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Tired of 5e? Pathfinder? Do you have a funky setting but NO system to go with it? We'll help ya, kind stranger.
Provide a detailed description of the game ya wanna run, and we'll offer you a system recommendation. Don' just request tho, be a good sport and help Anons who are looking for systems too! And feel free to discuss and debate the merits of different systems too!

Figured that I should make a new thread, since it’s been so long since the last one. Has anyone here discovered any new systems that they like lately?
No, sadly not. Have there actually been any noteworthy new releases lately?
What games have the quickest moving most punchy combat systems, that are both deep but don't take 5 million years during initiative
Which ones have good handling of modular body types for characters and such?
Oh yeah, seconding this request please.

Run OSE and let your martial classes so called shot maneuvers for -4/disadvantage to on hit roll, if hit they get a mechanical boon (target knocked prone, stunned, crit called shot is a major boon like a dismemberment table roll or triple damage idk be creative)
I'm working on a homebrew setting of elementalists, inspired by a certain old cartoon I recently stumbled across once more, one where the elements are the top dog mystically speaking, so I'm looking for systems with a heavy focus on the element in the magic and world to use for it, ones that are less well-known than the Avatar games or Legend of the Five Rings. If the system has sub-abilities for mages of each element besides manipulating the element itself, like healing magic for Water mages, all the better please.
Thank you. Too much crunch for things like that totally ruins immersion for me.
What’s the best supers system for a campaign based on the Teen Titans cartoon?
Masks: A New Generation is essentially Teen Titans
Try Masks, it's perfect for that.
it's PbtA, though. Just throwing that out.
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>it's PbtA, though. Just throwing that out.
And what's wrong with that?
it's a very specific type of play
And what IS that style exactly?
PbtA games feel like PbtA games. That's what I'm saying. It's a noticeable change, unlike going from a d20 roll under to a d100 roll under. Some people prefer it, some people don't like it.
I have no clue what you're trying to make me say.
Man, time flies, hard to believe that it’s the first of October already. Are there any good non-D&D systems for a setting where most beings and magics revolve around one of the four seasons in some way or another? Nothing overly dark like Changeling: the Lost if possible please.
Ars Magica maybe?
Okay, anything else?
call me a faggot for bring vidya to tabletops, but this is what I have had an itch for.

Titanfall. Tactical sci fi military theme. Quick and acrobatic humans and their slow but powerful AI mech counterparts work in tandem against similar opponents in large or small scale warfare

Monster Hunter. 4 person vs. big bosses and investigating/ tracking monsters in harsh terrain
focus on gathering resources, creating and using tools to distract or hamper large bosses and create openings for team to strike.

Both systems should have a good degree of lethality to them to raise stakes and encourage teamwork and thinking outside the box
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>PbtA games feel like PbtA games
Anything we should know going in if we've never played a PbtA game before?
That they're not games
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It's a very narrative game, kind stranger. Heh heh heh. Lots of talking, hagglin' with the GM, more resembling a more mechanical improv drama with friends.
If you want somethin' more crunchy with big nerd numbers, try somethin' like Mutants and Masterminds.
oh, I though it was something trying to bait some bizarre gotcha. My bad.
Instead of defined actions you have grey spaces where a vaguely defined type of action would apply, the idea is that players will just describe and the GM will decide when something they said falls in one of those chance areas where certain defined rules apply. For example instead of attack actions you have a general combat thing, and instead of saying I attack the player should describe what they do and then the GM tells him to roll according to however that game decides combat.
Some people find this counterintuitive because the players get character specific actions in their sheet, so they know they are trying to use that one action. In some cases this means that instead of free form until you do [action] or the GM decides it needs a roll, they keep looking at a limited set of predesigned things their character would do.

It really depends on the player. For some it's liberating, for others it's confining. There are a lot of great, or at least weird, concepts for that system so I think that even if you don't like it in practice there's a lot to take from them. Things like soap operas, granny bookclub investigating eldritch horrors, WWE. Like Troika it atracts a lot of creativity that you can adapt to other stuff.
what the best system for anime fights. Think JJK, Naruto, Baki, One Punch Man, etc.
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Okay, thanks for clearing that up, are there any other similar systems that you'd recommend, like that Troika system you briefly mentioned?
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Are there any non-Warhammer games with good mutation options/roll tables, or just options for playing as a mutant in general, particularly if it’s more fantasy than Fallout?
asymmetric wars and skirmishes https://smallwarsjournal.com/blog/what-is-a-small-war
NTAYRT, but you know those Fighting Fantasy novels/gamebooks? Troika is the system from those but with a hipster planescape setting bolted on. I like it, but it is a bit polarizing.
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>but it is a bit polarizing.
Thanks for the warning. Are those the only systems with that vibe?
I'm sure there must be an OSR add on to make things out of monsters, that's the only thing you'd need to make it monster hunter.
But good luck asking osrg about something that wasn't made before 82

Troika is the opposite. It barely gives you any mechanics, you kinda do whatever and all the rolls are the same stat.

