipments at instant speed
>popping treasures
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The more I play him, the more in love I fall with the deck. I do probably need to alter some of the cards and maybe cut some of the worse knights for more protection/interaction, but as is it's a LOT of fun.
Thinking that maybe some more Looting would be smart as well.

decklist: https://www.archidekt.com/decks/8532477/knightly_eminence
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Conspiracy 1 was such a fucking hoot
I hope you arent unironically using that recruiter of the guard art
If I had a second copy of the original art, I'd be using it. That copy is in Zinnia.
A shame but I get it
Time to make a Kardur deck
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Though they are starting to fall off for me.
I wish she was better
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Give me a RG version with Guay art you cowards.
>guay art
Modern Guay is fucking awful
Proofs? I just picked up some issues of Black Orchid by her so I'm on a Guay high.
I am a simple man who enjoys putting lands into play
her new stuff is busy and overdesigned but still better than the sloppa that ends up on most new cards
That has to be fake
lol no. it has bad coloring, terrible anatomy etc.

the fuck is going on with the leg and torso and arm in this? >>93949589
She has talent but is in the phone it in stage. Or wotc pays so little that she won't spend much time on it, which is understandable.
it sure is a shame that wotc decided to unhuman their talented artists, but at least they have an army of mid creatives from fiver to produce art!!!
real advice you can cut
>Smitten Swordmaster
>Knight of Dusk's Shadow
>Headless Horseman (assuming this is not a pet card)
>Dauthi Mercenary (assuming this is not a pet card)
>Esper Sentinel
>Wintermoor Commander
mosto f your low cost cards are bad
I cant believe they did her dirty like that
Terrible card
Tranny art
Wotc sucks
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It's clear they asked for some kind of pop art aesthetic for whatever the fuck this is. I think she can probably still do kino.
this is very obviously a shitpost though
>Esper Sentinel
>Wintermoor Commander
>Dauthi Mercenary
you're shit at this game ask me how i know
>Cutting Ponder
Why would you do this?
I like it
Its the only SL card I own
ponder sucks and is massively overhyped
>bad player defends bad cards
color me surprised
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How do you feel about Brainstorm, Preordain, Serum Visions, Opt, and Consider?
i make new rat
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Good because Draw is actually good. It's similar but different and triggers several effects that work with drawing cards.
Scry is good
>Serum Visions
it's okay
not worth the effort
see Opt
I agree that cantrips are overrated in EDH unless you are getting something from cast triggers or draw triggers, but Ponder is still one of the best cantrips
Serum vision is significantly worse than ponder
You are insane
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Cantrips are part of your manabase, and ponder is at minimum better than preordain.
I will not suffer this midwit consider slander, begone foul creature.
Being the best not very good card is not an accolade
>cantrips are part of your mana base
22 land retard alert
scry is better objectively than whatever the fuck ponder thinks its doing
>opt but worse
wow you showed me
>>>opt but worse
oh no
oh nononono
What are the ''must have'' cards for Goblins besides Krenko for the deck to work?
>tribal decks
Or "How I learned to make a shit deck that costs more than a top tier non-tribal deck"
Goblin Deez
who are you talking to
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I miss Prophet of Kruphix and Sylvan Primordial
>most fun time I had in magic was rtr-theros standard with my simic tempo deck using prophet
>EDH supposedly the format for those old cards I loved
>Prophet banned
>t. Doesnt understand how ponder works
Ponder is 4 looks at a land, and a conditional shuffle. It's unironically amazing. Not brainstorm good, but you cant brainlock yourself on it so it's often situationally better. Cantrips are part of your manabase no matter if you run too few lands or too many.
What's the "MRSP" of these commando deckarinos?
Your fault for being a slow arse. Prophet didn't get banned 'till 2016
And the damn thing deserves to stay banned.
There is no MSRP. Places tend to start preordering at around 35-40. So I'd say the standard correct price is 40 and you shouldn't pay above that.
>Cantrips are part of your manabase
this is a retarded nonstatement
>And the damn thing deserves to stay banned.
This but all "your creatures or permanents untap" cards, of which there are plenty. Fuck, I played against them last night.
It's common knowledge in legacy. Cantrips enable you to dig for your lands more consistently, and let you keep otherwise unkeepable hands.
What makes Prophet uniquely banworthy amongst that number is that it untaps creatures AND lands, which would be concerningly strong on its own, but ALSO lets you cast creatures as though they had flash. It was a problem in 2013 when it was first printed, was banworthy in '16, and has only gotten worse since then.
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Honestly I embraced this awhile ago. The thing is if you like a particular deck if theme, chances are you will is that theme in other colors or with a different commander. I have three decks right now that have commanders that grant haste. I have four decks that explore copy tokens and populate. And I have two decks that win with goblins. I found a archetypes that I like and I enjoy exploring different iterations
What makes it ban worthy was that it was super powerful 10 years ago. Unfortunately power creep ensures there are far stronger cards in EDH than prophet.
Shit, we have one card combo commanders.
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why'd they do it?
It still needs to stay fucking gone. Yeah there's way more powerful stuff now, but that shit should be added to the banlist as well.
Ponder lets you look 3 cards deep to find what you need, and if it's not there you get to roll the dice on a 4th card. Brainstorm, Ponder, and Preordain all let you look at 3 cards. Serum Visions, Portent, Mental Note, and Thought Scour will also show you 3 cards, but are far less flexible. Opt and Consider only let you see 2 cards, but are instants. Gitaxian Probe is only 1, but it's free. Whispers of the Muse is worth considering because it doubles as a combo card.
Smitten can probably go, but I like it as a cheap lifelink boy.
Dusk's Shadow can probably go since I never seem to face lifegain decks anyway. Headless and Dauthi are both pet cards.
Funnily enough about Esper Sentinel, last night I spent an entire game watching it never go off so I almost wish I could justify cutting it.
lmao dude I love being able to rearrange my top cards, especially in a deck where I can loot during combat and have built in recursion on-hit
Yeahhhhhh he's sorta just alright
Just makes sense to really, gives a little bit of life to some of the GRN surveil matters cards like pic related, whispering snitch, dimir spybug, and disinformation campaign.
>one card combo
This irks me because it's incorrect. A card plus your commander is two cards. There are no one card combos in magic.
Yeah I’m not sure you’re able to to disentangle what is good on paper versus what is good to play.
Talions effects are good. That’s part of why he will be high priority for removal. Especially when you consider how annoying people will find it to be burned and give you card draw just for playing cards themselves.

