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King of the Warp Edition

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>Thread question:
What needs to be shown at next week's Warhammer Day preview for you to consider it good?
>What needs to be shown at next week's Warhammer Day preview for you to consider it good?
New space marine infantry unit.

>What needs to be shown at next week's Warhammer Day preview for you to consider it good?
Horus Heresy stuff finally usable in Warhammer 40k.
forgeworld models so that admech can finally have their full range of robot minis
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Models from the Horus Heresy being given rules for usage in Warhammer 40k.
Whatever those chaos robot rumour engines are for.
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Please save Deathwatch ;_;
It will most likely be saved as the Death Watch appeared in space marine 2.
They'll probably get a primaris model update though so this may be a monkey's paw for some.
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Day 18 of exercising every day until the Emperor's Children Codex is released
Are psykers in the guard part of the guard or part of the scholastica psykana on permenant detached duty? Or just slaves?
How swole are you now brother?
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any one of the following

Emperor's Children tease
Hedonites Warcry Warband
A new unit for Thousand Sons
Confirmation that Daemons Codex is going away and the Daemons are being sent to their respective 40k Space Marine Codex
Refresh of any of the Lesser Daemon kits.
Day 1 of edging until the DarkMech release
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I would describe my current shape as a contractor-grade trashbag full of offal.

But I do have slightly more shoulder definition than I did 18 days ago, so we'll see where I am when the Codex finally comes out
I'd like new chaos bikers
That'd be cool
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>this may be a monkey's paw for some

it always is. At least with CSM literally every single fucking update of a classic squad box (look at possessed and beserkers. not to mention the old heroic scale CSM squad) in the last 5 years has been pure cancer. Ignoring the old vs monopose debate GM are such bastards with customisation bits now. the current Legionaries box has half the shit in terms of weapons, icons, mutations, heads etc. compared with the old pre-scale increase box. The tragic parts is people are such paypigs they won't even stop buying which is in a nutshell the entire problem with the hobby.

I give it a 9/4 odds that the new noise marines will be monkey's paw and they don't even have a fucking model anymore just arms.
Man's gonna be built like a space marine by the time the EC codex is released.
Fires of Cyraxus. I'll also settle for an AdMec heavy tank
Your initial quick gains may slow down after a month or two, but don't lose hope or quit. Your muscles have just gotten used to the new stimuli
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ECanon going to be a monster cause that codex is a ways out I think
The second thing.
Tau boobies
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I'm on month 10-ish of working out whilst waiting for anything Darkmech-analogous.
Some changes come surprisingly quickly. After only about a month, I found myself able to touch my toes comfortably from a standing position.
The lost and the damned, Imperium got their Agents soup army, let us have our chaos one
>I give it a 9/4 odds that the new noise marines will be monkey's paw and they don't even have a fucking model anymore just arms.
That seems like a dumb prediction after Rubrics, Plague Marines, and Berzerkers were all new kits. Especially since Berzerkers easily could have been an upgrade sprue
Do you not recall how bad the old Havocs kit was?
Here you cretins
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Is it really that bad?
something khorne related. I dont care if its aos or 40k related at this point.
Black Templar Terminators, Dark Angel Terminators, or Blood Angel Terminators?
Going to do a small list over time for each just for painting and wondering which to start first.
if they threw in the disc riding tzangors as well I would have picked this up.
new aspect warriors, maybe ec tease
>What needs to be shown at next week's Warhammer Day preview for you to consider it good?
New Eldar Aspect Warrior resculpt killteam, Warp Spiders probably the best fit but Swooping Hawks would go well with the seemingly flying troop theme.
Yes, it’s just cheaper to buy a box scrab termies and an infernal master. I don’t want your fucking Tzaangors, James!
Compare it to the Start Collecting Box that costed nearly half the price.
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Having various chaos shit work analogously to AoI would solve a lot of problems. Traitor Guard being a part of codex chaos marines but not being available to the monogod legion armies would be an easy fix. Taking Cult marine troops in CSM could work by the same system rather than having it's own bespoke one. It would also let them do darkmech without committing to a full army worth of models.
It won't happen this edition, because 10th has already established it's current and deeply flawed mechanisms. It probably won't happen in the future, because it's just too sound an idea.
It they had replaced one of the Tzaangor squads with a rubric squad, it would have been pretty good and provided a very well rounded cross section of the army. If it had an extra thing as >>94023293 suggested, it would have been relatively good value among other Combat Patrols. As it is, it's one of the worst for its edition, they are of course updating them for 10th and reducing the value every time.
>thighs constantly clipping because space marine armor is so poorly designed
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You mean the metal later finecast weapons that could be put on a normal marine? Those were janking old sculpts but conceptually much better for modelling. The old sculpts were from another time aesthetically and showing their age but having a better proportioned model shouldn't also mean having very little customisation and making kitbashing require major surgery just to get something that isn't identical to another box of the same.

That is the essence of monkey's paw but since most players just follow the instructions in the box and don't care about modelling maybe they should just have you stick one leg onto models like lesser daemons or Battle for Middle Earth minis. Maybe have them all basecoated in the box ultramarines blue or black legion black in the box to make consuming more product quicker.
Bundles are no longer about being good value, they are a cost effective way for GW to clear backlogs of product quicker.
care to show what you've kitbashed
How would you save them without removing them from Imperial Agents?
Maybe the Deathwatch Detachment can take half of it's army as Space Marine units with the Deathwatch and Agents Keyword?
Unpopular opinion here, but it's actually a great buy if you want Tzaangors with bolt pistols. Hear me out.

Tzaangors cost $58 from GW for 10. The Combat Patrol comes with 20 for $168. So that's $116 "worth" of Tzaangors in the Combat Patrol, right? Wrong! The $58 Tzaangor box doesn't come with any bolt pistols or chainswords, for those you need to buy the upgrade pack, which is $15...for 5. The Combat Patrol not only comes with 20 Tzaangors, but also with 4 upgrade packs so each of those Tzaangors can rip and tear. This means that the Combat Patrol comes with $116 + $60 = $176 "worth" of Tzaangors and Tzaangor bits. Plus a character and some terminators. All for $168.

Don't worry about the fact that the bolt pistol and chainsword is objectively the worst way to build the Tzaangors, it looks cool.
>Raven Guard get deamonic ravens that can tear apart men
Salamanders should get giant salamanders to ride in battle who also breathe fire.
Dragon Warriors should have chaos mutated salamanders that have wings and thus dragons proper
People will say this but then bash the Space Wolves for being too Wolfy
>8th Ed rolls around
>geedubs actually does good boxes
>fast forward to current year
>they are all shit

Just once, just fucking once you assholes
I like the space wolves but the fucking sleigh dude.
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How do you think Emperor's Children will play out as? They'll get noise marines but will they excel at melee like Lucius is a master bladesman, but wouldn't it make it similar to World Eaters then?
im hoping for shooting into charging synergies and maybe buffs ramp up each turn like deepkin
probably melee foot sloggers, a bike unit, and noise marines,
I can't find a hard answer.

Are Sisters of Battle still a separate faction, or did they get rolled into Imperial Agents like the Death Watch?
I wish more people liked Dark Eldar
Could I get the boarding actions pdf?
A price cut.

No, I kid. A new evil Armiger, I guess. It's all so disappointing.
It's pretty retarded they won't budge on that line. Keeping them separate isn't going to make me buy two armies, I'll just buy the 30k and proxy it into my 40k army anyway.

