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Wayne Reynolds edition


Previous thread: >>93967881

/pfg/ (pathfinder 1e) link repository: https://pastebin.com/RSt0rF0T
/p2g/ (pathfinder 2e) link repository: https://pastebin.com/1zySxwm3
/sfg/ (starfinder) link repository: https://pastebin.com/5yp9s2U3
/s2g/ (starfinder 2e) link repository: https://paizo.com/store/pathfinder/rulebooks/core
/3eg/ (D&D 3.X) link repository: https://pastebin.com/VMRsxB2m
/pacgg/ (pathfinder adventure card game) link repository:
The T̶r̶o̶v̶e̶ Vault (seed, please!): bit<dot>ly/2Y1w4Md

TQ: Do you like the sketch, regular, or special edition covers better? Digital players, are you using pdfs or just searching a website at this point?
Can a Hydra be an animal companion? I know ask the gm and all that but is there a precedent or would I be making extra work for the poor guy?
Website. I just find it more pleasing sometimes over a physical copy for PF. unsure why, i dont hate the books.

>1e Question
I'm making a 1Crossblooded Sorcerer/5Arcanist with Bloodline Development, and wondered if any particular bloodline combos are fun.
I was eying Elemental/Dragon because it just seemed neat.
sketch covers, even though I'm a digitalfag. reynalds' art looks like shit when he colors and renders but I love his sketches and linework. the designs just stop working when they get rendered
I prefer the website because paizo's book layouts are horrific. for anything that actually has a decent layout I prefer pdfs or just using physical. but paizo couldn't lay out a book in a user-friendly way to save their lives. they don't give a shit about it at all because of digital tools. "everyone's just going to run it in foundry or use AoN, so why bother with layout?" seems to have been an actual conclusion they came to. I can't stand it personally
>is there a precedent
Don't think so, no. Closest would be like a... Drake or something
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>PC1+2 and HOTW are out
>wildshape I mean untamed druid is still shit
it is still:
>virtually impossible to maintain your modifier > the form's modifier for the +2 for most of the game
>stuck with shitty pest form until level fucking 3
>still need soaring for dragon
>the extra HotW feats that give rend etc. just further limits your feat pool for a playstyle that is already practically full on feats
>new feat that trips/shoves nearby creatures on a reaction when you morph to a big size is nice, but it doesn't change the fact that if you aren't out in the open you basically can't transform because forms are locked to huge+ later on

Never cared for Paizo's art in any of their games but when it comes to rules databases Nethys for 2E is incredible. I preferred PFSRD for 1E but the 2E Nethys website is fantastically well done, my only real complaint is that they take forever to add newly-released content. Even then, I can't be too hard on them, considering it's a fan project.

I'm building a character who needs a third action? I can search for every feat that gives a single-action ability and doesn't include the attack trait. I need to know every spell with a spell attack roll for the purposes of Eldritch Shot? Every spell that includes a Strike and is on the Arcane spell list so that my investigator/wizard free archetype can deliver them with Devise a Stratagem? Every common-rarity animal companion that starts of size small and has a finesse attack? Super easy. if I was stuck looking through PDFs for character options I'm sure I'd miss out on half the stuff I can easily find on Nethys, it's just miles ahead.

I think both Paizo and WotC have come to the conclusion that rulebooks are collectors' items at this point. I don't think either of them even sell softcovers any more. If you like the game and want a physical artifact to put on your bookshelf or coffee table you can buy a hardcover, otherwise basically everybody is expected to be using digital tools. I agree it's sloppy, but if it were up to me I'd just ditch the books entirely and create an official wiki. The actual RPG rulebook format is clearly outdated at this point.
Druid wildshape, like Warpriest, is in an awkward position where most of the classes total power budget is allocated to full spellcasting.
If only there were class archetypes that bumped the spellcasting down to, like, something like magus/summoner tier, but gave full martial core proficiency progression.
I love Wayne Reynolds art, with the possible exception of the dumb triangle swords he's constantly drawing.
I think that's the intent of an upcoming cleric class archetype, I forget the name of it but it used the 1e warpriest iconic as an illustration of it.
Maybe. IMO the best way to handle that kind of thing for a warpriest would probably be closer to a whole extra class, given that it'd also benefit more from a different main ability than divine font, since divine font occupies a pretty significant chunk of power budget that I'd rather see in some kind of action-compression feature like spellstrike but for buffs.
if you start with +3 strength you should be able to use your modifier the whole way
note that now it's no longer "If your modifier is higher" and is now "you may use yours instead" which gives the +2 which is better than the form modifiers at all levels
It is one of those that you shouldn't play without free archetype though, as getting fighter dedication for reactive strike etc. is REALLY fucking good
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Not technically Paizo but has anyone tried the Final Fantasy d20 conversion for 1e? I'm really surprised by how fleshed out it is and the sheer amount of content for a fan project. I'm interested in running it for my group. Anyone ever played it? If so, what did you play?
No but I'll look it up in a few hours, can't be any worse than the FFXIV starter set felt
The arcana combo has synergy, of course, but thematically I feel like you're just doubling up on the elemental aspect. And the bloodline powers have a lot of overlap while managing to be complete ass. It's first at lv 15 you get something worthwhile, if you weren't a 9th level caster and can just get those movement types anyway.

Gives a more "everlasting dragon" type of vibe. And now you can always convert your blasting spells into healing. Slightly better bloodline power pool.

Arcanas are slightly worse, but the powers are way stronger. The theme here would be that you're possessed by something from the astral plane that aids you in casting spells, withstanding mental assaults, and noticing threats.
Has anyone mess around with simplifying monster actions from the DM side.

Aside from "boss" encounters involving enemies with actually unique shit I find needing to have 50% of mobs throw out their -5 attack "just because" to be obnoxious

I've actually debated just giving all creatures a power attack innate activity of 2 actions just to speed that shit up
I don't understand the problem with having monsters make multiple attacks.
It's too time consuming to make a basic strike?
the chance of a -1 vs party level enemy or weaker actually landing that second attack is sweet fuck all, so it just adds an extra attack roll for each monster for potentially 2-12 monsters per turn.

Again not an issue in fights vs big guy, or two strong mobs, but anything where you have 4-8 weaker monsters as filler I'd honestly just work out the average DPR of the swing and throw it onto their main attack on the turn
I spent a week in foundry modifying the stats to scale like an actual FF game, so level 1 you had like 180-240 hp and hit for 60-90 damage and at 20 you had several thousands and were doing shitloads

was pretty funny
>the chance of a -1 vs party level enemy or weaker actually landing that second attack is sweet fuck all
can you people stop saying retarded shit like this
like just stop trying to understand how this game works, you're not cut out for it
You're not supposed to hit the players with all your attacks.
You've missed something fundamental about being a gm.
Unlike the player most of these weaker creatures either lack the actual action that can be used for their remaining actions or their stats are so low its not worth doing them

like why the fuck even bother having a -2 level mob attempt to trip
That's fine.
Weak monsters are not master strategists and are not meant to utilize their actions effectively.
Having them swing wildly and inaccurately at the pcs is fine.
You're really not cut out for this.
~25% isn't fuck all.
That said, for level -4~ enemies I do find it's worth it to give them a special action to do a 2-action attack with a +2 to the swing just to cut down on dice.
I think your intentionally missing the point that I wanted to speed up gameplay from the DM side, so no having a bunch of creatures needing to resolve an extra attack action that has a 10-15% chance of actually hitting is very clearly obnoxious when I could just as easily sim out an extra 4 to 6 damage on their attack and make it 2 actions instead
There's no need. It's not a race. You're not cooking an egg.
The players aren't bored waiting for you to roll a d20, they actually ENJOY it when you miss them with an attack.
And if you are lucky and roll a 20 then you introduce a surprise into game for them to respond to.
This is one of the most undiagnosed anxiety self reports I've read in a while. Or hell, maybe you are diagnosed and need better help.
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I've always felt that before Wayne started doing the iconics, he looked at some Rob Liefeld comics, thought what he could do to go further, took a load of Plutonian nyborg and got to work.
I've been playing since the playtest material came out, I've identified it as a noticable slowdown point in the game, you still won't give me an actual good reason why attack + map attack is superior to amping a single attack for the purposes of resolving several creatures turns when their purpose is just to be padding or chaff for the xp budget.