You can play Talion. He is good. He will be destroyed early and often. You will not have a Commander for most of the game. That is less value to your deck than just playing something else. Particularly in dimir where you can just play other versions of his effects.
It's really a shame. There were a lot of cards that got printed or erattad after rotation that would have made a Surveil tempo deck viable, but the strategy isn't good enough for Pioneer.
I mean, why did they not just print it as 'surveil 1' in the first place? inb4 'Oh, we didn't consider Surveil to be part of the set's identity' or some shit
I would argue it's more like a 1.5 card combo because you always have access to your commander. The whole X card combo thing indicates the effort needed to find and assemble those cards. When you always have access to one of those cards, it lowers that bar significantly.
Too broke for the Duskmourne bundle, so I gambled on a booster and got this. What's a fun way to integrate it into my UchBenbak jank deck?

I'm thinking a Cut Your Losses right after? Unlikely I'd have the Mana unless I've made a crapload of treasures.
Surveil started out as a set-specific mechanic, but it was identical to many other effects, so they erattad those effects to be "surveil" cards.
Post creatures you wish were legendary
>Shit, we have one card combo commanders.
>Esper Sentinel
Why? Because it's not a Knight?
I disagree. Sure you'll surprise people one time, but I'm a combo tard; if I know half your wincon is in the command zone I'm going to take precautions to prevent it from resolving, especially since it's telegraphed. Having A + B in your hand, even if you tutored it, allows for some subterfuge. Getting both halves of an easy combo isnt the hard part, resolving them is, which is why I tend to run combos with a lot of interchangable pieces.
I want to build this then I think about my old Ayreal deck I sold...
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wish they'd stop with art cards to be quite honest
I'm actually considering cutting Aryel for Elenda, I never really have enough Knights to use the removal effectively and I rarely use her to make tokens. Maybe I need to leave some more mana open and just use it on the end step of someone else's turn.
Thinking of slipping in Crib Swap so if I get Haakon I can repeatedly cast it from my graveyard.
You'll find Sidar is way more comfy than Aryel though, especially because looting gives you a ton of graveyard fuel for renanimation.
That's a bad card unless you're doing something very specific with it.
General hates this card because originality is frowned upon and this thread has 0 creativity
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I just pulled this, what do I think about it?
>captcha: hrtwm
Why? Gives you a whole blank side to write down the rules and run them anyways.
Why do you say that?
>moonshaker cavalry unironically
cut that dogshit
thugshaker cavalry
Because every response is "UHHH BAD" despite it having legitimate uses and not being that bad.
It's like you retards and eluge. 50% chance it's just memeing from one fag
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All the "untap every turn" effects should be banned honestly.
Seedborn Muse, Unwinding Clock, even cards like Quest for Renewal and Drumbellower. They're just not enjoyable to play against even when they're not winning.
I would recommend the Crib Swap ad, that's always really fun. I just hate that I sold all those Knight staples. I might build him anyway since it will give me a place to run this guy. I love this card so much.
I was probably going to build him. Giving everyone crows to kill themselves with sounds fun.
Wait what? Why?
Also cut craterhoof from your green decks
Go on, how would you use it outside of grenzo?
It's only one fag that hates Eluge. There are multiple Eluge enjoyers
Eluge is bad? What are you on about?
Eluge lives rent free in his head
>[press x to doubt]
What do you do with him?
I am neutral on Eluge.
eluge raped and murdered my extended family, but not in that order.
I've never used that guy before, he looks sick. I was considering a few of the old Stromgald knights for similar protection, but that's awesome.
Crib Swap is definitely gonna be an include then, I'm sure there's some ways to go infinite or do more with my deck than I currently have. Right now it wins exclusively through combat.
>sold all those knight staples
That shit hurts, but even cheaply, Sidar feels really nice. Cheap recursion like Call of the Death-Dweller and Unearth can do a lot for small things you might want, and Unmarked Grave/Buried Alive to get it all in there can really help as well.
>do any number of things
>discard it or otherwise get it in the graveyard
>revive it during the First Strike damage step
>all of my other creatures are buffed during the second damage step
or just use Reanimate, or cast it with Haakon, etc.
Eluge told me Bolas wasn't gay, 40 life is superior, Selesnya players don't wear chastity cages, and that monoG is peak fun.
sneedborn muse
Bluepill me on Eluge
Craterhoof is actually good
Overcosted, sucks, and is bad
>first strike damage step
>implying there's 2 damage steps
are you fucking retarded? how new are you? first strike is just putting its damage on the stack first
craterhoof is overcosted, sucks, and is bad
Wait ... You think goblins isn't a top 5 edh deck?
Man why do I even still come here? Why is everyone so shit in here?
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>Goblins are a top 5 cEDH deck