It'd probably sell more if they gave them their own rules in 40k because people would buy them for that too instead of just swapping them out for another already existing unit.
seperate, they just got a codex
i like deldar but they aren't my number one. i think a lot of ppl are like that so they don't collect
Make your case for why I should like them.
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A duelist unit seems pretty likely, maybe as alternate build options for the noise marine kit, as the plague marines can be built for melee or rubrics got flamers.
It wouldn't overlap WE more than any melee unit in any power armoured army. WE are made unique by only having melee infantry, while EC would have a melee unit in addition to shooting units, as with most all other armies.
No, anon. Only the enlightened should know of the true eldar and why they're so great.
Why do you want to bring the plebs in?
Is it actually true that orks can will something into existence just by thinking it or is that just a meme?
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On the fence about which faction to pick between FSE Tau and CW Eldar and idgaf about the kroot/vespids/quins.
I don't have a preference either way. I know with Tau I'm basically only playing half of the game. The new codex has me worried about either nerfs or changes to the type of army I want to build. Is there any army that just plays significantly better at 1000p compared to the other?
>Army building
Both have downsides for me. Eldar models are old as shit. The Wraithlord pose looks goofy/boring. Again I'm uncertain how the 2025 update is going to change things. Also I thought about putting in Yvraine because I want to have sex with her, but it seems like it would be a massive waste since I have an aversion to non-CW Eldar and her best synergies seem to be with quins. The Eldar patrol box also goes way to heavy into bikes for me while the Tau one seems much more rounded with the Devilfish and really just needs some suits to go with the commander. For Tau everything is expensive as shit. Battlesuits costing more than half the price of a patrol. I wish I just bought the boarding set for Tau, but decided against it.
I mean the Havocs kit that came with a single instance of each weapon. It's insane that you're blathering about limited customization whilst waxing longingly about one of the most limited and useless kits ever. I don't even get why you're talking about "requiring major surgery" when the plastic Havocs have flat arm connection points and the standard ball sockets for heads.
A meme. The Ork psychic gestalt works subtly and they need to genuinely believe something for it to happen.
Infantry heavy T’au is just better guard, the battle suits are balanced around winning in the movement phase. Honestly if I could afford it I’d make a killer retaliation cadre list with a couple hammerheads and breacher teams
So if an ork genuinely believed a machine could work, they could make some impossible bullshit and still have it run? Also what about that meme that the orks are the only ones keeping the emperor alive because they believe he’s still not dead?
melee Terminators makes sense. I hope a unit of them in a Land Raider is hilariously broken
lmao you really think your non-existent codex will get their unpopular 30k terminators when the insanely popular WE terminators didn't get redone

well the Havocs were originally metal blister packs meant to modify the standard box making them make much more value for money. Again I wasn't talking about Havocs I was talking about Zerkers, Possessed and standard CSM.

But feel free to take the W for the Havocs. And don't pretend I was just talking about swapping heads and changing the single pose arms you disingenuous ass nigger.
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You guys ever look at your models and notice that you messed up while building them, for example you filed off a bit too much at one corner or something didn't align properly and it's not big enough deal to ruin the model but still triggers your autism?
Yeah, me neither
Legionaries box has a lot of shit, more than the intercessors box though. I also like the new possessed better than the old possessed.
>Confirmation that Daemons Codex is going away and the Daemons are being sent to their respective 40k Space Marine Codex
Space Marines do not 'own' daemons, marinenigger.
>Infantry heavy T’au is just better guard
Are you just spamming breachers in devilfish or are you mixing in a lot more Kroot for better close combat stuff?
>the battle suits are balanced around winning in the movement phase
I mean isn't that just Tau as a whole just staying out of engagement and charge range as much as possible? But I can see how the suits require that a bit more. Still I'm looking more at FSE and with the patrol box having a battlesuit commander, I will have to field a decent number of suits.
>Honestly if I could afford it I’d make a killer retaliation cadre list with a couple hammerheads and breacher teams
retaliation seems like the most meta detachment, but the most expensive, limiting actual play while Montka is the budget well rounded one.
Also another thing I should add is my army after this will almost certainly be a Martyr Sisters one which has me leaning away from Eldar as the miracle dice are pretty similar to the fate dice which seems like it would play a little too similarly. At the end of the day though, I might just hop on whichever one gets a Christmas box if either do (as long as it's not shit).
The extent of that is something like a million orks believing their giant gargant is sturdy, so it doesn't collapse under its own weight after a while when it might do that under most other circumstances. It's more about making things work a little bit better so they can sort of rely on things that walk that line on things that are possible, but unlikely. It's an extra little push, but even then it takes ridiculous amounts of Orks to work, and only so much since, unlike the memes would tell you, the Orks aren't fucking idiots that can't tell reality from fiction and they do create some wondrous pieces of engineering.
depends on the writer
sometimes they can straight up warp reality, sometimes it's just subtle nudges and shifts to make their tech run better when it should barely work
>Buying kroot
Not on my fucking life. There’s no way that GW didn’t to release that army standalone and then realized it would flop so they rolled it into tau. Not buying that shit

>Don’t you just mean being out of charge range
No I mean, you have more jump-shoot-jump stuff there too, and also most of the battle suits can fly and have super good movement range.

>Retaliation is most meta
Yeah, right now but I still like the get in close, shoot, fall back, especially since Ghostkeel can fall back + shoot innately

Also don’t buy sisters and Eldar. They are literally the same army but one has more bodies and the other has quicker movement. They play pretty much the same with their invulns, FNP, and low toughness/low health/high damage models. You’ll grow tired of one or the other.
How many skulls can my loyalist marines have everywhere before the inquisition gets suspicious
i haven't looked at the games workshop store website in years and i'm honestly impressed at how bad it is
someone had to work really hard to make it as bad as it is
when this happens, I set it on a table and walk 2 feet away from the table and look for the defect again
then I stop caring
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that's more of an indictment of primaris kits than a defense of legionaries kit since the old 3.5th codex era CSM box had even more shit.

I'd give my left nut to have print on demand or an STL file of that box complete in the sprue. I'd be able to make Cadians into a lost and damned army just with the mutations
ESL, or simply stupid?
in lore theres a chapter that collects skulls so theres a basis for it
>Red Butchers
>insanely popular
I beg your pardon?
Kroot were part of the original Tau Codex when they first launched you buffoon
literally the most popular legion terminators in 30k and one of the most requested units in any army in 40k
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Eldar have a decent amount of new sculpts and are getting new Fire Dragons, Swooping Hawks, and Warp Spiders early next year.
They're only requested because it's weird they weren't in the original release.

And afaik WE players, if they had to choose one, would probably go Teeth of Khorne over Red Butchers simply because that would open up a little more variety of play in the army
>literally the most popular legion terminators
citation needed
>world eaters using guns is a thing thats existed for ages
>noooo you cant have a world eater with a sniper in space marine 2 due to uhhhh LORE REASONS OKAY!!!!
It's very weird how they framed that, when the obvious actual reason is that they need some way for class silhouettes to be readable and while mark X silly variations can do that for loyalists, legion decoration was the alternative they went with for chaos.
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>mom visits
>sleeps on airbed in the office
>in the morning she brings me a mini
>"These are so detailed anon the ground part looks just like dirt?!?"
>It's dirt
love you mom
Why not both? Why can't we just have both?
But I know in my heart we will get some shitty character, but fuck.
because you'd be playing power armored orks at that point
Yeah and they don’t fit tau at all. They’re a bunch of backwards tribalistic cannibals. Fire caste would have fucking shot them on sight if the writers were consistent
It's not even both, Red Butchers are actually pretty far down the list of what WE need. They should've been in the first army release, it's weird that they weren't. But they weren't and now WE have both regular Terminators and Eightbound. That's two good elite infantry options. Red Butchers would be nice but they aren't needed.

Let's look at the list of what WE actually NEED
>Teeth of Khorne
>Juggernaut cavalry
>Lord on foot
Those are NEEDS

Beyond that you have wants that would open up new options, like more Daemon Engines, or some kind of jump pack infantry

a Red Butcher kit is a purely aesthetic want. Which is totally legit. But it's not the top of any reasonable persons list.
ah, you don't understand Tau at all. Got it.
>LGS group chat is ranting and raving about an 8,000pts game they played with 4 people the other day
>Look at the pictures
>75% of the models are unpainted with each army
Why bother?
You should be sleeping on the airbed you worthless piece of trash.
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should I add a fur trim to the rest of my terminators to keep the style of veterans having them consistent or leave them as-is
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My indomitus box Necrons are finally here, bros. I'm so excited to get started.
>Mom calls
>"Have you painted any of your models lately?"
It's over...
He won’t show his own kitbashes, he doesn’t have any.
>the old boxes allowed so much more customization!!!
Is such a Reddit secondhand opinion. Sure, if your idea of customization is a perfectly upright marine with 3 options for arm angle. So you can have them hold the blaster out front…. Or straight forward!!! So much customization!!!
If you want actual custom, unique units you’ve always needed a knife and some putty. That’s always been the case.
>purely aesthetic want
no shit
but I don't think GW cares about either aesthetics or gameplay need when releasing models
They're just kind of one dimensional. They like to murderfuck things. It's just gay and retarded.

If they would explore other aspects sure, like the homonculi are cool but otherwise it's lame.