I'm not sure what you want. Both are popular in their own right, it's a matter of preferences. You kinda have to try things for yourself and see how you feel.
What you ate asking for is often two opposing forces in the mind of most games. From the games I've played the one with the fastest combat and the most tactical is my homebrew monstrosity of OD&D with the action economy and movement/placement rules from D&D 4e. (And nothing else from 4e, I like that edition but all I stole was the rules for action economy and placement).
What's the perfect system to play a gonzo fantasy setting where the PCs are dragonriders and the dragons actually matter beyond being an extension of the PC's abilities?
It's fine if they have to grow into the dragonriding, but the dragon has to be present from the get go.
Yes, yes, I know, I could homebrew a million different systems, but maybe there's a system out there that's a perfect fit.
What system works best for playing as a being in a two-dimensional world?
Are there any systems that do a good job simulating Minecraft?
I am looking for a system that does high fantasy magic while also having napoleonic era firearms with neither feeling just tacked on.
Seconding this please.
Looking for systems that have interesting takes on necromancy and related magics that aren’t more common names like Ars Magica or D&D, for an original setting where necromancy is the dominant form of magic, please tell me that you guys have suggestions for me.
I want to play something Titanfall or CoD:AW inspired. Are there any systems that allow for similar dynamic skirmishes with modern to near-future settings? Most games I've seen are usually centered on how everything is miserable, which is fun but not what I'm looking for.
Besides the White Wolf games, what are the best systems for playing as a Changeling and/or other Fae beings?
Which cartoon is this?
Any fantasy system in which magic is pretty minor cantrip sort of stuff and anything bigger than that requires elaborate preparation and rituals? I'm looking for something less fantastical, more grounded. I don't want players pulling celestial summons out of their ass and reconstructing the landscape on a whim. I'd just as soon not have to comb through spell lists and exclude the offending spells manually if a system like this already exists.

Was considering looking through some horror systems, but if a fantasy one is out there, that'd be preferred.
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DCC has tables for this, I think most wizard spells can mutate you on failure. For example the enlarge spell (cant remember if that was its name) can turn various body parts different sizes.

Also, shadow of the demon lord has a corruption table with similar effects.
Mythrase has different schools of magic, you can just include or exclude each school entirely. For your purposes, would probably just keep the folk magic school. System is very grouded and not fantastical, but is fairly crunchy.
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What are the best games, discounting Godbound and Scion, for playing as gods or god-like beings?
What's the best system for a Fire Force game, with lots of cool powers derived from pyrokinesis?
NTA, but what are the other schools of magic in Mythras?
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Folk Magic - weak, low level utility
Animism - communion with spirits and the spirit world
Mysticism - internal energy and strength of will
Sorcery - Ancient knowledge and arcane research, probably one of the more powerful schools
Theism - Divine aid from the gods.

It's not a class-based system, so you can easily just choose which options to include depending on your setting. Think you can even do no-magic martial-only without really having issues.
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DCC's Umerica is a magical wasteland. You have mutants and people being mutated, but you also have wizards and aliens as playable classes.
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I really need a system that allows for more customisable magic. My players and I are also in a book club that recently started reading a few urban fantasy novels, and it's given me some ideas. The issue is I haven't found a system that allows for easily modified and customised magic. My players didn't like MtA, and it seems other systems just substitute that ability to create/modify spells with having hundreds of different spells, which is an issue because half my players suffer decision paralysis. The Laundry Files RPG is really as close as I've come to finding what I want. I'd love a good recommendation, but honestly even if someone has houserules or homebrew for Mage that improve it, I'd take it happily.
Thanks, anything else I should know going in?
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Never heard of Dungeon Crawl Classics, but I'll take a look at it and Shadow of the Demon Lord to start, thanks.
Ah, I see that the autocorrect demon has struck again. So annoying. I wonder if fighting against that could be the basis for a game…
I want to play as a blood mage in my next game, what systems handle blood magic best and why?
Are there any other systems that might work worth mentioning?
If you are into building up your own games, Genesys is a classless, generic system with a very robust magic system. The system itself is low to mid crunch with a good resolution system for combat and social encounters.
I love characters with spells and powers that revolve around generating and controlling light or darkness, like Kizaru from One Piece or Raven from Teen Titans, respectively, what systems handle those kinds of abilities best and why?
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Not that guy, but thanks for the recommendation. Anything that we should know before making a game with it, or using it in general? Like about the dice in picture related for instance.
For the Monster Hunter bit: Maybe check out "Into the Wyrd and Wild". Its a wilderness setting book but got ideas for easy ressource managment, tracking prey, cleaning a kill and harvesting monster parts.
Different anon, but thanks.
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>Has anyone here discovered any new systems that they like lately?
Played the FF14 RPG starter set and was surprisingly good fun. Only one player had knowledge of FF14, though they'd all played final fantasy in the past at some point. The combat was really neat, with fun puzzle elements and things for all the players to do. The story in the starter set was generic but really I just use the monster stats anyway and there's a huge pile of lore there if you need it.