in green where it can come out 5 turns early easily
>8 cost
>3 devo to white
>flying is worse than trample
>doesn't have haste so it doesnt do anything itself
Before namestcker's ban it was a top deck in legacy but it's always been upper mid tier with slivers.
Krenko is top 3, easily for winning on turn 1-3
Please list recent cEDH tournaments showing this.
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Go on, how does krenko win t1?
infinite goblins turn 1, are you retarded?
like 99% of them?
i'm about to pull the trigger
Are you arguing that squirrels are a cedh deck? 99% of tribes are garbage.
>artifacts exist
>have a good manabase
>objectively wrong
>it doesn't have to
Also W is easier to reanimate so it can "come out 5 turns early easily" just the same. W is also better at making tokens, so it puts more power on the board than Hoof in most situations. I'm guessing you haven't actually played the card, right? You do know it just wins games the same as Hoof, right?
please jerk off before deckbuilding
I have one of these that I want to sell, but I love the art so much I just can't
>all of this cope
making a worse reprint in a worse color that cant play it as easily is bad
>ugly art
>unusably bad card
why would you ever buy this
Describe the specific line that casts your commander, makes infinite goblins, and wins the game.
It's an essential card for Hippo Tribal
Not an argument
Go for it. It's like $50ish and it's very neat.
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>damage on the stack
oh lord why do I even come here anymore
>Initial thought: Christ, he was so young.
>Second thought: pegasus turned him into a card
>23 years old
>that much male pattern baldness
>What's your favorite boardwipe outside of black or white?
Goblin Sharpshooter + Deathtouch.
I always wanted a cool tombstone. Then I found out you can't have one here.
>some guy on mtgo opens a room that states no ramp
>ight ill play ball
>make a duplicate deck and take rocks out
>hits me with the old turn 1 mana crypt
lol mtg players
>Thread Question/Prompt: What's your favorite boardwipe outside of black or white?
Cyclonic Rift. I never leave home without it.
>3000 atk
>0 def
That's 5000, anon.
>3000 atk
You better hope he wasn't buried with those glasses because apparently you need them
dyscalculia is pretty unfortunate, anon
>“For those wondering about the card stats, he was a very literal person, ultimately a rare cancer took him from us so we gave him a high attack as he gave everything he had and ultimately , he couldn’t defend himself against him, so defense 0. The rest was based mainly on the differential aspects of some of his favorite cards ”
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>You better hope he wasn't buried with those glasses because apparently you need them
Damn dude. Younger than me.
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>You better hope he wasn't buried with those glasses because apparently you need them
flying is better than trample in most cases and white can more easily make a huge board to take maximum advantage of the ability
in 60 card constructed, craterhoof is better without a doubt but in multiplayer edh they are basically equally powerful
Choo Choo!
I'm actually not wearing my glasses, joke's on me I guess.

>be me
>get a factory job picking parts
>have to read the part lables and pick parts
>the typeface makes it hard to figure out whether a letter is a B an 8 or a 0 with a line through it
>make a fuckton of errors
>tell them to use upper and lower case letters to make it easier
>"great job anon you're sure to go far!"
>fired the next day
>they standardized that convention of labels at every factory around the world
Classic capitalism.
that art is kino, shame about the 4kids-tier slop they went with in future reprints
Chacuterie with the boys went great, won two lost two. Lots of good games were had. I drank about 13 beers in 7 different varieties. We also ordered a pizza. And mozza sticks. We also got to watch old ovas and Riki Oh. Solid 9/10 time, totally worth the drive.
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Sounds gay, who topped?
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don't get me wrong, i like wayne reynolds, but i can't look at a mallet gun, and think of anything but this shit - i don't even watch one piece, but what the fuck 4kids
has anyone played duel commander?
what is it like? cedh has become extremely boring and I want to play something competitive
My favorite was always how they changed that magician vs Yami duel in yugioh.
>saw blades that cut off your legs if you lose are now special SHADOW SAWS that send your mind to the shadow realm when they touch your leg.
>one guy is married (zombie tribal and krrik)
>I have a fiancee (monocolour artifag)
>other guy has a psychotic ex he periodically dates for a few months (a wide variety of flavour of the month decks)
>final guy has had crippling oneitis for over a decade and will probably die alone (a xenagos deck and assorted monowhite commanders, can never stick with one)
commander soggy biscuit
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>final guy has had crippling oneitis for over a decade and will probably die alone (a xenagos deck and assorted monowhite commanders, can never stick with one)
Is he me?
>>final guy has had crippling oneitis for over a decade and will probably die alone (a xenagos deck and assorted monowhite commanders, can never stick with one)
Does she take advantage of him?

