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>Previous Thread:

>Thread Question:
Prefered year of the cold war?

Remember we also have a painting challenge going until the end of September. Poor bloody infantry is the theme.

>Community Summary of Wargames:
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I will examine this list honestly. But I always struggle with games than model infantry on the tabletop. I wish there was a game that still had APCs like the M113 and BMP, so on, but the infantry was entirely extrapolated out into a concept, like deployed infantry is just another weapon in a vehicle model.
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What are you working on /hwg/? I just finished up this scratch build block house for my Rif project.
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just finished 92 miniatures for my hyw project
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Nice what rules you using? Skirmish or BBB games?
Would using the unarmoured Late Romans from Victrix work for Strathclyde during the Viking age? I know gripping beast has dark age welsh but I really really like how the Victrix ones look.
brother in christ, will you please remember to put /hwg/ in the name field next time.
Billhooks or Hail Caesar until I find a ruleset I truly like
Is there a suitable company that produces US marines or army soldiers in 15mm for the second battle of Fallujah?
Peeter pig has some modern usa
Khurasan has a lot of modern stuff.
I think there are a couple of other garage manufacturers at UK

Which rule system are you planing to use? Is that theatre even tactically interesting? The USA didn't seem to have much of an issue against anything but vietcong or afgans since ww2.

Any particularly good post cold war battles to replicate?
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US marine rifle platoon (reinforced) for the battle of Hue. I'm not sure where the M72s go in the platoon hence why those minis are separate.
>trouble w/ VietCong and Mujahideen
This is a misunderstanding.
Yes insurgency is effective. Only because during those wars the U.S. was hamstrung by rules. If the U.S. were to be let off the leash we would have Walmart in Baghdad and Planned Parenthood in Kabul.

As for your Cold War fights you could try Rhodesian Bush War. There was no technology edge, no future weapon systems and minimal vehicles. Iirc it was largely men and rifles shooting it out.

If you want to add a political level to it have support wax and wane depending on who is sending 'aide', tge CIA or the KGB, Are international rmargos and sanctions effective, Is there an impact on the war effort when countries back out because it looks bad

Getting away from politics you could the Central/ South American cocaine wars a la F.A.R.C. v Columbian forces.

The Middle East has great material as well. Iran/ Iraq, Yom Kippur, Six Day and "Black September".
I thought Peter Pig was more suitable for the Somali intervention.
Khurasan has army soldiers but I'm not sure if they're too late for 2004. I haven't decided on rules but maybe Ambush Alley or Force on Force. I was a little kid when 9/11 happened, saw it live on television just a week after we visited NYC and even went up one of the towers. Grew up following the war in Afghanistan and then Iraq, my father kept gifting me books on US counter-insurgency operations in both countries so I have an interest. I think the challenge of having to fight a cowardly enemy using the civilian population as shields with restrictions on the ROE to be very intriguing. Fallujah is interesting due to the media coverage and the US hopes of luring insurgents into a bottleneck to squash them at once, while the insurgents themselves hoped to cause mass casualties to coalition forces. What happened was that superior US firepower decimated the insurgents shoddy attempts at city warfare but even with the evacuations many civilians still died (though not as many as if the US hadn't ordered the evacuation) while the US didn't get as many insurgents as they had hoped. US casualties were light but it was still the hardest battle they fought since the Vietnam conflict. Oh, media liberals whined about white phosphorus and depleted uranium shells.
Have you considered Nam68?
Eureka miniatures maybe?
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Is this series worth checking? They are expensive and full of too many expansions.
I always try out different rules, do you recommend this one?
I don't have the full ruleset, but I had a good overview. Looks like one of the best options for vietnam skirmishes.
It seems to have cool rules for campaigns a bit like mordheim.
I'll have to try it if I can find a PDF. This project will take a while though since I need to paint my NVA platoon too and make enough terrain for a Hue table
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Are there better alternatives for nam infantry compared to italeri?
Second 10mm blockhouse done.
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Finishing up my Turco-mongols.
these are really good, well done anon
They're good for what they are, which is a light board game wargame.
Do you know better alternatives?
Does anyone have The Raiders supplement for Dux Britanniarum? I'm also looking for the holiday specials with additional rules for DB.
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Thanks anon. Got some little dudes done today too. The leader for my Rif forces.
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Chipping away on the game design for pic related. Had a bit of a break from playtests, but have been doing some thinking about simple and effective ways to represent the different command styles.

Like how do you make the Soviets feel a little clumsy on the tabletop?
Have a few options I'm going to try out, the main mechanics of shooting / moving / anti-armor are working nicely, now it's all about introducing some accurate C&C flavor that is fun and simple, yet still allows players to make lots of interesting decisions.
Other games I've seen do things including: Soviet units have to stay organised at a higher level than others (e.g. normal orders are issued to platoons; vice Soviet companies); or shorter command distances; or a bonus for aggressive actions toward a set objective (moving closer to an objective, assaulting an enemy) and a penalty for anything retrograde or neutral (digging in, lateral/flanking movements)
I always liked Up Front. The German player could hold 5 order cards (move, fire, rally etc) and discard one each turn to be replaced; the Soviet player holds 4 cards and can discard 2 but only if he doesn't play any that turn.
That alone drives the Russian player to bunch his men together into bigger groups
You could do the same thing with rolling order dice and allocating them to formations. Germans get more dice and maybe a free re-roll.
>giving a fuck about someones appearance
This degenerate fetish shit is getting old.
why? in my research the only big difference I've found is their helmet shape which can be worked around. What am I missing?
I did once make a homebrew ruleset where units rolled a dice to determine if they recieved an order where if they sucessfully passed the role you would choose what order to give them and if they failed to they would roll a dice to decide what order they would make that turn and germans had a special rule to re-roll failed order dice certain things like shooting however were always an option because of course you would shoot at the enemy in sight without being told to.