I genuinely expected it to be crap but was pleasantly surprised.
Have you ever tried making anything with it?
NTA but I've been using genesys a bit. For the dice you can use online rollers like from rpgsessions or any virtual tabletop if you dont wana/cant grab them in person. Personally I think the dice are one of the more interesting parts of the system, but there's some flaws in how they work and really the system in general. It's still a good system and the freeform magic is part of why I like it but expect to run into issues, some of which are fine and can be house ruled to your groups standards and others which are a bit more awkward like how XP and character progression work.(try to avoid handing out too much too fast like the book suggests you do especially for long games)
For magic specifically you should remember that narrative magic actions don't necessarily have to follow structured rules and can just be a dice roll like any other skill, which is part of what makes it fun, but do try to keep consistent standards on what can actually be done narratively, like having to draw from the spell actions a character has access to or even specific spells they "know" if you make people come up with spells instead of always spontaneously casting.

Mutants and Masterminds 2e
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>Mutants and Masterminds 2e
Why M&M, and why specifically 2e?
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Good space system, each player has their own ship or can choose a multicrew ship, focus on dogfighting?
I really wanna try EDRPG but I'm not sure if it's any good or not
Friday Night Firefight
Consider Tachyon Squadron and Warbirds: Space Age.
Tachyon squadron sounds kinda neat, is FATE fudge dice?
It is.
>Friday Night Firefight
Different anon, but why that system specifically?
Highly lethal, encounters tend to be over quickly
Is having fudge dice a good thing or bad thing in your books?
I don't know I've never tried them. Can you simulate them with regular D6s? 4+ are pluses or something?
Not him, but I think so.
Any particular reason for those suggestions?
Both are actually focused on dogfighting and assume that not only every PC is a pilot with a space fighter, but that none of them are worse at space fighter stuff overall than the others (barring edge cases such as stunts in TS and aliens in W:SA, unfortunately), as the budgets for space fighter skills and other skills are split and do not intersect.
Both employ a very similar positioning system (the Dogfight Tracker of W:SA and the Maneuver Chart of TS); not a full 3d or even 2d map with speeds, directions etc., but nonetheless sufficiently detailed as to discern whether the current positions of space fighters are more advantageous compared to each other (each position can actively attack any position lower than itself). The main difference is that positions change more drastically in W:SA than in TS (fully rerolled each round in the former, adjusted based on the previous round in the latter).
Numeric values of attributes and effects are manageably small.

Another option:
Thunderbolt: An Aerial Knight RPG has space reflavor options.
(also, it has a pilot ability allowing the character to shoot the foe while he monologues)
A fudge die has two [-], two [ ] (can be interpreted as [0]), and two [+] sides. I've even seen dice conversion guides that involve drawing these over the dots.

I'm tired of 5gay and Crunchgrinder myself.

I'm looking for a modern setting where you play an average person getting sucked into the underground where magic and mythological creatures exist.

You are recruited by a splinter of the government tasked with bringing rogue magicians, cultists, monsters, ghosts or otherworldly beings/aliens to justice.

World of Darkness meets Delta Green meets CJ Carellas Witchcraft meets d20 Modern meets Call of Cthulhu.
>but not hinged on HPL's works. Tired of that too.

And...can be played solo.

What system(s) would you suggest for that?
So what does "cyberpunk heist game" best without being Shadowrun itself and its mess of crunch?
Oh, easy, basically a d3 system. You add up all the positives and negatives and the final result is how well or bad you do
So for Warhammer nerds I can say "roll this many d3, take your 1s and 3s and see which pile is bigger, then take the remainder from the bigger pile and if it's 1s ya done bad if its 3s ya done good"
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What super hero systems would work best for a lower scale Hunter Hunter game? A way of adding conditions to a power in order to make it stronger would be necessary.
What’s the best game for playing as embodiments of different holidays, or at least characters with holiday-themed powers?
Look up one of the more generalist super hero systems and you might have something workable.
Dark Heresy or The Witcher would probably be your best options.
Mutants and Masterminds probably.
Changeling the Dreaming with parts from Changeling the Lost.
Cyberpunk 2013 or Demon the Descent if you use the rules for crafting plans and cut out a few of the more supernatural abilities.
city of mist?
Ive not played it but I know its less crunch more storyshit and designed for modern "secret" world play ala WoD
Hunter the Vigil is pretty much what you're describing. Go with 2e but use 1e books as well.
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Which parts, and are there any other systems you'd recommend?
CtL has a category of merits called "court status" which allows the characters to embody a concept and those could be adjusted to embody holidays.
I do not know any other system that fits bill besides the usual bullshit answers.
>use 1e books as well.
Not him, but any books in particular?
It's not, it's just LEGO.
I want to run a game of in my own Game of Thrones-esque world. Everything is medieval and historically accurate but it's not Earth, and there are minor supernatural threats like zombies, werewolves, and magic is always evil.