Like anything that fucks with Goad, you really REALLY need something to get that under control if you make it to the one-on-one finale. Having a Massacre Wurm is well and good since it probably just ends the game, but you need at least five options for that point to give you a big chance of keeping it that long, and have to be willing to sandbag it if needed.
Depends, are you a short skinny balding englishman with a tech job and a collection of striped polos?

Hasnt talked to her since they broke up.
Are Backgrounds based or cringe?
Honestly not that great. Being limited to two color kills it for me.
Any cool shit from Duskmourn for Chun-Li?
>looking through Knights for some tweaks to Sidar
>find a bunch of old knights I want to include as pet cards like Lost Order of Jarkeld, Moorish Cavalry, Knight of the Mists, Marauding Knight, and Order of Yawgmoth
>also find Shrike Force which seems great for the deck
>considering a Corpse Knight due to creature focus
>want to use Mirran Crusader due to Double Strike being one of my favorite keywords
>figure I could use Bartolome, Haakon, Universal Automaton, and Corpse Knight for a wincon too
this is difficult!
Balustrade Spy
Go second with Gemstone Caverns on the field.
Ancient Tomb
Pitch Mana Monkey
Mana Crypt
Sol Ring
Mox Amber
Song of Totenanz
Tap Krenko
Shit Pants (opponents concede to avoid smell)
Cringe because they come from D&D, based because they were one of the most fun I had building decks recently.
They're okay. Not super but I'll take them any day over Partner.
>Being limited to two color kills it for me.
Hey look at this dork, he needs to be in 3+ colors
>Lost Order of Jarkeld
Cool but kinda shit and conditional, especially with no keywords
>Moorish Cavalry
Unironically based, do it
>Knight of the Mists
that etb U cost or sacrifice it is retarded and that alone means it's shit
>Marauding Knight
Lots of white in your meta or just because he's cool?
>Order of Yawgmoth
Actually a smart include, any evasive Knight gives you eminence triggers with no downside, as well as the upside of Specters with forced discard
>Shrike Force
never heard of that but it's another good BLB card
>Mirran Crusader
has a bit of anti-synergy since you're also in black, but good otherwise
>Bartolome + Haakon + Automaton + Corpse Knight as a wincon
I think you're mistaking it for the Ashnod's Altar infinite using similar cards, you need that mana production or a different cost reducer (Urza's Incubator) to make that go infinite like it would with Ashnod's. Your deck also doesn't look like it has enough justification for a sacrifice loop so stick to your combat wins.
They're based and make for interesting decks
>that etb U cost or sacrifice it is retarded and that alone means it's shit
Reread the card, anon.
>When Knight of the Mists enters, you may pay U. If you don't, destroy target Knight and it can't be regenerated this turn.
You can kill other people's knights with it, or even target one you have that is indestructible.
>Lost Order of Jarkeld
>Moorish Cavalry
>Marauding Knight
why would anyone use these?
Flying is better than trample desu.
They're cool and old
>Cool but kinda shit and conditional, especially with no keywords
I can agree with this, but I do have several cards that add keywords to my creatures. Cover of Darkness for Fear, Knight Exemplar for Indestructible, Kinsbaile Cavalier for Double Strike, then there's also Moonshaker or Hoofbeats for Flying or Horsemanship. But on his own he's not great, yeah.
>Unironically based, do it
>Knight of the Mists
like the other anon said, the pay U or bury target knight doesn't mean sacrifice itself or even one you control. It's probably bad tech, but it'd be a fun way to take a knight off the board that isn't yours because you DIDN'T pay an extra cost. Most likely though, it just ends up being 2UU so I don't kill one of my own creatures
>Lots of white in your meta or just because he's cool
He's cool, and very very classic Phyrexian. Pro: White, "Fuck Plains" practically written on the card, and it fits Zombie, Knight, and Phyrexian as creature types. Just a pretty sick guy.
>Actually a smart include, any evasive Knight gives you eminence triggers with no downside, as well as the upside of Specters with forced discard
I was actually thinking about how based specters were when I included it. I'm definitely gonna see if I can find an old copy to slip into the deck.
>never heard of that but it's another good BLB card
I saw it today by happenstance and fell in love with it. I really liked BLB
>has a bit of anti-synergy since you're also in black, but good otherwise
I don't have much internal targeting from black sources, I don't think, but yeah he just seems solid
>That last bit proving I'm retarded
Yeah, I didn't really think of that. I'll probably cut the combo and see what else I can pull off.
I think Backgrounds are a fun way to play the game and I wish there were more, and maybe a couple that were multi-color for optional 3 color decks since they're great for mono/dual color.
>They're cool and old
I hate zoomer players who do this
The chaddest of commanders in the chaddest colors
Seems fun. Wish it was an instant though.
going off of your maybeboard
>Spymaster's Vault
good include if you're focused on combat
>Three Tree City
slow but good
>Vampiric Tutor
>Crib Swap
>Knight of the Mists
narrow your pet card slots down to 5 or something then see if you have room for it
>Patchwork banner
the fact this is under 5 dollars is crazy, include it
>Shrike Force
mixed value because she's way overcosted for your deck if you aren't triggering her a lot
>Lost order of Jarkeld
>Marauding Knight
>Moorish Cavalry
>Order of Yawgmoth
see Knight of the Mists
as for what's in your deck
>Battle Angels of Tyr
it's a big paragraph for a bunch of nothingburger payoffs
>Distant Melody
replace this with Frantic Search
>Consecrated Sphinx
cut this for Teferi's Ageless Insight because you're making yourself draw more than you're making anyone else draw
>6 field protection spells
cut Dawn's Truce since it's the worst of the bunch
>Recruiter of the Guard
by my count, including maybeboard, you can grab a total of 20 creatures, but most you want to grab are better grabbed with other tutors. She isn't a Knight so you'll never grab her meaningfully and if you discard her she's gone for the whole game.
>Esper Sentinel
either get him turn 1 or don't bother playing him, 0 synergy and wrong creature tyype, cut him
>Smitten Swordmaster
you'd have to draw him near the end of a game for the sorcery to be good or at the beginning for the creature to be usable, better just replaced
>think of a new deck idea
>It's tribal themed
>It's always tribal themed