GW should make them immune from Slaneesh by being in the webway or something special about Commoroah that protects them but leaving it is when they're vulnerable and that's why they murderfuck things.
I would mix it up, add some other detail just so they don't all look the same
>price of the units in box $104.50
>price of the box $168
You tell me.
Think of it more like luck. A lot of happy coincidences happen to the orks, or there has to be the component parts for something believable.

A pile of scrap metal in the shape of a car with a steering wheel and the ork genuinely believes it's a car waiting for him? Yeah, it could work.

A rock with a steering wheel taped to it? Not really.
What is the best 40k Lore YouTuber?
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WIP on the first of twenty of my "fanatics" that I'll be using as Navy Breachers.

congrats anon, enjoy the robot skeletons
>space marines are supposed to dance
Of course! When they have to tap dance with the devil.
What are the odds of anyone giving a shit if I use a deimos predator in my thousand sons army?
0% they're the exact same dimensions.
Arbitor Ian imo. He's not a 40k youtuber secondary scheming wikis and more 'guy who has played 40k for actual decades who makes videos'
Most informative and well explained of 40k stuff, and expalins more niche stuff others don't. His history of the first founding legions from the Unity wars, to the crusade heresy and then in 40k is the best source of condensed info on the chapters out there.
This was my big concern, thanks fren
anon, you are not at math
Their lack of HQ options kills my interest in them.
Oh, is the same true of the other horus heresy vehicles, like rhinos and land raiders?
Something's possessed me and I am now writing about a group of four Space Marines who are the last survivors of their Chapter doing what they can to try and rebuild on the feudal planet they've crashed on. How fucked are they?
all of the rhino pattern things yes, land raiders no. though even then most people don't mind the land raiders.
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The Land Raider is smaller enough that I could see people finding it justifiably problematic

Seeing them compared like that I can get why. Shame that, maybe I can figure out some kinda add on to make up some length
Add a base maybe?
like some "Just married" cans?
Are any of them apothecaries, do they have any stores of geneseed.
So theres only 4 astartes left, no scouts, no command or Librarian. What about the chapter serfs and infrastructure, do they have any ships or fortressess sitting empty.
Honestly what would happen is the Imperium would rule them missing/dead until the centuries later if they remerge and come back. Also a good background of a CSM warband
grab a dozer or something?
a base and some tank treads.
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I think the Spartan is closer in size to the 40k land raider than the Proteus.
Also better looking in my opinion.
Probably extremely fucked. Each Space Marine has only two Geneseed organs, and only one can he extracted without killing the Marine.

So unless they're capturing humans and just using them as gardens for two more gene seeds over a decades long process, they're probably going to go extinct.
If they don't have at least one apothecary they're fucked, they need an apothecary to make more Space Marines.

If they have an Apothecary, they're still in trouble. They've only got the Geneseed in them, and if a Marine gets eaten by a monster or has their chest annihilated by a plasma blast or whatever, they've lost irreplaceable Geneseed

So, there is another option. What if there's another source of Geneseed? What if there's some Chaos Space Marines? The apothecary goes rogue, takes some Geneseed from one of their corpses, finds out it's free of mutation. Suddenly they got a bunch new Geneseed. But it's a dark secret that must never be revealed!
The survivors are
>Felvinter, 10th Captain
>Saga, Codicier
>Valdemar, 10th Apothecary
>Aksel, Techmarine

Valdemar made off with as much gene-seed he could carry (which was not much) but they, a fleet-based Chapter, got fucked during the Astronomican flicker in 801.M41, crashing them on a wintery Feudal World. They have the Astartes equivalent of nothing but the clothes on their back.

Likely what's going to happen, yes. I wanted to explore the ramifications of doing something like that.

Funny you should mention that; I rolled for the Chapter's details and their Progenitor is a Traitor Legion.
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Reminder that this ISN"T the Emperor. Merely a corpse presented as the Emperor for pilgirms (tourists).
What other 'facts' of 40k is actually just a misdirection or lie do you think anons
I did not think that tourists were allowed in the throne room.
And how would you know?
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It's not the real throne room anon! Its a thing atop a big long flight of stairs like pic related that people think is the throne room.
The real throne room is more akin to a nuclear reactor thats melted down and exposed
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It's like the Universal studios tour.
Most people just are going to be on the team but If you pay for the premium VIP tour you get to go anywhere you want and even get a catered lunch.
>all those fucking stairs
It better be leg day if you get a chance to vist.
>Imperium is backwards they make just a big long straight line of stairs and don't zigzag them across the tower with rest stops
Blanche said so
yeah I was thinking the same
I've got some jewelry chain but not too keen on any spots I've set it up on them
Two girlbosses protecting the golden throne. Cute.
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40k vidya now feature unpainted characters.
>The real throne room is more akin to a nuclear reactor thats melted down and exposed
Sounds like The Emperor is Louis CK
Primed in wraith bone
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I've finalised the design for my custom sonic dready that I've had barely built for ages. I just have to order parts and get new greenstuff.
Emperor Neoth is in much pain.
Could Company Heroes work as a Chapter Master and his retinue of trusted veteran brothers?
>Not on my fucking life.
At least as of 10th it seems like you want at least 1 squad of Kroot carns for really cheap objective control and relatively ok melee compared to the rest of Tau.
>Also don’t buy sisters and Eldar. They are literally the same army but one has more bodies and the other has quicker movement. They play pretty much the same with their invulns, FNP, and low toughness/low health/high damage models. You’ll grow tired of one or the other.
That was my thought. I'll prob just go with Tau and sob then. The biggest thing stopping me from just going directly for sisters was they were somehow even more expensive than Tau, and also the face paints if I didn't want to do a bunch of helmet models. Also the current patrol has a fuck ton of penitents which I don't care to field much.
Thats good to know at least, but I'll prob go with sob instead. Maybe far down the line I'll do an eldar army.
>and are getting new Fire Dragons, Swooping Hawks, and Warp Spiders early next year.
Lmao they're getting a pity character and nothing else.
>concord is kill
>welp OC fagderp content didn’t work, now it’s time to put the final pozz nail in the GW shaped coffin
>Actually believing this
I look forward to your diaper-filling meltdown when you get fuckall with the eldar update lmao
>The Ethical Implications of the Imperium’s War with Chaos and the Inverted Meaning of Order.
I hate lefties framing of the Imperium being a bad outcome for humanity as if it is some grand revelation.
Yes we know it is bad, we also know Tyranids and Chaos are worse.
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Dark Reapers look bad, shit mask, goofy head silhouette, weirdly bottom heavy in the legs, the other aspect warriors are generally great but this one needs a complete ground-up rethink. I don't think the body suit works with their theme, they need flowing dark robes, cowls, anything to give them a more mysterious spectral quality and not a man in a skinsuit on his way to a Halloween party
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How am I getting between the armor and the gun?
that's why you do sub-assemblies
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>Are We the Baddies?: The Ethical Implications of the Imperium’s War with Chaos and the Inverted Meaning of Order.
Sorry but good-evil is relative in this case and I gotta side with the mean old big E on this one. There's a side that thinks it's fun to fuck babies to death like fleshlights and I gotta pick a side, and boy it isn't that one. It's weird that liberal academia wants to provide an argument for the baby-fleshlight faction, though.
Way too busy seething and self-fellating
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Use like a size 1 brush from and you can hit that area. Brush control, you'll be fine. You don't need to highlight that area. Just a base layer and maybe a wash in the armpit/breastplate. Remember you can paint over anything you fuck up easily. Keep it up
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Nah you don’t get it, it’s actually worse than that. It’s basically on par with gang embracing satanism to be a little edgier and stick it to society on top of being murderous goons.
You see it written overtly in types of more cloistered far left circles (echoing their masters) and “radical” “revolutionary” “think tanks”.
They are literally the inversion.
They see the imperium is a parody.
They see what the imperium is fighting is a parody of themselves.
They then say the imperium is le inversion and chaos is therefore le good, if only the imperium wasn’t so heteronormative and fascist…
those gay golems have been saying the same retarded faggot shit forever. It never gets any less pathetic.
It’s all so tiresome
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no sub-assemblies are gay. It's not worth it unless it's a competition piece.
>we also know Tyranids and Chaos are worse.
Don't pretend the Imperium doesn't cause most of irs problems for no reason other than self-imposed idiocy.
Just fuckin get in there man. Shove the brush in.
That doesn't mean getting eaten by Tyranids or murderfucked by Chaos isn't worse.
The Imperium is a shambling decaying mass clinging to dogma as a last resort against insurmountable odds, but it still fights for a future that is good for humanity.
>Academic lorefags make a conference instead of shitposting their niche ideas on /40kg/ like normal anons.
Remember its advertised as an academic con so they're kind of forced to have a panel about 'is the imperium the real bad guys'. When the answer is clearly yes and also the enemies of the imperium are both worse and self inflicted.
The Space Marine codex isn't in the mega - anyone have a link to it? SharedThread hasn't got it either.
One side rapes babies to death, the other mutilates them and turns them into cyborg slaves.
>and turns them into cyborg slaves.
Only the amount needed, and the only reason any are needed is because the other side in the first place.
>the other mutilates them and turns them into cyborg slaves.
Only if they're the children of heretics and are irredeemable.
>Fights for a future that is good for humanity
lol no it fights to preserve its own power to continue to oppress man and spit on the dreams of the Emperor it worships as a god
Without the Emperor boost granted by the Imperium's faith the Imperium would have fallen a long time ago.
The only reason the Social Darwinism fell into faith-based hierarchy is because it was the most able to defend itself against Chaos after the HH shattered the Imperium.
most believably written heretical cult speaker
Both can be true - there can be Machiavellian power-brokers vying for personal supremacy who are also trying to keep humanity alive in an increasingly deadly universe.
nah anon thats circular reasoning, you start with faith being good and assume because the rot settled in early that that is what kept it going. Its never been portrayed as useful or helpful. You cant pray away a daemon world, the faithful still get impaled and skewed on the blades of daemons. Dunno why you bought up social darwinism
Proteus is also taller, so its a bit of give and take.
The spartan is just bigger.
>chaos forced me to turn that baby into a roomba