Hit me, what system?
Just use the official game of thrones system or The Witcher ttrpg.
>official game of thrones system
Not him, but I didn't know that there 'was' an official system.
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D&D 3.5e with players getting the Dragon Cohort (draconomicon) feat and dragons getting the Mighty Steed (Bestiary of Krynn) feat for free.
You may either start the game at level 10 to play RAW, or waive the lvl 9 requirement and give the players the feat earlier.
I'd probably either give them the feat later or let the cohort "morph" into higher ECL forms, such as everybody starts with a Pseudodragon or Rattlyr at level 3 and they can either advance the thing by HD and class levels, or change it into a stronger kind of dragon, which for dragonriders make a lot of sense.
The earliest a medium creature could ride a dragon without enlargement or shrinking magic (accounting for the Mighty Steed feat) would be the Fire Dragon from Bestiary of Krynn at character level 8.
Or play GURPS.
Hunter never got that many books, so you can look at all of them. I like Witch Finders.
Green Ronin made one.
What would be a good system for running the more tech/magical parts of Taimanin? As shown in the arena fighter game there's a bunch of different styles and special abilities on top of being highly trained in various ninja esque skills. >>94161275
This does sound cool, seconding please.
Games similar to Knave & Maze Rats?
I love the magic system in Maze Rats. You just roll the name of the spell on a table and the group can come up with ideas for what the spell does.
Are there any other systems dedicated to low crunch like this?
There's a metric fucktonne of one page or systems but they are all thematically and mechanically limited and feel like reskins of each other.
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Just edit the tables to your liking.
Is GURPS really the jack of all trades RPG system? And is it easy to learn? Asking here because I feel that the GURPS general is most likely too biased.
Yes, and also yes. The worst parts are character creation and the magic system and the character creation problems can be mitigated with a program called GURPS Character Sheet.
I'm biased cause it's the only game I play nowadays, but after you get into it you'll find homebrewing a thing of the past. You just do a ruling based on the core task resolution and after you check it you'll find 90% of the time that you got it right.
If you're a GM just don't let players pump attributes in character advancement without a time sink and a justification/training and always set a limit on disadvantages points.
>the magic system and the character creation problems
And what problems are those precisely?
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Never heard of the system, but it sounds based, seconding please.
NTA, but do you have more of these please
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System recs for running a game similar in vein to Jagged Alliance 3? Notable things would be:
>party are mercenaries
>gun porn
>squad tactics
>action points
>income and economy mechanics
Unfortunately not but it wouldn't be hard to make your own. It's a really simple system. It's just adjectives+nouns/verbs vaguely categorized together.
Here's a reformatted version in PDF form.
I think i've seen edits floating around but I have none at hand.
Not sure if it ticks all your boxes but it's got a LOT of gun porn.
it's /tg/ made and even has a fishing mini game.
I stumbled onto the new Ranma ½ anime on Netflix and I got curious, what would be a good system for it?
I want to crash the Enterprise into the space station from Event Horizon and see if Kirk and Spock go crazy. Basically, hyper-competent sci fi crew against cthulhu style threats. Any thoughts on what system could accomodate?
Primetime Adventures? When trying to emulate a TV show it's best to use the system that emulates TV shows.
Does it have good options for badass martial arts?
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>Primetime Adventures
What do I need to know going in?
I want to run a cyberpunk-ish game centered on detective work and a bit of mysticism, with rare but highly lethal combat. The thing is, my current players are really new to the whole TTRPG thing, and I can't just slap Cyberpunk 2020 on that shit. Plus I need to run this on Roll20.
>any new systems you like?
>pod people
it's called Pod People, it's an experimental Horror Zine where you take the roll of a body snatching alien bodysnatching people. it's so gas for me but it's hard to work into a game. I'll figure it out one day
>in normie
in normie is a TTRPG about the symphony. God's eteneral plans. the world's christaian but the universe is karmaric. play the role of angel, demon, or a human stuck in the middle. I've been hyped to play it but no players in our group are interested
How much mysticism are we talking here? Because depending on the answer, Shadowrun might be for you.
Not, like, having magic casters and everything, just ordinary(or, semi-ordinary, cyberware and stuff), coming against something mystical, and at the same time, not exactly. Robots turned into shamans, old AIs who went full "evil spirit"-ish, people going insane from overuse of cyberware and turning to cults, that sort of thing.
Pardon my ignorance, but what's that one system where you randomly roll your entire character from their physical appearance to their life as a baby and into childhood and so on?

I want to say it was "Fate" or "Fatal" or something? I just want to find an online version to roll a fuckton of random ass characters.
Yea it's Fatal, great game, have fun.
My bad. It was Traveller, not fatal.
NTA, but how did you get those mixed up?
You'd need to do some tweaking, but Shadowrun might be a good place to start then.

Ars Magica has a very fluid magic system, although I don't know what you mean by customizable. You're doing most of your stuff on the fly rather than with precooked spells; you adjudicate effects with a series of guidelines and modifiers. It's a lovely system for it, but it's tied heavily to it's Mythic (medieval) Europe setting, and I don't know if that fits your bill. It's also mega crunchy, which I like, but definitely isn't for everyone.