This obviously does not include creatures with innate grapple, special rider actions after attacking, spellcasting mobs, creatures that abuse terrain ect ect ect whatever goalpost you want to move to
Honestly I actually really love the way that Wayne makes all the Player Characters utterly overloaded with trinkets, baubles, potions, scrolls, staves, wands and spare weapons.
No one was with my character when he died so as far as anyone in game knows he died heroically fighting off the hijackers on the ship rather than being the reason why they set off the bombs to kill the hostages which is hilarious.
I already use psuedo troop rules and basic reflex saves to resolve mass attacks against PCs. And I avoid mass encounters because they work better when abstracted.
You are continually missing my point. You have a warped sense of goals as a GM. Your objective isn't to speedrun encounters.
It is to present the players with a challenge and deliver impressions of the world, the characters, the creatures, and their objectives.
You are completely entitled and encouraged to 'waste time' narrating creatures and having them behave in ways that do not provide a modifier on a check or a resource.
The fact you use troop rules and reflex saves proves the point im making that the -5 map action is pointless to take on a monster that is of lower CR than the party.
Thank you for agreeing
No, that's an incredibly shitty strawman. You're just leaping to a conclusion no one made.
There is significant point in making checks as a GM that you aren't going to succeed in order to allow monsters to fail, because it is important for player perception of the game. Players derive a sense of satisfaction that is important to their experience when you fail an attack. Please acknowledge this. Do not continue to ignore it.
You should fail strikes as a GM. There is more to it than just batching the damage and saying here ya go.

To be specific and provide an example that I have used ONCE.
If there's a large number of archers out of range of the PCs launching arrows at them while there's a melee, I'll just split the encounter in two and very quickly write the archers as a complex hazard with no hit points, no checks to notice them, and no disarmament that deals n damage as a basic reflex save. Essentially making them the same as a troop and reducing the XP budget.
The PCs can then start a second encounter with the archers once the melee is over.
Or fling a fireball at the archers to reduce the troop size or something at which point I would have given them hit points and saves to determine it.
I do this specifically because spending half of an encounter narrating bow strikes that are not part of the melee boring. I do not abstract the melee at all.

This is an extreme example. It is not justification to batch the strikes of a knight in a melee, because the player perception of those strikes failing is important. A scenario where a number of knights is present such that it requires abstraction isn't possible due to blocking. And were there, I would again resort to troop rules or some other abstraction.

As my closing statement, it is important to fail your strikes against players. If you find yourself making tedious strikes due to volume, NOT due to failure, then abstract them. And ideally don't run such encounters because they suck.

What the fuck is CR?
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As an artist drawing people's D&D/pathfinder characters, I've found that looking through people's inventories and putting in all the little potions and scrolls and magic items is actually a really fun way to add a lot of flair and visual interest to a character design.
Here is my friend's Azarketi Vampire Magus I drew :)
They're just 1e characters; If detect magic doesn't make you light up like a Christmas tree, can you really even call yourself an adventurer?
>I don't think either of them even sell softcovers any more.
Paizo is still making the softcover digest sized rulebooks for 2E/remaster. They're all I buy for physical books.
Hellknights conceptually are really cool, and hellknight armour visually is usually pretty cool, but I always find the armour design and the concept just don't fit together at all.

Hellknight armour is almost always way too... flamboyantly menacing. It doesn't communicate "Stern but fair unwavering force of Law", it communicates baby-kicking, orphan burning blood-for-the-blood-god the-darkness-is-enveloping-my-soul capital e Evil.
Well, sometimes you have to kick the babies to enforce the law.
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How to tell the difference between guys in black, spiky armour: hellknights kick babies, antipaladins kick piggies.
I’m thinking of building a pyrokineticist soon, is there any lore reason why my flame aura and kinetic blasts couldn’t be a non-traditional/unnatural flame color?
Why is Guns and Gears the worst 2e book so far
It was rushed out following secrets of magic and was relatively early in the games life. They didn't have this stuff figured out until dark archive.
While normally I'm all for making player options feel better and be stronger in PF2e, I feel like most property runes that add damage shouldn't all stack because that devalues other property runes, and should be a "pick ONE to activate", but at the same time I already know that just makes Crushing rune fighter become even more "the best thing".
Which archetypes give scaling proficiency to a skill? I know fan dancer, acrobat, and inventor's 4th level feat give scaling proficiency to perform, acrobatics, and crafting specifically, but are there any others?
I feel the runes are pretty balanced against one another, its just that players over value damage and under value properties like shifting.
I recently made a comically low damage gmpc as a joke; a javelin outwit ranger, and the damage he contributes is actually passable.
Every gun chemist I have ever played with has been an annoying cunt. There's just something about that archetype that attracts the worse people
Fan Dancer for Performance
Acrobat for Acrobatics
Inventor (4th level feat) for Crafting
Trick Driver for Driving Lore
Twilight Speaker for Society
Might be a reasonable decision. It can be hard to justify something cool like spell-storing when you could just deal +1d6 electricity +1d6 fire +1d6 cold...
>damage property rune users when they find enemies that are resistant or immune to their element
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Forever DM here. I’ve never commissioned or created art for any character before, but I just recently started GMing an online only PF2e campaign for some friends. The campaign centers around a coven of hags that are trying to disrupt a region of a kingdom so that they may return the land to a more anarchic state that’s favorable to them. This involves quite a few moving plots, but one plot centers around the hags funding a bandit gang that is being led by the discarded hagspawn of the night hag. The hagspawn is the primary antagonist of the first arc and has been so much fun to write about and play as. I decided to have him commissioned by an artist I found on Reddit. I’m so excited I thought I’d share the rough sketch here. I don’t want to type too much, but if anyone is interested I’ll share more about the character / setting.
Im pretty sure it was mostly headed by the 2 noob designers at the time with one being Michael Sayre who has the most dogshit opinions about 2e's design that ive ever seen.
Currently no...
but as of HOTW, there are rules for Advanced Animal Companions, Large or bigger mons with special powers or longterm flight. You might be able to scramble together a good stat block for a Hydra companion out of something like the Giant Eel.

4 classes a year, rushed design, bad gun design, the APG technically doesn't exist anymore so it can't hold the crown of the worst.

This has been a long-running but undervalued complaint, the elemental property runes really do hurt the rune system thanks to being one of few things NOT accounted for in terms of damage scaling. At some point they really should just be Fundamental Runes as split options from standard Striking runes.
These are the guys who imitate Hell and tell Devils that they’re better than them as The Law and also are from a country that worships Asmodeus as the state religion.
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4x level 2 pcs and an equivalent NPC teaming up to go rescue another NPC from demonic/shadow influenced lizardfolk.

I'm trying to figure out how to stat up a bunch of lizardfolk such that they'll be an interesting fight. I really dislike "here's five of same mob, roll dice until they're gone" as a gm.

They're also supposed to be representatives of another faction and them getting away alive would be kind of nice.

Loosely thinking +10 / 1d6+4 javelins for range, +10 1d8+4 or 2d6+4 bite/claws melee, a nice pool of hitpoints so they can run for it if it looks like the PCs are doing well. Maybe some shadowstepping/shadow related empowerment among the lizzies, particularly if the PCs wait until night.
Maybe one caster with some ranged poking and/or a group buff.

Supposed to be relatively primitive in terms of clothing/armor/equipment; mostly leaning on being fast and scaled for defense.

I never know what an NPC should do with their third actions.

Any suggesting for calibrating or otherwise statting up interesting opposition?
pic related, might be holed up on a little island near the shore.
>the most dogshit opinions about 2e's design that ive ever seen.
Such as?
PF1. Call y'all settle an argument for me? I'd like an explanation for why whoever is right is, so I can present it as that, and not just "so and so is a retard, it doesn't work like that."

So clerics get spell slots by praying. A player in my game wanted to do a bit of roleplay because we hadn't used any spell slots that day, and as we settled in for the night he wanted to seek out a hospital or something and burn spell slots on healing people. But as he describes it, he says in the morning he goes and heals them, then prays for his spells that day after to regain his slots. I asked why not do it the night before, he says because what if there's an ambush in the night or something, and I said that's a fair concern but you'd be casting twice as many spells that day than you have. Then the argument started.

He argues that as written, it says clerics can pray once per day, and that regains spell slots, and that's the only feature that limits spells in a day. Clerics are limited to one of these prayers per day. He claims if you cast no spells all day, the next day you could cast all your spells, pray at lunch time to regain spells, and then have all your spell slots again to finish the day with.
I argue that the table is called "spells per day" and the numbers in that table govern your spells per day, regardless of when you pray. If you have 7 spell slots, and spend 4, you could feasibly start the next day with 3, but then your prayer that day would only regain 4 slots, and not an additional 7 for a total of 10 that day. Because you only get 7 spells per day, according to the table. (Random numbers, but you get the point).