This combined with the germans having a better tactics skill than the US or Soviets meant that even though your force was much smaller your units almost always did exactly what you wanted and you could easily manouver around the larger US and Soviet forces on the flip side the allies would rely on having to manage their larger forces making sometimes iffy choices so for example your unit might fail an order and instead of moving foward and shooting at a reduce ROF they remain still but the upside to that is that your rate of fire was not decreased so you would need to find a way to make the best use of your larger forces and the orders they are given.

I figured this would make for a good way to represent the way germany was able to manouver around larger forces and encircle them using their well structured command early in the war while the allies would have have less coordinated forces but make up for it in their own ways like the soviets numbers and americas endless supply of shells and aircraft.

I figured it would make a stupid ruleset in practice though because having what your units do be reliant on a dice roll made it seem like it would suck to play.
Cool story bro. Try home brewing some punctuation next time.
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>painting challenge bloody infantry

Slowly getting going on the Riffians. The flags make me so happy.
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Thanks for the ideas team - always interesting to hear how other systems handle this kind of thing. Not an easy thing to solve, but seem to be a few common solutions.

Currently every unit gets 1 action, which could me a move or attack or suchlike, after which each command unit can allow nearby units to undertake between 5 and 8 additional actions - better quality commanders allow more actions.

This way commanders still get stuff done, but units outside of command range don't get "Orphaned" and ignored when they're not priority - at least they can use their 1 action to lay down fire, or advance to a better position.

German commanders can choose at will which actions they dish out, but my idea for Soviets is to force the commander to stick to one general order type at a time - Move, Attack or Defend. An order token will accompany the commander around, and they can only give out actions that align with the order.
To change orders they'd need to make a quality check, and if they fail maybe they lose their turn? This will hopefully cause the soviet player to only change orders if absolutely necessary, but they will still be able to move and shoot in the same turn. They just wont be as flexible as the German forces.

Will do some small scale playtests and see how this flows.
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>The Bolt Action v3 rulebook that costs £35 has many errors, including missing entire options in the army lists
>major "Armies of" books releases will run into 2026
Broken bungling bargain basement Britain strikes again with their "spend a pound to save a penny" attitude. Would it really have killed Warlord games to hire a proof reader? Probably actually with the amount of taxes companies pay in the UK.
don't you fuckin' 404 on me son!
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One squad, or Harka, is done. Just the three long bases, the other two rounds are officers/additional flags.
Really enjoying your stuff, Rifanon.
Those look cool.
Thanks anons. I'm just trying to keep the thread alive with my nightly progress.
Anons I think I'm not gonna make it to the September challenge. I have literally no more space in the house where I can put minis safely, and can't paint/assemble anymore because of that. I was expecting a new display cabinet would arrive here 2 weeks ago, basically tripling my storage space for miniatures, but it hasn't yet. I haven't been motivated to start my Thureophoroi for the poor bloody infantry challenge because of that, although if the cabinet arrives today or tomorrow maybe I can wrap up some Celts/Galatians to deliver, who knows... I also have some Cretans almost 100% complete, just missing the bases, but those wouldn't qualify for the theme of the challenge (they were certainly not poor)
And by house I mean apartment
Don't sweat it anon. There's always then next challenge! Get your house in order first, then worry about the minis.
Does anyone have advice on running good /hwg/ demos? We will have fully painted forces and plenty of terrain; I was more thinking about the process (e.g. start with small units and work up vs start with full armies and let new players take control of a sub-set). Laminated rules quick reference sheets? Anything else "obvious"?
Is this for passers-by to pick up and play on a convention floor?

If that's the case, you want to operate the game at the smallest scale (number of units, table size etc.) possible so people can quickly get a feel for what the rules are all about without having to think about greater considerations like they would actually playing a full game. It would also help to have a specific scenario made which you think best reflects what the heart and soul of the game is about. What is it about these rules that prompted you to write them instead of just using one of X number of rules out there? Design a very basic scenario that leads demo players to play the game in that way.
It's to demo historical gaming at a games club that mostly plays GW games, with the hope of expanding their horizons a little. It's not a ruleset I've written, but thank you for thinking I'm the kind of person who could or would.
I was waiting to buy an Italian army. Wanted to see what the new rules would be. To say they phoned it in would be an understatement. At least I’ve saved a lot of money.
>The Bolt Action v3 rulebook that costs £35 has many errors, including missing entire options in the army lists

My army didn't even get rules. Granted I haven't played my army in many years, but it could have been fun to dust it off and bring it down to the lgs.
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Its a get-you-by list till they get a full release down the road, just like literally every other army now. Im not sure what else you were expecting.

Which army?
>what else you were expecting
A little bit of effort put in considering we are probably 2 years away until an Italian book is released. If they want me to spend 100’s of dollars on an army I would want a half decent free pdf if I’m expected to wait years for a full release.
Battlegroup has 1942 stalingrad italians and also a montecasino book coming next year.
> a little bit of effort
> warlord

are you retarded?
>Which army?
Nationalist China.

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