Eclipse Phase maybe?
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>Eclipse Phase maybe?
NTA, but why Eclipse Phase?
>Monster Hunter

It would require some re-skinning, but I believe Hollows is what you're looking for. It's unfortunately not out yet, but the quickstart rules are available for free on their website. The basic premise is that there's a four-person party of monster hunters who invade extradimensional spaces called "Hollows", where wacky psychic monsters await them. The entire system revolves around big, cinematic boss fights, and the basic gameplay loop is:

>Start expedition
>Encounter one or more non-combat areas, in which you do things like talk to NPCs, make skill checks, encounter hazards or trash mobs (which non-boss fights are resolved much more quickly than the boss encounters), and potentially earn items, called "Relics", which, in the playtest, range from consumable items to passive bonuses (one item actually disables a boss ability if a PC carries it into the fight). These are what you use in the boss fight.
>Fight the boss.
>Upgrade part of your kit

The boss fight is the meat and potatoes. It takes place on a specialized tactical map (pic related). PCs play as different classes with distinct party roles, and their gear is upgraded with each successful hunt. There's a lot of emphasis on positioning relative to the boss, and the game tracks things like cover and threat. If you filed the serial numbers off and renamed the gear and classes I feel like you've got something pretty similar to what you're asking for. Full rules probably won't be out until summer of next year, though, so maybe this is just something to keep an eye on.
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I want to run a 1970s spy mystery game set on a cruise ship where the players are trying to sleuth and weed out covert baddies. I considered gumshoe but its combat seems kinda half baked.
Sounds based, seconding please.
Any system that can match the feel/tone of Dandadan?
I like this show, seconding please.
NTA but thanks for introducing this to me. Sounds really good
What's the best non D&D system for playing as a paladin, a defender of innocents and banisher of evil?
The core is very easy but all the situational rules are difficult
Kys bumpfag
City of mist, the system is preset to be any fantastical being but the character creation is so free form you could easily use it for that.
>City of mist,
Thanks, any advice for using it please?
I'd almost look for some Zelda homebrew
there's a retroclone called Classified
>Zelda homebrew
Why a Zelda homebrew of all things?
What do you need to know before using it?
What's good for gunporn for a modern or near future setting? Something where different weapons really matter.
Are there any systems worth playing that don't exceed 50 pages of rules/content? I don't mean a condensed/shortened version of a more expansive ruleset, or a small core rulebook that then has a ton of supplementals. Everything the game was, is, and will be (in an official capacity) in 50 pages or less.
What if I reference a videogame whose general mood/premise I wanted to imitate?
possibly a homebrew runequest? no, seriously, hear me out. runequest has rules for combat which break down damage by hit location. you could maybe adapt the runes to make them like jutsu in naruto?
Anything like Pathfinder 1e in that it's crunchy af. With encounter balance being a bit tighter, but goes in a different direction from PF2e?
Bonus points if high level play actually is somewhat manageable for a GM new to the system?
There are two primary things I'm looking for in my next system to mess around with: Shipbuilding mechanics, and possibly mech mechanics. I'm planning on going in and doing an adventure where it's open ended and the adventurers go out from island to island. I want ship building to be a part of it, and I don't know what system to use for that. If it had character combat that'd be neat too, but I could also just use another system. I was possibly thinking about using sky-faring mechs as well, depends on if I find a combat system that would be fun and thematic for it.
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Not him, but what GURPS books do you need?
The japanese Ring Dream would be great.
What about English books?
I would love this too please.
Pendragon would be my first guess, but it's mostly about knights and chivalric virtue.
GURPS if you want Kingdoms of Outremer and noble Saladin.
>GURPS if you want Kingdoms of Outremer and noble Saladin.
Not sure what you mean with that last part, but what books for GURPS then, there's a lot.
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Any recommendations for a low fantasy one-shot? Ideally something with slightly more crunch (specifically for combat) than, say, Kids on Bikes/Brooms, but less than B/X. Something players can learn in like 10 minutes while they read their sheets.
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What would be best for Warehouse13?

Warehouse13 was a Syfy Original series that focused on a strange and wonderful warehouse full of items that held unusual power. Inspired by the closing scenes of Raiders of the Lost Ark, the show creators wondered what a place that could hold the Ark of the Covenant would look like, how it would function, and what other objects could be held there.

The artefacts in the show were all based on actual historical events, books or people - the mirror ball from Studio 54, H.G. Wells's Time Machine, Jack the Ripper's knife and Sylvia Plath's typewriter all made an appearance. Each episode was an investigation - the agents (recruited from federal "alphabet soup" agencies) would follow up on reports of strange behaviour or phenomenon, identify the item responsible, and dump it in special neutralising goo or bags to cancel out it's effects, replacing the original with a fake. They would then transport the artefact back to the Warehouse where it could be safely contained.

The tone was generally light hearted, there was more of an emphasis on investigation and dialogue than combat (although the agents had guns, as well as special non-lethal electrical rayguns built by Nikolai Tesla), and paranormal phenomenon such as psychics and hauntings in general were par for the course (but usually due to artefacts).