I couldn't come to a resolution here. I cut out a lot of the pedantic arguments because I feel like these are the core of each point. If someone has a very specific and well reasoned explanation for who is right, so I could present it next session, I'd appreciate that.
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Also it says I can customize the appearance of my kinetic blast. Does that mean I’m theoretically allowed to flavor my kinetic blast as looking like playing cards made out of fire? Can the fire be purple? Will describing it this way at a PFS game make the GM butthurt or is it fine
You should just check out Card Caster
Tables always lose, arguing from it makes you specifically a retard who has never read a book.
Despite that you are a subhuman and should kill yourself, he is still wrong
>Recent Casting Limit: As with arcane spells, at the time of preparation any spells cast within the previous 8 hours count against the number of spells that can be prepared.
PHB pg 220
Relevant text from two pages for arcane spells back to be fully clear:
>When he prepares spells for the coming day, all the spells he has cast within the last 8 hours count against his daily limit.
>Relevant text from two pages for arcane spells back
Relevant text from two pages back (for arcane spells)
Going by this, "spells per day" is really just "spells per 8 hours"?
He said that the shadow signet (a level 10 item btw) was a tutorial item and spell attacks are intentionally bad to teach players to not brainlessly spam them. He has also has massive copium session on twitter on the remasted wizard defending why its so shit.
Why not read the book and find out?
Why even bother posting, honestly. If this is all you have to offer. Yeah thanks I have read it, and I understand that spells per day is a hard limit that you can't rules lawyer your way around. If you're not going to actual present an argument then that's what I'm sticking with until proven otherwise.
You should try reading the book instead of being retarded
I really do feel sorry for your players
You contrinbute nothing and will be forgotten, thanks for nothing.
Okay retard
For someone who insists on telling others to read, you sure cant.
>I'd like an explanation for why whoever is right is, so I can present it as that, and not just "so and so is a retard, it doesn't work like that."
And now by pointing that out I've helped you more than you've helped me, for the record.
My mistake I should’ve specified I’m talking 2e, plus my character is just inspired by Gambit, not actually an attempted full-blown clone of him
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So my DM who normally runs D&D 5e for us wants us to try out Pathfinder 2e next Sunday and is planning on doing the starter pack stuff after we build characters and go over the rules on that day. What should I know going in and what sorta character would you recommend for someone new to it? I was thinking of messing around with a magus kinda idea my DM played around with before as a player where you store a spell in a weapon mixed with a sorta rogue or some kind of necromancer.
>starter pack
>new player
Fighter, Barbarian, or Rogue will be the smoothest ride
I don't know what your idea of Necromancer is, but Summoner is the only good "Necromancer" and you only control one minion. Laughing Shadow Magus sounds like exactly what you want since it's a Magus + Rogue. That said, it's tricky to build and pilot. If you don't mind, go for it, otherwise I'd do what >>94030818 said until you get the hang of the game and ask your gm to let your character change classes later or just make a new character completely.
Where can I find the Rage of Elements PDF for purchase, am I stupid? I looked on Paizo’s site and couldn’t get it to work but I was also on my phone which may have been the problem. I need a legitimate copy of it for organized play, otherwise I’d just pirate it or use AoN
The PDF Buy button would be under the Hardcover Buy Button, under the image.
Your character isn't as important as getting the rules down.
I would suggest one of the pregen iconics from the module; the rogue probably.
If you really want to build a character then just walk through it using only options from player core 1 + 2.
Yeah it wasn’t working on my phone earlier but I’ll check on my desktop in a few, thanks
I like it, it gets flying early, but makes me not like dragon haha.
The lifesense shit is kinda bonkers but *everything* else about it including the flavor is just
Astral is cool though
Wait you have to prove you own the digital editions?
PFS is organized play so they have to check if you have legally bought all relevant materials and not just pirated them.
that's kind of fucking insane
>doing the starter pack stuff
Classic rats-in-a-basement level 1 shenanigans. If you mean 'beginner box', it's a little dungeon that probably won't go past level 1. Playing a necromancer might be either a little disappointing or a little involved to make work in a satisfyingly necromancery way, particularly at level 1, unless every other party member picks dhampir and you play a Harm cleric. It's definitely a build you can do, in a few different ways, but not something I would recommend to a new player (or a level 1 character).

Similarly, Magus is not something I'd recommend to a new player - it's a bit more jank and a bit more complicated than a regular martial. It also came out in a book that hasn't been remastered yet so you might run in to some jank that way.

Classes I recommend to a new player; Barbarian, Rogue, Champion, Fighter, (healing/good) Cleric, Ranger, Monk, Wizard, Sorcerer, witch
Classes I do not recommend to a new player;
Alchemist, Investigator, Magus, Summoner, Harm/Evil Cleric, gunslinger, thaumaturge, kineticist
Can we get a cleaner to watermark anons pdf
Question in regards to the Astral rune, it says "If used to attack a creature that's possessing another creature, this weapon deals no damage to the possessed creature." Would that mean the damage bleeds to the possessing creature or would it just do no damage whatsoever? I feel like the damage should bleed through but knowing Paizo, they might think a crit hit that has a static number to expel the creature is good enough even if it's only for 1d4 rounds.
Playing Abomination Vaults right now, we just hit level 4, our Ranger says he wants to retire his current character and make a new ranger with the same stuff because he feels like his Dwarf is just too slow and he’s not fond of the character in RP too? But what he says is the replacement he’s thinking of sounds too similar to everyone else at the table. I and the GM are gonna sit down with him later and see if convincing him to play another class or maybe something with some ranged striking might be better since at the moment we’re a 5 man party and that might also feature into his frustration with everyone getting too clustered in melee, maybe? I’m genuinely confused honestly. Our party is currently a Cloistered Cleric of Sarenrae, a Barbarian, a Flurry Ranger, a Champion of Ragathiel, and a Monk. I’m just not sure what exactly might fit him better because this guy just refuses to read the rules but we all love him since he’s been our bud for years but me and the GM are just flat out confused here. Does anyone have any suggestions to bring up to him that might help the guy?
Have him make a ranged Fighter. With him complaining about Dwarf speed, he seems like the kind of guy whose brain won't leave him alone if he sees one of his numbers is low. He'll enjoy the permanent +2.
Best thing to do is to read the possession trait to understand how it works under normal conditions, then the intended effects of the astral rune become more apparent.
Normally damaging a creature possessed by another deals half the value as mental damage to the possessor. The astral rune instead makes your weapon deal no damage to the possessed. Then you would still deal half the value as mental and the full value of any spirit damage to the possessor.
1 week downtime to retrain third level general feat to fleet fixes it.
You can make a case for lowering that to 5 days if the otari garrison is available.
But yeah beyond that melee is going to be difficult due to blocking.
If he's just not gonna read the rules then have him swap from melee flurry to ranged with precision and allow him to alter his ability modifiers to suit it. Crossbow would be on theme for a dwarf and the actions and feats are simplistic.
Every suggestion I have would require some rules reading, so it's tough to say anything other than a ranged fighter. I would suggest a kineticist, probably fire or wood. He can still wade into melee if he wants, but he'll have ranged options. It's pretty simple and effective if you just focus on elemental blasts with weapon infusion, but has options to focus some saves. Fire damage is also nice to get around some resistances. Wood is also really good for AV because you have vitality as a damage option along with free armor, shields, and shield block.
Ranged Fighter honestly seems like the best decision maybe, but I think he might hate the thought of being a ranged dude since he’s very much a guy whose stuck in his ways at playing an idea even if it might not be optimal, which is based but this is a guy who refuses to read rules because of really heavy ADHD so he doesn’t quite have his builds or actions memorized well no matter the game we play.
He actually did take Fleet as his general feat is the thing and still feels like he’s too slow! So my assumption here is that the real issue is both the action economy of (Hunt Prey -> Stride -> Twin Takedown) or (Hunt Prey -> Twin Takedown -> Attack) just seems to be a bit rough on the guy, especially when he has to drop or stow a weapon when he needs to use an item since he’s a dual wield Flurry Ranger at the moment and he really loves the idea of dual wielding but it just doesn’t seem to be quite working out for him, but also considering we have a Monk and a Human Paladin also with Fleet and a Barbarian, the only person he’s faster than is me, the Cloistered Cleric.