>that baby was evil, I had no choice
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Isn't Horus Heresy the one thing that isn't making an appearance for warhammer day?
>>that baby was evil, I had no choice
It's logical in the 40k canon, yes. Corruption is a contagion, and if the parent was corrupted it's possible the child is as well. Better servitorise them just to be safe.
I would rather be oppressed than eaten by tyranids or murderfucked by chaos, still much worse anon.
No the fuck they aren't. In fact until recently I've never even seen them, online or otherwise.
>circular reasoning
It's not circular, faith is needed because the void left by the Horus Heresy and the Emperors ascension to the Golden Throne. His dream of a humanity free from religion or influence of spirit/warp died when he went onto the Throne.
I never said faith was good (In the Warhammer universe, in real life I do believe it is good) I said it was necessary for the Imperium's and humanities survival.
>Its never been portrayed as useful or helpful.
This is what makes me think you are a secondary or not very in tune with the lore. Saint Celestine is a prime example of that faith leading to a useful and helpful outcome. The many times the Emperor has interfered with things such as saving Guilliman from Mortarion and Nurgle or being such as the Sanguinor existing at all just like Celestine.
>Dunno why you bought up social darwinism
Because the Imperium adopting faith is an example of the society evolving to best survive in it's environment, which is exactly what social Darwinism is.
That's retarded because nobody gets to see the corpse other than custodes. Stop making up headcanon so you think you can feel superior.
>No see we HAD to kill infants and turn them into cybog cherubs, there souls were tainted. Corruption is like a maisma so when one parent showed sings of witchcraft his family was fair game
>Yes the Emperor was a psyker, the greatest of them all whats your point about killing witches when the black fleet wont be around for another 100 years to collect them
>What do you mean if it was real chaos corruption id be dead to to be safe
The vast bulk of work to stop 'corruption' in 40k is innocent people get murdered stories just focus on actual chaos corruption since we focus on inquistors/space marines far more
>that baby was evil, I had no choice
This is the core secondaries do not understand about Warhammer, faith is a very observable energy that actively influences the material universe. The "burn the witch" attitude is needed in Warhammer because the witches are real and the kid with glowing purple eyes that can sometimes move shit with his mind can very easily be the unconsenting catalyst for the entire world (and billions of people on it) being murderfucked by Daemons from hell.
Is that model even primed?
the emprah's attempt to make humans into atheist psyker abominations failed.
that senile old doofus who has trouble arguing with old untrained priests about why religion is bad should just have done what the votann-supercomputers and their space dwarf citizens did.
Well when they focus on the "vast bulk" of that work you can come back with your headcanon. As it stands chaos corruption is a very real and very powerful threat requiring every length the inquisition goes to fight it.
1. That only really applies to chaos corruption, most Heresy in the Imperium isnnot chaotic in nature, hence Ordos Hereticus and Malleus operating separately. Disagreements on faith are heresy, malcontentment is heresy, tax evasion is heresy, technological experimentation is heresy, separatism is heresy, alien diplomacy is heresy; all of that and gets yoou servitorized.

2. You can always just kill them.

3. It is possible to screen for chaotic corruption and revert it, and it's apparently not THAT big of a deal if they weren't already off the deep end with Chaos. In the aftermath of the Badab War the chapters involved were allowed to draft new aspirants from the children of the people they had reconquered, and they were quite firmly into some questionable territory Chaos-wise, specially in Badab itself.
>social Darwinism
thats not what it is anon. Socieites changing is not social darwinism, ironically 40k elites being near immortal gene enhanced people is social darwinism in a sense.
>The many times the Emperor has interfered with things such as saving Guilliman from Mortarion and Nurgle
bad nulore ignore
>The Sanguinor existing at all just like Celestine
they're both just Warp enities who are 'born' and function the exact same as daemons, its not faith the same way bloodletters arent formed from faith, or plaugebearers or other daemons. Magic is secular in 40k it just have religious connatations due to the backwards nature of the Imperium.
Correct no one see the real corpse of the Emperor, not even the custodes because nothung can get near the melted down nuclear reactor that is his body. This is literally what blanche said when he made the artwork and he is foundational for how the setting formed. Space marines and squats only had motorbikes because he rode motorbikes. That art is a tourist trap/pilgrim trap
they don't make babies into servitors, those are vatborn flesh golems without any sapience
I wish GW liked dark Eldar
Yeah but I tried a black base with a light spray of white at the top to give it some gradient
Yeah, when even one corrupted unsanctioned psyker can open a warp portal and flood a planet with demons you better bet people are fucking paranoid. 40k operates off the inverse of "I'd rather see 1000 guilty men go free than one innocent man be punished". It's pretty much "I'd rather see 1000 innocent men put to the stake than allow one corrupted heretic the freedom to draw breath". Again, in 40k logic it makes perfect sense.
>faith is a very observable energy
People have to get over the fact that faith/magic/psychic powers exist in 40k - it's a drag needing to explain all the time that yes, if you believe something strong enough the avatar of that belief might hear you and grant you wishes but also there are space ships.
>those are vatborn flesh golems without any sapience
I know, older canon was babies, but they dropped it in 2nd IIRC.
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Spaceships AND magic? Now you've lost me
That shit is for cowards
If the empire's little flesh robots are capable enough to do the jobs the ai did do they ever explain specifically why they are less likely to develop self learning?
>unsanctioned psyker can open a warp portal and flood a planet with demons
deamons*. And thats just a title put on beings by the Imperium from the Warp not what they actually are. Is there even a single case of an unsanctioned psyker opening a warp portal and killing a whole world.
Thats line of reasoning is the paranoid insecurity of the Imperium justfing its practices, theres loads of unsanctioned psykers in the imperium that avoid getting caught for the black fleets that dont codem worlds.
Enslavers are the only beings that can use a single psyker to destory a world thats why they're scary and they're super super super rare or just extinct (for now)
>thats not what it is anon.
Yes, the shattered Imperium falling in line to the Imperial Faith as compared to any other splinters that tried their own thing is social Darwinism. The most adept society for the environment it found itself in survived.
>they're both just Warp enities who are 'born' and function the exact same as daemons
Yeah, and they are "born" from the powers granted through the Imperium's worshipping of the Emperor as a god.
Bloodletters aren't formed from faith, but they all stem from Khorne which gains power from wrathful emotions to put it simply, Imperial Daemons exist from the spiritual influence of Emperor worship.
They also make failed Space Marine neophytes into them on occasion if I remember correctly.
How long should painting a model take? It's been hours and I haven't finished an eliminator
that lore is older than you retard
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>Yeah I judge the morality of 40k factions from a 21st century perspective of someone living in the 1st world who has the income to freely spend thousands of dollars on plastic because the world is too peaceful and my primate brain needs to simulate war for stimulation
The entire point of Warhammer is there are no good guys and just less evil guys. What everyone calls "the good guys" in WH would be objective vilians in literally any other setting. Like >>94024786 said, no one would be criticizing the Salem Witch Trials in our world if there were actually just a bunch of women throwing fireballs at people and poisoning villages. However that is the ever present reality in the setting. Ofc you are allowed to criticize the Inquisition or other parts of the Imperium, but if you're like "Why don't they just try calming down and not doing mean stuff" when they live in a universe where Nurgle is an ever present threat then you are stupid.
I don't know why it is so confusing for new people but everyone just accepts the Force in Star Wars, its not that different.
neophytes aren't small enough to be cherubs
You are genuinely retarded
Not all servitors are cherubim
Guilliman's great plan to actually starve off the forces of Chaos is to make sure that everyone in the Imperium has at least decent living standards, which is nigh impossible to achieve, and yet infinitely more sensible and possible than the Emperor's attempt to enforce atheism.
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>Literal rape demons
The only thing the CSM box really is lacking is the banner.
>The entire point of Warhammer is there are no good guys and just less evil guys
Your so close to getting it anon, the Imperium is also an evil faction no better for humanity than chaos. Thats the setting
>no but muh humanity and soceity
daemon worlds and chaos planets have human soceities. The Imperium is the cruelest and bloodiest regime immaginable anon, the 'daemons' that it fights are just as evil as they are, the Warp is a relflection of the Imperium like a mirror is to you.
Saying chaos is worse than the imperium is like saying 'that cunt in the mirror I keep seeing is so evil I have to keep eating babies to keep my energy up to fend him off'
Deldar don't commit atrocities because they need to satiate Slaanesh, they do it because they like it. That it is necessary is just a detail to them.