The Librarian was the shitty Temu version.
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Twilight 2000.

Crunchy to the point of being algorithmic, but every single gun had this little datacard drawn up for it in the book with different stats on range, rate of fire, magazine size, reload time, damage, weight... and the main core rulebook covered everything from a minigun mounted on a tripod down to a zipgun made out of a length of pipe and a hunk of wood. It even has a lovely picture.
This sounds like something I’d like, seconded.
Got dragonbane but I'm finding character progression kinda dry. Debating between getting pathfinder 2e or old school essentials advanced fantasy? Any insights looking for generic fantasy still
Generic Fantasy such as Savage Worlds, Genesys, Gurps Dungeon Fantasy, Fantasy AGE?
Is the witcher rpg or vaesen generic enough?
What do you look for in the system?
Why that system specifically?
>I'm finding character progression kinda dry.
What exactly do you dislike about it?
What's the best system for playing as a sapient undead that isn't 5e?
Wow, I've never even heard of that one before.
Are there any good systems for playing as a sapient slime?
Sure, go ahead.
I am looking for something to play in the Reverse 1999 universe/setting
Never heard of it, but it looks cool. Sorry I can't give any advice on what system to choose, so you might want to stick with something generic like FATE or GURPS to start.
thanks pal! I think the story/setting is definitely the game's selling point. Then again I completely understand wanting to stay away from gacha.
It’s a gacha game? Yeah, that would be hard to handle outside of maybe a random table.
why would someone want to emulate the gacha pulling mechanic as opposed to just exploring the setting?
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Some people just like an element of randomness in things.
rolls for shoes
there's literally a GURPS book for this
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Yeah, there’s a reason people play gacha games.
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I'll take your word for it. Speaking of, are there any settings with similar elements you can think of off the top of your head? It could help narrow things down more.
Don’t try superheroes and it’s probably one of the best simulationest systems out there but the GM has to be willing to say certain advantages are not available otherwise you get that one guy who makes a time elemental or something.
I’m leaning towards recommending Savage Worlds but I haven’t actually tried that on table.
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Gentleman,I'm looking for something that is in the same vein as Fudge. A system that provides a basic foundation for core mechanics of a game that can be customized and added on later at the demand of the campaign and setting's and my own autistic desires.

Although I deeply enjoy the system the funny fudge dice and that ladder are getting to me a little. So I want to see if there are generic games in the same style with other rolling and resolution mechanics.

No, I will not play GURPS.
Consider Cortex (Prime).
>Don’t try superheroes
Why not?
Maybe PDQ? Your character has only prosaic qualities, a bit like aspects, and you roll 2d6 + relevant quality vs fixed values or others quality roll.
See jaws of the six serpents or truth and justice for diferent hacks of the system.
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What is a good system for an XCOM style game? Squad based Gunfights and psionic powers to fight ayys or monsters of the week.
NTA, but why that system then?
I don't really like Pathfinder's system but I like that there are a ton of monsters, not just Western fantasy ones but a bunch from other cultures' folklore and mythology. Any other games like this?
>A system that provides a basic foundation for core mechanics of a game
Check; the base is the sum of two dice (usually highest-rolling) from a dice pool against the same on the opposing side, and the plot points.
>that can be customized and added on later at the demand of the campaign and setting's and my own autistic desires.
Check. Even what /is/ a "stat" for mechanical description of a character can be tuned.
>with other rolling and resolution mechanics.
Check, and there are options for changing the basic rolling mechanics as well.
NTA but what specifically is your mental illness bumpfag
dependent personality disorder
I would say it's the fact that there are two distinct races (humans and Arcanists) and the latter can be whatever: humans, humanoids, talking apples, clever dogs, half-deer changelings, even mannequins. Arcanum is a sort of magic, it relies on gnosis or instinct, it cannot be verified as a result of scientific observation and does not follow scientific principles. Arcanists tend to suffer explicitly because they struggle to or are incapable of grasping human logic and thought processes, it is almost alien to them. Finally, in the setting there's an impending and reoccurring catastrophe called the Storm, which is capable of altering the flow of time.
Seconded please.
Why specifically are you seconding this? Tell us more.
There is CONTACT Tactical Alien Defense RPG if you like extra crunch, but I've never tried it myself. Otherwise Savage Worlds.
I'm looking for a system to replace 5E, here is what I'm looking for:
>D20 roll over system
>Not broken like 5E but having a bit more meat than 5TD
>Class/race distinction
>Difficulty curve that provides a decent challenge while still allowing for moments for players to feel powerful
>Healthy amount of resources for the DM to use
>Painless to homebrew new stuff in

I'm quite on the fence if I should just mod 5TD to suit what i want out of the game because most of the core stuff is already in there. Just the amount of magic is kinda anemic. Also the archetype/class progression is kinda bare bones as well. The other option is to cut out/modify the 5E handbook to suit the game I want to run with my players.