I’ve heard from a good deal of folks that Precision reliant characters are not gonna have fun in AV so at a quick glance I’ll see if maybe he’ll like the idea of a switch hitting Fighter with a Composite Long/Shortbow and Point Blank Stance with a finesse melee weapon maybe? I’ll have to check out Kineticist from >>94033983 your suggestion, anon, though I know this guy is a funky never magic always muscle dude but we’ll see what ideas we can pull together and maybe he’ll like ‘em.
Yeah fair.
If you're willing to shell out for it, there's a class in battlezoo eldamon called elemental avatar that is actually pretty good at being a very simplistic elemental blaster.
I think it has foundry automation at this point as well.
Kineticist is a little bit tricky with things like overflow, sustain, and riders on blasts and the aura.
The precision immunity in AV is mostly on early floors.
You can also just waive it per rule 1 because lets be honest it isn't very fun.
I’m not the GM so we’ll see about the precision thing, so far our group’s just been exploring about and stumbling into near death experiences! Just slew the Ghoul cult in the basement and a couple more mooks and then a couple tough guys that almost killed us all. Honestly I’ll see if the switch hitter Fighter might work out best for him because Point Blank stance seems really good now that I look at it, the composite shortbow has deadly d10 and propulsive, and this way he can see if rather than movement being what annoyed him it’s more how clustered everything’s gotten that might annoy him more, since this is both our first game with 5 players instead of our usual 4, and AV is really tight with a lot of areas it feels like which is why I’m thinking he might enjoy having a ranged option. Even with a +3 in a stat as a Fighter he’d still be hitting more than everyone else, too.
>Precision reliant characters are not gonna have fun in AV
There aren't *many* precision-immune enemies in AV (a handful, definitely, though most of them my group bypassed fighting), but there's one specific very important enemy on the front cover who's immune to precision which can put a damper on things.
When I realised that that enemy had precision immunity I just houseruled that they're not immune to precision if it's coming from a *ghost touch* weapon.... but your GM might not be so kind.

A dwarf ranger with fleet should have like 25 feet speed, I'd expect that to be, like, ...fine - right? How slow is he - does he wear heavy armour?
I find that at the lowest end of movement speed, a single +5 is really important (had an azarketi in heavy armour who refused to take fleet and was constantly complaining about 15 foot speed which was a real problem), but beyond 20-25 it's not as big of a deal. Are you sure he isn't one low-mid level magic item of +5 speed away from solving that?

As far as ranged goes, a composite-shortbow fighter with point-blank-shot will do pretty well. I remember them being pretty good at switch-hitting with the Archer archetype to pair their expert master weapon group with bows, though I heard the remaster may have borked that. Just watch out for lesser cover from your allies being in the way.
Alternatively, a precision ranger can do pretty well switch-hitting with thrown weapons, relying more on Quickdraw. It gives you some range, but not more than you typically need (abomination vaults is indeed underground), and it lets you add your entire strength bonus to the damage rather than just half (especially good when you have +4 dex +3 strength, since the strength on a composite bow is rounded down to 1).
Also, if you stick with ranger, you get your precision damage with all your weapons, rather than worrying about losing it when you don't use your favoured weapon group. Also means you have a hand free to either hold more thrown weapons spare or to use consumables or do manuevers or carry a shield.
He’s wearing Medium armor! So no movement speed penalty whatsoever for him, which is, again, why I think his movement issues in such close quarters are more from having a 5 man party where four of us are melee focused (would have been 5 if I stuck with my original war priest idea) and also having actual speedsters for the other half of the party does a number on him when he compares himself to them too I think. Quickdraw thrown weapons is a pretty neat idea, true! I’ll try to keep that in mind as another thought for him to think about.
My players will soon be encountering a weakened Avatar of a Goddess and I have been searching Google and AoN for stat blocks to use with not much luck. Most Google searches are inconclusive or sending me to D&D Reddit threads. AoN has one avatar block but it looks like a campaign final encounter. Any ideas or advice what I could use?
Yeah those typically would be final encounters of a 1-20 campaign.
If you wanna unfuck yourself here have the deity send a servitor in their place like a mid tier angel, protean, or fiend.
Thanks for the advice! I don’t think I quite have the right language here. My players are right at the cusp of level 5. I have the cultist stat blocks set with the Acolyte, Cultist, and Weak Cult Leader.

The idea is that this cult has found an extremely weakened fragment of an elder deity of rebirth and decay that they are empowering through sacrifice. I don’t want to TPK obviously, so I’ve just been searching for a good stat block!
Use some sort of outsider or elemental with the appropriate theme and traits.
There's a fun monster that heals the players to death called a gliminal that might be appropriate but a weak gliminal is level 8 and will probably kill everyone.
I would probably just be boring and use an elite jibbering mouther.
In my AV game relatively late the monk has picked up Fleet and Wallrun and the fleetless dwarf fighter with heavy armor doesn't have a ranged option he's willing to invest in, guess who has to open every fight?
Maybe, in order to give the shard physical form, they have to use a living humanoid host, so the creature would be like a person infused with it. Like they're forcibly made into a high level sorcerer.
AV when played straight out of the box is really hellish for heavy melee parties because of the 5 foot wide hallways and tiny rooms. If I was the DM I'd make the offer to let him freely retrain his ranger completely towards a bow oriented one
When I ran AV I did what I could to make our melee heavy party less cancer. It was a melee summoner, inexorable iron magus, and swashbuckler all crowding up melee so I ended up giving the magus a unique reach greatsword and gave the swashbuckler a free returning thrown flyssa
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Any fun 2e summoner builds using FA that aren't melee summoner? Considering playing one but I dunno what I want to do.
The tian xia books add anything cool? It'd prob be a kitsune summoner
>Fighter gets normal progression instead of the dreaded +2
>Instead they get the option to crit if they exceed AC by 8 instead of 10.
>Similarly, Class DCs crit fail at 8 under instead of 10 under.
What changes? Too weak? Semblance of balance?
Breaks all their press trait feats which hinge on the enhanced accuracy.
Buffing all the other martials is better.
Which they have done, champ and barb are sorta cracked right now.
Sounds awkward to run. And imo I don't really like them being so crit-centric - honestly I'd rather it be the opposite - getting a relative +2 to make it a hit and not a failure, but not to make it a crit instead of a hit.

What'd they do with barb and champ?
Baarb rage doesn't penalize ac, more damage, can rage as a free action, etc.
Champ there's too much to list in the 2000 character limit.
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I have a super corner-case question regarding attack rolls and the multiple attack penalty, and I cannot for the life of me find a clear answer. It has to do with the Reactive Interference rogue feat (pic). Here's the scenario.

>You're a rogue with the Reactive Interference feat.
>Somehow (such as by using a mature animal companion's action to Stride next to an opponent, to which they respond by using Reactive Strike), Reactive Interference is triggered on your turn.
>Does Reactive Interference 1) suffer from the MAP and 2) contribute to the MAP?

Relevant info:
Player Core p.402, definition of the multiple attack penalty:
>Every check that has the attack trait counts toward your multiple attack penalty, including Strikes, spell attack rolls, certain skill actions like Shove, and many others.

Paizo's FAQ for the CRB definitions of "attacks" and "attack rolls":
>An attack is any check that has the attack trait. It applies and increases the multiple attack penalty.
>An attack roll is one of the core types of checks in the game (along with saving throws, skill checks, and Perception checks). They are used for Strikes and spell attacks, and traditionally target Armor Class.

Reactive Interference does call for an attack roll (which is not listed in the entry for things that contribute to the MAP), but does not have the attack trait, nor does it call for any subordinate actions that have the attack trait. Attack rolls are repeatedly defined as being "used for" things that have the attack trait, like Strikes and spell attacks, but in the case of Reactive Interference, it is not.

So what the hell is an attack roll, and does it contribute to the MAP intrinsically, or is it just ~usually~ part of actions that actually have the attack trait?
Attacks on your turn are always subject to map unless they explicitly state otherwise.
This feat would count as an attack and the activity would gain the attack trait if used on a creature of a level higher than yours.
An attack roll is a check using your attack modifier, you can use any of the attack modifiers you have for weapons or unarmed strikes, as hinted at in the rule element for reactive interference. You're even rolling against AC.
I would say no since the feat itself doesn't have the attack trait and you're not making a Strike.

>what roll
I would just have the player make a normal Strike roll with whatever they had on hand they were most proficient in. Say you have a knife or whatever, you're trying to parry/distract the other guy into peeling off. So Dex + proff mod.
If it's on your own turn, yes. It would function like Barbarian's Cleave or Vampire's free Grapple check with Predatory Claws, just because you are using a Reaction, it doesn't mean your MAP has cleared. If you would do it off your turn, it wouldn't add it.