Remember they're direct descendants of the society that birthed Slaanesh and, unlike craftworlders, have made no moves to live in a meaningfully different way from those that ruined their races. Vect even looks back to immediately pre-Fall as the good old days and tries to mold Commorragh into a mirror of old Eldar society. They're not really even "dark eldar", they're just "eldar"; it's the people on craftworlds that are the odd ones out.
If you take games workshops fantasy prices as reference, then yes. Not a bad deal.
>GW should make them immune from Slaneesh by being in the webway or something special about Commoroah that protects them but leaving it is when they're vulnerable and that's why they murderfuck things.
Is this not quite literally how it is? Isn't that why the Emperor wanted to move humanity into the Webway?
Eh, according to the newer drukhari codizes, the webway S/M space pirate eldar did at some point refer themselves as dark eldar.
went mask off with this one comrade
I doubt he expects them to starve completely but it is generally a solid idea that chaos will be weaker if you improve society somewhat.
If it ain't RT I don't wanna hear about it
>print on demand

The mutation sprue exists as high quality scan. Old Cadians also exist as scans (from multiple sources). Old CSM do not exist besides some of the more interesting bits because of their dogshit proportions.
So technically you can print what you need.
Why did deathwatch get mark 8 and did any normal chapters have widespread access to it?
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Asking again.
Got this guy secondhand for cheap but I hate exposed heads. Will it be too hard to snip out that head so I can stick a helmet of mine there?
>What everyone calls "the good guys" in WH would be objective vilians in literally any other setting
Tau and Eldar are pretty alright, maybe a bit arrogant at times but still recognizable as good-ish in other settings. The Imperium isn't the good guy even in 40K.
Could take 20 minutes, could take you 20 hours, could take you 20 days. Depends entirely on what you're trying to do, how experienced you are doing that technique, and how much effort you're going to spend cleaning up your mistakes. If you're a beginner don't worry about the time it takes you, you should be focusing on how your paint is behaving in relation to your actions. Speed comes with repetition
what? you sound like one of those deranged old americans seeing reds under the bed. What is that reply is at all communistic?
The Warp is a relfection of the emotions of the living. The Imperium in its attempt to crack down on chas via faith and oppression makes it worse, the imperium is just as bad as its own realisation of daemons both are pure evil, the chaos pantheon and the Adeptus Terra
Nope, should be easy. Just try with your fingers first. It might come off with a bit of pressure already. If not, you just use clippers
Dark Eldar is marketable IRL and edgy enough to get their tatgets just a little more scared in-universe.

But taken as a whole I think Commorragh looks a whole lot more like Eldar society leading up to the Fall than anything on any of the craftworlds.
Give it a shot, anon. If you mess up it wont be a huge loss since you got him for cheap.
They specifically lobotomise those parts of the brain which provide higher order thinking/rationalising. Servitors essentially have a limited number of routines and subroutines and they cannot deviate, in the same way your copy of Diablo 2 can't suddenly develop into Diablo 4.
Obviously it is going to be a pain in the ass. What ancient chinese magic technique did you think would help your clippers fit into a tiny space like that?
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>Your so close to getting it anon, the Imperium is also an evil faction no better for humanity than chaos. Thats the setting
>Erm this is actually good for humanity because the Imperium is bad towards its citizens sometimes
No the point is that the Imperium is a necessary evil for humanity that does cause undue suffering, but is objectively better than the other option is a literal nightmare hellscape of infinite pain, torture, and suffering.
>daemon worlds and chaos planets have human soceities.
I'd rather be in a human society under the Imperium than have an identical society except I'm a plague ridden monster with my intestines dragging painfully on the ground behind me wherever I go.
Even a single daemon possessing a single pysker can be enough to consign a planet to ruin, or at the least eradicate everyone in the hive or local area. They don't have to create a demon world, but so long as the potential for that exists the Imperium simply cannot take chances.
>expecting the tech adept to not botch the surgery and sever your motor skills only, leaving you fully conscious but unaable to control your body
There are non-chaos alternative ways for humanity to live than what the Imperium offers.
That's just bullshit anon. Terra itself has seen demons a few times already including recentlt and it's FINE. The Imperium just works on the assumption that some planets aren't worth the bother to save.
>Your so close to getting it anon, the Imperium is also an evil faction no better for humanity than chaos. Thats the setting
The Imperium are the good guys. Everything else is contemporary centrism.
>I think Commorragh looks a whole lot more like Eldar society leading up to the Fall than anything on any of the craftworlds.
Commorragh is the worst of the Eldar Empire, although the Craftworlds were the best of the Eldar Empire that had the foresight to see that shit was going down and dipped.
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Damn thats crazy
At the end of the day they are still eugenicists being mind controlled to annex various systems to include in their empire and will still purge any resistance if pushed to that point. It's hard to criticize them considering their situation and that a single hiveworld outnumbers them. However slap them in any setting that doesn't have the warp and chaos and they are just the bad guys. Maybe the absolute closest to an objective good guy is Farsight who removes the ruling elite mind controlling aspect from Tau.
While not comparable to most factions, they are still a little more evil than Tau which I already covered.
>Imperium is a necessary evil for humanity that does cause undue suffering
What kind of secondary bullshit is this.
The Imperium spends all day causing undue suffering kek. its evil is nearly always unecessary. Please anon read a codex. the fucking third Tithe episode on shows this, peope rock up to take the ammo from a warzone making them lose and die, and when delivering the ammo the imperium blows it up because they cant store it, Literally both unnecessary evil and undue suffering
All of them lead to chaos
Terra itself is full of elite soldiers, custodes, sisters and military in general. Other planets have a few pdf regiments with rusty Leman Russ tanks.
They literally said Eldar are getting new Aspect Warriors kits during the road map reveal stream you ignoramus
>gets laughed by stunties
>Tau and Eldar are pretty alright, maybe a bit arrogant at times but still recognizable as good-ish in other settings
>Tau: easily as dictatorial as the Imperium, and commits the same atrocities but just wraps it up in communist-speak.
>Eldar: will commit totalising genocide against any other sentient race so long as the future requires it for the survival of the eldar, just like the Imperium.