Have in mind that I'm playing with people that just started dipping their toes into TTRPGs. None of us are native English speakers though aside from me there's only one other person that's actually proficient enough to understand complex rules.
I love stuff like that. The psionics especially.
>D20 roll over system
Pathfinder 2e
>Not broken like 5E but having a bit more meat than 5TD
Pathfinder 2e
>Class/race distinction
Pathfinder 2e
>Difficulty curve that provides a decent challenge
Pathfinder 2e
>while still allowing for moments for players to feel powerful
oh no
>Healthy amount of resources for the DM to use
Pathfinder 2e, but most of them are shit, luckily rules are free so you just have to search through them https://www.aonprd.com/
>Painless to homebrew new stuff in
Pathfinder 2e, every GM I know makes custom shit all the time.
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I wonder which came first. Are there any other GURPS books good for this?
What's the best option for fairly mechanically light supers games? Aiming for a Bronze Age tone so something that's not complete comedy preferably. I played Supers Revised many years ago, and I have M&M (not a d20 fan) and Masks (not the tone I'm after) - ideally looking for other suggestions.
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What are some good systems for playing in an elementally-dominated setting, be it the classic four of Fire, Water, Wind, and Earth, or more exotic elements, besides the Avatar games or LotFR?
I haven't played it, but I know there is Truth & Justice. Maybe that is something for you?
So is there a way to actually get CONTACT? Nobody seems to actually have a copy of the game, as far as I can find.
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NTA, but you've tried the Share Thread then?
Help me find a system to play.

things that I ~really~ DON'T want (ie deal killers)
> WISdom as an ability score
> race as class
> modern technology
> gender bullshit (in either direction: I don't want misogyny to be the default because "muh realism", but I don't want random npcs to be described as "cis male presenting" either)

things I'd like but aren't ~required~
> classless
> humans only / only few races (better if they're not the Tolkienesque ones)
> wilderness travelling with some resource management
> tactical combat (doesn't need to be too tactical, just not narrative only)
Savage Worlds. It technically has support for non-human races and modern technology, but they're completely optional. It is classless. The combat can get pretty tactical, depending on how deep you want to go, but it's not a slog to resolve.
Thanks for making this thread, really need one now.
> Provide a detailed description of the game ya wanna run, and we'll offer you a system recommendation.
Sort of a hybrid between a spy thriller and action, in a modern setting. If you want to get a feel for the tone, think Jason Bourne or Sicario movies. PCs are a PMC squad tangled into a coup in a third world country, with a lot of different factions and intelligence agencies involved.
Two must-have features for me are:
- heavy emphasis on information gathering, planning and preparation over action, which I want to be reflected in the mechanics.
- not extremely mechanically complex. As light as possible while still respecting the point above is preferrable, but I can probably deal with something on the complexity level of CofD. But something like GURPS is out of the question.
Pathwarden is a highly streamlined PF2e hack that fits your requirements basically to the letter. The only thing you'd need to add in yourself is the resource management for wilderness travel, but the timekeeping aspect is already implemented.
Night's Black Agents and just take the vampire stuff out. Or leave the vampires in if you want that.
I just learned that Wakfu Season 4 has apparently been out for some time, does anyone have any ideas on what system would work best for a Wakfu/Dofus game, with options from the portal-making Eliatropes to the plant-controlling Sadidas and more please?
There's some GURPS fan supplements that might work for you. Unless anyone else has non-GURPS suggestions?
i'm looking for probably 2 games but if there is one that can do both sounds good to me
>i want to run pick up games on twitch for literally anyone stopping by mostly dungeon crawls probably just 5 rooms
>i want to run a west marches game where every hex is an island with a dungeon or sea and the outside of 2 mega continents and these new unexplored islands its a world of endless seas so naval combat is a plus along with high magic

i also each continent has a a few megadungeons some of which are famous
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What are these dungeons famous for, that might help us narrow things down a bit.
what's a 3.5/pathfinder like system that's less geared towards dungeons and more towards exploration or city adventures?
some have massive entrances or have constant (un)natural phenomena and sometimes puke out monsters. All the dungeons megadungeons are made of wizards towers fused together with the remains of a *dead* god of evil dragons. Lots of monsters
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I've been thinking about something in this setting. People are always asking me if there's more to it and I have to be like "no, it's just that image, that's the whole thing." ATM I'm thinking of using Savage Worlds, so I can have blood basically be in-universe bennies. Any other systems I should consider?
Ever heard of Mystery Flesh Pit National Park? There's an official RPG that you might like to look at if you want ideas.
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You might consider Anima: Beyond Fantasy. The system is touted as allowing you to design any anime character you want (there's examples online of folks who've made FMA and DBZ characters) and runs on a d100 roll-over system.