An attack roll by default has the Attack trait. This is why Reactive Strike doesn't need the tag AND specifically clarifies MAP cannot affect it or add to it.

Wandering Chef can now give you daily food items to stuff your Eidolon with like Lv5 Cooperative Waffles.
Ostilli Host can give a bonus magic attack that scales pretty well.
Kineticist MC can grant you some good effects
Not really a fan of this change for a variety of reasons.
>8 is a tougher number to track in your head than 10.
>It just makes any buff on them/debuff on the enemy even more potent, negating the point of dropping them back to Master Weapons.
>You have to replace all the Weapon Legend features anyway.
>You are making their spike damage more consistent, this is why Keen runes are a 13th-Level Property Rune. Crit-fishing replacing consistent damage is already a tough thing to balance about and make fun, giving them the power to effectively have both just makes them way too dangerous.

TL;DR: you didn't really solve any problem with Fighters, if anything you exasperated the traits people don't like about them. Buff-hogging, crit-fishing, lack of active features. You did not cook today...
>Just discovered exploiter wizard exists
>I've already completely built my arcanist and told my GM all about them
Suffering, nobody told me about this. We already have a wizard in our party but exploits are great.
Oh, I didn't realize that he wanted to play a melee class.

What about Swashbuckler? Tumble Through is a standard part of the class's gameplan, they get increased speed from Panache, and the new throwing feats let them switch hit nicely. They should generally be able to either get to the other side of the enemy even while blocked, or just use a thrown weapon if that fails.

Alternatively / additionally, they could play a Sprite or Tiny Awakened Animal so they can share another unit's space. They might like the idea of playing Jiminy Cricket's more lethal cousin.
NTA, Swash with the PC2 buffs is a good choice for a beginner/intermediate player now. If they have some level of tactics and creativity at this point in the campaign, they can get a lot out of the boons out of them.
Of course, they are even more stonewalled by Precision Immunity, so if that was a big reason why they were tired of Ranger, that's not the best choice.

>Sprite or Tiny Awakened Animal so they can share another unit's space
If they were already complaining about speed, being Tiny will not help that...
>being Tiny won't help
Will it not? Sprite has 20ft speed but Awakened Animal looks like it can get 30ft speed from its heritage. Is there something else I'm missing? Reach is an issue, I guess, but 30ft should feel the same as 25.
It's worse in practice on a tiny character because you have to be in an enemy's space, not simply adjacent in order to attack with non-reach melee weapons.

So it feels like a 15ft move speed when you know a 20ft speed dwarf might have been able to run up to an enemy and smack them but as a sprite you're left having to stride again.
It's the Reach, yes. While I did forgot AA could get 30ft speed naturally, you still risk getting AoO'd having to enter their space to attack, they never have to spend an action to reach you (though you get cover from other foes targeting that foe's space to get you), and any Reach weapon just puts you back to normal. It's not a fair trade-off for essentially +1 AC against some attacks.

You might as well go the opposite way and be a Large creature to get you more reach and threatened spaces ontop of your high speed.
I actually like this because it fixes one of my big problems with Fighter which is the fact that it's way too good to always trip with your first action then attack with your second at a net -1 compared to everyone else if the trip succeeds. It does fuck with a lot of other builds and features, but I think it's worth experimenting with. Maybe Str fighters get this, while Dex gets the normal +2.
Thanks for weighing in Anons!
Update! After sitting down and talking with him and going over his options and ideas, he has decided he liked the idea of the class I had no clue he would pick. ORACLE of all things! I don’t know much about Oracle but I do know that it would definitely alleviate his issues with the really clustered melees of the game and he has literally, and I mean quite literally, never played a spellcaster of any sort in any game we’ve played in the past five years of TTRPGs our group has played together. So I’m going to sit down with him more later and try to get him up to speed on how to make an Oracle and how spells and the like work and hopefully we’ll make something he can enjoy.
Did not saw that coming.
Make sure he is reading the Remastered/Player Core 2 version of the class and not the one currently on AoN. It is heavily different on how it plays.
Oracle isn't really beginner-friendly (would recommend Sorcerer for a first-time spellcaster) but it definitely unique and have some kick if you know your goals. And don't get tricked into player Battle Oracle, that's currently pretty scuffed.
Yeah, he said he really liked either the idea of something that can dual wield really good, or something with dark magic and a curse with the ability to heal people and that stuck out to me as just literally Oracle. Literally none of us saw that coming. I do know that the new battle oracle is a very bad class, but the rest are alright? I’m not super sure on things but we’ll see about what we can do with him and the options available.
Note that Occult Magic tends to be more Dark Magic, Oracles are more Divine.
And yeah, Battle and Lore are the two options that are the most scuffed. Everything else is decent-to-good, including Life Oracle (albeit nerfed from the premaster self pretty harshly).
Yeah but I think Witch and Bard are the only ones with the Occult spell list, right? Or does Sorcerer also have that too, yeah?
The casters that can get Occult are
>Witch (Pick-A-List)
>Summoner (Pick-A-List)
>Sorcerer (Pick-A-List)
Bard and Psychic are always occult. Witch and Sorcerer can have occult (or any spell list at all!) depending on the bloodline/patron (such as the Shadow bloodline or the Resentment patron)
Ah, I see. Neat! I know going by the idea he mentioned that Oracle definitely fit the most but should I see if he’d like Witch or Sorcerer more too?
Both would be easier to pilot than Oracle for a beginner (Witch is a prepared caster and a pet class, though, so mind that) and the Occult list does have the Soothe spell for healing. They do lack the cursed nature though, so unless you want to give him access to the Curse Maelstrom class, Oracle will be the only one that really has what he wants (and you can always Multiclass to Bard or Psychic MC for occult magic). Explore your options, you might find ways to fit your concepts.
Bones oracle might be a good pick over Life. You lose out ever so slightly on healing, but it also plays into the dark magic theme with the necromancy stuff.
That said, the divine spell list has plenty of Dark spells (for evil dark clerics of evil dark gods!) and importantly has the Heal spell if you're looking to heal people. The occult list gets a serviceable healing spell called Sooth, which is okay, but not nearly as powerful for healing as the divine Heal.
But instead you get some other really good spells, like Invisibilty and Haste, and a lot of the same buffs and cures.
I’ll keep these in mind, anons! We’ll be talking with him on Wednesday to go more in depth with everything and I’ll mention the differences in everything. I’d 100% consider him a beginner in anything he chooses because, again, this is a very ADHD heavy guy who has a very hard time sitting down and reading rulebooks.
Kineticist dedication is kinda fucked you don't really get ANYTHING good from it
That's cool. I've seen AV cleared by a premaster life oracle with the wellspring mage class archetype. It's stronger after remaster since you can choose to gain void healing and be immune to void damage, which can make some of the nastier fights trivial.
A good chunk of enemies dealing exclusively Negative/Void damage gets real janky when you have urdefans in your party. The worst is with blood lords - a campaign about undead fighting rival undead, where you're constantly fighting ghosts that cannot harm you, and you're constantly getting ways to deal negative/void damage against enemies you cannot harm.

It's annoying how... Symmetrical the game tries to treat Living/Undead and Good/Evil abilities, when these things don't function symetrically at all when you're playing. Take Chilling Darkness vs Searing Light - the latter deals extra damage against undead and fiends - great, that's like 40% of the average campaign's bad guys. The former deals extra damage against... Celestials. Which most players have literally never fought even once in any campaign. Good rarely fights good, but Evil is constantly fighting evil all the time anyway. If anything, evil probably fights evil more than it fights good!

I understand (if disagree with) the concept behind good=healing and protecting allies - evil=hurting enemies and protecting yourself, but the way it shakes out is that they're just way worse options - it feels like the evil champion reactions were specifically designed to be significantly worse just to discourage anyone from ever actually playing them, because everyone has a bad story about an Evil Paladin and it constantly gives them angry posts in forums.
Come to think of it
How might one houserule/homebrew the evil champion reactions so as to make them as roughly as good as the good ones? (Or, y'know, the remaster equivalents)
They seem to be designed in such a way as to discourage PCs from playing evil champions and encourage them to play good ones instead, by just making them mechanically a lot weaker.
Well the causes are decoupled from holy/unholy to some extent in remaster. You can play a justice (paladin) of asmodeus or an obedience (tyrant) of iomedae.
>(Or, y'know, the remaster equivalents)
I'm asking how you would redesign Destructive Vengeance/Iron Command/Selfish Shield
All the champ bonus damage being converted to spirit does go a long way to fixing it.
I think it you want to be able to play a sort of pseudo striker champion then destructive vengeance and selfish shield can be acceptable choices.
Expand aura and exalt can be very amusing with iron command.
Iron Command and Selfish Shield are actually pretty fine. They are counterintuitive for Champion itself because they want to protect their allies, not themselves, but the actual abilities, especially on the multiclass, are pretty good in a vacuum.
It's Destructive Vengeance that's really bad because extra damage to hurt them is...stupid. If they want to keep the self-damage, it should be a reaction on YOUR attack, not the enemy's. Else, it should be something like Cry of Destruction, is more effective on foes that are already hurt.
Okay this is probably my last question pertaining to this specific character concept, for PF 2e.