How do I avoid this.
>cut this for Teferi's Ageless Insight because you're making yourself draw more than you're making anyone else draw
hard disagree, he should use both
Why do you want to avoid it?
Ultra cringe because retards convince themselves "its not as bad as partner" but still start with a 9 card hand. Its Partner for Partner apologists
I don't think it or partner are bad at all backgrounds are super cool, probably cooler. Really fun design space
Most of this seems like pretty good advice, but I'm hesitant to cut Consecrated since it's saved my ass on several occasions now.
it looks like right now I'll be cutting...
>Esper Sentinel
>Dawn's Truce
>Knight of Dusk's Shadow
>Smitten Swordmaster
>Wintermoor Commander
>Recruiter of the Guard (1 for 1 with Vampiric Tutor. Tutor for Tutor seems fine)
>Distant Melody
and I'm dropping Lost order of Jarkeld and Marauding Knight for now too. Just need to find a couple more slots and then figure out if I have all of these and swap 'em in.
Definitely don't have Moorish Cavalry, but it'll be a flashy thing to play.
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They don't make em' like they used too
any budget <$100 decklist for this guy? seems fun
>start with 9 cards available to use turn 1 compared to everyone else's 8
>two cards that are always available to cast compared to everyone else's 1
>the two cards even have independent commander tax
Yeah still bullshit.
Except one of those cards is an enchantment that does nothing until you cast the other one.
>Partner and variants
>Planeswalker commander
I shan't
I don't have a list prepped, and I won't post a picture, but I can input my deck onto moxfield if you're interested.
>God intended EDH to be played with up to 3 colors per deck.
>Partner (generic) is mega gay. Partner (with) is only kinda gay. Background is fine.
>Planeswalkers need to be collectively genocided and I'm glad Tamiyo died. We need more planeswalker deaths every set.
>We need more planeswalker deaths every set
t. Gay Bolas
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>We need more planeswalker deaths every set.
Yes. I'm glad they finally made planeswalkers playable creatures and desparked most of them. If you think about it the of type is just a fancy enchantment with 3 activated abilities.

Still wishing the day they print Emrakul as Planeswalkers so they can start popping the unnecessary mary sues out of the story.
sure if u can
Just ordered the cards to make a deck with him. He seems fun.
Eluge lied to you about everything but 40 life.

Bolas has never been straight. We can ritualpost straight Bolas as his Legends art all we want, but let me speak the hard truth: a sleepy dragon reading a book is queer as fuck and if you don't agree then you're also gay.
I wonder if you guys exist in the wild and just internally seethe because no one ever said anything to me about my partner planeswalker commander at any LGS. The thought of you just sitting there internally bawling while I ult Tevesh only to come and vent on 4chan like in that one meme is very pleasing.
Don't hit me with that "you're not invited again" cope it's the LGS
Yeah, he died with more than I had left at that age.
This is a weird fantasy in your head desu. The idea that I would ever play with tevesh is complete fiction. You would never even be let into my pod
I started to go through my Omnath deck and realized that it has been YEARS since I updated it, so I'll just summarize. The deck is 45 lands, lots of ramp, and I used Zuran Orb with Elixer of Immortality to never run out of ammo.
Been goldfishing the deck since the changes, and I gotta say it feels way fucking nicer after the adjustments. So much so that I'm having a blast with it. But I wanted to comment on this suggestion specifically
>Teferi's Ageless Insight
The times I've drawn into this, it feels fucking incredible. Vodalian Wave-Knight aside, it gives me so much card selection and graveyard fuel I almost feel bad leaving so many knights dead until I just vomit them back onto the board.
>graveyard fags before their first bojuka bog
let the boy enjoy his low power deck
The only reason to play casual is the self expression of brewing. Just play cedh. proxy up tymna/kraum
this game makes no sense.