Mate, every species in 40k are totalising genocidal dictatorships of one stripe or another - it's the only way to survive.
>The most well guarded place in the entire galaxy can handle a daemon on it so why can't every other planet in the Imperium?
Gee, I wonder anon!
>goal post migration season

Ok but you can describe such a life without sounded like a chaos faggot?
It’s not hard for literally anyone but chaos faggots…
Then think about the implication that the people saying what you say the loudest do it only grudgingly, usually after spouting blatant chaos faggotry.
0% parody. Wow.
Craftworlds were like Noah's Arc. They were not part of the society in any meaningful way, they were outsides, freaks and doomsday cultists.
you're so dishonest and retarded it's getting painful. terra is the most heavily defended planet in the known universe garrisoned by people that would make greater demons shit their pants, random agri worlds and voidships don't have that same luxury
>The Imperium spends all day causing undue suffering kek. its evil is nearly always unecessary. Please anon read a codex. the fucking third Tithe episode on shows this, peope rock up to take the ammo from a warzone making them lose and die, and when delivering the ammo the imperium blows it up because they cant store it, Literally both unnecessary evil and undue suffering
That's just bureaucracy, which is a banal evil.
Yes but they were part of Eldar society until they left was my point. They preserved the best parts of the Eldar culture.
Will try a bit of force to see if the previous owner used little glue.
Shouldn't be too hard to snip around with the tip of the clippers I guess. Maybe some cutting with a knife will be needed.
Will post if can get the head out
I do not care for Aeldari.
>Claims secondary bullshit
>the fucking third Tithe episode
anon the holocaust was also famously banal evil. Evil = evil
Imperium = Chaos morally and neither offers a future for humanity as a species
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did we really need a whole convention for this?
>Ok but you can describe such a life without sounded like a chaos faggot?
Just grow a beard and mine ores like a kin, and be pal with your robot friends and your giant computer. Don't be like those sad pathetic imperium and mars faggots who fear toasters.
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When is someone going to make a /TouristGeneral/ for all the autistic secondaries to loiter in. This is supposed to be a thread about painting and playing games.
The convention isn't even passing the midwit hurdle anon
Play the rogue trader game. There are outlaws and pirates and smugglers that operate outside the imperial law, but yet not outright chaotic in nature.
they said "kit"
you're getting swooping hawks in a KT and nothing else lmao
No, the point is that they abandoned the eldar culture to become something different. The ways and culture of the craftworlds is nothing like the eldar culture had been before.
Aeldari more like Smelldari
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>swooping hawks
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>B-But the dogmatic Imperium is ba-
Burn the heretic
>The Imperium shouldn't just be wary of anyone different than the-
Kill the mutant
>H-Humans have societies on Daemonic wor-
Purge the unclean
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>anon the holocaust was also famously banal evil. Evil = evil
Hang yourself larpfaggot. You're taking a setting about psychic buzzlightyears fighting ebil psychic buzz lightyears, magic robot skeletons, living fungus that drives cars, space elves, and ebil aliens way way too seriously
Why lie? Anyone can go to the article or video and see what was written or said
>"We are going to follow that up with some Aeldari LAUNCHES"
>"Rounding out some of the Aspect Warriors"
>"New sculpts for those"
All plural, they never even mentioned Swooping Hawks directly, they wrote how the faction after Krieg would be "swooping" in (which is a clear reference to the Hawks but not something they "said" as you claim.)
No, go ruin some other IP with your autism.
swooping hawks and a character and nothing else
3.25% playerbase factions don't get major releases, sorry eldartranny
Asdrubael Vect, what is best in life?
If you have fun being autistic then by all means, just do so in the privacy of your own home or accept that people will mock you for being a sperg
The 10th edition chaos lord can take a hammer in one hand and a fist in the other. I can't seem to figure out if he gets 5 attacks with each, if he has to pick one. It doesn't make much sense to me that you could model him per the box instructions with a useless and redundant loadout, but the Extra Attacks rule seems to imply that he'd only be able to use one.
We are getting
>Swooping Hawks
>Warp Spiders
>Unnamed Warp Spider Pheonix Lord
>Fire Dragons
you can cope with this however you will.
I can't wait for your tears when you get a refresh even worse than the blood angels lineup
Roboute Guilliman, what is worst in life?
I dunno ask /hhg/
nigger YOU are taking it too seriously calm the fuck down lmao.
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my Imperial fist WiP. All the colors come together so well.



what does any of this fucking mean?
I dunno ask /hhg/
>trust the science! academics have concluded that the imperium is bad and racist! you have to play warhammer 50k or you are a chud!
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To alpha strike your enemies, see them tabled before you, and to hear the lamentations of their players.
John Freaking Grammaticus.
>it's an i try to paint 50 models at once but make next to zero progress on any of them episode
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>n-no u
0/10, I accept your concession
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literally shove your brush in their and rub it against the side like you're trying to grab something that fell between your desk and your wall. It's a tiny crevice that's barely visible on top of being obscured by it's own shadow. Just make sure the blue part is blue and the black part is black and don't worry about it anymore.

or just sub assemble it next time if you really care.
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I tried looking for CSM parts but couldn't find them aside from as you said a few odd pieces. I'm having to resort to a mix of making replicating my own parts with molds (which isn't easy for complex parts especially arms. anything that can't have a open mold) and using 3rd party knock offs like Spellcrow in trying to make a all manlets World Eaters army.

I'll keep looking for the mutation STLs since I would look to have khornate possessed but trying to guess the keywords a copyright infringing polish femboy would use to avoid games workshop from finding them is hard.
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Whew, so I only assembled two for about the last hour and a half, but this absorbed me so completely I forgot I even existed, just total quiet focus. I didn't even think to put on music or a stream in the background, as soon as I started clipping from the sprue, I was in the zone. I only assembled two, but I got all their mold lines and sprue marks shaved off. Took a little bit to figure out the best way to handle the hobby knife to do it, but it fell into place pretty quickly.

I can see why this hobby hooked you guys so hard. I really regret not getting into it sooner, this feels like exactly what I've been looking for over the past decade. I can't wait to assemble the rest tomorrow and start painting them. Quick question, should I use the texture paint on the bases before I prime them? It seems like a good idea to get it all on there and sealed so I don't affect the paint I do on the model later by doing the base last. What would you do?
Good, good.
Why would you want to do that. The new bezerkers are great while the old ones are objectively terrible and goofy looking. Not being a dick just genuinely never met anyone who liked the old bezerkers
Meant to quote my original post >>94023931
>should I use the texture paint on the bases before I prime them? It seems like a good idea to get it all on there and sealed so I don't affect the paint I do on the model later by doing the base last. What would you do?
It's a matter of taste, I like leaving my models bases clean and then doing my basing at the end, others prefer doing their texture paste at the beginning. It doesn't really change much all things considered
Just keep this in mind while assembling: Guys with guns held across their torso might be hard to paint if you assemble them fully beforehand. It's often better to do subassemblies
Kinda this. Some new models are not really better, but some old kits are so bad, anything is an improvement.
what colour scheme are you going with?
Just keep in mind that when there is a gun in front of the torso, then you don't see the torso anyway
It gives you an excuse to paint less because nobody will see it
I liked the black trim a little more than the gold imo. I think the gold blends in a bit too much imo
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>he’s using the 'movie about space wizards for children' argument
Chaos isn’t sending its best.
Yes, I learned that from the starter kit, all those infernus marines. I was eyeballing the guy on the right and it looks like I'll have enough space to get a brush in pretty comfortably, so I fully assembled him. I don't think I'm going to be able to do that with some of the warriors and immortals, though.

I'm actually a fan of the one on the cover, where they are mostly a medium silver/iron color with the brass tones here and there. My plan was to basecoat black, airbrush the lead colored silver paint to leave the recesses black, dilute the brass a lot and use it kind of like a wash on some parts to sit over the silver, and then do a dirty gold for the jewelry and heraldry. I have the tesseract glow paint I'm going to put on the weapons and eyes last, but I still have to buy the white base paint it requires to sit over on those parts, so they're going to have to wait for now.
Based corner-cutters
Imho minis play by stage rules. Anything the viewer can't see doesn't exist.
>dilute the brass a lot and use it kind of like a wash on some parts to sit over the silver,
All of that sounds fine except this bit. Metallics do weird shit when you overthin them, and I don't think you're going to get the effect you think you are, whatever that may be
Thanks for the info, I'll play it by ear then, if it doesn't matter too much.
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Darn, alright. What do you think I should do to achieve the sort of brassy tinge these guys have over the silver?
>He's still larping
Have you considered being less autistic and not pretending to be a space man. You can still play the game, and paint cool space guys. You'll just be slightly more tolerable to those around you
Probably just a really thick oil wash with a dry brush for the highlights.
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You can either use a flesh toned wash/contrast paint to push the silver to a more copper tone, or basecoat the copper bits as copper and highlight/drybrush them silver
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I found this blog with a really similar result to your pic
Don't suggest oil washes for beginners anon, they get overwhelmed with the amount of equipments and supplies they need to buy and it's better to let them slowly get all the stuff together than have them buy supplies for 4 different painting mediums right off the rip

I like them for nostalgia mostly. I want to make a 4th edition compliant army (still have the codex somewhere) just for fun. That kit was from 1998. So when I was a kid they looked chunky like that along with all the other minis and even in the 2020s they looked like that. Iconic.