Would I be a dickhead to bring a (Pyro)Kineticist to PFS and use a staff as my weapon instead of something like a dagger? Why or why not? I feel like it’s fine because I should theoretically always have access to my Kinetic Blast and I can take Weapon Infusion at first level, so I usually won’t have to worry about being able to do slashing/piercing/ranged damage, and I can use the staff either one-handed or two-handed depending on the situation if I’m not able to use my Kinetic Blast for whatever reason, but I would be kinda fucked in terms of ranged damage I guess. Am I overthinking this? I just don’t want to show up to a Society table and be the anchor of the party because I thought a build would be fun but it turned out to be a hindrance to the group.
I know the rules are going to be changing/updating soon but is a shooty heavy Khorne marine list a stupid idea I want to run a fluffy The Harvest list
you dont ever need any weapon as a kineticist
Wait wrong tab I meant to post this in the Kill Team thread
Off the top of my head you should be fine, especially if you’re going in as a Strength Kineticist but what >>94043983 said, you only ever need your kineticist stuff, especially since you can have more than one damage type apply to it.
I would grab a shield instead of a weapon. Even without shield block, you can raise it as a decent third action. The staff is a good extra option to have, but I would keep it stowed.
Thanks for the input fellas, much appreciated
When is the next wave of errata? November?
The most likely date would be when War of Immortals drops, but November would be the latest they can go while still fitting the Fall season.
unless they go "Fuck you, December 21st".
if you're a fire kineticist the only time you'd ever not have access to your blasts/impulses is underwater which is so rare I think the only 2e AP I can remember having an underwater segment was blood lords?
even then, you are likely going to expand gate into a second element for an impulse or two anyway
2e question, when you're polymorphed into another form like through untamed form or the various form spells, does wearing handwraps of mighty blows apply to your unarmed strikes in these forms? I know the striking probably doesnt work because the dice auto-increase but do you get the potency and property bonuses?
No, no item bonuses apply.
>If you take on a battle form with a polymorph spell, the special statistics can be adjusted only by circumstance bonuses, status bonuses, and penalties.

Quick addendum: the property runes would still work, flaming and stuff will still be active. Go nuts on that.
Does anyone have a source for the Taxine poison in 3.5? Supposedly it has some sort of ramping dc/con damage? The only source I can find are links to the long dead wizards forum
Anybody else feel like the netherworld is thematically lame counterpart to the first world ? They're supposed to be kinda mirrored aspects of creation, but one is an impossible world of boundless vitality and creation, while the other as people with pale skin and you can't see shit.
Similarly, the void doesnt go quite as hard as the forge of creation. Most living things get obliterated by entering into contact with the later, while undeads kinda chill in the former no problem. It feels like the void should be where the netherworld is, and there should be a deeper darker void beneath.
Did anyone ever manage to draft a decent approximation of how many powerful NPCs of what level should a settlement of any given size have ? Not shooting for realism of any kind but at least some amount of verissimilitude.
Can I play a Bleachling in 2E yet?
Kinetic Gate
>Your kinetic elements function even in environments where they normally wouldn't. For example, you could use fire actions underwater even though that's normally not possible, and you could create air in a vacuum.
Nah but you can intuit it from printed settlements.
You typically have one leader of roughly the settlements level for each faction. Then successively lower level subordinates.
Figureheads like democratic officials can be low level; meritocratic positions like the captain of the town guard of a level 6 settlement should be roughly level 6.
>Does anyone have a source for the Taxine poison in 3.5?
It's from a web article
I stand corrected
yeah you'd be fine no matter what
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You the man
Stupid question but does my first-level ancestry feat count as gaining an ancestry feat for the purposes of choosing an elf ancestry feat with the aiuvarin heritage? I want to take Nimble Elf and I'm not sure if I'm allowed to do that at character creation
Yes? Your question is worded a bit weirdly, but just to make it clear, you aren't getting an EXTRA feat being an Aiuvarin. It means you get another list of ancestry feats ontop of your base ancestry selection.
So yes, you can buy Nimble Elf at Level 1. That will be your Level 1 Ancestry Feat.
I understand that it's just the one ancestry feat at first level, that was never in question, I was simply trying to discern what the RAW text meant, since the Aiuvarin heritage text says I can choose Aiuvarin and Elf ancestry feats any time I "gain an ancestry feat" and I wasn't sure if selecting the one I start with at first level counts as gaining one or not since the character creation text does not say "you gain an ancestry feat". But anyway you answered my question, so thanks
Little village? Biggest, baddest guy is level 5.
Moderate town? Biggest, baddest guy is level 10
City? Biggest badest guy is level 15
Supermajor city - Egorian or Absalom or Goka? 20, a few 20+'s in there.
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I'll ask here because this general is cooler than the 5e one, and i don't want to make a new thread.
Would stream of consciousness style writing be good to quickly prepare sessions or get ideas for them? I have a full time job now, so my time to prepare pf2e sessions has gone to zero.
Or any other tips for quick story creation and ideas?
Probably not for 2e. It is a combat game first and foremost, and while you definitely "can" just throw correct level enemies at PCs, to actually make the combat fun it requires thought to put into it.
Out of combat it is kinda whatever, I guess in the end it does not really matter what you put between the combat encounters, so you could get away with a lot of less well thought stuff. Paizo definitely does.
2e tards dont even know the difference between the Bleaching and a Bleachling, its not getting ported until a fey book comes out I guess
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>He argues that as written, it says clerics can pray once per day, and that regains spell slots, and that's the only feature that limits spells in a day. Clerics are limited to one of these prayers per day. He claims if you cast no spells all day, the next day you could cast all your spells, pray at lunch time to regain spells, and then have all your spell slots again to finish the day with.
in 3.5 he's right. clerics and druids pick a specific time of day to pray and re-gain their spells.
Another important benefit of this is that they don't need to sleep to get their spells back. In APs with a time crunch this can matter a lot, I.E during the trial in Carrion Crown you're on a super tight clock with travel times so marching through the night and still getting your spells back saves a lot of time

tl;dr he's right and you're wrong and gay. he's not even violating the "spells per day" thing you're trying to be autistic about, think of it as a 24 hour countdown from when you pray to when you can next pray for spells. He blew all his spells 30 minutes before the timer rolled over then prayed and got them again. Cleric spells work like gacha game daily resets.
PF1e (sort of 2e too)
Is there any conversion archive for 2e monsters not existing in 1e? I am particularly interested in Elementals and Outsiders but anything goes.
Not that I know. 1e players seem to try to avoid 2e content best they can, so while possible I think such achieve is kinda unlikely.
I don't like the implementation but I appreciate a lot of ideas for the monsters.
I named the Elementals above because I asked elsewhere diverse elementals and while I found something in older editions etc I like how PF2e has an elemental for the shape of a cloud or the music of the wind. Or has a storm or tsunami.
I presume I will have to use monster building guidelines and import what is there.
Oh well.
Is there any guide or even a flowchart on how to use Planar Binding?
I want to capture an efreeti or succubus and convince/force them to give me a Wish or Kiss to improve my Charisma.
I asked my DM about it and he agreed to do it, but warned me he'd actively try to force me to do it right, with the ritual, the rolls and the bribe.
I can't find anything about it in my first searches, what the Hell am I supposed to bribe a succubus with to get the Kiss bonus?
You could offer a soul by summoning a cacodaemon and using it's soul lock ability on some dead dude/monster
To the succubus or the efreeti?
Could somebody take a lore skill like Shield Repairing Lore in place of crafting in order to use it to repair shields?
Depends on your GM and how liberal you are with Lores.
That specific example, though, have a problem where...just take Crafting? Same stat and has more to it.
See, I would, but that would require boosting crafting, on a class that has no other use for crafting, instead of taking Additional Lore, which automatically levels.
Again, it will be dependent on how open your GM is your obvious bullshittery, maybe you can get away with Engineering Lore or Carpentry Lore. By default, Repairing will be Crafting but it IS the same stat.
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>mfw I was just ambushed with the reveal that the Land of the Linnorm Kings is now ruled almost entirely by women
Does Paizo realize that basically every country in their setting is ruled by women, now? Hell, let's take a step back and look at *everything.* Even the Gods are mostly women, with James Jacobs famously declaring that Desna/Sarenrae/Shelyn have a lesbian threesome situation going on.
Man, that would really suck if anyone actually gave a fuck about Pathfinder's lore post-2e. Seriously, who here has actually ran something faithfully in 2e, and bothered to give greentexts? It practically doesn't exist. Conversation here exists solely to bitch about that aforementioned lore, and whine about design philosophy. Nobody plays games here, nobody runs shit. Because the APs are ass and the world's gay as fuck. The only time you saw people even seem to rouse from this malaise is with, what, the Not!Asia? Surprise surprise, Animeland got even an iota of interest.