>tap untap just about everything
players are parasites?

>game about hanging out at graveyards

>one or 2 buffoon, ridiculous clown creatures turn up then go away just as quickly

what even the fuck is this?
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Why yes, I just ordered a playset of Ghost Vacoom, how could you tell?
>prime numbers girl in very fun
When you read the part that says you create a LEGENDARY token you might change your mind
It's a mechanic I disagree with existing but I'm just one guy and I'm not going to try to enforce my autism on other people and look like a tard.

For what it's worth I'm fine with backgrounds, doctors companions, partners that only specifically allow another card that's related to them, etc. It's using 2 partners that have absolutely no relation and completely antithetical flavor that really irks me.
partner was a overshooting it in power, both because of color acces and the fact usually both partners do something, esentially leaving you with an extra card in your starting hand.

Backgrounds only allowing 2 colors max and the background itself being dead without the commander in play is a smidge too underpowered, but they are still fun
It definitely would make sense, because it doesn't grant haste and the creature dies at your end anyway, so it's just for reusing ETBs or something.
Consider the following.
A Jeska/Tevesh deck with Obosh as companion. The deck is shadowborn apostles.
it hate that specific wording, doesnt that mean you wont get commanders?
massively gay if true
They don't get the chance to return it to the command zone until the spell has finished resolving, so you would get the commander.
cool, i think that warrants trying it out. sure, sorcery is a bit lame, but getting that creature, potentially a good swing and another sac trigger is sweet
Since RC "fixed" commander death, it now works.
they "fix" shit and for sure break shit. i want my commander back.
i still play her as itended
My opponents simply do not draw their graveyard hate
She's not the tranny from that plane, that's Smiles at Death.
But that thing still works with the old wording, my boomer clique, however...
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I liked my child of alara deck better when the baby would only throw a tantrum if you put it in the crib, sure the change makes Bound an sick card but the limitation was way more fun.
Oh my god eww I have to turn my head to read these cards, what is nuWOTC thinking??? I hate zoomers so much aaaaaaahhhhhhh
The only way this argument would make sense would be if I had some special quality that only let me use partners/backgrounds. I don't, you can do it too, there is no bullshit.
>my pod
Anon there are minimum 2 to 3 other people in "your" pod. I'm pretty sure they get a say too and you aren't just some whiny narcissistic fag throwing a fit on 4chan lol
Just telling you the facts. My pod would side with me. You're the one being a coping , whining little child
Anon you are actually throwing a tantrum on 4chan right now. Please reevaluate your life and stop lying about having friends
>nooo ur the kid not me in a big boy a big boy!!!!!!!!!!!
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This horny lad in MonoB/Rakdos reanimator
Do you actually think you can "no u" your way out of this embarrassment? Lmao
depends on who you replace?
Howdy all, I would like to make a commander deck and I love the color red and I hate the color white and I think mono red is too simplistic and 3+ colors not really willing to spend so much money on land so I wanna do dual colors. Would y'all reckon Izzet, Gruul or Rakdos to be most fun?
Either Meteor Golem or Witch-King, Sky Scourge in Rakdos and Korlash in MonoB
maybe to meteor golem, yes to the rest.
Depends on your idea of fun.
>I like big monsters!
>I like taking lots of game actions!
>I like graveyard recursion!
Monocolour decks are not simple at all, they require a high degree of deck building and deep knowledge of the format. Build feldon, he's usually good for new players and can be scaled up for some pretty elaborate synergies and combos when you improve.
I always regret playing izzet, I find Gruul and Rakdos both to be pretty fun.
My favorite commanders for each are Malfegor and Roxanne, Starfall Savant
admittedly I have not piloted Roxanne but my friends gf built her recently and it looks fun
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>you agree to a upgraded precon/mid power game
>opponent plays that card
Whats its name?
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I was thinking about building these two. Gale would be like a Dimir spell slinger control build and Erinis would be like a land fall value control build. They seem good on a budget.
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>cant use my girl as a commander
it's over
Butterfree ain't a magic card
I will send you two (2) U.S Dollars to eat it. The confetti will increase the flavor profile
>mono red is too simplistic
You got filtered
Damn anon just raining on their parade aent ya
>I think mono red is too simplistic
Mono colors are the least simple to build simply because there's some threats your color can't answer so you need to flex in order to do so. The more colors you add, the more simple your deck gets because you have access to the more flexible cards and staples.
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As someone who plays mono color decks, red is like the most puzzlebox of a color to work with. Sure there is the easy decks, like your godo, your dragon's approach, your krenko goblin tribal, but then there is other kinds of decks that really make the color feel janky by comparison. Even compared to white, and I would say its about tied with that color. SGPA0. Yet they is especially true for all colors when your trying to go off the beaten path for typical decks in those respective monocolors.
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In an alternate universe we got a pokemon UB set
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wrong thread :^)
Based fellow mono red chad.
What are your favorite mono decks across all colors?
Red provides the most variety and complexity of the colors. Red has more legitimate options than many dual colors as well. In my opinion, Izzet offers the most variety of any color combination. It does depend on what you're looking for though. Here's a list of Red commanders that I really enjoy, see if any of them speak to you. I ordered them by how cool I think they are.