Also the entire reason for me doing this is I'm sick to my back teeth of building/painting modern chaos minis and wanted a change while also being able to combat my senile dementia by remembering when a box of marines was £15 and the paint pots were hexagons.
I mean he asked how it's achieved and I just wanted to give the straight answer of how its achieved regardless of skill level. Yeah it will suck for a beginner, but its still better than giving a different method that will look like shit and nowhere close to the desired effect.
Thanks, this is really helpful, I appreciate it.
You can achieve a copper colour over metallics in dozens of ways that don't include oil washes. You don't need to overcomplicate things for a beginner, they will do that themselves
This one too
I mean yeah I guess.
I want to have some hope that GW would actually give HH stuff rules for 40k. They would certainly get my money.
uh oh ECtranny melty
You retards know that all the HH stuff has datasheets already as legends. It's only an issue for tourneyfaggots or the friendless spergs who rely on pickup games
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Kind of a dumb question, what's the best way to get this gradual blend in green down the course of the tubing?
Paint green, white dry brush, use glowy green technical paint
Hey, kind of a shot in the dark, but does anyone know the name of this short publication section that GW did about scratch-making your own city terrain from cardboard? I found a .pdf of it here once but it seems like I lost it. I can't even remember the name so I can't begin to search for it. If anyone has any idea what I'm talking about, I'd really appreciate it.
Anyone have a good STL for a terminator helmet?
Ah right, thanks!
unironically ask 3dpg, you'll have much better chances of finding one there
Look up stippling and glazing if you want to learn paint techniques to blend colors. Zumikito Miniatures has decent concise videos on both.
Why would that matter for pickup games?
Because people you don't know have potential to be spergs for no reason, and could throw a melty about anything. At least when you're playing with your friends you can have some back and forth about what you both want out of a game
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Oh I am using this
Qt squidlads
>You retards know that all the HH stuff has datasheets already as legends
>all the HH stuff
You mean most of the stuff?
Are forgefiends really that OP?
My friend seems genuinely upset about how strong it is when we play.
Kino are you the anon with the grey knights with red tabards
sure am
they're not really, but if you're playing casual games between friends why not just taking something else so you both get a better experience?
Not everything has datasheets in legends.
Mostly because I have no other anti-elit models. Closest I got is some venom crawlers. But I'm honestly gonna stop fielding my forge fiend. Just wanted to know if I was the one meta chasing without really meaning to.
Whats an army that can do fine without tanks or vehicles or robots? Not none at all, just a couple.. maybe
Spess Mahreens
nids :^)
CSM can manage.
Necrons also, but that's more or a meme
what is the model with the most sharp angles? gotta be an imperial tank
>shittiest looking army goes tooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
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bruh, have you seen any necron vehicle
I can kinda see the Egyptian boat in the bow and stern curving back into the vessel, but wtf is going on with those side pieces?
Don't think they are leaving any time soon anon
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28 bloodletters, 10 flesh hounds, and one bloodmaster painted. Almost done with the infantry now
yeah bro im playing darktide rn, what other games do you play?
The size of the thunderhawk combined with the fact that it's a flying milk carton mogs everything else produced by gw
Warhammer 40000 tabletop wargame
lmao that game is awful.
There was a Lord of the rings "convention" a year or so ago.
>Dude LGBT!
>Dude maybe the orcs aren't evil?
>Dude was Tolkien a racist misogynistic evil guy.
Why do people listen to these people?
Forgefiend is very meta. Many comp lists run 3
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Nah the Manta is just absurd compared to it
Is monolith worth getting? On the one hand, it looks like a decent model, on the other it's costs a lot for what it is.
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What change to your army or the core rules would you make to fix them/the game?

For agents, remove all the keyword focus. There are tons of ways you could make the different ordos playstyles different without making it about having xenos/daemon/chaos keyword. Have them be different in them being deathwatch, or grey knights or sisters rather than a bonus they almost never gain
hang yourself immediately for recommending that turbofaggot
>What change to your army or the core rules would you make to fix them/the game?
A 75% decrease in all box prices
Make them good value compared to their points and we’ve got a deal
Orks need WAAAGH declaration to be the start of any turn (not the round) and have it last for 2 turns.
Also reverse all the points nerfs and make Tankbustas great again.
Why are we paying a premium to have literally any shenanigan when other armies get them on a budget or built in?
How about make them good value compared to the material and labor costs. It's absurd you have single units the size of single horde infantry priced at $50. I don't care if they are worth 6 gorillion points, 10g of plastic should not cost that much
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My first model, how did I do brothers
You filled it in properly anon so that’s some good brush control, need some washes in there
>Deldar don't commit atrocities because they need to satiate Slaanesh, they do it because they like it
Blantly wrong.
They do it because they are deathly afraid of it.
DEldar acting like they do it because they like it is just them putting up a facade.
Monolith is strong but Necrons are strong in general so get it if you like the model
Is that what the "shades" paints are? I forgot I had those
Not bad for the first. My only recommendation would be to thin the paint a lot more and shoot for like 3 layers of thin paint. That should get rid of a lot of the clumping you see. Maybe some finer tipped brushes to help with the smaller details
the blood angles hehe
>No, the point is that they abandoned the eldar culture to become something different.
No, you are thinking of Exos. And those left very early on because they saw what the proto-DEldar were getting up to and realized it can't be stopped so they fucked all the way to the boonies to get away from the coming shitstorm.

CWE are the ones that stayed around and they did it specifically because they tried to turn the DEldar away from the path of damnation that leads to Slaanesh.
But the CWE eventually left too because they realized Slaanesh being born was inevitable and they weren't going to die themselves for the retarded fucks that doomed their entire species in the first place.