You walked into a pride parade and got surprised that there's a bunch of white women smiling at gay men making out. You did this to yourself.
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I think I’d like to play as a she/they enby, not because I’m a libshit or a tranny or anything like that, but because I want to play a hot girl and not have to give a shit about gay ass pronoun identity politics nonsense, and nobody at the table can say shit about it as long as I’m not being a “that guy” creep
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No. Repair requires that you roll a crafting check.
I always liked the guy who walked in half-dead with a frozen rotten linnorm head. They still made him king, because that's the law, but you got the sense that he wouldn't be king for very long.
I assume the girlbosses all defeated their linnorms fairly and honorably via elbow drops and atomic piledrivers.
I'd allow it. Just remember it will only allow you to repair shields and know things about repairing shields
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flurry ranger or thief rogue for a red mantis assassin? (FA)
I'm pondering running that-one-red-mantis-oneshot into that-one-red-mantis-adventure, but I'm not convinced that it really gives the real stealth-assassin experience, being restrained to pf2e-balance. I'm considering beefing up some of the encounters, but also putting in some extra rules, like... 1) Everyone gets an extra 2d6 sneak attack damage. If you are a rogue this is added on and/or 2) If an enemy is Unaware of any enemies, they're not just off-guard, but -super- off-guard, giving them a -4 or something to AC instead of a -2
it does actually, you are encouraged to stealthily scout areas so you know the best way to approach them. If your party goes gung-ho they will likely die
You should of realised that Golarion is filled with James Jacob's magical realm shit and shouldn't be taken seriously as a setting. The fact that Paizo tried to foist the setting into the game mechanics is one of the glaring downsides of 2e.
People only cared about the Not!Asia? because of meta culture war bullshit and not the actual content of the books themselves. People wanted Ninja & Samurai options like they have made for other famous cultural fighting styles and were called racists for some ill defined reason.
no, she talked to it and have "partnership" going on and still crowned her because no one had cojones to fight her new pet
White women are never beating those dog fucker allegations.
>she talked to it and have "partnership" going on and still crowned her because no one had cojones to fight her new pet
Jesus fuck. And knowing paizo everyone will be happy forever now, when in a better setting the cunt and her pet should become stepping stones for the rise of the real Linnorm King
slayer rogue or inqusitor ranger, but you have to wait for WoI (drops in 2-3 weeks)
lol, I know right?
>building your power base on a linnorm
>in a linnormsnuffocracy
>They still made him king, because that's the law, but you got the sense that he wouldn't be king for very long
He died, apparently. Opir Eight-fingers was found dead in a ditch, and nobody cared. Literally! They found him dead, went "eh" and let somebody else become the King of Southmoor. Apparently, the new guy (yes, it's a man) is hyped up as some big-dicked giga-chad and legendary adventurer, which reeks of either pandering or somebody's OC. After all, why not just make it another woman?

White Estrid is ancient lore, and was fun and fresh back when the setting still had some edge. One Linnorm King cheated, one barely made it and another bodyslammed their Linnorm into submission. The idea that one of the Linnorm Kings then "beat" their Linnorm through trickery and politicking is less "girlbossing" and more "diversity of laurels." The only reason White Estrid feels lame now is because every new ruler in Golarion seems to be a woman. New Thassilon? Ruled by two women. Cheliax? Ruled by a woman. Andoran? Ruled by a woman. Kyonin? Woman. Galt? Woman. Irrisen? Woman. Taldor? Woman.

You could say Isger and Nidal and Molthune are still ruled by men, but there's a clear pattern that any kingdom which actually *matters* in the lore, and gets regular love from the writers, is dominated by women. All of the gods that matter are women. Every time we get an important NPC, it's a woman. The only time we get "nuanced" characters is when it's some legacy man in a position of power getting criticized for their authority, like Aroden back in the day and Gorum now. I'm exhausted on it.
even fucking dragon emperor is under scrutiny by peasant mobs that are planning an assassination because he's not a socialist playing the short game
Didn't James Jacob, love that we call him by his full name like the demon he is, also say that cannibalism wasn't an inherently evil act?
Also isn't slavery, and by extension hobgoblins, duergar and the trox retconned out?
What about Numeria?
What about them? Kevoth-Kul is a loser nobody wants to listen to, and the land has descended into a sharp arms race where chieftains try to get the biggest, scariest technology. Most of the “Broken Lands” have retained their male leaders because they are, as the name suggests, broken lands bereft of quality or importance. The only land even worth talking about up there is Mendev which, coincidentally, is ruled by a woman and doing alright.

Thank god Casandalee, a female goddess, was born out of Numeria to make sure things are alright. Could you imagine if it was a male god? The horror!
Which one said that the eugenics dragon and his eugenics island had to necessarily be evil because eugenics was bad? It was way back when it was still ambiguous, the author was on the messageboards explaining that he had left it ambiguous on purpose, and then one of the higher devs came in to say that was wrong.
Irrisen and Cheliax don't really count, I think.
The Queen of Cheliax is only in power because she sold her soul like seventeen times to stay in charge despite what 2e is fucking doing, and Irrisen has one queen or a hundred years before the Baba Yaga wipes the slate queen and starts over; it means nothing in the long run.
The Queen of Cheliax also passed the Emancipation Edict, which gives her one hell of a glowup. Ravounel is ruled by a woman, and the Firebrands (plucky emancipators whose threat was so great that Abrogail signed the Edict in the first place) is like… I looked up their members and it’s all women. All of them. The only human man I saw listed was “tragically dead.”

How much more do I have to present to paint this picture? Golarion is so female-dominated it would make anyone’s head spin, and despite this we’re still not allowed to have even an iota of cheesecake. Fuck, man. Even the Shackles are ruled by Tessa Fairwind. The entirety of Paizo’s history is about destroying men and replacing them with women.
Well that's clearly to counteract all the level 20 male demigods who were once PCs walking around anon. Jokes aside, why do you care? Golarion is an awful setting, with maybe a couple interesting bits of lore for monsters but even then most of that has been scrubbed.
>Jokes aside, why do you care
NTA, but I dont need to care about something to shit on it
>The place is awful.
>The place is ruled by women.
Pathfinder 1e and 2e both have multiple game mechanics/options linked to the lore and setting
Being a hellknight means joining one of the canon hellknight orders etc etc.
The setting shouldn't suck fucking balls
I’ve only ever seen people say “why do you care?” When they don’t want people to shine light on something they like. Because pointing out trends and stereotypes goes a long way for people to recognize when they happen again.
Thats fine but the anon seemed to be getting distressed about a pretty shit setting.
That boat has already sailed.
Im not some wokester trying to defend body type A/B stuff. Im just saying why care about something thats been shit for quite some time. The writing has been on the wall for what Paizo's political leanings are for quite some time. Golarion has always been JJ's magical realm.
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I definitely believe all of the leaders and gods are women so the sickos at Paizo can fuck them in their at home table games
As opposed to a marketing trick?
have they released the details for either of those yet?
Hey it can be both.
It's a good strategy if so.
Two birds, one stone, etc etc
I played the ffd20 before, its pretty good. had a DM that took us through the world of FF2 so we got to be Wild Rose rebels helping out Firion and shit. Good times. a lot of pf mechanics are more or less converted 1:1 to it. it definitely plays a bit more gamey but i find that completely to be expected, lol. its worth a shot to play.
Has anyone ever played an Iroran Paladin?
How would I go about building one?
I can definitely go for grappling it, but at the same time you could spend the feats for Two-Weapon Fighting.
Better yet, what Style feats would work for someone without Flurry?
Irori doesn't technically have paladins because his whole faith is around self-improvement so gaining power from him instead of cultivating power yourself is kinda against his whole deal
Too bad, there's an entire archetype just for them.
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>Grabbing Style.
>Lets you grab people better, eventually able to choke two of them.
>Requires Flurry of Blows or Brawlers Flurry.
>Grappling archetypes either lose Flurry or don't have it to begin with.
most of the styles that have that caveat is for BaB, Brawler Flurry or Monk Flurry. You don't NEED flurry to use it, it just gets grabbed earlier
Are you...sure?
Snake, Snapping Turtle and Boar Style don't have it in the requirements, for example.
";" does a lot of work in these cases
Yeah, when a feat requirement is using a semicolon it means that all the requirements after that are an or, meaning you only need to meet on of the 2-4 of that requirement. so grab on you grapple man.
>Dancing Leaf
>Flying Kick
>Deflect Projectile
>Guarded Movement
>One-Inch/Millimeter Punch
>Water Step
>Wall Run
etc. etc.