>Norin the Wary
>Moraug, Fury of Akoum
>Rionya, Fire Dancer
>Zada, Hedron Grinder
>Slicer, Hired Muscle
>Feldon of the Third Path
>Daretti, Scrap Savant
>Krenko, Mob Boss

As far as how cool the color combinations are, I like this order:
Izzet > Boros >> Rakdos >> Gruul
Don't listen to this guy mono colour is very easy. People just like to jerk themselves off here
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Does this work as I think it should?
Red IS the most complex of the mono colors. That's not exactly saying much though. Green and Black are devoid of thought, and Blue and White only have a couple flavors.
Why not?
None of the mono colours are complex and red is no different
>haha I made token copies of things.... I'm so smart... I wheeled and then I made a copy of thing in graveyard such big brain...
You commit a crime as you cast a spell, activate an ability, or put a triggered ability on the stack that targets an opponent, a permanent controlled by an opponent, a spell or ability controlled by an opponent, or a card in graveyard controlled by an opponent.

The Lord of Pain is a triggered ability that causes you to target a player. If you target an opponent with it, you have committed a crime. Because you have committed a crime, Gisa, the Hellraiser will trigger.
So it does work as I think it should. Thanks.
Using choose and target in the same sentence is bullshit.
>favorite decks across mono?
Hard to say with favorite, as I usually don't stick to one deck for long. For what I am currently experimenting with:
>White = Astrid Peth (second sun deck with endless horizons. Aka mono white thoracle)
>Blue = Eluge, the Shoreless Sea (tempo deck that tries to win through commander damage.)
>Black = Sidisi, Undead Vizier (doomsday deck that uses the new Doomsday Excrucitator combined with Lich's Mirror and Dark Deal)
>Red = Dragon's Approach (bouncing between Ashling Flame Dancer and Solphim Mayhem Dominus for commander at the moment.)
Currently no colorless decks as none of the current commanders seem interesting to me.
>Green = Multani, Maro Sorcerer (emphasis on fast ramp and trample. Goal = haymaker people out asap)
For future inquiries, it might be helpful to state how you expect the interaction to work. I wasn't sure how you thought it worked, so I had to detail every thing. Most anons here legitimately do not know the rules of the game, so clearing up any ambiguity at the start of asking will help filter out a lot of people who don't know. I'm glad your synergy works how you wanted it to.

And yes, the fact that they have been using the word "choose" more often nowadays is extremely frustrating because "choose" is not "target" which means cards that logically would cause things to trigger may not depending on if they arbitrarily wrote "choose" or "target" even though they are interchangeable logically in most cases. "Choose" and "Target" in the same sentence on the same card is egregiously bad.
>Izzet offers the most variety of any color combination
Which spellslinger commander with a side of card draw do you run?
NTA, but offering variety does not mean players are going to take it. This is one of the top Izzet commanders and there literally is not another token shapeshift commander at all.
Both seem like cool decks anon, you should build them.
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Man, I really love these splashy Meatballs we have been getting lately. Dusk Mangler and Hollow Marauder, though the latter one isn't strictly in the same category, as it doesn't force any sacrifices.
>talking shit about monocolour
Low game skill detected. Monocolour has various strengths and weaknesses that cant be accounted for by slapping in an extra colour that already has the tools. Not only that, but you're limited in staples for basic game function. Monocolour is easy in the sense that you dont really need to worry about fixing or devotion, but at a cost. Any deck can be reduced to a single sentence like that, but building a good monocolour deck will teach you strong fundamentals and be a generally more flavorful experience.
It's almost as if limitation breeds creativity...
Yes. I am a massive practical special effects fan, and you can have the biggest budget with the fanciest cgi, but it'll never look as good as something done simply shot with the limitations in mind. Same with magic, a crisp well executed monocolour deck is always better than a 3-5c abomination.
>Like pirates
>Want to make a pirate deck
>Becket Brass is woke shit
>Ramirez DePietro is cool but seems really bad
>Breeches, Francisco and Malcolm all seem awesome
>Like the idea of a rag tag pirate crew of non-human pirates
>Put together a Breeches and Malcolm deck
>Play group thinks it's too strong and hates me out constantly
>Put together a Francisco and Malcolm deck
>Play group thinks it's too strong and hates me out constantly
>Put together a Breeches and Francisco deck
>Play group thinks it's too strong and hates me out constantly