Harlies then are a group thar formed later after the Fall once some eldar started to learn that Cegorach was still alive. So they joined with him to gain his protection.
>Is this not quite literally how it is?
No, the DEldar still feel the soul drain even within Commoragh while in the webway but it is less, compared to if they go out of the webway.
>The real throne room is more akin to a nuclear reactor thats melted down and exposed
Gay, boring, retarded.
The chaos trim is getting to me. Send help.
This has nowhere near the same amount of hard edges, what are you smoking
Sounds like you're in the wrong thread then tourist-kun
You did this to yourself. Painting csm trim is an acquired taste and you either are completely in love with it or you hate it, there's no middle ground
Sorry that I dont want to play your board game.
Looks fine for basecoat but is screaming for a wash. You can easily apply it at this point and it will probably shock you how much better it looks after. Washes are liquid talent
Why are you here then
To see how people paint models
You'd learn more in /wip/ and not have to deal with 80% of the posts being about something you don't give a shit about
So what isn't in legends?
the /wip/ general is too slow, and besides only like 2 people in here talk about the actual game because its shit.
The new admech stuff and then some random shit noone really cares that much about
It’s a bit of both, it’s like a drug addict who enjoys the high of the drug but also won’t admit to themselves they’re addicted or just doing it out of a dependency. It’s taboo among them to mention the soul thirst as an existential problem for them.
But what if I both love it and hate it?
If you're just lurking in random threads without posting, then you're not going to have your specific questions about painting answered just by happenstance. Also people talk about games all the time here which you'd know if you weren't a nomodels
meant to look like a ribcage to make the ship look like a corpse, because they're NECRO(dead)NS
>love it
>hate it
Pick one. Everyone loves their model once it's painted, but you either love or hate the process of painting trim and anyone claiming both is lying
Shoo secondary you aren't welcome
Have you considered working harder or getting paid more
how about that money gets put into more useful things like bad dragon products.
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You're obviously not working hard enough or getting paid enough to enjoy all the things you enjoy without stress, both dragon dildoes and space barbies. included
Thanks, that made a huge difference
Silly anon this is /TouristGeneral/
Qt bases and borkers
Choice paintwork, but man Bloodletters was a serious downgrade from their previous bulky daemon look.
Newfag here, who is edgecoc & Ben and what do their models look like?
fuck it, i like custodes and i''m going to get custodes
with a canis rex thrown in too because i love mechs
Luetin 09 since he’s been playing since second edition; also I’ll second that arbiter Ian rec. Ian actually cites what book he’s pulling from or at least has its content on screen
I should be allowed to buy orks with teef
Icy Winters.
Ben was some shitposter from /aosg/ that got doxxed.
Edgecoc is a weirdo redditor that stalks Ben because Ben mindbroke him so badly.
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GW please see sense and give standalone agents an army rule
>Enemy of the Imperium
>At the start of the game declare one unit in the enemies army, all agents of the imperium units reroll hits and wounds against that unit.
>3CP Stratagem- Rising Threat, select a new target of Enemy of the Imperium
Even if it’s shit it’d be something
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Day 2 of hunger strike fasting until Harlequins gets a stand-alone codex once more.
>imagine the smell....
Any of you fags at the LGT?
Which faction will win?
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I will not see it return.
The status quo has been restored
Realistically they should juat make an Imperial Agents style third codex, "Shards of the Dominions" or something, that contains Harlies, Corsairs, Exodites, and Ynnari. Just give each one 6-7 units and call it good. You can run your meme army as its own thing, or just ally specialist units into DE and CWE.
>hunger strike fasting
your (fat) body thanks you for giving it a break for once
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>mirror armies
>mirror terrain
>mirror deployment
Whose worse, them or secondaries?
Secondaries are fine I just don’t want them in this thread, this is a miniatures thread
correct, minatures. Not a tenth edition cesspit.
You are one stupid cunt lmao
I dunno how you can pretend the Imperium are the good guys when you have Nurgle as the good guy faction.
The argument was never that those planets and peoples the imperium sacrifices for contactbwith demons were too far gone because they can't win militarily, but because Chaos is so corruptive even in victory they're liabilities, i. e. Armageddon. Terra has had demons on it with no call to cull the planet in response to that.
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>commits the same atrocities but just wraps it up in communist-speak.
Evidently not considering you see human worlds willingly joining the Tau. They're not perfect, but given the Imperium has on average 20 hour work days and a life expectancy of 30 it's not hard to be better than them.
>>Eldar: will commit totalising genocide against any other sentient race so long as the future requires it for the survival of the eldar, just like the Imperium.
But not other Eldar, which is above what the Imperium does for humanity. For the Eldar their lives are something valuable to be guarded when possible, whereass the Imperium sees human lives as resources to be spent in the defence of what actually matters to them, the State.
not an arguement I accept your concession
Go to /lit/ to talk about your lore fags
>hard edges
>tau vehicle
What do you think git them in that mess in the first place? All descriptions of pre-Fall Eldar society point it to being more or less like Deldar society is nowadays, specially considering Deldar society is fairly young by Eldar standards. Remove the soul drain and nothing at all changes with the Deldar.
Man thunderhawks look so awful, too boxy to ever fly. A voidships yeah whatever but in atomsphere and gravity its terrible. Seeing them animated in Space Marine 2 is just emberrassing
DEI dar lamo
Anon, by your own words the Deldar are still more like the ancient Eldar.
>CWE are the ones that stayed around and they did it specifically because they tried to turn the DEldar away from the path of damnation that leads to Slaanesh.
Ah, another Discord "raid".
>Don't have the horrible population dense conditions on every rancid planet
>Don't have horrible working conditions to squeeze everything you can put of planets and people
Yeah you've nullified chaos a bit, how about the now collapsing logistical train for all the other humanity destroying threats that exist?
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whats the most amount of money you have given to GW in a bulk purchase?
lol do you really think the Imperium effectively directs all resources it extracts from planets and peoples to war efforts? You don't think theres a standard logistical nightmare and most resources of people and materials are wasted or misused.
Again anons the Imperium is not 'the grim necessary evil to save humanity' its 'humanity is threatened by its own emotions (chaos), mutated populace, aliens AND its own government. Humanity is as threatened by the Imperium as it is eveything else, including the bugs. Everything wants to kill them including the imperium who see the human race as a resource
the discorders are so embarrassing
>The Imperium's cruelty is necessary and the alternative is destruction.
>The Imperium's cruelty is unnecessary and goes beyond necessary evil.
>muh imperium is as cruel as it is because it is necessary
>muh imperium is unnecessarily cruel
Is this "Discord" in the thread with us right now?
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Do you play CSM painted in different legions' colors, anons? I have so many ideas to paint my chaos space marines, it's impossible for me to decide one color scheme.
So I decided to build smaller forces of Iron Warriors and Alpha Legion, but use them alongside my Black Legion main force. Would you say it's ok lore-wise to use them not as separate detachments, but part of BL detachment, even tho' they kept they original colors?
I personally like 40k Theories
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Post models anons, working on some deathwatch
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Someday the war will end.
This isn't even up to debate, it's
>The Imperium's cruelty is unnecessary and goes beyond necessary evil.
>muh imperium is unnecessarily cruel
The Imperium is a "once bitten, twice shy" type of situation. Their cruel measures work but they aren't strictly necessary and they adopted them as a knee-jerk reaction against greater evils, but other factions (Interex, Tau, CWE, Kroot) don't engage in quite the levels of atrocity.
>hates psykers
>worships a psyker
I think rules lawyers might complain about it if there's more than one detachment because it could get confusing, but it's your choice whether you want them to remain totally original or have some kind of extra detail to show that they're aligned with the BL guys.
I saw one I liked that was bone armor with bronze trim with the arms and legs slattered with red like its was fresh blood from hitting and stomping mortals. Kinda like 30K WE.
Makes me wish there was 2 former friends from different legions who were on different sides and fought and 'killed' each other during the heresy and still fight one another in dreads in a millennia old conflict of betrayal. I dunno we don't really have any CSM dread characters, it would be nice.
Then we could have art of them chilling on a beach together
Fucking love the progressive trigger on the bolters.
Tzaangor in power armor.
Unlike the Imperium, which famously never causes people to turn to chaos. All of those chaos legions and renegade chapters and traitor regiments popped out of nowhere, right?
>quite the levels of atrocity
But atrocity nonetheless, meaning cruelty is necessary for any functioning government, you are now simply debating the level of atrocity required.
Post the meme where the Commissar blams the emperor
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Is it necessary to become chaos to destroy chaos?
It is to the Sons of Malice and the Alpha Legion, maybe.
something, anything, for the sisters of silence.
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Spent nearly $1000 on Elysians when they went last chance to buy
Can I see them?
So that got you what? Three, four squads?
Yes? Almost the entirety of what the imperium does is for war efforts you fucking idiot, obviously it is
Now a tiny percentage goes to luxuries, and larger percentage is wasted due to logistical failings, ineptness, corruption and outright sabotage, but the expressed purpose of EVERYTHING they do is about their war economy you fucking thick cunt, and these failings exist as a part of the scale of this logistical nightmare
Without this scale of production and logistics humanity is fucked, holy shit you stupid secondary cunts are beyond belief
they're literally the only HH terminators anybody gives a shit about
>salamanders get generic scale covered tataros slop
>iron hands get gorgonslop
>blood angels and dark angels get quite possibly the ugliest possible cataphractii
>space wolves got terminators so ugly they've been crying for a redux since their release
>white scars got black scars tataros slop
>iron warriors got standard cataphractii with missile pods on everything
>alpha legion get generic scale covered cataphractii
>death guard got tataros slop versions of their actually good 40k terminators
>night lords got tataros slop with world of warcraft weapons
>tsons got uglier scarab occult terminators
>sons of horus got bog standard cataphractii
red butchers are the only 30k legion terminators that have consistently sold out as soon as they restock, despite their forgeworld sculpts being objectively terrible they still mog the rest of the legion termies both aesthetically and in popularity
>TSons detractor can’t into math
>>salamanders get generic scale covered tataros slop
And that's why they are cool.
Can't beat simplicity.
Ignore those who are telling you to wash it, learn to paint with light and dark paints instead of hampering your technique with a crutch
Hell yeah Black Reach Commander very based
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oh no i missed the anon in the last thread who said he couldnt decide on a single paint scheme. Just paint them as OG Red Corsairs where hey keep their original warband scheme but have red Xs painted over them. Huron Blackheart always was based.

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