Monk has so many flavorful feats, but it feels like it's a waste to take them when stuff like stances and stance-related feats, Qi spells and grappling feats all seem so much more powerful. Especially with how some of these have skill feats that are similar.
Do any of you guys actually pick these seemingly secondary feats? Are they more useful than they seem?
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I was wondering guys, is there at least one PF lore thing that you homebrew in either 1st or 2nd Edition? And what's that?
I just replace everything dwarf related with dwarf fortress stuff
I never felt like you needed more than like 1 monk stance.
How to handle these kinds of monsters if all PCs succeed at their saves against aura?
I mean, I guess it is still an incorporeal asshole with flyby, but it feels like combat lacks something in those cases...
I feel like I've been shifted into a fucking parallel universe, I've never been told that in my tenure and now that I'm looking at it everything is lining up to your reasoning.
Well, it is easy to miss if you don't know what you are looking
Sure, but you take the stance and 1 or 2 feats associated with that stance, like Wolf Drag, for instance. Have you ever managed to take Projectile Snatching or One-Millimeter Punch without thinking you've gimped yourself?
I unironically think the move to remove Fighter's ability to get a second full prof scaling is pointless in light of them already having the better prof from level 1-4 and 19-20, and if anything it being removed from archetypes means it should be put in as at least a level 6 fighter feat (and the advanced weapon prof for a weapon group feat should be moved to level 1-2, since archetype dedications doing exactly that are level 2 anyway). I also think the correct move next to this should have been to just let gunslinger have full scaling in a second type of weapon if their subclass leans on it (limit it to finesse/agile or something I guess, fuck it, I don't care).

Both of these will be worse than a dedicated Guisarme Fighter/Barbarian anyway, so legitimately, why bother limiting it?
A friend made a joke and now I'm wondering and sweating.
>If a ghost has a ghost sword and your sword has Ghost Touch, can you sunder the ghost sword?
>Can swords be ghosts?
>Can a ghost's ghost sword sunder your Ghost Touch sword?
>Can a ghost disarm you of your Ghost Touch sword and stab you with it?
>2e blogpost
Didn't read
I got a question for 2e GMs.

How often do you make a custom npc follow a class archetype. I had my team face off against a ghoul anti paladin but I decided to give him defensive advance because champions have access to it.

If I were to make a lv 5 enemy Kinectist and do the following. Give it a ghoul archetype, stat it per the DM guide templates, give it feats that it would have per class/ancestry. Would it still be considered a lv 5 monster?
Creature level is basically entirely dependent on its numbers for attacks and defense. If you're giving it weird abilities beyond basic actions just make sure the DCs and effects aren't too out of line with similar monsters of the same level or you may accidentally kill your players.
>why bother limiting
Because "flavour" has point cost in Paizo maths.
Spell Combat
You've focused your magical training in flexibility, especially during tense situations such as combat. Training in both martial and magical techniques has given you the ability to perform other actions at the same time as your spellcasting. When you Cast A Spell using 1, 2, or 3-actions(not a reaction or free action) or Spellstrike, you can choose to perform one other activity. These options are listed below.
• Activate Arcane Cascade.
• Stride up to half your Speed. You can also Climb, Fly, or Swim instead of Striding if you have the corresponding movement type.
• Step.
• Interact to draw a weapon.

Your Spell Combat also has additional options based on your Hybrid Study.
Inexorable Iron
• Interact to change your grip.
Level 5
• ??

Laughing Shadow
• Stride up to your Speed.
Level 5
• Step 10 feet.

Sparking Targe
• Raise a Shield.
Level 5
• Gain +2 Circumstance bonus to AC with the Shield cantrip.

Starlit Span
• One action Reload.
Level 5
• Two action Reload or One action on a weapon in each hand.

Twisting Tree
• Parry.
Level 5
• Gain +2 Circumstance bonus to AC when you Parry.

Almost forgot to add this
>Your spell gains the Flourish trait when you use Spell Combat.
You know what, I like this. This is good. I dunno about the full list of actions, and I definitely think Spellstrike probably shouldn't benefit, but at the very least "Activate Arcane Cascade or do some other minor thing as part of casting a regular spell" would go such an insane length to solving a lot of headache I have with Magus. Give me that and a 1 action class-specific focus cantrip that's just "shoot a dinky little energy ray as a ranged STRIKE, it's some 1d4 30 ft range shit, uses a damage type of one of your prepared cantrips, scales off the better of handwraps/held melee weapon", and I'm happy.
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Halflings are rabbit people. I will not be taking criticism.
Yeah if there's anything OP about fighter, it's not the fact that they could have their proficiency bonus in both polearms *and* spears rather than just polearms.
Yeah that's pretty common and reasonable.
Generally an NPC monster stat block will have slightly more straightforwardly powerful abilities with fewer caveats or details, but have fewer abilities total - partly because of dumb paizo balance, but mostly to make them quicker to run in combat.
>Sparking Targe
>• Raise a Shield.
>Level 5
>• Gain +2 Circumstance bonus to AC with the Shield cantrip.
>Starlit Span
>• One action Reload.
>Level 5
>• Two action Reload or One action on a weapon in each hand.

Hm, needs something that benefits 1) Sparkling Targers that use regular +2 shields, and 2) Starlin Spanners that use bows or other non-reload range weapons.
>Sparkling Targe
Share benefits from your raised shield with one adjacent ally
>Starlit Span
Oh right, actions, duh. I was stuck on "what improvements for non-gun users"
Spend Cascade to give Scatter to Spellstrike?
Not criticism, but just curiosity of how much rabbit is the rabbit-folkling? We talking Redwall levels of 100% just with thumbs and upright walking, A ff14 loporrit? I gotta know
Some of the styles compliment each other very well, for example grabbing and krakken
I'm gonna be running a homebrew campaign in the Shackles soon, and need some advice: how would you run a ship battle without basically homebrewing a second combat system yourself, while keeping things like the Artillerist and Trick Driver archetypes relevant?
I have half a mind to use a contested victory points system and just set a DC to do things to either ship, with the winner getting some kind of advantage on boarding actions.
Inexorable iron I'd just make Shove Disarm or Trip.
Laughing shadow should get to Feint or Hide, I hate step 10.
It's in GMC under vehicles.
I wouldn't be asking if I hadn't already looked at the existing rules and found them very lacking for a pc vs npc ship battle.
Most of the ships are for Tian Xia, and none of them come with any different weapons. It looks genuinely uninteresting as a system.
Are there any plausible lore reasons why a PF2e Android could have a metal-colored skeleton that’s exposed in certain areas via unhealed damage to the flesh
Severe acid/lava damage, a curse, nanite malfunction?
Yeah that could work, I’m mainly struggling to find reasons why its skeleton would look all chrome and Terminatory since afaik they should still have a fully synthetic bone skeleton. I just want to do a visual homage to Terminator
What if the character's a prototype of some kind? They didn't have synthetic bones perfect yet, so you have a metal skeleton.
Maybe. Feels Mary Sue-ish and seems like something that could maybe potentially become mechanically problematic somehow, someway. Maybe I just say “fuck it” and the beginning and end of the backstory is “an evil Wizard grazed me with a transmutation spell that fucked up my skin and gave my bone the appearance of metal” and call it a day
I know that in 2e, Hero Points can be used to stave off death. What about death effects, do they still work against that? I’m about to throw something at my players that has a death effect attached to it and I don’t want anyone getting butthurt at my table due to a death caused by something perceived to be out of their control/left to chance
Cybernetic Implant. Got their bones chrome-plated. Maybe it was part of a life-saving surgery after they got hit by some bone-infecting disease.

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