I just want to play pirates...
your play group is really, really bad. pirates are just ok.
Haha bonk
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Will building this lose me friends?
I like this combo because the third card can be like 15 things but one is your commander and the other is a very vulnerable lynchpin.
only if you are a bitch about properly targeted player removal at your direction.
nothing worse than players who play these type of commanders that cant take a beating
Do any rulesfags know why Lord of Pain's ability isn't worded like
>Whenever a player casts their first spell each turn, Lord of Pain deals damage to another target player equal to that spell's mana value
Instead of the janky choose wording?
Yeah I would be surprised if Ancient Cellarspawn wasn't seeing play in Rakdos decks, as even outside of the infinite with ancestral statue, being able to chunk people for 7+ life loss per cast is appealing.
The partner pirates, particularly Malcolm, are extremely strong. If you have any synergy with them beyond "play pirate and attack" it's possible they'll overwhelm your play group in value.
Any number of reasons. The most likely reason is that they don't have time to proofread or play test anything.
That, but also the card designer who made that probably hadn't fully settled on that triggered ability. As that wording can come from a chaotic development process.
Gale and Scion of Halastar is pretty well known to be strong as fuck. Haven't seen that Gruul combo before, but it seems really strong too. Backgrounds are pretty underrated to be honest. I play Abdel Adrian with Candlekeep Sage and nobody really expects the value it makes.
They're all kind of the same deck with some minor changes. Malcolm and Breeches turned into an infinite combo after setting up a way to make a pirate ping people, but it could also just play value by playing cards from their decks. Malcolm and Francisco turned into an infinite combo with Time Sieve and had a lot of value in general from Francisco and the black cards. Breeches and Francisco felt the most fair, but it would still absolutely grind with value and could set up some combos too.
>We didn't get a a new Angrath during return to Ixalan
Give me my fucking Minotaur pirate you incompetent FUCKS
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Oh I play group slug and my favorite card is Grand Melee, I have no qualms about getting mauled
>If [this card] moves between zones, enchantments you control attached to it remain attached and move with it. Enchantments attached lose all abilities when they are not on the battlefield. [This card] costs an additional 1C to cast from the command zone for each enchantment attached to it.
Approved or not approved?
Yes you stupid fucking dragontimmy
Seems fine on the surface to me. Basically an enchantress skullbriar yea?
Ah yeah it should say “other than a players hand or library”
A shockland
not the fetchland which fetches the shockland?
Is skullbriar worth buying/playing? I feel like he's really susceptible to -1/-1 counters making him uselsess, but he looks like a lot of fun if you can just get past thr first few turns without taking in any -1 counters.
Mystic Remora. /edhg/ posters will tell you that Rhystic Study is the superior enchantment but fish is guaranteed draws whereas study is mostly a stax piece
I wanna smooch her
fun but not exactly good
who the fuck is playing -1/-1 counters so often that you think it's a major deterrent?
Remora scales well to tables desu.
It's not as obnoxious.
Although grammatical "Another target" is a weird clause when you don't have a first target, and I imagine the more condensed version doesn't translate as easily to other languages.
Is Winter supposed to be some NB nonsense?
yes, they're non-binary (evil) compared to niko's non-binary (good)
nonbinary isn't being trans, anon. you dont have to worry about it
-1/-1 counters are not common. More likely temporary -X/-X effects. Skullbriar is simple but fun. They been slowly getting a boost over the years thanks to keyword counters being a thing since Ikoria.
>nonbinary isn't being trans
yea, its not. trans people are so deep into the gender binary that they can only see themselves as the other side of the fence
If anything it’s more retarded.
I can buy that someone’s brain chemistry is fucked up enough to be confused about their sex- all babies are anatomically neither male nor female for the first few months in the womb. They rely on their genes to trigger the production of the correct sex hormone, and it doesn’t always happen correctly.
The problem is how do you know the real ones from the fakers? You don’t, that’s why thousands of people are claiming to be trans because they’re unhappy with their lives and think being someone else will help. And to an extent it does, because we live in a culture that celebrates and defends even the most obese stubbly low effort troons. I’m sure that fat autists who no one ever looked twice at feel pretty good about being the center of attention, all the better if they can work it into a victim narrative. People fucking love to feel persecuted, just look at Christians or Münchausen Karens.

Non-binaries are the later form. They just want attention, something a bit special, a bit different. A foot in the door of the LGBT community without really having to do anything. The fibromyalgia of the oppression olympics.
I have him and I really wouldn't be worried about -1 counters. he can get the ball rolling so quickly that it's not really an issue, and even if your opponent is playing with that strategy you can usually out counter them one to one.
Not joining in on the circle jerk is not shitting on it.
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How do I be nice about using silver bullets on skullbriar? It's to the point I'd rather play powerful decks and clean up quick against him instead of trying to match, his voltron is so hit or miss that I've never seen the long game be fun piloting him.
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How exactly is that a silver bullet? You know that he's just going back to the command zone right? There's only one true silver bullet against skully b. , And it's not ever played
oh its alright. ill try research and find a good budget decklist.
i like land based decks. I use a custom Omo deck lately.

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