There are a few problems though.
Firstly, the books are now out of print; you can still buy them on drivethru (or sail the high seas), but if you prefer physical copies you're gonna be paying through the nose for them. Secondly, the game is a SLOG to read through; it's a fat stack of pages, there are numerous systems that are only used for specific cases, and the number of charts in the book might make you think that you've accidentally purchased someone's Excel work. If you can actually read the book without passing out then you should be fine.
Character creation is a bit daunting. It's a point buy system, but going into it blind can be confusing and lead to problems. It's best if you either watch a video where someone explains character creation or you find someone who can guide you through it.
Lastly, the game's setting is very much a part of the game. It has a very unique setting that is a point of interest for a lot of people, while other folks find it overly convoluted and wonky. That being said, you don't have to play with the game's intended setting in mind.
I gave your chart a quick skim and it looks interesting. The big question that I'm running into is what kind of game would you be looking to run? I ask because SW has a particular kind of vibe to it that I'm not sure would be a good fit for this kind of game.

While I do not have a suggestion for an alternate ruleset, I would suggest looking into the "Realms of Cthulhu" supplement for SW. I think you could ape some ideas from it that might be relevant to what you've got going here.
i did not know this had a fucking game lol why? not complaining just confused. Still going to check this out thanks anon.
Thinking between dragonbane or ose advanced fantasy? Anybody have experience with these? Reading through them now
I know, right? You're welcome!
The heck? Why would anyone make an RPG for this?
New to role-playing in generally also pretty new to gming. But I'm the forever gm in my group so. Looking for a fantasy game/ setting to start off with. Probably will homebrew things for the setting as we go. Any recs? Probably thinking of dnd5e, pathfinder 2e
Got anything in a post-apocalyptic game with weird mutations and stuff that also includes rules for mass combat that don't suck ass?
>Looking for a fantasy game/ setting to start off with.
Savage Worlds.

This is Not a Test.
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The release of season 2 of Arcane got me curious, what would be a good system for an Arcane/League of Legends game?
As much as I love banging the drum for Savage Worlds, if you want something that already has a fantasy setting baked in I would consider giving 13th Age a shot.
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What would be a great system for a game set in the world of Trolls?
Seconding this.
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I stumbled onto Dungeon Meshi on Netflix the other day, what would be a good non-D&D system for it?
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Fights in that setting seem to be pretty explodey. They don't wear down the monsters, they stack buffs and distraction effects to let someone get one good stab in. Savage Worlds? FATE? Both of those are pretty good at stacking modifiers for explosive attempts.

FATE would also work with the back half of the story. Shit gets pretty crazy - Marcille eats Falin out, Laius eats the Platonic concept of magic, Itsuzumi eats a vegetable.
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I saw this in the fallout thread last week. Does anyone know specifically which homebrew system it is?
I have enjoyed Renaissance Deluxe (BRP/OpenQuest based system) but I feel retarded when looking at the huge skill list. Maybe it's just me but I like the concept of skills but in gameplay I find it weird (as DM). Also, character creation takes too long for my players to be okay with PCs dying quickly, but I do appreciate high lethality (or at least risky combat). I want to stay away from OSR/class based games (I can't stand OSR obsession with recreating old rules and nuSR is not well playtested). Would a Traveller-based game be less autistic about having as many skills as BRP?

I've honestly thought about just making my own system for my table.
Ops and Tactics
Wasn't that image based on some anon's abandoned Dwarf Fortress mod?
Maybe this one? I think it's part of the collection found here:


When I was looking for a fallout system pic related was the one I liked the most, that being said I still tweaked it.
That seems like it. Thank you.
What did you end up tweaking?
There were some small things I don't remember, but how they handle radiation was either not present or really meh, so I did this:

Rads go from 0-500, if you have 500 or more, you die. (Iirc the games went to 500 rads)

Whenever you do a d100 roll (Basically whenever you do anything, shooting, skill rolls, etc) subtract floor(rads/10) from the roll.

(Floor is a math function, it rounds down)

This penalty ranges from - 1 (10-19 rads) to -49 (490-499 rads), so from inconsequential to "uh oh" levels.

We played on a vtt so the math was automatic and easy.
When I say "subtract floor(rads/10) from the roll"

I mean

Subtract floor(rads/10) from the target number you're trying to roll under.
What's the best system for running pic related? The first three films, I don't need rules for running through walls or driving into space. Just heists and racing/modifying cars.
I like BRP if there's a good BRP book for it.
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Thanks for the recommendations. Also, what the heck are you talking about regarding the second half of the story?
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>Also, what the heck are you talking about regarding the second half of the story?
don't worry about it
I know that there's a couple Transformers systems, which would work best for one based in the Animated universe?
What I'm looking for is extremely close to >>94204013 only I am also broadly averse to GUMSHOE.
>Mystery (about gathering data and figuring stuff out
>occult/supernatural-lite (MAYBE a vampire or an alchemist but no Cosmic-Scope super-threats or magic-competent PCs)
>Violence is a viable and fun way to solve problems (If you want to take the Jack Reacher approach to mysteries the mechanics shouldn't fight you)
>Fully modern setting (As in, I'm setting the game in our current city in our current year)

I've got a lot of experience with Blades in the Dark so I considered building a hack through that but it lacks a degree of combat crunch my players like

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